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8 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I’m taking care of my Godmother’s dog Cosmo. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in Fall 2019 and asked me to keep a spot for him (of course I agreed). On MLK night she called me and asked me would I come and get him- he’s been with me since then. I’ve dog sat for her for many years (long before Cosmo came into the picture) so I know a little bit about dogs but I’ve always been a cat person and grew up with cats. Cosmo is 8, so he’s not super energetic but he does like to play. My friends gave me a Kong toy he could care less about- however I remember when she first adopted him, my mom bought him a rabbit that squeaked. 

Here he is with his new duck squeak toy. He’s SO HAPPY!


I love that sweet doggie!

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1 hour ago, EighteenTwelve said:

Sorry for the pic spam, but this was so cute I just about can't stand it.  She started sleeping on the bed with me on Wednesday, and I guess is now sleeping on it without me.


Spam away. That cat is almost unbearably cute. No offense to all the other pets on this thread.

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I keep the dry cat food in an old popcorn tin.  I had taken the lid off to feed both cats and I had gotten distracted.  When I went back into the kitchen, I see the big cat's butt hanging out of the tin with his head in side the bag scarfing down food.  He was practically doing a paws stand.

That reminds me of the time years ago I ordered food delivery and left the room for a minute, probably to grab a drink and came back to this.....1228121410.thumb.jpg.d6f9e86ab27bc18e8bb8dbde936bb7ad.jpg

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@EighteenTwelve, Given how delighted I am to track Quirk's progress, I nearly squeal with happiness at each post, thinking of how it makes you feel to observe these milestones as she becomes queen of the castle.  My cat Riley was a scaredy-cat, quick (astoundingly so, under the circumstances) to accept me but very slow to feel comfortable roaming the house at large (or having other people in it).  It was a new experience for me, but a gratifying one.  I love that Quirk is similarly gradually taking over.

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Happy adoption anniversary to you all.  Am I correct in thinking they were not a bonded pair when you adopted them, that this adorably close relationship formed - and quickly - once they were home?

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17 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Happy adoption anniversary to you all.  Am I correct in thinking they were not a bonded pair when you adopted them, that this adorably close relationship formed - and quickly - once they were home?

Thank you! Correct, they were not a bonded pair. When we let them out of their carriers the first day, they huddled together under a bookcase for a couple of minutes before we lured them out with a few cat treats, then snuggled up in a cat bed. We joke that Sophie taught Parker how to be a cat, because Parker followed Sophie around and copied everything she for the first few months. Fortunately Sophie is a patient and good natured cat. We got incredibly lucky that they got along immediately and settled so quickly. I think they knew that they would rule the roost in short order!

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26 minutes ago, KlutzyCobbler said:


Happy Cativersary!

Assuming that you have named them from left to right, does Sophie often suffer a crick in the neck after napping with Parker?

Ha ha! I never thought of that. If she did, Sophie wouldn’t complain. She’s the most happy go lucky cat I’ve ever met. 

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21 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

It’s Parker and Sophie’s cativersary today! We brought them home one year ago today. We got so lucky with our girls - they are sweet, funny, very playful, and best friends with each other. 


🎉 Happy Gotcha Day 🎉


Love, BB and Squeaky.      Purrs 😺

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An update on Pumpkin: she will eat the dry kidney food. She rejected the wet food. We make organic steamed chicken drumsticks for her as a "treat" because she was very depressed and distant with us for a long time. Now she's sort of settled into the dry kidney food and she'll eat that if she can have a little chicken once a day.

She's back to running her drills around the house and being a snot. 

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44 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Discussion taken from Diary thread.

13 hours ago, Callietwo said:

I changed picture and it swapped out the orders and I should've swapped out the names.  They are my little loves.  They're litter mates but the vet says their Momma was a naughty cat, with Bella & Max having different fathers.  😱🤣


I would appreciate it if you would let me know when they show up on Maury Povich.


Hysterical!  LOL.

Momma cat was an indoor cat that got out of the house one night while in heat.  Owner thought she was too young and hadn't had her spayed yet.  🙄  The litter consisted of three tuxedo cats and three maine coons.  

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It's pretty common for a litter to have more than one father, as most females mate with more than one male during each heat cycle.  As your bit of trivia for the day, I'll share what I remember from looking this up as a curious kid, wondering why litter mates often bore no resemblance to each other (and this was pre-internet, so that curiosity required commitment):  It's called superfecundation - two or more eggs from the same heat cycle being fertilized by sperm from different males.  In fact, it's possible - but rare - for every kitten in a litter to come from a different father.

It happens with dog litters, too, but is more common in cats.

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I haven’t add pictures of my kitties in this thread before so here they are.
Bella is the grey tuxedo cat and Max is her litter mate, a fluffy Maine coon cat.  (he looks smaller in these but isn’t actually.) They’re our spoiled babies. ❤️




Edited by Callietwo
Wrong pic
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4 hours ago, supposebly said:

They are so similar to my Fox.


Fox and Little Girl could be twins! They look almost identical!

I love all of y'all's kitties!!

Edited by bilgistic
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I'm so sorry about your godmother. Cosmo seems like just the right pet to have to bring you the comfort you need :).

I'm glad he's getting on well with your cat, too! Always nice when the pets get along. 

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4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

My godmother died on Tuesday, my mom and I are broken hearted but I am comforted that Cosmo has a safe home with me for the rest of his life. 

He and Blake (my cat) are getting along well. 



I'm so glad Cosmo and Blake are getting along.  That is such a sweet picture with both of them looking at you.  I hope having Cosmo offers you some comfort.

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25 minutes ago, Suzn said:

I'm so glad Cosmo and Blake are getting along.  That is such a sweet picture with both of them looking at you.  I hope having Cosmo offers you some comfort.

He is a great comfort. Yesterday we danced to “Eye to Eye” from A Goofy Movie. My god mother used to dance with him all the time. That made me feel close to her. 

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Blake is so cute!  (So is Cosmo, but I'm a cat person, and those white markings are just perfectly placed - good job, Mother Nature.)

@Scarlett45 I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your godmother.  Knowing Cosmo will be well loved and cared for by you must have brought her a great relief as she faced the end, and I love that you and Cosmo will continue the dancing tradition as a way of furthering your bond and honoring both of your bonds with her at the same time. 

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Oh sweet baby cosmo!  People like you are the best!

I find I really like the drop off vet routine. Both Knox and I get nervous at the vet and me not having that energy in the room I think is good.  She’s been twice through pandemic- once for a nail clip (sadly she has to be sedated for that) and this was her annual this week.

 I pulled up at 7:55 for her 8 appt.  They come to get her out and take her back. Around 8:12 she comes running out I said “oh no!  Is something wrong!!”   No- she’s just exceptionally terrified of the vet and we thought she’d enjoy being in your car waiting on fecal tests etc.  Yay- all tests came back negative and we listened to music and chilled! 
I think I’ll ask if I can do drop off even when it’s not mandated (except for non-maintenance visits which I don’t want- ever)

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On 3/14/2021 at 12:15 PM, Suzn said:

I'm so glad Cosmo and Blake are getting along.  That is such a sweet picture with both of them looking at you.  I hope having Cosmo offers you some comfort.

My little dog is named Cosmo! 

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46 minutes ago, Nicmar said:

My little dog is named Cosmo! 

That's so nice! When she adopted him, his name reminded me of the OPI polish "Cosmo not Tonight Honey". What kind of dog do you have? Its interesting thinking of myself as a dog owner now- I do enjoy him (outside of my duty to my godmother) and hes such great company during WFH but its very different compared to cat mom life! I love taking photos of this dog. 


I keep trying to get good photos of them together, because they both want to be next to me! Blake still has ownership of the lap.



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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

That's so nice! When she adopted him, his name reminded me of the OPI polish "Cosmo not Tonight Honey". What kind of dog do you have? Its interesting thinking of myself as a dog owner now- I do enjoy him (outside of my duty to my godmother) and hes such great company during WFH but its very different compared to cat mom life! I love taking photos of this dog. 


I keep trying to get good photos of them together, because they both want to be next to me! Blake still has ownership of the lap.



My Cosmo has the same colored fur as yours but is half Chihuahua and something else he weighs 13 pounds and has a underbite he is the cutest thing and so is your dog.

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2 hours ago, bosawks said:

My mom got a new puppy and Harper approves!




guess who swiped Blake’s Christmas tree toy??? For the record Blake doesn’t care, he hasn’t played with toys in years (he’s 16), but it’s cracking me up. 


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