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S06.E14: Judgment Day

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This Wendy Feldman chick is a nutcase and a famewhore. Since when do PR folks release statements on behalf of themselves? I think she only took Teresa on as a client for her own publicity.

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There is a VERY big difference in prison experience between those facilities in NY and a camp facility. If she's classified to go to a camp she should fight to make sure she gets placed in a camp. I know I would. I would be shaking my head more if she didn't fight the placement.

But the other 2 are almost in her back yard, closer and easier for the girls to visit. It would be much easier for them to visit her and they could come more often. Which would be best for the girls, not Teresa but for her daughters and what is the difference between the facilities, being locked down more compared to more freedom to move/walk around?

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This Wendy Feldman chick is a nutcase and a famewhore. Since when do PR folks release statements on behalf of themselves? I think she only took Teresa on as a client for her own publicity.

Absolutely. I would listen to my attorney when it comes to matters like where I'd be housed in prison before I'd listen to that woman. Who exactly does she know at the Bureau of Prisons that would help out Theresa? Gimme a break.

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First time poster.... LONG TIME LURKER.

I have never seen this posted here, and it's driving me nuts. Wasn't the reason for the Dina vs. her siblings fight revealed long ago?

I remember reading somewhere - probably TWOP - about how and why the feud started.

Quick summary: Dina had the party planning show on HGTV (?) and when the gay brother got married (Jamie?) she was going to feature the event on her show. Long story short, Caroline went behind Dina's back and convinced Jamie to let Bravo film it, which screwed Dina over and she never forgave them.

That might not be the only issue they have, but is supposedly the main one.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I have read so many posts on here pondering the fallout and I kept waiting for someone to bring this up.

Edited because auto correct is killing me.

Edited by B3cky50
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But the other 2 are almost in her back yard, closer and easier for the girls to visit. It would be much easier for them to visit her and they could come more often. Which would be best for the girls, not Teresa but for her daughters and what is the difference between the facilities, being locked down more compared to more freedom to move/walk around?

No actually that is not true. Just as the prison experience is different for the criminal, the visiting experience is quite different for the family. IMO it will be MUCH less traumatic for the girls to visit a camp then to visit a prison.

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First time poster.... LONG TIME LURKER.

I have never seen this posted here, and it's driving me nuts. Wasn't the reason for the Dina vs. her siblings fight revealed long ago?

I remember reading somewhere - probably TWOP - about how and why the feud started.

Quick summary: Dina had the party planning show on HGTV (?) and when the gay brother got married (Jamie?) she was going to feature the event on her show. Long story short, Caroline went behind Dina's back and convinced Jamie to let Bravo film it, which screwed Dina over and she never forgave them.

That might not be the only issue they have, but is supposedly the main one.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I have read so many posts on here pondering the fallout and I kept waiting for someone to bring this up.

Edited because auto correct is killing me.

...I always felt that was more speculation and rumor.  I don't recall ever reading about it, except on message boards...and like you said...TWOP...but maybe I don't remember.

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First time poster.... LONG TIME LURKER.

I have never seen this posted here, and it's driving me nuts. Wasn't the reason for the Dina vs. her siblings fight revealed long ago?

I remember reading somewhere - probably TWOP - about how and why the feud started.

Quick summary: Dina had the party planning show on HGTV (?) and when the gay brother got married (Jamie?) she was going to feature the event on her show. Long story short, Caroline went behind Dina's back and convinced Jamie to let Bravo film it, which screwed Dina over and she never forgave them.

That might not be the only issue they have, but is supposedly the main one.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else? I have read so many posts on here pondering the fallout and I kept waiting for someone to bring this up.

Edited because auto correct is killing me.

They were already estranged by that time, although I am sure it did not help matters. I think I read that she, Dina, already had some event planned for that day as well. The falling out happened right after she left the show, so sometime late 2009 early 2010.

No actually that is not true. Just as the prison experience is different for the criminal, the visiting experience is quite different for the family. IMO it will be MUCH less traumatic for the girls to visit a camp then to visit a prison.

So what are the differences between the 2 different types of prisons?

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No actually that is not true. Just as the prison experience is different for the criminal, the visiting experience is quite different for the family. IMO it will be MUCH less traumatic for the girls to visit a camp then to visit a prison.

Ok, let me see if I got this right, I went to the Federal Prison site. AND I can see why Teresa wants a "Camp" facility not an "Administration" facility.

A "Camp" facility like the WV and Conn. ones are ALL non-violent minimum security inmates with fewer guards, more prisoner freedom,  less if any barbed wire, work opportunities and education.

An "Administration" facility, like the 2 NYC ones are a mix of all types of prisoners..minimum security, health issues/conditions, those waiting for trial or sentencing and violent prisoners. They have high security, more guards, barbed wire all around and far less freedom although they also have work opportunities and education.


I read that the Judge can recommend a type of prison but they do not chose the facility, the DOP (Department of Prisons) does that. Also, the facility itself will depend on availability, does it have room or is it full. What will happen if both WV and Conn. are full due to Conn. closing down and transferring all  its minimum security prisoners to WV, will Teresa try/beg for a different "Camp" that is even further away from NJ? The decision is not up to her and I wonder how hard and how long she can push this.

Edited by WireWrap
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Calling BS on Amber. The minimum hair length for Locks of Love is 10 inches.

I could not believe after her announcing to the world how wonderful she is for donating her hair, and her screaming as it was being cut that she only cut off a couple of inches.

I've donated to Wigs for kids, which gives free wigs to the kids, unlike that other place. The first time I donated, it was 12 inches.

I let it grow for a couple of years, (just out of laziness, nothing noble, lol) and that time donated 13 inches. Neither place would have accepted Amber's little inch and a half of hair.

My neighbor is a very sweet Indian man, he said Indian hair is very much in demand. He grows his hair out specifically to donate it. I don't know many young men who would do that. Makes Amber look pathetic.

I see just from the small clip of the reunion that people are still acting like this is something that just happened to Joe and Teresa.

I think it was Melissa who said she can't believe this is happening to members of her family.

Edited by Maharincess
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Maybe I've missed it, but what i keep wondering is where is the outrage over the lie itself? Where are the dying declarations from Rino that he never made such statements? The whole family seems not the least bit concerned about the actual rumor or where it allegedly began, but yet are all up in arms that someone else didn't "defend" them when it came out. Well they aren't even defending themselves. If they don't care enough to address it then why have all these expectations of a new friend to handle it in a certain way? Makes no sense to me but then again I watch this show on FF half the time so I may have missed it.


You haven't missed anything, except Rino did tweet a denial right after the VG episode aired.  I forget his exact wording.


Unless VG completely made up the rumor, she had to hear it herself from someone - and she's indicated that was Rino himself. Where is the anger at Rino? 


Re - the Dina/siblings estrangement - I read about Jamie's wedding, but also believe they were estranged before then.   I have seen a couple of theories - one is Jac admitting to Danielle that Dina was the one who was responsible for the Danielle book being brought up, another was that when Dina decided to leave RHONJ, she expected Caroline and Jac to support her by leaving to, and they did not.  None of that makes any sense to me in being the reason for a long term estrangement -it might have started there, but I tend to think it might be that Jac was giving out stories about Dina's charity.   JMO.

Edited by mwell345
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I never get invited to rich people fundraisers, so maybe I'm just out of the loop. But the only cancer patient at Dina's Project Ladybug fundraiser was Amber. I thought maybe she would have children with cancer in the fashion show or something, but nothing. I've noticed that at many of the Real Housewife rich people fundraisers, no one with the actual affliction is present. Any time I go to an American Cancer Society fundraiser, actual cancer patients are attending as well.

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I never get invited to rich people fundraisers, so maybe I'm just out of the loop. But the only cancer patient at Dina's Project Ladybug fundraiser was Amber. I thought maybe she would have children with cancer in the fashion show or something, but nothing. I've noticed that at many of the Real Housewife rich people fundraisers, no one with the actual affliction is present. Any time I go to an American Cancer Society fundraiser, actual cancer patients are attending as well.


To be fair I don't think I saw any lady bugs there either.............

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The type of prison matters a lot.  Cells versus dormitory style.  More visitation restrictions bc of the count.  Visiting hours restricted because of count issues or infractions by other inmates.  They are not as nice.  Teresa will be there everyday all day long for 15 months.  The type of people she will be with are much more hardened criminals than at camp facilities.  Her girls won't have as easy a time with the visitation nor will the visits be as pleasant as noted above.

Edited by jinjer
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Now that Juicy is pretty much guaranteed the loss of his DL, the issue of how far away Teresa serves her time seems like a huge deal to me. My understanding is that the Danbury facility is only 200 or so miles away, so they could make the drive in a day, but it would take pretty much all day to do it. If she ends up in WV, which is more like 500 miles away, they would need a couple days to make the roundtrip. Since Juicy will be relying on others to do pretty much all the driving (which there is a lot of with 4 kids), I would imagine they will see little of their mother in either situation.  If they were closer, they will probably see her more. I guess it all becomes about what will be more harmful to the kids: seeing their mother less often, or seeing her often, but in a more hostile/scary environment. 

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Now that Juicy is pretty much guaranteed the loss of his DL, the issue of how far away Teresa serves her time seems like a huge deal to me. My understanding is that the Danbury facility is only 200 or so miles away, so they could make the drive in a day, but it would take pretty much all day to do it. If she ends up in WV, which is more like 500 miles away, they would need a couple days to make the roundtrip. Since Juicy will be relying on others to do pretty much all the driving (which there is a lot of with 4 kids), I would imagine they will see little of their mother in either situation.  If they were closer, they will probably see her more. I guess it all becomes about what will be more harmful to the kids: seeing their mother less often, or seeing her often, but in a more hostile/scary environment. 


Wow, I had no idea this issue could be so complicated! Hypothetically, if I had to visit a parent in jail, I would rather make the 200-500 mille drive and see them less often, than see them in some Oz-style situation on a regular basis. Sometimes, I forget to turn off the TV after Rachel Maddow on Friday nights, and more than once I've woken up to some terrifying scenes on Lockup. Of course, Milania doesn't scare as easily!

Edited by Lakewood27
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I think when you have a friend that you don't want to hang with anymore but you don't want to be fighting with/angry with you do what Tre did - say things are fine, I'm not mad at you and leave it at that. You have a cordial relatioship when you see each other but you don't go out of your way to call or hang out with the person.To directly tell Jac she didn't want to be friends anymore would have sent Jac into an emotional tailspin. Tre is wrong about a lot of things but here I actually think she did the compassionate thing - told Jac they were fine, stopped fighting with her, treated her kindly when together but cut the cord.


I agree. She is just giving her the brush off slowly as to not receive 3000 "reaching out" texts. 

I never get invited to rich people fundraisers, so maybe I'm just out of the loop. But the only cancer patient at Dina's Project Ladybug fundraiser was Amber. I thought maybe she would have children with cancer in the fashion show or something, but nothing. I've noticed that at many of the Real Housewife rich people fundraisers, no one with the actual affliction is present. Any time I go to an American Cancer Society fundraiser, actual cancer patients are attending as well.


I have been to many of those venue fundraisers(worked in pro sports) & 99.9% of the time the recipients of the charity are not there...It's all hoity toity. 

Edited by BostonBlonde
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Danbury, CT is only about 80 miles or so away from Towaco.  Danbury is in the process of becoming an all male facility and it's very possible she won't be placed there.  Also, in one of the threads where what facility was discussed, it is up to the prison how often an inmate can be visited.  It's a minimum of four hours per month and they also set a limit on how many and who can visit.

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Wow, I had no idea this issue could be so complicated! Hypothetically, if I had to visit a parent in jail, I would rather make the 200-500 mille drive and see them less often, than see them in some Oz-style situation on a regular basis. Sometimes, I forget to turn off the TV after Rachel Maddow on Friday nights, and more than once I've woken up to some terrifying scenes on Lockup. Of course, Milania doesn't scare as easily!

The Prison in WV looks more like a college campus than a prison, with little or no barbed wire and trees all around. The facility in Conn. looks more like most prisons with high fences topped with barbed wire even though it is also dormitory style and min. security for the women's side, and it is much closer to their home.

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I live in Northern NJ, not far from where these folk live. It's not unusual to drive thru the upscale neighborhoods and see gated properties with large beware of dog signs, accompanied by pics of GSD or Dobermans teeth bared. Nor is it strange to hear large dogs barking. Lots of these dogs are all bark and no bite, but some burglar may not want to take a chance.

I really don't see Tre or Joe taking a chance on their kids being bitten or injured. I suspect the dogs are more loud than dangerous. Should a prowler be foolish enough to trespass, I 'm sure if the dogs were turned loose they'd give chase. If the idiot gets bitten. Well too bad.


Lol!  girl if somebody broke into Chateau Juicy, all they'd get is practice. 


I can totally see Jac sitting next to Tre in prison.


I saw WWHL and the twins were horrendous.  When the lid dietector test came up about Victoria G taking one with a highly recognized guy/place, they completely disregarded it.  I also laughed when the question of the day was which hw do you like best and Tre won.  They kept screaming, "Why, why?"

Horrendousness is a state they seem to be more fond of than New Jersey.   They didn't ignore the lie detector test results, they countered them by saying Victoria is (generally) a liar, and then provided examples of other things she lied about.  Which of course, now I cannot remember but their point was, she a liar, so test results don't mean to much to them.


I apologize in advance, this is my inner Sheldon Cooper speaking.   Rino couldn't care less.   He could care less means he actually cares a great deal    //nerddom fin  ;)

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I have been to many of those venue fundraisers(worked in pro sports) & 99.9% of the time the recipients of the charity are not there...It's all hoity toity.


I remember on the very first episode of Real Housewives of NYC, Jill Zarin talked about fundraisers, and it was all about status and showing your money and getting into higher circles of society. It had nothing to do with the actual charity or the people who were ill or poor. That is why you should always be very careful about which charities you donate to. I would never give a dime to LadyBug.


They have shown several Project LadyBug fundraisers during the course of this show, and I don't think they've ever actually shown the kids receiving the money or the activity the money is supposed to pay for. Its sad that rich people use charity for status and tax write-offs.


The crying over Teresa's prison sentence annoyed me. She did the crime. She's only doing a year or so in jail, and she's not ill or dead. Crying was inappropriate and over the top. Both Jacqueline and Amber know what a real problem is. They should be above this. For once, I was on Team Jim.

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Wow, I had no idea this issue could be so complicated! Hypothetically, if I had to visit a parent in jail, I would rather make the 200-500 mille drive and see them less often, than see them in some Oz-style situation on a regular basis. Sometimes, I forget to turn off the TV after Rachel Maddow on Friday nights, and more than once I've woken up to some terrifying scenes on Lockup. Of course, Milania doesn't scare as easily!

This is a good point, if I were in true jail I would want Milania to come visit me.  After people saw her in the visiting room, no one would mess with me for fear of her coming after them!  She would make everyone your bitch.

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If Teresa were wise, she would prepare herself to be separated and not burden her family with visits. Constant visits, even if possible, would put a tremendous strain on all concerned.

She has to get ready to adjust to a life in jail. It will be finite and much more bearable if she makes up her mind to roll with it. You can handle anything if you know for certain it will end.

Edited by SFoster21
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I remember on the very first episode of Real Housewives of NYC, Jill Zarin talked about fundraisers, and it was all about status and showing your money and getting into higher circles of society. It had nothing to do with the actual charity or the people who were ill or poor. That is why you should always be very careful about which charities you donate to. I would never give a dime to LadyBug.


They have shown several Project LadyBug fundraisers during the course of this show, and I don't think they've ever actually shown the kids receiving the money or the activity the money is supposed to pay for. Its sad that rich people use charity for status and tax write-offs.


The crying over Teresa's prison sentence annoyed me. She did the crime. She's only doing a year or so in jail, and she's not ill or dead. Crying was inappropriate and over the top. Both Jacqueline and Amber know what a real problem is. They should be above this. For once, I was on Team Jim.


Dina tweeted:  Everyone did their part for the event! So grateful...we raised 50k! Delivered the check with @abbeyfeiler & the girls to Sloan.


I'm assuming 'Sloan' is Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC,  one of the top cancer hospitals in the country.


Why is it inappropriate for someone to cry over people they know being sentenced to prison even if they are guilty?  The situation is about a family with four children.  Are they not allowed to feel sad about that?  One of the first things Jac said when they found out about the sentences was what was going to happen to the kids.

Edited by breezy424
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Wow, I had no idea this issue could be so complicated! Hypothetically, if I had to visit a parent in jail, I would rather make the 200-500 mille drive and see them less often, than see them in some Oz-style situation on a regular basis. Sometimes, I forget to turn off the TV after Rachel Maddow on Friday nights, and more than once I've woken up to some terrifying scenes on Lockup. Of course, Milania doesn't scare as easily!

Without a doubt, see them less in a more comfortable environment. It's less shit in a shitty situation.

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This is a good point, if I were in true jail I would want Milania to come visit me.  After people saw her in the visiting room, no one would mess with me for fear of her coming after them!  She would make everyone your bitch.

As tough as that kid is, I think Milania will have the most trouble with Teresa in prison.  I don't know why I feel that way but I think she will have the hardest time adjusting. I think it will be harder for Gia when Joe goes in. JMO

If Teresa were eise, she would prepare herself to be separated and not burden her family with visits. Constant visits, even if possible, would put a tremendous strain on all concerned.

She has to get ready to adjust to a life in jail. It will be finite and much more bearable if she makes up her mind to roll with it. You can handle anything if you know for certain it will end.

Teresa and the word "prepared" will never go in a sentence together without UN attached to it. LOL

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I know, right?  I wonder if Mrs. Laurita is a fan of the movie...that would be so awesome if Dina was named after the character played by Diahann Carroll.


Aren't there something like 11 kids in their family, with Dina as the baby? You hit kid 11 in a Catholic family, you start running low on good saints names. (My grandfather was #3 of 11. The first set of kids got Dorothy Henrietta Charlotte Rose, Lillian Viola Emma Rita, and Glennon Jacob James John. The last one? Paul. Juuuuuust Paul [and they ended up reusing a lot of those middle names for multiple kids]).

Edited by abbottrabbit
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To be fair I don't think I saw any lady bugs there either.............


Maybe the ants ate them … 


Aren't there something like 11 kids in their family, with Dina as the baby? You hit kid 11 in a Catholic family, you start running low on good saints names.


Or you just re-use them.  I know a Catholic family whose daughters are:  Mary Catherine, Mary Elizabeth, Mary Anne, Mary Frances, Mary Margaret …. 

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The funniest part of tonight's episode - Teresa bolting to hide from dogs - while little Milania was casually petting them - even though they were bigger than her.


The first thing I thought of, was when Teresa posed with dogs on the cover of a magazine and Jac confronted her about it because she knew Teresa hated dogs!!!  Anything for a buck, though, right?  But, be polite?  Never, instead hide behind a door and say, "hi, I'm Teresa, sorry I'm behind a door".  Dimwit.

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The first thing I thought of, was when Teresa posed with dogs on the cover of a magazine and Jac confronted her about it because she knew Teresa hated dogs!!!  Anything for a buck, though, right?  But, be polite?  Never, instead hide behind a door and say, "hi, I'm Teresa, sorry I'm behind a door".  Dimwit.


The dogs at Abby's house were gorgeous, but even I might jump into the nearest closet if I saw 5 gigantic dogs prancing toward me. I never saw the magazine cover where Teresa posed with dogs, but I'm sure they were smaller and it was a very controlled environment. I hate snakes, but if someone paid me to pose with one, I might.

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The first thing I thought of, was when Teresa posed with dogs on the cover of a magazine and Jac confronted her about it because she knew Teresa hated dogs!!!  Anything for a buck, though, right?  But, be polite?  Never, instead hide behind a door and say, "hi, I'm Teresa, sorry I'm behind a door".  Dimwit.

You must have been in my head. It is the very first thing I thought about when I saw Teresa run from the dogs. The whole fact of Teresa being afraid of dogs is what eventually led to Jac putting two and two together and realizing Tre had been lying about working with the magazines all along. I honestly think that production kept that in this episode to humor those of us that remember what a big role Teresa's dog fear eventually played in everyone reaching the conclusion that she was a liar. Good times.

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I guess it all becomes about what will be more harmful to the kids: seeing their mother less often, or seeing her often, but in a more hostile/scary environment.

You're thinking like a mother. And a kind one. A mother who puts her kids first. We're talking about Teresa here...

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I'm still confused why it matters that the Teresa was working with the rags. The whole show is just a big rag. Seems to me they were jealous that Teresa got more opportunities to cash in than they did. I mean, they are all sketch in my book.

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The crying over Teresa's prison sentence annoyed me. She did the crime. She's only doing a year or so in jail, and she's not ill or dead. Crying was inappropriate and over the top. Both Jacqueline and Amber know what a real problem is. They should be above this. For once, I was on Team Jim.


Maybe the crying was more related to "OMG, we might be next!"

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I'm still confused why it matters that the Teresa was working with the rags. The whole show is just a big rag. Seems to me they were jealous that Teresa got more opportunities to cash in than they did. I mean, they are all sketch in my book.

You would have to ask Teresa why it was such a big deal. To others it was a big deal because she lied about doing it. At one point even trying to garner sympathy by saying it was hard and confusing for the girls to go to the grocery store and see scary headlines at the check-out counter. Headlines like "I am terrified of being poor". She denied over and over again that she posed for pictures, answered questions, or was paid by them. When the cover came out with the dog on it she finally fessed up to posing for it, but acted like everything else was entirely out of her control. The farce was up when Juicy said they had been collaborating with them for a long time and making a nice sum of money to do it.

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I am with you on why it mattered to Teresa. It was a big deal because she lied about doing it. At one point even trying to garner sympathy by saying it was hard and confusing for the girls to go to the grocery store and see scary headlines at the check-out counter. Headlines like "I am terrified of being poor". She denied over and over again that she posed for pictures, answered questions, or was paid by them. When the cover came out with the dog on it she finally fessed up to posing for it, but acted like everything else was entirely out of her control. The gig was up when Juicy said they had been collaborating with them for a long time and making a nice sum of money to do it.


For some reason, I thought Teresa acknowledged payments for the cover photos the articles themselves mostly took quotes from the show, then pieced them together.  Who knows what's true but really, she needs all the money she can possibly make to get out of the hole she's in.

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The gig was up when Juicy said they had been collaborating with them for a long time and making a nice sum of money to do it.

I remember this scene so vividly because Juicy also said something so reasonable and, well, mature. Teresa was doing her usual bellyaching about the kids and the tabloids (all fake), and Joe answered by saying - this is the life we chose. Yet another example of Joe inadvertently puncturing Teresa's false storylines. No wonder Tre shushed him during the live interview and said "let me talk!" Joe, left to his own devices, ruins Teresa's act.

For some reason, I thought Teresa acknowledged payments for the cover photos the articles themselves mostly took quotes from the show, then pieced them together. Who knows what's true but really, she needs all the money she can possibly make to get out of the hole she's in.

Yes, she said she only posed for pictures, but please, she gave them quotes. And this was years ago - any money she made from the mags was spent long ago.

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It is a very sad situation for their children. It is scaring and they will remember this for the rest of their lives. However, Theresa and Joe deserve what they got because what they did was wrong. Now they are paying the consequences. I also think people need to leave them alone. They regret, they apologized, and they have confessed so let them be with each other and leave them alone.

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I am with you on why it mattered to Teresa. It was a big deal because she lied about doing it. At one point even trying to garner sympathy by saying it was hard and confusing for the girls to go to the grocery store and see scary headlines at the check-out counter. Headlines like "I am terrified of being poor". She denied over and over again that she posed for pictures, answered questions, or was paid by them. When the cover came out with the dog on it she finally fessed up to posing for it, but acted like everything else was entirely out of her control. The gig was up when Juicy said they had been collaborating with them for a long time and making a nice sum of money to do it.

But see what I've always wondered about this was how much of it was "required" as per their Bravo contracts. Not that the contract said flat out "you must be in the tabloids", but in a way it rewarded them for the extra attention they brought to the show (which is inevitably what happens when a HW appears in a rag). Back then I thought it was unfair for Jac to be questioning her relentlessly because it was almost pushing Theresa to break the 4th wall (I'm sure another thing mentioned in their contracts). So while as a friend Jac may have wanted the info sincerely, it was basically putting Ts job in jeopardy asking on camera (a shitty thing for a friend to do). So of course Theresa lied about it, I would too if my job depended on it. And then finally Joe, who cares about nothing spills the beans, and the backlash started. I still think Theresa is a very literal person (not too bright) and when Bravo says don't talk about the show on the show, she listened.

Nowadays though it doesn't seem to matter. The 4th wall has since crumbled. I'd be curious to see the answers any of them put out should they be asked now. Hell Jim is basically telling everyone Bravo hired him to be an ass so that's why he's lashing out on Twitter. None of this says theresa's not a liar, but i think using what she said about tabloids on the show shouldn't really count. I saw it as her being the good little employee.

For some reason, I thought Teresa acknowledged payments for the cover photos the articles themselves mostly took quotes from the show, then pieced them together. Who knows what's true but really, she needs all the money she can possibly make to get out of the hole she's in.

She did reference that at one point and I'll admit, it made me go out and buy the rag. The others were accusing her of quoting them in a bad light of course, and she rebutted with no, they took quotes direct from the show. In that case, they did actually have a pic of each HW and whatever nasty thing they had personally said on the show the week before. That's when I started thinking this whole tabloid mess was totally tied in with the show. I thought the others were just upset because at the time, noone was paying any of them for covers and stories. Edited by hottesthw
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But see what I've always wondered about this was how much of it was "required" as per their Bravo contracts. Not that the contract said flat out "you must be in the tabloids", but in a way it rewarded them for the extra attention they brought to the show (which is inevitably what happens when a HW appears in a rag).

I've always gotten the impression that the opposite is true. I think Bravo resents when HW's have separate contracts with the tabloids, because they're then spilling secrets or giving exclusives to them (the rags) instead of on the show. Take Adrienne Maloof, for example. She refused to talk about her surrogacy on the show, but then gave an exclusive interview, complete with a pictorial, to one of the magazines. I remember Andy making a sarcastic remark about it.

I think the tabloids are a double-edge sword for Bravo. Yes, they may like the extra attention coverage brings, but it's out of their control, and can sometimes work against them. I can't see any way they encourage it, or include it in their Bravo contracts.

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Yes, she said she only posed for pictures, but please, she gave them quotes. And this was years ago - any money she made from the mags was spent long ago.

I think initially the others were mad that she was getting covers and they weren't.  And they were all so new to the whole process that they didn't realize that Radar on Line and Us Weekly takes stuff that happens on the episode that week, puts in in quotes and puts it in the weekly articles - like recaps.  IMO these dimwits were confusing what was said on the show months before during filming with what was being printed in so called articles as quotes being given by Teresa in interviews. It didn't help that they were filming one season while another was airing.  So they were reading the tabloids stories about the season airing while filming the next season.


I think now they all get it.  There are the recaps which basically quote what happened in the show, there are "unnamed sources" in some articles, and then there are the interviews which HWs give.  Backup a few seasons, I don't think they were as savvy as they all are now.  


The Teresa gets married/renews her vows tabloid cover was a storyline for Jac the same season (and that got relegated to lost episodes - so there was resentment there).  "A Boy for Teresa" was basically an article saying she and Joe would love to have a boy baby - that's the one Joe admitted to in Napa - "they offer you ten/fifty thousand dollars to write this shit, you'd be a fool not to take it," and that's where Chris L disagreed with him.  I think Chris L. is the only one with actual personal standards on the whole show.

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It is a very sad situation for their children. It is scaring and they will remember this for the rest of their lives. However, Theresa and Joe deserve what they got because what they did was wrong. Now they are paying the consequences. I also think people need to leave them alone. They regret, they apologized, and they have confessed so let them be with each other and leave them alone.


I think the crux of why they won't be left alone is because they regret having to be held accountable for their actions, not the actions themselves.  They apologized because this was public, having never done so before.  They confessed because they got caught and admitting to the crime(s) was a requirement of the plea deals they were offered.   


I'm not gonna say there aren't times I look at their situation and feel some measure of compassion but your sentiment is far kinder than they ever considered being to their victims and while I'll take it easy on my vitriol, these two do not deserve one iota of consideration more than they were willing to give.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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You would have to ask Teresa why it was such a big deal. To others it was a big deal because she lied about doing it. At one point even trying to garner sympathy by saying it was hard and confusing for the girls to go to the grocery store and see scary headlines at the check-out counter. Headlines like "I am terrified of being poor". She denied over and over again that she posed for pictures, answered questions, or was paid by them. When the cover came out with the dog on it she finally fessed up to posing for it, but acted like everything else was entirely out of her control. The farce was up when Juicy said they had been collaborating with them for a long time and making a nice sum of money to do it.

At first Teresa claimed she was paid for the cover photo only. She denied ever answering any questions. Then she said that they would ask her questions but she never said anything about her fellow cast members and she was only paid for the cover photo but not the interview and they got the information about the others from the show. Finally, she admitted she would point the reporter to comments the others said on the show to use in the article but she never admitted she was paid for the article, which she was. Joe blew her cover/lie in California.


I remember this scene so vividly because Juicy also said something so reasonable and, well, mature. Teresa was doing her usual bellyaching about the kids and the tabloids (all fake), and Joe answered by saying - this is the life we chose. Yet another example of Joe inadvertently puncturing Teresa's false storylines. No wonder Tre shushed him during the live interview and said "let me talk!" Joe, left to his own devices, ruins Teresa's act.

Joe was asked about the "It's a boy" headline while all the men were drinking wine and smoking cigars in California last season. Teresa heard the question and denied "selling" any story but Joe told the men that they had in fact done just that. He told them that they should ALL do that because it was easy money. He admitted that Teresa was getting paid for all the interviews and it was no big deal to them. Chris said that Jac was offered $50 K to do a story that was negative/against Teresa but refused because they felt it was wrong to do/lie. Joe just said "what ever" and it ended.


But see what I've always wondered about this was how much of it was "required" as per their Bravo contracts. Not that the contract said flat out "you must be in the tabloids", but in a way it rewarded them for the extra attention they brought to the show (which is inevitably what happens when a HW appears in a rag). Back then I thought it was unfair for Jac to be questioning her relentlessly because it was almost pushing Theresa to break the 4th wall (I'm sure another thing mentioned in their contracts). So while as a friend Jac may have wanted the info sincerely, it was basically putting Ts job in jeopardy asking on camera (a shitty thing for a friend to do). So of course Theresa lied about it, I would too if my job depended on it. And then finally Joe, who cares about nothing spills the beans, and the backlash started. I still think Theresa is a very literal person (not too bright) and when Bravo says don't talk about the show on the show, she listened.

Nowadays though it doesn't seem to matter. The 4th wall has since crumbled. I'd be curious to see the answers any of them put out should they be asked now. Hell Jim is basically telling everyone Bravo hired him to be an ass so that's why he's lashing out on Twitter. None of this says theresa's not a liar, but i think using what she said about tabloids on the show shouldn't really count. I saw it as her being the good little employee.

She did reference that at one point and I'll admit, it made me go out and buy the rag. The others were accusing her of quoting them in a bad light of course, and she rebutted with no, they took quotes direct from the show. In that case, they did actually have a pic of each HW and whatever nasty thing they had personally said on the show the week before. That's when I started thinking this whole tabloid mess was totally tied in with the show. I thought the others were just upset because at the time, noone was paying any of them for covers and stories.

There ARE things that Bravo requires them to do, like attend Bravo events, walk the soiled "red carpet" for photo ops, help Bravo get ad money at the Bravo parties, things like that where Bravo can control these women. Giving paid interviews about your BK and giving information to the Tabloids when you will not talk about it on the show is a big NO NO!


As for Teresa's claims about the tabloids getting quotes from her fellow HW off the show, Teresa was the one that told the interviewer to do that and where to look for the quotes. In other words, Teresa feed the interviewer the information FIRST!


The other women were upset that Teresa intentionally made them look bad to the tabloids in order to make a few silver coins, ones that she failed to report to the IRS and to the BK courts!

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I've always gotten the impression that the opposite is true. I think Bravo resents when HW's have separate contracts with the tabloids, because they're then spilling secrets or giving exclusives to them (the rags) instead of on the show. Take Adrienne Maloof, for example. She refused to talk about her surrogacy on the show, but then gave an exclusive interview, complete with a pictorial, to one of the magazines. I remember Andy making a sarcastic remark about it.

I think the tabloids are a double-edge sword for Bravo. Yes, they may like the extra attention coverage brings, but it's out of their control, and can sometimes work against them. I can't see any way they encourage it, or include it in their Bravo contracts.

I think Bravo likes some of the "unnamed source" stuff that comes out during filming because it ramps up interest in the season, as long as they don't give too much away. What I think they hate is the stuff Teresa was doing, which was why she lied to everyone - including Andy at the reunion - about it. She had asked her friends and family to never talk about her financial or legal issues on the show. She admitted to this at the reunion. She didn't want it discussed, but was selling information to the tabloids about those very topics that she was saying were off limits. This might be fine if you were employed on a different kind of TV show. She is on a reality show where she is paid to show her reality.

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I've always gotten the impression that the opposite is true. I think Bravo resents when HW's have separate contracts with the tabloids, because they're then spilling secrets or giving exclusives to them (the rags) instead of on the show. Take Adrienne Maloof, for example. She refused to talk about her surrogacy on the show, but then gave an exclusive interview, complete with a pictorial, to one of the magazines. I remember Andy making a sarcastic remark about it.

I think the tabloids are a double-edge sword for Bravo. Yes, they may like the extra attention coverage brings, but it's out of their control, and can sometimes work against them. I can't see any way they encourage it, or include it in their Bravo contracts.

That is in part why Adrienne was fired from the show. It was not because she was a no show for the reunion but because she threatened Bravo/NBC Universal with a lawsuit and after she cost Bravo thousands of dollars in re-editing the footage to avoid said lawsuit, she went and told the story to a tabloid and refused to speak about it on the show ever!

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I think initially the others were mad that she was getting covers and they weren't.  And they were all so new to the whole process that they didn't realize that Radar on Line and Us Weekly takes stuff that happens on the episode that week, puts in in quotes and puts it in the weekly articles - like recaps.  IMO these dimwits were confusing what was said on the show months before during filming with what was being printed in so called articles as quotes being given by Teresa in interviews. It didn't help that they were filming one season while another was airing.  So they were reading the tabloids stories about the season airing while filming the next season.


I think now they all get it.  There are the recaps which basically quote what happened in the show, there are "unnamed sources" in some articles, and then there are the interviews which HWs give.  Backup a few seasons, I don't think they were as savvy as they all are now.  


The Teresa gets married/renews her vows tabloid cover was a storyline for Jac the same season (and that got relegated to lost episodes - so there was resentment there).  "A Boy for Teresa" was basically an article saying she and Joe would love to have a boy baby - that's the one Joe admitted to in Napa - "they offer you ten/fifty thousand dollars to write this shit, you'd be a fool not to take it," and that's where Chris L disagreed with him.  I think Chris L. is the only one with actual personal standards on the whole show.

But Joe did admit she got paid for the "interview", he basically said, she gets asked a few questions, she gives them an answer and we get paid (my words his meaning). Teresa was giving them the "quotes" they used or she was telling them where to find the...what episode. I do not remember anyone having problems with the Vow renewal article but yes, they, Chris, had issues with the "it's a boy" story!

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Regarding the mansion in which Dina held her Lady Bug charity event, you know the blonde lady with the 3 Great Danes in last week's finale episode... I live in New Jersey and was curious about it. It's called  "Abbey Farm" in the town of Colts Neck. By the way, Bruce Springsteen lives in Colts Neck. It is horsey country and full of alot of new money, with bigger open spaces, farms, alot of mansions and mcMansions which have been built over the past 20 years.


That house is a humungous 31, 000 sq. ft on 31 acres, owned by Abbey Feiler-Kober (the blonde) . The link says her husband is a plumber and she made her fortune in starting her own collection agency business. Okay so the article below says she does alot for charity and hosts a ton of events in her home for causes....but there is something that just turns me off as you check out the pictures of her house. A mega castle-like mansion with huge cavernous rooms. Why do you need such excess, even you if you can afford it. It's vulgar and selfish and I don't care how much you do for charity. Moreover, she most likely made her money on the backs of people that couldn't pay their bills in this post recession economy. People that lost their jobs and their homes while we bailed out banks and Wall Street. Disgusting.


I say this Abbey woman is another 1% vulture, ...where Teresa aspired to be. Such vulgar excesses. The times in which we live. Bilking the poor and gutting the middle class. 





Check out her tweets. Some tweets by Dina, some suggesting Abbey be added as a NJ Housewife.


Edited by Bossa Nova
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Happy Tuesday everyone! Please remember the golden rule in Dave's words "Don't be a Dick" there's no Boards on Boards here but there is common courtesy and the difference between talking to each other and baiting and sniping at each other. Enough of the latter. Thank you. 

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