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S10.E02: Reichenbach

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Edit: whoops!  I didn't see there was a post already made for this because it got buried.  Sorry!



Crowley notices Dean is becoming more and more aggressive. Dean tells him that's the side effect of being a demon, but Crowley knows it's something more - the Mark of Cain needs to be fed. Meanwhile, Sam is captured by Cole, an angry man who blames Dean for his father's death years ago and wants revenge. Cole tortures Sam, hoping he'll tell him where Dean is hiding. Hannah sees how weak Castiel is becoming as his grace continues to fade, so she makes a bold choice and asks Metatronfor help.



Edited by kimrey
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Wow. The episode has been over for 22 minutes and not a comment. Interesting.

I'll just say that Sam looks ROUGH. He looks thin and exhausted and like he's been put through hell. Either the make up department is doing a bang up job or Jared may need to go to the doctor. :)

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I don't understand the Reichenbach reference.  Reichenbach Falls was where Sherlock Holmes confronted Moriarty and supposedly died.  How does that relate to this episode?


Cole is too much of a Gordon redux for me.  The motivations are different but the unrelenting obsession with killing the object of his obsession (Sam then, Dean now) is another recycled storyline.  Come up with new villain type writers!


I loved Crowley backing down from Dean, even in front of his minions, trying to laugh it off.  And then pining over 'fun pics with Dean!' at the end.


What the Hell Sam!  You seemed to be tracking Dean just fine on your own.  You hand over the First Blade to Crowley?  And trust him to hide it?  Seems pretty stupid to me.


I wanted Hannah to take the deal with Metatron just for him to go off to another galaxy and never be seen on my screen again.  I wish that storyline was over!

Edited by Frost
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I thought Demon Dean was awesome! 


Other than the boring snoozefest that is the angel storyline, I really liked this episode.  I wish they would hurry up and get Cas with the boys and drop all the zzzzz worthy angel crap.  And seriously, no more Metatron, please!!


Dean quoting The Princess Bride and the Dean/Crowley cowboy hat pic were hilarious!  But Demon Dean went too far with the "it's just a car" comment.  Baby is not just a car - ever!!

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Wow. The episode has been over for 22 minutes and not a comment. Interesting.

I'll just say that Sam looks ROUGH. He looks thin and exhausted and like he's been put through hell. Either the make up department is doing a bang up job or Jared may need to go to the doctor. :)


Well, no one had made a post, so I decided to jump in and do it since I need to discuss this episode like RIGHT NOW.


Sam does look rough!  And it's a combination of both make up and Jared losing weight from his shoulder injury.  It works for him, though with all Sam is going through at moment.


Okay, so.  I think Cole is a really interesting character and I've known about him all summer.  My one hope was that they would age him up because Travis Aaron Wade is older than both Jared and Jensen (he's 39) and I knew he was supposed to be a kid when his father was killed.  But...they didn't.  No way do I buy this guy as being 24 years old.  Nope.


THIS is more like what I was imagining Demon!Dean being like and it looks like Jensen is having so much fun with it.  I loved everything about him tonight.  Even though I'm perfectly happy to have regular Dean back, Demon!Dean is fun and scary and I enjoy watching him.  I also enjoy watching him with Sam.  I loved their first confrontation.  The boys are back together.  Hooray!


Still incredibly bored by the angel stuff.  I do not care about Hannah.  I do not care about her relationship with Cas.  I also don't really care about Metatron and that scene went on for far too long.


I am so ready for next week!

Edited by kimrey
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This was really good, I'm loving dark, twisted, evil Dean. I just hope that they don't go too far to the dark side with him. However, you can tell Jensen is really enjoying the role.

I love Crowley as always. Still love Castiel but really wish this Angel story would be over. At the same time I guess they need to keep Cast away to focus on Sam/Demon Dean.

Stupid question, the flashback to teen Cole, was that from an actual episode? Dean looked so young that I assumed it was an older clip bug I don't remember it. Should I know Cole? Or did they just make this up?

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Stupid question, the flashback to teen Cole, was that from an actual episode? Dean looked so young that I assumed it was an older clip bug I don't remember it. Should I know Cole? Or did they just make this up?


Nope.  Looks like they used come CGI (or whatever) on Jensen to make him look younger.  We haven't met Cole before.

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Nope. Looks like they used come CGI (or whatever) on Jensen to make him look younger. We haven't met Cole before.

Cool thanks I was going nuts trying to remember something like that happening.

If that was CGI they did a darn good job of it. I'm more inclined to believe crafty editing and stunt double because they had young Dean perfect. Pretty sure he was wearing the necklace.

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I didn't think Young Dean looked convincing. 


But I did like this episode more than last week's, even if I did space out for a while.  I don't want Demon Dean forever, but I am enjoying him right now. It's a fun dynamic in a show that was getting kind of stale.


When he was fighting that Inigo Montoya dude, all I could think of was "NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE!" when he swung at Dean with the knife. I wasn't sure if the healing was just when he cut with that other blade or all injuries (from the spacing out).

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Dean and Crowley had some really nice moments and Dean evil yet still acting like he wants to do some good, otherwise why not just kill the cheating wife.  Sam and Dean moments  were really chilling...


So far I'm really loving this Sam.  I see nothing to give him a hard time about other than giving Crowley the blade but I'll let that pass for now since I like Sam again.


I almost feel sorry for Crowley when he was looking at the Dean and Crowley pics.  Of course I wouldn't mind seeing Sam slicing Crowley, even if he can't kill him right now.


I did like Cas standing up to Metatron and Hannah and with the little girl, but other than that, easy to skip on the rest.  Not the best ep, but I did enjoy parts more than last week.


Jensen is knocking it out of the park, I'm really enjoying his performance.



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Stupid question, the flashback to teen Cole, was that from an actual episode? Dean looked so young that I assumed it was an older clip bug I don't remember it. Should I know Cole? Or did they just make this up?


We've not seen Cole before, but with the 2003 time stamp, I am guessing this would have had to have been pretty close to when Dean and Sam got back together. I think it would've had to have been pretty close.


I liked the episode, and Demon Dean was fun in his way. Both Cole and Crowley should have seen it coming. Not listening to Sam's warnings... poor, delusional Cole. And Crowley thinking Dean would kill the wife rather than the douchebag "client" - silly Crowley. And ironically, Dean was potentially saving douchebag guy's soul... though I'd be surprised if that guy went to heaven. Supernaturalverse should have an afterlife for people like that who maybe don't quite deserve hell - though perhaps that's debatable - but surely shouldn't go to heaven.


The little moppet and her snot rocket dream - poor Castiel's brain imagining that - was amusing. I liked the angel parts this week better than last - and they seemed to be shorter -  but I'm still not entirely on board. Thought I was going to hate the Metatron parts, but actually found I somewhat enjoyed hating him... go figure.


Poor Sam. He's trying so hard to have hope for Dean, and Dean is just enjoying crushing that hope.

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I loved the picture of Deanmon and Crowley bromancing in cowboy hats. Poor Crowley.

I'm hoping they really explore demon Dean. They've implied that things were pretty dark when he was in Hell torturing souls with Alistair. Right now he's more like that lovable douche. And I feel like demon Dean should almost be as dark as Hell Dean.

Sam really looks like crap. It works.

I wish Cash would let go of his vessel and let Jimmy go back to his family.

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We've not seen Cole before, but with the 2003 time stamp, I am guessing this would have had to have been pretty close to when Dean and Sam got back together. I think it would've had to have been pretty close.


The pilot took place in 2005, so a couple years off.  But it did happen while Sam was at school and Dean and John were hunting together.  Looking forward to hearing Dean's side of this!

Edited by kimrey
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I enjoyed the hell out of the Crowley/Dean and Sam/Cole, Dean/Sam scenes.

Then all momentum stops when they go back to the Angels :(

I felt really unsettled when we saw Deans demon eyes. Kinda scary, actually.

What I can't understand is why Dean is so pissed at Sam. There's a rage there that I just can't place. Maybe something happened in those 4 weeks.

It was a good episode. Can't wait till next week.

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The pilot took place in 2005, so a couple years off.  But it did happen while Sam was at school and Dean and John were hunting together.  Looking forward to hearing Dean's side of this!


Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that 9 seasons to the writers is just that.... 9ish years even though in the show they've had time jumps etc, so that theoretically a time 11 years ago should be about the time Sam and Dean got together. I should've been a smart fan and gone to see when the "Pilot" actually was (I actually started watching from the beginning, but wouldn't have been able to tell you the date) rather than try to do the math in my head... silly me thinking the timeline would follow the number of years that had passed in canon. ; ) .

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The title really brought back the trauma of Sherlock and then the amusement of watching it with someone who hadn't seen it yet.



I have a feeling Demon Dean will carry the season until they finish the arc. It's fun and new and compelling. The morality, control, management, power and everything is great, also sexy. Props to JA and MS so far, even the writers, so far; mainly this episode. The show has really missed letting Dean's darkness shine through, actual dark and ingrained traits that work. Some of that attitude. Taken further, but still a tone they need. The fighting style, all that. Don't screw it up, show.


The angel storyline in contrast continues to struggle, adding Metatron didn't help. They should have ended the angels a long time ago, they could have kept Castiel without the many boring arcs, if they really wanted to. They've been failing to make it work for years.


I like what they've done with Cole as far as casting, not much else after that. Kind of incompetent with a cliche backstory. I don't know how old he's supposed to be but they've botched him being 11 years older than the child actor, I have a feeling it won't make sense if anyone looks into it. Having someone new find out about the Supernatural is good, I really hope they do that right.


Sam is around, he stupidly gave Crowley the blade. JP does look unwell, hopefully he's fine. I thought he started looking rough when he lost weight for trials Sam and never quite bounced back. When he was really bulky in season 4 or 5 I thought he looked unwell then, too. Hopefully he's felt better than he's looked, maybe the makeup people earning their keep... aside from his shoulder, that probably sucked.


Anyway, I wonder if naming Lester Lester had anything to do with Fargo, it felt Fargo-esque with the weak, evil guy "hiring" a hitman who he couldn't control, the wife being resented by Lester. Very different endings, though.



I didn't think Young Dean looked convincing.


I thought it was better than Frodo in The Hobbit, so there's that.

Edited by amazinglybored
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I LOVED THIS EPISODE! Demon!Dean not giving a damn... and the barbed snarking makes me so happy. "I thought you were gonna shoot Sam - did you miss?" Hahahaha! Demon!Dean killing the sexist husband was SO satisfying. Dean thoroughly shooting Crowley down multiple times, and the way his eyes go so cold whenever Crowley tries to order him around... I LOVE IT! This episode is puppies and rainbows for a Deangirl lol. That cowboy hat picture on Crowley's phone!!!!! AMAZING LOL! And I'm finally warming to Sam again - THIS is the character I used to like. I don't have time to comment more atm, but had to come and flail. :DD Favourite episode in MANY MANY seasons. 


ETA: Forgot about Cas. I'm still finding the angel storyline very, very boring. Current Hannah is basically just like Season 4 Cas? They've gone through this angels trying to learn free will thing for WAY too many seasons. I get the narrative mirror stuff etc, but it's still extremely boring and by this point I couldn't care less what happens to any of them.  

Edited by Mcolleague
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Jeebus. Give ALL the awards to Jensen. He scared the crap out of me. He was able to go from sort of charming to fucking terrifying with one look.  Gods he's just unreal. All Hail. So he has proven he can do sweet, kind, charming, swarthy, badass, snarky, sexy and sexual, funny, silly, dorky, goofy, and now fucking terrifying.  All Hail the Ackting.


It upsets me every time Dean flashed the black eyes. It's just wrong on every level. I love that he could heal magically from injuries. I hope that means that maybe the Blade is not going to make any difference to his killing and power.


Sammy. I love that you wanted so much to save Dean. But you fucking made a deal with Crowley and you left him alive. WTF are you thinking :(. There is no way that doesn't come back to haunt him.



I am confused though because Jensen was saying that ep 3 is when Dean confronts Sam for the first time. Did they cross pollinate eps?

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Well that was fantastic.


What the hell was Crowley thinking? He tried to order Dean to do something?  What. An. Idiot.  I love Crowley (I know, it's wrong... but I don't want to be right). But did he not get that treating Dean as an employee was just about the worst move he could make? 


And Jensen did a FANTASTIC job of playing ice-cold killer.  And yet all his decisions to spare certain people are perfectly in character.  He may have kept Cole alive to make him suffer, but I also think he knew Cole had an honest beef (at least from Cole's POV).  And that fight with Cole was outstanding.  Dean was so COLD.  He really had no freaking clue who Cole was, who he killed, and he had no fucks to give about Cole's little crusade.  It was BRUTAL. And that was before he beat the snot out of him.  So effortlessly too.  Andrew Dabb did an excellent job with the script IMO. But it was Jensen who just knocked this one out of the ballpark.  He did what he set out to do...he was Dean but NOT Dean. He was a Demon who was Dean.  A very very layered performance. 


Speaking of layered, I thought JP also hit it out of the park.  First, IA ... between the unintended weight-loss and the makeup ... Sam looked like SHIT. He was emotionally just raw too.  And when Dean LAUGHED at his sincerity. That hurt like hell and Jared made me feel that.  I also liked him bitching about the car.  Sam still sees his brother, though, and that's kinda dangerous. It IS Dean but I'm seriously wondering if Dean will kill him.  We've got indications that Dean is going to do what Dean WANTS to do.  So, it appeared he had no problem killing the woman until he found a better target. Killing Lester the Loser was more satisfying so that's the life he took.  But where is Dean's head at when it comes to Sammy?  He noticed the hurt arm --- that's shades of older brother Dean. OTOH, he had no fucks to give about Sam's plan to save him. And he seems committed to staying this way (demonic).  Now that Sam is dragging him back to the bunker and took away his "precious"... that's a pretty dangerous move on Sam's part.  Dean may kill him for that.  Before, he was keeping away from Sam.  Now, Sam has forced a confrontation.  That'll piss Dean off.  He's is SUCH a bad place right now.... I think it's possible that he WILL kill Sam, just cause he's had enough.


Crowley... "Lonely Girl". PERFECT MUSIC.  And then, as the jilted lover, he betrays Dean to Sam and takes the blade.  Good call on his part to hide the blade but no way is he going to destroy it. As a wronged lover (metaphorically speaking), he's going to want Dean to BEG him to take him back. He's going to use the blade as leverage because he knows Dean wants the blade.  Hell hath no fury like the King of Hell.  Except Dean is not going to beg Crowley for a drink in the dessert.  So...I'm expecting it's not going to work out well for Crowley.


Finally Hannah, Cas, & Metatron.  The Cas and snot rocket girl were ADORABLE.  And I thought Boogertron had some excellent lines.  I also liked Hannah a lot better this episode.  But Cas? He's really really hating on Metatron these days.  I wonder where that is going to take him???

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Great episode!  The DemonDean storyline is really grabbing my interest.


I'm not too sure about "the revenge of Cole" story arc, though.  And the sooner those angels get their problems resolved, the better.

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Best scene of the night: Dean insult-fistfighting with Cole and quoting The Princess Bride.

Second best scene: Cas interacting with a little kid was ADORABLE!

Worst scene(s): Cole monologuing TWICE about his dead father. This is so crass I can't believe I'm actually typing it, but I don't give a shit about Cole or his vendetta, justified or not. He left his wife and kids for this, and now instead of going back to them, he's becoming a novice hunter. I get it, and I get why the writers almost had to go this route, but I just don't have any energy left to invest in new hunters. I wanted Dean to finish him off just so I won't have to keep seeing the dude every week.

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Dean was just wrong tonight. His eyes were always dead.

I have to admit when Dean said "oh you know Kung Fu, huh" and then proceeded to beat the snot out of Cole all I could think was "The First Blade is Dean's intersect! It taught him Kung Fu!"

Crowley has really misjudged Dean. Frankly he should have taken a leaf out of Sam's book and chained Dean up and only release him when he needs Dean to kill.

My favorite bit? Dean telling Sam that had he wanted to be cured he would have stayed. Wonderful bit of writing- establishing that the cure hadn't been forgotten and that demoninity was a choice for Dean.

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I'm having a really hard time with the idea that OUR Dean is really making that choice. It's the twisted, fucked up Dean saying he it was his choice. There is no way in Hell OUR true not fucked up Dean would choose demonity unless he had a reason.

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Well yes it's DemonDean's choice but I like that they remembered the cure and made sure that DemonDean did as well. I get tired of differentiating between Dean and DemonDean personally when it's clear that DemonDean us a facet of Dean's personality and is, right now, the facet in charge and in control.

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I loved David Nykl in the full nerdish glory of his skeeviness as the Fargo character. It's a shame they didn't let him play Metatron. It would have done a lot to salvage that arc. Speaking of whom, he and I are in agreeance. Castiel should have killed him when he had the chance if it was the only way to keep him out of future episodes.


I'm really hoping they're not setting up a painfully awkward romance for Castiel and Hannah.


I don't think the Deanmon story is as effective as I thought it would be. I think it's the disconnect between the Sam who spent the last half of the previous season telling Dean he didn't care about him or think of him as family, the same Sam who, well, hit a dog, and single-minded berzerkergang savior Sam. Hopefully they wrap it up soon, although I'm not sure the crazed hunter with the Inigo Montoya origin story is going to be an improvement.

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I have a theory about Crowley. I think he's orchestrating all of this to get Sam killed. He took in Dean and raised him to kill so he could get rid of Sam. Remember, he answered Sam's phone call and "accidentally" kept him on so long that Sam could track him. Crowley's too smart for that. He knew he could trade Dean for the blade, which is just icing on the cake for him. He expects Dean to kill Sam; then Crowley can kill Dean with the blade. Voila, no more Winchesters.

I've never booed louder than when I saw Curtis Armstrong's name in the opening credits. Hannah would have been crazy to take his deal, but man, I wish she'd done it so we'd be rid of him.

I agree, no way Cole is 24. He looks older than JP.

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then Crowley can kill Dean with the blade.

The blade can only kill for Dean. For everyone else it's just a hunk of bone.

IA Cole looks too old. I think we're suppose to guess it's not the years but the mileage. He's seen two war tours plus other conflict areas.

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I have a theory about Crowley. I think he's orchestrating all of this to get Sam killed. He took in Dean and raised him to kill so he could get rid of Sam. Remember, he answered Sam's phone call and "accidentally" kept him on so long that Sam could track him. Crowley's too smart for that. He knew he could trade Dean for the blade, which is just icing on the cake for him. He expects Dean to kill Sam; then Crowley can kill Dean with the blade. Voila, no more Winchesters.


I've had a theory that Crowley is trying to get Dean to kill Sam so he makes that final transformation and becomes more what Crowley wants. Cain didn't become a demon till after he killed his brother, right? I don't think the Blade will work for Crowley.

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A solid episode (barring the endless angel boredom) with great acting from both the Js.


As far as Dean's "choice" to go full demon, I have to question how valid it was given how the MoC was influencing him so deeply. It's probably about as valid as some of the choices Sam made while hopped up on demon blood or when he was soulless. It might be rooted in human Dean's issues (his feelings of worthlessness and self-destructive tendencies), but with the MoC driving Dean the way it did, I can't buy Dean having actually wanting this.


Enjoyed Crowley trying to play both side of the game - making nice with Dean up until the moment that Dean made it clear that he wasn't going to play ball, and then selling Dean out to Sam. My guess is Crowley taking possession of the First Blade was to gain leverage over Dean. The MoC is going to drive him to kill and Crowley has Dean's toy - what better way to regain control over an out of control DemonDean? I don't think that Sam trusts Crowley at all not to try to screw him over on this, but it was the best way for him to get Dean under wraps considering that he is completely alone and injured right now.

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Well yes it's DemonDean's choice but I like that they remembered the cure and made sure that DemonDean did as well. I get tired of differentiating between Dean and DemonDean personally when it's clear that DemonDean us a facet of Dean's personality and is, right now, the facet in charge and in control.


I refuse to accept or believe that Dean's twisted soul is actually revealing all these true, latent aspects of his personality and those are what are really Dean at heart. No fucking way. I will never believe that Regular!Dean  had a latent sexual predator that sexually assaults women lurking in the flirty, promiscuous Dean. And if that is what Carver is implying fuck Carver.

regular!Dean would never leave Sam to someone trying to kill him; regular!Dean would NEVER leave Baby in a state of disrepair. regular!Dean would never NOT  care. That's why I differentiate demon!Dean vs regular!Dean. 


Dean was being developed in Hell to become a demon because of the normal way demons are made with torture and torturing. I believe that part could be coming out. But again that's a twisted, demonized Dean not the one pre-Hell. If the show doesn't address that Dean had already been affected by 40 years in Hell, that's gonna be a big problem for me.

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Eh to me DemonDean is a facet- he's the evil dark bits of Dean that Dean keeps locked away. I don't have a problem with that concept.


Just so I understand are you saying that you believe Dean has actually always been evil and/or a psychopath/sociopath? And he's just managed to keep the murderous sexual predator at bay from sheer will or repression or what have you? 


That would be the single biggest character retcon and assassination ever in this show.

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I get the sense this is Dean. He gradually was being turned into a demon by the mark with every kill he made and while Sam mentioned curing a demon. I don't think that would work for Dean as long as he has the moc.

Does that mean that deep down Dean was a pscho rapist killer? Probably not but he's under the influence of something that is diving these tendencies.

I just caution the show not to make him irredeemable. I don't want a situation where Dean is turned back into a human but he's so guilt ridden he's forever miserable.

I have no doubt that Crowley is orchestrating this whole reunion between brothers to make Dean accept that he's not human anymore. And despite Sam's hopes, its working perfectly.

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The blade can only kill for Dean. For everyone else it's just a hunk of bone.

Aww, man. I should have paid more attention to that stuff last season.



I don't want a situation where Dean is turned back into a human but he's so guilt ridden he's forever miserable.

Regular Dean is already guilt-ridden and forever miserable, soooo... :)


I forgot to mention earlier: I can't believe Metatron didn't try out a Hannibal Lechter impression when Hannah came to visit him.

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I can understand the idea that everyone has a dark side. We already know Dean has a dark side. But I don't think Dean's dark side is fueled by a desire to fondle women who don't consent. NOW if it were fondling demons or torturing demons because it's payback for what they did to him in hell and out of hell? YUP I'M ON board that train. But to think he was somehow born with that places of darkness that he would use against humans with the right motivation? I can't buy that.

I thought the mark was solely about making Dean into a murdering murderer that murders and nothing else. I never had the impression that Cain as a demon was doing anything other than killing. So why would the Mark make Dean into that psycho rapist or that it taps into latent desires. I think whatever it is that is making Dean be this way it's tied into Crowley and Dean's prior Hell time.

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Regular Dean is already guilt-ridden and forever miserable, soooo... :)

Exactly. As much as it makes sense its not something I enjoy seeing week in and week out. He already has guilt from being a hunter and for starting the apocalypse and a host of other things so I can only imagine what it will be like when he has to deal with the choices he made as a demon

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Maybe it's because Sam is kind of like Watson who believed Dean was dead when he summoned Crowley. Then he saw him resurrected on the video, and then back to thinking he was dead again as a meatsuit when he saw him with demon eyes?  Maybe because a resurrected!Dean is a new kind of animal. Heh. That would really piss off Alastair, given all the trouble he went to try and carve Dean into that new kind of animal.


That's all I've got.

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In the Holmesian canon (i.e., the stories written by Doyle) Reichenbach Falls was the place Holmes and Moriarty wrestled with each other and fell to their deaths (seemingly -- Doyle eventually revived Holmes).  In other words, a classic show-down between good and evil characters leading to the destruction of both.  How this applies to this particular story, though, is uncertain.  Cole and Dean have a big fight, but neither is destroyed or even significantly changed.  Dean is captured and loses his funny-looking knife, but he's still DemonDean.  Cole is still vengeful.


ETA:  I suppose the title could suggest that this incident will lead to the downfall of both characters?  

Edited by miles2go
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I don't care about the Cole story line.  Dean either killed his father because his father was a monster or he killed the monster that killed his father.  Eventually (no idea when), Dean will be cured, but Cole will still be hunting him.  I'm probably supposed to be concerned that Cole will catch Dean once he's human again, but I can't do it.


And, seriously, Sam should have laughed in his face every time Cole tried to threaten/intimidate him.  


A shame they used "Cherry Pie" for a stripper scene again.  But considering how often they recycle story lines, I shouldn't be surprised when they recycle music.

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I can understand the idea that everyone has a dark side. We already know Dean has a dark side. But I don't think Dean's dark side is fueled by a desire to fondle women who don't consent. NOW if it were fondling demons or torturing demons because it's payback for what they did to him in hell and out of hell? YUP I'M ON board that train. But to think he was somehow born with that places of darkness that he would use against humans with the right motivation? I can't buy that.


I don`t think it says deep down Dean is and always has been irredeemably evil (though with these writers, I wouldn`t even be surprised if they thought that or tried to retcon that) and that his fondest desire was raping women or something.


What I think the demonization does is remove the voice that would usually say "nope". Normal!Dean would enjoy a stripper and as a red-blooded male would probably enjoy touching, too, but if he wanted that, he would simply try to pick her up. And if she turned him down, he would accept it good-naturedly.


As a demon, he still has the fondness for beautiful women but his mindset is more like "want, take, have" now. 


So now he is a person who still has a soul but the soul doesn`t do what it should do in a normal human. And most importantly doesn`t do what it would do in Dean. Basically, it`s not functioning properly.


That said, I did find Demon!Dean hot like burning overall in the episode. Him schooling Cole, snarking at everybody. And while yes, he killed a human, for some reason he chose to forego the kill of the wife and offed the husband who had ordered the hit. In the end, he even did the guy a favour, presuming he will now not go to hell for sure and be tortured for hundreds of years.


I wonder what was up with Cole`s dad back in the day. The simplest explanation would be "monster" but unless Cole is adopted, wouldn`t he be monster then, too? And not know? And the age thing is just ridiculous. He doesn`t look 24, sorry but nope.    

If they want to retcon that Dean simply killed that guy for shits and giggles, they can enjoy my middle finger.


I was annoyed that Sam managed to sneak up on Dean and simply slap the cuffs on all easy-peasy. And it was so bloody obvious it only happened this way because the episode only had so many minutes left and they needed to get there, stat. 

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I wonder what was up with Cole`s dad back in the day. The simplest explanation would be "monster" but unless Cole is adopted, wouldn`t he be monster then, too? And not know? 


I just assumed the father was a meat suit. I'm not sure why.

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