formerlyfreedom October 3, 2014 Share October 3, 2014 Camille and the kids await news about Zeek; Julia talks to Joel about their relationship; Drew supports Amber as she faces her future; Sarah tries to get closer to Ruby. Link to comment
CMH1981 October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 (edited) Jesus Christ show.....I was on the edge of my seat thinking Camille would drop dead from a heart attack so many times this episode, then thinking Crosby was going to run head into a truck/bus or get run over, then thinking the doctor was going to call the Braverman clan into the wailing room. This was an on the edge of my seat episode b/c I didn't now if this was the episode where we would lose a Braverman or not. I thought for sure Zeke was doomed after the conversation w/Amber plus her leaving town that day of the surgery. Great misdirection on all fronts for this storyline for this episode. Drew finally grows a backbone and tells Amber what she needs to hear in regards to Ryan being an utter mess. I was glad he pulled out the dad card, b/c we know how much he sees his dad in rose-colored glasses. I do think that Amber was right in telling Ryan in the end that once he gets his shit together, then they can see what happens. Damn Julia, that was cold telling Joel over the phone like that. Hell...why not just text him?! I think now that she has told Joel about her boyfriend and that from the previews from next week that she tells Joel that she wants to tell the kids that they are not getting back together ever, that we will find out her knew beau is a sleaze or something. Well I guess Lauren Graham just can't get away from the Luke/Lorelai/April/Anna Nardini debacle that she was a part of on Gilmore Girls. Now Hank's ex has given the same threat of when the daughter is w/Hank, Sarah is to be persona non grata. I guess now we know how Mark Cyr/Jason Ritter will fit back in this storyline. Edited October 10, 2014 by CMH1981 Link to comment
Ms5h October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I thought the show was going to pull a "ThirtySomething" when Crosby wiped out on his motorcycle. I am very glad that didn't happen! I thought Julia did what had to be done. Joel was putting her in an awkward situation. Joel was trying to push his way back in without actually finding out where they stand or what Julia wants. He left, he told her he wasn't working on the marriage, he wants to reconnect... It can't just be about him. Good episode- and Hank's ex-wife was right. Hank was supposed to be with his daughter. Parenting her. He let Sarah take over because it was convenient. It was a nice thing for Sarah to have tried to do, but Hank has to step and be the parent. 3 Link to comment
Pacodakat October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I don't think I can go through another episode like that one. Way too stressful for my already stressful life. If the whole season is going to be on 10 like this then I don't think I can watch every week. Usually I cry at the end of an episode and it's kind of cathartic, but today I was searching for some ice cream in the freezer and puppies on the internet.One thing...This storyline with Hank's daughter has got to go. I don't care and she is taking up Braverman time. Maybe spend some time with Joel and Julia in therapy???? Maybe Joel can actually say why he left, and why he's trying to get back with Julia now. How about family therapy? Seriously….there are only 10 episodes left and I need some resolution besides just divorce. 4 Link to comment
Kara October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Hmmmm...I guess I am the only one who was completely bored by this episode. I am sick of the whole waiting room will he live/die trope. I just wanted to get it over with so we can move on with the story. Don't care about Hank and his daughter. I did enjoy amber and Drew, but didn't really care about Ryan. Been there done that. wish she would have just called and told him and saved a lot of time since it didn't change anything in the end. Glad to get a break from snowflake academy. I didn't have a problem with Julia telling Joel over the phone. Joel left, she is doing the best she can, her dad is in the hospital, she just needed to quit being pressured by Joel. Although I do hope they get back together. He was my favorite character until the writers decided to give him multiple personality disorder last season. I am will to just erase that all from my memory though. 2 Link to comment
AlliMo October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I found almost the entire episode absorbing, which hasn't happened for me in a long time. Then I realized that none of the underage Bravermans were in it, and the only parts I FF'ed through were with Ruby in them. Kids ruin everything, apparently. 3 Link to comment
izabella October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Because the show can't decide if they want Joel and Julia to be back together or if they want them broken up and Julia to date this other guy? I think they're doing a good job showing Joel and Julia struggling with where their marriage is. They are still married, and they need to figure out what is next for them, either way. Joel and Julia don't seem to know what they want, not exactly. It's confusing and complicated for them both, and they haven't been good at communicating. Yes, they should go back to that therapist! Link to comment
t7686 October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 (edited) Overall, it was a pretty good episode but the whole hinted "one of the Bravermans will die this season" thing keeps getting to me because at various points, I thought Camille, Crosby and even Drew (when he told Amber he'd be back in an hour) were going to drop dead some how. I still like Amber but man does she have a way of making everything all about her. Her so called beloved grandfather is having heart surgery and she just has to go tell Ryan the news that same day? That said I did like her and Drew together and glad he called her out on her crap. We could use more of Drew with a voice/ self esteem! Edited October 10, 2014 by t7686 4 Link to comment
Mittengirl October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Best episode ever! No Kristina or Max! Tigers vs. A's? They sure missed the boat on that one. I really wanted to choke Adam with his negative-nelly attitude. Get over yourself and be supportive of the rest of your family. Especially your mother. And when has Adam spent that much time in a hospital waiting room to be Mr. Expert? Kristina had only had surgery once, right? I love how people can just drop everything to go on a 36 hour round-trip road trip. Doesn't Drew have classes he should be attending? Especially after last year. And with Adam and Crosby at the hospital, you would think someone should be at their place of business. But apparently Amber can just take off at the drop of a hat. She is damn lucky she works for family, given her penchant for taking off. Is Crosby going to keel over from some internal injury from his bike accident? Or was that just a little "fooled ya" from the writers? In my experience, there are at least a few hours between when the surgeon comes out to talk to the family and when you can go back to see the patient. Zeek had to have been out of surgery at least an hour, more likely 2, for him to be settled in his post- op room. Why would the doctor wait so long to talk to Camille? Wouldn't Zeek have to stop his blood thinners more than just one day before his surgery? That doesn't seem like long enough to get them out of his system. 3 Link to comment
Clockwork Banana October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 It did not even register for me until it was mentioned upthread that there was no Kristina or Max. But upon reflection I definitely agree that this added to the enjoyment of this episode. Out of sight, out of mind and not a bit missed!* Bonnie Bedelia (Camilla) showed some great acting chops during this eppie, just with judicious non-verbal emoting. I was impressed. Hanks kid: Yeah, we get it. Pre-adolescent to adolescent girls are emoty assed, nasty-assed, pain-in-the-assed, snotfaced asses. And at some point, I am sure, we will have the self-recognition, -oh I am maturing now denouement, where she connects with either Hank, Sarah or both - How many shows are going to push this boring, overdone character nonsense? I am having a hard time thinking about any family-included drama lately that does not feature this tired concept. However, I was impressed with how much I disliked, again, Hank's ex-wife (Betsy Brandt?). By that I mean, she is a very good actress. I can watch her on Masters of Sex, and find her a sympathetic, very likeable character, and then see her on this show and want to bitchslap her. Of course, on Breaking Bad, I alternated between the two, depending upon the episode. But storyline wise, her demand that Sarah not be around the nasty child is ridiculous and unsustainable, although not that unrealistic in real life. There are a fair number of bitter exes out there that try to use their children as pawns. Another storyline again already mentioned: AS IF Amber would have felt it necessary to leave on that exact day to go see Ryan, especially when there was a scene from the night before which drove home again how close she is to her grandfather. Obviously the writers did that to have more than one storyline going during the episode, but IMO, they would have made it more powerful to do a bottle episode. And along those lines, the whole scene where Crosby temporarily left and laid down his bike seemed arbitrary and unnecessary. Wow, Drew showed some serious wisdom and insight didn't he? No 'love of a good woman' can fix or change someone who is seriously messed up. No knowledge of imminent fatherhood is going to snap someone out of depression/ptsd/addiction or whatever the issue is. Only professional help coupled with an actual desire or determination to get better is going to help. Even if Ryan does finally get the help he needs, I am not sure that I would want to see him ultimately with Amber. I think she is an awesome character, and if this were real life, I think she could do so much better, single mother or not. Oh, and on a completely superficial level, I really like that the actress goes natural, i.e. not overplucked eyebrows etc. Even though she is the shortest little minute and a half ever, I think she is quite attractive. And one final thought: I am glad that Julia was finally forthcoming to Joel that she was seeing someone. She owed it to the guy, who has been nothing but genuine with her, and she owed it to Joel, who needs to know the platform he stands on if he is genuinely trying to win her back. I am not sure how I feel about how that storyline should play out. Although Joel was the great father/great husband for the first few seasons, he was genuinely portrayed as asshat extrordinaire for the last while. So I kind of like it the the new guy (forget his name) is being characterised thus far as a really good dude as well, since that is what makes good television - which way will Julia ultimately land. *And on that note, no Braverman children at all! Someone else mentioned that. I guess I like this show in spite of the fact that I have to suffer through the tedious younger generation drama on occasion. 1 Link to comment
gaPeach October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Yeah! No Kristen or Max. I noticed it half way through because I was enjoying the episode so much. Do not and I mean DO NOT care about Hank's kid. I wish they would not waste anymore time on her or Hank's ex wife. They have not been part of the Bravermans story so why now with this being the last season? More Julia and Joel. What is going to happen there? Loved Drew this episode and found it totally pointless for Amber to run off and tell Ryan about the baby. UGH! Link to comment
Marathonrunner October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 No phone call from Drew to Zeek the night before the surgery? Amber was going to stay at Ryan's - no clothing, no money, no plans to do that ahead of time? Zeek being taken off blood thinners hours before heart surgery? Hank pawning off his daughter on Sarah - maybe not a good idea but he was working & we don't know how long he'd been busy or how long she had been pestering Joel actually smiled about something - not many people on this show smile - it's a nice change of pace when they do 1 Link to comment
BusyOctober October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 So, Drew flaked out on classes last year because of "girl troubles" and hardly went to class. He barely starts his sophomore year and takes off for a road trip? Is Berkley really that easy of a school to graduate from without attending class or taking exams? I guess he's only following the Braverman Code that one's own emotional immediate gratification is preeminent over other small trifles... like school that someone is paying for you to attend or jobs that pay bills (tuition for example). Lord knows Adam, Crosby and Amber seem to have endless hours of personal time to leave that sound studio for days on end (do you think they remember the ultra cool, but almost insolvent heap of a business they started needs more than ONE artist to keep the doors open?). I've been to San Francisco many times and it's one of my favorite cities. I just didn't realize truly magical the Bay Area is. Everyone has enough funds to start/stop work or school anytime they want. Part time jobs in a coffee house or a relative's biz pay so well you can afford apartments on your own. If you decide one day to be a writer/bartender/shoe designer/photographer, you are immediately lauded as a genius in each profession. You can miraculous conceive, build, staff and fully enroll a 8 weeks. "Downsizing" your empty nest means buying a multilevel Victorian "painted lady" home in one of the most notoriously over priced housing markets in the US. And if you whine loudest and longest and justkeeptalkingovereveryoneallthetime, you win. 10 Link to comment
ShadowFacts October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Is Crosby going to keel over from some internal injury from his bike accident? Or was that just a little "fooled ya" from the writers? I had not thought of this, I thought it was just meant to be added suspense, but yes, why put this scene in if it appears he is totally unhurt. He could have a serious head injury and not know it yet. Hank pawning off his daughter on Sarah - maybe not a good idea but he was working & we don't know how long he'd been busy or how long she had been pestering They went across the street to a drugstore, and Ruby is not a little child. Truth is, the non-custodial parent makes the calls about what the child does/where the child goes and with whom, when they have the child in their care. It's not even called visitation in most states. It's shared custody. And I join the chorus -- Drew may have been the best part of the episode. Camille was a close second, I agree that was some very good acting. Jules is ever so self-absorbed, isn't she? She decides she "likes" the guy she's sleeping with because he sent Twizzlers? Link to comment
jester October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Look it's TV so I'm not that torqued by the whole taking off work, taking off school stuff. Happens on shows all the time because seeing these people at work or classes isn't usually the story we are tuning in for, but I do get how annoyingly convenient it all is. That being said, LOVED Drew this week. Miles Hizer was fantastic to, because if you watch his face, when he brings up his Dad to Amber, he has this look of realization. Like he's putting it together for himself as much as for Amber. I don't know if I can keep watching the whole Joel and Julia storyline. I think NOW where they are it's being handled pretty well, but I just can't reconcile that with how utterly horrible and out of character Joel was written last season. Nothing we had ever seen of him in previous seasons matched with totally shutting down and shutting out his wife and family. NOW suddenly he inexplicably wants back in? Get rid of Hank and his daughter, get rid of the school and it's various issues and FOCUS ON THE REAL FAMILY STORY LINES. Now they are going to either try to hurriedly wrap this up in some way in 10 episodes or they will just leave it hanging and leave it for the viewer to take the story where they want. 3 Link to comment
MaiSoCalled October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Well I guess Lauren Graham just can't get away from the Luke/Lorelai/April/Anna Nardini debacle that she was a part of on Gilmore Girls. Now Hank's ex has given the same threat of when the daughter is w/Hank, Sarah is to be persona non grata. It baffles me that with so many comparing Sarah to Lorelei Gilmore, the writers would throw in such a Gilmore Girls plot. That said, it definitely works better on Parenthood than Gilmore Girls. Hank is the type who will shut people out, and if he has the safety net of Sarah, he will continue to shut his daughter out. I think Sarah is the only one who really handled this situation well, and I know Hank isn't emotionally connected enough to understand what's going on. I'm actually curious about this plot. Link to comment
Blergh October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Drew finally grows a backbone and tells Amber what she needs to hear in regards to Ryan being an utter mess. I was glad he pulled out the dad card, b/c we know how much he sees his dad in rose-colored glasses. I do think that Amber was right in telling Ryan in the end that once he gets his shit together, then they can see what happens. I know! That was awesome to see! Would it be too much to hope or ask for if, before the show ends, Drew calls out Amber in front of Sarah for her offering him booze and pot -knowing (and endlessly regurgitating) their dad Seth's deal? Of course he should own his own choices here but for Amber to do that was far worse than anything Seth pulled on them, IMO so Amber can't get too righteous re Seth again! Relieved Amber saw Drew's point and they seemed to have gotten out of there before they had to deal with Ryan's pill of a mother but still don't see why neither of them bothered to at least phone Sarah or Camille re Zeek's status. Also join the others in being relieved at no sign of Kristina, Max or Sydney. Anyway, IMO, it's ironic that Drew and Amber are able to see Ryan for what he is and not getting upset he can't be different and not pinning any hopes on him becoming different so why is Hank's ex still trying to guilt him to change from a leopard to a butterfly after all these years? Yes, Ruby needs a father but the one she has isn't able to wave a magic wand and make all Ruby's probs vanish. Agree with everyone how great Camille was during this time- and I'm glad even when she was downright frightened of the idea of losing Zeek she still acknowledged that there had been 'bad times'. Yeah, relieved that Crosby seems okay [and thankfully Adam didn't get too upset over the tossed cell] but could he have gotten an unknown blood clot from the accident in addition to the limp. Link to comment
Clanstarling October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 (edited) Jules is ever so self-absorbed, isn't she? She decides she "likes" the guy she's sleeping with because he sent Twizzlers? I thought the gift was pretty great. It not only showed this guy knew Julia well enough to remember her stress food (a memory he'd kept since their college days), but by including the Cal shirt, his gift also referred to Zeke. I thought it was a very thoughtful gift, and if I'd been on the fence about a guy and he did that, that might just make up my mind. Since Zeke's surgery was basically elective at that point (he was not on the brink of death) he should have been off of the thinners for a while. My brother - who was on the brink - was kept in the hospital for nearly a week to clear the thinners from his blood before they finally performed his quadruple bypass surgery. Edited October 10, 2014 by clanstarling 3 Link to comment
Ohgeez October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Is Crosby going to keel over from some internal injury from his bike accident? Or was that just a little "fooled ya" from the writers? I was freaking out thinking he was going to die on his bike. Was releived when he didn't then thought the same thing about internal injuries. God I hope not because I love him. 1 Link to comment
ShadowFacts October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I thought the gift was pretty great. It not only showed this guy knew Julia well enough to remember her stress food (a memory he'd kept since their college days), but by including the Cal shirt, his gift also referred to Zeke. I thought it was a very thoughtful gift, and if I'd been on the fence about a guy and he did that, that might just make up my mind. I wasn't critical of the guy's gesture (has he been referred to by name? If not, why not?). It was her realization that she "likes" him which is the word I think she used. One hopes she liked him before, if he has been in her life before and is now in her bed. In less than a year she's been with him, the teacher from Max's old school, the dad from school, and Joel. Girl needs to take a deep breath. Link to comment
alexvillage October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 What a horrible episode. Too much Amber. I think that when they cast the actress, they wanted someone who could cry a lot. The tears never end! She has been crying since she was the little girl from the George Clooney movie (what the hell happened!). Gosh! I wish she would just move in with Ryan and fell into oblivion. Adam is so full of crap! Doctors don't call you to the private room only when there are bad news. It is a matter of privacy. It might vary from hospital to hospital, but it happened to me this year and, although it wasn't the "everything went well and it is finished", it wasn't "sorry, we couldn't do anything" either. Zeek and his ring: cheap cheesy soap scene. Just give the ring to Camille, she will put it in her purse. Done Agree with everyone else who don't care about Hank's kid and no Kristina, Max and Sydney is a relief. And Jasmine at this point is less relevant than the coffee people drink in the show 1 Link to comment
Ohgeez October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I love Mae Whitman (Amber) but she always looks like she hasn't showered in days. 2 Link to comment
Jillybean October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 (edited) Best part of the episode: no Max, no Kristina, no Snowflake Academy. Worst part of the episode: Way too much Hank/Ruby/Hank's ex. I don't care about these people. And I still want to punch Adam in the face. The Twizzlers product placement worked. I love Twizzlers and I wish I had some right now! Edited October 10, 2014 by Jillybean 1 Link to comment
Primetimer October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 As Zeek goes under the knife, Ruby forces Hank to acknowledge her existence. Read the story Link to comment
t7686 October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Sorry Jillybean! I've seen it referenced on here casually and other sites like EW when Parenthood is mentioned so I figured it was fair game. I don't think it's definite, just where some think this season will go. I'll edit my review accordingly. :) Link to comment
panthergirl13 October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 Is Crosby going to keel over from some internal injury from his bike accident? From your fingertips to god's ears. Hearing Betsy Brandt talk to someone named "Hank" again just made me chuckle. At least she's not all in purple. 3 Link to comment
Kenz October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 In the Braverman family, money must flow so easily. As others have noted, Amber and Drew can take off (in his very valuable vintage GTO convertible) with Amber with no regard to college classes or Amber's job, if she still has one. I guess the parents spring for the gas money and accommodations for these crazy kids. Meanwhile their grandfather is in the hospital undergoing serious surgery while they saunter on to Wyoming, not a short drive from the bay area. The actress who plays Amber is talented, but if she doesn't quit saying "like" in every sentence, I will have to mute her. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I actually liked this episode a lot. Mostly because it had actually decent people who aren't too annoying. Adam annoyed me a bit, but that's his character and I could actually stand him in this episode, despite his negativity. Maybe because I can relate to him on some level? I don't know; all I know is no Kristina, Max or Sydney makes for a good episode. Crosby was the star player this week for me, actually. Followed very, very closely by Camille and Drew. I think I like Crosby's way of handling his dad's surgery the best. It showed a lot of layers to him as a character. He was very positive, reacting in a way that works for him, wanting to be there for his dad and setting aside his business for the day to be there for the family (unlike Adam, who had to send Crosby out for that phone call....although I don't entirely fault him for that because life keeps going on, but Adam calling Crosby incompetent knowing he would make the phone call annoys because Adam's negativity was bringing the mood down so he should have left), and his meltdown ultimately worked for me. I wonder if he'll tell anyone about his accident next episode, or if it will actually be building up to his collapse (and another red herring?) in the upcoming episodes. I would be impressed if they did that. And it's also very selfless of him to keep his injury secret to focus on his father and potentially not make Adam feel guilty about the phone call, and selfless is something Crosby has always struggled with. I actually loved when Crosby muttered "You're such a dick" to Adam. It's so very realistic, it's something I would absolutely say and he was entitled to react appropriately in that situation. Because yes, Adam was being a dick and it's a tense situation that nobody wants to be in. Camille's breakdown right after Zeek went into surgery was well done. Bonnie Bedelia did an amazing job. It's one of the few acting moments this show has given her to stretch her range and show off how amazing she is at it. It was a moment I definitely loved to see, because my heart was breaking for her and since she's more of an introvert, I relate to her in the sense that she needed her moment by herself to cry instead of around a bunch of people. And Drew, oh Drew how much I do like you. He's back to the actually smart, insightful boy from the earlier seasons. He does so much better when he's not surrounded by love interests (well...ok, pretty much just Natalie). I love how he was also coming to the realization that Ryan is like their father. Like someone pointed out, Drew's always viewed his dad in a more positive light than Amber has so seeing him admit that their dad really is screwed up was a great moment. Also, Drew displayed so much confidence when he was telling Amber off. His eyes never strayed from her and his voice was very steady. A really good job from Miles there. Like Bonnie, one of the few moments they allow him to show off his acting chops. But I'm guessing both with go back to the background after this. Well, it's nice to see before the show ends. I really could have done without Hank and his daughter and his ex wife. I really think it should have stuck to the hospital scenes and even the Amber/Drew/Ryan scenes. I get they only have thirteen episodes this season so they have to cram some storylines in, especially with the limited amount of episodes the actors can do. But...yeah, Hank's storyline could have waited until next episode. Oh yeah, Julia/Joel. I get why Julia told him over the phone about her new guy. I actually don't mind that much that she did. Joel's been a jackass all last season so I'm not extremely sympathetic to him finding out. I like the two together, and I appreciate that Joel came to stay with Zeek for a bit. That was actually really nice of him, because he didn't have to. They'll probably end up getting back together by the end of the season, but it's nice that Julia can have some fun with another guy for a bit. I kind of want Joel to be able to go on some dates as well, even if it's for both of them to realize that they still love each other and can work through the issues that was last season. 4 Link to comment
JasminePhyllisia October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 (edited) I love how people can just drop everything to go on a 36 hour round-trip road trip. Doesn't Drew have classes he should be attending? Especially after last year. And with Adam and Crosby at the hospital, you would think someone should be at their place of business. But apparently Amber can just take off at the drop of a hat. She is damn lucky she works for family, given her penchant for taking off. I thought about this too, then wondered what I would have thought about it at their age. Seems realistic from a twenty-ish perspective, not that I'm trying to justify it. Agree with everyone who said Drew going all Zeek on Amber was the best scene! I withdraw my comment from the last episode that I would be just as happy not to see Drew and Natalie for the remainder of the series. More Drew, no Natalie. Max should get the girlfriend he wanted--Ruby. They can drive each other crazy. Edited October 10, 2014 by JasminePhyllisia Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 Also, something I meant to mention earlier, but Drew is in his second year now, right? If so, then why the hell is he still living in his dorm room? Also still love the Zeek/Amber scenes. It makes me worry even more that Zeek will die and he's not a red herring after all. (Maybe more like a red red herring?) Link to comment
txhorns79 October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 (edited) I thought the episode was kind of a mess. There was too much going on during this episode, when I thought just keeping it on Zeek and the family reactions would have been better. I will say there are way too many other main characters on the show who barely get a line during an episode for the writers to give so much time to a side character and his problems. I'm not going to pretend the Bravermans are always fascinating, but Hank's essentially on another show, barely connected to everyone else by Sarah. There's no reason to dedicate so much time to his relationship with his daughter. And yes Hank, you are a really terrible parent. And while I don't think Ruby was "pawned off" on Sarah, Hank could at least pretend he has an interest in his daughter. It seems pretty obvious to anyone that he doesn't, and it isn't surprising Ruby acts out in reaction to that. And damn writers, decide what you want for Joel and Julia, and stick to it. I'm also not really sure why the Crosby motorcycle accident was necessary for the episode. It felt like someone realized the episode was running short and just threw that in to make up the time. Edited October 11, 2014 by txhorns79 Link to comment
ShadowFacts October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I'm also not really sure why the Crosby motorcycle accident was necessary for the episode. It felt like someone realized the episode was running short and just threw that in to make up the time. Unless he's going to end up with a head injury that isn't evident right away, something like that. While watching it I thought they were just jerking the audience around trying to make us think he was going to end up getting killed and not until I read someone's post here did I realize they could be setting the stage for him to have a serious brain injury reveal itself soon. Link to comment
Cattitude October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 (edited) I loved that episode. Drew was awesome. I like to see the growth in a young adult character showing he is maturing. I love his "I'm NOT leaving you in Wyoming!"LOL I love Drew and Amber's bond b/c they basically had to 1/2 raise each other. I'm in the minority in that I like Ryan, but he is a mess. But he is a realistic mess and many many war vets unfortunately are in his place, they had a poor home life to start with and then lived throught what most Americian's can't imagine during deployment. Amber's approach in the end was really great. She believes in him but unlike her mother before her realizes the baby and herself have to come first. I do think the baby may just be the wake-up call Ryan needs knowing his poor parenting and wanting to be there for his child. I won't be surprised when he shows up at the end in a better place. I love Crosby. I always have and I love that he is so close to his dad. It was surprising how useless Adam was and he was a giant ass. I'm an unashamed Joel fan, but I finally liked the Joel and Julia story. I think they are getting it more on track for realism with a divorce. Julia and Joel have to have been married about 10 yrs or more. Considering Julia still loves Joel, they have children together AND history, I don't see things working out long term with college guy. He is trying to sell her old memories and while remembering free fun times is good, I don't see her invested in him enough. I am glad she told Joel the truth b/c he was at a disadvantage with trying to deal with real life while college guy is selling her a fantasy. If Julia can get a pass for all the crap she gave Joel for years, Joel can get a pass for last year's choices b/c I still maintain he was depressed. I think if Joel put energy in trying to reconnect romantically with Julia college guy won't stand a chance. I mean you have two equally good choices but one is your partner whom you've shared live experiences with and share children with, in the end the choice isn't too dificult. Edited October 11, 2014 by Cattitude 1 Link to comment
Nire October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I think Crosby's storyline with the accident is finished. It looked like the next episode is set in the future with Zeke coming home from the hospital. If Crosby was going to have a shocking injury they would have the next episode pick up where this one finished. I LOVED the episode so much especially compared to other episodes recently. However like others I could have done without the Hank storyline. I have no issue with Hank letting Ruby go shopping with Sarah. How long did he have Ruby? I mean if she spent a couple hours with him total then he should have spent the time with her. But if he had her for a day or two and has her with him on a weekly basis then I think it's reasonable that he doesn't devote all his time to just her. Unlike the other people on Parenthood it appears that Hank actually has to work. I also think it's unreasonable of Ruby's mother to demand Sarah not be around Ruby especially if Ruby spends a decent amount of time with Hank. I thought Camille did a great job throughout the episode. I also loved Drew and what he said to Amber. Although my husband did have a point about how far away exactly were we led to believe that Drew and Amber managed to drive in what appeared to be a day? I also see Ryan getting his shit together and coming back into Amber's life. Link to comment
Pallida October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 (edited) I wish tv producers would stop pretending California is tiny. As mentioned above, that would be an 18+ hour drive, yet we saw nothing to show that it was that long. (Things like trading off driving or the sun setting.) I bet that cost a fortune in gas. And that's how I react to the whole episode when a major error throws me out of the scene. Edited October 11, 2014 by Pallida 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I think Crosby's storyline with the accident is finished. It looked like the next episode is set in the future with Zeke coming home from the hospital. If Crosby was going to have a shocking injury they would have the next episode pick up where this one finished. Well, not necessarily. It would only be a week or two, at most, for a time skip, right? I'm not really sure how long this surgery recovery time is, but it's still possible for there to be reprecussions for Crosby's accident, especially if he doesn't get himself checked out for further injuries. The accident did look pretty rough and I'm guessing even with his helmet on, Crosby could still have some sort of brain injury, although I'd imagine it's less likely. Either way, I could also see you being right and the accident being a one time thing, but I get the feeling like there's a chance they could make something of it. I wish tv producers would stop pretending California is tiny. As mentioned above, that would be an 18+ hour drive, yet we saw nothing to show that it was that lon What's funny about this is that Drew mentioned to Amber when he was trying to get her in the car that 'we should really go. It's an 18 hour long drive' or something along those lines, so the show is acknowledging that the ride was a long one. The problem is showing it, because obviously showing them on a road trip just to get to Ryan for one episode can't be done, mostly because of the shortened season. 1 Link to comment
zillabreeze October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 Totally, respectfully disagree with the poster upthread that said Bonnie Bedelia brought it. After the last year hiatus, when she had her plastic surgery, she looks frozen to me and completely void of emotion. Maybe, it's me. I just hate botox. Got pissed at Adam yelling at Dax to fix whatever was wrong at the Lunchonette. Best I can tell, he can't be bothered to go to work since the Snowflake Academy opened. Amber is all at home, whining. Adam is running the new MasterChef. Best I can tell, Dax is the only one working. And stop. stop with Ray Romano's ex calling the shots. Who the fuck are you to tell your ex who he can sleep with? Sure he's no prize, but good lord he is dating the Best Mother in the World, Lorilei Gilmore. LOL. I want to be invested in the Julia story, but knowing she is a Scientologist just weirds me out and makes me not respect. Hate watching at this point. But can't stop. Thank dog for Chardonnay. 2 Link to comment
Portia October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 (edited) This show. One second Mr. Portia and I were screaming at Zeek to stop being a dick to the nurse. The next we were both wiping our eyes and blubbering, "Don't die, Zeek!" I loved the way Julia told Sarah, "Sydney's having problems at school." Shyeah. I can't stand the Ruby storyline, but I continue to love Hank and to be impressed with Ray Romano's acting. Twizzlers notwithstanding, I still think Julia's BF, , Mr. Permastubble, looks like a sleazeball. Also, something I meant to mention earlier, but Drew is in his second year now, right? If so, then why the hell is he still living in his dorm room?It's not the norm everywhere, but at plenty of universities students remain on campus beyond the first year. Two of my kids went to schools where it was quite common for people to remain in residence halls all four years. Edited October 11, 2014 by Portia Link to comment
bybrandy October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 Lots of kids stay in the dorms for more than one year. Most of my friends lived in dorms/ on campus apartments for their whole time in school. I know that isn't most collage kids or anything, but it is an option. For me on campus housing was part of the tuition bill and my parents paid. Off campus housing would have been a lease that I paid. No brained in my case. As for Drew coming and going from class that reevaluate bugged me last season but this trip was 36 hours of driving. 2 hours of hanging with Ryan. They could easily be back in 72 hours with rest breaks. 48 if they switch off and drive through. That is two maybe three days of class and if it was two days it is only one session of each class missed. That is well within limits for a sibling in real crisis. Link to comment
CMH1981 October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I probably missed something but where was Crosby driving off to exactly? Was it just a 'I need to clear my head b/c my dad is in surgery and I can't do anything about it and my brother is dick' drive, or was he planning to drive to Arizona or New Mexico to track down their singer that wasn't going to show up for his set that night? I forget in the movie-verse of Parenthood, does Crosby's counterpart make it to the end of the movie? I just remember the Jabbar counterpart staying w/the grandfather at the end? I can't remember if the Crosby counterpart dies from the loan sharks or just runs off and abandons his son. I really think this show is going to parallel storylines along how the movie ends. Amber's counterpart gets pregnant and has her child. Julia's counterpart reconnects w/her husband and ends up getting the second biological child she wanted. Sarah's character ends up w/the school teacher, in this case Mark Cyr/Jason Ritter, and is pregnant. Link to comment
annabel October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 THANK YOU for using the word paraphrase correctly. Also, Drew telling Amber "I'm not leaving you in Wyoming " was the line of the night. Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I know Zeke is scared, but there is no reason to be so negative about the situation in general and there is no need to be a dick to the nurse, who is just doing his job. The nurse doesn't make the rules but he is supposed to enforce them. I don't see the big deal about leaving your clothes in the closet of your private room which you are not sharing with anyone and which your wife is planning to sleep in overnight. And I really did not understand why he was so adamant about Adam taking Zeke's wedding ring home instead of letting Camille hold on to it at the hospital. She could put it in her purse, wear it on her necklace, etc. I rarely agree with Crosby, but he was right. Adam was a DICK. And I feel for Crosby because I have been put in the same situation where someone in my family tells me I'm an idiot and then simultaneously tries to tell me that it's my job to fix their problem, which is so annoying. I'm so incompetent that you need me to do this for you, so who's the bigger idiot? I laughed SO HARD at Crosby's accident though because instead of trying to get a stuntman who looks like him or using a long distance shot, they zoomed in so close on the stunt guy that they had to FUZZ OUT HIS FACE to the point where it looked like Crosby had a tan face shield on his helmet. It's like they used the blur tool on photoshop on the footage. Seriously, you guys. You film people for a living. You didn't have a better solution? How about just having Crosby wear a helmet with a regular face shield? Problem solved! But then we wouldn't have gotten that awesome shot of Crosby's "oh shit!" face right before he wiped out. Big pro: not a single word was uttered about Snowflake Academy during this entire episode, so I consider that a win. Also loved Drew telling Amber that she can't fix Ryan. Truth guns: bang bang! On a Drew related note, I know I shouldn't expect any sort of realism from this show, but the fact that Drew somehow managed to get dorm housing as a sophomore is pretty crazy. Housing at Cal is only guaranteed for freshmen so everyone plans to live off campus after that (because it's pretty difficult to get a room after that). My sister and I both graduated from UC campuses and there was essentially no on campus housing for anyone other than freshmen. You get one year in the dorms and then you are on your own. It's even worse for transfer students. They are allegedly guaranteed housing for their first year (same policy as the freshmen) but I know several transfer students who were notified over the summer that their guaranteed housing was no longer guaranteed and it was up to them to fly out there to start apartment hunting. I guess the show didn't want to deal with figuring out where Drew would live since Amber's place is too small and Sarah is at Hank's and the grandparents just moved to SF. Obviously they couldn't afford a new set since they had to build Snowflake Academy. I wonder where Drew is keeping his car. It's way too nice to park on campus. I've had my car broken into while parked in UC Berkeley garages several times (and I also had my car stolen out of one of those garages in the middle of the day). Parking is ridiculously scarce in Berkeley (in some residential neighborhoods, you have to submit a power bill with your name on it in order to receive a neighborhood parking permit) so he must be keeping it at someone's house. Adam's? Does Amber not have a car anymore? I don't remember seeing her jalopy since her car accident. So she took the bus to visit Drew in his dorm and then they took the bus to whoever's house his car is parked at so they could go on this road trip. I get that Amber finally realized it was time to tell Ryan, but dude, your grandfather who you keep saying you love, is having heart surgery. You might want to stick around because sometimes those kinds of procedures go south quickly. You would never forgive yourself if you weren't there to say goodbye to him or be there for your mother, grandmother, aunt, and uncles because you decided that this was the best day for a road trip that could have waited a few days. I know people deal with stress in different ways, but Crosby was being rude. If you want to watch the baseball game, that's fine, but PUT ON HEADPHONES. Not everyone else in the waiting room wants to listen to it. Try not to be such a selfish inconsiderate ass when you're in a room full of stressed out people. Link to comment
ShadowFacts October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I think we've come to expect Zeek to be loud and demanding and in the hospital room he was stressed, and people really get to saying and doing crazy stuff when they're about to go into such scary territory. I think the nurse was great, they have to face this behavior all the time and know to stay cool. That scene struck me as typical Zeek and realistic on the nurse's end. Drew's dorm situation could have been very normal in my part of the country, but if it wouldn't have happened in California, they could have just reconfigured his dorm set into a crummy student studio apartment fairly cheaply to make it more palatable to California viewers in the know. They probably just took the easy route thinking not many people would think it odd. As to if they will end this series roughly the way they did the movie, the only thing I have wondered about is if Sarah will get back with Mark. I mean, why else would he return, there was more or less closure with him last season. 1 Link to comment
txhorns79 October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I forget in the movie-verse of Parenthood, does Crosby's counterpart make it to the end of the movie? I just remember the Jabbar counterpart staying w/the grandfather at the end? I can't remember if the Crosby counterpart dies from the loan sharks or just runs off and abandons his son. I really think this show is going to parallel storylines along how the movie ends. In the movie, the Crosby-like character abandons his son after his father catches him trying to sell off the father's prized antique car to pay his gambling debts. I want to say the father agrees to pay the debt, but wants the son to settle down and take a normal job. The son refuses, leaves his kid with the grandparents and flees. Though I would say the character of Crosby is nothing like that particular character was in the movie. If I remember right, that character was more of a drifter who gambled and invested in get rich quick schemes. Here, Crosby may be immature at times, but he also has a business, is married and has two children. I can't imagine for a moment that he would abandon them, particularly without any real reason. I get that Amber finally realized it was time to tell Ryan, but dude, your grandfather who you keep saying you love, is having heart surgery. You might want to stick around because sometimes those kinds of procedures go south quickly. You would never forgive yourself if you weren't there to say goodbye to him or be there for your mother, grandmother, aunt, and uncles because you decided that this was the best day for a road trip that could have waited a few days. I agree, but I think this is a very Amber thing to do. Her decision making hasn't exactly shined in the past (applying only to Berkeley despite having so-so grades, getting into a relationship with her boss on that campaign Kristina was running, blowing up her job with Julia by doing drugs and being generally unreliable, etc.), so for her to suddenly drop everything and drive for hours to see Ryan seems to fit her pattern. However, I'd also say that this was not emergency surgery, and Zeek wasn't under imminent threat of death. In this case, the risk of complications was very low, and while I understand the worry and concern, it wasn't a situation that had to be treated as though Zeek's chance of death was equal to that of his being fine. Link to comment
panthergirl13 October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 (edited) Also, something I meant to mention earlier, but Drew is in his second year now, right? If so, then why the hell is he still living in his dorm room? Also still love the Zeek/Amber scenes. It makes me worry even more that Zeek will die and he's not a red herring after all. (Maybe more like a red red herring?) At my son's school they live in the dorms for the first two years. After that there is on-campus housing available, but they don't have to live on campus. Oh, should have kept reading before responding. My son is not at school in California. I get it. Edited October 11, 2014 by panthergirl13 Link to comment
alexvillage October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I could care less about Ryan and Amber but I think this show really lost an opportunity to deal with PTSD in a different way. Not that I wanted more Ryan, just saying that they did not have to make him a vet with PTSD if they were going to do such a poor job with his story. I know senior college students living in dorms. 1 Link to comment
annlaw78 October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I've noticed the past couple of eps -- there is a really strong resemblance b/w Zeke and Joel, and Joel even has some of the same mannerisms, ways of speaking. Freaky -- Julia married her dad! I know the ring stuff was supposed to be romantic, but come on, Zeke and Camille. Y'all are smart enough to know that if they need to take Zeke in to radiology in a hurry, they don't need to be worried about taking jewelry off him. I was so distracted by Amber's crossing state lines with her brother apparently sans-bra. That whole storyline sucked. To just drop in on Ryan like that was a pretty crappy thing to do. He had a point: it's not exactly fair of Amber to say he doesn't have his paternal act together when he just learned he was a father two minutes ago. Drew's also right -- in all likelihood, Ryan is never going to be dad material. But Amber's handling of the situation wasn't optimal. I'm not sure what, exactly, qualifies her to be super-judgy about parental qualifications, as she doesn't exactly have it all figured out or all together, either. 1 Link to comment
JasminePhyllisia October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 I could care less about Ryan and Amber but I think this show really lost an opportunity to deal with PTSD in a different way. Not that I wanted more Ryan, just saying that they did not have to make him a vet with PTSD if they were going to do such a poor job with his story. Maybe it is realistic. When it comes to veterans struggling with PTSD it's my understanding that where they live is very relevant. Unfortunately, some states have better VA medical centers than others, and some are dealing with the PTSD epidemic while others are dropping the ball. Maybe Wyoming doesn't offer the best resources for him. 1 Link to comment
CynicalGirl October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 And stop. stop with Ray Romano's ex calling the shots. Who the fuck are you to tell your ex who he can sleep with? Sure he's no prize, but good lord he is dating the Best Mother in the World, Lorilei Gilmore. LOL. Hate watching at this point. But can't stop. Thank dog for Chardonnay. That irked me too...wait a minute ex-wife, you moved the kid half way across the country away from her father, then you move back when the kid's having issues, and tell your ex to BE A FATHER and fix it, oh and to hell with any personal life he may have now. Luke on GG, I'm sure Hank will go along with it and ruin his relationship with Sarah/Lorelai. How very original. btw, fellow hate watcher here. I'm just a rubbernecker who can't look away from an accident scene. Counting the weeks till it's over. Link to comment
takalotti October 11, 2014 Share October 11, 2014 Zeek and his ring: cheap cheesy soap scene. Just give the ring to Camille, she will put it in her purse. Done But don't you understaaaaand? It's a symbolllll! See, the ring represented Zeke's strength. He's a tough guy, you know. It's hard to tell because no one mentions it. Anyway, taking the ring off meant he would be vulnerable, so he HAD to wait until the last second to take it off. And he had to have it back immediately afterwards, regardless of the fact that he'd likely be bloated from IV fluid, to show that he was gonna make it. So not cheesy at all! 2 Link to comment
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