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S04.E02: White Out

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One of the best episodes in quite some time and it was Regina-lite. Funny how that works out.


Yay! Charming backstory. So his father was an alcoholic. Hmm. And he knew Kristoff. Does this explain why he thought trolls weren't a big deal in Snow Falls?


Warlord Bo Peep made me giggle.


I choose to believe that Joan was a Buffy reference in this episode written by Jane Espenson.

Edited by InsertWordHere
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Anna is all about getting people not to be afraid.  I get it.  Never do this again.  Keep her far, far away from Enchanted Forest characters.  If her little Dutch girl clad ass and Mary Sue character never appeared on screen again, that would be fabulous.  I’m going to forget about this little Bo Peep BS.  I’m going to scrub my retinas clean of Charming in that wig.  Let’s not have this happen again.  Seriously I hated that fairyback more than anything I’ve ever seen on this show.  And that is saying a lot.


Elsa on the other hand can stay.  Loved everything about the Frozen Storybrooke part of the episode.  Like the start of the Elsa/Emma friendship, Plus Charming did the Dad thing with Hook and Charming/Hook teamed up to save Emma and Hook was fairly desperate to save his love the whole time and I’m easy that way.


Once again the townfolk show up and complain and I want to play whack a dwarf.  Snow’s freak out on them was about the best thing I’ve seen from her in ages.


Henry's speech to Regina at the end about missing his room is why I want to drop him a pit and cast a spell of forgetfulness about him most of the time.  Way to ruin a nice Charming family moment.  Even if the family motto is getting overused and dumb at this point.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I just realized how awesome it is that Mrs. Claus is playing a Snow Queen. 


I loved Emma casually calling David "Dad." 


How many people are going to play Anna to Regina's Elsa? Henry actually used "I know you're in there!"


Bo Peep the magical warlord? Um, okay.


I liked David's awful long hair, and I don't know why!

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Oh, so many good things this episode!


Anna kicking ass with a sword?  Loved it!


Bo Peep is an evil Mafioso warlord?  Loved it!


Josh Dallas showing off this acting chops when David was talking about his father?  Loved it!


Ginnifer Goodwin showing off her acting chops when she rips into Granny and the Dwarves?  Hysterical and loved it!


Evil Snow Queen runs the ice cream parlor?  Loved it!


Loved the little nods to Frozen involving Anna, the obvious ("I love sandwiches!") and the subtle (took me a while to realize why she called herself Joan).


What I didn't like was Elsa's acting.  It seemed a bit stiff.  Also, David's wig.  That...wig.

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I'm glad Elsa turned out not to be a villain. In fact, I'm glad the writers simply took Frozen as canon and moved on with it. 


I like the actresses playing both sisters. Anna in particular has the sunniest smile I've ever seen, and I'd think she was having all sorts of inappropriate chemistry with David if she wasn't already engaged.


Speaking of which, that wig on Josh Dallas was hilarious!


Snow's freakout was one of the best things she's ever done. The whole plot was essentially comic relief, but that's ok.


Did anybody else think the heartbeat when they picked up Bo Peep's crook meant that Anna's heart had been removed and was sitting in Regina's vault somewhere?


I think this episode was strong in large part because it didn't deal with Regina's storyline. I think Lana Parilla is one of the strongest actors on the show, but there's only so much she can do with such a whiny, self-entitled character. She may be good-ish now, but she hasn't reckoned with her past or done nearly enough to make amends for it. Unfortunately, she's been so thoroughly evil in the past that I'm not sure the writers can ever really redeem her.

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I enjoyed this one even though the balance was way off.


The Good:

Emma being comfortable enough to use the word "Dad."

Grumpy's one liners.

Baby Charming...he's adorable.

Captain Swan hug and handhold! I liked their stuff in this ep way better than the premiere.

Anna in the flashbacks. Her voice even sounded like Kristen Bell.


The Bad:

The CGI ice was distracting.

I don't remember David's dad being branded a drunk.

Hook chipping at the ice with his hook (admirable but dumb). 

Snow's references to lactating (I know it's natural, but blech).

Henry's changing voice was very grating on my ears.

Ice Queen freezing half of the shop at the end. I understand the effect they were going for, but that was silly.

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I reiterate my annoyance with Regina for freezing out (oops, pun totally unintended) the son she spent a year thinking was lost to her forever. Priorities, Regina.


"Get a flashlight" cracked me the hell up.


Anna is still adorable.


And the rest of it? Oh my goodness, I loved it to freakin' pieces. "And I still pay in doubloons," indeed. Emma and Elsa can totally be BFFs for the rest of this series, as far as I'm concerned. And there was Daddy Charming and Captain Swan and I swear, when Hook picked Emma up, he launched a thousand fanfics. I'm sure I'll have more when the squee dies down but more stories like this, please, show!

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* Bo Peep. LOL.

* Snow Queen! She's going to be awesome.

* Elsa/Emma scenes.

* Very little Regina... makes up for last week's dramapalooza.

* Anna. I was wary in 4x01, but now I officially adore her.

* Bo Peep is a butcher who sells lamb chops.


* My hatred for Henry only grows.

* Geez. Elsa was pretty aggressive.

* Didn't care for Hook or Charming in this episode.

* Snow just magically fixed the generator?

* Snow's line about the reason Regina's evil.

* How the heck did Charming know Kristoff?

Frozen References:

* Anna's alias is "Joan". In the movie she talks to a Joan of Arc painting.

* Elsa referenced Let It Go with "it never bothered me" about the cold.

* Henry quotes Do You Want To Build a Snowman to Regina. "I know you're in there."

My favorite parts of the episode were Elsa, Emma, Anna, Bo Peep and the Snow Queen. The only parts I sincerely disliked were Hook, Charming and Henry. Henry freaks out because his mom wants some alone time after a break-up, then yelling at her door quickly fixes it. Seriously? He and his mom are both drama queens.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Oh, and I forgot: "Aren't you cold?" "It's never bothered me." Heehee.


Hee!  Loved that. 


Missed the premiere but this was a step up from a good chunk of last season.  But I hope that's the last I see of Hippie David's hair.  That's Blacklist level awful. 

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I loved Charming and Hook working together. Great take down of Bo Peep who is still deserving of a takedown in Storybrooke. She was hilarious. I guess she can always find people, but that is the limit of her magical ability? Her henchmen just beat you up or kill you when she directs them to you?


I really liked that Bo Peep was decked out in My Little Pony colours, but was evil. Nice to see Evil doesn't have to be reserved for those in monochromatic dark colours.


The dwarves/Grannie really weren't helping yammering at Snow. Who can figure out anything when somebody is yapping in your ears? Plus, if she didn't cast the curse (I still think she had no right to do that), they wouldn't have had power anyway, so what gives.


Didn't miss mopey Regina. Henry does have a point that she doesn't just have the right to cut him out like that. I thought she wanted to be his Mom. You still have to be a Mom even when your boyfriend of two days decides to go back to his wife you thought you'd murdered.


Anna is a little bit too much the Pollyanna. She needs a few real faults that have consequences. And if she turns up next week being an ace baker or master weaver, I'm calling Mary Sue on her (I'll give her a pass on the master swordsman/master fencing instructor nonsense because I think a two-bit evil person like Bo Peep likely has crappy help who you don't have to be too good to beat and David is a natural).


How did a poor ice cutter who can barely afford to buy carrots and a poor shepherd who can't afford a decent haircut ever meet?

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Thought it was a great episode!


Snow taking charge and ruling her kingdom. Yelling and telling them to buy a flashlight, and to stop saying letters when they couldn't use their electronics for 5 minutes.


Loved the David backstory of before he was Prince Charming, being friends with Kristoff and his relationship with Anna. Being a duo with Hook.


Anna and Elsa's bonding. The Hook & Emma banter, everyone freaking out over no power. 

Edited by Artsda
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I liked the scene with Henry and Regina at the end, it fit the theme of not running away referenced throughout the episode.  A solid episode overall with good acting all around.

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That was such a fun episode! Aside from David's hair choice, good stuff all around. I'll include Regina acquiescing to Henry.


Snow's rant at the power station was hilarious!  That Granny was cowed? Eh, but it worked for this instance. Where does that trio get off, though, yelling at Snow to fix everything? The town has seemed okay with Regina being ensconced in the Mayor's office and house.  If Regina continues this insistence on isolating herself due to Robin and Marian, will this mean that Snow will actively pick up the slack? The phrase that pays was "momma mayor", after she turned the lights on. 


Loved "baby high-five!" Plus that is one cute baby.


I liked the parallels between Elsa and Emma this week more than the parallels between Regina and Elsa last week. For me, it is because, as stated pretty bluntly, they both have powers that they don't have full control over. They are concerned over what they could do.  I never really got that feeling from Regina. Yes, Regina was uncomfortable/not wanting to do some things initially (like killing Rumple's other apprentice or the unicorn), but she seemed to accept that as the price of gaining the power she wanted.  Elsa and Emma just aren't sure they want their powers, let alone trust that they can control their powers enough. In my opinion, of course.


I was afraid that with the emergence of the electric heater, Elsa would melt/sweat or some other extreme reaction to heating Emma up.


Shepherd David's hair...I just...why?!


That was Robin Weigart as BoPeep, right? I wasn't paying attention to the credits this week. I enjoyed BoPeep and found her being a butcher was kind of fun.  I hope we learn a bit more about her, as I was not expecting that angle for BoPeep! Kudos on that, PTB! 


So we get Elsa and The Snow Queen? To quote Emma, "Cool. Pun intended." 

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One of the best episodes in quite some time and it was Regina-lite. Funny how that works out.


Word... er... InsertWordHere. :-P Minimal Regina. Minimal Rumbelle. It really brightens the whole Show! I enjoyed this episode very much. The Charming flashback was kinda contrived, but at least it was better than he Rapunzel one. I get Anna is a little too Pollyanna, but I don't mind. I'm going to have to replay all the CS scenes at the end like a hundred times. For Science. 


Fantastic entrance by Elizabeth Mitchell. I loved her in LOST. 


I reiterate my annoyance with Regina for freezing out (oops, pun totally unintended) the son she spent a year thinking was lost to her forever. Priorities, Regina.


Agree. It was so selfish of her. And enough of everyone coddling Regina.

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Once again the townfolk show up and complain

What made me laugh was the beginning when Elsa steps out of the closed Gold's shop and some guy walks by her with even a hint of awareness.    So the townsfolk are so immune to weird things that a brand new person wearing a beautiful sparkly evening gown would not be worth a bat of one eye?


I couldn't have been the only one having "Jurassic Park" flashbacks with Snow in the power station.  I sorta cringed at her saying "feeding time".

Edited by elle
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Okay, so apparently Anna is the reason David decided to be brave?  Um . . . okay.  At least she didn't give him a haircut, too--I kept thinking he'd walk out of the house at the end of the last fairyback with his hero hair, and that would have been a step and a half too far.


Mostly a good episode.  Most of the things I was afraid would happen didn't--I was truly afraid they were going to have Regina poof in and angrily fix everything before poofing back to her house to pretend the world is ending. 


And are we really surprised that not only is Regina avoiding Henry, but he's parenting her? 

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Wait a sec. Did Elsa really say that after endangering someone's life, they don't owe you any thanks when you change your mind and save them? Where was this kind of brilliant reasoning when Regina tried to kill Emma and Snow, then changed her mind in "Queen Of Hearts"? Or tried to kill the whole town, then changed her mind in 222? This proves that the writers DO know logic, they just selectively use it.

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Wait a sec. Did Elsa really say that after endangering someone's life, they don't owe you any thanks when you change your mind and save them? Where was this kind of brilliant reasoning when Regina tried to kill Emma and Snow, then changed her mind in "Queen Of Hearts"? Or tried to kill the whole town, then changed her mind in 222? This proves that the writers DO know logic, they just selectively use it.

That doesn't count for Regina.


She feels deeply with her soul, so if she doesn't lash out when she's in pain, it's like a special gift.

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Not only does Regina freeze Henry out and make him (the child) come to her, but she can't even pick up the phone and instead uses an over-dramatic crow messenger? The fuck? Even Hook has figured out how to use a phone and a walkie talkie and that power comes from transformers.

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I'll take Charming, Emma, and Hook team ups every episode. They get shit done. Plus Emma calling Charming "Dad" always makes me happy.


Charming's hair...LOL. I was hoping for the wind to kick up and an 80s power ballad to cue. The fairyback was so cheesy, but I don't even care because we got Charming backstory and I liked the spin on Bo Peep.


"Kill us all one by one. That's what I'd do." Hook: genre savvy. Also: "That's old-fashioned even by my standards, and I still pay with doubloons." Love.


"He's dangerous, but I'll write it down for you." Thanks a lot, Ruth. Send the naive girl to certain danger.


Why the fuck is Henry playing Regina's girlfriend/BFF? He's supposed to be the child here, not planning wine and chocolate filled evenings so Regina can flood the town whilst watching cheesy chick flicks. Grow up, Regina. So your relationship of less than a week ended, that's no reason to push your child away.


No Regina until the 57 minute mark. So close to a Regina free episode.


Instant ice cream. I want that power.


I liked Emma and Elsa bonding, Captain Swan, the daddy/daughter + Hook team up, Snow taking charge and her freak out (minus the Regina reference), Elizabeth Mitchell in the ice cream shop, and very little Regina (no Regina would have been even better).

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Not only does Regina freeze Henry out and make him (the child) come to her, but she can't even pick up the phone and instead uses an over-dramatic crow messenger? The fuck?


I know. That was totally emo. At least send seagull or an eagle. Way to show your inner Poe.


Forget sending Henry to go see her. They need to stage a Hopper intervention with some medication.

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Overall I liked this one -- it moved the plot forward and never dragged and it was full of fairytale silliness -- though it was also chock full of clunky dialogue and plots. 



  • Bo Beep as an extortionist warlord! And as a disgruntled butcher! More, please.
  • Sooo much cheesy CGI (yeah, I love the cheesy CGI)
  • Hook and Charming is a good team.
  • Emma and Elsa is a good team. I know the "unwanted magic!" "putting up walls!" parallels are a bit anvilicious, but they're good together and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them. 
  • Looking forward to see where they go with the Elizabeth Mitchell thing. I'm about as spoiled as anyone, and still know almost nothing of how she fits in (other than the ice powers stuff).
  • Minimal angsty Regina.



  • Charming's hippie hair.
  • Chill out (pun intended), Hook. You agreed to be patient, what, a day ago? Tone down the snarky lines about dates.
  • Hook knows the word "Champagne"? And how electricity works? And space heaters?
  • Elizabeth Mitchell putting her finger in the ice cream. Ewwwwwwwww.
  • David learned sword fighting in like two days?
  • Regina couldn't just text Henry? Did she think the bird would be more personable? It was just more creepy.


General notes:

  • Henry/Jared seems to get older every episode. 
  • No one was cursed as an electrician in this town?
  • I'm mixed on Anna right now. As kili said, a little too Pollyanna. I assume she's about to majorly eff-up with Rumple, though, so that might make her seem a bit more fallible. 
  • It may turn out that Anna is around Storybrooke somewhere (and Charming never noticed?), but wouldn't Charming at least assume she wasn't still around in the EF for the curse and thus is a) way older by now, and b) back in Arendelle? He seems surprisingly confident that can find her.
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Forget sending Henry to go see her. They need to stage a Hopper intervention with some medication.

Can't we just leave her in the house?  I really liked her in the house.

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My resolution this week is basically to not even talk about Regina.  She was on for 30 seconds, they talked about her for a whole 2 minutes, the show was hella better for it.


I nearly died of laughter at Leroy's face when he was talking to EM's character (if they gave a name I didn't catch it), the grin on his face like he was completely smitten was hilarious.  Also, even leaning back on her fridge and freezing everything around her was pretty bad ass I thought.  This is a villain I'm looking forward and the previews for next week look pretty awesome (but then, I get excited over new nail polish, so who knows!)


The father to suitor talk lasted like 30 seconds and I liked how Hook drew the line on that one and rather quickly.


David/Hook teaming up was great.  Emma/Hook was great.  Emma/David was great. 


The fairyback was okay.  I like how Bo Peep's standing army was really just two people.  And she's a butcher!  Irony!

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I liked the episode a lot though it didn't have enough Regina or Rumple for me.


I didn't mind Regina trying to handle this without Henry.  She isn't the type of character who wants pity.  And I'm sure if she asked for Henry, many would be flaming her for using her current predicament to manipulate the affections of her son.  I didn't care for Henry having to spell out to Emma that he was meaning his OTHER MOTHER when it was so obvious.  Made her look callous IMO.


I'm confused as to why Emma & company seemed to forget just hours earlier they were chasing an ice creature. Did they not think that was important to follow up on?  And I wish Jmo would put a bit more energy opposite Hook.  Speaking of Hook, the show continues to amaze me how they can take his handicap and make it handy.  (Oh pun intended)


Snow having a meltdown (another pun) was awesome.  Grumpy tends to get on my nerves at how he whines at everything (I get it, it's part of the character).


And here is Elizabeth Mitchell!  I'm so looking forward to seeing her play a bad character!  

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Definitely thought that was a better episode than the premiere, in the Storybrooke half especially. Georgina Haig just continues to kick ass as Elsa--as someone who's never seen Frozen, I already love her and wish we could keep her forever and ever and ever. She and Emma together is awesomeness. (Also, I may or may not quietly be shipping her and Emma. That's the most relaxed Emma has looked around anyone in AGES, and the quickest connection she's made with anyone like ever to boot.) I also really liked Emma and David's chat in the car; somehow Josh Dallas just totally sells that fatherly vibe with Emma in a way that Goodwin doesn't always manage. And I just love how when his baby girl is threatened, David goes into "will kick all asses possible" mode; I'm glad that, even if it's just because Goodwin is on light duty, they're continuing to showcase the Emma-David relationship. Emma calling David "Dad"? Ugh, my HEART.


I was less enthralled with the fairyback, mainly because I have trouble buying that David ever was some cowed shepherd...and also because Anna was kind of really obnoxious with him. All I could think was girl, you're his guest, you really shouldn't be so rude to the man! They made her charming and cute without being annoying last episode, but she grated when she was chewing him out this episode--I blame the writing, I don't think it was the actress. That said, by the end of the episode I liked their big brother/little sister-type relationship, and I want to know how David and Kristoff know each other. Also, that wig was HILARIOUS and Bo Peep as a warlord? That is the kind of awesomeness I adore from this show. But also: making David's father a drunk? At this point it's got to be a meta joke that they can't give anyone on this show normal, stable parents, right? That just seemed OTT, and also didn't really flow well with the story they wanted to tell for David.


Snow losing her shit in the electrical plant was funny as hell, and despite the fact that I feel like there's no way that's how electricity works, I liked that plot and I'm curious to see where Snow-as-mayor goes. Though I rolled my eyes when everyone came in and announced that casting the curse made her mayor. Hadn't Regina been holding it down for 2 weeks before she went off to sulk? The line just didn't make much sense.


It was 45 minutes in before I even realized we hadn't seen Regina...which should tell you something. Thank goodness her angst was nonexistent this week (although I'm laughing at the hilarity of Regina just sulking in her house all day long...and also annoyed that "I can never be happy without Henry!!!" Regina sent him away because she broke up with her boyfriend). Just please don't let Henry become an accessory to any murder or otherwise stupid scheme, show. And also stop acting like her world ended because her boyfriend of 48 hours broke up with her--for God's sake, it doesn't even crack the top 10 of Regina's own personal tragedies!!!


I did roll my eyes at the "We will find her/we never give up" thing. I love the Charmings, but writers, it's not cute or clever anymore, it's tired.


Oh, and Mitchell is already a fabulous villain. She's got the lean down pat!


Overall, an improvement on last week for sure, and I feel like this episode recaptured some of the...whimsy...this show used to have? Which I welcome back, a lot.


Did anybody else think the heartbeat when they picked up Bo Peep's crook meant that Anna's heart had been removed and was sitting in Regina's vault somewhere?

I bet she, like Elsa was, is urned. Also: is Elsa ever going to talk about the weird-ass urn she was stuck in forever and ever?


Henry/Jared seems to get older every episode.

Oh my goodness, I know! I swear he aged 6 months from the premiere.

Edited by stealinghome
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I enjoyed this episode much better than the premiere. I loved that Emma was the one to initiate all the little moments with Hook at the end. How the heck did he know there was a space heater in Snow's bathroom? Booo to Rumple mentioning Emma dying to Hook. I'm sure Hook wanted to strangle him right there. I was hoping to get a shot of Charming looking at Emma and Hook together, so we would know that he now realizes that their feelings are mutual. I hope Hook's line about whatever he and Emma would become would be her decision as much as his, and Emma's actions at the end, keep the naysayers at bay who say Hook is pushing Emma and that the relationship is one-sided.

I also loved the Snow Queen's reveal, and Bo Peep's dress was really pretty!

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And are we really surprised that not only is Regina avoiding Henry, but he's parenting her? 


He's been parenting her for a while. And found that basket full of goodies thing creepy. Stay out of your moms' love-lives, kid!


Wait a sec. Did Elsa really say that after endangering someone's life, they don't owe you any thanks when you change your mind and save them? Where was this kind of brilliant reasoning when Regina tried to kill Emma and Snow, then changed her mind in "Queen Of Hearts"? Or tried to kill the whole town, then changed her mind in 222? This proves that the writers DO know logic, they just selectively use it.


When it comes to Regina, they just can't remain objective. 


I loved the baby high-five scene with Snow and Snoflake. It was cute. 

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I could buy him figuring out that the power came from the electrical lines though.

Yeah, I was being a little persnickety -- I can actually buy that one. I also liked that Emma remarked on it. I don't mind that Hook is very adaptable and good at picking up on how our world works, but the other characters should find it notable, because other un-cursed characters who have traveled to Storybrooke are generally pretty overwhelmed by everything. 

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Loved this episode! From more Charming/Emma interaction to even David's fairy back hair. Sorry, Josh looked HAWT! I like Anna as well but I might be biased because hearing my name said correctly on TV and in the movie has made me so happy, I can't fully assess the character :-) I'm pretty sure Gold knows something considering the look he gave when he heard about Elsa. So is Snow Queen her real mom? Or will they go the Petunia/Lily route? Elsa's mom was the muggle whose sister had powers.

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The episode was great.  I liked the friendship between Emma and Elsa and everything Snow.  I even liked the flashbacks with David and Anna.  Like last week, the episode was very fast paced and flew by very quickly.  Looking forward to Elizabeth Mitchell's character.

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At least she didn't give him a haircut, too--I kept thinking he'd walk out of the house at the end of the last fairyback with his hero hair, and that would have been a step and a half too far.

No, no--don't forget that he has to have 1x06-length hair before we can hit his hero hair. ;)


Not only does Regina freeze Henry out and make him (the child) come to her, but she can't even pick up the phone and instead uses an over-dramatic crow messenger? The fuck? Even Hook has figured out how to use a phone and a walkie talkie and that power comes from transformers.

Seriously!!! That's all I could think when the message turned out to be from Regina. "Has she ever heard of text messaging?"


I loved the baby high-five scene with Snow and Snoflake. It was cute.

"Baby high-five! Baby high-five!" is going to be my new happy mantra. :)

Edited by stealinghome
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Did nobody think to just ask Gold or Regina to melt a wee hole in the ice tower with a fireball? It would not bring down the whole thing, just make the same door Elsa made later.


Regina was mopping around and Gold was clearly not going to help.  He jumped to the worst case scenario and he clearly was trying to rattle Hook with his comment about Emma dying.

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Did nobody think to just ask Gold or Regina to melt a wee hole in the ice tower with a fireball? It would not bring down the whole thing, just make the same door Elsa made later.


I liked the fact that they managed to figure it out without their help. I'm kinda tired of Rumple and Regina swooping in to save the day.

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Regina was mopping around and Gold was clearly not going to help.  He jumped to the worst case scenario and he clearly was trying to rattle Hook with his comment about Emma dying.

Yeah, I thought Rumpel made it very clear he wasn't going to exert himself to help.


I liked the fact that they managed to figure it out without their help. I'm kinda tired of Rumple and Regina swooping in to save the day.

Yeah, you know, I realized tonight that I'd be totally glad if the show kept Regina and Rumpel entirely away from Emma, and she had to stumble through harnessing her magic with Elsa. That is a show I would pay to watch.

Edited by stealinghome
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Not only does Regina freeze Henry out and make him (the child) come to her, but she can't even pick up the phone and instead uses an over-dramatic crow messenger? The fuck? Even Hook has figured out how to use a phone and a walkie talkie and that power comes from transformers.


Yes, what the hell was that about?  Henry made a reference to Google and then less than 2 minutes later, we have a bird delivering messages.  I would think a call, text, or email would have been easier.  

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Yeah, I thought Rumpel made it very clear he wasn't going to exert himself to help.


I thought he actually slipped and let on that he knows more about Elsa and Anna than anyone noticed.  I believe it when he says he can't take down the ice without killing Emma.

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the other characters should find it notable, because other un-cursed characters who have traveled to Storybrooke are generally pretty overwhelmed by everything.

I guess Granny is the exception to the rule then.  As glad as I was that Beverly Elliot was on-screen, it felt off that Granny, of all folks, would harass Snow over power. Granny knows that Snow is only a week or so out from giving birth and shouldn't have to turn on utilities! Ask David when he returns or have Granny figure it out, but then we would've missed the funny, but correct, verbal smackdown. Too bad Grumpy and Happy were more like Whiney and Rambly.  "Stop saying letters!" indeed. *g*


And found that basket full of goodies thing creepy

I didn't find it creepy, so much as totally misguided. "I Googled how to get over a breakup..." is not a line your child should say about anyone but themselves. Where the hell did Henry get a bottle of wine, by the by? While I imagine that Snowing and Emma aren't strict tea-totalers, I somehow don't think that David would be down with sending his grandson with wine to Regina's house. Snow? Possibly, as showing Regina that the basket is from them all. Still, Regina needs to draw some honest-to-goodness lines for Henry to not cross/worry about. Like her dating life. Then it becomes Regina's responsibility what she --ooooh. Sorry. Forget I had that thought.


•Elizabeth Mitchell putting her finger in the ice cream. Ewwwwwwwww.

That's how you know she's Eeeevil! *g*

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I enjoyed this episode a lot.  I'm coming from a background of not seeing the "Frozen" movie, so I don't have anything to gauge that storyline on.  I do love that it's the love of her sister and not a guy that helps Elsa keep her powers in check.  My sister and I both know we're the only ones that will put up with each other's craziness, so I really like that aspect of it.  Emma calling David "dad" was very endearing, and Hook just cuddling Emma at the end to keep her warm with no objections from her was very sweet. For some reason I had it in my head that Bo Peep would be some sort of Mega-Tron robot warrior, but wasn't disappointed with how it turned out. Probably overshot my imagination with that considering it's the Enchanted Forest and all.  David's wig looked like a Soundgarden show circa 1993.  Anna should have made fun of him for having that hair, or at least hacked at it with a sword.  Glad there was less Regina and that Emma and Elsa seem to be forming a friendship.

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Sue me, I loved pretty much everything about it, even David's hippie hair. I like to think that while Kristoff was wandering around looking for a Land With Ice, he came across David tending the sheep on some far off, uh, brokeback mountain, and ...

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