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S25.E01: Go Big Or Go Home

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Keith & Whitney: I loved these two in Survivor: South Pacific.  They were mostly invisible, but I liked that they each gave that overrated little weasel, Cochran, a separate talking-to that he greatly deserved.  And I like that they're kind of an obscure choice of castaways to bring onto the race since they aren't that well-known due to their near-invisible edit on Survivor.  That said, if they could quit that task, I don't see their survival being long-term.  They might not stand up to anything very well if they could quit that.

I had no memory of them on Survivor so I thought they were on a season I didn't watch. But, nope, I definitely watched both Cochran seasons, so... I mean what is the point of a team from another reality show who weren't memorable individuals to begin with?


Was there a sale on Boston firefighters? Survivor and now TAR this season too?


And I'm so tired of "Boston Strong". Especially policemen and firefighters from Boston Strong. There are plenty of good people in this country doing noble and good things. Boston doesn't have the monopoly on them.

Thank you! Boston and firefighters are ALREADY overrepresented on reality shows. I don't think it is right that a tragedy happens and the result seems to have boosted the chances of all the Boston firefighters applying to reality shows. I'm not blaming these two guys. I wish TAR casting would realize we want to see people with jobs other than cops, firefighters, teachers, doctors, and for whatever reason, I feel like we have seen wrestlers several times. Are there that many wrestlers? This is why I was hyped to see a food scientists team- you don't see food scientists every day on tv! But then, they weren't shown much this episode. Hopefully they have personalities.


I'm no social media mogul but I didn't like the hashtags they picked. Just seemed too bland for some of the teams. Let's wait and see what nicknames organically come up, then hashtag. Like #TheDentists? I would be calling them #TanDentists or something like that.

  • Love 3

Team Dentist would have been a good promo for Gone Girl, really. He's creepy, albeit a bit nice for helping others.


Also, while I like the team, during the scientists' intro, as they were saying "We're doing Amazing Race to show that scientists are more than labcoats, beakers, and goggles", the video of them being showed is when they're wearing labcoats, goggles, and pouring chemicals into beakers. Am I the only one who noticed this?


I'm digging the Asian team for some reasons, the mom and daughter one, the surfers, and the cyclists even if I was a bit off with the asking of the surfer guy to remove his life vest. Also, I will call the firefighters as #TeamSteveCarell since Michael & Scott is too laid out a joke that they should have seen coming.

  • Love 1

The firefighters are going to get old with their "Boston Strong" schtick.   I'm sick of it already.   We get it, the Marathon was bombed.   But that has nothing to do with how well you will do on the Amazing Race.


I rather suspect that's encouraged by production.  Survivor has a "Boston Strong" team, too.  It's the flavor of the season.  ;)



Finally vindication.   THose compasses proved what I have always said "North moves."   But really, you sell real estate in FLORIDA and you think the sun rises in the West?   I can just see you selling beach front property.


BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!  I was SO HAPPY to see those pen-stealing, science-challenged, fake-boobed (well, one of them, anyway), wrongly entitled Ruthless Barbies flame out!  Karma, baby!

  • Love 5

The guy from Survivor looks vaguely familiar but the girl doesn't at all. I guess casting has one easier slot to fill on each show by just swapping people who have passed the background checks.

I liked the beginning starting with a crowd and on the east coast at night. It didn't make a difference but it was visually interesting.

The fake factor is pretty high with this lot. Most of them are probably used to being the ones who stand out in their group...put them all in a sidecar together and you get a circus. Which is what the producers are no doubt hoping for.

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and found Miss Alli's coverage of TAR,


And so how awesome is it that there is actually an Alli on the 25th season? Pretty awesome coincidence. :) 


Did the directions they got say that the shovel handle was a yard long? They all seemed to realize it right away (although I think a few thought that it was the entire shovel length, which caused them to be digging just a little off)

If the realtor sisters hadn't took the pen away at the beginning, I would have felt a little bad but they did so I don't. Will not miss them at all, can't say I was a fan of that woman asking Adam to take his shirt off considering that Bethany was around.


I wouldn't have even felt bad if it hadn't been for the pen incident because clearly the one FF was already in the cab so I don't know why she felt the need to still try and fight her way into the cab.

  • Love 5

I was wondering if he would get a penalty for using his watch. After all, the task was supposed to involve figuring out that particular type of compass. But just sour grapes, I guess.


Hey, at least the steroids didn't prevent him from *remembering* that he had a compass!  ;)  I suspect the contestants might not be allowed to bring a compass but are allowed a watch and production just didn't realize that Gigantor's watch had one.

For all that everyone's been saying about Lisa & Michelle, to their credit, they saw him, too.  One of them told the other to go to him for the location of the first finish line.  Shows they really are fans of the show that they apparently recognized him.

Yeah, that was really smart of them to go immediately to the former racers for information.  I wonder if there will be other nods to previous races since this is an important landmark for them.  Maybe revisit some former places or challenges?


I forgot the line of the night (after the Sun sets in the East):   My compass is broken.   My immediate reaction:   Not as good as "my ox is broken."

Ah, man!  You beat me to it.  I was just coming here to mention this.


I wish TAR casting would realize we want to see people with jobs other than cops, firefighters, teachers, doctors, and for whatever reason, I feel like we have seen wrestlers several times.

I'd rather see people in any of those professions (you know, real people) than mactors and reality show rejects.  The problem is that real people can't always take a month away from their jobs.


When we first saw the rope ladder on the side of the cliffs I was afraid Bethany would have trouble with it.  Kudos to her for scampering up like it was nothing.  I admire her spunkiness and hope she and her bf aren't too limited when it comes to deciding detours.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 1

My life is almost always better when I see Phil do a brow pop.  Oh hell, everything is better when I just see Phil.


I really wanted to love this episode but strange as it sounds I'm having some sort of issue with the show airing on Friday nights as it just didn't feel right and the excitement and anticipation wasn't there for me. 

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Does the show ever penalize for dirty tricks?


There was a team that cancelled everyone's taxis once and I'm pretty sure they didn't get a penalty, so no, the show doesn't penalize for dirty tricks.


I actually hated most of the teams at one point or was meh on them, so I'm not too excited. But maybe having low expectations will be a good thing!


I do think a lot of the teams have potential to be hilariously awful and/or stupid, so that might be fun.


Bethany's boyfriend (Adam?) gives me the heebie-jeebies. He seems like a robot.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Survivor people?  Barrffffff.  I hate that they feel they must do this every season (and the reverse, where morons like The Twinees get on Survivor).


I'm on the fence about Bethany Hamilton.  She's in a way pretty damn famous (far more than some unknown to the general public Harlem Globetrotters). If they had a Celeb Amazing Race she'd fit.  That said, clearly there will be an interesting ongoing story about what she can and can't manage with one arm (or more importantly one HAND).


Anyone have any clue how the show managed the nightmare logistics of filming in Times Square?  Ten years ago when nobody knew the show it would be tough enough, but today?  I don't get it.  There should have been gridlock around the whole area too (unless they did it in the middle of the night--where there would STILL be traffic--but it might look like what we saw).


EDIT - I think that's DEFINITELY what happened.  We saw morning breaking when the teams boarded their flights.  Meaning the actual start likely wasn't TOO early the night before, because of all places I think New York would have one or two nighttime flights to the USVI.

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 1

I had a ponder - once the blonde realtors realized they were last at the mat, could/would they have been able to return to the beach and keep digging?

Nope.  Once you've gotten your clue you're done with that task.  And taking the penalty is taking the penalty in exchange for the judge giving you your clue, technically.

  • Love 4

I guess I'm a terrible person because I loved the Blondes and am sad to see them go. Snatching that pen out of that guy's hand was a ballsy move. I laughed. And though it didn't work out in the end (and not knowing where the sun rises is super shameful) I don't fault them. The Firefighters are just meh, I found myself wishing for a repeat of what happened the last time three teams quit a task and raced it out.


What is with the creepy guys this season? I echo the above sentiments of posters who said he gives off super serial killer vibes. And his entire... everything is just hard to lay eyes upon. And that arrogance is going to get annoying real soon. And Adam gives off weird super Jesus-y vibes that I'm not comfortable with. Maybe I'm an asshole but Bethany could do better.


Whitney cracked me up. Standing there being a total asshole to poor Keith who had been digging for so long. Is this going to be her thing? Cause I'm here for it.


Next week looks fun -- punting is back! Also, lots of crying.

Edited by Maxyrama
  • Love 1

So... is giving racers a compass that reads backwards from what everyone is used to the dirtiest trick this show has ever played on it's racers?  I mean I doubt even outdoor enthusiasts would know about them--only nautical historians would--so it took noticing where the sun was and/or having another compass on you to puzzle that one out.  Admittedly the sun thing SHOULD have occurred to everyone eventually.. but it certainly wouldn't help in the middle of the day.


And what's the deal with the few people who DID figure it out sharing their knowledge.  Idiots.  There are different kinds of smarts, and knowing something but not being able to keep it under your hat in the middle of a race is stupid in a whole other way.


I will say that people who think the sun rises in the west and sets in the east?  Should be publicly mocked and then maybe banned from reproducing.  Okay, not really, but it sure is tempting.

  • Love 3

And I'm so tired of "Boston Strong". Especially policemen and firefighters from Boston Strong. There are plenty of good people in this country doing noble and good things. Boston doesn't have the monopoly on them.

I'm fine with the overall concept of Boston Strong, but looking at these particular guys it's more like "Boston Fat".

  • Love 2

I'm fine with the overall concept of Boston Strong, but looking at these particular guys it's more like "Boston Fat".


Yeah, for some reason whenever they try to cast the heroic fire fighters or cops on this show, it's always a couple of older, out of shape guys who end up going home pretty early in the race.


Although if Te Jay's mother didn't know Tim was his boyfriend, not his roommate, then she sure knows now!


I think the point he was trying to make is that his mother doesn't accept their relationship, so she thinks of his boyfriend as his roommate because she refuses to do otherwise.


Did they think that they were going to share a cab with the firefighters?  Or were the firefighters just supposed to give their cab up for them?


I think they expected to share the cab because it was one of those van cabs perfectly suited to four passengers, and under normal circumstances it would have been a reasonable assumption. Not here though, obviously.


Does anyone know why Miss 'the sun sets in the East' chose to measure the yardage by crawling along in the sand?


I think the one lying/posing in the sand was the one who wasn't doing the roadblock. It's hard to tell because they're virtually identical, and I might be giving them too much credit.


I know I'm old but surely the fact that a compass points north is something still taught in basic elementary school.

To quote Kramer, I am officially an "Anti-Dentite" this season.


True, but what kind of anti-dentite are you ?  Which is the cue for me to include this snippet from Seinfeld.


JERRY: I am not an anti-dentite!

KRAMER: You're a rabid anti-dentite! Oh, it starts with a few jokes and some slurs. "Hey, denty!" Next thing you know you're saying they should have their own schools.

JERRY: They do have their own schools!

KRAMER: Yeah!....


That episode still makes me laugh to this day.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 5
There was a team that cancelled everyone's taxis once and I'm pretty sure they didn't get a penalty, so no, the show doesn't penalize for dirty tricks.

I remember the midget stuntmen (!) got not one, but two penalties in their race: one for hiding equipment other teams needed for a task, and another for paying for a taxi with a watch, rather than cash. I wonder if the realtors hadn't been last whether they'd have been penalized for their marker snatch. So to speak.

Also: Boston Strong & Slow (about four hours behind).

I know I'm old but surely the fact that a compass points north is something still taught in basic elementary school.

Yes, but that's not exactly how these compasses worked. A normal compass is about an overhead view, and chasing a needle to find North.  These compasses were about reading the compass from one specific point on one specific side, and deducing that it was describing what was in your eyeline when you held it up to read.  It's not at all how anybody is trained to use a compass.


Again, short of being some kind of maritime historian, or antiques expert, the only way to figure this out was to either eventually figure out the thing didn't match the position of the sun OR to be carrying another compass and compare the two.

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I think the one lying/posing in the sand was the one who wasn't doing the roadblock. It's hard to tell because they're virtually identical, and I might be giving them too much credit.


I think they were crawling along the sand to try to get a more exact measurement.  The shovels were told to be exactly one yard long I believe, so by measuring one shovel-length at a time, they could theoretically get it quicker (I forget what team, but I think one of the guy teams did this first, saying "I wanna get this right the first time").


Overall I thought it was a good opener.  I liked Phil's intro speech, because it did seem to come full circle from the opening race, and it was almost the same as his season 1 title-credits-voicer ("11 teams, bound by friendship, love, or family....will race around the world").


I don't watch Survivor, but I like Keith and Whitney.  I get kind of a Millie and Chuck vibe, in that he's just really mellow and she's going to be doing most of the legwork.  I think she said something about the hole he was digging and he just gave a super depressed ".....I know." which I thought was great.  They're my early favorite.  Count me among those who are rather tired of "Boston Strong" teams.  We got to watch Jason and Amy race wearing those shirts the entire time just last year.  I realize that they are heroic individuals, but so are a number of other professions, or firefighters in other cities.


I'm not sure I'm going to like the Save, but I am absolutely fine with losing the drama over who the winning team gets to hand over the extra express pass to.  Good riddance to that device.


Happy to have my show back, hope it can survive on Fridays (but not optimistic)

I did not like that one lady asking Adam to take off his life jacket, and I don't think Bethany did either. You seriously do not do that when someone's wife is standing right there. And even if she weren't, it's crass and tacky. It would be like one of the Boston firefighters asking the dentist's wife to take off her top.



Glad it's not just me. When she made the first comment, it wasn't so bad, but she kept going and then there was the really awkward camera closeup of her boldly and overtly ogling him and it's like "damn, seriously, the man's wife is standing right there." Kudos to Bethany for having a good attitude about it and just laughing it off but that was damn rude in my opinion. I mean it bordered on flirting and that's just rude to flirt with the woman's husband while she's standing right there.


I had no memory of them on Survivor so I thought they were on a season I didn't watch. But, nope, I definitely watched both Cochran seasons, so... I mean what is the point of a team from another reality show who weren't memorable individuals to begin with?



I remember Whitney and Keith but can understand why many don't. For starters the tribe/alliance they were in got pagonged after the merge when Cochran flipped and they were in a season that had bigger personalities and more memorable people. Coach and Ozzy came back that season, two people many remembered and either liked or hated from previous season and so they got a lot of attention. Cochran's flip was considered a key part of changing the game so most remember him and then there was the introduction of bat-shit crazy Brandon Hantz.


On top of that Whitney and Keith's relationship really didn't play out during the season. I don't know if it was because they downplayed it so as to not put targets on themselves or the editors just didn't care. But either way, most people didn't know they were in a romantic relationship until after they'd been eliminated. I also remember them because there was some "controversy" because she was very much married when she went on Survivor and met Keith, which I think is the other reason, the relationship was downplayed on the show. 


Bethany's boyfriend (Adam?) gives me the heebie-jeebies. He seems like a robot.



He does come across a bit Ken-doll like and I'm completely confused by his bringing the empty chest to the mat. However he does seem to really love her and seem genuinely awed by her which is sweet. 


Snatching that pen out of that guy's hand was a ballsy move. I laughed.



I didn't really care that much about the pen thing because yeah it's a race and some people do pushy things to get ahead. What bothered me was the one girl's hypocritical indignation later when this time the "playing dirty" worked against them. And really the guys didn't even play dirty since they were in the cab first. She and her partner tried to pull the same shit again as with the pen and push their way ahead but this time it didn't work. And suddenly people are so mean and horrible because she got her poor arm scraped. Well it wouldn't have happened had she and her friend not try to get into a cab already clearly occupied. So boo-hoo

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 8

I saw at least three racers crawling on the sand towards the end when they were measuring. Glad the Realtors were eliminated, I'll miss the pretty on my screen but definitely not their entitled attitudes. Actually, now that I think about it, they started off cute to me and got progressively less attractive the more they spoke. They bragged about packing twelve pounds of makeup if I heard correctly, that's ridiculous!

Food scientists are nerdy women, which is cool to see as a member of the cast.  Their intro made me burst into laughter because they were voiceovering about how they "weren't all about beakers and labcoats" while the Race had their intro be... swirling food coloring in beakers while wearing labcoats.  Absolutely killed me. 

It always makes me laugh how they do the food coloring beakers for every science shot on TV.  This one was even funnier with the dry ice causing smoking colored liquid beakers! We had a reporter come to our lab in grad school and he was so disappointed that all our bottles were either clear liquid or pee-colored LB.  The lab coats are funny too.  Scientists so very rarely wear lab coats because they are hot and smelly and often shared with your smelly lab-mates.  I hope these two do well, because they are scientists and from Wisconsin like me. 


Missed the beginning so at first I thought I was watching Surviver or a swimsuit shoot for a sports illustrated magazine and wondered if my TV guide was goofed up. :-)

Seriously!  This has always been the reality show I thought I would enjoy being on, but then last night I realized I would have to get a whole lot better looking and a whole lot more physically fit.  One of those bicycle girls is completely ripped!


I had a ponder - once the blonde realtors realized they were last at the mat, could/would they have been able to return to the beach and keep digging?

I really feel like this was a mistake.  I know they have to declare that they are going to forfeit with no backsies, but once they saw the other two teams do this, they definitely should have said... eh nevermind.  I bet I can do this in under 4 hours.  That goes for whoever was the 3rd team to officially quit the tasks.


I know most people record this show, but it still felt weird on Friday.  Maybe I'll save it and watch it after 60 Minutes.... at least we know it won't be constantly delayed due to football or golf!

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I'm glad there's so much enthusiasm for this new season round here.  Hopefully, it will rub off on me.  I found that episode to be for the most part tedious and dull.  What was the point of sending them out to the unisphere if they didn't even highlight it?  We saw the first teams get there, but the rest cut directly to the airport.  I usually enjoy airport drama, but the editing was so spastic that I never had a clear idea of what was happening.  Also, there was too much race-driven spacing for a leg in which the winning team would get a clear advantage. 


I did enjoy the compass challenge because of its seeming difficulty.  But that was tempered by the general idocy of the competitors.  I find the show much more enjoyable when watching smart, creative teams, as opposed to reality TV whores.  Aside from possibly the scientists and, based solely on the first episode, the dentists, I don't see much smarts in this crowd.  We managed to get our first idiot who did not read the clue (digging a two foot hole at the starting point, without noticing that no one else had made that moronic mistake?) and our first tap-out by three teams willing to take a penalty.  Boo.  I thought the firefighters would have at least continued with the task.  After several hours of retracing the instructions and winding up at the same spot, why didn't any team simply fan out from their point until they found the chest?  Amusingly, the reprehensible real estate agent seemed to be the closest to her mark without ever hitting it. 


Usually, I am able to identify a few teams who show promise as good racers or good TV.  I got nothing from this lot.  The mother-daughter team seem nice, but the only thing I got from them is the impession that they both look 45.  The scientists are the only team thus far that interest me, but we haven't seen enough of them to confirm my suspicion.  I took an instant loathing to the orange team (dentists), but he was very calm and decent to the other competitors at the compass challenge, so I actually don't mind them winning the leg.  The surfer seems cool, but that boyfriend gives me the creeps for some inchoate reason.  The wrestlers remind me of that team with the really passive guy who couldn't do anything right and whined all the time and his girlfriend.  Not knowing how to stay afloat in a boat does not bode well for exciting racing from them.  I'm not interested in seeing another mactor survivor couple, especially one as bland as these two.  The rest are a blur.  Where are the regular people?  


As for Boston, didn't the fair one practically knock over a woman as he raced for the sign-up board?  He seemed overly aggressive to me.  I think the reprehensible blondes thought they could muscle their way into sharing the cab with the knowledge that they were likely to outrun them to the finish line.  I don't blame the firemen for elbowing them out (it was their cab), but they haven't impressed me. 


At least the teaser for next week looks promising. 

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Over at TWoP I advocated for years for a "get out of elimination" reward in place of NELs.  I'm glad they finally, somewhat, caught on.


I like the "Save".  No word though, was there, on whether there are any NELs this season?  Doesn't Phil usually say there are x number of legs and x number are eliminations? (or words to that effect)?


If I have one complaint about The Save, it's the way it was handed out.  It's huge reward.  It ought to come at the expense of at least some risk.  Don't give it away for something every team is already trying to do anyway.  And, especially, don't practically knock half the field out of the running by staggering flights. (although the compass/shovel challenge was an excellent equalizer).


Ideally, I think they should've had an extra challenge somewhere along the way (FF-style), so that some Teams would run the risk of possible elimination (or possibly having to use The Save on Leg One).


(And, in the event that The Save is used early, have some provision for putting it up for grabs again).


/wistful thinking.


Otherwise, I thought it was a strong first episode.  (although, as a Reality TV junkie, I couldn't help but thinking about Sarah (from The Bachelor in Paradise) sitting home alone, with her half-arm)  watching the surfer with no arm and wondering "Hey, how come she got a boyfriend??!?!?)

  • Love 3

Yay! So glad this show is back. It was a good opening, IMO. I'm not really sure who I like yet. Kim and Ali seem fun, the type who will really enjoy the race. I always appreciate a team who isn't all about the competition, but can also stop and smell the roses, so to speak. I may also be rooting for Adam and Bethany, because they seem very supportive of each other and she is a BEAST. Did you see her scale that rock wall. Very impressive. 


I started out not wanting to like the married dentists, simply for the shallow reason that they looked like they had bathed in every bottle of bronzer that could be found in the state of SC.....but I surprisingly didn't mind them. I liked that Tim was able to point other racers in the direct direction (literally) without slowing himself down - as we've seen be a real problem with previous racers. 


Oh, random, but what is up with so many teams having the same job? Not just friends, which is more common - but married dentists, mom and daughter flight attendant? There just seemed to be a plethora of dynamic duos. 


I know it's cliche, but I like the firefighters. I really enjoyed the one guy deciding he wasn't going to be a gentleman a second time. Those stupid realtors can bitch and whine all they want about being manhandled, but they "started it", by grabbing the pen out of someone's hand. Don't be all, "Oh, so that's how you want to play the game" when YOU clearly had no problem playing the game that way. 


I knew I wouldn't like them right off the bat. I found it particularly delicious that they agreed to take the penalty because they were sure they could outrun everyone, only to get sent home. Wah. Take your 12 lbs of makeup and get your ass back to Miami.


I'm not sure I like the Save. It seems less fair than the FF. And I don't like things too easy for my racers.

I know most people record this show, but it still felt weird on Friday.  Maybe I'll save it and watch it after 60 Minutes.... at least we know it won't be constantly delayed due to football or golf!


I don't have a DVR so I have no option to record but the fact that the show probably won't be delayed due to other programming running long is a positive to airing it on a Friday night!

  • Love 2

Like others, I'm sort of surprised at the amount of Boston firefighters on the reality shows. Especially since I didn't think firefighters played a major role in the bombing aftermath (other than being general first responders and there was a fire station close by). You want the heroes of the Marathon Bombing, find me a couple of Boston EMTs or volunteers whose first aid tents were turned into mobile ERs at the finish line. I absolutely understood why all the police and firefighters from New York were honored after 9/11, but I don't get why CBS seems to think firefighters were particularly notable in this case.


I also wish the show would stop using "seasons." When I think of a show that's been on for 25 seasons, I think "The Simpsons." A TV season is a year. Say "cycles" or "editions" -- something that doesn't make it sound like the show started in the late '80s.

  • Love 4
I wouldn't have even felt bad if it hadn't been for the pen incident because clearly the one FF was already in the cab so I don't know why she felt the need to still try and fight her way into the cab.


I agree. I got the impression that those girls thought, "Hey, we can just push the guys around because we're girls and they won't push back".


I'm fine with the overall concept of Boston Strong, but looking at these particular guys it's more like "Boston Fat".


I thought the lighter haired one looked pretty darn fit. Only the dark haired FF appeared fat, IMO.


Glad it's not just me. When she made the first comment, it wasn't so bad, but she kept going and then there was the really awkward camera closeup of her boldly and overtly ogling him and it's like "damn, seriously, the man's wife is standing right there." Kudos to Bethany for having a good attitude about it and just laughing it off but that was damn rude in my opinion. I mean it bothered on flirting and that's just rude to flirt with the woman's husband while she's standing right there.


It WAS tacky. And then she said something to the effect of, "It's okay, I just want to look". As if that absolves her inappropriate behavior. But then....in the next scene Adam's life vest was off!!!


The mother-daughter team seem nice, but the only thing I got from them is the impession that they both look 45.


It's only the first leg and already the mom seems completely spent. The way she was using that shovel, it was like she was lazily sweeping the floor. I mean, maybe she had been at it for hours, but it looked more to me like she just wasn't feeling it. I will withhold judgment for a few more episodes, though.

  • Love 1

Friday doesn't mean that any more because so many people have recording devices.

I liked the Friday move only because I feel like Wednesdays and Sundays are always crowded and I hope it doesn't mean anything negative about TAR. Another plus for Friday is that I can rewatch at least once more over the weekend instead of it being one of many shows to speed watch by the end of Sunday.


I really feel like this was a mistake.  I know they have to declare that they are going to forfeit with no backsies, but once they saw the other two teams do this, they definitely should have said... eh nevermind.  I bet I can do this in under 4 hours.  That goes for whoever was the 3rd team to officially quit the tasks.

I don't think this would have taken 4 more hours. The teams just wanted to take an easier way out. If i was one of the last three, I would agree to all take the penalty and once the other two teams are on their way out with the clue, I would double-back and try digging again.

  • Love 2

Here is the thing about the four-hour penalty:  as long as you are still in the Race, almost always there is bunching in the next episode, which always effectively wipes out the penalty.  So, the penalty really has little impact on the next leg.  The real danger would be if they had left a team digging, which could well have found the treasure chest and arrived before the last penalty sit-out had expired. 


I wonder if the dentist still would have managed to come in first if he had even been on the second group flight?  Hardly anyone else figured out how to proceed with the RB, let alone proceeded successfully.  Did anyone actually measure correctly, dig, and find the box?  Or did everyone dig in the general area, once they figured out what the general direction was, until they hit box? 

The way she was using that shovel, it was like she was lazily sweeping the floor.

Ha, I noticed her half assed shovel sweeping too and told Mr. EB that it didn't count as digging. She was probably tired at that point but still.

Lots of comments about Orange Dentist helping other people read their compasses but Shelley (the flight attendant mom who was shovel sweeping) helped at least one other team too. I think it was the wrestlers?

When I saw how orange the dentist was, my hypothesis was that he knew he wouldn't be able to faux tan for two months (or however long TAR takes to film now) so he had to get months of spray tanning before he left in the hopes that it would last until the end.

I will call the firefighters as #TeamSteveCarell since Michael & Scott is too laid out a joke that they should have seen coming.

I dubbed them the Michael Scott Paper Company when I read their team bio!

I work in a lab so like the food scientists, I get people expecting me to wear a lab coat while standing in front of bubbling beakers. When we have had camera crews come to our lab, they always want us to put on lab coats, as if people won't believe that scientific research can take place without them.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
Lots of comments about Orange Dentist helping other people read their compasses but Shelley (the flight attendant mom who was shovel sweeping) helped at least one other team too. I think it was the wrestlers?


Yup. She instructed him on how to read it and he found his treasure box right away! While she was left sweeping the sand....

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