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S48.E01: The Get to Know You Game


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Eighteen new castaways are abandoned on the breathtaking islands of Fiji, where they must battle it out for the one-million-dollar prize.  Tribes must claim victory in the first challenge of the season to earn essential camp supplies.  Then, first impressions go a long way as tribemates quickly make connections and size each other up.

This is the episode's discussion thread for after the episode airs.

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Decent start, but not a lot of standouts this season.

Props for how they're handling the Beware Advantages this season.  The symbol/letter/number search was awesome, and quite the challenge.  Props to Sai for getting it.

From Civa, I already like Charity, Kamilla, and Kyle.  I like Kevin, Justin, Mary, and Cedrek on Vula.  I liked Stephanie, too, and was sad to see her go first.  I like Joe, Eva, Thomas, Bianca, and Star on Lagi.

Another logo puzzle?  Seriously, Probst?!

Okay start, but no one really jumps out at me like past casts did.

  • Like 4

Did my Survivor patriotic duty and placed my votes for S50.  After this premiere I'm more invested in that at the moment.

Off to a meh start but I think the season has promise.  Not a big fan of the cast but it's only episode 1.  I like Sai but dang, she's going to talk herself right out of the game sooner rather than later (part of me thinks she was more worried tonight than she let on).  I really don't think she was in good standing as she thought with her alliance, and after that TC and everyone knowing she has an idol she might be setting herself up even more.  I didn't really care for Stephanie but no need to do a one-woman pile-on on her.  I don't like the Katy Perry alliance on Lagi except for Joe, and I love the duo of him and Eva.  I hope they can go the distance and ditch the two guys.  Also rooting for Chrissy, Kevin, and Kyle so far.  

I liked the twist of how they have to find the HII this time.  I thought that had something to do with HII or advantages when Civa found those symbols but pretty cool to see how it was played out.  I'm actually shocked that David told his tribe. 

Really loved Kyle being a good loser and helping Kevin finish that challenge after he broke his own jug.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I thought it was a pretty good episode, that could have been fantastic if they had done the unexpected thing and blindsided Sai. Like yes Kevin, you are correct, that is Sai's idol and not yours. I agree @LadyChatts Sai isn't as liked within her own alliance as she thinks she is let let alone with Mary now.

 I also thought Stephanie came out of nowhere when she admitted to her puzzle failure, like where was she the rest of the episode? I thought she was Charity at first. It was the Sai and Kevin show over on their tribe. 

Can't believe there were 2 heartwarming moments that actually surprised me. First, Kyle helping Kevin at the losers challenge for basics - that was so nice of him cause he doesn't gain anything from it, he's just a nice guy.


And then the Eva and Joe talk and Joe's reaction, 🥺. Joe's reaction was so heartwarming. I'm almost ready to root for them.


  • Like 21
27 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I liked the twist of how they have to find the HII this time.  I thought that had something to do with HII or advantages when Civa found those symbols but pretty cool to see how it was played out.  I'm actually shocked that David told his tribe. 

The red and purple tribes' symbols are not in color, so there's going to be some slight variation in solutions.  I have to say that matching the color of the clue number to the color of an animal to the letter position of that animal's name was crazy complicated. 

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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First episodes are always harder to post about with most people nothing but cyphers (especially when you cover them in mud for the first half hour making them impossible to tell about.)  Fortunately, there are a few people who can stand out enough good or bad to post about.

Sai is Godawful obnoxious. Her big mouth flapping during the puzzle challenge could be heard all the way to the mainland. Playing too hard, too fast and completely unlikable. I was happy when they were flirting with the idea of putting her out first but....

Big Bird (that's what I was calling Steph in the first five minutes on the beach when she was towering over everyone with her blond locks) I figured was dead woman walking from her first confessional when she said she was just going to sit back on her hands...yeah you can't play too hard but you can't play too soft either. She was doomed and now Mary by extension.

I do like Cedric though. Calm, cool and collected. Exactly who I would want operating on me if I ever needed something. I hope he can get to the merge and then move on from Sai.

Thick beard guy also bugs. Shahim? Whatever...don't like him.

Please let this be the last week we hear about the autism. We don't need to be beat over the head with it weel after week.

I question the wisdom of sending someone crying like a baby two minutes into the first Challege about their shoulder to win you the flint but thanks to Kyle's accident with the glass we will never know for sure how that would have ended. (Great challenge by the way and the glass breaking was a truly unexpected twist).

Speaking of twists....I dare you....no I double dog dare you producers....give us a voting choice that restricts it to one...just ONE hidden immunity idol for season 50-actually making the idol special again.

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21 minutes ago, dkb said:

I thought it was a pretty good episode, that could have been fantastic if they had done the unexpected thing and blindsided Sai. Like yes Kevin, you are correct, that is Sai's idol and not yours. I agree @LadyChatts Sai isn't as liked within her own alliance as she thinks she is let let alone with Mary now.

 I also thought Stephanie came out of nowhere when she admitted to her puzzle failure, like where was she the rest of the episode? I thought she was Charity at first. It was the Sai and Kevin show over on their tribe. 

What I think might be interesting is that Sai doesn’t have a majority.  The guys have the majority and so far seem kind of cool with each other.  We saw Kevin form a bit of a side alliance with Mary, and he can possibly do damage control with her (especially since Mary needs him more than he needs her at the moment).  But as long as they made Sai comfortable it would just take 3 to blindside her.  And I know we can blame editing, but Cedrek didn’t look too thrilled at her ranting at Stephanie during TC.  So I think she dug herself in a hole that didn’t need to be dug. 

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Like 9
2 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

What I think might be interesting is that Sai doesn’t have a majority.  The guys have the majority and so far seem kind of cool with each other.  We saw Kevin form a bit of a side alliance with Mary, and he can possibly do damage control with her (especially since Mary needs him more than he needs her at the moment).  But as long as they made Sai comfortable it would just take 3 to blindside her.  And I know we can blame editing, but Cedrek didn’t look too thrilled at her ranting at Stephanie during TC.  So I think she dug herself in a hole that didn’t need to be dug. 

I think the might want to take out Mary.  It would or could send a message to everybody else, but only if they sorta make Sai uncomfortable to where she'd be forced to play it.  Otherwise they might be in trouble of Sai makes a move to align with Mary.

The better option, of course, would be to win the next IC

I pegged Sai as being trouble right off the bat. She's too intense, not really interested in the social game. We'll see…..maybe it'll work out for her.

I loved the instant relationship with Joe and Eva. He's a good person. Not too bad to look at either. 

The others all kind of blend in, need a few more episodes to make up my mind about anyone. The stuntman, Dave? and Kyle complete  my list ,for now. I didn't  really  get to know the other women.

Glad I’m not playing……I doubt if I could have figured out that idol cylinder!

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Glad I'm not the only one that can't stand Sai. Extremely unlikable. I actually don't like anyone on the Vula tribe at all. Don't know much the about Civa tribe. The Lagi tribe is the one I like, especially the Eva and Joe duo. Loved the scene where Eva shared her autism situation with Joe, and Joe got emotional. Hope those two go very far in this game.

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Okay, I’m sold. 
I already want Joe to win.

His interaction with Eva was gracious, paternal, compassionate, helpful  and very kind.


Sai was rubbing me the wrong way right from the start. Too mouthy and demanding.  But I couldn’t stand Stephanie  and happy she’s the first boot.

Loved Kyle giving a hand to Kevin when he had no chance left to win. Classy.

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Another season premiere, another promise of something fun. Crypto Puzzle for Idols works, though I'm willing to bet there are binders spread throughout the jungle explaining how to solve things.

Stephanie had an impressive hat. Oh, well.

2 hours ago, dkb said:

And then the Eva and Joe talk and Joe's reaction, 🥺. Joe's reaction was so heartwarming. I'm almost ready to root for them.

I don't know how well it'll hold up. If one of them isn't voted out sooner rather than later, it'll turn out one or both are assholes. I'm that cynical about the show in general, casting included.

3 hours ago, Rodney said:

Another logo puzzle?  Seriously, Probst?!

Maybe they can only be made in bulk?

  • LOL 4

I’m still Team Shaunuin. He’s my winner pick. Strong beard. Joe & Eva seem long term. Very nice storyline and introduction. David is much more than I expected. I thought he’d be a dopey muscle guy but he’s actually very nice, funny and has a brain.

All I can say about Sai is I don’t like her. I can see why the two guys went with her though. She has an idol and they're in a solid 4 for now. Of course, Sai might wear them out by Day 3 so we’ll see. Unfortunately, they have the weakest tribe strength wise and will more likely go back to Tribal Council before the other 2 tribes. In theory, it could be Mary next but Sai could be an easy vote out too. 

Whatever happens I’ll be along for the ride again. It’s my favorite show. I’ve been watching since Day 1 Ep. 1 and I’m not gonna stop now. 

  • Like 14
1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

All I can say about Sai is I don’t like her. I can see why the two guys went with her though. She has an idol and they're in a solid 4 for now. Of course, Sai might wear them out by Day 3 so we’ll see.

Sai strikes me as the sort of person whose intense focus could flip to paranoia at the drop of a hat - a trait which has been the death knell of many a Day One alliance.


1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Whatever happens I’ll be along for the ride again. It’s my favorite show. I’ve been watching since Day 1 Ep. 1 and I’m not gonna stop now. 

Frankly, to me one of the pre-season teasers was so off-putting I almost considered skipping this season.

My wife got to watching, though, so…. 😄

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It took me a while to recover from that heinous intro with all the squealing recipients of the good news. Jeff really does want to pitch the show to the under tens.

I'm a bit bummed Stephanie went out, and not Sai. I really hope Mary can recover from that! I really like Kevin and his enthusiasm, and also Justin with his interesting medieval face. I read he has a degree from Yale in political science.

Lagi is cool.

That's all I've got.

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Stephanie was kind of annoying so I wasn’t unhappy she and her ugly hat were the first boot. Like you all I loved the kindness of Kyle and Joe and will be rooting for them for now. I also like (is it?) Chrissy, who is unapologetic about competing in a man’s world.

There was only one guy who seemed obnoxious but I don’t know his name or tribe. Sai seems the kind of person who way overreacts under stress.

The epi was long at 2 hours but at least I learned the names of maybe half the players. Reading the posts I knew who you all were talking about!

  • Like 6
10 hours ago, Rodney said:

Decent start, but not a lot of standouts this season.

Props for how they're handling the Beware Advantages this season.  The symbol/letter/number search was awesome, and quite the challenge.  Props to Sai for getting it

I think the real props are due to Sai's alliance, who helped her figure it out.

I'll take a season with no standouts over one where there are five who stand out for annoying me any day. The only ones I found bothersome at first sight were the tech lady hippie and Sai. Although I must confess to caring enough about astrology that I do wish I knew which specific signs they were. That would be a fun twist of dividing tribes up by astrological signs, lol.

10 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Did my Survivor patriotic duty and placed my votes for S50.  

Where does one go to do this?

8 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

Loved the scene where Eva shared her autism situation with Joe, and Joe got emotional. Hope those two go very far in this game.

I'm enough of an optimist to hope for the best for these two, enough of a cynic to envision a future where one will have to (or will choose to) backstab the other. Should that come to pass, it'll be heartbreaking.

8 hours ago, Arkay said:

Loved Kyle giving a hand to Kevin when he had no chance left to win. Classy.

Not that it was necessarily his motivation, but it bought him goodwill with Kevin that might be useful if both make it to the merge. Also, what else is he going to do for the next half-hour?

I would have laughed if he broke Kyle's jug too and neither team got supplies. 

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Are they having trouble finding contestants for each season? It seems that, more and more, Jeff is making a big deal out of encouraging people to apply. Right at the beginning of the show  when we’re eager to start a new season, we get videos of people saying, “No way! Are you kidding me?”

Instead of introducing teams and getting on with the game, the first 10 minutes feels like a recruitment campaign. C’mon everybody at home! You can be here too! 

  • Like 11
22 minutes ago, Tango64 said:

Are they having trouble finding contestants for each season? It seems that, more and more, Jeff is making a big deal out of encouraging people to apply. Right at the beginning of the show  when we’re eager to start a new season, we get videos of people saying, “No way! Are you kidding me?”

Instead of introducing teams and getting on with the game, the first 10 minutes feels like a recruitment campaign. C’mon everybody at home! You can be here too! 

You know you are in trouble when you are stealing from BIG BROTHER with the shots of people being told they have been selected to be on the show.

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In 48 seasons I don't think I've ever heard anyone say what Joe said referring to Eva, -- that he would stay loyal to her and if it meant he would get voted out early, so be it.  That may not be how you're supposed to play the game, but it's how I've always wanted to see it played.  

I will hand it to Saiouna, she kept working on that idol clue long after I would have torn it into confetti and fed it to the fish.

I like almost  every one so far except David.   I drive a 1998 neon and don't eat steak at all, so I'm sure he wouldn't like me either.

Joe for the win!

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37 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:


The first four things we are voting on are tribe colors, live finale/vote reveal in LA or after show in Fiji, Rice (yes/no) and final 4 fire making (keep/get rid of). 

I wish one of the questions would be "Should there be hidden immunity idols?"  I'd really like to see the results of that question (I would vote no).

There should then be a followup question "If no wins, should the contestants be told there are no hidden immunity idols?"

Edited by KeithJ
  • Like 4
1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

In 48 seasons I don't think I've ever heard anyone say what Joe said referring to Eva, -- that he would stay loyal to her and if it meant he would get voted out early, so be it.  That may not be how you're supposed to play the game, but it's how I've always wanted to see it played.  

I had the opposite reaction. Joe came out to play his game and practically on day one someone identifies his big heart and puts a responsibility on him that he didn’t sign up for. He could have said no, but i think it was clear to Eva that he isn’t the type to do that. It seems unfair to him. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s terrific and I love his loyalty and values, but I didn’t like that it happened.

  • Like 5
58 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

The first four things we are voting on are tribe colors, live finale/vote reveal in LA or after show in Fiji, Rice (yes/no) and final 4 fire making (keep/get rid of). 

I wish we could vote on the type of challenges.  

Get rid of puzzles?  YES!!!!

Get rid of bean bags?  YES!!!

Get rid of obstacle courses?  YES!!!

Get rid of mud crawls?  YES!!!

Go back to memory and "getting to know your tribemate" challenges?  YES!!!

Go back to bug eating challenges?  ... maybe???

I'm soooo over the lame, repeated challenges in this show.  The first few seasons had so much more variation.  Surely the producers could come up with more mental, rather than physical, challenges.  Or more unique physical challenges.  Anything would be better than the same old, same old that we've seen for literally 15+ years now!!  

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13 minutes ago, ItsJessMe said:

I had the opposite reaction. Joe came out to play his game and practically on day one someone identifies his big heart and puts a responsibility on him that he didn’t sign up for. He could have said no, but i think it was clear to Eva that he isn’t the type to do that. It seems unfair to him. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s terrific and I love his loyalty and values, but I didn’t like that it happened.

I feel the same way. It's one thing to aggressively lock in a first-day alliance, but then she puts all her history on Joe and tells him what she needs for him to do for her if she has an episode. And now Joe is saying he's willing to sacrifice his game for her. It just feels manipulative to me, although probably unintentionally.

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40 minutes ago, cowgirlwen said:


I'm soooo over the lame, repeated challenges in this show.  The first few seasons had so much more variation.  Surely the producers could come up with more mental, rather than physical, challenges.  Or more unique physical challenges.  Anything would be better than the same old, same old that we've seen for literally 15+ years now!!  

Yep! Anyone remember Ethan running like a Looney Tunes character in front of a GINORMOUS ball of wood Season 3? Time to bring back variety-and yes to the Gross Food challenge. That challenge is fundamental DNA to the very essence of what made this show great early on.

Edited by North of Eden
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I do not understand this show's obsession with making the players crawl under a muddy net. Do they just think it's funny? Was there some sort of focus group or market research that told them viewers loved it? Or are the challenges designed by third graders? And who on earth thought it would be a good idea to do that right out of the gate when we didn't even know any of these people yet? It was just a cluster of eighteen muddy people you couldn't tell apart.

Eva has autism? It must be the mildest form I've ever seen. She's no Rain Man that's for sure. 

We've got a fire captain on one team and a fire lieutenant on another. I think we're covered on the fire department.

One thing I've learned from Tik Tok and YouTube shorts: when young, roided out men get excited they pump their fist and yell "Let's GOOO!!!!" Doesn't even matter what it's about or if they're going somewhere. Just means they're excited about something.

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1 hour ago, KeithJ said:

I wish one of the questions would be "Should there be hidden immunity idols?"  I'd really like to see the results of that question (I would vote no).

There should then be a followup question "If no wins, should the contestants be told there are no hidden immunity idols?"

That might be coming.  There will be voting throughout the season, and Jeff teased that could be on the table.

  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, cowgirlwen said:

I wish we could vote on the type of challenges.  

Get rid of puzzles?  YES!!!!

Get rid of bean bags?  YES!!!

Get rid of obstacle courses?  YES!!!

Get rid of mud crawls?  YES!!!

Go back to memory and "getting to know your tribemate" challenges?  YES!!!

Go back to bug eating challenges?  ... maybe???

I'm soooo over the lame, repeated challenges in this show.  The first few seasons had so much more variation.  Surely the producers could come up with more mental, rather than physical, challenges.  Or more unique physical challenges.  Anything would be better than the same old, same old that we've seen for literally 15+ years now!!  

I’ve been yearning forever for them to bring back something like the multiple choice quiz where they had to choose the right answer about details regarding the environment and each other. When they held up those blocks with A,B,C or D.

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I knew Stephanie was a goner as soon as I saw that hat.

I hate mud challenges because I can never tell who is who. And why does nobody ever rinse off afterwards? The water’s right there.

Eva talking about how a gentle squeeze helps to keep her calm and centered made me think of Temple Grandin. And how Firefighter Joe can be Eva’s hug machine. Sweet.

  • Like 8
42 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Eva has autism? It must be the mildest form I've ever seen. She's no Rain Man that's for sure. 

I said the same thing when they showed the preview at the end of the season finale. I said does she have autism or was she just a awkward person or an introvert, and I got a notice saying what I said could be incentive to other's. 

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This was a strong start!  I have a good feeling about this season....a good feeling that might last all of one or two more episodes.  😆

There were some good moments, moments that I hope foreshadow an intriguing season ahead.

I literally gasped out loud when Kyle broke his carboy.  He was rushing, but even though they're made of glass, those containers are usually pretty sturdy.  Kyle must have hit it just right (wrong).  Then I gasped again when he took a beat in disappointment, then immediately went over to help Kevin.  Kevin's suspicious face when he first saw Kyle coming over changing to understanding and happiness was amazing to watch.  If they both make it to the merge, there's a strong cross tribe alliance that might be interesting to watch.

Speaking of Kevin, I read something last night from Jeff Probst that Kevin really did sustain a dislocated and separated shoulder during that first challenge, and they had to completely stop the challenge to address it.  Medical was able to convert it in the field, and pop it back into place, but he's going to have to be really careful with it for the rest of his time there.  He wasn't just a whiny baby, he literally sustained a very painful, but thankfully easily fixed, injury.  That shoulder is going to ache for a long while.

Not only did I love the newly complicated Beware Challenge scheme, I love that it is different for each site.  The one site has the cipher and the colored clues, the other site has the wound rope covering up letter clues, but they haven't found the Beware Challenge yet, only the clues, so I can only assume someone will find a cipher spool.  The third site hasn't found anything yet that we've been shown.  More of this, please, show.  No more just jamming a string of beads in the crotch of a tree, please.

As for Joe and Eva?  That was really a nice human moment.  It was good that production just let it happen and left it there.  I was half expecting Jeff to pop out of the trees and do one of his patented "Survivor Special Moments!" interviews, but they just let the moment unfold, real time, and it reminded me of how much I liked this show.  Not just these touching moments, but the footage of people interacting as humans and not just scheming or crawling through mud or diving for keys or throwing sandbags or doing 3D puzzles.  There used to be a lot less production intervention and more just letting things unfold naturally.

I hope Eva is able to keep herself low key, and not get into many crises where Joe will have to intervene.  It really seemed to be a genuine moment, and I really hope Joe stays steady and doesn't get irritated with needing to support her all the time.  Eva, though, is impressing me with her self-confidence and honesty over her autism.  She said she was diagnosed when she was one year old, so whatever was observed must have been profound.  She and her parents have obviously worked through quite a bit for her to be able be who she is today.  All kudos to them, and I hope they share whatever they did that worked so well.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this season!


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3 hours ago, ItsJessMe said:

I had the opposite reaction. Joe came out to play his game and practically on day one someone identifies his big heart and puts a responsibility on him that he didn’t sign up for. He could have said no, but i think it was clear to Eva that he isn’t the type to do that. It seems unfair to him. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s terrific and I love his loyalty and values, but I didn’t like that it happened.

I definitely see what you're saying.  I hope if it comes down to it Eva will encourage him to go forward in his own interests. 

  • Like 4
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Eva has autism? It must be the mildest form I've ever seen. She's no Rain Man that's for sure. 


1 hour ago, Brown44 said:

I said the same thing when they showed the preview at the end of the season finale. I said does she have autism or was she just a awkward person or an introvert, and I got a notice saying what I said could be incentive to other's. 

Here are a couple videos for you.  Not everyone with Autism is "Rain Man":


Edited by KeithJ
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5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

In 48 seasons I don't think I've ever heard anyone say what Joe said referring to Eva, -- that he would stay loyal to her and if it meant he would get voted out early, so be it.  That may not be how you're supposed to play the game, but it's how I've always wanted to see it played.

Not only was it probably unprecedented that someone has effectively said, "I would give up my shot at a million dollars for another player voluntarily," I have little doubt that Joe meant it in the moment. 

If there still was a fan favorite award, Joe probably earned it right there.

Of course, it's easy to say that in the moment. And I have no clue if Eva would reciprocate.

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14 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Do you think there's a crew member whose job it is to make exactly that color and consistency of mud?  It never varies.

I was thinking that it's a manufactured substance, like Nick's green slime, designed to be non-toxic, possibly with a liner on the bottom of the pit - they don't seem to be getting friction irritation from any rough sand. May be why it rinses out of their clothes so easily.

Edited by SG429
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4 hours ago, ItsJessMe said:

I had the opposite reaction. Joe came out to play his game and practically on day one someone identifies his big heart and puts a responsibility on him that he didn’t sign up for. He could have said no, but i think it was clear to Eva that he isn’t the type to do that. It seems unfair to him. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s terrific and I love his loyalty and values, but I didn’t like that it happened.

There's going to be a time that he might have to make a difficult decision concerning her and having her place her issues on him will only make things harder.

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7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

In 48 seasons I don't think I've ever heard anyone say what Joe said referring to Eva, -- that he would stay loyal to her and if it meant he would get voted out early, so be it.  That may not be how you're supposed to play the game, but it's how I've always wanted to see it played.  

Can’t pinpoint it at present, but I’m pretty sure it’s happened before - just not on Day One.

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7 hours ago, LadyChatts said:


The first four things we are voting on are tribe colors, live finale/vote reveal in LA or after show in Fiji, Rice (yes/no) and final 4 fire making (keep/get rid of). 

I couldn’t care less about the colors. I want live FTC only for 50 as a where are they now and also an in memorium segment like at the Oscars because 50 is a milestone, not on a regular basis. Absolutely yes to rice, I don’t want want to spend strat chat time griping about food. And lastly, I don’t want fire as the reason for elimination, it should be incorporated into a regular immunity challenge like the bucket with holes to raise the fire and it should be early post merge so at least 10 get to show how good they are at what survivor considers life in the game, not just 2. 

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