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S01.E07: The Wedding


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I can’t stop rewatching the end of the trailer for next week.


Yeah, the extremely quick clips of sexytimes are good and all.


But what’s killing me is when Jamie goes in for a kiss and Claire is all “tell me about your family” and he gives this husky shuddering breath as he pulls back and dear lord a half second clip of Jamie breathing is doing things to me how the fuck am I going to survive watching the whole episode.

  • Love 12

I thought it was a really cute reaction. "I am finally about to get some and you bring up my mom? Stop trying to kill my boner just when I am about to use it!" He was so good natured about it though, which I found adorable (especially considering the kind of reactions you would get from 15 year old virgins or hell 24 year old non-virgins if you tried that tactic with them!).

  • Love 3

At the 92nd Street Y discussion panel, Diana felt compelled (while talking about the wedding and sex scenes in general) to note that Sam has a fine mighty fine arse.  Then they high-fived.  So I'm guessing, yes.  :)


I could already tell that his arse is probably pretty fine just by how his kilt hangs off of it. Of course, I do still want to see it in all of its uncovered glory. For reasons.

  • Love 10

I found this article with two sneak peek scenes from this episode. If you want to stay unspoiled, then don't look (and no, they don't involve the wedding night). My favorite, of course, is with Murtagh because he rocks.


ETA: they actually both include Murtagh but he is featured in the second one.

Edited by romantique

I found this article with two sneak peek scenes from this episode. If you want to stay unspoiled, then don't look (and no, they don't involve the wedding night). My favorite, of course, is with Murtagh because he rocks.http://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/outlander/news/1931610/sneak_peek_a_very_special_outlander/

ETA: they actually both include Murtagh but he is featured in the second one.

Thanks, I enjoyed the clips. The picture of Dougal holding the hash tag sign is funny.

I love how this topic already has 19 replies and the episode has yet to air.

No, we aren't excited or anything. Really. ;)

This is the episode I've been waiting for, and the next one. Getting bummed about the break already. :'(

Edited by ihartcoffee
  • Love 2

I really shouldn't read forums before going to bed, because all I could think, Rekilt was "Why is Ned wearing the wedding dress?"

I just snorted coffee out my nose reading this! Thanks a lot Insomnia!!!! Lol. Well, my best guess would be that Ned being a lawyer and all, for liability purposes, had to test drive the dress to make sure it all went well for the wedding. J/k. I'll try better to not post such misleading sentences from now on.
  • Love 2

orlandosential.com is calling the next ep "one of the sexiest hours ever presented on television", so there's that.




Vanity Fair decided to one up them and write a whole damn article about how hot the episode is (very mild, vague spoilers that aren't really spoilers if you've watched the trailer).


If these are more appropriate in the media thread, please move them, but since they are episode specific I thought I'd leave them here to help fan the antici-




Edited by CatMack
  • Love 9

The online version of the Dallas Morning News also had things to say about episodes 7 and 8


I’ve seen 7 (“The Wedding”) and 8 (“Both Sides Now”) in preview copies, and while I’m not allowed to divulge details, just let me say this: TOTALLY worth the wait. Completely phenomenal, in terms of story, acting, costuming, atmosphere, everything. If this show isn’t nominated for every Emmy Award available next year, there is no justice in the world.
Edited by theschnauzers
  • Love 1

As a non book reader previously (speed reading them now!), this has become my absolute favorite show. Just brilliant TV and I feel like I will not survive this hiatus coming up! Tonight was absolutely perfect, each episode has improved on the last and I am just completely hooked. Sam and Caitriona are absolutely perfect in their roles (as are Tobias, Graham, etc.) and their chemistry is unreal. I wish I had more eloquent thoughts, and hope to post again later, but everything was just fantastic.

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Honestly I was a little confused with the way episode started. With the flash forward to her and Frank transitioning into her and Jamie I thought "Is that it? That's all the wedding we get?!"


But I actually really enjoyed the way they flashbacked to everything as Claire and Jamie were talking. I thought it actually worked really well. And that last 10 or 15 minutes was ... WOW.

  • Love 6

Wow. Grown-up, sensual, tender, emotional, and sexy... so much better than anything on Game of Thrones or most other shows.


So much to love. The structure threw me at first, but I know I'll love it on rewatch. Loved the range of emotions they both went through. Loved the awkwardness after the first time. Loved Murtagh; enjoyed Rupert and Angus even with their jokes about having a go at Claire; and pretty much hated Dougal for being serious about having her.


Just have to say, after ranting about how they can't stop a narrative to highlight a costume -- if they hadn't done so with the wedding dress I'd have been howling in protest. (It also fit because everyone present was clearly doing just what the camera did.) I wish they had done it more with Jamie.


And he gave her the pearls.


Yeah, I'll be watching this a time or ten before the next episode.

Edited by justmehere
  • Love 4

My thoughts on this episode feel so confusing.  I loved it and I hated it.  For an hour of television, it was pretty great.  I even enjoyed the structure of it since doing the flashbacks of Jamie and Claire telling each other about their wedding day kept it in Claire's POV.  Normally an episode where the story is told in flashbacks sucks, but it worked here. Of course, the chemistry between Sam and Caitriona is so amazing that watching their wedding night unfold was thoroughly entertaining.  Those were some really well done sex scenes.  Looked a thousand times more believable than the average tv gymnastics moany sex.  


But then, I had this growing sense of discomfort as the episode progressed.  Claire didn't seem all that much like Claire.  It was almost that she lost herself, which maybe was the point and the discomfort the audience might feel at the 'loss' of Claire was intentional because she did sort of lose herself when she removed Frank's ring.  I can't even properly describe what exactly it was about this episode's Claire that made me feel strange.  The only single scene I can truly identify as being 'off' Claire was the one with Dougal when he was trying to edge in as the lover-on-the-side.  We've seen Claire yell at him, forcefully stop him, smack him over the head and yet here she just quietly says, in almost a pleading voice, that she's Jamie's wife.  I expected Dougal to get a slap to the face or a knee to the balls.  I'm really interested to see what others have to say about this.


I'll take the rest of my thoughts to the books thread.  

  • Love 1

Good God, its a wonder those sheets didn't go up in flames from the intensity of the female gaze of the viewers.  I hate to say how brave the show was to break every cliché about cable tv executives reducing sex to unimaginative lightweight porn, but Seriously.Monkey.  Kudos to the cast and crew for working awfully hard to make an hour of potentially adorkable into an hour of reverent attention to passion.


Bonus points for avoiding the flashforward to the tea leaf reading.   

  • Love 9

I'd like to give an articulate analysis of this episode but right now I can't, even after watching it twice .  Oh my god that was hot.  Oh my god Jamie was adorable.  Claire you lush.  I kind of love you but sweetie you are a lush. (For the record,  so am I.  The main reason I can't give a good analysis of this episode is that I was drinking right along with Claire).  I laughed so much during this episode.  I squeed so much during this episode.  I gasped in shock (Dougal!  How could you!).  Then I gasped again at how good the sex was.  And by that I mean how realistic (both the awkwardness and the passion) and how it JUST KEPT GETTING BETTER.  Damnation that was a terrific hour of television.  Congratulations to everyone involved from the writers (the structure confused, then delighted me) to the actors (who were all amazing) to the costumes (wow, what a wedding dress) to the lighting guys for giving us sexytimes lit by fire-light.  Extraordinary.


And now for something completely random.  Yay Willie!  Good on ya for knowing how to do battle by scripture with a priest!.  I knew they wrote you into the script for a reason.

Edited by WatchrTina
  • Love 11

Ok. First, awwwwwwww. That was rather sweet (as well as hot.....congrats on the bods, kids.) I actually thought the whole "getting to know you" stuff was really well done- him telling her stories and her laughing. And I like that the first go round was awkward and rushed and exciting- which is how positive first times tend to be. 


And I didn't even mind Dougal, mostly cause I don't mind Dougal in general. I didn't like that he was so explicit- I would've like more implication rather than outright offers of corn grinding. 


I always thought in the book that had he not been married, Dougal would've married Claire himself. I don't really have any proof of that, but I do think he is really into her and the show has been pretty explicit about that.

All the stuff with Geillis and also with Letitia- Dougal gets around.

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