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Thomas Ravenel & Kathryn Dennis: Will He Put A Ring On It?

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I think Kathryn went for baby #2 in the hopes it'd be a male. I could see an ass like Thomas wanting a son, to carry on the family name. She's stupid enough to think that would then seal the deal, as it were. Now she's stuck with two kids while he goes about partying with some new blonde. I think I saw it online that the blonde is an Eastern European, whom he met in a Barnes & Noble self help section. Ya can't make this stuff up. I'm just surprised he wasn't struck by a bolt of lightening while in the self help section. I think he's too far set in his ways to be helped.

That's the perfect place to meet women for T-Rav. Only a woman in need of emotional growth would be willing to date T-Rav. Snatch her up BEFORE she buys that book!!

  • Love 1

I saw that in the Daily Mail yesterday about Thomas.  The sad part is, he doesn't want a relationship with Kathryn, he is using her as a broodmare.  She has produced his son and heir, and now she is no longer useful, unless Thomas wants a spare too.  Katheryn wants a relationship and I fear she'll never get it from Thomas, even if they marry, he'll always cheat on her. 

I hope we get to see the day when Kathryn's eyes open to what a seedy, unattractive OLD man T-Rav is quickly becoming. I'm one month younger than he is and I know a few Southern men like T-Rav. They start their 50s still looking pretty good, still able to play the playboy game, but by 55-57 the drinking and partying of 40 years begins to really show. I'd love to see Kathryn smitten with some Craig-type (was hoping it would BE Craig last season) who makes Thomas look like the middle-aged fool he is. When she finally shows zero interest in Thomas and stops engaging with him at all is when he'll start to look for rings, most likely.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 1

Part of it may be that she's screaming at him often and he said he's "walking on eggshells" to avoid setting her off.


So if he dreads getting into any kind of argument with her, it's no wonder he wouldn't want any kind of permanent living arrangement with her.


They supposedly tried in season 2 and she couldn't put dinner on the table in time.

Part of it may be that she's screaming at him often and he said he's "walking on eggshells" to avoid setting her off.

So if he dreads getting into any kind of argument with her, it's no wonder he wouldn't want any kind of permanent living arrangement with her.

They supposedly tried in season 2 and she couldn't put dinner on the table in time.

And he was off making silly campaign videos with Whitney.

I don't blame him for realizing that they can never form a permanent home. I do blame him for procreating with her a second time when he knows he cannot offer his children a stable two-parent home. That's where his playboy irresponsibility is so annoying. I don't care what their weird attraction and addiction for each other is, it got moronic when they involved two innocent infants.

  • Love 10

Kathryn is so bitter, I don't understand why she's so obsessed with every woman Thomas dates and insists on calling them disgusting names on her Facebook and Twitter.  Thomas isn't going to be trapped by a ball and chain like Kathryn, she could have 10 children and he doesn't want her.  He's moved on and it's time she does. The only thing these two have in common is alcohol and two children. Don't let Kathryn fool you, she's not sitting home with the children alone day and night, she and the nanny have been caught sneaking out of the house to go party all night. 


Patricia nails Kathyrn every time, I adore her!

  • Love 4

I totally am not fooled that 22-24 year old Kathryn is sitting home at night smiling down at her babies in their cribs. Kiki don't stay home! Sure, she probably stayed in a lot after St. Julien was born, letting her post-pregnancy body readjust, but I'd say she's now ready to rumble again, especially with Charleston summer starting soon.


The weird addiction she and T-Rav have for each other is fascinating to watch, at least for me. They really do seem to be that couple who can't stop having sex and yet no way in hell can live together. I just hope Kathryn has learned the facts of babymaking now and will stop with the instant pregnancies. 


That said, in this S3 premiere episode, they flashed back to Thomas making Kathryn all sorts of "I'll stand by you, you'll want for nothing" sun and moon promises prior to her first pregnancy. He really was hungry for that Ravenel heir, and saw her as the perfect incubator. Must have helped that she was quite willing to jump into bed with his 50+ year old ass. (Most men over 50 know their odds are low for catching a 22-year-old, especially not one they think is hot and has the "right pedigree".)


She, being so young, probably really believed he would carry through with those promises. Everything she said to Cameran and the gals during that car ride to Shep's hunting cabin basically translated to, "Thomas wants me to have his baby and has promised in return to marry me and take care of me forever, so we're trying to get pregnant." I think she believed that the minute a pregnancy was confirmed he would give her a flashy diamond, they'd have a huge showy wedding, she'd redecorate his downtown mansion, give birth to an heir, and be his adored Lady of the Ravenel Manor ever after. She didn't imagine her crazy would give him pause later on.


What I think actually happened was that when he discovered she had had sex with Shep and Whitney [shudder!] around the same time she was laying up with him, it raised a doubt in his mind that the child was his, and made him think that she might not be the type of girl he wanted to marry after all. I think he was embarrassed to learn she'd already "auditioned" with two of his buddies and he sort of came in at 3rd place. But, too late, he was also hooked on that red hair and her "physicality" . Hence the Big Talk with his minister about being with her, marrying her, etc.


He was smitten, wrapped up in the fantasy of having a "hot" young wife and a baby, thinking she would morph into the perfect wife with dinner on the table, and giving him the respectability that being a "family man" would bring in his crowd of married-with-children buddies. Then he started to see the difference in maturity between 50+ and 22ish, and her screaming fits didn't improve the situation. She saw that he's a heavy drinker who is no longer willing to give her anything she wants or spend all his time catering to her and showering  her with attention. IMO that's why she's so jealous of any other woman he pays attention to, because she knows she's forever lost the "control" she once had over him. Does he even bother to bring her coffee in bed anymore?


Somehow she still wants to be with HIM, though he must realize it's not for much more than the comforts and credit cards he can provide. She was probably never happier with him than when he took her furniture shopping and let her have whatever she wanted. He's smart enough to see she isn't in love with him, and she's crafty enough to know that, with the heir and his older sister, she has created a "bond" with Thomas that he can't break. 


Goodness, these two sick lovebirds are a disaster I love to forensically analyze!

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 19

RedHawk, you perfectly analyzed their relationship!!!! Amazing post!!

I will add though that I feel sad for Kathryn. I know that she got herself into this mess, but I feel like her attitude and bitterness is just a cover up from being so hurt. I differ from your post because I truly believe she loved Thomas or at least loved the idea of being married to Thomas. Living in the South, it is not uncommon for a young woman in her twenties to want to settle down with an older man who can take care of her and be the trophy wife. It actually happens a lot. I think she fell in love with the good time, sweet talking Thomas who pretended to basically be obsessed with her. He made her feel good about herself and she LOVED it.

I think she had a rough pregnancy with Kensie. She has talked about it and I think that took a toll on her. She gained a lot of weight and he cheated on her while she was pregnant. That "physicality" that she had was gone when she got pregnant. She wasn't fun anymore. As much as Thomas wanted the family life, he really didn't. He wanted to say he did and still enjoy the life he has always loved. He failed her in his promises and he completely failed her in taking care of his children. The 50 year old man was less ready to become a father and husband than the 20 year old.

I believe that she is angry and bitter that he didn't give her the life he promised and he was the father and significant other that he said he would be. It wasn't shortly after Kensie was born that he decided to take on politics again. He moved from downtown and moved Kathryn into the plantation away from everyone. Now, this wouldn't be so bad for someone who would also have the significant other home at regular times and be there for support. Instead, he was out going to parties and enjoying the political life without her and his child. Again, the physicality was gone and she had gained weight (even though I thought she looked beautiful with more weight). I think he became embarrassed and he even made a few mentions of it. She led a very lonely life after having Kensie. I think she might have done better if he was home with her to support her and grow as a family, but she was very much a single parent during that time (with the help of a nanny). She seemed to truly work on their relationship. She attempted the SAHM status and even took those classes to refine herself. He never tried to do anything for their relationship. He made the baby and scooted out.

I think that is where all the anger comes from. She covers it up with this vile attitude that just isn't very becoming. I also find it sad that none of the other cast could understand it or support her. If anything, they should have pushed her to move on and explain that that is not life. Life should not be like that. Instead, they wanted point fingers at her while partying and supporting TRav.

  • Love 5

I don't feel too sorry for Kathryn at all.  She seems the type that if you do try to tell her what time it is, she'll curse you out.  Most people never get the life they dreamed of; but most people don't act like spoiled brats either.  How would Katheryn feel if she were a poor single mother who had to decide between paying the rent or having food that month, and had to work in a crappy low paying job?  Nope, I don't feel too bad for her at all.

  • Love 3

Thomas wasn't having much luck around the time Kathryn threw herself at him.  Remember he thought he should get a respectable wife for his campaign run and tried to date Danni who rejected him.


But with the show and money, women are probably throwing themselves at him again so why should he settle for a mother, even the mother of his children?

I get the feeling that what Thomas' heart wants is another Bev Cart Girl to fall in love with and, this time, marry. I think back when they fell in love they were in their late 20s or early 30s, and now I imagine his fantasy of another "her" would be between 32 and 38, with no kids yet. He doesn't realize he's a long way from that young man he used to be, in more ways that age.

When you look on Kathryn's Twitter (which I just did), it is sad to me that she never mentions the new baby (St. Julien, Ha!). She seems besotted with Kensington and shows her off a lot but nada for her son. The poor baby.


But after everything derailed and she realized that Thomas had no intention of settling with one woman-even the mother of his child-why didn't she move on? Why did she saddle herself with ANOTHER child out of wedlock by him? She could have been a young party girl, enjoying life and having fun at the bars with her friends. Instead she is settled down very prematurely as a single mother to two babies. Not to mention the guy is 30 years older than her. 30! She really does seem to be mentally off.


Kensie is her first-born, and as Kathryn has said, reminds her of her in looks. It's possible St., being that he's a boy, just reminds her of Thomas and gets her pissed off.


Normally, I'd agree with you about the last part, but do you really think that Kathryn doesn't still get to have some fun at bars with her friends?


In any event, I do hope these crazy kids work it out. I don't want anybody else saddled with them.


I had always thought that Thomas and Kathryn matched crazy for crazy pretty equally - that is until I saw the Daily Mail video of their street squabble. She's unhinged.

Oh no, I'm in full agreement: bitch be cray.

He's no angel either((lest we forget his drunk and completely nude self in that cell-phone video repeatedly telling Kathryn's stylist to leave his house)), but he doesn't seem to resort to violence/aggression and insane shrieking like she does.

Granted, she's 22 or 23 in these videos, but STILL---she's genuinely scary with her fly-away temper, and the way she grabs and lunges at people when she's like that is so not appropriate...or normal.

She's starting to remind me of crazy Porsha from "Real Housewives of Atlanta" with that insane temper of hers, and I think the only thing that keeps her from escalating a raging ongoing need to get physical/engage in fist-fights a'la Porsha are those two babies.

She also has shades of Kristen from "Vanderpump Rules", someone who also used to have a crazy, violent temper before she went to therapy to learn to calm herself and disengage.

But Kristrn benefitted from good therapy and Porsha was eventually forced into going to Anger Management classes---Id say Kathryn should immediately consider both of these options as well.

  • Love 3

And according to evidence we've seen thus far from incriminating secret texts/videos and her son being born underweight and prematurely, she also smokes/drinks/takes drugs while pregnant.

I genuinely worry for their poor children stuck in this awful mess, especially St. Julian, the unfortunately-named new boy who apparently doesn't get nearly as much love and adoration as Kensie.

Whoever mentioned here that Kathryn probably loves Kensie more because she looks just like her and ignores St. Julian in comparison because he looks like Thomas and reminds her of him is probably spot-on with that summary.

  • Love 3

RedHawk, you perfectly analyzed their relationship!!!! Amazing post!!

I will add though that I feel sad for Kathryn. I know that she got herself into this mess, but I feel like her attitude and bitterness is just a cover up from being so hurt. I differ from your post because I truly believe she loved Thomas or at least loved the idea of being married to Thomas. Living in the South, it is not uncommon for a young woman in her twenties to want to settle down with an older man who can take care of her and be the trophy wife. It actually happens a lot. I think she fell in love with the good time, sweet talking Thomas who pretended to basically be obsessed with her. He made her feel good about herself and she LOVED it.

I think she had a rough pregnancy with Kensie. She has talked about it and I think that took a toll on her. She gained a lot of weight and he cheated on her while she was pregnant. That "physicality" that she had was gone when she got pregnant. She wasn't fun anymore. As much as Thomas wanted the family life, he really didn't. He wanted to say he did and still enjoy the life he has always loved. He failed her in his promises and he completely failed her in taking care of his children. The 50 year old man was less ready to become a father and husband than the 20 year old.

I believe that she is angry and bitter that he didn't give her the life he promised and he was the father and significant other that he said he would be. It wasn't shortly after Kensie was born that he decided to take on politics again. He moved from downtown and moved Kathryn into the plantation away from everyone. Now, this wouldn't be so bad for someone who would also have the significant other home at regular times and be there for support. Instead, he was out going to parties and enjoying the political life without her and his child. Again, the physicality was gone and she had gained weight (even though I thought she looked beautiful with more weight). I think he became embarrassed and he even made a few mentions of it. She led a very lonely life after having Kensie. I think she might have done better if he was home with her to support her and grow as a family, but she was very much a single parent during that time (with the help of a nanny). She seemed to truly work on their relationship. She attempted the SAHM status and even took those classes to refine herself. He never tried to do anything for their relationship. He made the baby and scooted out.

I think that is where all the anger comes from. She covers it up with this vile attitude that just isn't very becoming. I also find it sad that none of the other cast could understand it or support her. If anything, they should have pushed her to move on and explain that that is not life. Life should not be like that. Instead, they wanted point fingers at her while partying and supporting TRav.

Thanks, and I agree with your further analysis, Corter20!


I also knew young women in the South whose plan for their 20s was to get married to a "provider"-type man and have children and a fine home. They were ok with doing that quite early, even as young as 21 or 22, usually just out of college. At that age, I think Kathryn believed Thomas' promises, and I agree that he made her FEEL GOOD so she "fell in love". Think about it, Shep had sex with her and probably gave her a kiss on the cheek and taxi fare, "well, that was fun, see you on King Street". Whitney apparently let her spend a few nights, leave her clothes all over his floor, and have coffee at the breakfast table with his mother, but did he treat her like she was anything more than a convenient hookup? Thomas brought her coffee in bed (on camera!) and seemed dazed and pleased to find himself waking up with her red hair spread across his pillows. Then there was the pregnancy scare and the promises began, and he outfitted her for a formal event. Maybe the best any man had treated her for quite a while? And yes, as some have mentioned, he'd just been rejected by Danni due to his prison record and other behavior, so that "instant love" jolt felt great to him as well.


She's selfish, so she wants him to continue being in love with her without really giving much back in terms of adult emotional support and understanding. What have we heard from their arguments? She wants to be his first priority, the status of being his wife or at least "mother of his children", and for him to not even glance at another woman. He wants her to act like a mature, well-bred lady and allow him to come and go as he pleases, but if he's going to be home she should be neatly dressed and smiling with a hot meal ready. He's not ready to be very understanding or supportive of her either. Neither of them are interested in examining their own faults and really changing. They blame each other over and over.


We may see her as foolish, stupid, immature, etc. but she was young and emotionally immature when she got with T-Rav. I sure remember when I was that age, and I'd probably have believed him, too, and then been stunned when things didn't go as imagined. I had a lot of false expectations about adult life, love, marriage back then and at times I tried, as Kathryn did, to impose them on the man I was with.


Kathryn clearly wanted to be famous in some way. You only have to look at her old social media stuff (as I did the first season, most of it may have disappeared by now) to see that. Lots of selfies, different looks and fashions, basic "I could be a model" stuff. Getting on this show and hooking up with the male "stars" was a big draw for her. She didn't plan to get pregnant, at least not until it seemed a way to secure Thomas and perhaps her spot on the show. She had no idea what pregnancy actually felt like, or the demands of motherhood. What it does to the body, the hormones, all that. She was in full fantasy mode and her fantasy went bust, so yeah, she got angry and with the help of unbalanced hormones got "unhinged", and of course that drove him further away. She behaves in unladylike, embarrassing ways and gets drunk and screams, but he's still strongly attracted to her. Is his delusion/fantasy that she will "grow up" and become the type of wife and mother he wants her to be? Maybe. He doesn't seem to have established any boundaries or made an attempt to forever close the door on a future together. He wants her but he doesn't want to deal with her.


I imagine she is very confused and stressed, and probably did convince herself that a son would turn him back into the guy who seemed besotted with her, and might even produce a ring and a vow to settle down and be her attentive husband and her children's full-time father. Well, that didn't happen either, so now her way of getting attention and fame (and a pretty good paycheck) is to keep playing her part in the crazy drama she and Thomas have created and continue being a reality TV "star". 

  • Love 3

I am curious, Red Hawk, do those same girls also lack the skills necessary to run a household for a wealthy man? K has to be taught to "entertain"?

There was a show on Bravo years ago where the girls, "Long Island Princesses," wanted rich men and to become SAHMs, but they took pride in being inept in housekeeping, cooking and nurturing. Apparently, they thought that they should be cared for financially while offering nothing.

I'm old-fashioned, I admit, but, if you want any husband, let alone a handsome, rich one, you should make some effort to prepare yourself for it.

How can you be a "Southern Belle" if you are a screaming, drunken, half-groomed harpy? Where is K's home training? How can she continue to embarass her parents this way? Just MHO.

  • Love 5

I am curious, Red Hawk, do those same girls also lack the skills necessary to run a household for a wealthy man? K has to be taught to "entertain"?

There was a show on Bravo years ago where the girls, "Long Island Princesses," wanted rich men and to become SAHMs, but they took pride in being inept in housekeeping, cooking and nurturing. Apparently, they thought that they should be cared for financially while offering nothing.

I'm old-fashioned, I admit, but, if you want any husband, let alone a handsome, rich one, you should make some effort to prepare yourself for it.

How can you be a "Southern Belle" if you are a screaming, drunken, half-groomed harpy? Where is K's home training? How can she continue to embarass her parents this way? Just MHO.

I believe this is where she went wrong and she is from a new generation of "Southern Belles". These girls are not as old fashioned as they used to be. Now, they just have to be "kept". They aren't expected to cook dinner at night and half the time they aren't expected to clean or take care of the kids.

I am very old fashioned. I have a degree, got married young, and had a baby at a young age. Two weeks before I graduated from college I found out I was pregnant on the day my husband deployed to Iraq. I worked while I was pregnant, but after I had my daughter, I took off a year. During that year, our house was spotless. I had a cooked dinner every single night from scratch. My husband never got up at night to tend to our colicky baby. I never left the house without my child. At he same time, I also had a friend who had a baby and was a SAHM. A week after the baby was born, she was out with some of our friends and drinking. She ordered in food four nights a week and had a woman come over and clean the house twice a week. It was nothing for her to leave her child while she went out or went to the gym on a daily basis. As long as she looked good to her husband, she was golden and considered he ultimate SAHM.

This is the new generation and unfortunately, Kathryn fits the new mold. I believe this is where a lot of the confusion sits in between Kathryn and Thomas. He wanted the old fashioned SAHM and she is a more modern SAHM. He wanted the hot meals as soon as he walked in, a clean house, a kept woman, and happy kids while he was able to do his own thing. She wanted all of his attention and to live a cushiony life. Their generational differences ultimately ruined these two.

Even now, at 29 years old, I am a SAHM to two kids who parents a lot on my own because my husband is in the military. I do all the cooking, cleaning, and baby raising. Still at 29, in Tennessee, I am the only one out of my many of friends who is considered old fashioned. Everyone else is living their teen years in their late twenties with children and a husband.

  • Love 5

Cooper had an interesting tweet last night in a response to a question asking whether he and Kathryn were related.




K. Cooper Ray
‏@KCooperRayCHS K. Cooper Ray Retweeted Misha Rae Joseph
She's my little sister. I kid. But that's how I've grown to feel about her. She's a delight when not being attacked.     12:37 AM - 8 Apr 2016



I am curious, Red Hawk, do those same girls also lack the skills necessary to run a household for a wealthy man? K has to be taught to "entertain"?

There was a show on Bravo years ago where the girls, "Long Island Princesses," wanted rich men and to become SAHMs, but they took pride in being inept in housekeeping, cooking and nurturing. Apparently, they thought that they should be cared for financially while offering nothing.

I'm old-fashioned, I admit, but, if you want any husband, let alone a handsome, rich one, you should make some effort to prepare yourself for it.

How can you be a "Southern Belle" if you are a screaming, drunken, half-groomed harpy? Where is K's home training? How can she continue to embarass her parents this way? Just MHO.

The young women I mentioned were those I knew when I was in my early 20s, 30+ years ago. They were ready to become wives and mothers, yes. Many were from wealthy families and had mothers who had followed that path. They had the basic household skills and an expectation of what their roles would involve as far as cleaning, cooking, and childrearing (whether on their own or with hired help). Planning to marry men of the upper middle class, they also knew about entertaining and making contributions to their community (charity work, clubs, arts advocacy, hospital boards, etc.). 


Kathryn's mother may have been this type. She's probably close to me in age. It appears that, for whatever reason, Kathryn has not had an education in what used to be called "Home Ec" and she hadn't thought through what it meant to be a wife and mother when she got pregnant and moved in with Thomas. We saw her making some efforts, and they seemed sincere. My impression is that she's simply too immature emotionally for a relationship, and they skipped several steps in getting to know each other, learning what each expected of a relationship, what roles they preferred to play, etc. A lot of hasty decisions, immaturity, and bad judgment, and now two young children. Add to that cameras and "fame". What a mess.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 1

Honey, you want a man? Make domesticity irresistible. Just IMO. Do not holler.

THANK YOU!! I watch this red-headed harpie constantly shrieking and pouting and picking at Thomas, and I just can't fathom where she left her her self-awareness chip.

Yes, he's a jerk who probably deserves a lot of that hollering, but you can't sit there and complain about not getting a ring/commitment from him one minute and then scream at him in public about how awful he is the next minute.

The most fascinating scene between those two last season that clearly illustrated exactly what was wrong with them was that scene of them reconnecting and catching up together at that benefit party on a ship---Thomas was practically panting with excitement and was so turned on by her that night that she could've had him eating out of her hand...the chemistry was perfect and she had him going for a few minutes, practically purring and flirting right back...and then she starts poking at him with all that commitment talk, getting more aggressive/defensive, and you can see every bit of that initial twinkle of attraction immediately drain from his face as he gets up and leaves....and then she chases after him on the dock, screeching at him like a feral cat, and that was truly the epic summary of their entire messed up relationship.

In her defense though, I also remember being a stupid 22-year-old, and I also remember not yet having the maturity to understand how to be the best partner for a partner. I remember shaming and shrieking at bad boyfriends once too---and the best lesson I ever learned from one of those ex'es was when he shouted at me in response, "Look at yourself, acting all crazy! Why would I WANT to be around you and come home to you when you always act like this?!"

Amen to that.

What do YOU offer T-Rav besides open legs, a fertile young body and a drunken night out, KiKi??

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 10

I wonder what Kathryn actually wants at this point. Does she know? Is it that she sees marriage as the only way to secure her own financial future, since that of her children is basically secured as next of kin even if not yet on paper (trust funds, a will, etc.)? I agree with the posters who say she'd catch him if she used all her honey and quit hollerin'. Thomas would probably lose it and show up with a ring if she stopped giving him any attention and started dating someone young and handsome.

She's already lived with him and seen that he's a nightly drunk (according to her accusation in that one video) who can't be much fun and probably not good to have around the kids full time. What does she think she'd be taking on in return for a monthly allowance? It's all so UGH. Can't her parents convince her to finish this show at the end of this season (reunion taping), get a team of lawyers to meet with Thomas' team of lawyers, come to some agreement, and move on? What am I thinking, I know Kiki can't give up the "fame".

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

Keek is such a total narcissist.  She's pissed that she's made an utter fool of herself in a million and one ways and so she flips the proverbial bird on social media.  I can't STAND people who tilt their Loubs in pictures so you can see the red soles.  And the Birkin.  B, please.  It's a known fact that Bravolebrities are no strangers to fake Birkins.  Maybe it's real, maybe it's not.  She's 24 and looks ridiculous with her mama's handbag and grandmama's furs.  You have to build a relationship and buy a lot of product to 'qualify' for a Birkin at an Hermes shop.  And if you purchase it from consignment, you're looking at a solid $10-15k for a decent starter Birkin.


Anyhow, I digress.  I've been there.  I've dated 2 older men and I liked the attention they lavished on me at the outset, but as RedHawk said above, by 55 they really start to show their age.  I cut bait pretty quick.  And let me tell you, no man over 35 can drink that heavily and not need assistance in the bedroom.  WhiskeyD is real.  It stinks bc I've always been mature for my age (except for snarking in here) and I've always gotten along with women and men who were a good 10 years older than me better than my peers.  But KiKi, KiKi, you can't try to make it with someone older than your father and act like a petulant child at the same time.


Don't get me started on the YSL t-shirt from last season.

  • Love 2

Kathryn's frequent violent, verbal outbursts on episodes of "Southern Charm" & her bizarre behavior on last week's "Watch What Happens Live" should be enough to convince South Carolina family court judges she's unstable & a potential danger to both of her children.  If she should loose custody of her children......she has no one to blame but herself.


Didn't Kathryn spend the night with Craig, during a group vacation? Sure hope Thomas had a paternity test done on that baby boy to make sure Craig isn't really his father.

  • Love 3

You'd think if Thomas was buying multimillion dollar homes all the time and has rental income coming in, he hires domestic help, to clean the homes, maintain them at least.

And he either eats out all the time or could hire a cook.

Besides, young trophy wives and would-be trophy wives don't cook. ;)

Yes, but if I remember correctly Thomas expected Katherine to be like his mother cook, take care of the house and children and be his support at home. I'm pretty sure I remember him talking about everything his mother did. Thomas is an ass but if Katherine wanted this man that's what he wanted. Isn't that why she took that cooking lesson?

As others have said, she could have the old coot eating out her hand but she can't learn how to play him long enough to get what she wants. She just has poke and pick at him till he's done. I would never go near a person like Thomas, but obviously Katherine would and thought he was good daddy and hubby material.

Edited by imjagain

Kathryn's a party girl, living out in Thomas' plantation home getting dinner ready wasn't her idea of fun. Had she gone along with his wants and needs, she'd probably be married today. I hate to sound sexist, but that's how Thomas is.

It's rumored she did sleep with Craig when they were gone all night, but he's denying it.

But you have to present yourself as husband and wife not just live together. And Thomas made it quite clear that why they might get married in the future they were most definitely not married. Hell the way he acted during his campaign when they were living together was so painful that I almost felt bad for Kathryn.

  • Love 1

Kathryn's a party girl, living out in Thomas' plantation home getting dinner ready wasn't her idea of fun. Had she gone along with his wants and needs, she'd probably be married today. I hate to sound sexist, but that's how Thomas is.

It's rumored she did sleep with Craig when they were gone all night, but he's denying it.


"Oh, we just walked around all night and nothing happened! Tee-hee!"

  • Love 4

" ... and Jekyll Island is SO HUGE that we were lost in the jungle and afraid forest people would come out to attack us so we dug holes in the sand and hid there until daylight! tee-hee!"

That was so damned stupid. Even if they *didn't* do anything, surely those two had enough brain cells between them to realize how that must've looked, them hanging out together all night, comon now! I'm willing to bet they both got super drunk and at least made out, followed by Kathryn giving Craig a beachside blowie.

  • Love 2

That was so damned stupid. Even if they *didn't* do anything, surely those two had enough brain cells between them to realize how that must've looked, them hanging out together all night, comon now! I'm willing to bet they both got super drunk and at least made out, followed by Kathryn giving Craig a beachside blowie.


I think Kathryn wanted to get away from the cameras (and possbily self-medicate) so they turned off their phones and hung out on the beach all night. They only made it worse with this ridiculous cover story about being scared and lost at a beach resort.


Are Kathryn and Thomas pregnant with baby #3 yet?!


Now that would be the end of western civilization (tm Patricia).

  • Love 1

Thomas gets way, way, way too much of a pass. Craig was spot on: it takes two to tango. They're both hot messes, they're both selfish narcissists who prioritise their own self interest over the interests of their children, they both believe the world should revolve around them. I see Kathryn get (rightfully) called out for this, yet no-one ever wants to call Thomas out on his own shit. Perhaps the "old fashioned way" is to condemn the woman for her flaws while making excuses for the man, but I am not an old-fashioned woman, and I refuse to indulge in such misogynist hypocrisy. Thomas is a grown man who wanted to have his cake and eat it too, a chauvinist who believes women exist to cater to men, a pig who wants to fuck any pretty thing that moves, an idiot who spends too much time thinking with his other head, a narcissist who never learns from his mistakes and lacks the self-awareness to improve himself, and he's paying the price for his stupidity.


He's not victim to Kathryn's vixen ways, he's victim to his own dumbfuckery.


I feel so, so sorry for their two babies.

Edited by bootycall
  • Love 11

Carrying over from the Episode Three thread re: Kathryn's Bravo bio.  Please, you know how many descendants there are of key people in American history?  I'm a direct descendant of a confederate general and so is a friend that I met when I moved 400 miles away from where I grew up.  He and I share the same middle name in honor of our ancestor and we're both as Yankee as they come :)  But the point is, her bio is written to make her sound like an upstanding pillar of society, and it is word-smithed to the hilt.  Her behavior on the show belies how one would expect her to act given her so-called heritage.  And she did not graduate, correct?

  • Love 2

Have we already seen this? Can't recall. It's Kathryn's mug shot from underage drinking and disorderly conduct.




ETA: you can follow other links to news/blogs about her dating life, modeling career and so on. Mostly from the fitnews guy who is Kathryn's number one admirer.

Edited by pasdetrois

I see Kathryn getting a lot of flack for not liking the Plantation and the carriage house. I never got the feeling that she hated living in those places because of location. I got the feeling that she didn't like living there because Thomas was gone all the time. I think she could have easily lived at the plantation had Thomas made an effort to be home instead of partying in Charleston on his fake political trail. He wanted to be out doing his own thing while Kathryn stayed at home with Kensie. Once he moved her into the carriage house, he did the exact same thing. In my opinion, it was never about the houses and the locations.

  • Love 3

I don't know if they had to be around each other more, they'd still be at each other's throats.


I can perfectly understand Thomas wanting to get away as often as possible and same for her, as she's at an age where she's more likely to be restless.


She probably expected nannies to raise the children while she spends Thomas' money.

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