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Season 2 Discussion


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But what's his family's excuse for all the sex talk? The brother, the sister-in-law, the mother or aunt? It's gonna hurt; it's over real fast the first times; you'll be disappointed!



I learned in college that if you have to talk about it all the time, you ain't getting any. Seriously, the people who are obsessed with talking about sex do it because they are woefully lacking.




I'm just glad Cassia already had a suitcase full of short tight dresses - the defacto uniform of Vegas. She finally found her people.



Yes, but she's got a lot of work to do if she's going to earn her way up to a cocktail lounge on the strip. Otherwise, she's just an off-street tired resemblance of a prostitudd.

  • Love 6

I turned away for a second, was there any word on where the lovebirds DaniMo will be honeymooning? Someplace romantic like Paris or Aruba? Perhaps the Lobo lounge?

I'm surprised there was no talk from the groomsmen about their wedding night. Why didn't anyone talk to Mo about how magical it would be for him? Danny got the "talk", Mo should have gotten one too. That just would have made my night.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 9

Danielle and Mo:

Mo should pardon the expression, but OY. He must have been thinking, "Not even a burqa...." Was he trying to send S.O.S. signals telepathically to that minister? Is Danielle's family from the state of Delusional? Or is it just that, in the Land of No Self-Awareness, the Cross-Eyed Obese No-Make-Up Woman is Queen? Mo is currently frantically searching for his passport.


Danny and Amy:

I'm not far from Norristown, which is hard by Philly, so Pops and his "inter-racial marriage isn't accepted here" is bizarre at best. Amy seems too mature for the lucky man-child that is her husband. She sure is lovely.


Jason and Cassia:

He is CREEPY and TOO OLD for her! The reason she got mad and possibly made a bad first impression on his mother is that he CHEAPED OUT on the promised ROSES. HE made the bad first impression, to which Cassia emotionally reacted. But this "Bachelor Party" deal, getting her and himself drunk and then leaving her sitting at the table ALONE? Those men, each one, showed supreme disrespect to Cassia. I'd have walked and never looked back.


Brett and Daya:

There's full lips, and then there's Brett's blubbery lips. I liked the brief "House Hunters" segment, at least.


I've just discovered this weirdly fascinating show and caught up on episodes yesterday. It's funny; the premise seems to be that the foreigners are deserving of suspicion over the Holy Grail of the Green Card. But the Americans have their own desires and agendas, also.


Now I must watch a marathon of Season One!









  • Love 1

Oh my that was deliciously bad. 


Brett/Daya - I have grown to like Daya, but she was a flaming bitch the first couple of days and she needs to own that behavior. I think she was probably exhausted after the plane ride and was making nasty comments. As far as the ring, my guess is that she had been told by family or friends back in the Phillipines that she needed to make sure the ring was real. Brett's wedding outfit hurt my eyes.


Dani/Mo - THat was the most pathetic wedding ever. Dani's straps that would not stay up were the cherry on the cake. Mo looked like he was going to pass out the whole time. If there were thought bubbles above their heads during the wedding, Moe's would have said "it's worth it for a green card" and Dani's would have said "I finally got a man". I am so confused by Dani's apartment. When they show some shots of it, like the girls all crammed into a bedroom in Barbie junior beds, I think gee what a dump. But then they showed a bathroom where Mo was getting ready and it had a spa tub and vaulted ceilings. I don't get it. Next week Mo leaves? Pretty please?


On to my favorite trainwreck Jason and Cassia. First of all, why even take Cassia if you plan to leave her alone and go out with your bros? Which BTW were the lamest bros ever. Why not invite wives/girlfriends or anyone else female along to keep her company. THen they stay at one of those nasty off strip motels? It isn't expensive to stay on the strip, I was there a few months ago and  stayed at the Bellagio for $140/night. If Jason was a good guy, he would have 1) had at least one other woman there for Cassia to hang with, 2) stayed on the strip and 3) bought Cassia tickets to see a show while he was out with his bros. And she could have spent hours browsing in the shops and playing casino games. He's just a turd. When he was breathing in her face with his alcohol breath I almost gagged. She should have slapped him. Whoever said that Cassia is his first girlfriend was right. Dude has no idea how to talk to or treat a girlfriend. That's why he acts 17 when he got drunk. Can't wait for their wedding next week. 


Amy/ Danny of course they talked about sex at the wedding. Why wouldnt they? Amy looked stunning. What was up with the groomsmen and groom's outfits? Just strange. 

  • Love 6

I'm not sure but I think Mohamed is now married to the Minister. He did not glance in Danielle's direction one time during those vows. He kept those eyes firmly planted dead ahead.


Very precious of Danielle's son to wear his good cargo shorts to walk his mother down the aisle. I just hope they weren't Jeremy's.


I thought that was hilarious. Danielle practically bore holes into his body during the vows, but Mo was so intent on not making eye contact. The attire at the wedding was more appropriate for a backyard BBQ, but then I look at this group and realize they were probably just wearing their Sunday best. Why was that friend of Danielle's (the one who is married to an Egyptian) without her hijab? Maybe that wasn't her, but it looked like her.


Jason is some kind of sociopath, I honestly fear for Cassia's safety. He gets off on manipulating her, hurting her emotionally. He is abusive and I honestly pray for her that it doesnt manifest itself physically. [snip] Jason is a ticking time bomb.


I definitely think that Cassia is in a no-win situation. I thought it was pretty telling that his sister said something about Cassia accepting Jason's 'uniqueness'. The family probably thought he'd never get married.


I am not surprise that Brett's mom never warmed to Daya.  It's all about first impressions.  And if memory serves, at their first meeting, Daya was a royal bitch.  She ordered Brett to get her bags; didn't like her bouquet and complained about her ring.  All within 30 minutes and in the presence of his mom.  I thought her very rude.  Truth be told, if it were one of my sons, she wouldn't have made it through the 90 days.


While I understand that Daya was unpleasant the first meeting, I also recall that Brett was very late to picking her up. She got off of a long ass flight in a foreign country and likely felt extremely uncomfortable and nervous. After finding out that the ring has a black mark inside and is flawed, I don't blame Daya for wanting to get the ring evaluated. Obviously, she shouldn't have said anything to his mother, but I do think she had a right to request that it be appraised. I was not a Daya fan in the beginning and I'm still not a major fan, but I am sympathetic to all of the major changes she's experienced, including caring full-time for a child she's never met and living in a house with two elderly women. Plus, she had to deal with Brett's older friend who felt it appropriate to make a very racist, ignorant comment to her without any sense of remorse. Daya definitely isn't in a situation that would make the average woman happy.


All that sex talk at Amy's wedding was classless.  I agree that the brother was very attention seeking and that's his way to 'shock' people.  I hope Amy wasn't too disappointed on her wedding night and I hope she learns that the vibrator his sister in law gave her is her friend.


I found the 'sex torch' so unbelievably tacky. Amy, gorgeous as ever, looked mortified. But, wait, her SIL gave her a vibrator?! How did I miss that?

  • Love 9

That bathroom Mo got ready in was not in their home. It was somewhere on the wedding site, I believe.

I turned away for a second, was there any word on where the lovebirds DaniMo will be honeymooning? Someplace romantic like Paris or Aruba? Perhaps the Lobo lounge?

I'm surprised there was no talk from the groomsmen about their wedding night. Why didn't anyone talk to Mo about how magical it would be for him? Danny got the "talk", Mo should have gotten one too. That just would have made my night.

Haha, I guess Lanford is more realistic than Aruba, though still probably over the negative $ budget! Edited by Squirrely
  • Love 4

Brett looked different in tonight's episode. His lips didn't look as weird as they usually do.

I noticed this as well! I couldn't put my finger on why he looked different, and then my son pointed out that he didn't have his hair gel in. I honestly think that was the difference. It made him look so much younger. And his lips did look a bit less livery. I still shudder every time he talks, though. And the tux he was trying on! Shiny purple satin...shiny ROYAL purple satin, no less.

I also laughed when Brett was feeding his daughter what looked like garlic bread and pizza and she asked what it was and he looked at her and said, "It's just food." Yes, Liver Lips, I think she got the fact that it's food - would it have killed you to actually tell her what it was? And the way he was wiping the tears off Daya's face was WEIRD. He was doing it like you would do to a little kid who was crying over something not very important. It looked like he just grabbed a paper towel and was trying to clean shit off of her face. And he was rather dead-eyed about it, too.

When Mohamed said he had a "strange feeling," I about died laughing. Yes, that "strange feeling" is probably nausea and a sinking feeling of despair, Mo. I thought he might at least go in for a peck on the lips during the wedding ceremony but no, Ramadan to the rescue! During the first shot of the guests at Dani's wedding, my husband looked at the lady in the middle on the left and said, "Who's the silverback and why does she have Popeye arms?" I mean, a more motley crew I could not have envisioned and that's saying something because I watch a lot of reality TV. It was nice her son put on his best cargo shorts.

Jason's stepmother outright saying that she figured Cassia was here for a green card and Jason was just happy to find someone to date him was GOLD. Cold as ice, Charlie Murphy! And then didn't his sister say something about how "unique" he was? If his own family's calling him out like that, he must be even weirder than we've seen so far. I understand that he wanted to have bachelor night with his buds but maybe try to find something for Cassia to do while you're doing that instead of leaving her alone and crying at the booth. He is so clueless.

Danny's family is weird and sex-obsessed. Also, way to prepare Amy for the wedding night. Let's tell her it will hurt and be disappointing and not last very long, but let's also pass along some weird sex torch and talk about it all night! Talk about mixed signals. Amy looked so pretty, though.

  • Love 12

So much to snark on... Guess I'll start with the obvious...


Dani & Mo: She wasn't even smiling when her son brought her down, guess we are seeing her more sinister side. Corey's TH was very telling "Well, I think walking her down made my mom happy *shrug*" - Danielle, every single one of your children was (not even bothering to stifle) laughing during the ceremony. I can't even... Here's hoping Faith studies hard and gets a free ride for a so-so state university, or takes the opportunity to join the armed services and earn some money for future plans.  Can't wait for next week! Danielle, those girls don't care one iota. Look at them sitting there expressionless while you blubber on. Oh, and for those of you wondering where Mo & Paul got dressed, my hunch was it was Paul & Sarah's house. You could tell the home was not grandiose, despite having a Jacuzzi tub. They are generally included even in cheapy modular home plans, going back to the early '90s. Anybody else notice there has been no sighting of Danielle's brother Rob & his wife Erica since the episode where they picked up Mo at el aeropuerto? Hmmmmmm....


Brett & Daya: He looked less frightening without his hair gelled up. Mom: STFU.


Amy & Danny: I think it was a gorgeous ceremony- loved the faux doors. Amy looked very pretty. I wanted to light Danny's idiot brother on fire with that "sex torch" and then human-bowling-ball him into Pepop Bunker McKlansman. May the sex talk cease forever and for always. I wasn't even in the scene and I was uncomfortable. I did love, love, love Granny Frishmuth saying how beautiful Amy was... BURN!


Jason & Cassia: My, my, my. If his brother isn't the doppelganger for our local pizza delivery guy, I don't know... But, I am willing to bet  he works a 40-hour-week unlike his FTL brother. The sister: surprising normal, I am getting a strong accountant vibe from her. Cute little girls (I assume they were hers, anyhow)-- you can tell she feels quite sorry for Cassia. The stepmother: Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's stroke-elline? That lisp! At least she wasn't unable to speak her mind about what a loooooser Jason is. Very curious about this family dynamic! Is she still married to pops? It didn't say ex-stepmother. Do they live apart because she can't stand Jason? So many questions. Jason is one of the rudest people I've ever seen. Like others have said. Why not arrange for her to some activities with his sister (we know Cassia likes to go clubbing, and Vegas is a great destination for that- the bachelorette parties always get comp'ed into the clubs!). Cassia holds her liquor way better than Jason. My God, is he pathetic! I can't wait to see what happens next week, but I strongly believe she'll go through with this disaster...

  • Love 4

The stepmother: Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's stroke-elline? That lisp! At least she wasn't unable to speak her mind about what a loooooser Jason is. Very curious about this family dynamic! Is she still married to pops? It didn't say ex-stepmother. Do they live apart because she can't stand Jason? So many questions. Jason is one of the rudest people I've ever seen. Like others have said. Why not arrange for her to some activities with his sister (we know Cassia likes to go clubbing, and Vegas is a great destination for that- the bachelorette parties always get comp'ed into the clubs!). Cassia holds her liquor way better than Jason. My God, is he pathetic! I can't wait to see what happens next week, but I strongly believe she'll go through with this disaster...

In a previous episode, Jason asked his dad if he was going to invite his ex-wife. I assume that they are all still close if she was invited.


Cassia being left behind was ridiculous. I assume that the young children belonged to his sister so I can understand why she might not have been available to keep Cassia company that night, but Jason could have been more considerate. He's 38 and should know better. I wish Cassia had told him to go fuck himself and gone off and had her own fun.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 3

To be fair, the fact that they were off the strip, in a strange country/city - I don't think she'd go off exploring on her own (drunk) at night.

Had they been on the strip, she could have done so much more - and for that, Jason is an asshole. Hell, she could have just sat in the lobby of her "on the strip" hotel and people watched.

But no. He isolates her, trots her out when it's time for him to show her off, then locks her away when he's done.


Danielle pisses me off. In the previews she's blubbering about her girls AGAIN and how Mohammed's staying/leaving will affect them.

Bitch!? They've known him for a whopping 90 days. They're teens. They've probably had relationships by now that lasted longer and DIDNT affect them the way you're trying to portray a missing Mo would.

He's a much nicer person than I would be. He doesn't "know" those girls. He hasn't raised them. He has appeared, essentially out of thin air, to keep their mother entertained.

Their dynamic reminds me of a reversed Pepe Le Pew. She's constantly clawing at him and he's always pulling as far away.

I felt so bad for him when he "phew'd" after bringing up Ramadan and some asshole from the crowd heckles him with "how about a kiss on the cheek!?" I saw the last breathe of freedom leave his body as he resigned himself to his fate.

  • Love 15

Amy and Danny are a living advertisement for promiscuity and humping like rabbits before marriage - to avoid this ridiculousness.  They would have looked forward to sharing their lives together at an adult level rather than a hormone-fueled urge to pop each others' cherries.


Brett is a bit like Spock.  He goes through the motions of being human willingly but he needs very specific step-by-step pictorial and written instructions.  It will work out if Daya accepts that he is a robot that she must program herself from scratch.  His prime directives are "make woman not cry" and "avoid divorce at all cost."  After some time Brettbot will start to identify situations and launch the appropriate behavioral subroutines on his own and everyone will be happy.

  • Love 18

Jason looks nothing like his sister or brother. Jason must have a different mom than the two of them, who did look like siblings. Jason also has the humor and timing of an 80 year old man that gets all his jokes from a a joke book. "so funny I forgot to laugh." Who even says that anymore. Jason that's who.



This might have been mentioned but Jason almost seems like he might be "on the spectrum."  Like, he says the things that he thinks he's supposed to say in certain situations (like the aforementioned "so funny I forgot to laugh" remark) but he shows no emotion in his face or eyes.  Like, none.  Never laughs or smiles, or even looks pissed off.  Ehh maybe he's just a sociopath. 


In EITHER case, I join the chorus of "Run, Cassia, run!!"


He really did have an interest family though, eh?  Brother was an bloated, sexist douchnozzle, yet the sister was attractive and seemed totally normal. 


Amy & Danny: I think it was a gorgeous ceremony- loved the faux doors. Amy looked very pretty. I wanted to light Danny's idiot brother on fire with that "sex torch" and then human-bowling-ball him into Pepop Bunker McKlansman. May the sex talk cease forever and for always. I wasn't even in the scene and I was uncomfortable. I did love, love, love Granny Frishmuth saying how beautiful Amy was... BURN!




All of this!  I'm not a fan of Danny but dang, his skeevy brother makes Danny look like a real catch! Just STAWWWWP with the sex talk.  It's so lame.  And not to mention inappropriate and rude. 


I noticed this as well! I couldn't put my finger on why he looked different, and then my son pointed out that he didn't have his hair gel in. I honestly think that was the difference. It made him look so much younger. And his lips did look a bit less livery. I still shudder every time he talks, though. And the tux he was trying on! Shiny purple satin...shiny ROYAL purple satin, no less.



That tux should be burned and buried.  Just awful. 

  • Love 8

All we need to know about Jason and Cassia was writ large on their T-shirts: "I'M HITCH BIATCH." Bad grammar, bad attitudes, bad idea all around.


Jason is one scary dude. He has a horrible, maybe even dangerous vibe. And he has that awful delivery of people who think they are funny and who think they have a wonderful sense of humor but absolutely do not. Jason, you're just a creep. Plain and simple--Biatch!


Cassia seems to stand up to him at times, and I appreciate her for that, but it gets tiring standing your ground against a jerk, day after day, year after year. Eventually, you get worn down, and the jerk gets what he wants, just because you are too tired to argue anymore.


Free Cassia!

  • Love 15

All we need to know about Jason and Cassia was writ large on their T-shirts: "I'M HITCH BIATCH." Bad grammar, bad attitudes, bad idea all around.



Omg YES I meant to mention that shirt.  Dafuq was that?  Of course, those lovely skin tight animal print leggings she paired it with really brought the whole trashbox look together. 

  • Love 5

Long time lurker first time poster.


I knew Mohammed would get out of the kiss and we all knew it was BullC*&.


But from the Islamic Association website for Rules of the Fasting of Ramadan

Under Actions That Are Permissible During Fasting

There are some actions that are permissible to do while fasting, which will not nullify the fast.

Kissing and embracing - one's spouse. It is permissible to kiss and embrace your spouse as long as one is able to control oneself.



Now as for Sex-

Six Actions That Invalidate Or Nullify The Fast

Intentional Sexual IntercourseIf one has sexual intercourse while fasting, then he must perform kaffaarah, expiation of the sin. (Fasting continuously for sixty days or if unable then one should feed sixty poor people).


Sorry Danielle that you couldn't get your little sausage fingers on Moe!

  • Love 3

Its a play on "i'm rich biatch" from Chapelle's show lol. This skit


Oh right, I remember that sketch.  I respect a good play on words.  This one was...not good. Why did they* not just change it to "I'm getting hitched, biatch" instead?  It would still get the point/reference across but make so much more sense. 


*They being whoever designed the shirt.  Unless Cassia and Jason had them custom made.  Which I think it entirely possible!

  • Love 1

Oh, so much good snark in that show last night!!!<br /><br />I am happy Amy seems to have own over the FIL. Going back to last weeks show, some people commented that Danny sat there at the rehearsal dinner and let his dad state his obvious asshole-ness once again. BUT while watching that agonizing sequence before they broke the ice with the convo about Amy's equivalent value in cows... Danny turns toward his family (dad) and looks as though he definitely is about to have a word. Amy says something the cameras don't pick up and gives him a very quick shake of the head. Danny turns away. It's a very quick exchange, but it was class. I watched it again last night before deleting, and I didn't imagine it. Danny was definitely listening and ready, Amy defused him. She is a peacemaker. Good!!! She may need to pull out that attribute more than once in her life ahead. Amy IS a class act. <br /><br />She looked so lovely last night. She is a beautiful girl from the inside, and I think anyone would be happy to have her in the family. He definitely married "up". OMG, the torch, the torch, the torch!!!! Somebody needs to thwack the stupid brothers on the head with that torch. It seemed a beautiful wedding, and they very nearly ruined it with that stunt. What a ridiculous, uncomfortable, awkward moment!!! SHUT UP ALREADY!!!! Can you even BEGIN to imagine the recoiling horror of her (obviously) class act family??? You K.N.O.W. they were thinking.... what???? Did they REALLY just DO that??? So not funny. <br /><br />On the other hand, Mo's obvious pre-wedding jitters, his giddiness at the prospect of marrying his beautiful bride... And then I can't kiss her because of Ramadan.... PRICELESS!!!! I never saw that coming. Sliiiiiick!!!! GO MO!!! Good job, buddy! That's the plan, man, stay a step ahead at all times. <br /><br />I don't want to, but I can't help feel a little sorry for Cassia. I think she truly thought she had feelings for that geriatric turd when she came here, and I think she's actually tried to "help" him see her in that light, instead of being interested in just that card. I just...he makes me want to reach thru the TV and smack that stupid fixed half smile off his face. Is this whole thing a TLC setup? Maybe. I can't stand him. I just want to jerk a knot in his tail. (Southernism!)<br /><br />Daya. What happened to HER hair?????? I cringe every week over Cassia's hair, but I swear, Daya's was far worse last night. THE CAMERAS IN THE ROOM MEAN YOU MIGHT BE RECORDING!!! I know they were very busy moving AND preparing for the wedding - and "didn't realize they were going to be so close together"... Huh??? But still. Comb. Flat iron. Curling iron. Shampoo and a good conditioner, baby, or come find me and I'll happily help you get that hot mess done. I felt she showed a little immaturity when she jumped on Brett after his discussion with his mom. I honestly thought (from the snippets on the show anyway) that he tried to tell his mom what he thinks he and Daya have without a total smack down. (After all, he has to tread lightly since he had to bring Mommy along as a buffer when he first picked Daya up; he's already invited mom to have a say-so.). It bothers me for some reason when they cry - the foreigners I mean. (Is "foreigners" PC? I don't know how else to group them except "aliens", and then they all become ET.). I want them to either have a great experience or storm out and hop on the next plane in a fury. I don't want their feelings hurt.<br /><br />On the other hand, if I saw Mo sitting in a puddle of tears, moaning (with ashes on his head and tearing at his clothes in anguish), I would keep that recording and watch it a million times. Oh wait... Was I supposed to put that on the spoiler thread???

Oh right, I remember that sketch.  I respect a good play on words.  This one was...not good. Why did they* not just change it to "I'm getting hitched, biatch" instead?  It would still get the point/reference across but make so much more sense. 


*They being whoever designed the shirt.  Unless Cassia and Jason had them custom made.  Which I think it entirely possible!

I believe it references his last name, Hitch, not the fact they are getting hitched.

  • Love 1

Oh, yes, the cake!! Could someone not get a regular knife from home to cut that cake?  And the sight of them dancing was pure sadness.  Pure, snark-worthy sadness.  

The plastic knife to cut the cake was probably the ultimate symbol of the utter pathetic-ness of this little fardo-fest. Not the be-cargo shorted escort, not the constantly slipping straps on the ill-fitting dress, the depressed looking guests, or the haunted look in Mohammed's eyes, like a rat in a trap. That pitiful plastic knife.


I'm not finished yet, but I'm shocked that Jason is actually the "Hot" Brother in his family.

Right? His brother was a gross little troll.


I definitely think that Cassia is in a no-win situation. I thought it was pretty telling that his sister said something about Cassia accepting Jason's 'uniqueness'. The family probably thought he'd never get married.



While I understand that Daya was unpleasant the first meeting, I also recall that Brett was very late to picking her up. She got off of a long ass flight in a foreign country and likely felt extremely uncomfortable and nervous. After finding out that the ring has a black mark inside and is flawed, I don't blame Daya for wanting to get the ring evaluated. Obviously, she shouldn't have said anything to his mother, but I do think she had a right to request that it be appraised. I was not a Daya fan in the beginning and I'm still not a major fan, but I am sympathetic to all of the major changes she's experienced, including caring full-time for a child she's never met and living in a house with two elderly women. Plus, she had to deal with Brett's older friend who felt it appropriate to make a very racist, ignorant comment to her without any sense of remorse. Daya definitely isn't in a situation that would make the average woman happy.



I found the 'sex torch' so unbelievably tacky. Amy, gorgeous as ever, looked mortified. But, wait, her SIL gave her a vibrator?! How did I miss that?


I forgive Daya everything, poor girl. Dude was an hour late picking her up, too, if I recall, and seemed remarkably insouciant about it. She had plenty of time while she was waiting at the airport after a crushingly long flight to get mad about the bargain basement ring. Then bozo the douche shows up without a word of apology? I'd bitch too. I cannot believe how tactless his mother was. If you want to trash your son's fiancee, don't do it in her hearing. Go out for coffee for cryin out loud. Of course it was totally passive aggressive-she wanted Daya to hear her but doesn't have the guts to speak to her face to face. Daya's really had the worst of it in terms of having to hear cruel remarks from her fiance's family and friends!


Danny's brother. I can't. No words. The whole family's sex obsession is cringeworthy. And I missed the vibrator too--hahahahahahahaha! There's a message there! "the wedding night will be terrible. It will be short, and painful. On the bright side, here is your new best friend!"


And I don't think old Cracker McKlanerson has had anything even vaguely resembling a change of heart. He'll think that Amy is different from "most" people of color. But he will now and forever be able to claim he isn't racist because he has a black daughter in law. He makes me want to hurl every time his nasty hatefilled faced appears on the screen.



  • Love 11

Amy looked absolutely lovely.  The Marionette and his virginity squad looked like idiots in their "formal" wear. 


Go Cassia when she called the idiot brother out on his green card "joke"!  Color me confused as well about the pretty, intelligent and well spoken sister.  How'd she get in that mix?



She is completely oblivious to him as a person, yet she is obsessed with "getting him"

Thank you for this because it helped straighten it out a bit in my head.  Any sad sack with half a brain, even if they had deluded themselves for a period of time into thinking this other person loved them, I imagine would finally smarten up due to the hurt and acknowledge the false situation at hand.  Danielle the village idiot just keeps forging ahead full steam!  Doesn't she possess any feelings?  Wouldn't any normal person be hurt to be so shunned by someone they "love"?  I almost think it's enough motivation for her to feel she's "showing people" and he did actually marry her! 


Danielle pisses me off. In the previews she's blubbering about her girls AGAIN and how Mohammed's staying/leaving will affect them.

Bitch!? They've known him for a whopping 90 days. They're teens. They've probably had relationships by now that lasted longer and DIDNT affect them the way you're trying to portray a missing Mo would.

He's a much nicer person than I would be. He doesn't "know" those girls. He hasn't raised them.

I'm so sick and tired of "the girls" being the excuse for this charade.  Yes, I understand that they would be the ones handling the fall out should Mo leave, and that would absolutely suck.  But would they truly care if he left, as in, miss him?  Absolutely not - I am so sure!  They'd probably be relieved to be able to go back to comfortably moving about their own home without some strange man lurking about.  And if Danielle is in that much of need for someone to help care for her children that she's dumped all her savings into bringing in a foreign man who is totally taking advantage of her, couldn't she have just put those funds towards a babysitter?  Geesh.  


And I'll snark freely because she's as ugly and repulsive on the inside as she is the outside but that wedding get-up was absolutely laughable.  The flower stuck in the back of her head, the straps falling off the monstrous dress.....it looked like something a 19 year old would choose.  I would have slightly respected her more if she had kept the Coke-bottles on and worn a decent suit from JcPenneys. 

  • Love 11

I'm happy for Amy, I think she's great.  Brett talking to his mom within earshot of Daya was such a reality tv setup.  Lame.  Cassia returns with another makeup disaster this week, pink lipstick to go along with her wingtips and two-toned hair.  Daya takes second place with her multicolored mane.  These two should go on one of those extreme makeover shows next.  Dani's son gets the fashion award, walking his mom down the aisle in a short-sleeve pullover, cargo shorts, and tennis shoes.  Nothing says "Don't care" better!  Mo the green card conman managed to top himself this week for not kissing his bride.  And the Duncan Hines wedding cake was awesome, I loved how the camera kept zooming in for a closeup.  Wedding of the Year!

  • Love 5

I sincerely doubt Danielle's daughters care about Mohammed to the extent that they'd be sad if he wasn't in their lives. What they do care about is the fact that they will be left to pick up the pieces when he leaves - it is a huge, suffocating responsibility for young girls who should be focusing on the SATs, possibly applying to college, and movie nights with friends.

  • Love 11

I am so po'd at Jason for leaving Cassia by herself.  Not only was it rude, but it's not really safe either.  She's suppose to wander around Vegas by herself at night?? The girl dresses like she's looking for someone to pick her up. Not smart. 


A kudos to Mo - at least HE was smiling when Danny "walked down the aisle".  she looked completely horrified. 


Previews for next week the only couple not shown in wedding attire was Jason and Cassia but I'm sure that's just to throw us off. And it looked like Justin and Evelin didn't elope afterall. I saw SIL from hell in the crowd!

  • Love 3

i also found it funny how producers of the show had to create a "couple" photo of danny and mo because they apparently don't have any where they are super cozy like the other couples when they show their photos and names/locations before their segment.  they basically took two headshots and photoshopped them together to make it look like they took a photo closer together.

  • Love 8

I am so glad that I no longer have to hear another "SEX" joke or line from Danny's family.  Amy looked so beautiful. Did anyone else catch what she was telling Danny as they pulled away in the car? I thought I heard in the mix of laughter, "....your sisters suspicion." and they laugh as the car turns to the right & the screen goes black.


Cassisa & Jason: I heard her lean over and tell Jason that SHE wanted to go hang with him and the men. Cassisa used a different word for men though. Once they were there and the more Jason drank the scarier he became.  I agree, if she did want to hang with him & the men, that when she became sad Jason should have gave her some $$ to go see a show or call his Sister and see if the other woman could come and hang out with her somewhere else for the rest of the night.


Dani & Mo: Yes, the whole time Dani was getting married the camera would pan over to the guest & you could see her children laughing. They don't care either way what is going to happen here. There was an older woman sitting in the front, I wonder if that was Dani's mom?  We all knew Mo was going to find a way out of kissing her.  The shot of them dancing in the woods reminded me of a sad Prom night where the skinny kid asked her out on a prank date.


Daya & Brett:  His mother needs to cut those strings!

  • Love 4

Toaster Strudel has won the internet today. I LOL'd all the way through her DaniMo Wedding post. There's nothing much I can usefully add, except that I was particularly taken with Dani's t-shirt tan lines. That's a look all brides should cultivate for their wedding day. And I was horrified, midway through the sad, miserable trainwreck that passed as a wedding ceremony, to realise that Dani was actually one of the more attractive women in attendance. I thought Mo The Condemned Man was going to puke when he was asked if he took Dani as his wife.


Mo never even faked any pretence of saying she looked lovely in her bridal gown. And Dani talked about how she has him to help with the girls and to help her. Not a word about how much she loves him. Those two don't even like one another in the slightest. How awful for those girls. The spunky girl, Faith, should be doing her utmost to study hard, get a scholarship to OSU and get the hell out of there for ever.


Cassia and Jason? Color me surprised it looks like he does actually have friends.


But he doesn't have any friends in Swampville, because Jason said that in the three months Cassia's been there, the only person she's met is his dad. What a miserable, lonely life that girl's going to have down there, unless she learns to drive and is able to sneak away from Jason from time to time. Jason really is a sleazy piece of shit. Even Cassia-on-the-make is too good for him. And she is clearly a bit of a skank after a green card. Did anyone else notice that when they were in the Peppermill (which is actually a pretty good, but inexpensive (of course, we are talking about Jason after all) restaurant), Jason was checking his phone for his eBay listings. I loved the ex-stepmother's comment about being surprised he actually even had a girlfriend which, by their laughter, everyone else agreed with. I'm guessing this is his first long-term relationship.


Amy and Danny's wedding was lovely and they both looked genuinely happy. That torch gag is the kind of stuff that goes on all the time at weddings here in England where neither bride nor groom are usually virgins, so the gag would involve an inflatable sheep wearing fishnet stockings - they're called the I Love Ewe - or something like that. So although it was embarrassing for Amy, it's the kind of thing I've seen many times here.


I'll be so sad when this show is over. Nobody at work watches it - it's not on TV in the UK so I have to stream it via the TLC website, using a proxy server. DaniMo need their own show, for sure. We would all watch it and TLC would have another hit to replace Honey Boo Boo. (Speaking of which, every time I saw Honey Boo Boo on TV I would laugh to myself at how much Eden Wood's mother must be absolutely furious at TLC.)

Edited by essexjan
  • Love 1
I am so po'd at Jason for leaving Cassia by herself.  Not only was it rude, but it's not really safe either.  She's suppose to wander around Vegas by herself at night?? The girl dresses like she's looking for someone to pick her up. Not smart.



Well there was a camera crew with her, and they might have been staying in that hotel.

  • Love 4

 I loved the ex-stepmother's comment about being surprised he actually even had a girlfriend which, by their laughter, everyone else agreed with. I'm guessing this is his first long-term relationship.



hahaha, I was watching this with my son--when the stepmother said that, I snarked "you haven't had one since middle school" and my son, without missing a beat said "and she was imaginary"! hahahahahaha! I brought that boy up on reality TV, can you tell?


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