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Season 2 Discussion


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When Yamir and Chelsea were discussing, and then agreed, to the compromise I could not figure out what Chelsea was giving up.  They were agreeing to put off moving to the big city for the betterment of Yamir's career and they were going to stay in her hometown in her parents' home.  It seemed that every aspect of the the compromise was in her favor but she acted as if she'd really put something on the table.

  • Love 1

I don't know what their situation is financially, but I don't think it's a bad idea for them to stay there for a bit and get some resources together.  Yamir does need to work on his English in order to help himself in an American indulstry, and they need to have some money before making that kind of move.  In the meantime, if someone in the music business is really interested in Yamir, he has certainly gotten more exposure through the show than most American hopefuls do.  So if they're really interested, they'll work with him to iron out the details.

  • Love 2

I feel for Cassia.  That's saying a lot.   Saved by Religion.  TLC should have that be the title of the  DaniMo show that shows how Mo avoids Dani by using religion.


I know her family didn't buy into it, but for the love of God, could her family/guest at least try to look decent?  A polo shirt and shorts to walk your mother down the aisle?  


Jesus Cristo!


There was a united :Oh My God when we saw Brett's vest/bow-tie combo.   Someone needs to tell him that doesn't look good.


Amy looked quite lovely.  Enough with the sex talk.  

  • Love 7

I white knighted for Danielle early in the season but After her seeing her cry about how Mohammed is affecting her girls, I am livid. I was upset before but her irresponsible decisions are what affected her girls. Danielle and her whiny My Little Pony voice can kiss my rainbow tail. Sorry for the almost nonsensical post but I needed to vent.

  • Love 16

I'm not sure but I think Mohamed is now married to the Minister. He did not glance in Danielle's direction one time during those vows. He kept those eyes firmly planted dead ahead.

How long is Ramadan anyway? I'm thinking 365 days cause that's how long it will be before Danielle gets her weepy breath anywhere near his lips.

Very precious of Danielle's son to wear his good cargo shorts to walk his mother down the aisle. I just hope they weren't Jeremy's.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 24

Didn't they get married in July?  I thought Ramadan was in September?  I have no clue, but I didn't think it was in the summer?


ETA....I looked it up and I was wrong.  It actually was during that time period.  Sort of like Easter, it seems to be not always at the same time.

Edited by GuidanceGirl
  • Love 2

Amy and Danny are virgins? You wouldn't know it. I don't think it has been mentioned in every episode. Sex torch was just tacky and unnecessary and juvenile. Just ew. Folks are way too concerned about their sex life or lack thereof.

Can't wait for next week when Mo lays the smack down...who didn't see that coming? Okay, the colorful, Euros of Hollywood wardrobe I did not.

I'm not sure of the rules, but in Mo's case, it's probably kissing, sex, touching, talking, eye contact, generally acknowledging that Dani is in his presence.

Edited by Forcereals
  • Love 11

Jason is some kind of sociopath, I honestly fear for Cassia's safety. He gets off on manipulating her, hurting her emotionally. He is abusive and I honestly pray for her that it doesnt manifest itself physically. [snip] Jason is a ticking time bomb.

Mohamed is a effing CLOWN for that I choked laughing my goodness.

Dannys family fetishizes Amy and its disgusting. I have no doubt that daddy's overt racism affected them far more than they even realize; I have a hard time believing that they would constantly bring sex into every conversation if Danny's bride was a lily white woman from Great Britain or something. They have no respect for her and obviously believe her to be some hypersexual black Jezebel when in reality shes just a very sweet innocent Christian girl, like im sure his parents prayed for. She just has some melanin to add some spice to the pot!

Edited by cooksdelight
Removing spoiler info
  • Love 15

Amy looked beautiful. Her and Danny looked so happy. Hope his family stops with all the sexy time talk now.

Mo and Dani's wedding was painful to watch. He did not look at her at all and only half heartedly pushed the ring onto her finger. Her family looked like they walked off the set of Honey Boo Boo. And once again he uses his religion to get out of touching Dani. Unbelievable! They should have pinned a copy of a green card on his lapel instead of a boutonnière.

I felt bad for Cassia but Jason is a moron and they should not get married.

  • Love 6

I am left wondering if Cassia is Jason's first girlfriend.

Seriously. Regardless, it's no great wonder that he's stayed single so long.

And we met his -I assume ex- stepmom? I wonder if his mom has passed or if his dad is where he learned how to keep the ladies?

Dani and Mo are starting to be uncomfortable for me to watch. Dammit. They've been my crack this season. But dayum, not ONE person has a kind thing to say. And she just la-di-das it and hopes they just can keep quiet for the ceremony? Wake up, you narcissistic, shitty excuse for a mom! Those poor girls. Can their brother get custody of them?

Feels like so much is missing fron the Daya situation with Brett's mom. What had happened in the interim months to make her still not like Daya?

This show should've left out a few of the couples and given us more story!

  • Love 8

Lol @ using Ramadan as an excuse to not kiss. Homeboy was drinking beer earlier in the season. Alcohol is a no-no in Islam. I like how he picks and chooses what he does and doesn't want to do, then uses his religion to justify it. You can't have your cake and eat it to, Mohammed.

I'm 1/2 catholic and there's a term "shopping cart catholic" for those that pick and choose which aspects and rules to believe in and follow.  I don't be grudge Mo doing the same.


I do think he could have fist bumped or high fived her.


Amy looked gorgeous.   I hope Danny becomes the person she remembers from Australia now that they are married.


I didn't think Brett's mother was nice but also didn't think she was that cruel, just bad timing.


Jason is the biatch.  Run Cassia run.

  • Love 9

Danielle and her whiny My Little Pony voice can kiss my rainbow tail. 


My Little Ponies make way better life decisions than we've seen Danielle make thus far!


Danny's brother is vile, and that "sex torch" bullshit was pretty inappropriate, I think, in front of both families.  He seems like a person who is constantly trying to get the biggest reaction possible by saying shocking things.  Racist dad seemed to eat it up, too, so I'm sure that encouragement hasn't helped matters.  Amy and Danny seemed really happy, and it's amazing how many of her family members came for the wedding.  With the situation with Danny's family how it was, it must have been such a relief for her to have that show of support from her relatives.  


I felt bad for Cassia as well, but I think at this point if she doesn't decide to break things off, that'll just be confirmation that she isn't necessarily in this for the relationship.  If she is just looking for a green card and sticks it out though, that would be some amazing resolve on her part - Jason just seems insufferable at this point!  

  • Love 5

I am not surprise that Brett's mom never warmed to Daya.  It's all about first impressions.  And if memory serves, at their first meeting, Daya was a royal bitch.  She ordered Brett to get her bags; didn't like her bouquet and complained about her ring.  All within 30 minutes and in the presence of his mom.  I thought her very rude.  Truth be told, if it were one of my sons, she wouldn't have made it through the 90 days.

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 2

did they really leave cassia alone and then go to another table in the bar?


it was pathetic and sad even before she started crying.


if you're going to arrange a bachelor party, then be kind enough to arrange a bachelorette party. get your sisters and sister-in-laws to spend the evening and night with cassia -- don't just ditch her and head out with your crew.

Edited by glow
  • Love 12

Can we stop talking about Amy’s virginity, de-virginizing and the wedding night?
Amy you are way too good for Danny. Wow racist dad actually hugged Amy. Wow. Shocked.
Best comment: “when I saw Danielle in her wedding dress, I got a strange feeling.” Rofl.  Sorry, couldn’t help it. He couldn’t even look at her at all during the ceremony. OMG, Ramadan sure saved him. But you can see the HUGE disappointment in Danielle.  I’m wondering if her family are already having a pool as to when Mohamed will leave. I’m thinking the day after his green card finally comes through. Finally learned purple hair girl’s name. Faith. Lol. I think she is the only one comfortable on camera.
Jason’s brother is even a bigger prick than Jason.  Ok, I didn’t get the t-shirts. Jason drunk is fun Jason.
Can someone tell me please (either here or PM me) where I can see the promo for next week? I missed it. Thanks.

  • Love 3

Jason....I have no words. He reminded me of Foster Brooks.


Oh my God!  So true!  However, I loved Foster Brooks and can't stand Jason.  I just hope Cassia realizes what her life will be like with Jason before she goes through with the wedding.  If she's not in it for the green card, what in the hell was the attraction?


I hated the shirts Danny and his groomsmen were wearing, but Amy looked gorgeous.  I like that her lovely personality actually won over Danny's dad.  The old fart kinda redeemed himself with his acceptance and treatment of her at the wedding.  I was afraid he was going to be the ass he was previously.


Brett looked different in tonight's episode.  His lips didn't look as weird as they usually do.  Like Cassia, I hope Daya gives some serious thought about her future with Brett.


What can I say about Mo and Danielle?  Watching him during the ceremony, it was obvious that he's not going to be around for long.  He can barely feign tolerance towards Danielle.


Can't wait for next week to see how all of these couples end up.  

  • Love 6

Lol @ using Ramadan as an excuse to not kiss. Homeboy was drinking beer earlier in the season. Alcohol is a no-no in Islam. I like how he picks and chooses what he does and doesn't want to do, then uses his religion to justify it. You can't have your cake and eat it to, Mohammed.

That is common among many religions. The Christmas and Easter Christian or my favorite the more restrictive baptism and funeral Christians. The Jew who only keeps the laws on Yom Kippur being the most noticable in America.

  • Love 2

I've been convinced for awhile that the Jason-Cassia story is a phony setup, and we the audience are being Punk'd. I didn't change my mind tonight. The showrunners may also have been duped -- Jason has a high opinion of himself as some kind of cool, smart, smooth-talking, clever, ebaying dude. LOLOLOL. I don't think the couple has been intimate either. The kisses are closed-mouth and forced. They aren't a real couple, I'm convinced. Jason saw a way to make a buck, and probably convinced Cassia the publicity would catapult her bikini-modeling career.

Now, Danielle and MoLarryCurly are DEFINITELY a real couple. So in love, in lust, in passion! I was swept away by the romance of their ceremony. I got teary-eyed at the effort put forth by family and guests,too. The support, the fashion! OMG. Just lovely. I bet VOGUE and WWD did features on this fabu event of the season!

Yes, Amy was a lovely, beautiful bride, but, oh how I wish the groom was anybody else but Danny. He is way too immature to be getting married. In my opinion, this is what happens when sex is forbidden without marriage, and people get obsessed with wanting it NOW, with no further wait time. But what's his family's excuse for all the sex talk? The brother, the sister-in-law, the mother or aunt? It's gonna hurt; it's over real fast the first times; you'll be disappointed!

Doesn't sound like the Danny family is quite the Masters and Johnson of all things sexual. Just shut your mouths, morons. They are embarrassing themselves.

  • Love 12

What a shitshow.

Cassia - rooms in Vegas are super dirt cheap. Why are they staying in some old No Tell Motel with hourly rates off the strip? This is a "once in a lifetime" occasion - go ahead and spring for a room on the strip so she can see some lights or whatever.

Mohammed - glad to see everyone showered and dressed in their 'Tuesday Best' for the occasion.

Amy - she is a lovely person and her wedding was gorgeous. I hope TLC is planning on writing a check to her hymen, since it's been a topic of conversation IN EVERY EPISODE at this point it's a cast-mate. Hell, it's more interesting than Yamir's storyline.

  • Love 23

In Ramadan, you must fast from sun up to sun down- no food, drink, intimate physical relations, smoking, etc., so he's covered since it was daylight when they got married- pretty smooth move to set the wedding in the middle of the day during Ramadan!

Also, no mention of the Islamic ceremony. It will be interesting to see if he plans to go through with that. I married an algerian- my own 90 day k-1 visa fiancé- and we had the Islamic ceremony the same night as our wedding so it would be a real marriage in every way. Guess Mohammed may not be concerned with that?

  • Love 3

That was a pretty good damn hour of tv. Plus, they showed commercials for the upcoming season of my most favorite snarkable plural family, Sister Wives. My cup runneth over. 


Amy looked stunning. Even though the ubiquitous strapless wedding gown is a trend that needs to die a hot, fiery death, it was very pretty on her.  I loved the lace, its simplicity and the flow of the skirt. Her mom and grandmom are super sweet and loveable.


Danny's brother, Nic, is the worst. He is always, always the one to bring up sex. Seriously, he must not be getting enough of it or doing it wrong if he is that damn obsessed and stuck on his brother's virginity. Glad to see Ku Klux Klan daddy loving the torch passing joke. He damn near busted the seams on his bed sheets laughing at that pile of awkward inappropriateness.


How can you tell the difference between a Juggalo convention and Danielle's wedding?


Help me, I'm stumped.

The Juggalo's take more time, effort and care with their hair, makeup and clothing. Bonus point, Juggalos actually know they are clowns. 


In Ramadan, you must fast from sun up to sun down- no food, drink, intimate physical relations, smoking, etc., so he's covered since it was daylight when they got married- pretty smooth move to set the wedding in the middle of the day during Ramadan!


Now if only he could move somewhere where it was daylight 24/7. Perhaps Norway in summer?


Dani and Mo's wedding actually gave me the sads. What a dismal little affair. Not only is there no love there on Mo's part, there really doesn't seem to me much 'like' either. I feel like Dani sees Mo as a thing to have or get. He barely seems like a fully realized person to her if you ask me. How jacked up is it that damn near all her family (save for her daughters, 2 of which seem like mutes. poor things.) and friends see this situation as a ticking time bomb.


So I think I may have figured out why Danielle's eyes look a bit off when wearing glasses. She is simply straight up cock-eyed. I didn't realize it until her TH without the glasses.


So it looked like they actually got married at that campground that Dani and Mo toured earlier in the season. I wonder where Mo got dressed. That was quite a large bathroom with jacuzzi tub. 


Cassia and Jason? Color me surprised it looks like he does actually have friends. Jason is an insensitive clod. I actually have no issue with him wanting to hang with his dude bros. It is an American tradition. The issue is in the execution. He should have also offered to make arrangements to have the ladies take Cassia out. To just walk off and leave her sitting by herself while they sit at another table just feet away from her was beyond rude and insensitive.  


Jason looks nothing like his sister or brother. Jason must have a different mom than the two of them, who did look like siblings. Jason also has the humor and timing of an 80 year old man that gets all his jokes from a a joke book. "so funny I forgot to laugh." Who even says that anymore. Jason that's who.


Brett's tux looks like something worn to prom circa the mid '90's. You know when groups like Boys to Men were big. Looks like Brett's mom isn't over the 1st impression she had of Daya. I admit that I have been softening towards Daya the last few episodes but she did come off like a total bitch during the 1st episode. It is possible that she was cranky after flying for a day on a plane but damn you are meeting your future mom with tv cameras for a show to be aired, your ass needs to de-sour and sweeten or suffer the repercussions. 

  • Love 5

I think my favorite moment was seeing Danielle's son walking her down the "aisle" while dressed in his crappy cargo shorts and ugly striped Rugby shirt. And the big black shoes to complete the ensemble. If I hadn't seen it for myself, I never would have believed it. Even for that bunch of Ohio hillbillies, that kid was just . . . I don't know. I have no words. And I'm a professional writer.


Danielle should have left her glasses on for the wedding. I used to think those glasses were hideous, but at least they hid the crossed eyes and made her look a little less -- what? Delusional? Creepy? Vacant? Again, no words. I'm defeated.


And gee I hate to be so mean, but my god - that wedding dress made Dani look HUUUUGE. Way bigger than she's looked before. Oh, well. She got to have her special day. Hope it's enough to last her for the rest of her life, but you can be sure it won't be.


Anyone here familiar with NPD, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder? I think that's the case with Danielle. She only sees other people in terms of what they can do for her - including her own children. NPDs are extreme users of other people and leave tremendous damage in their wake. When others don't give them what they feel they are owed -- look out. Rage and punishment in various forms is the inevitable result. Her kids already knew what to expect if Mo had backed out of the wedding -- we saw them, last week, preparing to leave the house if he'd said no. You can be sure Mo is going to pay, one way or the other, if he doesn't keep his end of the bargain that Dani thinks she has with him.


Amy was sure beautiful, though. She was as beautiful as Danielle was ridiculous and pathetic and destructive and selfish.

Edited by okerry
  • Love 7

I'm not sure but I think Mohamed is now married to the Minister. He did not glance in Danielle's direction one time during those vows. He kept those eyes firmly planted dead ahead.

How long is Ramadan anyway? I'm thinking 365 days cause that's how long it will be before Danielle gets her weepy breath anywhere near his lips.

Very precious of Danielle's son to wear his good cargo shorts to walk his mother down the aisle. I just hope they weren't Jeremy's.

Great post- made me lol.. In regards to Ramadan, it is a religious islamic holiday that lasts 30 days. The strict interpretation is that you can not eat, drink, or have intercourse between sunrise and sunset. You are however ABSOLUTELY permitted to kiss, hug, or hold hands with your WIFE. Especially given it was their wedding day. I am just floored on how clueless dani really is, and I'm not buying it. Most importantly, she is jeopardizing the future of her 3 children. Sad, just so sad and pitiful

  • Love 4

Count me in as an unlicensed, tropical island university, mail-order degree psychiatrist diagnosing Danielle as a narcissist.  It's all me-me-me, my drama, my manipulation, how to get this, how to get that, and having zero concern/understanding/compassion/awareness of Mohamed having his own feelings and aspirations.  She is completely oblivious to him as a person, yet she is obsessed with "getting him" and adding him to her collection of creepy QVC dolls.  She professes to love him, but she has no scruple about lying to him about everything, and especially the most important fact that she is in dire financial straights yet again.  No amount of lying is off limits.  She truly doesn't give a fuck about Mohamed. Nothing and no one must get between her and what she wants.


That giggly laughter at getting married to a painfully unwilling partner was horror-movie terrifying.


Did Angie drop the hijab in the few months they were filming?  I guess her Muslim child-groom didn't approve of halal instant Idaho potato cuisine.


Uh-ho, cue the music, Shrek-The-Bride is coming down the aisle, with her son Corey in big burly black socks and sneakers and fairy tale oversize cargo shorts.  The perfect outfit for this deplorable gathering.  Now for an ad break... yes I get the hint, I'll order a few cases of Lipozene to mail to Danielle. Hey Mohamed, those "strange feelings" you have as you're seeing her amble down the gravel path is called "shame," "loss of one's dignity" and "revulsion."  He couldn't even make eye contact with her.  She couldn't make eye contact with him either, but at least she was trying to aim - she kept missing her target, a bit too much to the left, a bit too much to the right...


Mohamed was fighting off the nausea especially repeating the words "abiding love" - his eyes were looking down and darting off in a panic.  He unenthusiastically slipped the ring on her repugnant breakfast sausage finger and pulled away as fast as he could, like he would contract Ebola from lingering a little longer than necessary.  That sour face she made when he announced, in a forceful, rehearsed voice that he wasn't gonna kiss her cold sores, was hilarious and ominous at once.  He couldn't even kiss her on the cheeks, he was pecking the air around her head.  So nice of him to humor her with a dance where he had to use every bit of his will to even touch her.  But we have already established that she knows, but just doesn't care.


The family brain trust is the purple haired girl, she's the official spokesibling.  The other two look squarely depressed, but you have all been forewarned about my "credentials."

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 22

Lol @ using Ramadan as an excuse to not kiss. Homeboy was drinking beer earlier in the season. Alcohol is a no-no in Islam. I like how he picks and chooses what he does and doesn't want to do, then uses his religion to justify it. You can't have your cake and eat it to, Mohammed.

Every religious person I know does the same exact thing so it didn't bother me. Par for the course in my opinion. I'm more surprised when that doesn't happen quite frankly.

I just don't understand these guys letting people talk shit about their fiancées and they don't say a word. I was happy to see Brett close the door in his busy body mom's face though.

Danielle is so damn creepy. I swear I see that face and those cocked eyes in my nightmares.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

And now for poor, poor Cassia.


Cassia, listen to me, don't marry this loser without a prenup.  When you come to your senses and divorce his flunkie ass, he'll be taking YOU to the cleaners.  Get a clue from his family, they have known him for a long time, and they know he's too much of a weirdo for any woman, let alone you.  "Uniqueness" - that's code for "bizarre, and not in a charming way." He's a humorless jerk that can't even laugh at himself "that's so funny I forgot to laugh?" The last time I heard that one was in 1983 and I broke up with the guy one second later.  It's a deal-breaker.  That's how lame it is.


This was the lamest bachelor party ever, seriously, his dad, his brother and some other dude are the only guests it's not really a bachelor party anyway, what a douche leaving you alone in some sleazy Vegas lounge, after you left all your family and friends behind to crash and burn with this tactless under-achiever.  Not that he needed a bachelor party in the first place, he has been a bachelor forever (with great justice), he has had plenty of time to enjoy prostitudds and strippers.


Did he pick some Motel 6 for you all to meet up because of the breakfast buffet and did you steal muffins so you don't have to eat out for lunch and supper?  He probably didn't know that Circus Circus has rooms above the air conditioning units for $25/night.


You'd better watch out, any money you will earn, you should hide from him.  He will use your labor to bolster his dead end ebay venture.  He will ream you financially when you're able to work.  Did he buy that bedroom set?  No, right?  You'll have to work for it and buy it yourself.  When you divorce him, he will fight for his half of it.  He is a super-douche.


Don't do it Cassia.  Don't do it.

  • Love 12

In Ramadan, you must fast from sun up to sun down- no food, drink, intimate physical relations, smoking, etc., so he's covered since it was daylight when they got married- pretty smooth move to set the wedding in the middle of the day during Ramadan!

Also, no mention of the Islamic ceremony. It will be interesting to see if he plans to go through with that. I married an algerian- my own 90 day k-1 visa fiancé- and we had the Islamic ceremony the same night as our wedding so it would be a real marriage in every way. Guess Mohammed may not be concerned with that?

...and yet he ate Cake. LOL.

  • Love 13

I deeply enjoyed watching Mo shove the $50 ring on Dani's sausage finger.  Jeez that was a pathetic ceremony.  Wouldn't it have been kinder for Mo to explain the kissing issue (lie) to the guy marrying them before the wedding so as not to humiliate her?  I guess by now he doesn't care to even try to put on a show.  I thought it was nice of the purple haired daughter to try and show some excitement and make an attempt to dress up.


As far as Daya and Liverlips go, have they never heard of closing doors?  Every conversation could be easily overheard by everyone in the apartment.


All that sex talk at Amy's wedding was classless.  I agree that the brother was very attention seeking and that's his way to 'shock' people.  I hope Amy wasn't too disappointed on her wedding night and I hope she learns that the vibrator his sister in law gave her is her friend.


Nothing to add about Jason except his giant hooded eyes really freak me out and he should keep his glasses on at all times.

  • Love 8

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