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Season 2 Discussion


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To me, Danny and his mom's reactions to Danny's dad were ones of people who fear that person.  I doubt his mom rarely ever says anything negative against his dad.  If he doesn't like it, she doesn't like it either.  She looked super nervous and like she wanted to cry when he started talking about stuff. Not everyone has a family where you can call out your family members (especially father) for having a really hateful position.

  • Love 9

I guess I'm in the minority, but Evelyn is getting on my nerves.  If your fiancé wants to distance himself from his family (and I don't even agree that having a private ceremony is that big a deal, as long as they invite everyone to the reception, too; must they invite them all over to be a part of the wedding night as well?), he PROLLY has a good reason.  Support your husband and quit butting into American family dynamics you don't - and probably couldn't and wouldn't even if he explained it at length, since Mom is such a stealth, passive-aggressive manipulator - understand.  It's very disloyal to be plotting against his wishes, in my view, and of course Mom has to get the salesperson all up in the family's business, too...  I get that "mothers are everything in Columbia," but you're not in Columbia anymore.

If so, then I'll join you in the minority. It's like Evelin has read too many Regency romance novels where the poor but brave Mary Sue Heroine from the backwoods lower-class (dance teacher / governess, pretty much the same thing, right?) has found herself married to some self-aggrandizing Lord with manpain, usually 'cause he wants to piss off his haughty family by marrying below his station, and because she's so full of rainbows and sunshine and love for everyone she manages to heal his wounded soul by reuniting him with his shitty judgmental family.


Riiiight, because that's so real life. In real life, if someone doesn't like their family, they generally have their reasons and Miss Evelin Dance Teacher (Governess) Extraodinaire barging in to try to reunite (bonus points if it happens over Christmastime) Broody Lord Not!Alec Baldwin with his snotty family so they can become like her family -- that is poor in material goods, but rich in love, natch -- is just a recipe for a Train. Wreck. Part Deux.

  • Love 13

I dearly loved Sue's reaction when she said she'd heard a lot about Daya and Daya asked if it was all good.  Sue looked everywhere except at Daya and then finally said yes.  I think she's a bitter old bitch that wants Liver Lips for herself.


Also, I love whenever Dani tries to kiss Mo and he absolutely will not give her the lips.  I would love to be a fly on the wall on the night of their marriage.

  • Love 7

Brett's friend: I have to admit, I was once in that position myself, but it wasn't because I was "jealous" and "wanted him for myself,"  and that's a pretty unlikely explanation here given that he's young enough to be her grandson (shudder).  I had first refusal and - hello - that's why he resorted to looking overseas for a bride.  It was just, you know; mail-order bride and all.  However, I didn't grab her by the lapels and interrogate her the minute we met.  More "art of the small talk," people!


Anyone else think "Jason's friends from LA" will be from central casting?


Also increasingly not in the fan-of-Amy's camp; what does she see in the dentist from the land of misfit toys, and why would she - an only child - leave her adorable mother with whom she's joined at the hip (she referred to this as a "permanent" move) for him?  Yes, she's got the hots for him but, like Mo, could do much better, probably with any number of people who know her just from this show...


Dani and Mo: worth the price of admission.


Happy to be spared the sight of Yamir "withering away" this week.

  • Love 5

To me, Danny and his mom's reactions to Danny's dad were ones of people who fear that person.  I doubt his mom rarely ever says anything negative against his dad.  If he doesn't like it, she doesn't like it either.  She looked super nervous and like she wanted to cry when he started talking about stuff. Not everyone has a family where you can call out your family members (especially father) for having a really hateful position.

I so agree Gunderda. This is why I am behind the Run, Amy, run movement. I think it is so easy to get swept up in the OMG LOVE! part of a new romance, that you think you can push aside the other things. But they have weird ways of manifesting themselves. Does Amy want to raise children in a family where 1) her husband will not stand up for her and 2) her children will not be accepted? What will happen on Christmas and holidays? Does Danny harbor any of these sentiments? Does he consider himself marrying down, and expect Amy to be more grateful to him hence more of an obedient wife?

Marriage is a partnership, a business decision, an investment, and other things. Love is just one of a multitude of factors. Sure, it softens the pieces, but they still have to fit together.

  • Love 5

I didn't know that interracial marriages are not acceptable in the US.  


The dad's from Texas.

Justin's mom made me so angry.  She's ganging up against Justin with Evelin, that's a no-no.  She supports Jake and Darth Jennifer against Justin.  Justin is extremely uncomfortable with his mother.  There are reasons for that.  Justin looks cowed by his mother.  I think she's a mean person.


Are you watching the same show I am?


Justin is a tool.


That is all.

  • Love 5

I typed this once, and it poofed into cyberland when I hit send.  At the risk of it showing up later, I have this burning need to say it again.


I know we're not supposed to speculate on Danny's preference, but in his defense, he doesn't set off my gaydar at all.  I don't think he's gay at all.  I myself was raised in circumstances very similar - as far as I can tell - to Danny.  Not-quite-fundi but seriously Baptist.  I suspect Danny has bought into the faith but with far more relaxed boundaries.  I can even give the very misguided scripture that the dad bases his very misguided prejudice from.  I know people like this, I do.  They believe crossing races isn't just a bad idea, but actually sort of sinful.  (Not actually proud of that, but there you go).  [snip] I think what we've seen of him so far are just jitters.  This is a HUGE step for this kid - probably raised very sheltered and has immersed himself in family.  Isn't he the baby?  I recognize this.  He couldn't stand up to his father last night, even though he needed to, because that's just not what we DO.  We don't risk much when it comes to family.  We don't dress our parents down, even when they are CLEARLY wrong, because it might jeopardize the family dynamic down the road.  "Manning up" is, in this case, not being what he would label disrespectful to his father.  The father is allowed their opinion.  Just how it is.  You can scream in the car and bitch all the way home, you CAN'T bodyslam the elder.  Never, EVER in public, and rarely in private.  Truly, I have high hopes for this couple.  She knew about the culture coming in and did it anyway.  I think she is lovely and graceful.  You don't have to LIVE it, but you have to "respect" it.  Danny will be fine with a little more maturity and a little less family coddling.


Not condoning, people, just giving perspective.  The father is an ass. 


Similarly about Justin's mom (from my perspective):  I have two sons, big age difference.  We have good relationships all around.  The older of the two is an executive with a great family of his own.  Quite successful.  He thinks I'm a superstar and a mentor.  Is happy to share his life and even employee issues with me.  He's an open book, willing to share anything without prompting.  The younger... not so  much.  Although young, he's on the edge of success.  Marine, relatively new wife.  His whole life, he's balanced the "forgiveness v/s permission" pendulum and opted for forgiveness (or not) every time.  Tells me nothing.  Surprise!  I'm getting married!  Surprise!!  We're buying a house (already signed a contract).  Good kid, but different.  When I met his (now) wife and knew she was about to be THE ONE, I did a quick evaluation and decided - If I'm ever going to know anything about their lives, like EVER, I need to glue myself to the girl.  It's tricky - she has boundaries too, and you have to jockey for position until you are all on the same page.  (You only have to get bitch-slapped a couple times to figure out the rules to the game... hehe!!).  The mom will turn out to be a non-issue.  I'm sure Justin is just like my youngest.  The family knows what he wants to share.  The end.  The family needs to get off his back and let him be.  Evelin is sweet, I think, and she will share.  The SIL just feels threatened by her - she's sweet and attractive and obviously knows more about Justin than Justin is willing to share.  Eventually they'll all figure it out.  Really, when they're just starting to know one another, family needs to take a back seat anyway.


I'm finding it hard to keep hating Daya, and I was pretty good at it.


Cassia:  I was surprised to kind of get the feeling she actually cares for that ratty dude.  I'm not sure it's love going on, but it's something.   He's just one of those 80-year-old young guys who seems at first to be a pushover who has hidden balls.  I hate those guys.  I, too, think he does the most horrendous things to her, just to push her buttons.  Seriously, you picked THAT beach??? 


Lastly:  Dear Sweet BabyJesus, thank you from the bottom of my heart for Dani and Mo.  I think it's HILARIOUS, the spot he's found himself in.  The stall technique is fabulous, right?  "I just know if I can DO this thing..." ... but I'm not NEARLY brave enough to say "OK, just forget it".  Translation:  I have no idea how to get out of here, but LET ME OUT!!!!!   His FACE, oh Lord, his FACE.  How do I get OUT of here???  I mean, does he (or her) have to foot the bill to send him back to Tunisia if they didn't get married?   He can't just get on a plane and scrap the whole plan, they can't afford to live every day life, much less buy a plane ticket.  He is so screwed.


And I posted something other day about the frame of her glasses always being right across her eyes - and wishing she would either push them up or remove them.  I recant.  The scenes without glasses last night... I mean WHO KNEW glasses were such a useful accessory?  PUT THEM BACK ON, GIRL!!!


The dad's from Texas.

SNORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HAHAHA!!!!!!!   Texas is MOST DEFINITELY it's own country!!!

Edited by cooksdelight
Posting spoiler information
  • Love 6

I give Amy a huge pass for choosing someone like Danny. She's 21. I know I *shudders* had questionable taste at 21 and dated guys who really weren't good people in retrospect. Thankfully, things never got to the point of marriage. *shudders again* Amy likely has had little to no experience with the opposite sex and met a cute, religious guy who was nice. She probably thought it was love at first sight. I think she could do much, much better, but again, I give her a pass because she's so young.

  • Love 4

At first, my heart swelled with pride watching Dani's reveal of her job loss to Mo. She wasn't blubbering (as much), speaking in her strange little girl voice (as much), or, most shockingly, physically restraining him from moving. But as I thought about it (and I spent way too much time thinking about it), the whole thing really disturbed me. She didn't so much tell him she lost her job as allow him to find out, the way a child expecting a bad report card might. And while he read it she just sat there as if waiting to be punished, knowing the punishment would come and it would be severe. I'm probably not expressing this right, and it's not my place to speculate on her history, but there seems to be something to speculate about. And it just made me sad, and not in a fun way. So I may just skip their scenes from here on out while hoping for a Daya-Sue showdown. Team Daya!

  • Love 7

In Tara Ariano's wrap-up she's says Danny's dad is from Pennsylvania. I recently read that Pennsylvania is "two cities with Alabama in between." Exhibit A for this theory is Danny's dad. 

2) Someone should tell Danny's dad about Loving vs. Virginia, a 1967 supreme court decision that made all interracial marriages in all states legal.


A lot of these people should think through their decisions.

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 3
I want to ask Amy this question re: Danny. Like, she couldn't find any guy better than Danny in South Africa? Or, hell, even the next street over?



As I understand it, they met in Australia when they were both at some religious event - a college or mission of some kind. So Amy probably saw a different Danny - one who for the first time in his life was out of his normal environment. She didn't get to see the real, weak, pusillanimous Danny until she was in the States and he was surrounded by his fundi-family. I don't think he's gay, I think he's clueless. I really believe he loves her, but in a very juvenile, early-teen kind of way. Amy seems far more mature than him. But I hope it works for them.


Oh God, Cassia and Jason. I wonder how many old geezers had to reach for the defibrillator after seeing her in that bikini. After all, it seems the average woman where they live looks like Maxine, so the sight of a young woman's ass cheeks is probably more than most of those old boys' hearts can stand.  Jason is a nasty cheapskate. I admit I like a bargain, but to take your fiancée for an early-bird special at what looked like a very un-fancy restaurant to celebrate your engagement? Puh-leease. And I 100% agree with Cassia about the stag party. If my husband-to-be wanted a last fling with a hooker before we got married it'd be the end of us.


Dani, don't you see that Mo is so checked out already. He flinches when you touch him. The sight of you makes him cringe. You look ridiculous in that dress. You are an idiot. I must admit, though, that I enjoy watching Mo's discomfort and the growing realisation that he's in a trap of his own making.


But when, oh when, will TLC give them their own show - Here Comes Dani Mo-Moob.  As the train gathers momentum and speeds towards the derailment that'll wreck it, I cannot look away. Indeed, I want to add more coal to the firebox to make it go even faster.

Edited by essexjan
  • Love 12

After reading through today's pages, I am a bit lost.  When did they say or show Jason & Cassia living at a retirement community with his Dad? I must not have returned in time, one episode. The house does not look like a mobile home to me. IF you know the answer, Episode I can look it up myself, would be grateful.  If it was just a guess based on his antics, I can see that too. ;-)


I grew up with a Father that was like Danny's, in the ways of believing interracial couples were the worst Sin of all and they would never get far.(he was born in the 40's) I was so embarrassed as a teen when he pointed out to a couple with a beautiful child. He was also a man who bought the 1984 Penthouse issue because Miss America, Vanessa Williams, was in it. It stayed hidden for many years.  He died a few months before President Obama was elected into office. And oh how I wanted him to see that a man with darker skin than him made it that far in life.


I cannot watch Justin & Evelyn anymore. That baseball cap has to go!  Did anyone notice the pool they were sitting at? Was that not the same place she met his family for the first time?


Brett & Daya: He needs more male buddies. Stop hanging out with the Not Yet Ready For Bingo players!! I think Daya won over many of us this week.


Dani & Mo: Once she took off those glasses, you could really see her age quickly. The crying did not help her either.  Was Mo cooking rice in the pan? I can't get the images of her hands then fingers coming for Mo's face & messaging him like play-doh. Eeeew.


Editing is a big problem on this show for sure.

  • Love 3


Also, I love whenever Dani tries to kiss Mo and he absolutely will not give her the lips.  I would love to be a fly on the wall on the night of their marriage.


Not me!  Then I would have to watch that scene with like 10 eyes!


At first, my heart swelled with pride watching Dani's reveal of her job loss to Mo. She wasn't blubbering (as much), speaking in her strange little girl voice (as much), or, most shockingly, physically restraining him from moving. But as I thought about it (and I spent way too much time thinking about it), the whole thing really disturbed me. She didn't so much tell him she lost her job as allow him to find out, the way a child expecting a bad report card might. And while he read it she just sat there as if waiting to be punished, knowing the punishment would come and it would be severe. I'm probably not expressing this right, and it's not my place to speculate on her history, but there seems to be something to speculate about. And it just made me sad, and not in a fun way. So I may just skip their scenes from here on out while hoping for a Daya-Sue showdown. Team Daya!

I may be in the minority, but when she does that smile, she gives me some serial killer realness.  That smile doesn't say dopey, it says serial killer to me.  Like thats the smile she uses to cover the fact that her brain is thinking about how to get the choloroform rag onto your mouth.  I would be very strategic about leaving if I were Mo, because I don't think she has any intention of letting him leave.

  • Love 11

In Tara Ariano's wrap-up she's says Danny's dad is from Pennsylvania. I recently read that Pennsylvania is "two cities with Alabama in between." Exhibit A for this theory is Danny's dad.

2) Someone should tell Danny's dad about Loving vs. Virginia, a 1967 supreme court decision that made all interracial marriages in all states legal.

A lot of these people should think through their decisions.


This! I live about 20 minutes from where Danny lives. Apparently Amy has been staying in my town when with his brother [snip]. We are 30 miles from Philadelphia. This is a very diverse, cosmopolitan suburban area. But yes, PA isn't called Pennsyltucky for nothing and there are a lot of pockets of WTF!

Edited by cooksdelight
Spoiler information removed
  • Love 2

If so, then I'll join you in the minority. It's like Evelin has read too many Regency romance novels where the poor but brave Mary Sue Heroine from the backwoods lower-class (dance teacher / governess, pretty much the same thing, right?) has found herself married to some self-aggrandizing Lord with manpain, usually 'cause he wants to piss off his haughty family by marrying below his station, and because she's so full of rainbows and sunshine and love for everyone she manages to heal his wounded soul by reuniting him with his shitty judgmental family.


Riiiight, because that's so real life. In real life, if someone doesn't like their family, they generally have their reasons and Miss Evelin Dance Teacher (Governess) Extraodinaire barging in to try to reunite (bonus points if it happens over Christmastime) Broody Lord Not!Alec Baldwin with his snotty family so they can become like her family -- that is poor in material goods, but rich in love, natch -- is just a recipe for a Train. Wreck. Part Deux.


Add me to that list too. I come from a culture where family is paramount above all, and even I would back off. Maybe it's honestly a language barrier and maybe Evelin doesn't have the ability to perceive nuance in English, but Not Baldwin's mom is really codependent or at the very least an emotional vampire (from what we've seen). Evelin really should not be butting in, especially since they literally just met! That does not bode well for a relationship--lying behind your partner's back like that.



Edited by RococoChanel
  • Love 3

I was referring to the official Facebook page that is 90 Day Fiance.

I was referring to the official Facebook page that is 90 Day Fiance.

Note to self -- if ever on reality show (unlikely) stock up on hair color. No excuse for nasty roots a la Daya and Danielle.


ala CASSIA! I think that is called hombre? I don't know. Where I'm from, we call that "roots" and think she needs a touch-up job. ;)

Edited by OhhElle
  • Love 3

As a native Georgian who as lived in several different parts of the country I'd say it's a generational thing more than a regional thing.

Regardless ,Danny and his siblings apparently all live in PA. So I think it's logical to assume that mom and dad are originally from PA too. They are recent Texas transplants.

Edited by Katjoy26
  • Love 2


Kids need a roof over their heads and food on the table, so sorry gotta bring my man over.  Nothing is as important as having a man in her life.   Even Mo is starting to wonder if the green card is worth it.


She is barely getting by and she brings this guy over that has no way of working for several months to support? Not to mention the fact that it is SO obvious he is only here for a green card.  She has to know this and yet she is in total denial.  If somehow he does stay, he will disappear into the night the minute he gets his green card.  The kids even know this.  Not to be cruel, but did she even look in a mirror when she tried that wedding gown on?  There are plenty of dresses out there that would be much more flattering.  Only a tiny girl can wear that style. Why didn't her kids tell her the truth?   These two are definitely the least likely to stay together.

  • Love 2

She is barely getting by and she brings this guy over that has no way of working for several months to support? Not to mention the fact that it is SO obvious he is only here for a green card. She has to know this and yet she is in total denial. If somehow he does stay, he will disappear into the night the minute he gets his green card. The kids even know this. Not to be cruel, but did she even look in a mirror when she tried that wedding gown on? There are plenty of dresses out there that would be much more flattering. Only a tiny girl can wear that style. Why didn't her kids tell her the truth? These two are definitely the least likely to stay together.

Mo does not even try and put on an act that he cares for Dani.

  • Love 1

I know it sounds awful but I am truly enjoying seeing Mo squirm every time Danielle touches him and tries to cuddle with him.

This SOB thought that his gigolo self was coming to the U.S. to have it easy, get his green card and disappear in the distance like nothing has happened , so just for once I am happy that this process is as uncomfortable and disgusting as it seems to be for him.

That is right Mo, you might get a green card out of this deal but every single day out of those 2-3 years that you need to stay married to Danielle will be the constant reminder of the price you had to pay.

I am only sad about the collateral damage: Danielle's daughters, if this girls could just walk away once they become of age that would be great. Added bonus would be more alone time for Danielle to harass this bastard, that is right, make him work really hard for that green card.

If just Mo would find himself a job and work steadily the next three years, then be forced to pay alimony to Danielle, it would be the cherry on top. Mo came to the U.S and finds himself in the worst kind of nightmare, serves him well for being such a user.

  • Love 12

The smartest thing Mohamed can do is get a job where he has to work night shift. He can use the excuse that it pays more. Then he would rarely have to see Danielle.  During the scene where she revealed that she'd been fired, two things came to mind. First, I would love to know what was in that letter. And second, how different this scene would've played out if these were two people who actually cared for each other. Danielle knew not to expect any comfort from Mohamed, and she sure didn't get any. There's no delusion there. She 100% knows he's doesn't love her. But she's determined to keep him, no matter what.


On a related note, who is paying for the English class?


Interesting to see the Daya redemption arc. I haven't forgotten the Daya who didn't hug Brett back, who tersely ordered him to go get her luggage, and who complained about her ring in no less than three separate conversations before she'd been off the plane for 12 hours.


As someone commented above, Justin is a guy who doesn't tell his family much. I'm sure he has his reasons. But his mother sees Evelin as her "in" and is working her as best she can. I don't think she's trying to be outright manipulative in an evil way, but essentially, that's what it is. She is manipulating Evelin to get closer to her son. And Evelin is a willing participant. I personally don't think they should invite just the mom, because I don't believe she would keep the information to herself. She will tell her other children, and they will show up uninvited. Justin will be angry, Jake and Jen will be rude and self-righteous, the mother will weep about how she just wants her sons to be close, and Evelin will ignore the chaos and bad feelings and go on telling herself how important it is to be surrounded by family, even when they are people you don't like, don't respect, and who don't support your relationship. Evelin and Justin really need to get on the same page about his family because otherwise, it will be a bone of contention for the rest of their lives together.

  • Love 5

Sweet Jebus! This episode could be summed up by the philosophy that people need to love themselves.


Mo - The player got captured by the game! This may be one of the few cases of a person from a developing country actually being worse off in the US than they were in their home country. Bet you his cell phone wasn't cut off in Tunisia and he wasn't months behind on a whole bunch of bills. As broke as Danielle is they shouldn't even have been going to a jewelry store for wedding bands. They should have gotten a roll a quarters, located an arcade and tried their luck with the claw machine game. 


I want to know what Mo was cooking in that pot. It did not look appetizing. 


By now, the phrase "I have something to tell you that you are not going to like" must strike fear in Mo's heart. I find that smile she has on her face at all times distressing and creepy. I also don't know why she insists on wearing a white dress that exposes her torso. So  not flattering.


I will give Mo one thing - he isn't resting on his laurels. He is off taking English classes to improve himself. So Kudos to him. I am sure it is for selfish reasons. The more proficient in English he is, the sooner he can get away from Danielle. He is probably doing like Julia Roberts in Sleeping With The Enemy but instead of swim lessons at the YWCA, he is learning to conjugate and not let his participles dangle.  


Amy - Welp. I guess TLC wasn't ratching up dad's racism in last week's previews. Dad is a straight up racist. That was absolutely painful to witness. You know what I get that Danny and his family are religious and he can't disrespect his father so I don't need him to cuss his father out or be rude to him but a gentle yet firm, I don't agree with that. That isn't true. Africa is beautiful and diverse and you would be missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Our children will be beautiful and loved. At some point Danny is gonna need to grow a pair. Even the bible says that a man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife. Danny sitting there like a bump on a bump on a bump was some old bullshit! Amy was left out there dangling without any kind of security net. At the very least, Danny should have been sitting next to her with his arm around her. I can't with that Howdy Dowdy fool.


Also geography doesn't have anything to do with racism. There are racists in metropolitan NYC on the Social Register, racists in the royal family (Prince Phillip and Prince Edward Duke of Windsor), in the upper echelons of the financial world, in education, etc. Hell, the white trash ones wearing the overalls are the least scary ones because they don't have influence and power.


I guess I'm in the minority, but Evelyn is getting on my nerves.  If your fiancé wants to distance himself from his family (and I don't even agree that having a private ceremony is that big a deal, as long as they invite everyone to the reception, too; must they invite them all over to be a part of the wedding night as well?), he PROLLY has a good reason.  Support your husband and quit butting into American family dynamics you don't - and probably couldn't and wouldn't even if he explained it at length, since Mom is such a stealth, passive-aggressive manipulator - understand.  It's very disloyal to be plotting against his wishes, in my view, and of course Mom has to get the salesperson all up in the family's business, too...  I get that "mothers are everything in Columbia," but you're not in Columbia anymore.


He Prolly has a good reason? Maybe. However, Evelin is about to be his wife and if she doesn't know, I think she sure has a right to since she is marrying into this jacked up dynamic.  I am really curious as to what if anything he has told Evelin about his family.


I must stand alone because I am not seeing the Darth Vader Mom that is being mentioned here. Yes she is weepy and sad but it isn't over something trivial. So far I am not seeing some clingy mom that wants in on every aspect of her son and soon to be new wife's life. It is a significant event that every mother would want and love to be a part of. She isn't weepy because they aren't let her in on picking a china pattern or the new cabinets for their kitchen. Her own son doesn't want her at his wedding. Is that justified for some past action or inaction? Who knows because Justin isn't telling but as a stranger who knows nothing and won't assume the worst about her or him I would say that that is no small thing.


I do wonder why Justin didn't just elope. Why announce and than make a point of exclusion? It seems like a way to hold his family emotionally hostage. Not only that.  He has completely disregarded Evelin's feelings in the matter. He doesn't seem to care about what kind of wedding she seems to want. This couple seems very shaky to me. For someone who is so keen on family, how could Evelin not have known that not Baldwin's family was so dysfunctional? They seem blinded by their sexual chemistry but they don't know each other at all and don't care to. Evelin sits there sulking by the pool and loverboy is at a complete loss as to why and what if anything to do. oh vey!

  • Love 8

This is why it is so important to actually talk to your significant other. I can understand Justin not wanting his family there. I don't understand why he doesn't think of Evelin as his friend as well as his wife, and talk to her (or at least, it is not shown). While I know family is important to her, Evelin doesn't strike me as not caring or not understanding. Family is super important to me, but I also understand why others people might feel differently about theirs. If he sat with her and said "Look, my family has treated me poorly. You saw a taste of that. I understand family is important to you, and you miss yours, but also understand why mine is different."


Danielle and Mo ... I cannot add anything to the brilliance of what has already been said.


I'm warming to Daya. Also, I agree with the poster who said that they get the idea that Sue has been left for an Asian woman or has has some trouble (maybe she liked someone but they didn't date her because of an Asian woman). Because she seems to have a random factoid in her head. While yes, there are cases of women using men (and vice versa) there are also cases of actual love and lasting marriages. 


But regardless of fears, I don't understand why there can't be any normal conversations with people. I know there is the green card concerns, but why not talk and get to know the person first before making that assumption? Why does basic politeness and decency have to go out the door. I don't know of any K-1 situations like the show, so maybe that taints my views, but I've seen a few relationships that have caused a raised eyebrow. But, I have always given the person the benefit of the doubt, and I'm glad for that because of the cases in which I was wrong . 

  • Love 2

Not me!  Then I would have to watch that scene with like 10 eyes!


I may be in the minority, but when she does that smile, she gives me some serial killer realness.  That smile doesn't say dopey, it says serial killer to me.  Like thats the smile she uses to cover the fact that her brain is thinking about how to get the choloroform rag onto your mouth.  I would be very strategic about leaving if I were Mo, because I don't think she has any intention of letting him leave.


Gurl. You ain't never lied. She's serving that Meredith Baxter as Betty Broderick in the Lifetime Movie of the Week Till Death Do Us Part realness.

  • Love 10

o they pushed the wedding way up so they could have sex earlier?  Is that what happened? 


I think they said it was because living apart was interfering with getting to know each other.  That makes perfect sense.  Everyone knows that the evils of fornicating before you're married, far outweighs the disaster of marrying a stranger and finding out you don't like each other.


I thought Sue was pretty offensive when she brought up Asian women marrying American men and then divorcing them. That was an extremely ignorant thing to say and I was surprised Daya remained friendly after that statement. Why not just try to get to know Daya for who she is rather than approaching her with preconceived notions? Daya was actually quite nice to her.


Actually, she said the Asian women all married  "white mans".  Lovely woman.

  • Love 7

This is why it is so important to actually talk to your significant other. I can understand Justin not wanting his family there. I don't understand why he doesn't think of Evelin as his friend as well as his wife, and talk to her (or at least, it is not shown). While I know family is important to her, Evelin doesn't strike me as not caring or not understanding. Family is super important to me, but I also understand why others people might feel differently about theirs. If he sat with her and said "Look, my family has treated me poorly. You saw a taste of that. I understand family is important to you, and you miss yours, but also understand why mine is different."

Upon further reflection, I'm sort of bothered by the Evelin situation because I think her sulking is part of a somewhat passive aggressive plan to get him to invite his family to their wedding.  Justin said something to the effect of "listen, I know you miss your family, how can I make you feel better?" and at some point she will be able to say "well, invite your family to the wedding."  


Evelin speaks English well, is in a fairly big city, and has a cell phone with internet access.  Surely, she could find a meetup group or some area where she could connect with fellow Columbians.  I think that most of california has a fairly decent public transportation system, so she could get out and meet people if she is that lonely.  This leads me to believe that, to some degree, she is sulking just to get Justin to want to do whatever he can to make her happy, which will of course, be to invite his family.

  • Love 3

They should have gotten a roll a quarters, located an arcade and tried their luck with the claw machine game.

If Dani can't find a job soon, she can sit in the machine and be the claw. She's had plenty of practice with Mo's arms.

When I watch this show, I think to myself that we're seeing 6 couples and there are hundreds of thousands out there doing the same thing. Can they all be this loony?

  • Love 4

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