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Season 2 Discussion


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I will watch this show because I liked the first season.

I went to TLC's website and it looks like they will have a special on before the new season about what's going on with the couples from the first season. There is a video. What's odd is that the guy who married the woman from the Phillippines chose not to participate. Wonder if they didn't work out?

Or maybe they DID work out and don't want production screwing with their lives anymore? I got the feeling that they really regretted going on TV with their marriage.

ShaNaeNae, thank you for starting the season 2 thread, I'll be the mod here in case anyone has any questions or suggestions.

I think we'll just keep all talk about this season in here, instead of starting individual couples' threads. Seems to work better on shows with short runs.

  • Love 1

Or maybe they DID work out and don't want production screwing with their lives anymore? I got the feeling that they really regretted going on TV with their marriage.


 After showing the money and dress drama I was wondering why he flew over to escort her to the states when it was said that the producers paid for it. They paid a big price for what was said merely airfare from the Philippines.

Oh I can not wait for this season to start, they are having a marathon today of last season.  I followed this board back on TWOP and currently have a friend who went through the process to get a K-1 visa for his fiance only to have it denied, so now he's just going to go over to Hati and marry her.  I kept telling him to just sign up for this show, his travels have been interesting enough to fill a whole season alone.

  • Love 1

I still cannot fathom how anyone with children could think it's a great idea to bring a total stranger into the home as a new parent/authority figure. Especially someone from a completely unfamiliar culture who doesn't speak English. It just seems so, so...dumb. And selfish.And disruptive to the children. Especially if you've already put the kids through a divorce. I mean, if you're single and want to go off and hook up with someone you barely know from an exotic land, go for it. But when you have kids, it seems like their interests should come first.

  • Love 12

I don't even know where to begin...

For the past couples, it seemed to me that none of the husbands are all that secure in their relationships. I thought Mike was going to get whiplash for looking at Aziza every 4 seconds. Russ is still jealous. Alan is still clueless.

But these new couples.... Brett with his hyena laugh and Dya is in it for the money. Studley whatever his name is, ready to get naked and get his woman in the kitchen to start cleaning because he's got a game to watch. The poor woman with the three daughters, she could barely breathe she was crying and hyperventilating over Mohamed possibly skipping out on her.

The one interesting couple is the girl and the guy from Nicaragua. He's giving up a LOT to be with her. I'll be interested to see how that one plays out.

  • Love 7

The guy from Washington says that after his divorce, he wanted to date again, so he went on an international dating site. How is divorce to international dating site a natural progression? I was also seriously skeeved when she said that in the cab ride from the airport when they first met in person he was feeling her up. Gross. 


I don't understand why the couple from Nicaragua wanted to move to the US. At first I figured they were going to settle in Miami, NYC, LA so that he could try to kickstart his career in the US. But apparently they are headed to BFE. I seriously don;t get it. Why leave Nicaragua? If he's a superstar, I would think they could lead a good life. His manager was the smartest one in the room. 


I felt at once bad for and frustrated with the woman with 3 daughters. I mean seriously? Not only is he getting a green card, but she has been sending him money. This is a trainwreck waiting to happen.


The gym teacher seemed like a normal guy (excepting the stereotypical for the camera make me a sandwich behavior for the camera) who met a girl while he was abroad. But no bedroom shots please. For any of them. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 7

Wow!   I'm calling it right now; there's no way Mohammed is going to stay with that woman. 


The poor girl from the Philippines is already realizing that Studley (thanks, cooksdelight) is looking for a maid.  It was so thoughtful of him to point out the washer/dryer and ironing board before plopping his ass on the couch to watch sports.  And it looks like she's not too happy about the fact that he hasn't told his family anything about her either.  Not looking good!


I hope Brett took his roomie's advice and put clean sheets on the bed, but I wonder how Dya is going to like living with those two women.  She already seems to be over his annoying laugh and wasn't exactly impressed with the flowers (where are my roses?).  I don't know what she feels for him, but I don't think its love.


I agree with the manager of the boy group in Nicaragua.  What prospects will that kid have being plopped down in a small town in the Midwest?  I can't see him being happy in the U.S. for very long. 


I guess we'll meet two more couples next week.  Looks like its going to be an interesting season! 

  • Love 4

The guy who supposedly looks like "Alec Baldwin" is only in this for a live in maid and the sex.  I wish he was the one with the lady who wanted roses and ordered that seemingly nice guy to get her bags.  What a bitch!  I am going to hate watching Mohamed break the single mom's heart.  I have a feeling this season will have more drama than the last.

  • Love 4

The Nicaraguan pop star interests me most, because I grew up near Galesburg, IL. It is pretty remote and boring there. But is there a reason why he couldn't go back home to record new albums with his group, periodically?

When the middle-aged woman mentioned that she sent Mohammed money, the show wasn't really entertaining anymore. It was just sad and uncomfortable.

  • Love 11

Why is Brett living and socializing with ladies who are old enough to be his mother? So weird.


Also, if I were an older, fluffier single mother of 4, I would be very suspicious of a younger hottie who I met online. Made more sense once we found out she was sending him money. She is super annoying with her sobbing and drama. Her poor kids. 

  • Love 13

I honestly believe she is mentally ill. NO ONE could or should believe for one minute that dude loves you. Her kids are on eggshells, knowing mom will have a breakdown if this doesnt go perfectly. Jesus christ...sending him money? You have 3 teens silently screaming for love and attention. Couldnt the just rent her the movie Catfish?


Guess she thinks they will all just settle in and live happily ever after, eating fried crap for every meal.

San Jose dude: Douchey Mc Doucherson

Mr Betty White with his Golden Girls? What the Wholy Fuck is that about?

Im single, and on a few dating sites...would never even consider talking to a dude over 60 miles way...Jesus H Christ, these people are cray cray

ok...pop star couple coukd be cool

Watching My 5 Wives now..Low Self Esteem Nite on TLC...these people are a freaking mess

  • Love 16

Why is Brett living and socializing with ladies who are old enough to be his mother? So weird.


Thank you. His best friend from work (aka truth cannon) was old enough to be his mother. What freaked up thing happened in his background that he feels drawn to older women like that? Although I had to chuckle when the work buddy asked, "what do you mean by meeting her?" I thought, does meeting have a different meaning in Washington? Uh, that means he wants you to meet her, damn!


Everybody knows (TM Phaedra Parks) that there are rules in the dating jungle. Those who are 5's don't date 10's and vice versa. I don't mean to be inelegant, but the lady 15 years older than her Tunisian love bug has to know she and he are in two different leagues. Hence, the histrionics and western union drops.


The guy from CA (with a surprising sometime-y southern twang) reminded me of Russ and Paola from last season. He even said, "Latin women are passionate" or some other trite bit. I think she put it on him during those two weeks in Columbia and he thought, "hey, she seems eager...why not?"


The Nicaraguan guy's manager told no lies. The move is not in his best interest at all.


Like everybody else--I'm in for the season!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 10

Thank you. His best friend from work (aka truth cannon) was old enough to be his mother. What freaked up thing happened in his background that he feels drawn to older women like that? Although I had to chuckle when the work buddy asked, "what do you mean by meeting her?" I thought, does meeting have a different meaning in Washington? Uh, that means he wants you to meet her, damn!


Everybody knows (TM Phaedra Parks) that there are rules in the dating jungle. Those who are 5's don't date 10's and vice versa. I don't mean to be inelegant, but the lady 15 years older than her Tunisian love bug has to know she and he are in two different leagues. Hence, the histrionics and western union drops.


The guy from CA (with a surprising sometime-y southern twang) reminded me of Russ and Paola from last season.

Word to this! The Washington guy (Brett?) living with the Golden Girls and engaged to the gal from the Philippines...when he said, "I'm not sure I'll MEASURE UP!" (wink wink) I almost spit my Crystal Light across the room.


As for Danielle and Mohammed...there are no words. Those poor kids of hers.


I am from San Jose, like Justin, who liked his "baaaaaaachelor laaaaafstyle" and I have no idea where he picked up that accent. He sort of reminds me of some Silicon Valley white boys who fancy themselves rappers from Oakland.


I'm most intrigued by Chelsea and Yamir. If he is a big star in Nicaragua, why doesn't she move there? Unless he wants to try his luck in Hollywood.

  • Love 4

I greatly enjoyed the first season of this show and hoped that the new couples would be just as interesting.  I think that will be at least partially true.  It takes me a while to learn the names of folks on these shows (*cough* Duggars *cough*), so I'll refer to them as specifically as possible.


* The woman who is 15 years older than Mohammed made me sick.  She has three impressionable teenage daughters (who already seem miles more mature than her) and she's not only sending money to some guy in his 20's, but she's bringing him here to marry him?!  I have a really hard time respecting that.  Unless she's a very wealthy woman, she shouldn't send him one dime.  Her tearful performance all through the airport was shameful and awful to display in front of her daughters.  Get it together, sister.  Seriously.  Also, Mohammed's statement in next week's preview that she was physically "acceptable" to him made me furious.  That women is so desperate, she's willing to accept the fact that this guy is obviously not in love with her.  I can already tell that she's going to piss me off every Sunday night. 


* The frat boy who looks nothing like Alec Baldwin (??).  He was tossing some serious testosterone around that apartment when he insisted on leaving the dishes to his fiance and showing her the cleaning products.  I'm sure some of it was for the cameras, but still.  I don't envision that relationship lasting. 


* The guy who lives with two older women.  His fiance seems like a total bitch.  She complained about the type of flowers he brought her after he went to all the trouble to clean up his place and alter things to suit her preferences?  I wonder about this guy.  He seems to prefer the company of older women.  I think he views them as his little crew of surrogate moms who help guide him through every decision he makes.  I find him sweetly pathetic, if that makes sense.  That woman is going to chew him up and spit him out.  The preview of next week's episode where she talks about getting the ring checked to see if it's real is disgusting.  He should have put her ass on the plane back to the Philippines immediately.  I know I would have.


* Chelsea and Yamir.  I don't know what to think of these two.  She seems kind of flighty and silly, but that's probably just her youth talking.  Yamir acts like a lost little puppy, not at all in control of the situation.  If he really is the Justin Timberlake of Nicaragua, then his manager was absolutely right: leaving the country is a step backward for him. 


The others didn't make enough of an impression on me to comment.  I guess I'm here for the long haul . . .

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 6

Alex Baldwin? Hugh Hefner Jr? James Bond? OMG. People need their eyes and IQs checked stat! Plus, he's a creep.

Danielle is a mess. I hope she's prepared for a huge disappointment. But, in the meantime, please God keep her teen daughters safe. To invite a 26 year old male stranger into your home, when you have vulnerable teen girls there is, to me, the height of lunacy, bordering on neglect. Wtf? Where is her head! Yeah, I know where it is.

Nicaraguan Justin Bieber seems like a nice guy, but this couple is not using its common sense at all.

Guy with old lady roommates/partners is strange. He has that sheltered, otherworldly look. Like the Heavens Gate cult that committed suicide, with their identical haircuts and clothes.


Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 12

Unless he wants to try his luck in Hollywood

I started wondering about whether the move to the U.S. was more prompted by this show than by the two of them. They might have been on the fence of deciding where would be best to live and marry, then they get selected to be on this show. Boom, instant TV roles and maybe someone will see and hear him sing and sign him up. He reminds me of the kid from "That 70s Show."

The older woman who's friends with Brett "Golden Girls Momma's Boy" reminds me of one of the grannies on The People's Couch. I had to do a double-take to make sure it wasn't her. What I found so interesting is that his mother doesn't look like a mother, if that makes sense. I thought she was his older sister until they did a few close-ups. Yet his circle of friends are all motherly types. Add to that his creepy laugh....cannot wait to see this chick he's picked interact with his daughter because it looks to me like daughter has got Bitchy Fiance's number.

  • Love 6
I am from San Jose, like Justin, who liked his "baaaaaaachelor laaaaafstyle" and I have no idea where he picked up that accent. He sort of reminds me of some Silicon Valley white boys who fancy themselves rappers from Oakland.

I'm also from San Jose, and my wife of 15 years tells me that her younger friends call San Jose, "Man Jose" because it's apparently 60/40% Male/Female for singles... I can't possibly fathom why he couldn't form a lasting relationship wiht an American girl with is attitude of "I'm the King in the bedroom, you're the Queen of the kitchen"... OMG... someone club that man over the head with a brontosaurus bone.

  • Love 7

I think Brett said his roommates are his coworkers? The women struck me as a couple, and since Brett said he was new to Washington state, I could see the coworkers taking pity on him and offering their extra room. But I'm not sure why he gravitated to another granny as his best friend.

I do agree that Brett s mom looked more like an older sister. Maybe she was a teen mom, and now Brett is on an eternal mission to find his idealized version of an older mom, complete with white hair. Ha!

But then he chooses a bitchy, entitled woman to hook up with? That makes no sense. She complained about the flowers, ordered him to to get her bags and told him to stop "that laughing!" The laugh IS a deal breaker, but she heard it before, no? I love the preview with his little daughter giving fiancee a hard time. Actually, the fiancee and the daughter are a match made in heaven!

Danielle' s Mohammed is very good looking, with a good body. No way, no how is he interested in her. To me, she looks even older than 41, not to mention her weight and general frumpiness. I feel terrible for her girls! God, what a role model.

I'm looking forward to the couple next week with the 38 year old groom and volatile fiancee. Whoa. She's a whole bucketful of anger and fury.

Tonight I caught up with last season, and I can't stand how all the men say, "well, she gave up everything for me, so I want to make her happy (etc)...." Nobody is holding a gun to the women's (and now, the man's) heads, are they? It's not like the foreign nationals were drafted and had no choice. Come, don't come. They're making tradeoffs, sure. But don't act as though coming to America is a noble sacrifice that must be appeased.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 4


I started wondering about whether the move to the U.S. was more prompted by this show than by the two of them. They might have been on the fence of deciding where would be best to live and marry, then they get selected to be on this show. Boom, instant TV roles and maybe someone will see and hear him sing and sign him up.

I found Chelsea and Yamir adorable and I wish them well. I feel pretty sure that they will make this work for them--once they are settled they can look at Yamir's career potential in the US and move wherever. The manager may have been right, but calling Chelsea names and yelling at her was not the way to win her over. I feel like the "Nicaraguan superstar relocates to Small Town USA" storyline is just a storyline and that Chelsea and Yamir have plans for his career. Danielle, its been said. The poor woman is a pathetic train wreck. I did not like San Jose bachelor at all. That whole awkwardly staged scene with the sink full of dirty dishes may have been for the cameras, but his attitude is insufferable.


In other news, I can't believe I missed the first season of this show! Its FANTASTIC. I binge watched the end of the first season yesterday, oh my god. best. show. ever.

  • Love 1

Lord, I am sad I missed the last 15 minutes of this show.  I had my 16 yr old brother text me with updates, but it wasn't the same.  Danielle and Mohammed are just doomed, doomed doomed.  As soon as my brothers and I saw her and then saw him we both said "marriage for the green card."  I was surprised he even showed up.    I think their story line is the most interesting, yet saddest and snarkiest.  


My brother about Danielle:  She looks desperate.  My response:  Looks?  She is desperate. 


We won't be able to look away!


We also noticed the granny complex that Brett had.  First we thought his roommate was his wife, then his aunt.  Come on, dude.  


I am in for the craziness.  

I think Brett said his roommates are his coworkers? The women struck me as a couple


I thought that too. 


As far as Mohamed, I also heard in the previews that he said her appearance was "acceptable". Infuriating,  and I think there is something mentally wrong with her. 


So what are the rules around green card marriages? If Mohamed marries her and takes off, can she have him deported? Do a couple have to live together after they marry to keep the person on the visa's status? Does the INS or State Dept go back and check on the couples?  

I think Mohammad considers this a 90 day paid vacation and will probably go back to Tunisia when its over. 


Dammit, I missed the "Where are They Now" show.  I understand that Louis and Aya didn't participate, but can someone give me a brief summary of whether or not the other three couples are still together?  And was there any mention of Louis and Aya?

  • Love 1

I absolutely understood where Yamir's manager was coming from. He was right, if Yamir was moving to Miami or LA, two cities with a large Latino populations, that would be one thing, but the Midwest? I think it's a very bizarre move on his part. If Yamir is as huge as Chelsea claims, surely it would have been smarter for them to stay in Nicaragua for a little longer. It is not that easy for international acts to get signed in the US to begin with, so if they are banking on Yamir being able to gain similar success here, I don't think that's a realistic plan. I also think he would struggle with an average 9-5 job if he loves performing. Anyone know what Chelsea does for a living? She was volunteering in Nicaragua, so I wonder if she has a job stateside or if she's planning on living off of Yamir's earnings. Either way, I hope this works out for Yamir. He is giving up his whole life for Chelsea - his career, his family, his friends.


Danielle and Mohammed. I had a lot of thoughts running through my mind every time Danielle was shown. I find it very questionable and irresponsible that she would bring a strange man into her home. She has 3 innocent children. Ugh. And to top it off, she has been sending this man money. She has 3 teenage girls and I assume at least one will want to attend college, so surely that money could be better used elsewhere. That couple just gave me a gross feeling. I've seen cougar relationships where an older woman hooks up with a 'hot' young man for some reliable peen, but this does not seem like it will be a mutually beneficial situation at all. You can tell Danielle has serious emotional issues. She acted like Mohammed was Jesus in the flesh when she saw him at the airport. Between the crying jags and the creepy smile, I just feel very concerned about her. If Mohammed stays with her, I'd be very surprised. My husband jokingly said that Mohammed probably has a girlfriend or wife back home that he's just waiting to bring over here, and I have a feeling that this could be accurate.


Now, Brett. I found it very telling that his closest friends appear to be in their fifties and his mother looked fairly young. I wonder if she was teen mother and Brett gravitates towards older mother types for guidance as a result? Also, he chose one hell of a winner with Daya. The bitching about the flowers was so uncalled for. I also thought it was bitchy that she didn't initially hug him and told him to go get her luggage without so much of 'how are you? thank you for coming to pick me up'. He must love being punished because I feel like Daya will have a stiletto heel positioned over his balls for as long as he lets her. I am very curious about the mother of his daughter.


Justin and Evelin - I think it's a huge red flag his family doesn't even know about this woman. I also thought it was a red flag that he insinuated that Evelin would essentially do the housework and not much else.


This show will have 6 couples, and I think that is way too many. I much preferred when they had 4 couples last season. Other than Danielle and Mohammed, I found it hard to keep track of the names. I am thinking that maybe 2 couples end up not making it and will make an early exit. If not, it will be hard for me to want to follow this show.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 4

ParisPrincess, they are all three still together. Mike took Aziza home to Russia so he could meet her family, but he still has that creepy look about him. She seems much happier now, as she's learned to drive and has a job at an optical center. They work different shifts so they don't see each other much except at night and on weekends. But they do seem genuinely happy.

Alan and Kiryam went to his family reunion, a redneck themed event in Utah, and she was a little overwhelmed. He got her dressed up in camo and taught her how to drive a 4-wheeler. To his credit, he arranged a Skype call between her family and his immediate family, and she was thrilled. I think they will be fine, if his mom will lay off the grandbaby talk. Kiryam seems lonely as she hasn't yet gotten her permit to work, so she sits at home in their apt. alone all day with nothing to do. Her modeling career went nowhere because she can't work yet.

Russ and Pao bought a house, he got a new job. She is heading back to Columbia for 2 months to visit family and work on her shoe business. He's pissed about it, and continues his jealous ways. She went out with a girlfriend for dinner one night, and I sort of think he may have been sitting in the restaurant parking lot watching her. She likes to go out and have fun. Him, not so much. This one is probably the shakiest of the marriages, in my opinion.

  • Love 4

Wow!  The 41-year-old single mother who looks about 68 and acts about 3...  That should be fun to watch...  Agree that six couples is too many to keep track of.  Surprised that so many of the original pairs are still together and seemingly happily (except for Russ and Pao and her "chews," of course).  Wonder why the ones with the money problems, two bratty kids, and overbearing ex-wife aren't participating, or did I just answer my own question?

  • Love 4

Ha ha, my parents went to college in Galesburg, IL, where Chelsea is from, and I have several family members that live there!  It really is a pretty small town.  I think Yamir would be much better off if they were settling in a bigger city.  I will say, it's fairly easy to fly back and forth from the US to Central America (it's not like Russia or something) so it should be feasible for him to go back to record with his fellow boy band members or whatever. 


Danielle is out of her mind!  I kind of hoped Mohammed wouldn't even show up, because I think it would have made for some good TV.  I don't think they'll end up getting married. 

Wonder why the ones with the money problems, two bratty kids, and overbearing ex-wife aren't participating, or did I just answer my own question?

They were unhappy with the way they were edited (see comments above) and frankly, I can't blame them. If the new wife and ex actually got along and were told by production to amp up the drama, I'd not want to come back either.

  • Love 1

Man have I missed this show.


Yamir and Yoko, oops I mean Chelsea. That manager was spitting nothing but facts. I don't think either is thinking and I really don't think Chelsea is being manipulative. I just think they are both young, dumb and full of .... baby batter to put it delicately. I have to admit that my spoiled, fat, lazy American ass was stuck on the no hot running water thing. So even the Justin Bieber of Nicaragua wouldn't haven't have access to hot running water?



Mr Betty White with his Golden Girls? What the Wholy Fuck is that about?

Thank you for being a friend
travel down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.


Brett's best friend from work could've doubled for Dorothy Zbornak.


Brett's fiancee Daya is an absolute pill. If her greeting him at the airport is any indication that man is in for a world of hurt.  Upon first seeing him at the airport she doesn't run into his arms, embrace, kiss him, she doesn't even smile. He embraces her. She doesn't even return his hug or kiss him on the check. The first words out of her mouth are "my bags are over there." Shit, he might as well having been holding a sign saying pickup service for Daya & wearing a limo driver's uniform for all the affection she just showed the man she arrived in the country to marry and presumably hasn't seen in months. Not only that but the flowers weren't the promised roses so her ass was funky about that too. Brett's nervous donkey bray of a laugh was a mess but he just seemed obviously nervous and perhaps embarrassed. Ms. Zbornak may have a point about this chick. Next week she wants an appraisal of her ring. LOL!!! Run Brett, run. 


I got the distinct impression that his galpal roomies were partners in life. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


If Brett is in for a world of hurt, Danielle is in for a whole universe of it. I am finding her a little hard to watch. I enjoy a good train wreck with the best of them. However, there is that moment when the camera zooms into the wreckage and you catch a glimpse of any empty blood stained baby stroller and you just have to look away. I fear that Danielle maybe that for me. She brings out all the feels in me. I am mad at a grown ass woman bringing some man she barely knows into her home with her teenage daughters. Not only that she admits that as person who works with the mentally handicapped she doesn't make a lot of money and having 3 teenage girls is expensive, yet not only does she send money and a plan ticket (not to mention on the trip she had to take to go meet him) to some dude barely out of his teens in Tunisia but brings him into the US where he will be another dependent and further stretch whatever meager income she makes. Come on!!  Yet for some reason or other she tugs on my sympathy string because she doesn't seem quite right to me. Mohammad finds her looks perfectly 'acceptable.'  Isn't that how every potential bride longs to be described by her prospective fiance? 


NOT A BALDWIN, just seemed to get grosser and grosser as the episode progressed. It all took a turn for the worst around the bedroom scene. Hey why don't you hop on the bed. Ready for bed. Let's get naked. There were some guttural noises in there too. After the sex, the next morning it was here are a sink full of a week's worth of dirty dishes. In here, you will find the washer/dryer, mop, vacuum. I'll just be in here watching sports - you are my kitchen goddess. His fiancee seemed cool though but probably not for long. She gave him quite the look when he called her a kitchen queen. Also, WTH happened to the pancakes he promised to make? He just sat his ass down on the couch.  I do find it interesting that both the Colombian women featured on this show so far haven't met their mates via online. Both men happened to be in the country on vacation. 


So my vote for obvious visa and gold diggers are Daya and Mohammad. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 8

They were unhappy with the way they were edited (see comments above) and frankly, I can't blame them. If the new wife and ex actually got along and were told by production to amp up the drama, I'd not want to come back either.


I always find it funny when reality show participants complain about how they are portrayed after following the instructions of the producers to up the drama. Like...you can always say, no, I would rather not. No one forced the ex-wife to act like she did. I don't feel bad for them at all.

  • Love 2

parisprincess: I agree with you 100%. I think that Mohamed is in it for the Greencard. Danielle claims to be 41 yrs old but she looks like she is closer to 60 yrs old. She looks terrible for 41. She just looks like someones old/fat mother!


No way is Mohamed attracted to Danielle. NO WAY!


Russ & Paola:  Paola is extremely gorgeous and Russ is extremely insecure. Dude has a panic attack if she even thinks about going anywhere without him.

Edited by Taylorh2
  • Love 1

When I asked my bro what he thought about Danielle, his exact words were: Well, she doesn't meet American's standard of beauty, that's all I'm going to say.


Her daughters also seemed so depressed.  I mean to be making a poster for your mother's new, much younger fiance?  Danielle mentioned how much she loved what she did even though it paid so little and my heart broke.  She seemed to not have full mental capacity.   Does she have any friends?  Anyone who would sit her down like Brent's Dorothy and tell her that boy is only after her GC and her money?  In his video chat he talked about loving America, not her... 


I'll watch for the drama, but still so sad.  

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