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Season 03


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On 10/21/2020 at 6:41 PM, WendyCR72 said:

Here is the description for S03.E01: "Never Trust A Stranger", set to air on November 17th:



Another “it’s personal” case for OA?! Not only do I dislike “it’s personal” cases, OA is always the one who gets them, it seems like he either gets a personal subplot or has some tie to the case frequently, this show is pretty good about not going into the personal lives of the characters too much and stays focused on the cases, but if they do give someone a tie to the case, it’s going to be OA. Last season’s premiere was personal for OA as well. 

Anyway, I’m looking forward to the show coming back, I really liked season 2 and I hope season 3 is equally good, and I hope the new character fits in well. 

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On 10/26/2020 at 5:52 AM, FinnishViewer said:

In season 1 it was Maggie and the investigation of her husband's death.

Yes that was in 2 episodes. But with OA we’ve seen several of his family members and they like to give him a personal subplot frequently. Like I say, I don’t like personal cases, but if they are going to do one why can’t they give it to Jubal, Kristen, Scola, Isobel or the new agent? Why does it always have to be OA?

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Spencer calls Allie a racist, then asks her out on a date?!?!?! Only in Brooklyn!

Kristen is gone!!? The show didn't give her a chance. She was moved from the desk, then briefly put in the field, stabbed in the neck and then back to the desk. Now she's gone to Dallas! And all her lines were past to 6 analysts.

No update to what happened to Emily? I guess Kristen was enough for the writers to handle.

Tiffany's introduction/first impression was awkward. Earlier she tells Scola: She hates talking about the Yankees, doesn't want to hang with the crowd at O'Sullivan's and Murphy's anymore so decides to join the FBI. Later it's revealed: she punched her lieutenant for saying something disgusting and some ASAC decided recruit her to the FBI. Why not just lead with that story first to Scola?

Nice job OA for leaving away in disgust and Tiffany alone to cuff Connor.

S.A. Nestor! Now you have learned to never think you are in charge when OA is on the scene! Chain of command doesn't work here.

Now he's in some romance with Maggie. No way he survives this season. Poor guy!

So what new promise was OA giving Zayne: "in 20 years when you get out of jail, I'll have a job lined up for you"?!

Maggie gets a medal for saving an officer from being stabbed. Where were those quick reflexes when Kristen got stabbed in the neck? 

OA and Maggie put the mask on one time for a few seconds. Why bother? The whole episode they were mask free.

Edited by mxc90
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Pretty good start to the season, I liked the episode, it was high octane and riveting from start to finish. 

So Kristen is gone?! I knew nothing about her leaving the show, so that came as a major surprise, and the way it was handled was weird, only a couple of lines between Jubal and Isobel, no one else even commented on her departure, that was strange, you could tell Jubal was sorry to see her go but why exactly did she leave? I was very surprised she’s gone and I was underwhelmed with how they handled it, I liked Kristen even if they didn’t seem to know what to do with her last season. And no mention of where Emily went either, I liked her, I wish they had at least had a line about her. 

I liked the case and how the investigation progressed, it was great to see everyone back in action. The only time the episode slacked was at the end, with the hostage situation, I pretty much knew OA was going to get the guy to surrender, so the final few minutes weren’t as compelling as the rest of the show, which was riveting. 

I liked the balance of screentime amongst the characters, although I noticed Isobel was barely in the episode. I like the analysts that work in the office with Jubal, it was a great addition to the show to add in more background people, the investigations really feel like a team effort starting last season, season one was all Maggie and OA. 

The case was good, almost all of their cases are, it was interesting how we never even got to know much about the villains other than that they were white supremacist trash, as they were all killed by the FBI. I knew OA’s informant was going to be more involved than he let on but I wasn’t sure how. 

I liked Tiffany, I was a bit unsure of her at first but I think her and Scola will make for a good pairing and she has nice chemistry with the rest of the cast. 

I can’t tell if I like Nestor or not, I liked how he took charge at the hostage site and wasn’t a pushover but he seems a bit smug, and I don’t really care to see a romance between him and Maggie, which is what the end hinted at, this show isn’t about romance. 

Overall this was a pretty good start to the season, a compelling case and it was nice to see the team back in action, glad the show is back and I think this will be a good season. 

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I think the informant's actions made perfect sense.  He knew the other two guys were up to something shady but didn't know they were going to shoot people in broad daylight. I guess maybe he suspected a quick snatch-n-grab robbery.  He drove the getaway car because, as he told OA, the Freedom Fighters were starting to suspect him so he went with OA's past advice to deflect suspicion by pretending to go along. He freaked out because at his first meeting with him, OA flat out told him that the driver would be considered just as guilty as the actual shooters. He was already on edge at the start so it's natural that his paranoia would have him start to doubt OA's intentions. I was actually expecting him to kill himself at the end. 

So Kristin is just gone?  I wonder if it was the actress' decision or the show's.  Too bad, I liked her. Seems weird that Maggie didn't mention her  absence since it seems she's just getting back from her undercover stint.  I liked Emily too so if Kristin had to be written out I wish they'd just kept her.

I found Tiffany a bit abrasive at first but I liked how she handled the hostile street dude. Her coming clean about why she left the NYPD paves the way for a better working relationship with Scola.  I did like that even though Tiffany came on with her thorns bared, Scola didn't respond in kind. He gave her room to settle in. 

I don't care for Nestor. He comes off as smarmy though I'm sure that's not the intent. 

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40 minutes ago, LisaM said:

So.....I liked Kristen and I liked Emily. Are they both gone for good? Kristen had terrific computer skills - and Emily seemed to be a very competent agent....not sure why they were jettisoned?

Ditto — I liked both of them so much.  Kristen as a computer wizard — not in the field — and Emily was terrific with Scola, I thought.  This new addition hasn’t grabbed me right off the bat, but we’ll see.

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2 hours ago, LisaM said:

So.....I liked Kristen and I liked Emily. Are they both gone for good? Kristen had terrific computer skills - and Emily seemed to be a very competent agent....not sure why they were jettisoned?


1 hour ago, MerBearHou said:

Ditto — I liked both of them so much.  Kristen as a computer wizard — not in the field — and Emily was terrific with Scola, I thought.  This new addition hasn’t grabbed me right off the bat, but we’ll see.

I liked Kristen and Emily as well - I thought Emily worked well with Scola and I was disappointed she didn’t even get a mention of where she was, and Kristen was a good character as well who had great chemistry with the rest of the cast, particularly with Jubal. It was really weird how Kristen’s exit was handled, it wasn’t even announced she had left before the season started, and they just addressed it with a couple of lines between Jubal and Isobel, you could tell Jubal was sorry to see her go but there was no buildup or explanation. I wonder if they were planning to explore that at the end of last season before the virus shut it down. 

I do like the new agent Tiffany pretty good though, I liked how her and Scola seemed to figure out how to work with each other quickly and I think they will be a good pairing. 

Did anyone else find it interesting that Scola asked Tiffany to call him by his first name? Scola is the only character who isn’t called by their first name regularly, I can only remember Jubal calling him “Stuart” a couple of times, the rest of the characters are always called by their first names, so I found that interesting. 

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And so it begins, the friction among Maggie, Nestor and OA.

Nestor "Bell". In 10 seconds after finding out!, even OA already sees who is in charge in that relationship. Soon OA will find some dirt on him.

If Jubal wanted make sure there was no new romance with Rina, he sure picked the right story to scare her. She suddenly had to catch that "Train" that probably will depart in 7 hours . 

Good grief Jubal! How drunk were you back in those days? Surprised you were even able to properly put the cuffs on McMay then or your alcoholism was not noticed by the other agents.

Didn't understand why Tate needed to run home at that moment. He could have finished talking to the agents, let them leave, run quickly through back door to go home and dispose his computer. And to make those scenes useless, he had a LEGIT alibi the night she was killed. Writers Please!

They couldn't have made Deleon anymore obvious he was the one when he was being questioned by the agents at the doctor's office. 

Scola and Tiffany had a nice scene in the field.

Nice to see Scola make the big break in the case. But then we see OA and Maggie get congratulated for the collar from Nestor (and they didn't bother correct him)!!!?????

Hope McMay gets a good lawyer and take every penny he could from the FBI.

8 years? His sister couldn't hire a private detective?


Edited by mxc90
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I liked this episode and it was a nice feature for Jubal, I’ve liked the actor since his days as Lupo on L&O, and it was nice to see him take center stage. I like Jubal and this was a nice feature for him, his scenes with the wrongfully convicted guy were very good as was his determination to get to the bottom of the case.

I noticed that Scola and Tiffany weren’t in the early parts of the episode much, but everyone worked together in the second half which I liked. I liked Scola cracking the case with his realization about the leukemia, and I also liked Jubal and Scola interrogating the killer, it’s not often we see that pairing do an interrogation together. 

I was somewhat suspicious of the killer in his first scene but I wasn’t certain he was the killer, so I found the episode fairly suspenseful, although the red herring at the start was obvious, it did lead them to the incel website though. I’ve seen the incel plot on several shows now, it’s bit overdone but I’m glad this episode didn’t over focus on the incel subculture, it sticked to focusing on solving the case. 

Isobel seemed somewhat cold once again this week, she curtly cut off Jubal when he was explaining about why he went to the prison. Isobel has seemed cold at times, I wish they would develop her character more and give her an episode where she takes center stage like they did with Jubal tonight. 

I also wasn’t exactly fond of Jubal’s old partner/girlfriend, I had a feeling she might turn out to be corrupt, and she seemed more concerned with her career than with anything else, even after it was revealed they got the wrong guy. I did like getting more background into Jubal, like I say Jubal is one of my favorites (I know people on this site are mixed about him) and I thought this episode was a good feature for Jubal. 

It was nice to see Ian the tech expert back as well as some of the other regular analysts. 

What I didn’t like about the episode - Nestor. The character reeks of smugness in every scene he’s in, and I’m not a fan of Maggie dating him, he seems like he could be a douchebag. I really hope Maggie’s relationship with Nestor doesn’t put a strain on her relationship with OA, that would be too soapy for this show and while I don’t know whether Nestor will be a bad guy or not, I’m not a fan of him. 

Overall this was a good case with a good investigation and a nice feature for Jubal. 

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I liked this episode and I admit, the hospital volunteer seemed way too happy in his first scene. 

I wonder how many people are googling DNA and bone marrow transplant as that's really interesting.

Don't care for Nestor and didn't care for Rita either. I did think Rita would somehow be a bad person but I still think of her that way. 

I did think Isobel was a bit cold and maybe could have been a bit more understanding of how Jubal was feeling. 

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I don't know if this was mentioned upthread, but the same twist was used on CSI ("Bloodlines") with a perp with blood of one DNA and semen of another DNA from an absorbed twin. Grissom called him a chimera.

By now, every felon who watches TV knows that when a cop points a gun at them and tells them not to move, they are free to run for their life, because that trigger is never going to be pulled. Let the perfunctory footchase begin.

One glaring plot hole:  In every procedural crime show I've seen, when there is a possibility of a copycat killer afoot, the original case is routinely reexamined closely to see if there is any possible tie-in that might lead to solving the current case. It's not limited to just seeing if the original perp was really guilty. No one shouts, "Whatever you do, DON'T look behind the curtain!"

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Re Jubal, I feel bad for him.  I haven’t watch all of FBI to know all the bad parts of his backstory but man when your past emotional messes rear up in the present to possibly bite you in the you know what I feel sympathy for the character.  Or maybe it’s just good acting I’m enjoying that I feel sympathy for the character.

Re Tate, him being on the website was a parole violation.  But really would you burn up a laptop costing at least $200 for that?  Can you um hide it in a woodpile or something?

That 3 second screen stare sure did make Deleon obvi as the bad guy, yup.

McMay could probably try to sue for restitution for being wrongly convicted, for sure.  It is a rare medical condition so not egregious miscarriage of justice, so maybe he could get at least half of time in restitution, 4 years.

FBI is at times dumb with explaining some unique concepts and at times intelligent with explaining.  For example, when I hear incel I knew the term from other procedural shows and various characters had to define it 4 times…as first we didn't get it the first time…of course Isabel knew what it was, but Maggie still dumb-explain it to her anyway.  But then Isabel ask how many people visit an incel chatroom geez…you know what a chatroom is and what an incel is but you don’t know how many people visit a chatroom, it’s a good guess to guess hundreds or thousands of people, what's the point of having a chatroom for 200 people, you have a pathetic server and what's the point in that, make up your mind, are you dumb or well informed…

But then I read the twist about the genetic chimera and I thought cool, I hadn’t heard that often.  It seems familiar, it might have played a part in an old CSI LV episode.

I get why Rita said what she said.  It is true, she could look bad for a possible new job.  It does look bad on her that she doesn't want her past work reviewed even if it keeps a wrongfully convicted person in prison, but also it does look bad if a law enforcement person may have their previous work reviewed again.  I hope I'm not being naive and I think hiring people shouldn't be narrow minded and count it against a person if their police or legal work or whatever is being reviewed.  No conviction is 100% certain.

Last, Ian needs to shut up.  Nobody cares how hard you work at something or how complicated it was, and especially how you did it.  Just say, this is the footage I've determined may give you the perpetrator.  It was hard, long, complicated work, but here you go.  It's annoying when they explain how they got there when their audience show on their faces they don't care because they don't have time to care.

Happy T-giving everyones!~

Edited by eyesopen
fixin grammar
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Here is the synopsis for S03.E03, "Liar's Poker", airing on December 8, 2020:

When the leader of a drug cartel and one of the world’s most wanted men, Antonio Vargas, is apprehended by the team, the entire FBI headquarters is put at risk when his henchmen unveil a terroristic threat to free him. During the turmoil, Isobel must make the difficult decision whether to sacrifice her conscience or her career.

Good episode.

Where was Jess and his team to catch FBI Most Wanted Mr. Vargas?

Who is the "mole" in the FBI to let Vargas' people know how to get to Elise? I am almost certain it will be revealed to be Maggie's new boyfriend.

I'm amazed Elise was able to walk the streets unnoticed and allowed to go pass the front lobby's "metal detectors" with a bomb strapped to her body.

Vargas tells the FBI agent a bomb is in the building and the fool ignores him. Another agent almost set off a bomb until OA stopped him. Radios don't work. This episode sure made some of these background agents/security look very incompetent.

Scola looked depressed when he found out Elise has a child. Then looked relieved  when he found  out she is single. Staying by her side earned him "points". He'll be getting more than a drink later if played right.

Why wasn't the building evacuated earlier?

Was agent Miller dating Isobel? 

There always has to be that one asshole agent in charge that doesn't give damn about his subordinates' life or can't remember her name.

Elise should be comforted to know there were only 3 agents in the field working to track down the detonator. All the other available agents either went home, to a motel or a bar.

Edited by mxc90
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This was an intense episode, a bit different from the usual episodes, but this worked, it was a break from the normal formula and it was well done. 

I liked seeing Elise, whose been a minor background analyst up until now, get to be the center of an episode, and I liked Scola staying with her. 

I liked that Isobel got some focus, it was about time they fleshed her out more, I found her cold when she first came on the show, but I’ve warmed up to her and tonight she shined. I liked that she was bold enough to release Vargas, and that the show didn’t magically come up with a way to save Elise and keep Vargas in custody. 

Jubal was cool under pressure as usual, and I liked seeing everyone work together to figure out where the other 2 villains were. 

Reynolds was predictably a prick bureaucrat, but I was surprised he went rather easy on Isobel at the end. 

I wonder if this is setting the stage for a spring crossover with Most Wanted where Lacroix and company team up with the FBI crew to take down Vargas. 

I did wonder how Vargas’s cronies found Elise and knew she worked with the FBI, is there a mole in the FBI? 

Overall I liked this episode, this season has been really good so far, each episode has been very strong, and I’ve liked each of the cases and how screentime has been evenly split between the characters. 

When the show comes back at the start of January, I wonder if they will pick up with the Vargas case, or put it on the back burner until later in the season. I think the latter. 

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21 hours ago, Trey said:

I was really expecting that bomb to go off.

Me too.   It would have been a great exit for Isobel.   That being said now we have a...”of course you know this means war.” Bad guy which the show has lacked up until now.   

This was the first episode I have enjoyed in a long time.  Maybe because it was really entertaining and I didn’t know if they were gonna let Vargis go or not and if the bomb was going to blow.   Most of the time you kinda know that [enter character name here] is going to save the day but the episode was playing the angle that sometimes a hard choice just has to be made.   The better of two evils.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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18 hours ago, preeya said:

One of the very early James Bond movies had an ending where a bomb set to go off stopped just before the explosion.

The timer stopped at 007. 



With a Bond Girl who had the unbeatable name of... Pussy Galore! Played by Honor Blackman, fresh from The Avengers, with Patrick Macnee (John Steed). Honor was replaced by Diana Rigg who played Emma Peel, and (years later) poisoned Joffrey Baratheon...

(Somebody! Stop me!)

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2 hours ago, Netfoot said:


With a Bond Girl who had the unbeatable name of... Pussy Galore! Played by Honor Blackman, fresh from The Avengers, with Patrick Macnee (John Steed). Honor was replaced by Diana Rigg who played Emma Peel, and (years later) poisoned Joffrey Baratheon...

(Somebody! Stop me!)

Now you got me started:   




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With all their access to traffic cams and surveillance tech, shouldn't the FBI been able to track Vargas remotely, even if he had abandoned his escape car?

I was in favor of cuffing Vargas to Elise as Reynolds suggested.  Yes, it is admitting that they can't save Elise, but would Vargas sacrifice his life to make a point?

Vargas on the phone to Isobel:  "The password is....1"  Isobel: "1"  Vargas: "2".  Isobel: "2".  On up to five.  Isobel:  "So the password is 12345?"

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When Jubal was asking for volunteers to stay behind, for a split second there I thought everyone in the room was going to volunteer as a show of solidarity for poor Elise, but nope they looked like they couldn't wait to get out of that room fast enough. Even the two that stayed behind looked rather reluctant. I guess Elise wasn't all that popular with her colleagues. Maybe they found that she was the one that was stealing their lunches from the fridge.

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I guess that I'm the party pooper here as I didn't like this episode at all.   I didn't think for a moment that they'd let Elise get blown up, as this isn't that kind of show - especially with her speaking to her child over the phone.    I was rather outraged that they let Vargas go and felt that Isobel should've been fired on the spot.    We were shown the two minions who could've stopped the bomb but they refused because they were afraid for their families back home.   We had a cop get killed at the start of the show.   God knows how many people the "word is his bond" drug lord had killed.  But Elise counts more as she is part of Isobel's team.   The whole storyline was stupid.   The guy should have never been brought back to the FBI building to begin with.   And I agree - we will see Vargas again during FBI - Most Wanted.  

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Here is the synopsis for S03.E04: "Crazy Love", airing on January 24, 2021. (Note that the 24th is a Sunday. So this seems to be a special airing!)


A shooting at a quinceañera leaves two dead, but the team believes they may not have been the intended targets. Also, Maggie is trapped between a rock and a hard place as the team decides the best plan of action for using a witness to take down the suspect.

This episode sounds like a similarly-themed episode of another Wolf show, Law & Order: Los Angeles, way back when.


And episode S03.E05: Clean Slate, which is airing two days later in the usual slot, airing on January 26, 2021:


As the team searches for a young girl who was kidnapped from a cabin during a family vacation, they discover that the abduction may be tied to a skeleton in her family's closet. Also, Maggie questions her relationship with Nestor when she learns he hasn't been completely honest with her.

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For a "supposedly" professional hit man (who has a picture of his target Gabriel) why rush into a party and start shooting at the crowd hoping to hit Gabriel? What was the rush to do it at that time and not wait until he got off work or some secluded spot? Made no sense. There's people there, reassess the situation and leave. Then this fool drives his own car that's easily tracked (didn't consider to leave NYC immediately), goes home, hides in the closet and shoot at the FBI when they bust in. 

The hit man walked into the party, didn't say anything or a racial slur and started shooting. I know it's network TV and slurs are not allowed but don't tell the viewers: witnesses said he made slurs, when he didn't.

The writers took Nestor to another level this week being a jerk. It will be over between him and Maggie soon if she has to be caught in the middle of him and OA feuding.

Shouldn't Nestor just go to Isobel and/or Jubal to order Maggie and OA to not make the arrest at that time? Who is he to boss them around?

Valentina got picked up by the FBI and met on them on the street. For Jose to be so possessive of her, he seemed comfortable to let her out of his sight for a long period time. Those types would question her every move or have someone follow her at all times. 

Valentina must only wear leather pants day and night.

Sorry Gabriel, Valentina is living the high life. No way she is giving up her fancy car, clothes, jewelry, high price dining for you and a "hope" in Miami with your small bank account.

Jose had a lot of guns in his safe, a big stretch for Valentina to remember every gun Jose has in his possession (especially the murder weapon). 

When does Jose have time to run his criminal empire? He can't' meet the hit man himself (has Valentina meet him), he is always playing video games and can't miss a soccer match.

With this show, I was expecting some twist at the end with Valentina being arrested but nothing. It was Jose.

Bone Marrow chili sauce. Eheewww! 

Edited by mxc90
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