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S46 Ep. 12 "Mamma Bear"

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Oh, that was a wonderful ending to the episode. I so enjoyed Maria looking tense as hell when she realised she was exposed as the other vote for Charlie! Q was amusing in talking heads, but thank god he's gone, too. The joy of all these idols waltzing out in people's pockets, bags, and Q-skirts! One after the other!

Sick to death of Maria winning immunities. I want someone improbable to win the next one. Ben or Liz. I'm warming to Liz the last few episodes, that dolphin impersonation was funny, and I've always had a soft spot for Ben.

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I think that Gabler's win may have ruined this show.  Maybe Liz signed up thinking she could just cause chaos, have meltdowns, talk in the third person, rub people the wrong way and still win.  Maybe too many goats will start thinking it's okay to go as a goat because it's now possible for goats to win.  Why else would Liz start pointing out her 'goatiness' as a reason to stay?  She is proudly waving the goat banner and there's no way I want her any where near to the finale.

I didn't copy the quote (sorry) but another poster thought that Liz wasn't gluten free as I had referenced all of the gluten in the Chinese meal, but when the pizza award was given, Jeff made the pronouncement that there would be a gluten free pizza after which the camera focused on her and she 'looked' excited, so I made the assumption (rightly or not) that she was gluten free.  It was when Jeff was desperately trying to get Liz to a reward and then just out and out offered a personal jar of rice.

Casting is too focused on 'sad' backstories.  Even building up Kenzie postponing her wedding.  I like Kenzie, but I don't feel sorry for her at all-her decision to postpone in order to be on the show.  I'm also tired of Jeff working hard to get sad stories-'Liz why are you upset?', 'Maria why are you upset?'  We know why Jeff, you don't have to include a segment in which they explain the obvious to us.  Especially as they chose to go on this show and knew that it meant actually being in Fiji and not seeing their families (for less than a month...).

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Ding dong the Q is gone

Which ol' Q? Insuff'rable Q!

Ding dong the smug ol' Q is goonnnnnnne!

Holding onto your idol until Final Five has become such a "thing" - status symbol? show of social strength? sheer arrogance? - that it has bitten 4 people in a row in the butt. Everyone's so focused on that stellar moment when they whip out their hitherto-unsuspected idol and waltz into the final four that they've forgotten you've got to GET THERE FIRST!

I was sure - SURE - Q was gonna play it ... until he didn't. It was glorious. 

l don't hate this cast. None of'em are gamers (no matter what they say) but they're a fun bunch of goofs to hang out with every week. I could live with a Kenzie or Charlie win. I don't like Maria much but I could accept her winning too, she's played pretty well.

And since I've been rewatching The Orville lately, let me address the authors of this blindside and quote Klyden:  "HOORAY! HOORAY FOR YOU!"

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Maria is a fucking bully. She was so nasty to Venus the whole time and as soon as Venus finally stood up for herself and called out Maria's behaviour, suddenly she's so emotionally crippled she's crying after Tribal? Crocodile tears. If she wins I think I'll be more disgusted than I was with Gabler's win. At least Gabler was kind and compassionate to everyone.

Loved watching the smirk slide off of her face when she realized Q was going home. Also LOVED the editors didn't even try and hide the votes. I miss voting confessionals. I figured they were either showing us because it was Q, or showing it because although it looked like it was Q due to 4 votes, he was going to play his idol and it was actually Charlie.

Charlie has played well but I just find he doesn't have much personality.

I would love a Kenzie win but she doesn't have a ton of stuff on her resume yet so unless she pulls some big moves in the finale, I don't think she'll win. Same with Ben. 

Liz is still exhausting. Glad she got some food at least which hopefully means she'll shut up for the last five days.

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Q is finally gone.  I really liked him in the beginning.  He was doing his best to try and win for his hapless tribe.  Then he started getting bossy and I soured on him.  Then the whole cast soured on him.  But lately he started creeping back onto my good side, I found it amusing how he kept surviving the votes even though many people wanted him out.

He was definitely humourous and a little delusional.  He loved to talk about how people made a "big mistake" so I was waiting for him to sit there in the final words with that storytelling tone as he announced that he made a "big mistake".

Charlie's look when he got a second vote said it all... he knows it was Maria that betrayed him.  Also the way she sat there stone faced and stared straight ahead and wouldn't look at him.  Will be interesting to see what happens next.  Maria should know that if she hadn't won immunity, she would have gone home. 

She is the only one that knows that Q had an idol, so she will probably be hunting for it frantically.  If they re-bury it, there could be two hidden idols there, and surely whoever found one would play it since it would be the last time they can.  It would be crazy if there were still two hidden idols and both were found and played.  That would mean 2 out of 5 are safe, plus the necklace winner, which could potentially mean that only two people would be vulnerable.

Maria crying about her children and not getting the reward of letters from them even though she said she understood.  She was upset.  Liz cried about not getting a connection of having the EXACT BURGER from Applebee's which reminded her of her kid.  Maria coldheartedly refused to pick Liz for the next reward.  If Maria had picked Liz and Liz had gotten fed, then maybe Charlie would have taken Maria with him.  

As it is, not taking Maria or Q was a great decision for Charlie.  He knew Maria and Q were close and that's when they cemented their plan to vote out Charlie. It backfired and now he knows that Maria is no longer his ally.

13 hours ago, Rodney said:

What gets me is that Q said that he was playing the idol no matter what, depending on who lost between himself and Maria.  Kenzie and Liz must've really made him feel comfortable enough not to play it.

Just like Hunter, Tiffany, and Venus, he got greedy.  All of them were just "I want to hold onto it for one more vote".  Great job by Kenzie.  I could see Kenzie counting this among her "big moves" if she gets to the final.

13 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I though Liz had a million allergies, yet she ate fried shrimp (gluten) and, presumably, soy sauce (gluten) along with noodles (they could have been rice noodles, but, if not...gluten).

Oh, and editors?  I don't need to hear about Liz's bathroom activities...

11 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

I know that Liz is allergic to most fruit, coconut, and chicken, which is why the survivor diet pretty much hits all of her buttons. However, as far as I know, she has never said anything about gluten, which is why the Chinese food was no problem for her, and she was eating beef, not chicken. 

I assumed she was allergic to gluten because when Jeffy was talking about the pizza, her face really lit up when Jeffy listed a third offering as "gluten free".  So I'm not sure what to make of her eating the Chinese food.  Maybe they used a gluten free soy sauce and batter? 

Edited by blackwing
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The only other time I can remember them showing everyone's vote was when sweet, little Erik got played by the Black Widows.  I think the editors are telling us that little Erik is no longer the GOAT of Survivor dumbasses.

Damnit, Charlie!  I really wanted you to skip Liz for the reward again because, why not?  Her goofy ass is kinda insufferable.

Maria is playing the best game and she's repping us women of a certain age so I don't know why I dislike her.

I'm ok with a Charlie win but really pulling for Kenzie at this point. She makes me laugh and she seems like a genuine sweetheart.  I think she's got Sia money on lock. 

Edited by SuburbanHangSuite
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If Maria had succeeded in booting Charlie she unquestionably should have been the winner. But since she couldn’t convince either other woman(*) and since Q screwed up by not playing his idol it’s still a toss up between her and Charlie. Kenzie and Liz must realize they have to get rid of both Maria and Charlie. 

*And I forgot about irrelevant Ben.  

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What is up with all the happy, understanding, loving exit interviews?  I get more sour losers and angry face icons on the online Hearts games. 

We know these people.  None of them are so mature they should be able to take a sudden loss in a game they've been struggling with for 20 some days without a moment of bitterness  and a short feeling of betrayal. 

I'm wondering if some of them come down the path of shame with both middle fingers up and a string of expletives shooting out of their mouths -- then they're given cookies and hugs and a reminder that their boss and their children will see this and they try again.

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I seriously think that everything about Liz could be an act.  Why would someone immediately talk about being a multi-millionaire and not needing the money? Get to the finale and proclaim 'I fooled you all?

Why immediately start talking about how one can't eat anything?  An attempt to be taken on reward challenges without actually having to win the challenges? 

Why make such a deal about not getting to go on the Applebees reward?  Trying to make people feel sad/sorry/protective?

Why make such a big deal of not having a BM (which the other contestants wouldn't be able to verify anyway)?  So that she will be applauded/or seen as more sympathetic?

Why being upset for someone else to get credit for a blindside?  Because she is intent on 'goating' her way to the end and then pulling out all of her 'great' gameplay?

I really do think she is either faking or over exaggerating some of her issues.  Or, maybe, I'm overthinking her as I just don't like her (most likely this is it...).

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10 hours ago, Steph Sometimes said:

Not anymore! Didn't you hear her big announcement? I was half-worried she was going to announce it to Jeff at the challenge or the jurors. 

Personally, I’m simply glad Liz didn’t bring -ah- “evidence” for verification. 😳


10 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Oh ,and Liz finally  had a BM, literally  her biggest move in the game!

Granting this the recognition it so richly deserves….


27 minutes ago, blackwing said:

Maria should know that if she hadn't won immunity, she would have gone home. 

Maria should also know that if she doesn’t win immunity next time, she will be going home - short any idol play.


27 minutes ago, blackwing said:

[Maria] is the only one that knows that Q had an idol, so she will probably be hunting for it frantically.

Actually, Q’s temporary possession of the idol - and Maria’s knowledge of same - a non-factor.  Everybody knew Tiff’s idol went back into play when she walked; Maria’s awareness of its extra side trip is immaterial, in any strategic sense.

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34 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

The only other time I can remember them showing everyone's vote was when sweet, little Erik got played by the Black Widows.  I think the editors are telling us that little Erik is no longer the GOAT of Survivor dumbasses.\

As hard as successive people have tried to make a run for it this season, giving up immunity has to be almost by definition the dumbest possible single move of all time and will never be topped. (Prove me wrong, Survivor!)

Besides, James would already be twice the dumbass of Q for going out with two pocket idols. 


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55 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

Maria is playing the best game and she's repping us women of a certain age so I don't know why I dislike her.

I'm ok with a Charlie win but really pulling for Kenzie at this point. She makes me laugh and she seems like a genuine sweetheart.  I think she's got Sia money on lock. 

Since I am of a certain age, I always tend to root for the "old people", which in this game, is usually anybody over the age of 40.  Gabler was the oldest of the cast on his season (I think he was only 51 even though he looked like he was in his 60s) but I didn't root for him since I thought he did nothing in the game.

With Maria, I really want to root for her.  It's been a long long time since a woman over the age of 40 has won (Denise, over 20 seasons ago) and the only other woman age 40+ who has ever won was Tina Wesson.  But there's something about her that I find very unlikeable.  I think it's her constant smug look.  Some might say that is just attributed to Resting Bitch Face (Venus has it too) but I think it's more than that.  She always seems so very damned pleased with herself.  She comes across as a bit condescending.

She is playing a good game and making the moves so she has a right to be happy, I just wonder if others can read it on her face as easily as we can at home.

I'm assuming the "Mamma Bear" episode title refers to her, but who said it?  I thought the title was foreshadowing that she was going to be voted out this episode, but no.

4 minutes ago, jabRI said:

Exactly.  Her crying about how 'hard' her vote was and everyone consoling her after Venus called her out... please

Yep.  This.  I didn't like Venus but I thought Venus trashing her at TC about this was justified.  Then she cried to everyone about how unfair Venus was... whatever.  

Tina Wesson won as the mom figure because she was so likeable.  Whereas Maria has definitely rubbed some people the wrong way.

20 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I seriously think that everything about Liz could be an act.  Why would someone immediately talk about being a multi-millionaire and not needing the money? Get to the finale and proclaim 'I fooled you all?

Why immediately start talking about how one can't eat anything?  An attempt to be taken on reward challenges without actually having to win the challenges? 

Why make such a deal about not getting to go on the Applebees reward?  Trying to make people feel sad/sorry/protective?

Why make such a big deal of not having a BM (which the other contestants wouldn't be able to verify anyway)?  So that she will be applauded/or seen as more sympathetic?

Why being upset for someone else to get credit for a blindside?  Because she is intent on 'goating' her way to the end and then pulling out all of her 'great' gameplay?

I really do think she is either faking or over exaggerating some of her issues.  Or, maybe, I'm overthinking her as I just don't like her (most likely this is it...).

She is for sure a goofy character but I don't think it's an act.  She just seems delusional, like almost Angelina Keeley delusional.  Liz seems to think that she is the smartest person in the room, and she definitely has gotten annoyed that she isn't getting the credit for moves that she thinks were hers.  I'm sure she thinks the move to get Q out was hers because she will say that she has wanted him out for a long time and kept pushing for it, so she will say it was always her idea.  It seemed it was Charlie who suggested it this time, to weaken Maria, and Kenzie and Liz agreed.

Edited by blackwing
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Charlie looks like he has a stylist out there. It's always so strange that there are people like Charlie and Venus, who at 3 weeks plus, look like they just got back from a haircut and shopping trip, and then there are people like Liz who look like they slept in a mud puddle. Yet another reason I could never do this show because I would definitely be the mud puddle version of me.

Maria is a Black Widow in that every person she's been in an alliance with is now out of the game except for Charlie and that's only because she failed. Q not playing his idol is partly her fault because she convinced him that he was safe. She's so full of herself that she didn't believe Charlie would turn on her and it never seemed to occur to her that Kenzie and Liz, who have had long and loud grudges against Q, would lie to her about keeping him over Charlie. If this leads to her getting voted out next time, she has only her own hubris to blame.

I'm glad they didn't, but really the smarter move would have been to vote out Charlie because he's so likeable. Ben/Liz/Kenzie would all lose if either Charlie or Maria is in F3 (assuming that Maria comes across better in person than she does on TV). They need to get rid of both and this might have been their only shot at him. Ben and Kenzie are basically the same to me post-merge. Neither has really done anything.

3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I'm also tired of Jeff working hard to get sad stories-'Liz why are you upset?', 'Maria why are you upset?'  We know why Jeff, you don't have to include a segment in which they explain the obvious to us.

I would have switched all my allegiance to Maria if, when Jeff asked her that, she had turned to Charlie, given him a possessed-by-Satan face and screamed, "I BEGGED!"

28 minutes ago, blackwing said:

It's been a long long time since a woman over the age of 40 has won (Denise, over 20 seasons ago) and the only other woman age 40+ who has ever won was Tina Wesson.

Tina was only 39, but she looked a lot older. I remember because when I learned her age, I committed to never going outside without sunscreen.

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I think the fact that so many people this season were voted out with idols in their pockets speaks to how over-confident and cocky this cast is. It's almost as if they were looking for that quality when they cast this season. There's a smugness that's run rampant through the camp.

And because of that, I'm no longer 100% certain Maria will win if she makes it to the final three, because that jury is filled with cocky sourpusses with bruised egos. She's still got the best shot if logic prevails but with this season's cast, anything is possible. 

I think it's pointless to try to define who "deserves" to win the most. The show has become so convoluted with twists and manipulation they've really screwed up how the game works, to the extent that it's not even a game anymore, it's more of a crapshoot. 

Honestly, I think even Ben or Liz could make a reasonable argument why they "deserve" to win (not that I think they have the wherewithal to do so). If you can manage to land in the final three without ever being targeted and without ever stabbing anyone in the back because you were never responsible for the vote, you deserve to be there just as much as someone who won a ton of challenges.

However you get to the end is a valid way of getting to the end. You can sit in judgement on the jury and resent them for being there when you don't think they "deserve" to be, but hey . . . you put them there. Liz and Ben, potentially, are sitting in the final three while "more deserving" players are sitting on the jury. So, who really deserves what?

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Not sure if this is the right place for this but I'm going to ask anyway.

Did the show put up any sort of placard in the last few episodes that I might have missed addressing the passing of Sonja the first ever person to get their torch snuffed on SURVIVOR? If they didn't they should for the finale.

It was the moment that she left tribal and funeral dirge kicked in for the first time as she made her lonely way into the jungle that SOLD this show for me as a fan and I've never missed an episode since.

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9 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

It did to me too but that’s how it was spelled in the press release and episode description on my guide.  The spelling drove me crazy but I would have been equally going crazy if I didn’t spell it like they had it-for me it was lose/lose lol 

@LadyChatts Right, it was spelled that way on my guide as well. My annoyance was directed at the producers, never at you! ❤️

2 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Did the show put up any sort of placard in the last few episodes that I might have missed addressing the passing of Sonja the first ever person to get their torch snuffed on SURVIVOR? If they didn't they should for the finale.

They didn't. I believe the only person they've done that for is Rudy. Someone posted an article in the media thread about all the players who've died and it's a substantial list. There were a few that I hadn't heard about until now.

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2 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Did the show put up any sort of placard in the last few episodes that I might have missed addressing the passing of Sonja the first ever person to get their torch snuffed on SURVIVOR? If they didn't they should for the finale.

It was the moment that she left tribal and funeral dirge kicked in for the first time as she made her lonely way into the jungle that SOLD this show for me as a fan and I've never missed an episode since.

Sorry to hear she has passed.  I vaguely remember her as very sweet and have been watching since Day 1, when we had no idea what to expect.

All these idols/advantages/3 tribes has ruined the game, but I'm a hopeless addict and will keep on keeping on.😎

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25 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I think the fact that so many people this season were voted out with idols in their pockets speaks to how over-confident and cocky this cast is. It's almost as if they were looking for that quality when they cast this season. There's a smugness that's run rampant through the camp.

And because of that, I'm no longer 100% certain Maria will win if she makes it to the final three, because that jury is filled with cocky sourpusses with bruised egos. She's still got the best shot if logic prevails but with this season's cast, anything is possible. 

I think it's pointless to try to define who "deserves" to win the most. The show has become so convoluted with twists and manipulation they've really screwed up how the game works, to the extent that it's not even a game anymore, it's more of a crapshoot. 

Honestly, I think even Ben or Liz could make a reasonable argument why they "deserve" to win (not that I think they have the wherewithal to do so). If you can manage to land in the final three without ever being targeted and without ever stabbing anyone in the back because you were never responsible for the vote, you deserve to be there just as much as someone who won a ton of challenges.

However you get to the end is a valid way of getting to the end. You can sit in judgement on the jury and resent them for being there when you don't think they "deserve" to be, but hey . . . you put them there. Liz and Ben, potentially, are sitting in the final three while "more deserving" players are sitting on the jury. So, who really deserves what?

I agree that if they get to the final tribal, no matter how they got there, they are there, and the people on the jury shouldn't be bitter that the finalists are there and the jury members are not.

However, it's very obvious that certain people just get brought along just as the goats and they truly didn't do anything in the game.  There was an unfortunate string of maybe 4 seasons in a row where the finalists were two men and one woman.  All of the women got zero votes and people were complaining about sexism.  Except for Laurel during the Wendell/Dom season, I'd be hard pressed to say that any of the others (Angelina Keeley, Julie Rosenberg, and Noura Salmon) did much of anything in their season.

When asked why she deserved to win, Angelina's response was "I gave up rice".  When asked what her strategy was during the season, Julie Rosenberg said that her strategy was "to be nice".  I can't remember specific questions for Noura, but Noura was a special kind of kooky.

Ben especially has done absolutely nothing this season.  I think he's one of the biggest non-entities to make it so far in the game in a long time.  He is a non-entity in challenges and his only strategy has been to attach himself to others.  And sometimes even when he is supposed to vote with his allies he doesn't vote properly.

Liz seems to think she's made all these moves and now that she has been fed and has had her poop, she is here to play.  It's too late.  She can't point to any significant moves she made that affected the game.  So she might have gotten out Tevin.  Big deal.  She didn't follow up on that or capitalise on it to solidify herself as a force in the game.

The only people I like at this point are Charlie and Kenzie.  If Kenzie makes it to the end I'd be curious to see what she says are her big moves.  Her biggest move has been simply surviving.  She was on a loser tribe that lost everything and yet she is still here.  She will probably point to the Q ouster as her idea.  And she seems so nice and open to working with everyone.  I think her social game has been great.  If both Charlie and Kenzie make it to the end, I could see the jury voting for Kenzie over Charlie, especially if Maria isn't in the finals.

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5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Ben: He was a lighthearted guy around camp who pretty much everyone enjoyed having around. People slept on his being a threat to win. Though he didn't win any of the competitions along the way, he won a bunch of friendships.

But did he win a million hearts? Because that's what's really important!

58 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Charlie looks like he has a stylist out there. It's always so strange that there are people like Charlie and Venus, who at 3 weeks plus, look like they just got back from a haircut and shopping trip, and then there are people like Liz who look like they slept in a mud puddle. Yet another reason I could never do this show because I would definitely be the mud puddle version of me

Kenzie at tribal looks more stylish than I do on my better days.

Edited by Steph Sometimes
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11 hours ago, Skooma said:

Her triumph smiles remind me of Boston Rob's but it was okay if he smiled when he pulled a move cause he was a man.  But a woman smiling when she makes a big move and is happy about it apparently isn't allowed. 

Shocking as it may seem, I don't dislike Maria because she is a woman.  I'm a woman.  I dislike her because she is smug and quite happy to let us know she considers herself the smartest person on the island (which in fairness, she might actually be)and her caterwauling last night after she didn't get reward was annoying.  I get it, you are allowed to be hurt even though you understand the decision, but, enough already.

I didn't like anything Boston Rob ever did, except for the times he was eliminated.

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41 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

Shocking as it may seem, I don't dislike Maria because she is a woman.  I'm a woman.  I dislike her because she is smug and quite happy to let us know she considers herself the smartest person on the island (which in fairness, she might actually be)and her caterwauling last night after she didn't get reward was annoying.  I get it, you are allowed to be hurt even though you understand the decision, but, enough already.

I didn't like anything Boston Rob ever did, except for the times he was eliminated.

I agree totally.  I, too, read her bio and it's impressive but was totally turned off by her considering her greatest accomplishment having all her kids at home "naturally". It's sounded so condescending and judgemental of other women who chose pain relief.Before modern pain relief, there was no choice but now there is. I've always felt it can't be great for the infant to hear all that screaming and stress as it comes into the world during a "natural" birth.  as my doctor said, it's like people breaking their arm and refusing pain meds. because it's not "natural"?   and then I get the emotions are high out there, but the sobbing about not getting letters.  hey, buck up, after all you endured three at home "natural" child births and you can't bear the pain of this? and frankly, I totally agreed with Venus' assessment of her way of picking people for the reward.  again, this "I can do no wrong" together with this woe is me victimhood  is very off putting.  she is a comp beast though.

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2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

As hard as successive people have tried to make a run for it this season, [Erik] giving up immunity has to be almost by definition the dumbest possible single move of all time and will never be topped. (Prove me wrong, Survivor!)



There's an old episode of "The Big Bang Theory," where Leonard is in the comic book store holding a valuable comic he'd just found and a really pretty girl is trying to get it from him.  Leonard says, 'I'd give it to you but you'd always know you didn't use your super powers for the good."  

Those little witches were not  using their super powers for good and poor Erik was helpless against them.  

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2 hours ago, kassandra8286 said:

@LadyChatts Right, it was spelled that way on my guide as well. My annoyance was directed at the producers, never at you! ❤️

Oh no worries!  I know it wasn’t directed at me, I was more thinking aloud about how either way my OCD was going to kick in (either by the spelling they had or not spelling it to match how they had it lol)

1 hour ago, bankerchick said:

Shocking as it may seem, I don't dislike Maria because she is a woman.  I'm a woman.  I dislike her because she is smug and quite happy to let us know she considers herself the smartest person on the island (which in fairness, she might actually be)and her caterwauling last night after she didn't get reward was annoying.  

I’ll consider her the smartest person on the island if she finds the idol and actually plays it, because so far that’s a pretty low bar to cross.  Because the final 5 is the last time idols can get played, so what would anyone have to lose?  And Maria should know after last night she’s not the only one who’s got a blindside in her resume now.  

I think it was annoying that she said in one breath she was fine with not being picked, the next crying about picturing her kids writing the letters and acting like she wanted to blame Charlie for not picking her.  I’m glad he picked who he did and that he made the comment that none of them got to eat the pizza.  

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15 hours ago, Nashville said:

So, I guess Q’s Christmas got cancelled.

When Jiffy announced Q’s eviction, did it look to anyone else like Q started to dig around in his pocket as if he were going to pull out his idol then???  Honestly, for just a second there I thought Q was going to start waving his idol around and say, “Oh, uh, wait a second - I meant to play this….”

I saw it and thought he was going to sneak it over to Maria because the jig was up.

Of course, that would not be allowed either. If he tried, because Q is all about changing the way Survivor is played, surely someone would see it and call an audible. 

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20 minutes ago, Katrina Kate said:

I saw it and thought he was going to sneak it over to Maria because the jig was up.

Of course, that would not be allowed either. If he tried, because Q is all about changing the way Survivor is played, surely someone would see it and call an audible. 

I thought the same.  I thought either he was trying to sneak it to Maria or he was just going to show it to everyone as a final "well, at least I found it and you didn't".  Obviously passing it to Maria wouldn't be allowed.  And it does no good to him or Maria to announce to everyone that he had it.

I think the fact that Maria and Q didn't even consider the fact that people would target Q was a huge miscalculation by Maria.  I would say it discredits her immensely.  If I was up against her in the final three, I would point to this move as supreme arrogance and overconfidence and say that she doesn't deserve to win.

They must have known that Charlie would vote for Q.  Did they not even consider that Charlie would anticipate a move against him?

Maria was safe because of the necklace.  What she and Q should have done was to have Maria hold Q's idol just in case on the rare chance that Q was going home.  If they sensed during the two hour tribal council that there was any indication that things were going against Q, then Q just signals to Maria and she plays the idol for him.

And since the jury doesn't get to ask questions, it would look like Maria was the one with the idol and she chose to save Q.  The jury might find out three days later that Q actually found the idol and merely had Maria hold it, but for three days they are solidifying in their head the idea that it was a great move by Maria.

The issue is we have seen in the past where an idol was given to someone for safekeeping and they kept it for themselves.  But if the trust between Maria and Q was there, this is something she should have proposed.  She's not as great as she thinks she is.

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

What is up with all the happy, understanding, loving exit interviews?  I get more sour losers and angry face icons on the online Hearts games. 

They turn on the charm and good grace for their exit interview, but some of those jury members (I noticed Hunter in particular last night) look pretty salty at the tribals.

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Liz might get the lasting fame she wants. People may start referring to bowel movements by her name, "I gotta go have a whizz and a Liz."

Does anyone remember Kenzie's full list of dysfunctional family members she assigned to each player? I laughed so hard about Liz being the cranky grandma that it knocked the other comparisons out of my head. I thought she referred to Maria as an aunt, which may have annoyed Maria since she seems to think she's a goddess earth mother who is in charge of everyone else there.

Did anyone else see Venus' eye roll and look of disgust when Ben mentioned his blunder vote for Kenzie? Was there bad blood between them, or was that just Venus being her usual charming self?

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4 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

As hard as successive people have tried to make a run for it this season, giving up immunity has to be almost by definition the dumbest possible single move of all time and will never be topped. (Prove me wrong, Survivor!)

When I think of poor, sweet Erik being so dumb, I temper my disappointment by remembering Alex, Mookie and Edgardo having the smug wiped right off their faces.

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

If Kenzie makes it to the end I'd be curious to see what she says are her big moves.  Her biggest move has been simply surviving.  She was on a loser tribe that lost everything and yet she is still here.  She will probably point to the Q ouster as her idea.  And she seems so nice and open to working with everyone.  I think her social game has been great.  If both Charlie and Kenzie make it to the end, I could see the jury voting for Kenzie over Charlie, especially if Maria isn't in the finals.

Honestly, I give Q's blindside to Kenzie and Liz a lot more than Charlie since they actually did what they could to soothe Q into thinking that he was safe enough to not play his idol.  I actually give it to Charlie the least for overthinking the whole thing and nearly ruining the blindside by telling Maria about it.  I think that his playing the middle and working at both sides is going to come back to bite him if he keeps this up.

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26 minutes ago, WatcherUp2 said:

Does anyone remember Kenzie's full list of dysfunctional family members she assigned to each player? I laughed so hard about Liz being the cranky grandma that it knocked the other comparisons out of my head. I thought she referred to Maria as an aunt, which may have annoyed Maria since she seems to think she's a goddess earth mother who is in charge of everyone else there.

She said that Q and Ben are like her brothers who don't speak and pick on her.  Maria is the aunt who cooks everything.  Liz is the cynical grandma who is losing it, but they love her.  And Charlie is the dependable dog.

Nobody seemed really offended except for Liz who had a shocked face but I have to wonder if Charlie was ticked to learn that she viewed him as a loyal dog.  That means she doesn't think much of his game.

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14 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Ben is nice but seriously he is such a waste of a casting spot.  ...  I mean he's the perfect person to sit next to in the final 3 because he'll probably just tell the jury to vote for whoever's sitting next to him.

If he can even remember the name of the person he is sitting next too.

5 hours ago, Haleth said:

If Maria had succeeded in booting Charlie she unquestionably should have been the winner. But since she couldn’t convince either other woman(*) and since Q screwed up by not playing his idol it’s still a toss up between her and Charlie. Kenzie and Liz must realize they have to get rid of both Maria and Charlie. 
*And I forgot about irrelevant Ben.  

I said that too but these people are so stupid.  Charlie is like a snake charmer with them.  They will just hand him the money.

And it's hard to remember Ben period.  What a waste of a casting choice.

4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I seriously think that everything about Liz could be an act.

Nay.  She would have to be the greatest "method actor" in history to maintain an "act" for nearly a full month 24/7. 

I never buy that any of these people are "acting" for a whole season.  Some may try for a few hours or even a day or two but it can't last.  Not possible.  Liz is just as whacked out as we see her for real.

2 hours ago, jabRI said:

Rob was smug and knew it, but he certainly never moaned about not being picked for a reward, he knew he couldn't have it both ways.

Rob wasn't missing his kids either. 

And Maria did NOT moan about not being picked.  She said that.  She just had an emotional breakdown missing her kids and wishing she had won this challenge more than any other challenge.


If Maria had picked Liz and Liz had gotten fed, then maybe Charlie would have taken Maria with him.

No.  Maria and Charlie said flat out they had agreed never to take each other on a reward for strategic game reasons.  So no, Charlie would NOT have picked her and Maria was fine with the not being picked part.  (See above).

Edited by Skooma
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For all Maria's crowing about jow dangerous and savvy a player she is, she's kind of a dumbass in thst we never saw her utter the following to Q, her now #1: "Q, au your idol no matter what anyone says to you before or during TC because itnis the only way we can lock in voting out Charlie." I mean, dumb, Dumb, DUMB, D.U.M.B. And hiw Q had the arrogance to think Kenzie or Crazypants would vote with him is nuts. He knows they've been coming for him. I enjoyed Q, TV meltdown aside, because he's a good player for the most part. But these players who are by and large good players always trip themselves up with arrogance thst nobody would ever vote for them so they hold their idols fir the next TC. Hopefully this season teaches future players, yanno,play their damn idols!

ETA: I am dismayed that both Ben andiz are still there because neither has done shit worthy of being in the Final Three. So at this point, I'd be good with Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie in the Final Three bc they've actually done enough to be there. Actually, Kenzies just been lucky to be on the right side of the votes most of the time but hasn't really done anything resume worthy, but she deserted be there more than the other two pieces of dead wood.

Edited by surfgirl
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6 hours ago, blackwing said:

She is the only one that knows that Q had an idol, so she will probably be hunting for it frantically.  If they re-bury it, there could be two hidden idols there, and surely whoever found one would play it since it would be the last time they can.  It would be crazy if there were still two hidden idols and both were found and played.  That would mean 2 out of 5 are safe, plus the necklace winner, which could potentially mean that only two people would be vulnerable.

I’m wondering if Jeff blocked Q from showing his idol when he was voted out so it could be hidden, and only Maria knows it is out there.

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11 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

2. Don't go on Survivor if you can't stand to be away from your kids.  Particularly if you're going to be all sobbing and angry about it and blaming other people.

I never understood that. I mean it's what 40 day's or something? Isn't summer camp 20-30? Military pilots on Amazing Race talking about how much they miss there kid's, and I'm like "you're in the military you've been deployed longer than the Amazing Race last". You can send me letters if I'm on Survivor but I'm would tell the winner to not choose me, let the 3 or so people read the letters I'll take that time with less people around to looking for an idol (to actually use).

  • Like 6
5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

However you get to the end is a valid way of getting to the end. You can sit in judgement on the jury and resent them for being there when you don't think they "deserve" to be, but hey . . . you put them there. Liz and Ben, potentially, are sitting in the final three while "more deserving" players are sitting on the jury. So, who really deserves what?

I purely unabashedly despise it whenever anybody tries to drag the D-word into discussions of who should or shouldn’t win a reality show, because “deserve” has NOTHING to do with it.

Only one person “deserves” to win, and that’s the person who actually wins the damn thing.  Anybody else - hell, everybody else - who didn’t win by definition therefore did not deserve to win, because something about their own personal game was deficient or otherwise insufficient to ward off an elimination vote.

So to any sour grapes jurors out there:  think you were “cheated” of the win you “deserved”?  Just sit down, shut up, and count your lucky stars you managed to make it as far as the jury - because it’s almost certainly a statistical fact that at least some of your tribemates thought you “deserved” to have been voted out long before Jury even started.


2 hours ago, blackwing said:

And since the jury doesn't get to ask questions, it would look like Maria was the one with the idol and she chose to save Q.  The jury might find out three days later that Q actually found the idol and merely had Maria hold it, but for three days they are solidifying in their head the idea that it was a great move by Maria.

Which is exactly why Q would never agree to such a plan; the absolute LAST thing Q wants to do is further bulk up Maria’s resume.


1 hour ago, ponygirl said:

I’m wondering if Jeff blocked Q from showing his idol when he was voted out so it could be hidden, and only Maria knows it is out there.

Um… everybody knew Tiff’s old idol was floating around out there, just waiting to be found, and everybody (except Q and Maria) thought it was still out there - which it is, again.  Everybody knows an active idol is out there; just not everybody knows who held it last - which, in the Great Land of Shit-Giving, matters only to that one person (and possibly their allies).

So the only difference between Maria and the rest of the remaining players is, she can now beat them on one specific question in Survivor Trivial Pursuit.

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He was definitely humourous and a little delusional.  He loved to talk about how people made a "big mistake" so I was waiting for him to sit there in the final words with that storytelling tone as he announced that he made a "big mistake".

"Q" has been making the rounds on the podcast interview shows today wearing a t-shirt with "BIG MISTAKE" printed in huge letters.  

I like to dislike "Q" but dammit, he can be very entertaining to listen to.

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3 hours ago, Brown44 said:

and I'm like "you're in the military you've been deployed longer than the Amazing Race last".

Big time!  Dad flew 747s and missed all sorts of birthdays, holidays etc.  It was no big deal.

The best was one Christmas Eve, with the whole family of scotch drinkers at the house and he came home with a case of rum after a flight from Puerto Rico.  

They almost burned out the blender making daquiries.  Almost killed that case😎

Then they all DUI'd to church while me and Mom cleaned up. LOL

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