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S01.E06: The Garrison Commander


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I'm not sure this will be one of those episodes that I'll rewatch, at least not more than once.  I didn't like it to start with, as I feared the entire thing would be a bottle episode and I'm never too fond of those.  However, immediately after it was over, I said out loud, "Wow, that was good."  


This episode made me like Claire more than ever.  She exhibited a level of bravery and courage that matched, if not exceeded, the level Jamie had when he was about to be flogged for a second time in a week.  Her mouth didn't run away with her because she was drunk, but because she thought it important to speak out for what was right, even if she were speaking out to a room full of English soldiers who discussed Scotsmen with an intense level of hatred.  Previously I had felt a mild level of "god, shut up, Claire" when she'd run her mouth about right and wrong because I just knew it would cause her trouble.  But this episode made me realize that this female character is one of the best we've seen on TV.  She's not a damsel and she's not a villain.  She has a very enthralling amount of steel.  I'm quite impressed.


The one thing I'm left wondering is how Dougal knew to come into the room at just the moment she was being beaten.  Did he hear something from down below?  It just seemed a little too perfect in the timing considering she'd been speaking with Black Jack Randall for nearly half an hour.  

  • Love 6

This was the first episode that just totally blew me away. So - too! - well done. It was really upsetting to watch, but in a good way. Tobias totally brings it as BJR. He is scary! And Jamie - oh, Jamie!! Missed him this episode, but that scene with the two of them at the end was golden. I don't think I can re-watch the whole thing for awhile, but from Dougal charging in to rescue Claire through Claire grabbing that bottle at the very end, I could and probably will watch over and over.


The one thing I'm left wondering is how Dougal knew to come into the room at just the moment she was being beaten.  Did he hear something from down below?  It just seemed a little too perfect in the timing considering she'd been speaking with Black Jack Randall for nearly half an hour.  

I think he was on high alert knowing Claire was alone with Randall, and when he heard her crash to the floor he probably ran up. With Hawkins called into the room there was no one guarding the door to stop him from busting in.

  • Love 6

That's the second time tonight I heard that term. What is a bottle episode?

Strictly speaking, it's an episode that is limited in cast and set.  Usually a few characters and a single set.  The episode "Fly" for Breaking Bad is one that perfectly defines a bottle episode.  This one, if it stayed entirely in that room above the tavern, would be stretching the definition a bit since there were so many extras.  

Nidratime here is a good link that explains what a bottle episode is and some examples. This episode definitely qualifies.


As for the episode, it was so tense and thick you could cut it with a knife. That whipping scene was extremely hard to watch and I can handle almost anything TV throws at me.

  • Love 3

Geez, the chunks of flesh hanging off Jamie's back...

This episode was tense. Claire vs. the Brits and then Claire vs. Black Jack. The latter scene especially because I was waiting for the sucker punch to her gut and just when I let my guard down, it happened.

I squeed at Claire and Jamie's scene. He's a virgin, that's so adorable. I also loved the later bottle grab. She's gotta get married, to a virgin at that, best she get a buzz going.

It did not escape my attention that Frank had Black Jack's straight edge razor passed down to him and was using it.

Edited by kariyaki
  • Love 5

Wow. What a fantastic episode! 
•Tobias rocked!  We haven't seen much of him in the last few episodes, but he brought it today.  I fell hook, line, and sinker for Blackjack's story of descending into darkness.  I was completely caught by surprise when he hit Claire.  I believe that some yelling at my TV screen occurred...
•I also thought Caitriona's acting was terrific, particularly when she was listening to Blackjack and hoping to find some of Frank in the man.
•I also felt kinda sorry for that hapless young soldier he was bullying, despite the fact that he didn't have much of a backbone.  I really thought Blackjack might slit his throat.
•The scourging of Jamie scene was very hard to watch.  Well acted by both actors.  I loved the touch of the soldier fainting and how that further inflamed Blackjack.
•I also noticed Dougal glaring at the guy who spat on MacKenzie land!  Made me laugh.
•I enjoyed the exchanged roles of Dougal and Claire.  This time, he was the one who couldn't hold his tongue and was getting in trouble.
•Grinding your corn!  LOL.  I think I'll use that expression.
•I didn't care for all the English being painted so badly.  I would have liked a couple of them to be more honorable and not so rude about the Scottish people.  It seemed very designed to make us want Claire to return to the MacKenzies and I would have preferred the choice to be more grey...
•As usual, Jamie can be on camera for just a few minutes and completely light up the screen.  Again, I enjoyed the scene between Jamie and Claire, and felt it was a very natural conversation in the face of an arranged marriage.  I thought she might ask specifically about Laoghaire, in addition to broadly about women in whom he might be interested.  Poor Laoghaire will not be happy at all next episode.  :( 
•Was I the only one who thought the idea of marriage to Jamie was a little strange?  As much as I want to see them get together, it seemed a little odd that Dougal would marry her to the one wanted man in the group.  What if the English ask to see this "alleged husband" of Claire's?  If they have to produce Jamie, he'll be taken immediately into custody.  Or is that what Dougal wants?  Dougal was very nice in this episode, but I can't help wondering if there is an ulterior motive.  Does he mean to discredit Jamie by marrying him to an English lady?  Or is he hoping that Jamie will be pardoned because he's married to an Englishwoman?  Okay, now I've confused myself.    In any case, I thought that it would have made more sense if Dougal suggested the idea of a marriage to the group and asked for a volunteer.  The others would hem and haw (because they're still not quite sure of her) and Jamie would step up...Either way, I'm happy they're getting married.

  • Love 4
•Was I the only one who thought the idea of marriage to Jamie was a little strange?  As much as I want to see them get together, it seemed a little odd that Dougal would marry her to the one wanted man in the group.  What if the English ask to see this "alleged husband" of Claire's?  If they have to produce Jamie, he'll be taken immediately into custody.  Or is that what Dougal wants?  Dougal was very nice in this episode, but I can't help wondering if there is an ulterior motive.  Does he mean to discredit Jamie by marrying him to an English lady?  Or is he hoping that Jamie will be pardoned because he's married to an Englishwoman?  Okay, now I've confused myself.    In any case, I thought that it would have made more sense if Dougal suggested the idea of a marriage to the group and asked for a volunteer.  The others would hem and haw (because they're still not quite sure of her) and Jamie would step up...Either way, I'm happy they're getting married.


I think part of your point here is correct. With Jamie married to Claire that basically makes him unfit to be the heir to Colum ... not with an English wife whose a little strange and suspected, by some, of being a witch if not a spy.


I think Jamie's the one person in their lot of high enough standing who has "nothing to lose."

  • Love 4

Oh damn. I hate when real life interrupts my viewing pleasure.


Well, tomorrow for sure I'll be doing a double feature of last week's and tonight's episode.  I'm such a spoilerwhore, that I don't care that I know what's happened. It won't ruin the enjoyment fer me!


Just thought I'd share that wi' ye lassies (and/or laddies).

  • Love 3

I was surprised that Claire didn't make her fictcious love a merchant, or someone harder to identify than a soldier. Other than that, i thought it was a very compelling episode.

Yeah, I was pretty impressed with Claire's pulled-out-of-the-ass cover story until Randall wanted the guy's name. Whoops.

”I must admit, the idea of grinding your corn does tickle me." That line made me laugh out loud.

  • Love 5

Well, that was an intense hour of television. Tobias is major, and I thought Claire looking at him with disgust and fear, when he has her beloved husband's face. That whole scene was just really well done. The danger in this show is really well portrayed- she's surrounded by brutes on both sides. I've read the book, so I knew all of this was coming but the stakes seem even higher in the show. 


The little bit at the end with Jamie talking about his virginity and her grabbing the bottle and marching away with it was a relief. As was the bit about grinding corn. 

  • Love 6

Wow. Tobias Menzies is going to have a really strong Emmy reel. That was so painful to watch, but only because the actors sold it so well.


I squeed at Claire and Jamie's scene. He's a virgin, that's so adorable. I also loved the later bottle grab. She's gotta get married, to a virgin at that, best she get a buzz going.


The curious wonder on her face at the revelation was even better than the reveal.

  • Love 1

Whoa.  That was rough.  Extraordinary television but really difficult to watch some parts.  I'm so grateful for the last five minutes -- we desperately needed that Claire-Jamie time to recover from the trauma of Claire's visit with the English.



Her mouth didn't run away with her because she was drunk, but because she thought it important to speak out for what was right


I had the opposite reaction.  I actually shouted at the TV set for Claire to SHUT UP.  I suppose it reflects well on her that she could not help giving voice to her feelings after bonding with the MacKenzies but DAMN.



I didn't care for all the English being painted so badly.  I would have liked a couple of them to be more honorable

Well, the nice young lieutenant who came back looking for her came across as an honorable guy and he even pointed out that the MacKenzies had treated Claire well.  But I really hated the General.  What a douchebag.  Or should I say wanker?


The amputation scene was really difficult.  In fact, threatening sharp objects were rather a theme of this episode, from the horrible sound of the saw, to the razor at that young man's throat, to the scary what's-he-going-to-do-with-that pen-knife of Jack's, to Dougal's dirk, hidden just behind his kilt.  I need to go look at pictures of fluffy kittens to get all those implements of destruction out of my mind.


The flogging scene was also REALLY rough to watch.  The prosthetics department earned their keep tonight. And I have to hand it to the writers for the awful trick they played.  When Jamie told us about the first time he was beaten by Black Jack (horsewhipped, when he came to the defense of his sister) it was also a flashback but when they cut back to Jamie telling the story you got to catch your breath (and of course gazing on Jamie's bare chest, lit gently by fire-light, was a balm to the eyes.)  Tonight, when they cut back to the storyteller there was no break in the tension -- in a way it got worse.  He was just so awful, reveling in the story.  I kept wondering what Claire was thinking.  It was bad enough watching him tell that story from the other side of the "4th wall."  How horrible must it have been to be in the same room with that sick bastard?


But I forgive the writers because they gave us that last scene.  I actually cheered when Jamie's head appeared as he walked into frame.  I really loved how that was shot.  Sam/Jamie was SO cute when he delivered the line about being a virgin.  And I LOVED Claire snatching the bottle at the very end and the smile on Murtaugh's face as he watched her walk away with it.  I think that may be only the second time I've ever seen him smile (the first being when he laughed at Claire's joke last episode.)


Gosh I love this show.

Edited by WatchrTina
  • Love 11

I had the opposite reaction.  I actually shouted at the TV set for Claire to SHUT UP.  I suppose it reflects well on her that she could not help giving voice to her feelings after bonding with the MacKenzies but DAMN.

Me too. When Claire wanted more wine, I cringed that she hadn't seemed to learn her lesson about getting liquored up around people who want information from her she doesn't want to give. And while she didn't exactly blow it on that front, she couldn't help running off at the mouth about the Brits occupying Scotland. THEIR land. When she said that, I knew it would piss the Brits off good. I like that Claire isn't afraid to speak her mind but she really needs to learn to read a room.

The curious wonder on her face at the revelation was even better than the reveal.

Claire blinked like half a dozen times at the news of Jamie's virtue. Then she chugged the rest of her booze in her cup. Tee hee.

  • Love 8

I was wondering if flogging using a cat o'nine tails meant that you only had to get struck 11.1 times in order to count 100 lashes. ...Guess not. Brits not math sticklers, in addition to everything else, is what I'm thinking.


I had the same thought! I can't remember how it's described in the book but I think I assumed it was a plain whip that he got lashed 100 times with (which is still completely horrible, of course).

I missed Angus, Rupert, Jamie and Murtagh.  The flogging scenes were so hard to watch, but it was interesting how Randall thought it was artistry.


I wasn't buying the interrogation scene with Blackjack. I thought it was too heavy handed (no pun intended) and that he was revealing too much of himself. Then he suckerpunched me (and Claire) and all my assumptions shattered.


I'm in danger of 'shipping Claire and Dougal. He looked and acted mighty fine.


Jamie is so eager for his honeymoon. Yay! A male virgin hero. It's such a nice change. I'm trembling more than Jamie to see what will happen next.



With Jamie married to Claire that basically makes him unfit to be the heir to Colum

Plus if he's gleaned that Claire's infertile, then they won't be producing any potential heirs and he won't have to kill the lad. I agree that Dougal must have a good reason for his choice, and a motive beyond protecting Claire - though he must be impressed and confused as to why she didn't spill the beans to the redcoats.


It's weird to have primitive ER on this show, but I hope they keep it up because I really wasn't expecting it.

Edited by insubordination
  • Love 1

Is "honeymoon" a word that a Jamie would know?  Does anyone have access to the Oxford English Dictionary online?  It tells you when a word came into use in the English language.  I suspected that Jamie didn't even know what Claire was saying when she said the line about him being fine with the honeymoon starting tomorrow.  I think he would have agreed to anything she said at that point.

  • Love 1

Is "honeymoon" a word that a Jamie would know?  Does anyone have access to the Oxford English Dictionary online?  It tells you when a word came into use in the English language.  I suspected that Jamie didn't even know what Claire was saying when she said the line about him being fine with the honeymoon starting tomorrow.  I think he would have agreed to anything she said at that point.

I don't have access to the Oxford English Dictionary but flat out Googling it told me that the word honeymoon originated in the 16th century as "hony mone."

  • Love 2

As excellent as this episode was I don't think I can rewatch the Claire and Black Jack Randall scenes. I had to turn away from the horrible whipping and Jamie's mangled and torn back. And then Claire being sucker-punched  believing for a moment that this unspeakable sadist (he was clearly getting off whipping Jamie almost to death) who wears her beloved husbands face - the ultimate mind fuck right there - actually was feeling remorse.


I will re-watch from the moment Dougal rescues Claire - bless him - so I can enjoy Jamie's sweet face and Claire's reaction when she learns Jamie is a virgin. I am so grateful that the end of the episode gave me something to smile about.

  • Love 2

I don't have access to the Oxford English Dictionary but flat out Googling it told me that the word honeymoon originated in the 16th century as "hony mone."


I kind of wonder if the word existed yet wouldn't quite mean the same as it would to 20th century Claire. Either way, it's probably understood as the time period immediately following a wedding so the innuendo would be understood.


Speaking of 20th century Claire, she was drop dead gorgeous in the scene where she was shaving Frank. She's still beautiful even with the messy hair from traveling by horseback for days and days but it was quite a contrast to see her with such glossy, tamed curls. I have to go back and watch that again because of course my focus was more on Tobias Menzies's two very different performances. This episode was so wonderful.

  • Love 1

Watched it again.  Here are few more random comments.


There were two moments when I said "Oh Shit" out loud.  The first was when when the Garrison Commander (the wanker) suggested Black Jack as Claire's escort to Inverness.  The second was when BJR says "I look forward to the opportunity to reveal my true nature."  Because  his "true nature" is just about the last thing I want to see.  I did love Claire's response though:  "My honesty will match yours." (meaning "I know you are going to lie though your teeth and so will I.")


At first I thought BJR's accusing Claire of sharing Dougal's bed was ill-considered and likely to get the Garrison Commander MORE on her side.  And it would have too if Claire had stayed focused on the insult to her character.  But now I see that Jack did that to provoke her anger and it worked because that's when she makes all those unfortunately comments about the English being occupiers and Scottish rights (shut up Claire!).  So it was actually a very clever move on his part.


The FlashForwardBack (a.k.a. "FrankBack) was really nicely incorporated into the episode.  Such a whiplash of opposing feelings toward Tobias' characters.


I speak enough French to know that BJR asks, "Do you speak French" and Claire responds "Yes, Very well.  What difference does that make?" But I don't know what he says next.  Something about a prostitute I gather.  Any French speakers around to translate?


The sucker punch to the gut that BJR gives to Jamie nicely foreshadows the punch he gives Claire. 


I assumed the reason Dougal came in at just that moment is that he heard BJR yell "Kick her!" because the redcoat left the door slightly ajar when BJR called him into the room.  And I did LOVE the way the redcoat backed quickly away from Claire when Dougal strides toward him.  In fact Dougal essentially gets four redcoats to back down through sheer force of will.  Alpha male indeed.

Edited by WatchrTina
  • Love 12

Enjoyed it until the interminable story of Jamie's flogging. Sorry it to me it was bad playwriting 101. Character tells another character a long story for no particular reason, so e audience can learn it, what did he WANT forom Claire in hat speech? It felt like torture porn. Then I fell for it that he wanted her appreciation only to be as sucker punched as she was (well, kicked).

Btw in pretty sure that whipping someone 200 times would kill me and the British did not want to make martyrs so I don't buy that.

Too bad, to me it would have been far more interesting if he fell for her too a nd there was a real triangle of on let's. Making him a sociopath - and no doubt he would be one combat or not- is just less interesting to me.

Some ahistorical stuff, too. There is no way he would be that insolent to his superior or that blatantly rude to her in the presence of the other men... The mild "you crossed a line" didn't cover it.

I'm irate at gabaldons stealing "isn't it pretty to think so" from Hemingway. Or the scriptwriter of the series.

Tobias did bring it though,, I totally bought his confession as real and concerned.

Jamie as ever is adorbs.

I really enjoyed the episode until black jack Randall, and even liked the English snobbery up attempt to be polite. I did think Claire was idiotic for spouting her it's their land stuff in hear company and again for not just making up a name when he asked, or if she didn't want to do that, pretending it was about th eye mans reputation, not her own. Because in that situation she wouldn't be worried about the man.

I love me some dougal. He didn't believe in the water either, I'm quite convinced it was the English beating her that convinced him. I also wonder how he happened to magically appear at the right momentl

Edited by lucindabelle
  • Love 4

During the scene with the red coats where Claire was telling her story, with the harpsichord music playing over the words and everyone so civilized, all I could think was -- they're so boring. Get me back to the men in kilts.


Agree with everyone about how difficult the flogging scene was to watch. I was squint-eyed, looking between my fingers by the end. Brilliant, though, having the whipping sound continue while Black Jack told the story. When they cut to Claire with tears in her eyes, still staring fiercely at him... I nearly gasped at her strength - and as bluebonnet said, her courage. I also agree with nara about Claire trying to find something of Frank in Jack. The flash to the scene with her shaving him was excellent. Except, there were several times I wanted to tell Claire to shut up for saying too much.


And, of course, the ending with Jamie was fabulous. Awkward and sweet and what-the-holy-hell on Claire's part. I loved how Jamie said he owed her for caring for his wounds. Never mind the obvious desire he's had for a while now.

Edited by justmehere
  • Love 1

I kind of wonder if the word existed yet wouldn't quite mean the same as it would to 20th century Claire. Either way, it's probably understood as the time period immediately following a wedding so the innuendo would be understood.

The Wikipedia page essentially says that, even back then with the different spelling, it referred to the first month of a marriage. Something about the moon. I've already closed the page and don't feel like going and finding it again (it's late).

  • Love 1

What a magnificent hour of television. What others have said, it was brutal but utterly riveting. I was far more grossed out by the amputation than the whipping, although both were difficult to watch. As for 200 lashes killing the prisoner, it depends on the whip, the skill man who wields it and the overall strength and musculature of the prisoner's body. Nine knotted 3-foot falls will hurt like a bastard and will almost certainly draw blood (don't ask me how I know this), but it's far less likely to permanently incapacitate a man--remember, it was a punishment often used at sea, and a permanently crippled sailor was of no use to anyone. Makes for powerful (if not utterly greusome) storytelling, however.


And now I think I need to cleanse my viewing palate with some light and fluffy. Like the Red Wedding episode of Game of Thrones. Hey, at least Tobias Menzies gets the girl in the end <g>.

  • Love 5

Fuck this show. Seriously. This was the best episode of television of the year to date. And that includes Game of Thrones. 


I thought Claire looking at him with disgust and fear, when he has her beloved husband's face.


The flashforwardback with the razor was fucking *perfect.* Now it's like, if she does get back home, how in the fuck is she going to look at Frank the same? So, was it intended to show that Frank has Black Jack's razor. That had to be one imploding mind fuck for Claire. 


One thing I really liked was that it doesn't matter what year it is, war fucks you up. The other, was that there was a lot of subtle humor in this episode. 



I had the opposite reaction.  I actually shouted at the TV set for Claire to SHUT UP.  I suppose it reflects well on her that she could not help giving voice to her feelings after bonding with the MacKenzies but DAMN.

Oh yeah, I was *dying*. Once she sat down at the table, I said, "I'll give her 15 minutes before she rips something off akin to a Record Scratch." As soon as she sat down. Uh oh. And then Black Jack walked in. Honestly, she belongs with the Scots. 


I do believe Dougal was flattered. hee. 


Corn. Gah. That one I am stealing. 

  • Love 8


There were two moments when I said "Oh Shit" out loud.  The first is when when the Garrison Commander (the wanker) suggested Black Jack as Claire's escort to the Inverness.  The second is when BJR says "I look forward to the opportunity to reveal my true nature."  Because  his "true nature" is just about the last thing I want to see.

For me, I was basically muttering this through the entire episode.  As soon as she started making up her story, I KNEW Black Jack would ask for his name.  This level of intensity is kind of what I was expecting from the show and yes it kind of descends into torture porn.  However, I thought they did an excellent job of developing Black Jack's character and though he is terrifying and loathsome, I felt like I understood him.  I didn't hate him any less but he was not a caricature. As much as I love Game of Thrones, I don't think the viewers ever get the same level of character development (outside of Tyrion of course). There are horrible people, but I don't understand why they are so horrible.  Here, I do. They really hit it out of the ballpark when they cast Tobias Menzies in this role.


Also, I did not find the depiction of the British to be heavy handed.  It was this kind of cultural superiority that led them into colonial endeavors into the 20th century. I thought their reaction to the Highlanders was totally believable. It was, if anything, worse about one hundred years later during the scramble for Africa but I suppose that is another topic for another day.


As for Claire, I admire her outspokenness.  For one, it is something of a character flaw and keeps her from being totally perfect.  For another, as someone who tends to keep her mouth shut and her opinions to herself I wish I was more like her. At times I feel like something of an Outlander myself. Claire lived through World War Two and knows about the Holocaust.  There are greater danger to one's personal to safety if you keep your mouth shut.


As an aside, I watched the latest video from ISIS about five minutes before watching this show.  It probably influenced my viewing somewhat.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.  All those English teachers I had during High School who were harping on Man's Inhumanity to Man were onto something.


But! Instead of ending this on a downer, Claire and Jamie.  YES!  This is when the good stuff starts happening. Jamie being a virgin and Claire wanting MORE ALCOHOL NOW PLEASE were perfect. I am so here for this.  I'm also giving myself a mental pat on the back for understanding all of the French spoken in this episode.  All of those years of reading cereal boxes actually paid off!

  • Love 12

I hope Tobias Menzies gets nominated for an Emmy. Claire was perfect while listening to Black Jack. The look of horror and shock mingled with her inner turmoil that these evil words were coming out of a face that resembles her honorable and beloved husband was gut wrenching. And since I knew what was coming, it made it really heart wrenching to see her have a glimmer of hope that Black Jack could be redeemed. I only wish they kept the line he said to her in the book after he punched her. Evil SOB.

  • Love 4

Can any book readers tell me if Jamie is supposed to be a lot younger than Claire? I know the actors are the same age, but Jamie's character comes across like he's supposed to be much younger than a man in his 30s (not the virgin thing, but the way others interact with/talk about him, Claire trying to match him with a girl in her teens, referring to him as a "young man" in this episode, etc.). Not that it particularly matters in the long run, I'm just curious.

That was a little too well done. First one after which I need a break (and lots of thoughts of kittens and rainbows) before I rewatch.

Same. Normally I watch the show as is, and then watch again with Ron Moore's podcast. After the light(er) scene with Jamie and Claire at the end of the episode, I was ready to download the podcast and rewatch, but then I remembered everything that came before the ending scene. No thanks. I'll get around to the podcast rewatch after a break. Tobias is creepy as fuck. In a good way, of course.

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