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S03.E09: The Travelling Agent

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44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Second, I felt like we missed a huge part of Pete's story: how he found his way home. It seems like it would have been a long, long walk from wherever Jay took him back to Woodstone. I think the B-plot with Thor and Flower necessitated abbreviating Pete's story and they had to just sort of yada yada that part but it felt very anticlimactic.

Dude was a scout master. Of course he could find his way home. Hell, a heightened sense of direction might even be part of his power, for all we know.

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1 hour ago, Chit Chat said:

Although the ghosts want Pete to travel and tell them about his adventures, this could backfire on him, and they could become resentful.  Some people can only handle so much good happening to someone else before they get jealous and resentful.  That sounds terrible, but sadly, that's the way some people are.  

I wouldn't be surprised that like Alberta with Alexa, the other ghosts will bury Pete in travel requests and he'll have to find a way to manage it

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14 hours ago, kav said:

Don't worry, Eli, is not worth remembering.

Search for the clip of Eli’s reaction to his brother scoring a touchdown in whatever Super Bowl.  That is worth remembering, and I don’t follow sports - just sibling rivalries.

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@Irlandesa - I also loved seeing Carol from Superstore.  Then of course, I started looking around for Glenn, Sandra, Brett, Mateo, etc....

I was glad to have a Pete-centric episode but hope he returns to the mansion soon.  I would miss him very much if he is gone too long.

Overall, it was a good episode.  I am grateful for even a shortened season this year but especially glad we know it is coming back for a new one soon.  

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Second, I felt like we missed a huge part of Pete's story: how he found his way home. It seems like it would have been a long, long walk from wherever Jay took him back to Woodstone.

He told them he took the bus. He remembered where the stops were and read the timetables. At some point he asked Sam to pay the bus company back a dollar. 

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5 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

They're a modern looking bunch.


Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.06.22 PM.jpeg

Well, this could explain the horror story I watched on Youtube about the crazy list of rules for a night security person at a store.  😂

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8 minutes ago, joanne3482 said:

He told them he took the bus. He remembered where the stops were and read the timetables. At some point he asked Sam to pay the bus company back a dollar. 

Exactly. Even as a ghost, he needs transport, just like the $500 Pete promised the airline host that Sam would pay. I wonder if he stands the whole time or sits in an unused seat. Also, when he gets to that Caribbean island, he may meet up with another set of angry ghosts, from ex-pirates to ex-slaves. 

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This was a cute episode.  I'm glad they revealed Pete's power in the first few minutes.  Was anyone else wondering why the fence was broken in what seemed to be the middle of nothing?  I thought that was going to come back into play...

The street signs...  I got the impression that it wasn't that Pete didn't know who Manning & Obama were, it's just that the sign was meaningless because the streets were renamed and he couldn't get his bearings.  Though Pete didn't need to wander all the way into town, he could have just crossed the barrier of the store to escape the mean ghosts.  And then waited there for Jay to return.  But, he's a Scout Master, so good on him for finding his way back to the manor.

How Pete will get to the resort...  I've fanwanked that he and Sam worked that out before he left, and that the most likely way is that the resort has a shuttle bus that leaves every few hours from the airport. 

Nancy was pure gold this entire episode.  I also loved Sass's bit with Issac about the bus.  But how does Hetty know what a Sonic is???


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My husband asked why we are not seeing more of Sam. “The actor is pregnant so they are hiding her behind a desk, a laundry basket, in bed….”. He had no idea. 

I loved the Deal Mart scenes. “Six!” 🤣


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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Second, I felt like we missed a huge part of Pete's story: how he found his way home.

I could've done without the Thor/Flower/Nancy storyline and watched a whole episode of Pete navigating around the city!  

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oooh, maybe Pete could have a romance with the 1950's housewife ghost nextdoor.  Someone above mentioned him being a conduit for Thor and Bjorn, so maybe that's how he could meet her. 

I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if Pete held hands with another ghost and tried to cross the barrier together.  Would the other ghost be treated as an extension of Pete and be able to be outside the boundary, but pop back over as soon as he let go?


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6 hours ago, Silver-hyren said:

My head canon is Sam doesn't leave the manor very often because she sees ghosts everywhere so Jay does all the shopping.

I think she said something similar to this last season.  She made a comment about not wanting to visit Central Park because it was wall to wall ghosts and it was too much for her.  

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1 hour ago, enduringforce said:

Even as a ghost, he needs transport, just like the $500 Pete promised the airline host that Sam would pay. I wonder if he stands the whole time or sits in an unused seat.

I mean this in the nicest possible way: I think it would be good for someone to die on the plane, so Pete has someone to really keep him company on the flight.

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18 hours ago, phalange said:

I love Hetty referring to the states west of Michigan as “exotic, far-off lands.”

There are still New Yorkers today who think nothing exists west of New Jersey.

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4 hours ago, Chit Chat said:
5 hours ago, NoReally said:

So is Sam really going to be writing checks to cover all of Pete's traveling "expenses"?

She'll tell Pete that she did and he's naive enough to believe her!  He's very trusting. 

Although the ghosts want Pete to travel and tell them about his adventures, this could backfire on him, and they could become resentful.  Some people can only handle so much good happening to someone else before they get jealous and resentful.  That sounds terrible, but sadly, that's the way some people are.  

That's what I thought, too. Sam wanted him to go and probably he would have refused if she hadn't agreed to pay his expenses, so she just lied about it.  (We already know she knows how to lie.)  I think that even Jay, despite his affection for Pete, would object to her actually wasting their money like that. 

Speaking of Jay and Pete, it was hilarious when he was trying to entice Pete to follow him by jingling his keys, and Sass snapped, "We're not pets!"

4 hours ago, enduringforce said:

You know what I'm having trouble with is Isaac-Nigel. I think Isaac is having second thoughts. He has made offhand remarks a few times now that make me think he is not as committed to Nigel as Nigel is to him.

I've been having the same feeling.  i think Isaac does love Nigel but perhaps in a way that's not as committed.  Nigel's little speech after their bachelor parties about how the two of them clicked and how he was even more sure about their wedding showed that, for him, this is the real deal.  Meanwhile, of course, Isaac's fantasizing about his stripper.  And then his remark yesterday about the places he'd visit if he had Pete's power without realizing how it might have made Nigel feel made me a bit uneasy.  I think Isaac, if he's not careful, could break Nigel's heart, and I can definitely imagine that their path as a married couple might have some rocks in it next season--which would make for some interesting story arcs, I guess.

I'm wondering if his lesser commitment is because he'd lived a pretty frustrating life--he never really got to do what he wanted or be what he wanted to be, so he still has all these unrealized dreams and yearnings. Nigel, perhaps, had a much more successful and fulfilled life (I really do wish we'd get some backstory on him one of these days) and so he's ready to settle down.  He's also, I think, generally more sensitive to Isaac's feelings than vice versa despite the occasional needling about Britain vs. America.

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I can't recall if this was mentioned in a previous episode, but when Flower said she wanted to revisit Jay's "spice cabinet", I wondered if that is where he keeps his pot? 

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2 hours ago, chaifan said:

But how does Hetty know what a Sonic is???

TV commercials.


4 minutes ago, PaulE said:

I've been having the same feeling.  i think Isaac does love Nigel but perhaps in a way that's not as committed.  Nigel's little speech after their bachelor parties about how the two of them clicked and how he was even more sure about their wedding showed that, for him, this is the real deal.  Meanwhile, of course, Isaac's fantasizing about his stripper.  And then his remark yesterday about the places he'd visit if he had Pete's power without realizing how it might have made Nigel feel made me a bit uneasy.  I think Isaac, if he's not careful, could break Nigel's heart, and I can definitely imagine that their path as a married couple might have some rocks in it next season--which would make for some interesting story arcs, I guess.

I'm wondering if his lesser commitment is because he'd lived a pretty frustrating life--he never really got to do what he wanted or be what he wanted to be, so he still has all these unrealized dreams and yearnings. Nigel, perhaps, had a much more successful and fulfilled life (I really do wish we'd get some backstory on him one of these days) and so he's ready to settle down.  He's also, I think, generally more sensitive to Isaac's feelings than vice versa despite the occasional needling about Britain vs. America.

John Hartman (Nigel) has been a part time ghost/actor. 
If he's offered a bigger role on another show, maybe they will have him get sucked off after the wedding?

Like you pointed out, @PaulE, Nigel had a pretty fulfilling life for his time. So getting married might be all he still desires (if fulfilling desires has anything to do with a ghost getting sucked off, but it seemed to for Attic Girl's Basement boyfriend).

Or, maybe he'll get a somewhat expanded role as he and Brandon Scott Jones (Isaac) work out their differences.

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2 hours ago, chaifan said:

But how does Hetty know what a Sonic is???

Either commercials or Jay has brought Sonic food home and all of the ghosts got to smell it!  

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2 hours ago, chaifan said:

oooh, maybe Pete could have a romance with the 1950's housewife ghost nextdoor.  Someone above mentioned him being a conduit for Thor and Bjorn, so maybe that's how he could meet her. 

I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if Pete held hands with another ghost and tried to cross the barrier together.  Would the other ghost be treated as an extension of Pete and be able to be outside the boundary, but pop back over as soon as he let go?


Mrs farnsby is dating Bjorn. Pete doesn’t need more problems with Thor. 

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3 hours ago, enduringforce said:

Exactly. Even as a ghost, he needs transport, just like the $500 Pete promised the airline host that Sam would pay. I wonder if he stands the whole time or sits in an unused seat. Also, when he gets to that Caribbean island, he may meet up with another set of angry ghosts, from ex-pirates to ex-slaves. 

He better not have a window seat and try to nap.  I am assuming airplane walls are still walls............so that's a long way down.

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1 hour ago, mthorne said:

I can't recall if this was mentioned in a previous episode, but when Flower said she wanted to revisit Jay's "spice cabinet", I wondered if that is where he keeps his pot? 

I didn’t even think of that possibility! Could be, but I just took it at face value, since the show has made so much about how important delicious scents are to the ghosts. 

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4 hours ago, chaifan said:

The street signs...  I got the impression that it wasn't that Pete didn't know who Manning & Obama were, it's just that the sign was meaningless because the streets were renamed and he couldn't get his bearings. 

No, he actually said "Who the heck are they?" or words to that effect.

2 hours ago, PaulE said:

Speaking of Jay and Pete, it was hilarious when he was trying to entice Pete to follow him by jingling his keys, and Sass snapped, "We're not pets!"

OMG that was one of my favorite bits. Didn't he whistle for him, too? He definitely sounded like he was calling for a dog to follow him. 

I also got a big kick out of the ghost whose power is to make people forget why they walked down that aisle. One of the great mysteries of life has finally been solved. I think I have one of those in my house.

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1 hour ago, kav said:

He better not have a window seat and try to nap.  I am assuming airplane walls are still walls............so that's a long way down.

Or have someone sit on him like mark did

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6 hours ago, enduringforce said:

You know what I'm having trouble with is Isaac-Nigel. I think Isaac is having second thoughts. He has made offhand remarks a few times now that make me think he is not as committed to Nigel as Nigel is to him.

 I don't know if it's so much second thoughts, per se, as it is just the reality of the fact he's about to marry Nigel is REALLY starting to hit him, or will hit him soon. Keep in mind this is not only the first relationship he's been in since his marriage to Beatrice, which was over two centuries ago, but it's also his first relationship with another man and the one he's had a thing for for pretty much all of those two centuries. And unlike his marriage to Beatrice, which ended with his death, his marriage to Nigel literally WILL be for all eternity. 

So yeah. I'm not surprised if the realization of all of that is sinking in and making him feel a bit overwhelmed and nervous and second guessing himself and whatnot. I don't doubt he wants to be with Nigel, though. He just has a tendency to get into his head a lot and let his nerves get the better of him. 

9 hours ago, Silver-hyren said:

And from a purely banal logistical reason, Rose is pregnant so she has to hide behind tables and computers.  My head canon is Sam doesn't leave the manor very often because she sees ghosts everywhere so Jay does all the shopping.

Plus, someone needs to stay behind at the B&B. You never know when a guest might wander through :D. 

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I also got a big kick out of the ghost whose power is to make people forget why they walked down that aisle. One of the great mysteries of life has finally been solved. I think I have one of those in my house.


The ghost whose power is to make people forget why they walked down that aisle was played by Adrian Martinez, who has been in everything.

With Pete going out into the world, we will get to meet other ghosts with whom Pete will want to chat to about what their powers are. 

Perhaps a ghost will similarly make people permanently forget where they put something. 
(I just put a red-hued USB-to-USB-C cable adapter in my Amazon cart because I cannot find the black one I bought 5 months ago and hid out of sight of my 2-year-old grandson when he was here.)



1 hour ago, kav said:

He better not have a window seat and try to nap.  I am assuming airplane walls are still walls............so that's a long way down.

5 minutes ago, Neptune said:

Or have someone sit on him like mark did

Pete might enjoy having a passenger's emotional support bunny sitting on his lap.

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5 hours ago, chaifan said:

Was anyone else wondering why the fence was broken in what seemed to be the middle of nothing?  I thought that was going to come back into play...

That is an interesting question! It could be just that the whole property is not well-maintained and lots of things are falling apart... or it could be Chekov's Fence.

I'm still waiting for the water heater noise to lead to some kind of revelation. It's been mentioned in multiple episodes. But it might also just be an old water heater that's noisy.


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3 hours ago, PaulE said:

That's what I thought, too. Sam wanted him to go and probably he would have refused if she hadn't agreed to pay his expenses, so she just lied about it.  (We already know she knows how to lie.)  I think that even Jay, despite his affection for Pete, would object to her actually wasting their money like that. 

Especially since transporting a ghost is like transporting the air inside the plane (or bus, car, etc).  He's not grabbing a seat someone else would otherwise buy, he doesn't consume any resources, etc.  What exactly are they being compensated for?

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2 hours ago, kav said:
5 hours ago, enduringforce said:

I wonder if he stands the whole time or sits in an unused seat. 

He better not have a window seat and try to nap.  I am assuming airplane walls are still walls............so that's a long way down.

At first I thought he wouldn't need an unused seat but could just sit in a seat that was occupied, since the occupant wouldn't know he was there, but then I remembered it's painful for ghosts to touch livings.  I guess he could always sit on the floor if the cabin was full, or even hang out in the cockpit or stewards' area.

Airplane walls, yeah . . .  Could you imagine falling through and then hurtling down 30,000 feet, maybe into the middle of the ocean?  Shudder!  Though being weightless he might actually float down, but still . . .  That really is a potentially serious issue when you think about it.

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2 hours ago, kav said:

He better not have a window seat and try to nap.  I am assuming airplane walls are still walls............so that's a long way down.

We're talking about Pete: he wouldn't sit in an airplane seat without fastening his seatbelt even if the seatbelt sign was off.

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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And I loved Jay trying to explain things to his invisible friend while other store customers gave him the side eye.

And his "Bluetooth" while pointing to his ear that clearly did not have any such device in it.

I liked the Shawshank references (also one of my favorite movies).
New meat = fresh fish!


(Fun fact, the guy in the blue cap who says that line is Morgan Freeman's son, Alfonso. He's also young Red for the mugshot in his file in the parole hearing scenes.)

Also, I just watched again and apparently I was wrong about the old-fashioned outfit I thought I saw. The whole pack seemed to be in fairly modern clothes. Just how many Black Friday tramplings have there been at this store?

Edited by ams1001
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1 hour ago, PaulE said:

At first I thought he wouldn't need an unused seat but could just sit in a seat that was occupied, since the occupant wouldn't know he was there, but then I remembered it's painful for ghosts to touch livings.  I guess he could always sit on the floor if the cabin was full, or even hang out in the cockpit or stewards' area.

Oh dear.
Knowing Pete, he might come back with a story about how he had to spend the flights in the airplane toilet. 
That could be why he winds up not being off screen very much in the future. (Not wanting to fly again.) 
But he'd probably enjoy cruises.

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12 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

They're a modern looking bunch.


Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.06.22 PM.jpeg

Which brings up the question: What the hell happened in that DealMart?

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1 hour ago, PaulE said:

Airplane walls, yeah . . .  Could you imagine falling through and then hurtling down 30,000 feet, maybe into the middle of the ocean?  Shudder!  Though being weightless he might actually float down, but still . . .  That really is a potentially serious issue when you think about it.

^^I really hope the writers don't go there.

Except for take-off and landing, the flight attendants' seats would likely be available for Pete. At those times, he'd have to find something to hold on to anyway, as seat belts won't do anything for him.

I'm sure that Pete was trying to stay close to Jay, but of course he'd want to talk to other ghosts who recognized that he was a ghost too. He's too nice not to stop and chat. Poor Pete just got distracted. 😞

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12 hours ago, KarenX said:

I agree and thought that she was going to break up with Thor before he confessed to her.

Me too.


12 hours ago, NoReally said:

So is Sam really going to be writing checks to cover all of Pete's traveling "expenses"?

Won't the airlines, hotels, buses, taxis, cruise lines, etc. wonder why this crazy woman keeps sending them money? (Maybe she'll just lie and tell Pete she sent the checks.)

Oh, I thought that she was totally lying about writing the $500 cheque to the airline.

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8 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

“The actor is pregnant so they are hiding her behind a desk, a laundry basket, in bed….”

Yes, and I really feel the difference in performance between Jay and Sam. They are not as comfortable with each other; at least, it seems that way to me. In the last two seasons, that couple was so sweet together, but with the actress getting larger due to pregnancy, those bed scenes must be so awkward. 

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12 hours ago, Lugal said:

Which brings up the question: What the hell happened in that DealMart?

Crazy things happen in department stores!  Remember the cabbage patch dolls craze?  Women went nuts getting their hands on those things.  Then there's the Black Friday sales.  Those have gotten so bad that some stores have to let people in a few at a time so as to avoid the mob rushing in!  Nothing would surprise me about what happened at the DealMart!  😉

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12 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Except for take-off and landing, the flight attendants' seats would likely be available for Pete. At those times, he'd have to find something to hold on to anyway, as seat belts won't do anything for him.

Except he can't hold onto anything, except other ghosts!  It would have been funny if the baseball player ghost was on this flight, traveling to some dentist conference.  😁

And now I'm thinking of what would happen to Pete during takeoff/landing, if there was turbulence, etc.?  Would he move/bounce around like a live person?  We know they can "sit" on things, but can they hold onto whatever they're sitting on?  If Jay came into the tv room and moved the couch while ghosts were sitting on it, would they fall off?  

I'm just going to fanwank that there was an unfilled seat in first class, because that's what Pete deserves.  😄

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1 hour ago, Chit Chat said:
13 hours ago, Lugal said:

Which brings up the question: What the hell happened in that DealMart?

Crazy things happen in department stores!  Remember the cabbage patch dolls craze?  Women went nuts getting their hands on those things.  Then there's the Black Friday sales.  Those have gotten so bad that some stores have to let people in a few at a time so as to avoid the mob rushing in!  Nothing would surprise me about what happened at the DealMart!  😉

Department stores during sales are like Dostoevsky's definition of hell:  a place where anything is possible and there is no hope.

A few decades ago I lived for a year in Boston, where the flagship store of Filene's was located (a chain that's now defunct).  They had an (in)famous basement where items were on sale, and you could get some really good stuff there at bargain prices.  Once a year, in the spring, they had a sale on bridal gowns, and the year I lived there, the local evening news actually did a segment on opening day.  A huge crowd of young women and their mothers was massed outside, and when the staff unlocked the doors (scooting out of harm's way the moment they did so), it surged in like a swarm of locusts consuming everything in its path.  People were frantically grabbing dresses off the racks, trying them on right there, and tossing the rejects aside.  Someone would lay down a dress next to them for a moment only to have it snatched away by someone else and they'd then get into an almost-physical fight about whom it belonged to.  Some of the mothers would hog four or five dresses and stand guard while their daughters tried on each one in turn.  Watching it was kind of like watching the Capitol insurrection: you couldn't quite believe it was actually happening.  I'm sure some of these people could have won roller derby contests.  While I don't think there ever were any deaths, there were always, always injuries (and, yes, some of those were the result of being knocked down).  So I think almost anything, no matter how extreme, could have gone down in that Deal Mart.

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35 minutes ago, PaulE said:

So I think almost anything, no matter how extreme, could have gone down in that Deal Mart.

People recently went nuts over those pink Stanley cups!  It's not worth risking life or limb over!  When my son was growing up, the rule for Christmas presents was that whatever he asked for had to be easily attainable, and that I would never, ever, sit in a line overnight just to be one of the first in line to get whatever new toy/gaming system was coming out!  

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16 hours ago, possibilities said:

That is an interesting question! It could be just that the whole property is not well-maintained and lots of things are falling apart... or it could be Chekov's Fence.

We haven't seen it in awhile, maybe not since they opened the B&B. But there used to be an establishing shot of the Woodstone exterior that showed the front gates to the driveway, and one of them was off its hinges and hanging askew. So yes, I do not thing the property has been well managed over the years.

16 hours ago, PaulE said:

Airplane walls, yeah . . .  Could you imagine falling through and then hurtling down 30,000 feet, maybe into the middle of the ocean?  Shudder!  Though being weightless he might actually float down, but still . . .  That really is a potentially serious issue when you think about it.

He would definitely fall at a normal rate, because Thor threw himself off the roof last season and just fell to the ground normally. However, he wasn't hurt. They're ghosts, so they can't be killed, obviously. But yeah, if he fell into the ocean, I'm not sure if he'd float or sink.

RE: the gag where Jay was calling for Pete to follow him like a dog - they're not unlike pets, actually. Jay managed to lure Pete back into the kitchen with the aroma of a toasted marshmallow, and first all we see is Pete's nose sticking through the door. Like a dog's. 

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On 4/26/2024 at 7:17 AM, Annber03 said:

Maybe he does and we just haven't figured it out yet. There was an interview with the actor who plays Pete where he suggested that there will be some kind of limitations on this power. 

Someone over at TV Line suggested that maybe the farther away Pete travels, the more exhausted he becomes, and that can wind up being a limitation of sorts ofr him. Which is a theory I like :D. 

Since we likely won't see him on his travels, that doesn't make much sense as a meaningfull limitation.

The only one I can think off is him getting teleported back to Woodstone after a certain amount of time. That would mean he can never be off the show for too long.

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This felt rushed, and that was a ridiculous number of modern-day ghosts in the store since they've established the overwhelming majority of people who die do not become ghosts, so to have that many ghosts in one place would require a shit ton of people to have died there, but it was still enjoyable. 

Flower's views on sex and sexual relationships are well known, so Thor shouldn't have ever thought he needed to hide it from her, but he had Trevor and Alberta in his ear, so I guess it worked.  Flower's reaction was perfect, not only not caring that he'd slept with Nancy, but being glad he'd found comfort and pleasure, only being upset that he was inconsiderate of Nancy.  I knew she was going to wind up being their third, because I have never bought that Flower is okay being without one.  Plus, their relationship bores me to tears, so at least the shift to a throuple could make it more interesting for however long they insist on wasting time with this chemistry-free "love" story.

I loved Isaac saying if he had Pete's power none of them would ever see ol' Higgintoot again, and Nigel's reaction to it. 

I'm glad they finally mentioned Carol later in the episode, because I thought it was odd that when Pete said if he could bring himself to leave the property it would be to go see his daughter and grandson, he didn't anything along the lines of wanting to check on them in the wake of Carol's death.  I'm still annoyed how they've retconned her into such a one-dimensional person, but within that new relaity it was funny to confirm she's been trying out a bunch of the ghosts sexually.  And I loved Nancy's casual "So did I" when Thor revealed he'd slept with Carol.

I love the ghost whose power is making people forget what they came into that aisle to get.   My favorite part of the episode!  Like another poster, I apparently have one of those in my house.

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2 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

The only one I can think off is him getting teleported back to Woodstone after a certain amount of time.

That's an interesting thought.  Now I wonder if there are limitations to his power and if he can only go so far, or if he can only be gone for so long.  He might start out on his journey just to get sucked back home.  Hmm.  I don't think they'll have time to delve into the specifics of it this season though. 

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3 hours ago, Bastet said:

  I'm still annoyed how they've retconned her into such a one-dimensional person,

About Carol — It's been so long since we've seen her that I may be wrong about this:
Didn't Carol seem a little over-the-top ditzy when she came to the costume party before she died? Would it be believable to fanwank that she had the beginning of Alzheimer's when she died, so she's literally not the same person we met in the previous season?
It's a little grim for a comedy, but not for this show.

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I've been wondering if Carol's ghost power is somehow related to her unfaithfulness.  She seems to be making her way through just about every ghost at the Woodstone.  

I also wonder about Isaac's feelings for Nigel.  He just accepted his true self not too long ago.  He's never had an opportunity to explore...that's why the Australian stripper who knew about dinosaurs intrigued him so much.  I really wonder if they will follow through with the wedding.  A lot of sitcoms lose the audience when characters get married too early.  

Some of the ghosts at the mall could have also suffered some sort of health emergency.  I think if that many people were killed in a shopping stampede, they'd raze the store.  

Edited by Phebemarie
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