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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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On 6/30/2016 at 6:16 AM, Elizabeth9 said:

I think Chelsea is one of those people who was raised with money, but taught that having money doesn't define you.  She's never an asshole about it, even now with the TM money.  Chelsea is probably the most restrained in spending of all of them (except for maybe Cate and Tyler, but, in general, spending money means moving around, sooooo)... Her vehicle is nice but not ridiculous, and as far as I can see, she only has one.  Her house is very nice, but since we know Aubree already has a college fund, a house is a reasonable expense- it is a stable place to put your money (unlike Escalades, vacations and tattoos).

Randy makes a good living.  How was he supposed to react when Chelsea got pregnant?  Make her work at McDonald's just to prove a point?  She had a very young child and was a young mother.  I don't see anything wrong with him paying for things so she could remain at home.  

She got her shit together, which tells me a good work ethic was instilled somewhere along the line.  She just so happened to choose a career which didn't involve an eternity in school (and the money it costs).  Nothing wrong there.

I'm one of those people who could say, I worked for everything I have, and I'd hang out with Chelsea any day.  

Fully agree. Excellent post. 


21 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I think this show illuminates how in denial people can be. If Adam (and some others) was a normal person, who did not have his bad behavior documented since age 16, he could claim he is a good person who is doing the best he can, and Chelsea is mean, etc. Some people might believe him. As it stands now, there couldn't be more evidence, past or present, that Adam is a terrible father, yet he continues to claim he is decent. 

Another excellent post. Adam tries with all his might to paint Chelsea as this horrible monster who won't allow him to have his child. He has lied many times throughout the course of the series. His words are meaningless because we do have this documentation of what he has done that only verifies he is a shitty person. That doesn't even count the shit he has done away from the cameras. There is police and legal documentation of his behavior. A shitty person cannot be a decent parent. 

6 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

Another thing that happens to so many teenage girls: they are brainwashed into thinking the guy will change. The transformative power of their love. It's everywhere: songs, movies, magazines, tv shows, books. There is something addicting and intoxicating about this "bad boy" ("he's not bad, he's just hurt") who shows you his vulnerability and his need -- you get a glimpse of it and you think it's because of you, and you want more, and soon your ego is deeply invested in it. We all want to believe we are special. So so many young girls get seduced not so much by the guy himself but by this dynamic.

I had several "bad boy" boyfriends in high school. I thought it set me apart, made me a step above my girlfriends who had "boring" boyfriends. If I'd become pregnant, I could easily have gotten really sucked into some imagined storyline about how we were meant to be together. The pressure on young girls to have a high status boyfriend is intense, and if you're not the popular type who dates the prom king, you might go for the bad boys, the forbidden fruit, the ones your girlfriends are a little afraid of. Like the whole Twilight thing. Everybody wants to believe they are Bella.

However tough it was when I was their age, that pressure has just gotten worse and worse. It takes a LOT of guts to withstand it. So maybe in the past, girls from "broken families" or girls with absent fathers were more likely to get sucked into it, but not anymore.

Spot on. Too many people in general tend to fall for the idea that they can change people. Nope. People have to want to change their behavior. Chelsea and the rest of the girls on this show think they can change the guy they are with and have them fit the mold of what they perceive is the ideal mate.

As you pointed out, girls tend to be brainwashed and it comes from very different places. We are told from a very young age that our prince charming will come into our lives and we will live happily ever after. We are not told about the person that can walk into our lives and shatter it by their abusive behavior. We are not prepared to deal with any kind of abusive person who can drag us down and make us feel we are not worthy to be treated with respect. As it is, many of us females are having to deal with sexual harassment constantly. No one ever told me to watch out for the constant flirting, the cat-calls, the dirty talk, and having some person come on to you no matter where you are, even in damn church!! As Chris Rock once said, "Women get dick thrown in their face constantly." Unfortunately, for many young females, they are molested and sexually abused. Whatever boundary they may have had, has been broken. 

Going back to Chelsea, Adam did a number on her. The thing about the Adams in this world, they tend to seek out a specific partner, one that they think they can control. Adam also sees women as sex objects. This is a guy who will never seek out a female who has a lot going on for herself. It is his needs that he cares about.  

  • Love 9

Splain, excellent post!!! I so agree that all these girls try to mold whatever guy they are with into the perfect mate. I see that so much with Chelsea and Cole too, but unlike Adam, he is actually malleable. She directly shows him what she wants through constant comments like, "what are we doing right after marriage? Having babeeeeeeez! You passed the test!" I think she is happy she is able to mold this one to fit her open "husband" position, as you would train someone on the job, but I don't think they have chemistry. I really hope their marriage makes it long-term, (and I do think they will last longer than any of Leah and kailyn's former marriages) but I'm thinking 5 years down the road they will either be bored to tears OR will have to work really hard on re-igniting (or just igniting?) the spark. I hope I'm wrong, and they have more chemistry than we see, but what I see is Cole being passive while Chelsea molds him into her perfect man and rewards him for correct behavior. She doesn't seem to be able to relax, accept a guy for who he truly is, and just see where the relarionship goes. Remember when she hounded him about moving in, saying she would wear a French maid outfit every day and hinting at being a "wifey?" In this particular way, she seems almost as controlling/micro-managing as Kailyn...who would have thought, lol!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 8

That asshole was definitely cruel to Chelsea. He then started his abusive behavior towards Aubree. How many times was Adam filmed where he teased the hell out of Aubree by telling her would take her somewhere with him only to say he wasn't? Aubree would then throw a fit as Adam walked out the door with that fucking, stupid smile on his face. Chelsea would be telling him to stop being mean to Aubree, but he didn't care. It was as if he was getting his cheap thrills out of making Aubree cry. It wasn't enough he had to be cruel and abusive to Chelsea, he then had to do it to his flesh and blood. But this guy is an abuser, what else should be expected of him? Abusers don't stop with hurting their partners. They hurt a lot of people around them. 

  • Love 12

Yes ghoulina. That was mentioned by SPLAIN above.

It occurred on camera, in a scene where Adam's then-girlfriend was holding Aubree. Aubree was upset about going somewhere or having to go in Adam's truck. I can't remember the actual details but I do remember it had something to do with not wanting to go in his truck. Adam was upset that he could not control Aubree in that situation. The girlfriend was trying to soothe Aubree by holding her in her arms. Adam came up and I think he was trying to get Aubree out of her arms. Again, not sure. But I clearly remember him pinching her thigh area and it caused Aubree to cry even more. You know, as a parent, if something like that happened to my child and I had to watch it on a tv show, my heart would break. I would also go into full bitch mode. Now imagine that shit happening to Aubree constantly while she is in that abuser's care. Multiply those feelings by 1000 and one can get an idea of how Chelsea and Randy feel.

  • Love 8

Then there was that time Aubree got a burn on her leg when it came in contact with a hot metal pipe on his motorcycle. Not even sure if she had a helmet on either. I remember Chelsea being shocked and outraged that he allowed that to happen when in fact he was not in possession of a valid drivers license at the time and was not supposed to be operating any type of motorized vehicle. 

  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Then there was that time Aubree got a burn on her leg when it came in contact with a hot metal pipe on his motorcycle. Not even sure if she had a helmet on either. I remember Chelsea being shocked and outraged that he allowed that to happen when in fact he was not in possession of a valid drivers license at the time and was not supposed to be operating any type of motorized vehicle. 

Here is the clip. Adam responds to Chelsea that she is acting like a fucking baby. There's that name-calling he does so well.  http://www.wetpaint.com/aubree-houska-minor-motorcycle-injury-adam-lind-518340/

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Tatum said:

It "finally" happened, Taylor? By my math, Paislee is 2.5 years old. That relationship can't be older than 2 years. What is with these bitches and thinking you need to marry whoever you're dating?

Yes because if you're 25 and unmarried you've failed as a woman. 

Of course I'm happy for Taylor, I hope she and her husband to be are happy together, but unless you're 40+ the word "finally" really doesn't need to be in your post about your 1st engagement (but that's just me). 

  • Love 8

I watched Chelsea's 16 & Pregnant episode for the first time since I watched it originally. Damn, Chelsea was Snooki tanorexic. And I'd forgotten about her Volkswagon Beetle and her love for animal prints. Chelsea is pregnant and her friends are telling her that they don't like the way Adam treats her. Chelsea says sometimes she thinks it's her fault. I'd forgotten Aubree was born premature. She got a respiratory infection and Chelsea begged Adam to come to the doctor with her. Of course he didn't bother. When he finally comes over to the house, Chelsea tells Adam that she really could've used his help with Aubree. Adam says, "Well she ain't dead or nothin'." Chelsea asks Adam what he wants. He barely looks up from his flip phone to grunt that he wants her to stop being annoying.

And of course, the infamous text. Received on the most sparkly cell phone 2010 had to offer. It was actually much worse than I remember. Chelsea had gone to the homecoming game the night before, but felt really guilty about leaving her baby and opted to skip the dance. Adam first sends her an illiterate text saying, "Heard you went to the dance; Way to be a good mom." Or something like that. Then of course, the most vile thing that he could've ever said, followed by Chelsea crying and calling Randy to come home.

I wonder if Chelsea ever looks at that episode and wishes she could shake her teenaged self. She was so broken and her self esteem was in the toilet. Randy was adamant that he wanted her to finish school, but she had no motivation to try. Even missed her appointment with her guidance counselor because she wanted to show off Aubree to all her schoolmates. Even as a teen, I pegged Adam as an irredeemable piece of shit. He has not changed one bit. Only balder and more of a douche. 

  • Love 23

Aww, is it weird that I'm happy for them? They seem like the most stable, normal couple of the entire franchise aside from Corey and Miranda. Now Aubree's going to have two younger siblings. Considering how good she is with Paislee, I hope that she's just as good to her new brother or sister.

I rewatched Chelsea's "16 and Pregnant" episode yesterday, and I think she was one of the only girls who really appreciated motherhood and never treated Aubree as an annoyance or novelty. She was genuinely grateful for her daughter. Unfortunately, she had said daughter with a douchelord and didn't take Adam up on his offer to sign away his parental rights. Seeing the way he treated Chelsea when Aubree was a newborn just makes me sad for that kid. She loves her dad and thinks the world of him even though i think she's at the age where she's starting to realize he's not perfect. On "16&P", he made a comment about how he didn't have to bond with baby!Aubs because he would have her entire life to bond with her. She may cut him off sooner than he realizes once she truly understands how horrible and selfish he really is. He never once wanted her or even cherished her, and made it clear with those disgusting text messages.

Some day, if he even lives long enough and doesn't get himself killed in some car crash, Adam's going to be an old man who'll have to depend on his daughters to help him out. And Aubree and Paislee may refuse based on how he treated them and their mothers. All of it was filmed so they can see first hand how vile he was and still is. He said he has Aubree's entire life to bond with her? That window may get slammed in his face the first moment he asks her for help.

  • Love 7

I don't understand the rush.  She knew she has a wedding planned for Oct so just use birth control until then.  She was on the pill.  U can stop taking it and get pregnant almost immediately.  I know she really wanted a baby but it also seems like she's preggers to lock Cole down and keep him around..i don't care if people have kids out of wedlock but if u r getting married y not get married and enjoy each other and your new life and truly get to know your partner.  Having a child when you are still practically' in the honeymoon stage is a terrible idea.  Didn't work out too well for Maci.  I wish them the best but damn Chelsea hasn't changed and I was really rooting for her.  Still irresponsible and impulsive like she was as a teenager. 

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, kira28 said:

I don't understand the rush.  She knew she has a wedding planned for Oct so just use birth control until then.  She was on the pill.  U can stop taking it and get pregnant almost immediately.  I know she really wanted a baby but it also seems like she's preggers to lock Cole down and keep him around..i don't care if people have kids out of wedlock but if u r getting married y not get married and enjoy each other and your new life and truly get to know your partner.  Having a child when you are still practically' in the honeymoon stage is a terrible idea.  Didn't work out too well for Maci.  I wish them the best but damn Chelsea hasn't changed and I was really rooting for her.  Still irresponsible and impulsive like she was as a teenager. 

To be fair, Maci popped out two kids in, like, eighteen months. If Chelsea gets pregnant again a couple months after delivering this one, I'm sure people will be giving her the side eye. I think it's just a different situation given that Chelsea is better with her money, her relationship seems more serious and stable, Cole doesn't look like he's sucking off the fame teat like Taylor is,  and Chels actually parents her child instead of lounging around the couch and chugging Bud Lite like it's getting discontinued.

I also don't think that Chelsea "hasn't changed" just because she's having another baby now. She's having her second child six or seven years after her first and in a much more steady environment with a much more involved partner. I'm sure she'll be fine.

  • Love 11

I figured a pregnancy would come soon, the girl really, really wants her fairytale family with Cole. For her sake I hope it all works out. She said on Twitter they won't be delaying the wedding, but I'm suspecting they've already gotten legally married and are just having the big wedding in October. I would hate being pregnant at my wedding, and I can't help but think of how miserable Kail looked at hers, but to each their own I guess.

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I don't understand the rush.  She knew she has a wedding planned for Oct so just use birth control until then.  She was on the pill.  U can stop taking it and get pregnant almost immediately.  I know she really wanted a baby but it also seems like she's preggers to lock Cole down and keep him around..i don't care if people have kids out of wedlock but if u r getting married y not get married and enjoy each other and your new life and truly get to know your partner.  Having a child when you are still practically' in the honeymoon stage is a terrible idea.  Didn't work out too well for Maci.  I wish them the best but damn Chelsea hasn't changed and I was really rooting for her.  Still irresponsible and impulsive like she was as a teenager. 

It took me months for my cycles to regulate after I got off birth control so I can understand, if she wanted to get pregnant right away, why she would have gotten off of it prior to her wedding day.

I don't think it's irresponsible or impulsive, she and Cole have always been on the same page when it comes to having children. My DH and I were the same way, we started trying a few months after we were married (it didn't happen as quickly for us but we were ready for it). I think as long as a couple is in agreement then there isn't anything wrong with them getting pregnant right away. 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Spacecow said:

I figured a pregnancy would come soon, the girl really, really wants her fairytale family with Cole. For her sake I hope it all works out. She said on Twitter they won't be delaying the wedding, but I'm suspecting they've already gotten legally married and are just having the big wedding in October. I would hate being pregnant at my wedding, and I can't help but think of how miserable Kail looked at hers, but to each their own I guess.

Exactly. I was fixing to post a picture of Kail in her wedding dress as a reminder. Cole was caught in a pic already wearing his ring. My guess would be that they already got married. He had referred to her as his wife recently. 5 months pregnant in October. If they are already married they COULD delay it (so she doesn't look like Kail did) but I doubt they do. 

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, kira28 said:

I don't understand the rush.  She knew she has a wedding planned for Oct so just use birth control until then.  She was on the pill.  U can stop taking it and get pregnant almost immediately.  I know she really wanted a baby but it also seems like she's preggers to lock Cole down and keep him around..i don't care if people have kids out of wedlock but if u r getting married y not get married and enjoy each other and your new life and truly get to know your partner.  Having a child when you are still practically' in the honeymoon stage is a terrible idea.  Didn't work out too well for Maci.  I wish them the best but damn Chelsea hasn't changed and I was really rooting for her.  Still irresponsible and impulsive like she was as a teenager. 

So. Much. This. 

I thought the exact same thing when I heard. I understand wanting a baby, but sometimes things are more gratifying if you wait. Certainly wedding planning until October would be fulfilling enough, or she could even go off birth control like a month before the wedding! That way, even if she conceived immediately, it wouldn't be noticeable. 

But seriously...what's the rush? It's not like she's 35 and thinking "every second counts if I want a child." She's 24 and already has one child. Heck, Michelle duggar didn't have her first until 21! Chelsea could probably have 15+ kids at this point, even if she waited until October! ?

  • Love 11

Lol, you're stuck now Cole!

Chelsea has never been the brightest bulb concerning birth control so it wouldn't surprise me if she went off her pills early figuring it would take her a while to get pregnant. 

Either way, congrats if it makes them happy. I'm predicting Aubree will be a nightmare of epic proportions when that kid is born, so it'll be interesting to see how long the fantasy lasts, lol.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5

As sad as it sounds, I seriously could see her trying to get pregnant before the wedding JUST to make sure Cole doesn't get cold feet. When the first poster suggested this, I thought it sounded ridiculous, but think of all the remarks she has made like:

"What if things change when we're marieeeeeeed?"

"What if you start getting distant and we break up?"

"Do you reeeeeeeally want to marryyyyyy meeeeeee? Are you suuuuuure?"

"Now you're STUUUUUCK with me! Does that make you nervous?"

Sadly, if ANYBODY was concerned about their groom getting cold feet, it would be Chelsea. ?

  • Love 8

God, that picture is going to give me nightmares.

I wonder if Chelsea will have to scrap her original wedding dress and buy something that will adjust for her pregnancy. If she's already putting on weight early, there's no way the dress will still fit in October. Hopefully she can come up something better than Kail's crime against fashion.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

I feel horrible about what I'm going to say, but here goes.

 I'm disappointed. She was on the right track. She's the only girl who took care of her baby, went to school, got a real job, waited for the right guy, got engaged, and she couldn't wait until October to pull the goalie.  She was filmed talking about "family planning" after their wedding. Chelsea seems like she would want to look her absolute best on her wedding day. To dance and drink the night away. 

Having babies without marriage is A-OK with me, but she said herself that the first thing she wanted to do after her wedding was to get pregnant, so that's what I expected from her. 

  • Love 21

Hmm I wonder why she changed her mind about having baaaaaaaaabiiiiiiieeeeeeesssssssssss after they got married.  She seemed pretty set on that plan.  Someone said Cole is wearing his wedding ring?  


Also, if she's due on Valentine's Day, isn't she only 9 weeks pregnant? Seems kind of early for an Instagram post to me.  

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, kira28 said:

I don't understand the rush.  She knew she has a wedding planned for Oct so just use birth control until then.  She was on the pill.  U can stop taking it and get pregnant almost immediately.  I know she really wanted a baby but it also seems like she's preggers to lock Cole down and keep him around..i don't care if people have kids out of wedlock but if u r getting married y not get married and enjoy each other and your new life and truly get to know your partner.  Having a child when you are still practically' in the honeymoon stage is a terrible idea.  Didn't work out too well for Maci.  I wish them the best but damn Chelsea hasn't changed and I was really rooting for her.  Still irresponsible and impulsive like she was as a teenager. 

Because she's desperate for the perfect family. I wonder if she's going to force Aurbee to use Coles last name. 

2 hours ago, geekamonggeeks said:

I totally forgot that Kail got married (again...) in curtains. They really match her giant freaking skull tattoo and those sharks in the background.

The whole thing is tacky 

2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

As sad as it sounds, I seriously could see her trying to get pregnant before the wedding JUST to make sure Cole doesn't get cold feet. When the first poster suggested this, I thought it sounded ridiculous, but think of all the remarks she has made like:

"What if things change when we're marieeeeeeed?"

"What if you start getting distant and we break up?"

"Do you reeeeeeeally want to marryyyyyy meeeeeee? Are you suuuuuure?"

"Now you're STUUUUUCK with me! Does that make you nervous?"

Sadly, if ANYBODY was concerned about their groom getting cold feet, it would be Chelsea. ?

What is Cole wants to wait to have babies. What if we can't get pregnant?

  • Love 3

I agree that it's awfully early to announce. Maybe you tell family before the second trimester, but the whole world? I wouldn't--but then again, I would have waited til after my beautiful fall wedding (at least) to get pregnant again, too. 

I certainly wish them well, but I guess I'm also in the slightly disappointed camp. Heh, not sure why I care, but there you go.

  • Love 12

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