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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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My take on Jo moving was he was being pro-active with Isaac starting school he was just waiting for Kail to wail to the court that school was too important for him to miss so Jo's visitation would have been limited again. From memory Kail was really pissed that Isaac was missing 5 days of Pre-K/Kinder?? per month to see Jo and was extra pissed that he got an extra day of visitation each month and the 6 weeks straight during summer.


I really would not have put it past Kail to claim that the travel was unfair on Isaac as he was too tired for school to limit Jo's access so she was spitting chips when Jo was a move ahead and took that option away from her.

I'm 99.9% certain this is what happened.
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because I think we've all come to the conclusion that Javi isn't in the military

Seriously! He reminds me of a local case where the son faked going to college then murdered his family the weekend of his supppsed graduation. Does he occasionally get dressed and leave the house, then hang out at Starbucks all day? He's been in the military a few years now. How is he still in the very specific area of the country he wants with no threat of deployment?

I may get out my tin foil hat and say I suspect the military is indulging him so the military life looks so fabulous on tv. It really is a difficult life and family members sacrifice a great deal.

  • Love 3

Seriously! He reminds me of a local case where the son faked going to college then murdered his family the weekend of his supppsed graduation. Does he occasionally get dressed and leave the house, then hang out at Starbucks all day? He's been in the military a few years now. How is he still in the very specific area of the country he wants with no threat of deployment?

I may get out my tin foil hat and say I suspect the military is indulging him so the military life looks so fabulous on tv. It really is a difficult life and family members sacrifice a great deal.

I have two friends who are active duty Air National Guardsmen. Aside from boot camp then tech school, in the 12 or so years they've been in and I've know them, they've only ever been away from home (the base near where we all grew up) for the military for around six months in the UAE and I think a couple of months in Germany (and that wasn't until they were in for 5+ years). They both work as mechanics in the guard. My impression is that you can join the Air Guard and very likely not have the typical life of moving around and being deployed that those in the Marines, Army, and Navy do. I have friends who were Marine reservists at the same base who were sent to Afghanistan twice as well as friends in the Amry National Guard who did multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. But these friends in the Air Guard were never deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq. Maybe Javi is actually an Air Guardsman and somehow has lucked out like my friends? I have no other explanation - my dad was active duty Army for 20+ years and was stationed all over the country as well as Asia. It seems really weird that Javi is always home; my friends who are active duty Air Guard go to work for around 40 hrs a week, just like most people who are employed full-time. Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Even my Army step brother who is active duty (but more in the background as far as positions, his specialty is trying to keep soldiers enlisted) has been overseas a couple times and deployed once. He also has lived in at least 6 places in the US alone, and only one of his stations was in the same state he grew up in (PA) but in Pittsburgh which is 4hrs or so from his actual hometown, and now he's out of state again. Even when he isn't deployed he still goes to work and does recruitment stuff, goes to training, and has other military type shit that he does to move up in rank, pay grade, and other such stuff.


I highly doubt Javi is still active duty, if he's even in the military at all, and I don't care what faction he's trying to claim. I know plenty of people who have served and none of them are at home as much as he seems to be, in any aspect of service (Army, Navy, Marines, Reserves..). I wouldn't be shocked if he and Kail divorce and then some scandal about his military "career" comes out, and we find out what really happened.

  • Love 4

I agree Javi's military career seems suspect. I remember a young kid I worked with enlisted and when he came back to visit a year later he looked completely different. He went from being cute and boyish to chiseled, confident and mature. I don't see any of that in Javi.

Also, when you sign up don't you commit for x number of years? Has Javi been in that long that he's finished his contract?

  • Love 2

It could be that Javi's job doesn't deploy. I don know about the Air Force but in the Army there are some assignments that don't deploy--like instructor positions. I don't know what his MOS is but I really doubt he's qualified to be an instructor. If there is a place for him in Delaware and he requests it, he may get the job if it's not a duty station that a lot of people want. I don't think the military is interested in keeping Javi happy to make military life look good. Everyone knows military life involves transitions and moving. He's no one special. He should be coming due for a Korea tour. Then the shit will hit the fan.

  • Love 2

I live in a military town and have been friends with a couple who are in the Air Force. We have been friends for almost 4 years and they haven't moved. It happens. It all depends on a bunch of different things like job, if you're testing for something and other things. However the couple we're friends with are one of the few where he's never deployed and he's been in for about 10 years. It's just been a lot of luck that he's missed the deployments but the Korea one is on the horizon possibly. I think Kail would love that deployment.

  • Love 2

I do know that generally when you join the military your initial commitment is something like 4 years, unless you get discharged (which is usually medical-based [but not always] and then honorable/dishonorable). I think it can be higher, depending on the branch and what you want to get out of it/specialize in. Most guys I know in the military also have some air of arrogance to them, which I think might be what we see Javi developing with his always antagonizing Kail. Before he joined he was a spineless blob. Now he's still kinda blobby, but is finally growing himself a spine. If he actually is still enlisted it could be helpful. Military folk are generally supportive of each other, especially when a dependapottamus is involved....ahem*KAIL*ahem. But considering they don't live on base and we never see Javi doing anything remotely like work (military or otherwise) and there are never any other military folks around them (which Kail may not like but I'd bet Javi does) I am still giving his enlistment the side eye. I am betting he was discharged for some reason and they're surviving solely on Kail and her TM2 salary, since I doubt Tricare covers people who have been discharged before their initial service contract is finished...though I am not certain on that part.


It would explain why she's basically checked out of the relationship. If he's no longer got his benuhfitts then he is really of no use to her. In her eyes peoples' value to her are based on how useful they are....if you can't offer something that she wants she'll toss you aside and move onto the next mark. Erm.. man. Javi's usefulness has been sucked dry. Jo's too. And once you are useless it's like you don't exist and are a hassle in her world.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 5

LOL that clip posted above.  That looks like a fight I would have had with my boyfriend when I was 16.  This is a married woman with two children.  She is acting like a teenager.  Does she think this is how grown up people behave?!?

No kidding. She should change her name to Wailyn, blubbering and carrying on like that when she's driving.

  • Love 3

Javi no longer being in the military (if its true) could account for Kail's casual attitude about divorce. He no longer has benefits so she no longer needs him for anything!

It would explain a lot, wouldn't it? Kail was so damned pressed to get those BENEFITS, it seems odd she would so casually toss them aside.....unless the guy she's seeing on the side is military as well...

I definitely think there's someone else though, Kail wouldn't dump Javi until she had another sure thing lined up.

  • Love 8

I definitely think there's someone else though, Kail wouldn't dump Javi until she had another sure thing lined up.

Exactly. Regardless of the reason Kail is obviously done with Javi, but she won't actually leave him so she can play the jilted lover/victim card when he finally finds his balls and files for divorce. Then she'll go for the jugular with child support and swiftly move both Lincoln and Isaac away from both fathers. Possibly right back to Philly just as a "screw you!!" to both.

  • Love 9
I definitely think there's someone else though, Kail wouldn't dump Javi until she had another sure thing lined up.


I happen to like to read the blind gossip sites, and there was one a few months ago which said something about Kailyn cheating on her husband, and that she'd had a pregnancy scare.  I'll have to find it...


ETA: Here it is:



This married Teen Mom not named Leah has been taking pregnancy tests every day the past week and if she is pregnant it is not with her husband. Kailyn Lowry


Edited by zenme
  • Love 4

What the hell do these guys see in Kail? She's perpetually miserable, unremarkable in looks, and a rotten person. Boggles the mind.


I've actually seen her look really stunning in some pictures. It caught me off guard.  That said, with the rest of what you listed, I agree that it's mind boggling. You'd think any guy would run for the hills at this point if they knew anything about her at all.

  • Love 2

I cannot wait for the reunion to hear Drew tell Javi he needs to be more understanding of Kail's need to bail on him and the children. I'm sure he'll tell Javi that being a good husband means watching those damn kids, turning over the paycheck and shutting the hell up about it. Quit acting like a baby when a overnight trip turns into a monthlong jaunt.

  • Love 9

What the hell do these guys see in Kail? She's perpetually miserable, unremarkable in looks, and a rotten person. Boggles the mind.

The same thing they see in whack job Jenelle. Reality TV fame and an easy paycheck. Javi sure as shit wasn't driving a Mercedes before he hooked up with Kail. It's going to bite him in the ass shortly, because he's about to be divorced with 18 years of child support ahead of him, but he probably went into the relationship thinking he'd hit the big time.

  • Love 2

I happen to like to read the blind gossip sites, and there was one a few months ago which said something about Kailyn cheating on her husband, and that she'd had a pregnancy scare.  I'll have to find it...


ETA: Here it is:



This married Teen Mom not named Leah has been taking pregnancy tests every day the past week and if she is pregnant it is not with her husband. Kailyn Lowry


OMG!!!!  I believe it!

  • Love 3

Sadly, she's not above passing it off as Javi's even if she knows it is some other guy's kid.

She can try but if her alleged paramour is the guy from school who texted her, it would very hard to pass the baby off since Kail attends a Historically Black College or University(HBCU) making it a high probability that Mr. Side Piece is black.

  • Love 4

She can try but if her alleged paramour is the guy from school who texted her, it would very hard to pass the baby off since Kail attends a Historically Black College or University(HBCU) making it a high probability that Mr. Side Piece is black.

And so the second Javi objects to being cheated on, Kail will accuse him of being racist?

  • Love 3

ETA: Here it is:



This married Teen Mom not named Leah has been taking pregnancy tests every day the past week and if she is pregnant it is not with her husband. Kailyn Lowry


OMG thank you for posting this.  Holy cow. Working will be hard today.

  • Love 1

Not only is she physically unattractive but what is desirable about her personality? She's not fun, or funny, or easygoing, or kind, or giving, or positive. I can't imagine spending even 5 minutes with her.


I've questioned this as well. My only guess is that she makes a decent first impression, plus some people are attracted to domineering personalities. The few times I have seen her truly appear happy or in a pleasant mood, her appearance was improved. She has beautiful hair and pretty eyes and when she isn't pulling a sour bitch face her features aren't terrible, either. Really, Kail had the opportunity to be the most sympathetic girl in the franchise, with her sucky upbringing, but she has squandered that by being a bitter, entitled asshole.

  • Love 8

Taking this from the most recent episode thread, Kail had a bridal show for her second wedding to Javi, nearly a year after they were legally married?

Wow, does a girl ever need a role model! If I even attempted something so tacky, I would have a least a half dozen family members pull me aside to say, bridal shower, wedding reception or baby shower, pick one for this season. Was there a bachelorette party also?

Honestly I think she is the poster child for money doesn't solve your problems. You can win the lottery, but if you are unhappy, you will still be unhappy. She has everything, youth, fame, a family, and involved ex, a spouse with a stable job etc. and she is still miserable.

  • Love 5

Not only is she physically unattractive but what is desirable about her personality? She's not fun, or funny, or easygoing, or kind, or giving, or positive. I can't imagine spending even 5 minutes with her.

Sorry in advance for having my mind in the gutter, but when I heard Javi say "passionate," my first instinct wasn't that she puts her whole heart in work, school or raising her kids. I thought he was saying she's a freak in the sheets.

I remember hearing that Kailyn was Jordan's first real girlfriend, and Javi was like 19 when they got married. Both of them were young, and hella naive. If I can be a complete douche about it, neither of the two of them were really catches. (Don't get me wrong, I think both are decent humans, but they're really just not what comes to mind when you think of prince charming.) So when Kail and her money were willing to do the deed, I think both jumped at the chance. I also think both of them (especially Javi) loved the feeling of being the big macho man who could save the damsel in distress. Initially, Kail was able to make Javi feel important, like he was saving her or completing her family and being a "father" to her son. (Even though Isaac HAS a father...) Obviously that's gone by the wayside, and all Javi is now is a cardboard husband cutout to complete the family picture, who provides babysitting and BENEFITS. And probably sex every now and then.

  • Love 11
I've actually seen her look really stunning in some pictures. It caught me off guard.  That said, with the rest of what you listed, I agree that it's mind boggling. You'd think any guy would run for the hills at this point if they knew anything about her at all.


I think Kail has the potential to be pretty. She has very thick, healthy hair and a nice smile. But you rarely see it, so you wouldn't know. She does seem to carry extra weight in her face, which doesn't help. But I think what hurts most of all is that her attitude shines through - she just looks so miserable and dour all the time. Completely ruins any positives about her appearance. 


But, I think for the guys, it's like another poster said - that first impression. And I also agree that Javi and Jordan were both young and probably inexperienced. Here comes this smiley blonde girl ready to give them some, and they're all over it. Sadly, for a lot of people, that first serious love/sexual partner can really hook you, even when they're way past the point of being nice to you. 

  • Love 6

Kail has one of those body types where even if she diets and exercises like crazy she'll never really look lean and toned, hence the perpetually pudgy face. I agree she can clean up well, and that it's her attitude which makes her unattractive.

I also agree she's lucked out this far because she dates guys who are young and inexperienced. A 30 year-old who has his shit together won't be so easily charmed.

Edited by BitterApple
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Javi Marroquin ‏@JaviM9

Lollll yall loving #bigpapithursday

He is so into himself and Teen Mom 2.

Someone above asked and yes, Kail had a Bachelorette party. Penis straws and all!!

I feel like being a troll and tweeting him that it's more like #bigpendajothursday since that tattooed beluga turn dependapotamous he married continues to make a fool out of him on national TV.

  • Love 10

I feel like being a troll and tweeting him that it's more like #bigpendajothursday since that tattooed beluga turn dependapotamous he married continues to make a fool out of him on national TV.

I love this! Lol, he is so into the fame, if he wasn't so annoying it would be sad that he seems to think the show is all about him. Im tempted to make a twitter account to tweet #bigputothursday lol

  • Love 6
Message added by OtterMommy

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