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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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I think this is my favorite thing ever posted on this forum.

Does anyone want to summarize what interesting things Javi is saying on Twitter? I don't have an account.

The highlights are at the bottom of this:


I'm over 30, so I have no idea what a frog and a cup of coffee mean as a response.

Edited by TaxNerd
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The highlights are at the bottom of this:


I'm over 30, so I have no idea what a frog and a cup of coffee mean as a response.

It's a take on the popular meme featuring Kermit the Frog sipping tea. The meme usually has some snarky observation and the ends with " but that is none of my business". Javi is trying to imply something between Kail and Jo but then wants to say it's none of his concern in a passive-aggressive manner. I swear, Bouncey house-lips is what my friends liken to call "bitchmade". He is probably pissed that he isn't at the awards, fame-whoring it up! Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 6

Some adults think its funny to teach kids swear words; just trashy in my opinion. Even worse if it was actually his father, and not like a teenager or other young friend that still has that kind of humor.


True. I also wanted to clarify, while I completely laughed when this happened on the show, I'm not in favor of teaching a kid words like that, and hate hearing words like that being used. But ohhh it's SO hard not to laugh sometimes when little ones pick them up and say them anyway. I actually thought Kail and Jo both handled it fairly well by mostly ignoring it. The more they made a big deal out of it, the more he was bound to latch onto it and keep repeating it. Had I been in the room I would've been biting my tongue, cheek, lip, and whatever else it took to ignore him.

Well, she's anti "vacation with Javi".


This is true!

  • Love 2

As hilarious as I found it when Lincoln started shouting "PUTA!" repeatedly, if that were my kid, the family member who taught him that would not be seeing him again for a while.

I'm not uptight. I swear in front of my kid but I remind him those are adult words (he's older than Lincoln and younger than Isaac). But I don't use words that denigrate women. And I don't know about Kailyn's relationship with her inlaws, but if mine did that, again, I'd completely smell some passive aggressive bullshit going down. Another completely valid reason to restrict visits for a while.


But oh, I guess it's different because I was old enough to plan my kid and not rely on family members to babysit for free.

  • Love 4

This is AFTER plaster surgery? Jesus take the scalpel.

I actually think she looks great. Well not great in a well put together sense (Lord, she is the Chair of the Trashy Committee of The Basic Girl Council), but I think her surgery and body look great. She looks like herself, just better. I always think that's the gold standard of surgery; when you look at someone and think "maybe surgery? Maybe the gym? Maybe better makeup? Something looks better."

Jo was probably Kail's date because he figured, hey, why not get a free trip to LA? He just got engaged. I don't see him cheating on Vee with Kail.

You are a far kinder person than I. I think he went because Kail and Jo got to be Kail and Joe and hotel sex got to be hotel sex. Those two are going to continue to periodically hate fuck each-other until the end of time. Vee and Javi (or more likely Kail's next baby daddy) will have to learn to live in denial. Whatever it is between those two I don't think they'll ever really be done with it. Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 6

Re-watching all episodes from this season so far (lazy vacation day from work) and just have to say that Vee appears to be so sweet, friendly, and understanding.  Jo and Kail are lucky she's part of the equation.  I've said it before but if Jo had a more aggressive, immature, or jealous partner I suspect Jo and Kailyn's relationship would not continue to improve.  Even Jo going with Kail to the music awards is a testament to that.  Jo and Kail were so young when they were together, they have more of a brother/sister type relationship than anything else (minus any sexual attraction obviously).  Vee is clearly mature enough to understand that and I don't see Jo being willing to cheat on Vee with Kailyn.  I enjoy seeing all of them get along so well most of the time.


As far as Kailyn wanting Isaac to look photo shoot ready at all times,  I really get the feeling that it's a reflection on Kail's childhood experiences and she's re-parenting herself through Isaac.  I'm willing to bet that with drunken Suze as her mother Kail showed up to school messy and disheveled more than a few times.  She doesn't want Isaac to feel embarrassed about his appearance the way she may have felt as a kid and while that probably wouldn't happen due to the fact that Isaac is groomed within an inch of his life most of the time, deep rooted childhood hurts from abuse and neglect are not easy to quiet.  I suspect this is the case for Kail.   There are things to snark on with Kail, but she is a good mother and both Isaac and Lincoln are clean, very well taken care of, and adorable.  Isaac is so sweet and despite Lincoln's "puta" chants, he appears to be pretty well behaved as well. 


Lastly, Kail seems to have a lot of friends, many of them have been around since the beginning. My point being that you don't keep a lot of friends long term if you're an asshole.  Kail is going to school full time, is a good mom, has many friends, and even though her immaturity oozes out at times, she and Jo co-parent really well most of the time.  Javi seems a bit controlling and insecure and he and Kail just seem to be ill matched.  I hope they can move forward either together or apart and be happy.  I'm rooting for Kail.  I have been since 16 and Pregnant. 

Edited by Emmierose
  • Love 5

I definitely see Vee much differently. A mature woman doesn't get pregnant on purpose with no education or job. I doubt she has ever supported herself.

Definitely agree there, especially with a partner who is also uneducated and unemployed. I'm happy to snark on the other TMs (Cate and Tyler, Amber, Leah) who don't have educations or jobs and don't fulfill their promises, but I see no reason to respect Vee and Jo or to think of them as anything but two immature kids who had a baby with nothing but TM checks on their side, not even a lifelong commitment at the time. She did work at a day care center back in Jersey but hasn't since then.

  • Love 3

Definitely agree there, especially with a partner who is also uneducated and unemployed. I'm happy to snark on the other TMs (Cate and Tyler, Amber, Leah) who don't have educations or jobs and don't fulfill their promises, but I see no reason to respect Vee and Jo or to think of them as anything but two immature kids who had a baby with nothing but TM checks on their side, not even a lifelong commitment at the time. She did work at a day care center back in Jersey but hasn't since then.


You see, I was under the impression due to some picture/post from Jo almost a year ago that he was doing homework, therefore going to school. So I'm confused and a little disappointed to hear that Jo and Vee seem to have nothing going on. The again, the only one I've heard I  saying they aren't doing anything was Kail, and I'm not sure how accurate she is being. One of the biggest things that pisses me off is seeing the TM girls/guys squander their generous paychecks without obtaining education or career training, and I was hoping Jo and Vee wouldn't fall into that mindset.

You see, I was under the impression due to some picture/post from Jo almost a year ago that he was doing homework, therefore going to school. So I'm confused and a little disappointed to hear that Jo and Vee seem to have nothing going on. The again, the only one I've heard I saying they aren't doing anything was Kail, and I'm not sure how accurate she is being. One of the biggest things that pisses me off is seeing the TM girls/guys squander their generous paychecks without obtaining education or career training, and I was hoping Jo and Vee wouldn't fall into that mindset.

Jo has said that neither he or Vee are working or going to school or have any plans to do so. Maybe they're going to make another video. I can only hope. Personally, Vee has never impressed me much. I think she comes across better on the show because she's on less and doesn't naturally seem like much of a talker. Her social media, however, is just as full of bad idea selfies and talk about "haters" as the rest of these idiots. Mostly she just strikes me as dumb.

  • Love 2

I read somewhere on here that the dads made 50-60K per season (speculative). Let's say its near that ballpark. We all know that is not a huge amount of money. But for someone who hasn't been exposed to the idea of having a high-paying career, I can see how that would seem like "plenty" of money to live on.  If that is the correct ballpark, then I would not be at all surprised at Jo and Vee deciding that is their family income and just living off it.

Well, that is disappointing, that Jo and Vee are outright saying they don't have any plans for the near future. I was never the biggest fan of Jo's or Vee's but I both seemed to have matured somewhat. Guess they are just as entitled as the rest of the bunch.



Vee getting pregnant wasn't the brightest idea but I think it was largely done to even the playing field between her and Kail.


TBH Jo and Vee's dynamic seems pretty similar to Kail's and Javi's, at least in my opinion. Both Jo and Kail have tempers and want to be in control, while Javi and Vee seem more passive and seeking approval of their respective partners. Though Jo and Vee's relationship does seem much less toxic and dysfunctional then Kail and Javi's is. I do wonder, if money was supposedly so tight at Jo's that that he was terrified of court ordered child support, why they thought having a baby was a smart idea financially, and why if Vee wanted to even the playing field she didn't ask for a commitment along with getting pregnant and moving away from her family. Sometimes all these youngins puzzle me :)



I read somewhere on here that the dads made 50-60K per season (speculative)


Then you have Adumb claiming it's closer to the moms' salaries, which was semi confirmed the Ashley, who has good sources. So 50-60k to a possible six figures a year is livable, but some of these young adults don't seem to realize the TM gravy train isn't going to last long and no matter how they say, it won't be enough money to live forever. I though Jo and Vee were slightly more sensible then that, but I guess I was wrong.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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I'm not claiming Jo and Vee are rocket scientists and clearly are not in the running as Ph.D candidates but not everyone has the funds or brains or the desire for college. That doesn't mean they can't decide to have a baby. Right now Vee is staying home to take care of a young baby and isn't working, but  I do agree that Jo should have a job if he's not in school as there isn't any reason why he can't be doing something outside of the house for cash and to not appear like a lazy ass. However Jo and Vee own a house, they're not on welfare, they take good care of Isaac when he's with them, so I've never interpreted their decision to have a baby as an indication of their maturity or their immaturity.  I respect the opinions of those who look at it that way as it certainly can be viewed as not the wisest decision by people who feel differently and that's okay.  I learn a lot about perspectives by visiting this board and try to keep an open mind.


Perhaps I didn't express myself very well; I see Vee as mature with respect to how she handles Jo's relationship with Kail.  From what we see she doesn't come off as jealous or insecure and doesn't create unnecessary drama that would further alienate Jo and Kail from each other as they certainly do that enough on their own. I've always gotten the impression that Vee isn't an asshole in any way and that helps foster a better relationship between Jo and Kail.  Seriously.  I thought Vee was adorable sitting in the grass applauding Kail and the boys at the photo shoot and expressing encouragement.   Just seems like a calm, sweet, genuinely nice girl.


I just like Kail. I lke Vee. I'm not a huge fan of Jo but he's making progress.  Anytime people involved in a young child's life can get along is a win/win in my book. : )

Edited by Emmierose
  • Love 6

Re-watching all episodes from this season so far (lazy vacation day from work) and just have to say that Vee appears to be so sweet, friendly, and understanding.  Jo and Kail are lucky she's part of the equation.  I've said it before but if Jo had a more aggressive, immature, or jealous partner I suspect Jo and Kailyn's relationship would not continue to improve.  Even Jo going with Kail to the music awards is a testament to that.  Jo and Kail were so young when they were together, they have more of a brother/sister type relationship than anything else (minus any sexual attraction obviously).  Vee is clearly mature enough to understand that and I don't see Jo being willing to cheat on Vee with Kailyn.  I enjoy seeing all of them get along so well most of the time.


As far as Kailyn wanting Isaac to look photo shoot ready at all times,  I really get the feeling that it's a reflection on Kail's childhood experiences and she's re-parenting herself through Isaac.  I'm willing to bet that with drunken Suze as her mother Kail showed up to school messy and disheveled more than a few times.  She doesn't want Isaac to feel embarrassed about his appearance the way she may have felt as a kid and while that probably wouldn't happen due to the fact that Isaac is groomed within an inch of his life most of the time, deep rooted childhood hurts from abuse and neglect are not easy to quiet.  I suspect this is the case for Kail.   There are things to snark on with Kail, but she is a good mother and both Isaac and Lincoln are clean, very well taken care of, and adorable.  Isaac is so sweet and despite Lincoln's "puta" chants, he appears to be pretty well behaved as well. 


Lastly, Kail seems to have a lot of friends, many of them have been around since the beginning. My point being that you don't keep a lot of friends long term if you're an asshole.  Kail is going to school full time, is a good mom, has many friends, and even though her immaturity oozes out at times, she and Jo co-parent really well most of the time.  Javi seems a bit controlling and insecure and he and Kail just seem to be ill matched.  I hope they can move forward either together or apart and be happy.  I'm rooting for Kail.  I have been since 16 and Pregnant. 

Who is Kail's life long friends? I'm honestly not being snarky, I'm just really unsure.  Javi brought a lot of friends on board and last night, (insomnia sucks) when I couldn't sleep, I was being nosy on their twitter accounts and I'm not 100% she and peach are still friends.  I don't know when or how she met Sterling.  So far, that seems like all she has got.  They all seem to be choosing a side, and it looks like Javi's.   (Again, only what I interpret on twitter)

  • Love 2

Yeah, I don't think anyone is snarking on either of them for not having a master's degree or becoming a law librarian yet, I just think it's really odd and not worthy of a lot of respect to do NOTHING in terms of education or career at all. Vee wanted to open a day care center...get some ECE credits online or at community college. Jo, take a business class, volunteer, get even a part time job or an internship. Newsflash to Jo and Vee: Actually wealthy people with kids still have jobs all the time. I get that they have enough money, but I don't get what makes them any better than these other people except we don't have to suffer through watching them on the daily as much. Vee also did a lot of waiting around occasionally begging Jo to marry her while he refused, (see Teen Dad) a la Maci, they broke up once or twice, and she only got a ring after bearing his child and moving away from her job, life, and family. That earns side eye from me.

He avoided committing to her like the plague and she Catelynned him into a rock, essentially following him around until he proposed. I think if we had to see more than 45 seconds of them a week it'd be the same reaction we have to the other lovely couples on this show. Remember, we don't see their fights-- and Jo has one hell of a temper.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 2

Jo has a temper.

But it was Kail who accused him falsely of a DV crime. It was Kail who put her hands on both Jo and Javi.

My gut and common sense tells me if either Jo or Javi had smacked Kail once, they would not be referred to as good fathers aside from their temper.

It is my opinion. I don't need any response.

Any news lately on Puta and Javi? Is he still tweeting vaguely? Makes me wonder what he is doing overseas that he finds time to respond to strangers. Wasn't he the guy who said his life was none of our concern? But, he seems concerned at making sure he remains in the limelight even on Twitter.

  • Love 4

If Jo or Javi had hit Kail once, I would not think they were a bad father. I think people make mistakes, even bad ones, and still aren't awful people. I can't speak for others.

No rings still. Kailyn was mad about Javi posting that photo and they both keep vaguebooking (tweeting?) about "getting that old thang back" and heartbreak, etc. Still aren't following each other on Twitter. Expecting the announcement any day.

  • Love 3

He is posting things like "If you are going to judge me you better make sure you're perfect."   Also apparently going to Florida and Myrtle Beach when he gets home.  He has posted nothing about missing his family, sons, Kail, or being big papi (HA!) in a long time.



Oh, and Kail is going to Coachella. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3

I agree poopchute (that's a phrase I never thought I'd use lol) eta the poopchute part, not that I'd never agree with you!!. Not only adults but adults who are aware they have large social media followings and complain about lack of privacy, if you say nothing we have nothing to speculate on #justsaying

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 4
There are things to snark on with Kail, but she is a good mother and both Isaac and Lincoln are clean, very well taken care of, and adorable.  Isaac is so sweet and despite Lincoln's "puta" chants, he appears to be pretty well behaved as well.


I agree completely, her childhood seems to have sucked big time, and I'm glad to see her trying to do better for her own children.

I think the whole thing with Jo, yeah, he and Vee have money to live on now.  But I thought Kail hit it right on the nose when she asked Javi, "what does Isaac have to look up to Jo for?"  Jo needs to have a passion for something, whether it's volunteer work, getting a degree, something!  I think he's shown remarkable maturity for the most part, in dealing with Kail, I do wish though that he'd DO something with his life.  Vee seems like a lovely person as well, and I can't say enough how great I think it is that Jo, Kail, and Vee are working together to parent Isaac.  Javi needs to get on board.

Edited to add:  Jo is doing well now with Kail, I'm not talking about years ago.

Edited by blubld43
  • Love 2


Oh, and Kail is going to Coachella.


Wow, she has been taking child free vacations a lot lately; she is starting to rival Jenelle, in fact. Which is nothing to be proud of.



I think the whole thing with Jo, yeah, he and Vee have money to live on now.  But I thought Kail hit it right on the nose when she asked Javi, "what does Isaac have to look up to Jo for?"  Jo needs to have a passion for something, whether it's volunteer work, getting a degree, something!


It seems to me that the last thing Jo was passionate about was his rap "career". In fact it was a big part of his story line and for all I think that his rapping was kind of lame, he did seem to put a lot of effort into it. I don't know if he is still rapping at all, but it seems like he has no interests now. I wonder if maybe he let go of his rapping dreams and hasn't been able to find interest in anything else? Heck, maybe he is even a little depressed/down about the fact that his one big dream hasn't turned into anything? As for Vee, I lean towards her probably wanting the more traditional role of housewife, since she has wanted marriage and babies for a few years.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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No proof other than past pictures and charges but I've always assumed Jo (and Vee when she's not pregnant, I assume) smokes a lot of weed. No judgement about that from me but it does make some people unmotivated and apathetic so maybe that's playing a role in Jo not having or wanting a job? Just a theory/my opinion with no concrete basis.

  • Love 1
Javi is just a little bitch in my opinion. One of those people who is passive aggressive but when confronted totally denies anything. It's clear to me their marriage is done.


Word.  They seriously need to get a grip on the marriage or they're toast.  If that hasn't happened already; that level of distrust is just, no.  It's awful for the children.

No proof other than past pictures and charges but I've always assumed Jo (and Vee when she's not pregnant, I assume) smokes a lot of weed. No judgement about that from me but it does make some people unmotivated and apathetic so maybe that's playing a role in Jo not having or wanting a job? Just a theory/my opinion with no concrete basis.


You could well be right.  I do remember Jo's brief rap "career"; it just seems odd that a young man like Jo who seems mature in some ways is behaving so irresponsibly in others.  

Of course I don't blame him at all for being there right after the birth of his baby; he really does seem like a loving father.  

Word.  They seriously need to get a grip on the marriage or they're toast.  If that hasn't happened already; that level of distrust is just, no.  It's awful for the children.

You could well be right.  I do remember Jo's brief rap "career"; it just seems odd that a young man like Jo who seems mature in some ways is behaving so irresponsibly in others.  

Of course I don't blame him at all for being there right after the birth of his baby; he really does seem like a loving father.  

And his anger at having to pay child support when he 'could be putting it towards his music career.'...yikes.

  • Love 2

I kind of appreciate that at least Jo & Vee are like "nah, we aren't planning on going to school or working (besides TM2) anytime soon." I don't think it's an admirable plan, but I like that at least they aren't blowing smoke up our behinds about all their great plans for the future (cough, Catelynn & Tyler; Amber; etc cough).

  • Love 8

I kind of appreciate that at least Jo & Vee are like "nah, we aren't planning on going to school or working (besides TM2) anytime soon." I don't think it's an admirable plan, but I like that at least they aren't blowing smoke up our behinds about all their great plans for the future (cough, Catelynn & Tyler; Amber; etc cough).

Eh, Vee doesn't use social media anymore but when she did it was all about "haters" and "y'all don't know me" and "that's my MAN" and the same sort of generic whining that all these people do...when at the time the "haters" were saying "Jo doesn't have a job," which was, you know, the truth. It's probably a good idea to stay off social media if you're in the TM constellation. It automatically makes you look so much better by default, lol.

On the shows before, they definitely had some grandiose plans that they haven't followed through on (opening a day care center; Jo opening a restaurant, or something?).

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 2

I'm watching Karl's 16 and Pregnant right now.

I saw the scene where she went to see her dad. The first thing she says to him is that he's short, then she calls him weird and walks through his house with a disgusted sneer on her face then wonders why it's not a happy reunion.

On TWoP someone referred to her as a "dour suck" in reference to that scene which was later misread as being "sour duck". It still cracks me up.

  • Love 3

On TWoP someone referred to her as a "dour suck" in reference to that scene which was later misread as being "sour duck". It still cracks me up.

Ha ha, it kind of fits either way doesn't it?

I don't know what Kail was expecting when she went to Texas, that her father was some kind of Daddy Warbucks from old Dallas oil money? Maybe she thought Suzy was an anomaly and surely the other half of her DNA was respectable. I guess that bubble burst pretty quickly.

  • Love 6

Ha ha, it kind of fits either way doesn't it?

I don't know what Kail was expecting when she went to Texas, that her father was some kind of Daddy Warbucks from old Dallas oil money? Maybe she thought Suzy was an anomaly and surely the other half of her DNA was respectable. I guess that bubble burst pretty quickly.

Maybe she just hoped she would feel a connection of some sort. It's Kail so she expressed any anxiety or disappointment badly, I think Kail just wants to love someone real badly. She goes about this in a fucked up way, but she's always looking for someone to bond with.

  • Love 5
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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