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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Unless Jo has specifically agreed to pay for certain things like tuition in the child support agreement, how much he pays is a calculation that has little to do with the needs of the kid and everything to do with the father's income.  He doesn't even have to keep him "comfortable".  He just has to pay the amount allotted for his income-level.

  • Love 7

Unless Jo has specifically agreed to pay for certain things like tuition in the child support agreement, how much he pays is a calculation that has little to do with the needs of the kid and everything to do with the father's income.  He doesn't even have to keep him "comfortable".  He just has to pay the amount allotted for his income-level.

Except, these two have not gone to court for any sort of modification or re-evaluation in 3-4 years. Isaac wasn't in private school. Kail is the primary custodial parent. She knows she can make whatever decisions she wants regarding Isaac. There is the moral side of things where Kail should discuss with Jo what his view is on how they should raise Isaac, but Kail chooses not to. Kail would never ask Jo what are his thoughts on private school. Jo probably found out what school he was attending the week before he started.  Kail chose NOT to vaccinate Isaac. That wasn't a decision she made with Jo. She is the one who chose to have Isaac in the NoH8 campaign with his photo plastered on posters and photos. She didn't ask Jo, she just did it. She chooses his haircuts and becomes Hulk when Jo dares to have a different hairstyle for his son. We heard her racist rant about how "white boys" should look.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

Except, these two have not gone to court for any sort of modification or re-evaluation in 3-4 years. Isaac wasn't in private school. Kail is the primary custodial parent. She knows she can make whatever decisions she wants regarding Isaac. There is the moral side of things where Kail should discuss with Jo what his view is on how they should raise Isaac, but Kail chooses not to. Kail would never ask Jo what are his thoughts on private school. Jo probably found out what school he was attending the week before he started.  Kail chose NOT to vaccinate Isaac. That wasn't a decision she made with Jo. She is the one who chose to have Isaac in the NoH8 campaign with his photo plastered on posters and photos. She didn't ask Jo, she just did it. She chooses his haircuts and becomes Hulk when Jo dares to have a different hairstyle for his son. We heard her racist rant about how "white boys" should look.

100%. Karl doesn't let Jo weigh in on anything important in Isaac's life (or really unimportant stuff too, like haircuts). He just gets told what is happening. She can't stand to have anyone else's input on anything, it's her way or no way. I'm actually kind of surprised Jo hasn't gone for more custody since he is finally living in the same town as Isaac. If he were to get 50/50 he may not be expected to pay support to Karl at all.

  • Love 9

That is what annoys me most about Kail - it is like she is the sole parent and Jo is just a babysitter/ATM.  I would bet money that Kail and Jo never went on a school tour together or even talked about what kind of education Isaac should get.  IMO Jo is in a tough spot - if he fights Kail too much she would make it much harder for him to get time with his son (sorry Jo, I signed Isaac up for karate/swimming/watching paint dry on your day) and would happily drain him for his last dollar.  At the same time, he doesn't want to just roll over about everything.  She holds the power and I don't know how he would get any of it back.  

Kail doesn't seem to understand that she and Jo share Isaac and that he has two parents, neither of which have the name "Javi".  

  • Love 9

Do courts often go for 50-50 custody? I can see it if both parents want that, but it seems to me in general that it would just be too disruptive for the child to have all that back and forth. (maybe just because we've been hearing about the proposed arrangement between Leah & Corey that would have him taking the kids midweek - but in that case I'd support it because it's an increase in time at the stable household). Maybe it depends on what the details of it look like; an every other week or every other month arrangement would certainly be better. But I certainly don't think just trying to keep things equal for the parents is really putting the kid's best interests first, and certainly asking for more custody so as to pay less child support is the wrong set of motives for wanting more time with your kid. (This isn't something Jo has proposed - he's definitely seeming to put his son's interests first, rather than his own - but it seems like some are suggesting it, as increasing fairness for Jo - more time, as a way to reduce Kail's demands for money. But I'm not interested in whether Jo & Kail get equal shares of Isaac - he's a person. They should do what's right by him, even if that means one parent doesn't get to see him as often as he or she would like. 

  • Love 3


(This isn't something Jo has proposed - he's definitely seeming to put his son's interests first, rather than his own - but it seems like some are suggesting it, as increasing fairness for Jo - more time, as a way to reduce Kail's demands for money.

Pretty sure what is being mentioned is, if Jo has to pay an extremely high amount each month in CS, it is likely the mediator would express to Jo and Karl that he would then be allowed to ask for more visitation time especially since the amount of child support is calculated in part by how much time the child(ren) spend with each parent. Karl shouldn't expect an increase of over $1,000 without at least Jo having something in return. Jo is not pulling in a high salary. He is on a reality show, but he is not pulling in six figures or more a year. There are plenty of parents who do have mid-week visitation. One of my friends does this very thing. I don't think Jo wants that to happen, but it is his right to request such a visitation, especially now that he lives near his son. I think Jo is putting Isaac's needs first and not trying to disrupt his current schedule, but that doesn't mean he can't request that change now and have it begin when Isaac starts summer or starts school in the fall next year.



Do courts often go for 50-50 custody?

Generally, it isn't really 50/50 in many states. Some states require that the court identify a custodial parent and noncustodial parent for the purpose of child support calculations. Even if the schedule is exactly 50/50, the court would assign 51% to one parent and 49% to another parent. To answer your question, yes, there are cases where parents split up visitation equally or at least as close to equal as possible. There are lots of children who go to one parent during the middle of the week. Plenty of parents co-parent properly and can make such visitations possible. Karl is not one of those parents, although she may be ordered one day to have to follow such a schedule.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

 answer your question, yes, there are cases where parents split up visitation equally or at least as close to equal as possible. There are lots of children who go to one parent during the middle of the week. Plenty of parents co-parent properly and can make such visitations possible. Karl is not one of those parents, although she may be ordered one day to have to follow such a schedule.

I am  an adult and my parents are still married BUT if my parents had been divorced, I think I would have preferred to see BOTH parents as often as possible--as close to 50/50 time with each as one can get. I am quite puzzled by the general custody  trend which seems to be that kids visit with dads every other weekend. I feel like I wouldn't be as close to either of my parents, as I am now, if I only saw one  twice a month. I don't see how that wouldn't disrupt a proper intimate bond between parent and child. Twice a month just doesn't seem enough! But then again, I want to reiterate that I am not a parent, and my parents have always lived under the same roof, so it's not an experience that I am familiar with or have direct knowledge of. 

But I'm not interested in whether Jo & Kail get equal shares of Isaac - he's a person. They should do what's right by him, even if that means one parent doesn't get to see him as often as he or she would like. 

To clarify, are you saying it would be wrong for Isaac to spend as much time at Jo's as he does at Kail and Javi's? Why? I feel like he would benefit from having intimate time with his dad. I know that these days people emphasize quality time/planned time over spending a greater quantity of time together  , and, I guess,  I respect that... But I still think having an abundance of time during which you can have spontaneous moments with your loved ones is important to building a relationship and intimacy too. I think Isaac's relationship with his dad can only improve with increased time and if that involves living at Jo's place more that's fine too. He's young, he's adaptable, he was already shuffling between Delaware and Pennsylvania, because of his beast of a mother, I think he'd be ok with staying nights in a different house in the same town once in a while. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 6

I think 50/50 custody may work well in some situations, but not in others. It can work best when parents communicate well and live close to each other. Also, the occupations of the parents are a factor. My brother is a commercial airline pilot and his schedule varies from month to month ( he has low seniority), with overnight and multi- night trips. 50/50 custody would not work in his case. Thankfully, he and his ex communicate and are pretty flexible about things. They sometimes switch weekends and mid- week times.

I think in the case of Kail and Jo, he wanted things to be more flexible and organic, without going to court for more structured time. I don't think he wanted to stir up the hornet's nest that is Kail's temper.

  • Love 6

I think 50/50 custody may work well in some situations, but not in others. It can work best when parents communicate well and live close to each other. Also, the occupations of the parents are a factor. My brother is a commercial airline pilot and his schedule varies from month to month ( he has low seniority), with overnight and multi- night trips. 50/50 custody would not work in his case. Thankfully, he and his ex communicate and are pretty flexible about things. They sometimes switch weekends and mid- week times.

I think in the case of Kail and Jo, he wanted things to be more flexible and organic, without going to court for more structured time. I don't think he wanted to stir up the hornet's nest that is Kail's temper.

This is it in a nutshell. Unfortunately for Jo, Kail doesn't have an ounce of flexibility in her scarf clad body. It's her way or the highway and she's gotten away with going full on hulk when she doesn't get her way for years. I really hope for Isaac's sake that she'll be forced to understand that he has two parents and she's damn lucky he has a father who wants to be involved as much as he can.


We have a friend of 20+ years who has an ex like Kail. They're court ordered to only communicate via text or email about their three daughters because she's incapable of having a civil conversation. She's such a vindictive bitch, he misses a ton of scheduled, court mandated visitation because she makes plans and tells him he can't have the girls even though it's his scheduled time. He doesn't want to fight with her, so he caves. It makes me crazy that he won't grow a spine and stand up to her!

  • Love 6

I know Kail has more time with Isaac but does she have sole physical and sole legal custody of him? My DH had joint legal and joint physical even though BM has a majority of the physical time with their kids. BM can't make big decisions without running them by DH first. Does she? No, but she can't make him pay for those big decisions if she doesn't run it by him.

  • Love 2

Karl has primary physical custody of Isaac. I have not found any confirmation as to whether they share joint legal custody. Jo doesn't reveal much to the media or social media. Karl, surprisingly hasn't mentioned much, that I can remember, about the status of their agreement. The only information I have ever read has been from one site who confirmed having accessed the legal documents, but all they revealed was the amount of child support and Karl receiving primary physical custody.

  • Love 1

I think what Jo is looking for is a gradual increase in time - but nothing too significant as to disrupt Isaac's (and Kail's) schedule. 


It seems, to me, that he wants to keep the formal stuff AS IS but then add in little visits like picking Isaac up at school a few times a week (it could even be on a set schedule so as not to disrupt Kail's household) on like Tues & Thursday and hang out, have dinner, do homework, etc and then have him back at Kail's for bath & bedtime.


Or keep him overnight and drive him to school in the morning so Kail isn't "stuck" doing the boring shit like baths and bedtimes. 


With the parents living so close, I'm not sure how much it will disrupt Isaac's life - he's not at a point where he has friends he wants to hang out with, etc.  His parents ARE his life. 


And it's not a situation (at least not in my mind) like Chelsea or Leah or even Janelle - where one house is stable and the other is a nightmare so the kids have to settle back down after a visit - I think both Jo and Kail (sans all the yelling and domestic violence) have clean, stable homes - I have never heard Kail say that Isaac has to "calm down" after his visits with Jo and Jo NEVER badmouths Kail.  EVER.  So he's not saying it. 


I just wish Kail would ease up and allow it to happen without making a fight out of the mere suggestion.

  • Love 7

Were Karl, Javi, and Isaac really in NY for a week? I thought it was just the weekend.

I did too because even on Friday Javi kept saying he was excited for NY tmrw. (sat)


OR he said it Thursday and they went Fri.  I'd have to go scope out his twitter again and I'm too lazy right now.



Edited to add: Okay I found it.   


Javi Marroquin ‏@JaviM9  Sep 11

On a positive note it's Friday and NYC is tomorrow!

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 1

I did too because even on Friday Javi kept saying he was excited for NY tmrw. (sat)


OR he said it Thursday and they went Fri.  I'd have to go scope out his twitter again and I'm too lazy right now.



Edited to add: Okay I found it.   


Javi Marroquin ‏@JaviM9  Sep 11

On a positive note it's Friday and NYC is tomorrow!

Thanks for checking. :-) 

  • Love 1

I'm wondering if they're renting the other house out. It would make sense given there's a sizeable military community in Dover that's constantly in need of housing. If they can cover the mortgage and property taxes it would probably be worth their while. Hopefully Kail will remember she has to pay taxes on any rental income though....

  • Love 4

I'm wondering if they're renting the other house out. It would make sense given there's a sizeable military community in Dover that's constantly in need of housing. If they can cover the mortgage and property taxes it would probably be worth their while. Hopefully Kail will remember she has to pay taxes on any rental income though....

I'd think she'd have to have a sizable downpayment, though. Particularly since they're not first-time homebuyers anymore.

  • Love 4

I'm wondering if they're renting the other house out. It would make sense given there's a sizeable military community in Dover that's constantly in need of housing. If they can cover the mortgage and property taxes it would probably be worth their while. Hopefully Kail will remember she has to pay taxes on any rental income though....

Hopefully she remembers to have homeowner's insurance, too. Owning two homes won't come cheap. A part of me really hopes that they are not renting out the other home and that they are just stuck trying to sell it. :evil grin:


I posted this on the episode thread. I will drop it here as well. An article (with a short video) of Karl complaining about Jo not going by to see Isaac as much as she had hoped. I made my thoughts clear on the episode thread. Kail is full of it because we clearly watched how her spouse had a temper tantrum when Jo went over to their house when he wasn't there to keep an eye on his lucious, fuckable wife (GAG!) How must Jo feel when his presence at his child's home is causing such a ruckus? He can't even drop by his son's home without that insecure fucker making a big deal out of it. Clearly Isaac is hearing all of this going down and Jo likely feels depressed that he can't even go to his child's home without some drama occurring in his child's presence. FUCK YOU JAVI AND KARL:


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Did you catch that last paragraph? What a shade fest! Does Kail Kong realize that without MTV money, she wouldn't own her own home, and most likely wouldn't have stability and structure. " After 6 years...." girl, bye! She acts like she and Jo are in their late 30's, not early twenties!

Hopefully she remembers to have homeowner's insurance, too. Owning two homes won't come cheap. A part of me really hopes that they are not renting out the other home and that they are just stuck trying to sell it. :evil grin:


I posted this on the episode thread. I will drop it here as well. An article (with a short video) of Karl complaining about Jo not going by to see Isaac as much as she had hoped. I made my thoughts clear on the episode thread. Kail is full of it because we clearly watched how her spouse had a temper tantrum when Jo went over to their house when he wasn't there to keep an eye on his lucious, fuckable wife (GAG!) How must Jo feel when his presence at his child's home is causing such a ruckus? He can't even drop by his son's home without that insecure fucker making a big deal out of it. Clearly Isaac is hearing all of this going down and Jo likely feels depressed that he can't even go to his child's home without some drama occurring in his child's presence. FUCK YOU JAVI AND KARL:


  • Love 4

Did you catch that last paragraph? What a shade fest! Does Kail Kong realize that without MTV money, she wouldn't own her own home, and most likely wouldn't have stability and structure. " After 6 years...." girl, bye! She acts like she and Jo are in their late 30's, not early twenties!


I know, right? And what is with this shit that Jo now has a family and is stable? Bitch, the guy has always had a family. His parents, his brother, and his son.  His family is now growing with the addition of Vee and his daughter. Jo has always had a job. He now has his own home after renting an apartment for quite some time now. He also wasn't screwing someone out of their right to rent a Section 8 apartment by telling lies about the abuse they suffered..


LOL@ Kail Kong! Spot on!

  • Love 14

I'm wondering if they're renting the other house out. It would make sense given there's a sizeable military community in Dover that's constantly in need of housing. If they can cover the mortgage and property taxes it would probably be worth their while. Hopefully Kail will remember she has to pay taxes on any rental income though....

That's what I'm thinking because it isn't listed on an MLS.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3

I know, right? And what is with this shit that Jo now has a family and is stable? Bitch, the guy has always had a family. His parents, his brother, and his son.  His family is now growing with the addition of Vee and his daughter. Jo has always had a job. He now has his own home after renting an apartment for quite some time now. He also wasn't screwing someone out of their right to rent a Section 8 apartment by telling lies about the abuse they suffered..


LOL@ Kail Kong! Spot on!

Wait....I know that apartment she had after leaving her mom's was subsidized but I didn't know she lied to get it! What can I say, I am not in the least bit shocked since the girl is an unapologetic grifter.

  • Love 3

I'm wondering if they're renting the other house out. It would make sense given there's a sizeable military community in Dover that's constantly in need of housing. If they can cover the mortgage and property taxes it would probably be worth their while. Hopefully Kail will remember she has to pay taxes on any rental income though....

Oh, holy hell. Can you imagine having Kail as your landlord? 

  • Love 6

I'm wondering if they're renting the other house out. It would make sense given there's a sizeable military community in Dover that's constantly in need of housing. If they can cover the mortgage and property taxes it would probably be worth their while. Hopefully Kail will remember she has to pay taxes on any rental income though....

They're listed as owning two properties on Kent County property tax records.  Since the records reflect their new purchase, I assume any buyer of their first house would likewise be listed instead of them by now.  Also, the last sale of the first house according to Zillow was August 2013.

Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 3
OK.....did I miss something?

Kail is not a millionaire. Even the affluent people I know usually have to think about selling their house before buying another one. Kail and Javi close on a house with nary a mention of selling the current house? I really hope these hosebags get burned financially.


Kail is not a millionaire. But she plays one one TV. 


"There's a scuff mark on the wall! You're not getting your security deposit back!"

I can only imagine how dreadful Kail as a landlord would be.


You may not un-Pinterest my house or you will be evicted with no more than 24 hours notice. 

  • Love 8

Since Kail and Javi act like they have more money than they know what to do with, maybe they hired a rental management company to handle their old house? That way, she can drive the management company crazy instead of the tenants. Somehow, I just can't see her having any respect for landlord/tenant laws. Like giving 24 hours notice before you show up on the property unless it's an emergency like a broken pipe or something.

  • Love 2

Spoilers ahead: this makes me despise kail more as if I needed a reason to. http://www.designntrend.com/articles/61260/20150921/teen-mom-2-kailyn-lowry-jo-nasty-fight-curses-thrown.htm

Kail is really good at manipulation and picking fights. You could tell Jo was upset that he missed/ didn't know about graduation-- I think it was a misunderstanding. Also, he thought the game was at 6, not 5:30, so he didn't actually FORGET-- stuff like this happens, Kail.

  • Love 6



"I didn't forget graduation. I didn't even know he had a graduation," replied Jo.

Kailyn then said there was a sign by the school's entrance about the ceremony and Rivera should've seen it. Afterwards, she slammed him for missing their son's game, and Jo continued to try and reason with her.


Wow. I knew there had to be more to it that him just not showing up. We only got Kail's side, so of course she left shit out. 


Jo should have know because there was a sign outside. Doesn't fly Kail. You could have told him yourself ans he probably doesn't get email updates form the school. 

  • Love 4

Uhg. Kali is such a sanctimonious person.

She pokes and pokes and pokes - then acts shocked when the person responds. Like in the car with Javi when their tire blew out. On and on and on and as soon as Javi was like "shut up! I don't want to talk to you/hear you anymore!" She's gasping and clutching her pearls.

"You better get it together, you're having a baby" ... Ooooooooh I wish in that moment Vee would have come out of the kitchen/down the stairs and gotten IN that ass.

Jo WOULD be better off just going to court - because this bitch will use ANYTHING to lord over him.

"Oh! Is that a clean diaper on your baby? I guess you're living high on the hog since we agreed to child support outside of court. You're welcome!"

  • Love 7

I think it's kinda dumb she is using that as a threat, but she is showing her true colors when the first argument they have she immediately throws going to court for more child support as her threat. As many have said here it doesn't make sense that Jo is so scared to go to court... Maybe he's just not aware how it actually works and has had her threatening for more money. I hope he's pleasantly surprised and maybe ordered less child support, or if he is willing more time with Isaac, both would make Kail's head explode.

  • Love 5
Wow. I knew there had to be more to it that him just not showing up. We only got Kail's side, so of course she left shit out.

Jo should have know because there was a sign outside. Doesn't fly Kail. You could have told him yourself ans he probably doesn't get email updates form the school.


Does Jo regularly handle drop-off and pick-up? How was he to even see the sign? Still, she could have double checked. 

  • Love 2

If it were me I would have called the ex to make sure he knew about graduation. She was hoping Jo would drop the ball.

YES, YES, YES!!! Karl is definitely planning ahead and she knows if she can make Jo look bad, she will. It's one thing if she did it for her own disgusting pleasure but, she does this as well to make herself look good in the eyes of her minions who kiss her ass on social media. If Karl were to post that the world is flat, her minions would believe her.



Kail and Sterling have their blog up and running! Aren't you all excited?! (ugh) Anyway, here ya go.

"With a ton of natural light coming through and an open concept this set the foundation for fun new interior design projects. Our previous home was more than thirty years old. A spacious home without an open concept and very few windows for sunlight was the cause for my seasonal depression!"


Must be horrible to be around Karl who has seasonal depression 24/7.



"Whatever Kail. I'm not going to f------ argue with you about petty s---," he screamed. "Like what do you want me to tell you? Do you want me to hop back in my time machine and go back and change it? I can't so shut the f--- up and that's it."

"Why are you cursing," asked Kailyn. "Because you're an idiot," Jo responded.


Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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