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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Well even though she is a opportunist. I still think that she is going to court because she knows she will get a increase.

Not necessarily. She doesn't even know what Jo's expenses are. Those expenses will be part of the calculation. Kail may have been told she might receive an increase.


I am with those who are asking, what has happened that Kail suddenly feels she is in need of extra support? I am curious. Is Isaac signed up for more sports this year? Has his tuition expenses gone up? Kail may also be telling us something. Perhaps the show is coming to an end? Those questions would need to be answered by Kail to the court eventually. No one can just walk into court and say they need more support without showing what their own expenses are and their full income. Kail's book money would be counted along with any MTV-related earnings such as paid interviews.



Jo can also just stop working and have nothing and just say he doesn't have anything to pay.

That happens all the time but, the courts still keep the support enforced. That is when arrears and interest come into play. You can Google that information.

  • Love 3

Not necessarily. She doesn't even know what Jo's expenses are. Those expenses will be part of the calculation. Kail may have been told she might receive an increase.


I am with those who are asking, what has happened that Kail suddenly feels she is in need of extra support? I am curious. Is Isaac signed up for more sports this year? Has his tuition expenses gone up? Kail may also be telling us something. Perhaps the show is coming to an end? Those questions would need to be answered by Kail to the court eventually. No one can just walk into court and say they need more support without showing what their own expenses are and their full income. Kail's book money would be counted along with any MTV-related earnings such as paid interviews.


That happens all the time but, the courts still keep the support enforced. That is when arrears and interest come into play. You can Google that information.

I have no idea. Maybe Isaac went from pre school to kindergarten in a private school setting.

Whatever the case may be. Jo seems aware of it. More then we are anyway since he wasn't shocked of the 'sudden' message.

I have no idea. Maybe Isaac went from pre school to kindergarten in a private school setting.

Whatever the case may be. Jo seems aware of it. More then we are anyway since he wasn't shocked of the 'sudden' message.

He isn't shocked because Kail is always running to family court over something. She has been hauling him there at least once a year.
  • Love 7
Jo likely has Isaac on his health insurance.


It would actually be zero cost to have Isaac on Javi's medical plan, which Kailyn and Lincoln already get.  He's an automatic dependent since Kailyn is married to Javi.  So, if Kailyn is adding insurance in calculating what she thinks Jo owes her, well then she's being deceitful. 


I think part of the reason why Kailyn is the soccer mom from hell is that she has such a low self-esteem that she probably think Isaac's lack of soccer skills reflects on her, and she thinks it makes HER look bad. 


I never noticed that little Lincoln is bowlegged.  It was noticeable with his little skinny pants.  He was just waddling up the the soccer fields.  He's a cutie. 

  • Love 3

Well my post said "over something" not "over child support" so it is true.

Yep, it sure is.



Jo seems aware of it. More then we are anyway since he wasn't shocked of the 'sudden' message.

As if that scene couldn't have been recreated or staged just like when Kail, Javi and MTV tried to convince the viewers that his marriage proposal was a surprise and Kail knew nothing about it. 

  • Love 4

I have a problem with Kail deciding, without discussing beforehand with Jo, that Issac should be in this, that, and the other expensive activity, then telling Jo he has to cough up more than he can afford for optional expenses. I have a trust fund baby friend doing this to her ex, a paramedic. She enrolls the kids in private lessons, fills their summers with private and pricey day camps, then tells their dad and bitches that he cannot afford his share.. Meanwhile she is buying expensive cars, electronics, trips, concert tickets, for the guy she was

cheating with and eventually dumped her husband for.

Jail is doing the same; she has a boatload of money (for now), unilaterally decides a 5 year old should be living like royalty, and expects working class Jo to pony up. When the MTV well has run dry she will be hard pressed to keep her house while Jo will likely have built equity in and increased the value of the house he could afford to buy.

Kail just wants to put Jo in a no win position, forcing him back to PA, and strengthening her choke hold on Isaac. As for Javi he should be really nervous about this whole situation realizing it will be happening to him someday. Instead he cheers her on.

Kail is a bitch with a capital "C".

Edited because auto correct is the work of the devil.

Edited by dorcastrilling
  • Love 12

That is not true. The child support for example was established more then 3 years ago so ofcourse it should've come as a surprise to him that 'he isnt making a dent'.

It shouldn't come as no surprise to Kail that after three years she should be getting a job. There is a reason for her going to school. Unless, that is where she goes simply to get away from the kids and find a new bed partner.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

That can well be the case but in that case Jo can also just stop working and have nothing and just say he doesn't have anything to pay. I think the calculations are much more accurate then just how much one parent spends on material things.

I'm pretty sure the non-custodial parent owes it whether they're working or not. They just go into arrears. I believe the only way it changes is by going back to court.


Why is Jo being so deferential to her?  I hope it is an act and he hammers her. If I followed my bitchy ex and moved me and my significant other 3 hours away to spend time with my son, I'd be going for more time and less to her in child support. Split custody 50-50 and neither pays the other for support. I would love it if he did that. 

  • Love 7

I really believe that any MTV money shouldn't be taken into account for child support. It's a short term windfall and the little bit Jo gets from it is nothing compared to what Kail gets. The child support agreement should be made based on real life finances and what will be the situation long term. It's disgusting that Kail can't just be happy with her huge amount of money for next to nothing and just let Jo be.

  • Love 4

I'm pretty sure the non-custodial parent owes it whether they're working or not. They just go into arrears. I believe the only way it changes is by going back to court.

Why is Jo being so deferential to her? I hope it is an act and he hammers her. If I followed my bitchy ex and moved me and my significant other 3 hours away to spend time with my son, I'd be going for more time and less to her in child support. Split custody 50-50 and neither pays the other for support. I would love it if he did that.

If they split custody 50/50, i believe some states may still require the parent with more gross income to pay the other parent some child support? Not a lawyer here, but if both parents are sharing equal custody, aren't the expenses incurred for that child to be split equally? If it turned out that Jo got equal custody and that Kail would have to pay him support, I think her head would explode.

Edited to add: I think that part of the reason that Kail is asking for more support is that she sees Jo buying a house and having a baby with Vee and she is determined that Jo will not be " equal" to her. She is competitive and wants to be doing "better" than Jo and Vee. Hence the move to the nicer house with a pool and asking for more money.

Edited by Adiba
  • Love 4

Wait....am I understanding correctly that Kail believes Isaac's expenses are around $3k-$5k per month? Because holy cow! Isaac could go to a swanky boarding school for that much! I know I live in an area with a low cost of living (and therefore, a low pay scale), but I net less than $3k a month and together with my hubby we net less than $6k a month. And we are able to pay a mortgage, car note, student loans, utilities, and other bills, as well as our child's expenses & day care (granted, we don't drive a Mercedes or luxury SUVs and we haven't spent tons of money covering ourselves in ugly ass tattoos.)

Does Isaac have his own car loan, mortgage, and credit cards we don't know about? How the heck does a 5 year old have $3-5k per month in "expenses"?

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

I really believe that any MTV money shouldn't be taken into account for child support. It's a short term windfall and the little bit Jo gets from it is nothing compared to what Kail gets. The child support agreement should be made based on real life finances and what will be the situation long term. It's disgusting that Kail can't just be happy with her huge amount of money for next to nothing and just let Jo be.

Regardless if any income is temporary or long-term, it is income. Kail is a contract worker and it is income. No different than my neighbor who is a contract worker for the local cable company and his earnings are considered income. Child support is based on more than just income. When circumstances change, each parent has a right to go to court and ask for an adjustment. Court is not just for Kail or the primary custodial parent. It is there for both parties.

  • Love 4

I think that Kail is just doing it for the power trip.  Jo moves closer so she moves further, Jo has a baby on the way so she demands more money.  It's really petty and vicious of her to continually be changing the goalposts for Jo and it really gets under my skin.  This isn't about what is best for Isaac, it is about punishing Jo for moving on from her. 

Isaac's expenses probably have increased but it is typical of Kail that she brings it up when he has just moved (to be closer to his son!), bought a house and has a baby on the way.  Jo has gone out of his way to make life easier for Isaac (and Kail) by moving and Kail always throws it back in his face.  

I think that the MTV money should be taken into account.  Kail has benefited from 5 years of MTV cash and if the hype is to be believed, she has earned at least $1 million which IMO should be taken into account.  Jo has been working in a family business, Kail could potentially have a million dollar nest egg (if she invests wisely as doubtful as it is).  Which makes the demands for more money so gross.  

  • Love 8

According to an article from 2012 Jo pays 600 a month.  If it hasn't changed then it could still be that.  


I also googled private schools in Dover, Delaware.  It says the cost per yr is 9,000 to 11,000.


Jo's extra 100 bucks or whatever he can afford isn't going to make that much difference, Kail.  If you were struggling I could totally see changing child support.  But hell, you're showing off remodeled bedrooms and custom built beds for the boys, YOU ARE NOT HURTING FOR MONEY! You are just looking for a fight because you were getting bored.  You make me sick. You and Javi both!

  • Love 10

I googled tuition also. Wow. How is she going to pay that when the mtv big bucks go away!? I am still trying to figure out isaac's costs...his tuition, activities, health insurance and dental insurance. Is javi not in the military?? Isaac should not have 2 out of the 4 costs kail said if covered by those benefits!

Kail and javi are living as if mtv money is going to last forever.

  • Love 7

I just makes me angry that this angry, uneducated shrew has banked $1 million. Are you sure? Doesn't she have to give a sizable amount away to managers, accountants, etc? 

Amber (from TM) has said that she earns about $140,000 for a six month filming deal.  This is the 6th season of TM2 so $140,000 times 6 = $840,000.  IIRC, TM2 is the most successful Teen Mom franchise right now so that could also have a flow-on effect, depending on the contracts. Plus her first book "Pride Over Pity" made it onto the New York Times Bestseller List for E-Book Non-Fiction.  She also has "Love is Bubblegum" (her new book) and is planning on going on a book tour with Catelynn and Tyler from TM so that is even more cash (and another vacation!).  PLUS her clothing line - I don't know how successful it is but there are people out there stupid enough to buy her "designs".  And then you also have interviews which she would get a bit of spare cash for.  And allegedly according to one of the gossip websites I found, she worked for about 6 months as a dental assistant and would have earned about $25,000.  Not sure how accurate that is but I'll put it out there.

Admittedly, this is me putting together a whole bunch of approximates but when you look at the fact that she gets income from TM2, her first book, her second book, clothing line, book tour and interviews, it would be safe to assume that she is rolling in the dough right now.  That isn't even including Javi's income and benefits or Jo's child support. 

And it sh*ts me because you just know that she is going to blow through the whole lot and will crash and burn when the gravy train takes off without her.  

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 5

Delaware seems like it would have a decent public school system. Is private school for Isaac an absolute necessity or is this just Kail being her tacky nouveau riche self? She seems like the type who would put Isaac in private because, in her mind, that's what people who have "arrived" do.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 6

In the sneak peek for next week Kail mentions needing money for Isaac's health and dental insurance so I guess he's not on Jo's insurance or Javi's?

This is why I have to side eye her on stuff. Usually, if the non-custodial parent has employer based insurance, then that parent is required to have the child on the insurance. We know Kail doesn't work a normal job that provides it so why is this the case? How is it that they can have three vehicles, take numerous vacations and buy houses every year but struggle to afford insurance for the child that is responsible for their big Mtv windfall? In the words of Mama Dawn, that don't make no damn sense.

  • Love 7

"Kailyn was pushing Javi to set the date for their nuptials, so she and Isaac could get health insurance before he left."



Kail is called out as the "privileged white girl" after she tweets "all lives matter" in response to #BlackLivesMatter:


  • Love 1

Regardless if any income is temporary or long-term, it is income. Kail is a contract worker and it is income. No different than my neighbor who is a contract worker for the local cable company and his earnings are considered income. Child support is based on more than just income. When circumstances change, each parent has a right to go to court and ask for an adjustment. Court is not just for Kail or the primary custodial parent. It is there for both parties.

I completely understand how child support works. I was simply saying that I, myself, believe that their MTV money shouldn't be taken into account. It's very obvious from Kail's lifestyle she's making off very well from this extra income while Jo has a much more modest cut. All I'm saying is I would respect Kail a lot more if she just didn't take that money into consideration and just used Jo's actual income. They could both speak to their lawyers and get a moderator and come up with an agreement on their own terms, that's all I meant.

Amber (from TM) has said that she earns about $140,000 for a six month filming deal. This is the 6th season of TM2 so $140,000 times 6 = $840,000. IIRC, TM2 is the most successful Teen Mom franchise right now so that could also have a flow-on effect, depending on the contracts. Plus her first book "Pride Over Pity" made it onto the New York Times Bestseller List for E-Book Non-Fiction. She also has "Love is Bubblegum" (her new book) and is planning on going on a book tour with Catelynn and Tyler from TM so that is even more cash (and another vacation!). PLUS her clothing line - I don't know how successful it is but there are people out there stupid enough to buy her "designs". And then you also have interviews which she would get a bit of spare cash for. And allegedly according to one of the gossip websites I found, she worked for about 6 months as a dental assistant and would have earned about $25,000. Not sure how accurate that is but I'll put it out there.

Admittedly, this is me putting together a whole bunch of approximates but when you look at the fact that she gets income from TM2, her first book, her second book, clothing line, book tour and interviews, it would be safe to assume that she is rolling in the dough right now. That isn't even including Javi's income and benefits or Jo's child support.

And it sh*ts me because you just know that she is going to blow through the whole lot and will crash and burn when the gravy train takes off without her.

Unfortunately, even when TM2 stops filming she will still be able to make money off of her name. Just look at other "former" reality stars like snooki or tori spelling etc., still being able to find other show deals or guest spots on a talk show etc. Another line of books? I dunno, but I see her riding this train long after the last episode airs, sadly. I really want her to get back to the REAL reality of a young married couple with children. I don't want her to reach the bottom like she was in the beginning for the sake of her cute babies, but brought down to a level where she is paying monthly car payments on a Ford Taurus type of car Or a fixer upper. Renting a modest home not some picture book house. You know?

I normally would like to see someone come from the bottom and overcome struggles to be able to enjoy the upper class lifestyle but I can't get past how ugly she is in the INSIDE not her outside appearance.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 6

"Kailyn was pushing Javi to set the date for their nuptials, so she and Isaac could get health insurance before he left."


Kail is called out as the "privileged white girl" after she tweets "all lives matter" in response to #BlackLivesMatter:


Fuck you, Kail! How can you attend a HBCU and tweet that? URGH!

  • Love 5

I don't usually watch the previews and i wish I hadn't! Kail is a bitch. I don't think I have ever called someone that. So degrading towards jo...what YOU pay barely puts a dent in Isaac's costs. Then she says schooling, his activities, health insurance and dental insurance. WTH...Javi's benefits cover the last two! So Is Isaac in private school? Isaac is 5...how many expensive activities is he involved in? Jo is not soley responsible for isaac's costs. Kail's income is greater than his! If jo pays 3k...kail should be paying quite a bit more...are issac's costs really close to 8 to 10k a month!?! I know the support includes food/shelter/clothing too but come on! Greedy greedy greedy. Javi looked like he was enjoying himself too much. I thought jo came across as a saint! :). I wanted to smack her thru my Tv!

Kali is one of these girls that would get pregnant on purpose by a rich guy to collect those checks.
  • Love 2

Did anyone else know Javi enrolled in college? This is dated the fall of 2014 and the article shows Javi's school I.D.:


I forgot all about this! They never say anything about his school or work on the show. It also adds a new dimension to the text from a school friend argument. If Javi went to the same school, he might have seen Kail talking to this guy a lot between classes, when Big Papi wasn't there to supervise her. He could have seen more interactions between the two of them than we had thought

  • Love 2

I'm pretty sure the non-custodial parent owes it whether they're working or not. They just go into arrears. I believe the only way it changes is by going back to court.


Why is Jo being so deferential to her?  I hope it is an act and he hammers her. If I followed my bitchy ex and moved me and my significant other 3 hours away to spend time with my son, I'd be going for more time and less to her in child support. Split custody 50-50 and neither pays the other for support. I would love it if he did that.

I dunno, I think it depends. My husband pays a reduced amount but has 50/50 custody... I think it's because he made more than his ex at the time of the divorce, and they want the kids to have a fairly equal lifestyle at both homes. I think it would be awesome if Jo got 50/50 and Karl had to pay him!!

  • Love 3

I dunno, I think it depends. My husband pays a reduced amount but has 50/50 custody... I think it's because he made more than his ex at the time of the divorce, and they want the kids to have a fairly equal lifestyle at both homes. I think it would be awesome if Jo got 50/50 and Karl had to pay him!!

Different factors determine child support including the amount of time each child spends with their parent. A 50/50 situation is certainly different than what Jo and Kail currently have going on.

  • Love 2

It can't be said any better than it has several times. Kail is a bitch, plain and simple. It is just more of the same with her. As Dr Phil says "the best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior". Jo has matured and doesn't react to Kail's nonsense, but she doesn't stop. Kai gives lip service to past mistakes, etc but I am not convinced she believes she is ever wrong about anything. That attitude combined with her arrogance makes her disgusting in my opinion.

  • Love 6

Rewatched Kail's episode last night, and wow, what a difference. I really think the money and fame has hurt her more than it helped. In the beginning, she really did have a drive to succeed and do well for herself and her baby. She wasn't perfect, but she was 16 and she was given a pretty shitty lot in life. Suzi can really just go fuck herself. Janet was even better than I remember. I think she might win, hands down, for best parent in this entire show. I love Randy and Barb, but no one slays like Janet Rivera. What I loved most about her was how fucking fair she was. She didn't only see her son's side, or try to blackmail Kail into doing what she wanted. She was a true mother to both Kail and Jo, and she did what was best for Isaac from the beginning, more so than either of them.

  • Love 18

I know Janet is a grown woman who can handle her sh!t, but I after I rewatched Kailyn's 16&P episode some time ago, I really felt for how hurt Janet must have been by how Kail treated her on the first season of TM2. Janet really did seem to love Kail as a daughter....and then to be treated the way she was by this girl she considered her daughter....ugh....


Kail is awful - mainly because she didn't even think she owed Janet a "thank you" at the reunion show that first season of TM2 (Dr. Drew had to basically force her to say it and when she did, she obviously didn't mean it or want to say it) and for the fact that I'm pretty sure she still doesn't appreciate what Janet did for her and the hurt she inflicted on the lady.  Her entitled behind probably feels no guilt about how it all went down.


Truelovekiss, you are so right that Kail is her mother's daughter - an unthankful, entitled grifter.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 14

Rewatched Kail's episode last night, and wow, what a difference. I really think the money and fame has hurt her more than it helped. In the beginning, she really did have a drive to succeed and do well for herself and her baby. She wasn't perfect, but she was 16 and she was given a pretty shitty lot in life. Suzi can really just go fuck herself. Janet was even better than I remember. I think she might win, hands down, for best parent in this entire show. I love Randy and Barb, but no one slays like Janet Rivera. What I loved most about her was how fucking fair she was. She didn't only see her son's side, or try to blackmail Kail into doing what she wanted. She was a true mother to both Kail and Jo, and she did what was best for Isaac from the beginning, more so than either of them.


Delurking to say that honestly the reason I think Jo has matured so nicely is because he stayed home and his parents finished raising him.  They are wonderful parents and I am sure that they are counseling Jo that he has to consistently show that not only is he willingly paying his child support but that he is more than happy to be Issac's full time custodial parent.  This is important because there is a good chance that the Suzi shoe will drop with Kail.  In that, I mean that the apple sometimes sticks close to the tree whether it wants to or not and Jo may very well have to fight a true war for his son.  He needs it to be shown that he has never, ever gone to sleep on his parental responsibilities so that no judge will let Kail steamroll over him. 


Honestly they need to do a side show called Teen Dad, because while Adam is a case study in douchery, Cory and Jo are true standup guys and are terrific fathers.



  • Love 11

I keep wondering if maybe Karl is ready to just make the move to single parenthood again. Sort of, just putting all her eggs in one basket. Move to bigger home away from Jo. Check. Ask for more money from Jo. Check. Finish college. Check. Find a new fool in town. Check. Kick Javi to the curb after calculating what she can get in spousal support and child support. Check. Keep this MTV cash flowing. Check. All of this is one plan for her to be able to ensure she is ready to be on her own again.

  • Love 13

I can't believe that I actually liked Kail when I watched the first few shows, then I got smart.

It melted my heart when I think they were meeting to drop off/pick up Issac, and

they showed Jo standing there holding that cute little Lincoln. I was expecting Kail to have

a cow over it, but she didn't seem to mind. Jo looks natural holding babies.

I stopped watching for awhile, and did not see that Jo's parents divorced, which really

shocked me. Does anyone know what happened to their marriage?

  • Love 4

I can't believe that I actually liked Kail when I watched the first few shows, then I got smart.

It melted my heart when I think they were meeting to drop off/pick up Issac, and

they showed Jo standing there holding that cute little Lincoln. I was expecting Kail to have

a cow over it, but she didn't seem to mind. Jo looks natural holding babies.

I stopped watching for awhile, and did not see that Jo's parents divorced, which really

shocked me. Does anyone know what happened to their marriage?

I also used to like Kail when I watched the first few shows. I started watching because I am from the area where she and Jo used to live ( my dentist's office is down the road from the Rivera's old house) and wanted to see what local sites would wind up on the show.

I used to feel sorry for Kail with her crap of a mother and Jo's (sometimes) douch-ey and immature behavior. No more, though. Jo has stepped up as a dad, and Kail has come a long way from staying in a crappy hotel, crashing at the Rivera's, and the Valley Youth House. And yet, she still seems unhappy and ungrateful.

I haven't seen every episode, so I don't know what happened with the Rivera's marriage or if it was even addressed on the show.

  • Love 3
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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