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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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1 hour ago, mrsh said:

This is why ratchet putas like Karl will never have a stable life with a responsible and committed man. Karl craves dysfunction and chaos and she is impulsive and selfish. She wanted to spread her leds for Chris Lopez and whoever else she slept with while married abd so she did it. With no regard for hwr husband or children and how ot may affect them. So no sympathy from me when women cry about their loser baby daddies. Karl is just like Brianna now, putas who spread it for everyone and then can't understand why men don't take them seriously. Only difference is that Karl lucked out with Jo and Javi.

Speak on it! Lol

  To go from a family-oriented man who takes his role as father and provider seriously to a 22 year old college student  whom you're not even in a monogamous relationship with...talk about hustling backwards!

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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23 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Speak on it! Lol

  To go from a family-oriented man who takes his role as father and provider seriously to a 22 year old college student  whom you're even in a monogamous relationship with...talk about hustling backwards!

Her priorities are so fucked up. If she would think forward instead of in the moment, but no all she thought about was the dick. Then has the audacity to post shit like that. Kail you aren't cool ok, you have kids, so stop talking shit like that and stop saying shit like that. And grow the fuck up, put on some decent clothes and learn how to fucking spell (oh yeah, I guess that was the class the boys were in that she was too busy texting in ENGLISH). I would love to see her transcript with her grades since she went for how many years and was suppose to be full time.

The problem with Kail is that she doesn't appreciate people or see any worth in any. She does not value a man that is a good father. She doesn't value a man that thinks of a child who he didn't father like his own. She doesn't value a family that lived with her and cleaned and kept her kids. She doesn't value people period. So that DEGREE she clearly loves to talk about doesn't mean shit if you don't know how to communicate without running off in a huff or talking over people. Hell she didn't even respect the professors and the other students to not bring her kids or put down her fucking phone in classes that they also paid for. That degree doesn't make you a better human being when you're an asshole who cannot communicate with people in any fashion. If her and Jenelle looked a like they would be twins in how they deal with people or when people try to call them on their bullshit or do something they don't like. I hate to tell them both but life is full of people that will never agree with you and will do plenty that they won't like. Quit acting like spoiled teenagers throwing a fit. Be a grown up and get the fuck over it. Kail is too busy trying to be cool to know what a good man is.

Edited by toodywoody
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Kail isn't the only educated person I see saying this kind of thing on sm, unfortunately. I spend a lot,of time cringing at many post I see.

I see far too much "preach!" everywhere I go. I am not a slang person, even "legit" and "this" bother me, lol.

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2 hours ago, gunderda said:

Pretty sure Kail threw shade at Jenelle the last reunion for leaving because that was their job.  Or however Kail put it. 

Very good point. 

@Mkay or @druzy can you dig up that quote of Kail's? 

2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Kail isn't the only educated person I see saying this kind of thing on sm, unfortunately. I spend a lot,of time cringing at many post I see.

I see far too much "preach!" everywhere I go. I am not a slang person, even "legit" and "this" bother me, lol.

Kail is educated? 

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2 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Is she gonna talk Jo into babysitting?

@GreatKazu I'll see what I can dig up. 


I can see it happening, because Jo is a good father who understands that even though Soapy isn't his responsibility, Soapy is still Isaac's brother. I don't think it will happen too often, because I would hope Vee would encourage boundaries to be set.

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31 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Is she gonna talk Jo into babysitting?

@GreatKazu I'll see what I can dig up. 


I don't think so. Of course Jo and Vee are invested in issac's well being, and I am sure the baby will be invited to birthday parties and things like that once he gets bigger (as Lincoln is), but regular caretaking? That's probably going to fall on Issac's shoulders.



Baby Lo's cheeks are too adorable. 

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4 hours ago, gunderda said:

Pretty sure Kail threw shade at Jenelle the last reunion for leaving because that was their job.  Or however Kail put it. 

It was Leah who said it. Typical Leah, being a hypocrite. Karl responded she wanted to leave to the producer. Here are the clips of each of the girls:


Jo is such a good guy. Jo and Vee know Isaac will have a bond with Suds. He may not go to great lengths such as babysitting the little guy. However, he will do the right thing by inviting him to special occasions such as birthdays.

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What a freakin' mess Kail has made for everyone. I mean, now Jo+Vee and Javi and have to worry about how to fit step-brother #2 into the picture for every social gathering? And then bumming child care off of them, I'm sure. I can't imagine being attached to that life wrecker. 

And you know Kail is going to go for another one - it's a near certainty. 

Also, btw - the big issue for her regarding 50/50 custody is that she'll no longer get child support payments- she'll be having to pay Jo and Javi instead!

"Besides income, overnight totals are a key part of the Delaware child support formula. Your overnights directly affect your child support, whether you pay or receive."

"The non-residential parent generally pays the residential parent the child support. The joint custody formula doesn't allow a parenting time percentage adjustment toward child support. The higher earner pays the lower earner."

"Examples of the shared custody formula in Delaware child support

Consider the hypothetical case of Robert and Mary. Robert earns $4,000 per month, while Mary earns $2,400 per month. They have two children.

See how the child support amounts change in these examples:

Scenario #1: If Robert and Mary agree to an approximate 50/50 split, around 182 overnights, Robert would pay $290 in child support to Mary. This is because he is the higher earner and must pay the net difference.

Scenario #2: If Robert and Mary agree to a 50/50 split and both earn the same amount of money, there would be no child support paid or received.

Scenario #3: If Robert and Mary agree to a 50/50 split and she makes more money, such as $4800 per month, she would pay $115 in child support to Robert. This is because she is the higher earner."


Oh Garbage Pail Kail, your comeuppance has finally arrived!

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I bolded Kail's reaction.


For the Season 7 season finale of Teen Mom 2 on March 20, MTV did things a bit differently than they normally do. Instead of getting another episode of the girls’ drama back home, we got an inside look at the highly-anticipated reunion special! Why? Because there was a ton of drama that the network knew fans needed to see.

For example, Jenelle didn’t feel well and became extremely upset when producers weren’t catering to her needs. So what did she do? Well, she scooped up Jace and made a big scene about leaving. And she refused to film the intro for the reunion. Now, what you should know is Barbara was in charge of Jace during the day of filming, so when producers saw Jenelle and David take Jace without getting permission, they called the police and reported a kidnapping. Barbara was actually the one who kept calling it that, but still. Anyway, Barbara was instructed by the police to head to the hotel where Jenelle was staying so she could pick up Jace. And when David handed Jace over, Barbara screamed, “you’re going to jail!” Unfortunately, the police would only press charges against David if Barbara agreed to press charges against Jenelle. And that, she wouldn’t do. Even so, Jenelle said she won’t do Season 8 of the show if Barbara is involved. She and David think the reason why she won’t hand over custody of Jace is because of all the attention she gets from being on the show. We beg to differ, but whatever.

Meanwhile, Chelsea also didn’t film the intro for the reunion special because she came down with a fever of 99.7 degrees, and according to producers, if she hit 100 degrees, she’d have to be rushed to the hospital due to her pregnancy.

So Kailyn and Leah were left to film the intro on their own, and in typical Kailyn fashion, she had a big attitude about it. She had no idea Chelsea left due to an illness, so she started making side remarks about how unprofessional Chelsea and Jenelle were. Leah just kind of nodded and looked super uncomfortable hearing her co-star bash the others.

The following day, however, both Chelsea and Jenelle returned to film some more stuff and Chelsea was able to explain to Kailyn that she was sick.

And then, when it was Kailyn’s turn to take the stage, she and Vee got into a huge fight about custody of Isaac. To see everything that happened, you’ll have to watch the actual reunion, but the sneak peek looked super dramatic.

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1 hour ago, SPLAIN said:

It was Leah who said it. Typical Leah, being a hypocrite. Karl responded she wanted to leave to the producer. Here are the clips of each of the girls:


Jo is such a good guy. Jo and Vee know Isaac will have a bond with Suds. He may not go to great lengths such as babysitting the little guy. However, he will do the right thing by inviting him to special occasions such as birthdays.

They already babysit him and vice versa kail babysits vivi at times. like on vee's first day of work. kail tweeted having vivi. I ALSO Remember vee tweeted how baby lo just made a mess or something and kail laughed and tweeted back  where are the cameras when you need them or something. I think its cool that they are in a place where they can stepup  and help take care of all the children, well at times at least

Edited by anonymousgirl
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1 minute ago, anonymousgirl said:

They already babysit him and vice versa kail babysits vivi at times. 

It is the very least Hulk could do. I mean, she has used Jo as a babysitter countless times. She should reciprocate by babysitting Vivi once in a while so Jo and Vee could have a break. Kail has had the benefit of having so many people at her disposal for more than just babysitting.  

I want to reiterate, Jo having his son in his care is not babysitting. He is the father of Isaac. 

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44 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Maybe I'm a bitch, but I wouldn't make regular babysitting of my husband's ex's new baby a habit. Inviting the kid to birthdays and special events? Absolutely. Helping out in an emergency? Sure. But I just feel like it's one of those situations where you give an inch and the other person will eventually take a mile. There's just too much room for boundaries to be overstepped, especially in a situation like this one where the baby doesn't have an active father. 

It most certainly doesn't make you a bitch. You know Kail, like the rest of us. She will be more than happy to take what she can get, and she will use her kids in a heartbeat. Kail will gladly take advantage of anyone who gives her an inch.

Pun intended. 


Kailyn and Leah were left to film the intro on their own, and in typical Kailyn fashion, she had a big attitude about it. She had no idea Chelsea left due to an illness, so she started making side remarks about how unprofessional Chelsea and Jenelle were. Leah just kind of nodded and looked super uncomfortable hearing her co-star bash the others.

Of course Kail had a big attitude. Bitch always has snide remarks to make about people when she feels she is being inconvenienced.  When you are pulling in six figures from a company that expects you to be at the reunion, you are not being inconvenienced if your fat ass has to sit around to film. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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11 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Maybe I'm a bitch, but I wouldn't make regular babysitting of my husband's ex's new baby a habit. Inviting the kid to birthdays and special events? Absolutely. Helping out in an emergency? Sure. But I just feel like it's one of those situations where you give an inch and the other person will eventually take a mile. There's just too much room for boundaries to be overstepped, especially in a situation like this one where the baby doesn't have an active father. 

I totally agree with you, I even said something similar a little while back. If I was Jo, Javi, or Vee I would make sure to distance myself somewhat from the new baby. It may seem cold-hearted, but I wouldn't want to take on responsibility of a young baby I wasn't related to and had no legal claim over. That's even if the other parent wasn't Kail, which opens a whole other can of worms. I would always be nervous that I would get accused of some bullshit because I pissed off Kail or that she would used the baby against me, once I bonded with it. Plus, not being the parent I wouldn't be able to intercede, short of abuse, if I felt Kail wasn't doing the right thing by the baby. And frankly, I'm surprised Vee even lets Kail watch Vivi. I just wouldn't be comfortable with that, I don't understand how Vee is in light of how nasty and vindictive Kail was to Jo and Vee not even that long ago.

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1 hour ago, HeySandyStrange said:

That's even if the other parent wasn't Kail, which opens a whole other can of worms.


Exactly. You'd think Jo, Vee and Javi would be ultra wary, especially since Kail only plays nice when she needs something. I feel like she's subtly laying the groundwork so she can start selling Isaac/Dimples and Lincoln/Dimples as package deals when it's Jo's and Javi's custody days. Why would Jo even need to babysit in the first place? Kail has an endless stream of sycophants ready to do her bidding, along with plenty of money to hire a sitter if she needs one. She's up to something and I wouldn't trust her farther than I could throw her.

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13 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Exactly. You'd think Jo, Vee and Javi would be ultra wary, especially since Kail only plays nice when she needs something. I feel like she's subtly laying the groundwork so she can start selling Isaac/Dimples and Lincoln/Dimples as package deals when it's Jo's and Javi's custody days. Why would Jo even need to babysit in the first place? Kail has an endless stream of sycophants ready to do her bidding, along with plenty of money to hire a sitter if she needs one. She's up to something and I wouldn't trust her farther than I could throw her.

We know the Marroquins won't babysit Suds. I agree, Kail apparently has her little clique, why won't they babysit for her? They seem to approve of everything she does.

Is Kail still in school? Didn't she need to make up credits? Is that the reason she needs a babysitter? Time for her to pony up money for a nanny. 

No doubt, some sort of manipulation and guilt is part of this scenario. 

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I wouldn't be surprised if she's still in school trying to make up credits. The fact that we haven't seen an actual printed diploma is a huge red flag. I went to a much larger and more prestigious (though still a state school) college and people who didn't get their diplomas at graduation had them pretty quickly after finishing the missing courses. 

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3 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Maybe I'm a bitch, but I wouldn't make regular babysitting of my husband's ex's new baby a habit. Inviting the kid to birthdays and special events? Absolutely. Helping out in an emergency? Sure. But I just feel like it's one of those situations where you give an inch and the other person will eventually take a mile. There's just too much room for boundaries to be overstepped, especially in a situation like this one where the baby doesn't have an active father. 

Especially Kail who is a habitual line stepper.

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Well, I guess we know why Kail is pawning Lux off on Jo and Vee: she needs time with her newest fuckbuddy of the moment. How very lovely and classy.

Seriously, Kail and her low-life hangers on make me want to vomit. It's also pretty sad that Chris Lopez, Mr. NoShow Father, had more class then this fame seeking loser. Good going Kail, here's the man you should bring around your kids.

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Radar never works on my computer. Are there pics of this new dude? A name? 

Of course she sold the story. She's looking to try and make Chris jealous. Because despite her protestations of laughing and going to bed, SHE CARES VERY MUCH. 

P.S. Pretty sure HE ditched HER. 

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41 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Radar never works on my computer. Are there pics of this new dude? A name? 

Of course she sold the story. She's looking to try and make Chris jealous. Because despite her protestations of laughing and going to bed, SHE CARES VERY MUCH. 

P.S. Pretty sure HE ditched HER. 




Edited by druzy
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There's an article on the Daily Mail where Kail has advice for Kylie Jenner and her pregnancy. She talks about how her friends won't understand what it's like to have a baby so young and may ditch her. Since when did a multi millionaire care about a Z list reality show participant's opinion? 



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10 minutes ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

There's an article on the Daily Mail where Kail has advice for Kylie Jenner and her pregnancy. She talks about how her friends won't understand what it's like to have a baby so young and may ditch her. Since when did a multi millionaire care about a Z list reality show participant's opinion? 


If your friends don't come around Kail, the issue is YOU. 

22 minutes ago, MissMel said:

And he's already sold a story to Radaronline.  She sure knows how to pick 'em.

I wonder how much money she has doled out for this new fuck buddy to keep him between her legs? 

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How does she even have the time/ability to be with a new man right now?!? Maybe Baby Birdee is the exception, but keeping up with her demands for the first few months were so all-consuming that we barely had time to eat/bathe/sleep let alone engage in any hanky panky. Lord, she is desperate. 

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18 hours ago, anonymousgirl said:

They already babysit him and vice versa kail babysits vivi at times. like on vee's first day of work. kail tweeted having vivi. I ALSO Remember vee tweeted how baby lo just made a mess or something and kail laughed and tweeted back  where are the cameras when you need them or something. I think its cool that they are in a place where they can stepup  and help take care of all the children, well at times at least

I don't follow these people on Twitter. I am glad for the posters who bring the information here from the various social accounts. I don't recall reading any tweet by Jo or Vee mentioning Kail babysits Vivi. Can you refresh my memory and help me with where this information comes from?

Kail has another boyfriend? She is making Leah look like a nun.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Why does that guy look familiar to me?


This is the guy who was sharing a bed with kail out in LA in May.  He says they are friends.  I think she is trying to make Chris jealous and trying even harder to pretend Javi/brianna doesn’t bother her. 


Thank you! I was going to ask the same thing, as he looked familiar to me too. 

Did she jump in the sack like, THE DAY her 6 weeks post-baby were up? 

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1 hour ago, Kroliosis said:

He better watch his dreads.

That's the same guy she took to LA with her to mess with Chris.  (Remember the white outfit and pictures in bed) I think she has him around again to mess with Chris. 

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Radar never works on my computer. Are there pics of this new dude? A name? 

Of course she sold the story. She's looking to try and make Chris jealous. Because despite her protestations of laughing and going to bed, SHE CARES VERY MUCH. 

P.S. Pretty sure HE ditched HER. 

He is the one on twitter that goes by ttcu1. 


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23 minutes ago, Mkay said:

That's the same guy she took to LA with her to mess with Chris.  (Remember the white outfit and pictures in bed) I think she has him around again to mess with Chris. 

He is the one on twitter that goes by ttcu1. 


So the baby is officially LOWRY, not Lopez.  

@Mkay you are so on top of this with the L.A. photo. Mwah! Wasn't that the same set of photos where some guy was in the background making a face while looking at Kail? He seemed to be thinking "Ewww." lol 

Edited by GreatKazu
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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

So the baby is officially LOWRY, not Lopez.  

@Mkay you are so on top of this with the L.A. photo. Mwah! Wasn't that the same set of photos where some guy was in the background making a face while looking at Kail? He seemed to be thinking "Ewww." lol 

Yes!! lol then they took a picture in bed together because Chris has taken a picture in bed with another girl. ? She will do this for the rest of this poor child's life. Poor Lil' Suds. 

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9 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Yes!! lol then they took a picture in bed together because Chris has taken a picture in bed with another girl. ? She will do this for the rest of this poor child's life. Poor Lil' Suds. 

Yes, poor Lil' Suds. :-(

How many guys will the boys be exposed to with the revolving door at Lowry Shack? 

Kail couldn't handle Jenelle's thread getting more action. So she goes and does this shit! lol 

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She's pathetic. Sorry not sorry I'm going to get very judgey and say anyone chasing fresh dick this soon after giving birth to someone else's child is just beyond trashy. This chick's dick obsession is going to ruin all 8 of her kids' lives.

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35 minutes ago, dabronx said:

She's pathetic. Sorry not sorry I'm going to get very judgey and say anyone chasing fresh dick this soon after giving birth to someone else's child is just beyond trashy. This chick's dick obsession is going to ruin all 8 of her kids' lives.

I will bet money she was banging BOTH of these guys the whole time.

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