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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Javi Marroquin ‏@JaviM9

Lollll yall loving #bigpapithursday

He is so into himself and Teen Mom 2.

Someone above asked and yes, Kail had a Bachelorette party. Penis straws and all!! http://starcasm.net/archives/238831

Thank you. I'm speechless.

If I told my husband, right around our first wedding anniversary that I was going to wear a banner that declared myself single and was going out representing myself as single, he would have been so hurt. Add in the seven months pregnant, and I would have been too embarrased to leave the house.

Bachelorette? To paraphrase The Princess Bride, I do not think you know what this word means.

  • Love 6

Thank you. I'm speechless.

If I told my husband, right around our first wedding anniversary that I was going to wear a banner that declared myself single and was going out representing myself as single, he would have been so hurt. Add in the seven months pregnant, and I would have been too embarrased to leave the house.

Bachelorette? To paraphrase The Princess Bride, I do not think you know what this word means.

1000x YES. And I couldn't stand how on the "wedding" episode, people kept asking if they were nervous, or if they had cold feet. How fucking stupid do they think we are? It's not like they got married secretly, WE SAW THE CIVIL WEDDING. I specifically remember Kail wearing an off white shortish dress, and Isaac carrying around his sherfif Woody doll. Everyone (us included) knew damn well that they were married for a year. What the hell is there to be nervous about? Javi knew exactly what being married to that puffer fish entailed, and instead of divorcing her, he knocked her up and threw an elaborate aquatic wedding that gave new meaning to nautical nonsense. They were not getting married that day. They already were married, and all of the "is he THE ONE?" talk was as pointless as it was irritating.

  • Love 10

Found this: http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/08/07/kailyn-lowry-los-angeles-visit-explained-exclusive/5/


Nothing I have read says anything about how she extended her trip. That's one of the reasons some people are upset. Not that she went on a girl's trip.  She looked the happiest I have ever seen her when she was driving to go meet Sterling,  I guess I would be too if I was going to meet my lover for a wild adventure in LA.  hahahahahaha

  • Love 3

I for one don't think she extended her trip. I think she lied to Javi about that. The trip was supposed to be for a week, but she told him 4 days so that she go with his 'blessing'. Most times when you go on trips, the flights are purchased in advance. So she knew how many days/nights she would be gone for before she left. Also, I don't for one minute believe Sterling's mom would have asked Wailyn to stay for any extra time (or pay for a last minute flight) considering how miserable she made everyone around her. They were probably ecstatic to be rid of her and are bummed that she was there ruining their whole week.

Someone in another thread says she lives with Javi's mom. I've never seen her in camera so I can't say for sure. I find that hard to believe too. No mother would be able to keep her peace or stay off camera while Wailyn was verbally attacking her cherished son. Their fights so far have been loud, and intense, leaving the whole house shaking. I don't think Javi's mom would be calm during that. Maybe she was visiting but was not there when the season was filmed.

What is Wailyn's degree that she is working on? Besides her 'study buddy' aka next boyfriend, I've never seen her study for a test or do any homework. She's just in her phone 24/7, even while driving. Those of you that live in WV, watch out on the road. A psycho manatee with 2 scarves who is on the phone while driving a BMW may be headed your way.

  • Love 4

I for one don't think she extended her trip. I think she lied to Javi about that. The trip was supposed to be for a week, but she told him 4 days so that she go with his 'blessing'. Most times when you go on trips, the flights are purchased in advance. So she knew how many days/nights she would be gone for before she left. Also, I don't for one minute believe Sterling's mom would have asked Wailyn to stay for any extra time (or pay for a last minute flight) considering how miserable she made everyone around her.

This makes so much sense and I think that's exactly how it played out. I can totally see Kail doing some shady shit like misrepresenting the length of the trip and expecting Javi's pregnant sister to pick up the slack. She never shows the slightest bit of consideration for others.

  • Love 9

I agree that she just lied about how long the trip was to begin with. Then, once she was out there, she likely thought she could get away with making some excuse about staying longer. I love how she bitches and moans about Javi ruining her trip but conveniently leaves out the discrepancy about her return. Frankly, a weekend away is fine, but more than that, when you have an infant at home, is pushing it.

  • Love 9

I used to root for Kail because of her dark childhood, but time and time again she shows her true colors. She wants to be with friends instead of her spouse, she doesn't want Jo, who has been involved with his son since birth to move closer to his son, she used Jo's parents and uses and abuses Javi's strong family support system, and now she turned an exciting trip with a friend's family into a depressing vacation with her constant bickering and bitching. Who needs to make fun of her tats and chins when her insides are what is the most ugly?

  • Love 6

I agree that she just lied about how long the trip was to begin with. Then, once she was out there, she likely thought she could get away with making some excuse about staying longer. I love how she bitches and moans about Javi ruining her trip but conveniently leaves out the discrepancy about her return. Frankly, a weekend away is fine, but more than that, when you have an infant at home, is pushing it.

Exactly. She bitches about Javi, but she doesn't realize her actions affect other people as well. Maybe Javi's sister and mother had plans or appointments for Monday and Tuesday that had to be rescheduled so they could watch the kids. Was Javi off work early enough to pick up Isaac from school? If not, that's another arrange that had to be made. Does she even think to ask if its an inconvenience or does she just say "this is what I'm doing, figure it out."

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 6
I used to root for Kail because of her dark childhood, but time and time again she shows her true colors. She wants to be with friends instead of her spouse, she doesn't want Jo, who has been involved with his son since birth to move closer to his son, she used Jo's parents and uses and abuses Javi's strong family support system, and now she turned an exciting trip with a friend's family into a depressing vacation with her constant bickering and bitching. Who needs to make fun of her tats and chins when her insides are what is the most ugly?


I used to root for her as well. I know she had a horrible upbringing, basically abandoned in one form or another by both parents. But you know what? A lot of people have horrible upbringings. But then they grow up and get the fuck over it. Kail is old enough now to realize she can do better and start making better choices. It's like she has no interest in being happy. She revels in her misery and wants everyone else miserable as well.

I used to root for Kail because of her dark childhood, but time and time again she shows her true colors. She wants to be with friends instead of her spouse, she doesn't want Jo, who has been involved with his son since birth to move closer to his son, she used Jo's parents and uses and abuses Javi's strong family support system, and now she turned an exciting trip with a friend's family into a depressing vacation with her constant bickering and bitching. Who needs to make fun of her tats and chins when her insides are what is the most ugly?


I used to root for her as well. I know she had a horrible upbringing, basically abandoned in one form or another by both parents. But you know what? A lot of people have horrible upbringings. But then they grow up and get the fuck over it. Kail is old enough now to realize she can do better and start making better choices. It's like she has no interest in being happy. She revels in her misery and wants everyone else miserable as well.

  • Love 3

I used to think she was one of the best teen moms too! I think, in a weird, slow moving train crash way, it's gone to her head.


She wouldn't be the first or the youngest person to have her head turned by the groupies, hangers on and yes men. It sucks though. I mean, maybe it's like those high school football stars who think the sun shines out of their assholes.  And then HS is over and the pros aren't knocking and then what? Working in security like Gary Coleman? 

That's tough. 

  • Love 6

I remember a few years ago when that ex cameraman did an ama on reddit (it was completely removed, but if you google enough you can find the highlights that people copied) and he said Kail had the potential to be the best Mom at that point. This was also in the throes of Jenelle's heroin days with the big Keiff, and Leah was throwing cheeseballs on the carpet. As much as I love my Chels, at that point she was a lot lazier, kept going back and forth with Adam and fought with him constantly, was dragging her feet with the GED, etc. I think Kail and Chelsea used to be on more of an equal footing in terms of their performance as mothers, but Chelsea has significantly improved, while Kailyn has gone done in my eyes.

  • Love 6

Did I misunderstand the preview or is Kail going on vacation AGAIN next week?

I know, right? Seems that this season the moms, with the exception of Chelsea, are happy to dump their kids on family members for vacations or simply to have more free time. This show is supposed to be about being a parent....which lately we aren't seeing a whole lot of. These girls make parenting seem like a total breeze!!!

  • Love 6

I know, right? Seems that this season the moms, with the exception of Chelsea, are happy to dump their kids on family members for vacations or simply to have more free time. This show is supposed to be about being a parent....which lately we aren't seeing a whole lot of. These girls make parenting seem like a total breeze!!!

So tonight was episode 6 and Kail has gone to Philly overnight for a concert, to California and Florida so far. If she doesn't take her kids on the next one I'm going to lose it.

Also, how can she be taking so much time off from school if she's such a serious student? I'm a senior in college, and I can literally count the times I've missed class. It's really hard to catch up when you miss classes, and frankly, a lot of professors don't look kindly on those who take off for vacations during the semester.

  • Love 4

Seriously, when do these people have the time to constantly be travelling out of state, going to concerts, booking hotels for the night? Has Javi left the military? I thought you HAD to serve your 4 years and it was kind of hard to get out of that. And way to blow through your MTV money instead of, you know - paying off your house, setting up education funds for your kids, etc. 

  • Love 3
Seriously, when do these people have the time to constantly be travelling out of state, going to concerts, booking hotels for the night? Has Javi left the military? I thought you HAD to serve your 4 years and it was kind of hard to get out of that. And way to blow through your MTV money instead of, you know - paying off your house, setting up education funds for your kids, etc.


Yes.  I know that Chelsea and Kailyn had Louis Vuitton purses too.  I'm not really questioning Chelsea's having one because I'm sure Randy has her on some kind of budget.  It's Kailyn's bag that I question.  Her situation is much different than Chelsea's.  The way she and Javi spend money is ridiculous.  They just sold their house and purchased another?  I'm sure they didn't have much equity in the first house.  I don't know if they paid cash for their Mercedes, but their car payments must be high.  She goes on all these trips...They just don't seem like they're thinking much of the future. 

On a shallow note, Lincoln is got a cute little face, but wow! The kid's got a huge head.

  • Love 3

Kailyn just looks like white trash with money with all her high end name brand things. She's trying too hard.

Very true. Everything about her just screams "new money." If this was the Great Gatsby, she would be in West Egg. She's not used to having money, so she flaunts it like crazy, because she's so proud to have it now. Like Jermy Lynn said, she goes through money like it's water with her frequent vacations, cars, and moving for petty reasons. Javi's just as bad as she is. The only ones that seem to have some grasp on money and how not to be broke when this is over is Chelsea, Corey and Jeremy.

  • Love 8

So tonight was episode 6 and Kail has gone to Philly overnight for a concert, to California and Florida so far. If she doesn't take her kids on the next one I'm going to lose it.

Plus the overnight in a hotel that got cancelled when their Mercedes hit the wood. That would make four trips in six episodes if they hadn't skipped it. Seemed like even though they skipped the hotel, they didn't go pick up the kids either.

  • Love 2

What I need is a sneak peak of Kail's head exploding when SHE finds out about Vee being pregnant.

I wonder what Javier feels about his wife still being so vexed about whatever is happening with Jo. I mean, if you're married and over Jo, you shouldn't really care about what's happening in Jo's love life. Right Kail?

  • Love 7

What I need is a sneak peak of Kail's head exploding when SHE finds out about Vee being pregnant.

I wonder what Javier feels about his wife still being so vexed about whatever is happening with Jo. I mean, if you're married and over Jo, you shouldn't really care about what's happening in Jo's love life. Right Kail?

Very true! I love how Jo is able to talk to Isaac about Lincoln, and how he and Vee both liked to hold him. To them, Lincoln is a cute baby, and Isaac's little brother. He's part of Isaac's family. I don't remember where this was, but I remember Kail saying she didn't plan on having a relationship with Jo and Vee's baby. I'm not saying I think she needs to be the baby's Auntie Kail, but just knowing how she is, I can imagine her being all kinds of hostile to that baby.

It makes me think of the scene in Maleficent where Maleficent looks at the sweet baby Aurora and whispers, "I hate you!"

  • Love 7

Very true! I love how Jo is able to talk to Isaac about Lincoln, and how he and Vee both liked to hold him. To them, Lincoln is a cute baby, and Isaac's little brother. He's part of Isaac's family. I don't remember where this was, but I remember Kail saying she didn't plan on having a relationship with Jo and Vee's baby. I'm not saying I think she needs to be the baby's Auntie Kail, but just knowing how she is, I can imagine her being all kinds of hostile to that baby.

It makes me think of the scene in Maleficent where Maleficent looks at the sweet baby Aurora and whispers, "I hate you!"

Another site (?) had a clip of a video interview with Kailyn saying that she had no interest in having a relationship with Jo and Vee's baby, and that their family was something separate from hers. While I guess it could be argued that it is separate, it would be nice if Kail could be more interested in and inclusive of Isaac's future little sister; she will be just as much a part of Isaac's family and reality as Lincoln is.

  • Love 10

You just know that Kail is going to rip Jo a new one over him telling Issac. I bet she'll be pissed that Jo didn't tell her first so she can tell him the "right" way to tell Issac.

Or since she's the mom and the only parent that matters (in her mind), she probably thinks she should have been the one to tell him about the baby.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 9

Kail is such a bitch. Of course nobody expects her to baby-sit or play doting auntie, but she comes off like she won't even acknowledge the kid or be pleasant when she's around. So if Isaac has a birthday party will his sister be invited or is she only going to be allowed to see her brother on Jo's time? Kail is just so petty, I've never seen anything like it. It's not like Vee is the "other woman" who broke up her relationship with Jo. Everyone's moved on and matured except Kail.

  • Love 12
Message added by OtterMommy

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