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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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2 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

I'm calling the baby Alex.  Alexander Lux would be nice.  He is cute.  He has so much hair!

Ha! I like that! Alex it is! ?


5 hours ago, Mkay said:

Perfectly ok. Hope you feel better soon. 

I got a shot today so feeling way better but the cough meds I got have me wide awake instead of helping me sleep so here I am. lol

Also, I wanted to comment on the pregnancy hormones thing. I don't remember mine being too terrible during the pregnancy but that first month or so after having my daughter was the worst. I've dealt with a lot of mental health issues in my life, BPD, chronic depression, and anxiety, but I have never felt so out of control as I did during that first month after having her. I felt like I had no handle on my emotions whatsoever. Thank goodness things seemed to straighten themselves out later cause that first month was a nightmare so I do feel for Kail in that but only with that.

BTW, I just watched Law & Disorder and saw Javi getting tiny little Isaac ready so he could marry Kail at the courthouse. It makes me mad at her all over again for putting that sweet Isaac through all this. 

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Oh and I haven't been able to watch MBC but I wanted to. I tried looking it up on demand but my direct tv is stupid and never shows me what I want. I'll have to keep looking and see if I can find it.

I don't think that Kail should have stayed married to Javi because I know she didn't love him anymore so that wouldn't have been fair to either of them. She just did him so dirty and will not cop to it. That's what makes me mad. I think Kail is a good person under everything, she just has some major mental issues she needs to get sorted out. She really needs a lot of therapy and some alone time.

Be single for awhile Kail and work on yourself. Do it for your boys at least! 

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On 10/31/2017 at 0:14 PM, GreatKazu said:

What makes that sort of talk so hilarious is, these women had no problem with the guy WHILE they were in a relationship with them. They love to shame and belittle these guys after the relationship sours, but there they were with those guys, faults and all. It only makes the women look stupid. 

So true! But when he dumps them, suddenly, he has all these flaws that make him worthless and unappealing. lol

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5 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

Well he's a player, so you know he's gotta have some sort of game w/women. You really can't tell much about someone's personality based on their tweets, alone. I think what Chris has is a sort of raw sex appeal to him, like he has game. It's 1 of those things that can't be taught, it doesn't matter what status/money/education/job you have, or what your age/race/background is, you either have "it" or you don't. Ya know?

From the way Kail talks about him, it seems that she sees him as kind of "cool" and "different" and someone whom most people don't "get," so I think that plays into her desire to be "cool" and "different." She was so invested in the idea of him being interesting and deep that she literally gushed to her friends about how great it was that he said hi to them on the phone (while she was pregnant with his child). When she talked about him in relation to their kid's name or whatever, the emphasis was always on how different and opinionated and significant he was, like, "I like the name X, but Chris won't allow a 5-letter name..." (or whatever). She was more respectful and deferential to him than she was to her baby daddies-to-be who were in a relationship/married to her and fully supporting her and their unborn children.

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2 minutes ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

Oh and I haven't been able to watch MBC but I wanted to. I tried looking it up on demand but my direct tv is stupid and never shows me what I want. I'll have to keep looking and see if I can find it.

I don't think that Kail should have stayed married to Javi because I know she didn't love him anymore so that wouldn't have been fair to either of them. She just did him so dirty and will not cop to it. That's what makes me mad. I think Kail is a good person under everything, she just has some major mental issues she needs to get sorted out. She really needs a lot of therapy and some alone time.

Be single for awhile Kail and work on yourself. Do it for your boys at least! 

I think Kail has a really hard time seeing other people's POV. All that matters to her is that SHE was miserable in the marriage, so she can't understand how Javi was not miserable, too and assumes he was, he just doesn't remember it. Like she wants to just brush over his feelings and how she did him dirty so she doesn't have to feel guilty, so she's convinced herself that Javi was just as miserable in the marriage as she was, wanted out of the marriage just as bad as she did and would have filed for divorce sooner or later if she hadn't...and is determined to convince everyone else of that, as well, including Javi. 

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23 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

Well he's a player, so you know he's gotta have some sort of game w/women. You really can't tell much about someone's personality based on their tweets, alone. I think what Chris has is a sort of raw sex appeal to him, like he has game. It's 1 of those things that can't be taught, it doesn't matter what status/money/education/job you have, or what your age/race/background is, you either have "it" or you don't. Ya know? 

Some people look great on paper, but in person, there's no connection, no spark and then there are some people who suck on paper, but in person, there's just something about them that you're drawn to, ya know? like there's chemistry. There's no real logic to it, it just IS. 

But I recently read that, although they were back together for a month or 2 after she had the baby, it sounds like things have since gone south. This article is from Oct. 17, so like 2 weeks ago: http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2017/10/17/exclusive-the-real-reason-teen-mom-kail-lowry-isnt-allowing-baby-daddy-chris-lopez-to-see-their-son/

Among other things, it says:

That's typical Kail. Accuses her ex of abuse as payback. She is the real abuser.

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25 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

From the way Kail talks about him, it seems that she sees him as kind of "cool" and "different" and someone whom most people don't "get," so I think that plays into her desire to be "cool" and "different." She was so invested in the idea of him being interesting and deep that she literally gushed to her friends about how great it was that he said hi to them on the phone (while she was pregnant with his child). When she talked about him in relation to their kid's name or whatever, the emphasis was always on how different and opinionated and significant he was, like, "I like the name X, but Chris won't allow a 5-letter name..." (or whatever). She was more respectful and deferential to him than she was to her baby daddies-to-be who were in a relationship/married to her and fully supporting her and their unborn children.

yeah it def seems she's more respectful and deferential to him than the other guy's she's dated (where it's always been Kail's Way or the Highway). 

I don't know if Kail is trying to be "cool" or "different" or whatever, but I don't get the vibe she tries overly hard to be that. I think that Kail is one of those people that's only willing to give what she feels she has to give in order for the relationship to work, if she wants it to work. So the less emotionally invested the guy is, the more considerate and deferential she'll be to what her guy wants/needs/thinks/feels. With Javi, she knew she had him wrapped around her finger, she knew she didn't have to give an inch with him and didn't care to because she wanted out of the marriage, anyway. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

That's typical Kail. Accuses her ex of abuse as payback. She is the real abuser.

Yea, IDK anything about what Chris is like when it comes to that, like IDK if he has a temper or not, but I'd be willing to bet that IF Chris was violent with her, the violence was mutual and it was in retaliation to her hitting him, first. Or, it could be that she started it and he pushed her off or something, which she called "violent." 

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"I’ve been in diet & fitness ruts before and after each of my boys it always feels like the rut is harder to get out of. Our bodies are never the same after kids, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get where we want to be - this stuff makes getting there easier honestly."

From the girl who uses plastic surgery as her go-to diet. 

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2 minutes ago, druzy said:

Which is it- Lincoln or Marshall?

I am really glad Lux's siblings appear to be calling him "Lo" instead of Lux. Even Kail's toddler knows Lux is a dumb name. (Apparently he and Lo-Lux have two names each as well. Ok, whatever.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Kail's teeth look horrible. The veneers are too big.

Also, is she really house hunting in LA? How's that gonna work when she's sharing 50/50 custody with two exes back in Delaware?


Ha Ha Ha.  She's checking out a $2.3 Million house.  Just like Farrah was checking out a $3.3 Million house near Justin Bieber in 2013.  Nothing but a photo op for the tabloids.  

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7 minutes ago, druzy said:

Your children are surrounded by their loving families in Delaware. Is that nothing to you?

Nope, bc contrary to what Kail likes to say, her kids do NOT come first, she does. It's funny how these girls give themselves away with the random, little things they say. 

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1 minute ago, dabronx said:

Kail is so damn transparent she's clearly setting up a move out of DE and not one fuck will be given about the havoc this will cause amongst siblings and extended family. She's a horrid cow.

Oh, you can bet that Javi will be putting up a fight. Jo and Chris may fight, too, but Javi will REALLY fight. He will fight her tooth and nail before she moves to another state with Lincoln, unless it's a state that's closeby. 

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24 minutes ago, dabronx said:

Kail is so damn transparent she's clearly setting up a move out of DE and not one fuck will be given about the havoc this will cause amongst siblings and extended family. She's a horrid cow.

The irony is, what's for her in LA? She has no family there, no friends there, the cost of living is insane and she'd be like a -500 on the attractiveness scale. She wouldn't last a month.

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47 minutes ago, druzy said:

Your children are surrounded by their loving families in Delaware. Is that nothing to you?

Lol what a shitbag. Her kids and their schools and friends and sports and hobbies and all of their half siblings and all of their various dads. She is the worst.

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45 minutes ago, druzy said:

Your children are surrounded by their loving families in Delaware. Is that nothing to you?

There might be something for her in DE if she didn't burn every bridge with the people who would've truly cared about her. Karma is a bitch that way.

3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

The irony is, what's for her in LA? She has no family there, no friends there, the cost of living is insane and she'd be like a -500 on the attractiveness scale. She wouldn't last a month.

The cost of living difference alone would be a rude awakening for her. $300k looks a whole lot different in a high cost area like SoCal. She won't have a nice McMansion, luxury cars or private schools anymore if she does move. What a moron.

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The irony is, what's for her in LA? She has no family there, no friends there, the cost of living is insane and she'd be like a -500 on the attractiveness scale. She wouldn't last a month.

Kail could open an aquarium and she would be the star whale. 

12 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Kail's teeth look horrible. The veneers are too big.

Also, is she really house hunting in LA? How's that gonna work when she's sharing 50/50 custody with two exes back in Delaware?


I have now come to the conclusion the ripped clothing was never ripped when she bought them. They ripped when she tried to squeeze herself into them. 

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11 hours ago, UniqueHandle said:

"Nothing here" = Jo and Vee happily planning their wedding and life together, Javi moving on with his life without her and Chris obviously wanting nothing to do with her inflated ass. 

She is so transparent. 

Yup, and Javi's new gf, Briana (as in Briana DeJesus) is now moving to Delaware to be with him! 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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I hope Jo puts up a fight to end all fights if she tries to move those boys across the country. He has already followed her ass out of state once to be closer to Isaac when she pulled up stakes to follow Airman Javi's benefits to Delaware. In the Being Vee special we saw that Vee would clearly rather be in NJ to be closer to her family but both she and Jo accept that they need to be in Delaware for Isaac. And the only reason ANY of them are in Delaware is Kail and her whims. If she tries to skip town again and take those kids with her Jo should file for primary custody and argue that he has tried to provide a stable environment for Isaac but she has a history of disrupting everyone's lives on a whim and who is to say she won't do it again in a couple of years if LA doesn't work out. 

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:


Kail is a narcissistic bitch! She wants to disrupt everyone's life because her life is chaotic and she can not handle seeing Joe, Vee, Javi and her kids happy and settled in their lives.

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kailll.jpg.b76bfdf7a000b433e26979d6aeca4This outfit isn’t bad. I’m not a fan of the ripped jeans look but the rips aren’t too big and shes covered up top. 

12 minutes ago, neece26 said:

Kail the attention whore trying to alarm her baby daddies.  These boys cannot be uprooted every time she has a sudden whim.   If DE is so boring Kail, try filling up your time with positive things like getting a job and volunteering at your children's schools.    What a selfish piece of crap she is!

A-MEN. She gives no thought to Issac and Lincoln’s well being and happy homes in DE. 


The saddest thing about Kailyn is that it’s not too late for her to gain some self awareness and lead a happy life. Find a job she enjoys, raise her sons, find a hobby (that isn’t getting pregnant by men who nothing going for themselves). 

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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

kailll.jpg.b76bfdf7a000b433e26979d6aeca4This outfit isn’t bad. I’m not a fan of the ripped jeans look but the rips aren’t too big and shes covered up top. 

A-MEN. She gives no thought to Issac and Lincoln’s well being and happy homes in DE. 


The saddest thing about Kailyn is that it’s not too late for her to gain some self awareness and lead a happy life. Find a job she enjoys, raise her sons, find a hobby (that isn’t getting pregnant by men who nothing going for themselves). 

If her bag is real she paid $2,350.00. When Teen Mom ends those bills are not going to pay themselves. I'll give her a pass for the Yeezy sneakers if she paid retail($200.00). They sell for $1,400.00 on Ebay.

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4 minutes ago, druzy said:

If her bag is real she paid $2,350.00. When Teen Mom ends those bills are not going to pay themselves. I'll give her a pass for the Yeezy sneakers if she paid retail($200.00). They sell for $1,400.00 on Ebay.

I had to zoom in to see it was a LV. I thought it was the Michael Kors I bought my daughter last year.

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2 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I want to see her shopping for clothes, shoes and handbags at Target.........from clearance racks.............using coupons. She has no idea what she's in for after MTV goes away.

I would love to see her face the music when MTV is no longer there to buy her Starbucks and sign her checks.

If her LV backpack is real she paid $1,830.00. Between the two bags that is probably a few mortgage payments.

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I doubt Chris gives a shit if Kail takes Flux Capacitor and skips town. Now with Lincoln and Isaac, I hope Jo and Javi file kidnapping charges against her the minute those boys aren't in Delaware for their court-appointed time with their dads! 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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Her purses are real -- and she's real stupid for hemorrhaging money the way she does.

It is really shitty of her to move the children to LA.  Perhaps one of the cruelest actions we have seen on this entire series. 

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I can't imagine why she thinks the good life is in California. Once the MTV producers stop kissing her ass, she's going to find it cold as ice out there. It's way more expensive than she's used to and c-list reality tv show participants are literally a dime a dozen. 

Part of me wants to see her hit reality with a deafening thud...well, ok, most of me. Although I don't want to see her drag her kids and their dads through more unnecessary bullshit.

be the medium sized fish in the small pond, Kail. Really, it's better.  

I want to tell her to appreciate what she has, but I know she's incapable of that.

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22 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Her purses are real -- and she's real stupid for hemorrhaging money the way she does.

It is really shitty of her to move the children to LA.  Perhaps one of the cruelest actions we have seen on this entire series. 

I agree. If Kail tries to move, she's an even bigger piece of shit than I thought. She'd be taking Lincoln and Isaac away from their school, their friends, their fathers and their extended families. And all for what? So Kail can play White Trash Kardashian until the money runs out? 

Part of me is praying this is just some immature game to get Chris' attention, but she's been hinting at a move for a while, so I'm legitimately worried for the boys. Her track history shows she has no qualms about violating court orders and doing whatever the hell she pleases.

Edited by BitterApple
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I think Kail is only "house shopping" in LA as part of the Celebrity Fantasy Lifestyle thing that she's trying to do on this trip. She has a ridiculous fantasy of getting an on-air job in LA, so she probably thinks that getting some tabloid buzz about making serious plans to move there will help with that, along with developing her brand as a cool, hip, glamorous reality star (who's also a scrappy survivor and totally relatable single mom).

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Part of me is praying this is just some immature game to get Chris' attention

BINGO!  She wants him to beg "Please don't go!  Please don't take my baby.  I love you.  Please don't go."
He doesn't give a shit about her and that has to be killing her.  She's going to get the new ass and revamped vagina soon.  I wonder if he'll stop by to test the buoyancy of the  plastic.  New ass implants won't help.  In her bizarre game of chicken Isaac and Lincoln (and their fathers and other family members) get harmed in her pursuit to win the guy who wants nothing to do with her.

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1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

I think Kail is only "house shopping" in LA as part of the Celebrity Fantasy Lifestyle thing that she's trying to do on this trip. She has a ridiculous fantasy of getting an on-air job in LA, so she probably thinks that getting some tabloid buzz about making serious plans to move there will help with that, along with developing her brand as a cool, hip, glamorous reality star (who's also a scrappy survivor and totally relatable single mom).

On-air job in LA is a ridiculous fantasy with those hideous tattoos covering her arms.  

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1 minute ago, luvgoldens said:

On-air job in LA is a ridiculous fantasy with those hideous tattoos covering her arms.  

It's even more ridiculous because she sucks as a presenter. I think she thinks she would be good on TV because she's comfortable in front of cameras, but... no. I think it's theoretically possible that a tattooed presenter could find success on the right show at the right moment, but Kail certainly doesn't have the charm or talent (or looks) to be a TV star (apart from a show where she's airing her train wreck of a life).

I actually kind of feel bad for her because it's sad how she's so clueless. She really thinks that her communications degree from a third-rate college is going to be her ticket to the big time in Hollywood. Even if she could get a toehold in the business in LA, there's no way she could swing it having joint custody with two baby daddies in DE. I think she pictures herself getting hired for some high 6-figure (at least) gig on Entertainment Tonight or something, which would enable her to afford a nice place to live, nannies, flying the kids back and forth to DE to visit their dads, etc. But that's delusional. Entry-level TV correspondents don't make that kind of money and-- she'd never be hired for an entry-level correspondent job anyway. You would think that her professors or, even more so, the MTV people would have clued her in on the realistic job opportunities in the field, but I guess Kail wouldn't listen to them if they did.

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1 hour ago, alexa said:

Can she really move her kids to a different state?  I hope she doesn’t get away with that. 

She'd have a hard time, especially with two fathers who would not let it happen. Generally, a parent has to show they have a job or career established somewhere. When Kail went to court regarding Isaac and moving away from her previous residence, the judge had to have proof Javi was in the military and was stationed in Delaware. There were other factors as well, but my point is a judge needs proof. I don't see a judge allowing Kail to run off to be here in California WITH HER BOYS if she hasn't established herself in a permanent residence AND can't show she has a steady job. She can't tell a judge she wants to uproot her boys and move to L.A. while HOPING to get gigs in the industry. 

There are cases where parents were not allowed to move away even though they had a steady job for years and were doing a job transfer.  Some people on this board mentioned knowing someone who was not successful in moving to another state for work due to a judge not allowing them to take their child. 

This reminds me, I wonder what is up with Jo? I hope he has acquired 50/50 custody or is at least in the process. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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