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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

So true.  This is often the combination present for suicide, murder/suicide and other unthinkable tragedies we hear on the news on an almost daily basis these days.  It made me think of the man that shot and killed two police officers in CT in 2022 while in just such a state.  After hearing the story it seemed like something he'd never have done if those factors were not present in that combination.  I am not suggesting that Garrison would ever have been capable of violence against others in that state.  I think that depends on the person.  He was a decent person who was more likely to blame himself for perceived failures and take it out on himself. 

I also think that a lot of young people today become paranoid that people don't like them enough thanks to social media.  And as a result their self images are too dependent on what they think the world thinks of them and how well they are liked compared to others they see online.  Add being in the public eye more than the average person thanks to the show and Garrison was unable to get away from that.  I am grateful that I didn't have social media when I was young because I know it would not have been good for me to be constantly comparing myself to others and worrying about what they were thinking of me.  At least back then you could go home and not focus on what the public thinks of you but today social media makes it almost impossible to get away from that.

Great post.  I too am glad to have grown up without the social media beast.  I'm sure my self-esteem would have been worse than it was.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

A post by Janelle on Instagram:



Bless her heart. I do understand that they put their life out on television and Social Media for the world to see. But I do think that a time of such grief for a family is a time that we can show grace and hold back on the snarky comments.  There are plenty of other opportunities and piling on now doesn't benefit anyone. Just my thoughts, you may not agree.


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On 3/28/2024 at 1:42 AM, Meow Mix said:

Robyn's adult children are adults and hopefully made their own decisions about whether or not to attend the memorial at the armory. 

I think we’ve seen enough to know that these are “adults” under the influence of a dominant mom. I mean, a 20-year-old that had to be held and comforted to have her ears pierced?? I won’t mention any more examples…

On 3/29/2024 at 10:15 PM, Sandy W said:

They could have left "the tenders" with the nanny. No reason for the older 3 not to be there ...if they were not.

Assuming they were not there: Sol seems a very sweet and sensitive boy but shielding him from such situations will potentially do more harm than good. And the same goes for 8-year-old Ari. Garrison was their (half) sibling.  Sol is 13… he is not a little child anymore. 

In my book (and where I’m from)there is literally no excuse for excluding kids that age from memorial services of close relatives. (Unless, of course there is a serious medical or mental issue that has to be taken into consideration)

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Personally I never comment on the social media of the people I watch or read about. It would make me feel stalkerish or invasive. I may just be sensitive but especially with Janelle, I couldn't.

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30 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Personally I never comment on the social media of the people I watch or read about. It would make me feel stalkerish or invasive. I may just be sensitive but especially with Janelle, I couldn't.

I agree. But of course the tabloids and "creators" are dissecting everything to keep the flames going. And the extraordinarly, very sad thing about all of this is that the chatter actually boosts their engagement in a terrible feedback loop. Thats why I like our little private primetimer spot best!

I have not read a lot of criticism/snark regarding Janelle. I have seen lots out there against Christine and Meri for not "grieving appropriately." I have seen most about Kody/Robyn being blamed et cetera and people on their page asking about seating. I think its fine to talk about here - somewhat privately -  but directly with them seems a bit much. It's not like the family will answer and in my opinion they should be left alone.

Janelle seems to be saying that the family is united and together. Meri said something similar yesterday and called out people who are blaming Kody for this tragedy.

That is the right call and I totally agree that this family should be allowed to grieve and process how they choose, when they choose...

Still, I guess the larger question is - when a family chooses to highlight certain drama and exploits their division, infighting and estrangment - are we all supposed to not discuss the obvious questions stemming from that narrative in light of such a terrible tragedy?

I don't know.

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11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

At least back then you could go home and not focus on what the public thinks of you but today social media makes it almost impossible to get away from that.

And even if you do manage to get away from it: SM posts will never ever truly disappear once it’s been put in the open. It will always come back to haunt you, especially when you’re least expecting it… and then it starts all over again!

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I do have an issue with placing the blame completely on Kootie, even though I do believe he's a first class narcissist and that he in general deserves as much grief as he gets from both his loathing and loathsome (to him), public.

As we all know, suicide can initiate from  neurological, biological, emotional, and environmental issues. Since I don't know the state of these areas within Garrison when he passed I'd be hard-pressed to place blame 100% on Kootie, on Garrison, or on anyone. I've had friends who've dealt with debilitating depression, and bless their hearts, it was hard work for them.  Meds do help sometimes, also therapy too, but at other times nothing will.

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15 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

That is the right call and I totally agree that this family should be allowed to grieve and process how they choose, when they choose...

Unfortunately this is TLC ratings gold.  And Kootie and Sobbyn need the $$$ so I can imagine some of this horror becoming part of the narrative on the show.

If it is meant to educate people on depression and suicide I might give it a pass.  But TLC uses every single gruesome tactic for ratings because that's what the public wants to see. Think of people slowing down to view an accident scene. It's a sad world in which we live.

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I think this places TLC in a very difficult position: It’s either going to be gold with all the extra attention, or it’s going to create an immense backlash. My bet is on the latter.

TLC wants drama, people want to see drama but that only goes that far… The Willis family and Duggars were cancelled because of sexual abuse. And now we have a family dealing with suicide and there are indications that the filming and possibly Kody and Robyn’s behaviour* played a part. TLC cannot be associated with that so I’m expecting a rather abrupt cancellation.

*whether or not they did play a role in this: they’re guilty by default through their appalling behaviour toward the other kids over the years. The general public is just not going to accept their innocence, even if proven. People want a scape goat. I absolutely despise Kody but feel for him in this respect. He’s lost a son and will have to deal with this on top of it. 


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I wasn’t really sure where to put this question and I hope it doesn’t come across as rude, but in a Mormon sense, since I guess Garrison was practicing, how does Mormonism treat single people after they die? Does Garrison get his own planet even though he wasn’t married or would one of Garrison’s grandparents call him to their planet instead? 

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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

I wasn’t really sure where to put this question and I hope it doesn’t come across as rude, but in a Mormon sense, since I guess Garrison was practicing, how does Mormonism treat single people after they die? Does Garrison get his own planet even though he wasn’t married or would one of Garrison’s grandparents call him to their planet instead? 

Wasn’t it Garrison who converted to the LDS church? I seem to remember that one of the boys joined the LDS and that there were several pictures of him in a white shirt for his baptism?

I found it rather interesting at the time as both Maddie and Mykelti explored that path years back, but neither were accepted for being part of the (in)famous Brown family….

I don’t know much about LDS other than that they believe that your soul/spirit lives on after death, and how depends on how you lived. The whole “planet-thing” seems a Brown (or maybe an AUB) thing.

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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

Wasn’t it Garrison who converted to the LDS church? I seem to remember that one of the boys joined the LDS and that there were several pictures of him in a white shirt for his baptism?

I found it rather interesting at the time as both Maddie and Mykelti explored that path years back, but neither were accepted for being part of the (in)famous Brown family….

I don’t know much about LDS other than that they believe that your soul/spirit lives on after death, and how depends on how you lived. The whole “planet-thing” seems a Brown (or maybe an AUB) thing.

Yes, Garrison was shown in photos of a baptism I think of his friend.  I had thought Garrison was or at some point as an adult was practicing what I thought was LDS. 

Maybe Garrison was accepted into LDS because at the time he wasn’t featured on the show??    My timelines are not particularly good because the show is so far behind and I had stopped watching the last couple of seasons.

Im not really that familiar what the Browns thought about the religion because it seemed to jump around.  Either way I hope Garrison is at peace, but just wondered because I always remember Kody and “his planet”.  

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9 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

Yes, Garrison was shown in photos of a baptism I think of his friend.

The picture was from Garrison’s baptism. Garrison’s friend in the picture is the person who baptized Garrison.

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5 hours ago, LilyD said:

The whole “planet-thing” seems a Brown (or maybe an AUB) thing.

It is a Mormon thing, but not discussed much outside of the faith and deemphasized in recent decades within the faith.

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22 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

It is a Mormon thing, but not discussed much outside of the faith and deemphasized in recent decades within the faith.

I hope that Janelle's beliefs about where Garrison is in his afterlife bring her comfort during this difficult time. 

Edited by Elizzikra
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FYI they are filming. Mykelti apparently posted on Patreon today that she put on her makeup for the first time because "I had to film on set today."

Silly me thought this show might pause for a while... but no.

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9 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

FYI they are filming. Mykelti apparently posted on Patreon today that she put on her makeup for the first time because "I had to film on set today."

Silly me thought this show might pause for a while... but no.

If there is a contract the family may not have a choice. Where I work you are allowed 3 days off for a death in the family. This is their job and they have to fulfill the contract they signed. Should TLC have put the show on hold for a bit… I think so but what would be a good time to start filling? If it were me I would fulfill my contract and then stop filming but then I would have not started in the first place.

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13 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

"I had to film on set today."

Perhaps it was for talking heads for the season they already filmed. Presumably, if it picks up where they left off, that would include the birth of her boys.

Edited by ginger90
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31 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Perhaps it was for talking heads for the season they already filmed. Presumably, if it picks up where the left off, that would include the birth of her boys.

I agree this is the most likely filming. She mentioned ‘on set’.   That’s probably what they call the TH location.   I doubt she refer to any other location as ‘on set’. 

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On 3/30/2024 at 1:57 PM, Rabbit Hutch said:

As for Kootie, surely he can sit for an hour or so by himself, surrounded by the rest of his family members?  He is in his 50s, right?  Or maybe showing his love for Robyn by groping her knee was just the right kind of support he needed during his son's memorial. 

This bugged me, along with Kody not sitting in between his own mother and Robyn.  I saw the snarky comments, and I understand why the comments were made, but those pictures that the National Guard published (and I am not clear on whether or not Janelle okay'd that beforehand) should have had the comments turned off.

But I found the body language interesting, as usual.  David and Christine were holding hands, as were Logan and Michelle and Aspyn and Mitch.  There was no actual need for Kody to grip Robyn's knee in the front row, in my useless opinion.  Both Kody and Robyn could've taken a hot second and reflected on how that physical demonstration might appear to Janelle and the rest of the family.  It could have been a simple adjustment to holding hands for support.  The hand on the knee seemed out of place for the somber, sad occasion.  Either those two have absolutely zero self-awareness, or they honestly just don't care.

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Hey everyone!  I live in Flagstaff and have felt like it's been SO SO long since I've sighted anyone from the show, but I did yesterday!  Cody and Robyn (I could only see the front seat) turned into the parking lot of the middle school I drive past everyday.  So...they're still here. 

I won't comment on Garrison here - trying to keep this light.  But just know I'm heartbroken and am posting separately from that entire piece of the recent past. 

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

This bugged me, along with Kody not sitting in between his own mother and Robyn.  I saw the snarky comments, and I understand why the comments were made, but those pictures that the National Guard published (and I am not clear on whether or not Janelle okay'd that beforehand) should have had the comments turned off.

But I found the body language interesting, as usual.  David and Christine were holding hands, as were Logan and Michelle and Aspyn and Mitch.  There was no actual need for Kody to grip Robyn's knee in the front row, in my useless opinion.  Both Kody and Robyn could've taken a hot second and reflected on how that physical demonstration might appear to Janelle and the rest of the family.  It could have been a simple adjustment to holding hands for support.  The hand on the knee seemed out of place for the somber, sad occasion.  Either those two have absolutely zero self-awareness, or they honestly just don't care.

The seating arrangement bugged me, too laurakaye. Why wasn't Kody sitting next to his mother? Why did he have to grasp Robyn's knee/lower thigh during what looked like a moment of silence? She was actually turned away from him at that moment towards Genielle. The body language seemed off to me. It's a little nit-picky, but I definitely noticed it.

I do understand that as Garrison's father he should be in the front row, and Robyn as his wife would sit next to him, but it bugged nonetheless.

Also, apparently Mykelti was on her Patreon say that she and Tony were getting "ripped apart" in the comment section of the NV National Guard pics. I saw overwhelmingly positive comments, with a few regarding her sneakers and Tony's hat. If you want to be on the show and making $$ from Patreon, Mykelti,  you're going to have to grow thicker skin.

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4 hours ago, Adiba said:

If you want to be on the show and making $$ from Patreon, Mykelti,  you're going to have to grow thicker skin.

Especially since it appears that, despite this tragedy, they will continue to film. 

Sorry but if something that tragic occurred in my family I would be doing everything possible to stay off SM to use my energy to support family members and help everyone to heal.  

Grifters gotta grift.  But don't want any feedback when they do.

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12 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

Especially since it appears that, despite this tragedy, they will continue to film. 

Sorry but if something that tragic occurred in my family I would be doing everything possible to stay off SM to use my energy to support family members and help everyone to heal.  

Grifters gotta grift.  But don't want any feedback when they do.

I've noticed this in general with some people that are heavily on SM that it becomes a way of life and even an addiction and skews their priorities to justify putting things out there that are not appropriate and in the end only create further conflict and anxiety and ultimately make things worse in their personal lives.  Add being on a reality show for so long and I don't think these people can see things from any healthy perspective anymore.  And right now we're seeing just how sad that is.  I suspect that all of the public exposure and airing of family laundry on the show and SM has a lot to do with the general destruction of this family and indirectly lead to Garrison's suicide.  But they keep on doing it anyway despite the consequences.

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23 hours ago, Adiba said:

If you want to be on the show and making $$ from Patreon, Mykelti,  you're going to have to grow thicker skin.

and if you put on makeup and dress for appearances "on set" and for making $$ on Patreon, Mykelti, couldn't you show the same respect for Garrison at his memorial service?

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On 4/4/2024 at 8:42 PM, Denize said:

and if you put on makeup and dress for appearances "on set" and for making $$ on Patreon, Mykelti, couldn't you show the same respect for Garrison at his memorial service?

Nope... There are a few people within that family who know next to nothing about respect or dignity for that matter.  

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On 3/21/2024 at 2:58 PM, General Days said:

I didn't care for that Scaachi Koul piece, even beyond the factual inaccuracies (although she failed there, too). Somewhere between Alberta and New York, Koul forgot the kicker in the tagline of her old Hazlitt column: "From conflicts and confrontations both institutional and personal, to managing your own privilege without being a dick..."

There is a way to examine and even critique the genre, as well as this specific show (and fandom), without condescension. If you want an audience to consider whether a show should go on, don't begin by essentially telling that audience that they are dull and tasteless for having watched.

The first rule of writing about guilty pleasure TV: drop all pretension because you, dear writer, love some stupid shit, too. It may not be a TV show, but there's something in your pile of pleasing pretties that would make the uninitiated roll their eyes at you. Don't pontificate about McDonald's from a Burger King booth bearing your ass print.

Even as I wrote the above, a little voice tried to tell me that the less said about Koul's snobbery the better. I decided to ignore that voice and let the intrusive thought take a victory lap.

Carpeting! Suburban tedium! What was the purpose behind Koul's framing? How precious does she imagine her readership to be? Had the Browns always had wealth, social status, sophistication (and less pedestrian floor coverings, apparently), would that have made the show less "boring"? (By the way — "Boring"? What vapid criticism.) Or perhaps it was that the Browns weren't poor enough for her. Maybe she could only justify interest in this show, if the whole prolific platoon pitter-pattered around on earthen floors and practiced pica. 

Would the Browns' subversive, cult-dictated, misogynist family structure have been more worthy of examination, had it played out in an urban penthouse with marble flooring — or at least upon hardwoods? (Mind you, I'm not pretending the show did not regularly shortchange its rich premise. It surely did. I'm objecting to how Koul teed up her argument with needless affectations that did not serve her thesis.)

Koul had valid points to make. Her presentation was so off-putting though, that I have already forgotten what those points may have been. She didn't say anything new. She didn't add anything to this discourse more insightful than any sober fan has released into the aether since Garrison's passing (and really, for far longer).

It is strange to me that an admitted consumer of this genre chose this way to dish up the subject of reality viewership ethics. Koul may have managed a literary publication, but it is arguable she finally made her internet bones in a Buzzfeed takedown of Friends — and only a mere quarter of a century after it was relevant. She is not William F. Buckley, Jr., nor is her Guardian pop culture piece Firing Line.

All that is to say she is not above writing about Sister Wives. It involves a fandom she should understand, or at least a type of fandom familiar to her. After all, according to her, the only female friends she has made in adulthood are online fans of reality TV. (Yes. No. Really. She has written of herself as one of those "I only have guy friends" girls.)

Who, other than Sister Wives viewers (and maybe some of the broader TLC and Bravo audiences), did she suppose might read any Sister Wives piece in the first place? What did she hope to accomplish? All she accomplished on my side of the screen was reminding me how much I still miss TWoP — 10 years out.

Koul fell short offering the kind of critique at which most TWoP writers usually excelled, even on their off days. She floundered because of her approach. There was no connection. No soul. She didn't write as one whose love has gone wrong. She wrote like a socialite laughing at the doorman's crush on her.

In the best (and even much of the merely adequate) TWoP coverage, writers often took characters, shows, writers, genres, networks, and even fanbases behind the woodshed. But they did it with love. They were most successful at a takedown, when they did so with the empathy of someone with skin in the game — not as if they'd only read about the whole mess from an altitude of 40,000 feet.

The brain needs oxygen. Rarefied air lacks it.

Bravo! Bravissimo!

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On 3/30/2024 at 9:32 AM, Rabbit Hutch said:

I just loved that the National Guard held  a memorial service for Garrison.  HATED that Robyn was on the front row.  😠  She should've waited in the car.  Or better yet, not shown up at all.

Just when I think I can't LOATHE that woman more, she goes further down that black hole.

I dunno. It's always fun and games until someone gets hurt. It has been a sport to mock Robyn and Kody - and hell. They derserve it!

But they didn't deserve this. Mine is a military family. Over the years we have lost a number of brethren-in-arms. The stunned disbelief. the burning, stabbing, smothering overwhelming grief - no, I wouldn't wish these things on even the cartoonish asshole we see as Kody Brown. I fervently hope he, that all the family, gets the help they need right now.

I can't kick a man - or woman - when they're down.

Hunter, my fellow Airman, hug your Mama. I am the mother of a Soldier, one who has been a lot of places and seen a lot of thiings (160th Night Stalker for 14 years). I know what your mother has felt/feared in her heart for years now. Hug your Mama - - you understand why.

Let them be as they need to be, for now. Let them attend or not, sit wherever. For us, it really is nothing. For them, it may well mean everything.

Edited by Not Buyin It
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On 3/30/2024 at 4:01 PM, ginger90 said:

A post by Janelle on Instagram:



I am sorry to welcome Janelle to 'the club'. Not many of us are in the position to have that folded flag handed to us. It is a moment seared into memory for all time. I will never forget the face of the young Sargeant who knelt before me and handed me that flag that covered my father.

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On 4/4/2024 at 2:42 PM, Denize said:

and if you put on makeup and dress for appearances "on set" and for making $$ on Patreon, Mykelti, couldn't you show the same respect for Garrison at his memorial service?

Yanno, for my Dad's funeral, I dressed for the occasion - that being how he and I would be dressed for a day together. It had nothing to do with cameras, or what other people wore or what they thought of my choice. Jeans, flannel shirt, hiking boots. The moment was for Dad and me. And that's how I wanted to remember it and him. So I don't have any problem with Tony and sneakers and a baseball cap. Hey. He showed up. 'Nuff said.


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On 1/22/2024 at 4:36 PM, IvySpice said:

WTF is the point of a stay-at-home mom who doesn't cook and has a nanny? Whatever Kody is picky about, it can't be that he expects pheasant under glass. Make some chili mac using Campbell's soup and he'll be in hog heaven. If Robyn can't manage that, she is a genuine idiot.

You are missing the point. She speaks "KODY"! Obviously a very rare and valuable talent.


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On 4/3/2024 at 8:52 AM, laurakaye said:

Either those two have absolutely zero self-awareness, or they honestly just don't care.

Are we even debating this at this point? It's probably equal parts of both, sadly. That, and some weird, psychotic need to show the world that they are IN WUB!

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On 3/29/2024 at 8:28 AM, mythoughtis said:

I’m definitely not a Kody fan - however: 

I‘m not going to blame any family member for the suicide.  Suicide occurs even in the most supportive families. Maddie has made comments that Garrison’s biggest concerns had to do with social media and him feeling ‘less than’ in comparison to others.  

When my now-ex husband attempted suicide in 90’s, the doctors we dealt with said that if it hadn’t happened then, it would’ve happened later.  Suicide, they told me, isn’t always an impulsive move but is well thought out and planned.

The same doctors told me that suicide isn’t something that someone else can stop.  The recriminations of ‘I could’ve stopped this’ are false and unhelpful.

My ex passed away in December, nearly 30 years to the day from the attempt he survived, but from which he was forever changed.

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Mykelti has inherited some of her dad's worst traits, unfortunately.  

I don't know what I think about various family members continuing on with their "public" Sisterwive lives via Patreon and various other social media.  I believe that Christine attempted to respond to that criticism, and it must be hard to know where the line is. Then, there's the issue of income being made off the whole tragic affair - inadvertently or not.  

Now that some time has passed I've come to believe it's time to end this show. I think that TLC has one more season in the hopper, and it should be the last.  I wonder if any talk of potential lawsuits have already been initiated here and there within the family?  Not that I have any legal expertise but we have become quite the litigious society, and maybe some family members may think they have a case?  It will be something to see play out.

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
added terminology for clarification.
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I agree with airing whatever they've got in the can now and then ending the show.  It would seem that if they kept on going, Garrison's passing would have to be addressed in the season to follow, and for the sake of the kids - adults or not - who had no say in having their lives documented for entertainment, the Brown parents need to put an end to the filming.  There are no Sister Wives anymore.  Even a Janelle/Christine or solo Christine spin-off would be pointless.  Certainly Kody and Robyn can't carry a show on their own.  Time to bow out.

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9 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I wonder if any talk of potential lawsuits have already been initiated here and there within the family?  Not that I have any legal expertise but we have become quite the litigious society, and maybe some family members may think they have a case?

A case alleging what?


2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

…and for the sake of the kids - adults or not - who had no say in having their lives documented for entertainment, the Brown parents need to put an end to the filming.

Could not agree more. 

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17 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Time to bow out.

If it wasn't over after the blow out episodes where Kootie descended into the fifth level of hell, then this tragedy will certainly kill it.

Is there really any appetite for watching another round of births or the banal trivia they were pushing up until the Flight of the Wives?

I wasn't watching any of that crap before and I certainly wouldn't entertain watching whatever TLC can manage to dredge up now.  It would be an insult to Garrison's memory, in my opinion.  And I have zero hope that they would handle discussing the suicide in a helpful, educational, or civilized manner.

Stop.  Just stop.

Edited by Orcinus orca
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As long as TLC is making money from this show and the family continues signing contracts, they won’t stop filming. They don’t care even a tiny bit about the ethics of this. See: the re-branding of 19 Kids to Counting on, forcing the victims of terrible things to continue filming. 
The sad state of society is that this will bring viewers. That is seriously all TLC cares about. 

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17 hours ago, Lsk02 said:

As long as TLC is making money from this show and the family continues signing contracts, they won’t stop filming. They don’t care even a tiny bit about the ethics of this. See: the re-branding of 19 Kids to Counting on, forcing the victims of terrible things to continue filming. 
The sad state of society is that this will bring viewers. That is seriously all TLC cares about. 

I hope you are wrong.  I hope I am wrong because I totally agree with you.  Money is the only goal on both sides.

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On 4/10/2024 at 4:25 PM, LotusFlower said:

A case alleging what?


Could not agree more. 

Anything anyone and their attorney can think of. From any side of this train wreck, be it members of the family or TLC, or any other group that makes a living off this show while it's on the air.  Including but not limited to defamation, lack of contract fulfillment, loss of potential income if the show does indeed continue, etc.

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19 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Anything anyone and their attorney can think of. From any side of this train wreck, be it members of the family or TLC, or any other group that makes a living off this show while it's on the air.  Including but not limited to defamation, lack of contract fulfillment, loss of potential income if the show does indeed continue, etc.

I hear ya, but my understanding of reality shows is that the contracts they sign encompass all these things to prevent these kinds of suits.  But of course, it could still happen.

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I'll miss this forum when the show ends, but I have to agree. I hope the Browns collectively refuse to capitalize on this tragedy. If they refuse to film, the show will end, or TLC will have to resort to clip shows if they want to keep milking it. 

I understand if the adult children want to continue to capitalize via their social media/Patreon etc. but that is different from the parents continuing the show. I feel strongly that the kids have every right to get whatever income they can, since they did not have a say as to whether or not they wanted to be filmed before they came of age.

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23 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

I'll miss this forum when the show ends, but I have to agree. I hope the Browns collectively refuse to capitalize on this tragedy. If they refuse to film, the show will end, or TLC will have to resort to clip shows if they want to keep milking it. 

I understand if the adult children want to continue to capitalize via their social media/Patreon etc. but that is different from the parents continuing the show. I feel strongly that the kids have every right to get whatever income they can, since they did not have a say as to whether or not they wanted to be filmed before they came of age.

We can still come and snark.  Like when I make ramen noodles for lunch 🤣

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23 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

I understand if the adult children want to continue to capitalize via their social media/Patreon etc. but that is different from the parents continuing the show. I feel strongly that the kids have every right to get whatever income they can, since they did not have a say as to whether or not they wanted to be filmed before they came of age.

It’s interesting to note who followed this particular path: They seem to be the kids who have received most criticism over the years for things they have said and done on the show. I’m thinking about Mykelti, Maddie and Paedon in particular.

Typically, we never saw Logan, Hunter, Garrison, Gabe or Aspyn trying to cash in through social media. They seem happy to live a normal life in a normal job, away from the spotlight. I had high hopes for Ysabel too, but I seem to recall that Christine managed to drag her down the MLM path too, last year?

Edited by LilyD
(Spelling)Shoe= show
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On 4/18/2024 at 8:04 PM, LilyD said:

I had high hopes for Ysabel too, but I seem to recall that Christine managed to drag her down the MLM path too, last year?

Did she drop out of college? Savanah also started college last fall. I hope she is continuing her studies in college. 

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On 4/18/2024 at 8:04 PM, LilyD said:

I had high hopes for Ysabel too, but I seem to recall that Christine managed to drag her down the MLM path too, last year?

I don’t recall this. What was Ysabel doing regarding MLM?

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15 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t recall this. What was Ysabel doing regarding MLM?

Ysabel was shilling (or trying to) bedding. I don't know if she still does. 

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