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24 minutes ago, SDVegas said:

What rationale could there possibly be for Robyn’s kids to not attend the memorial? I can’t even imagine. 

They weren’t “safe” in Sobyn’s opinion, I’m sure. It was a really insensitive move to put it mildly. 

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Not only were there 3 people between Kody and Janelle… he wasn’t even sitting next to his own mother.  Robyn was.  He was seated next to David and then there was Christine.  

I thought it was good that Logan was seated next to Gabe, and they were directly behind Janelle and Hunter. 

Overall though, I felt so bad for them.  The family is hurting so badly. I really wish the photos of the family  had not been published by the National Guard 

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Sorry, but Crybrow's oldest three should have at least been given the option to attend, and I'm sorry if they didn't get to choose.  

I'll refrain from saying more about Kootie and his wife.  I'm glad that Hunter was there and a comfort for his mother, while grieving himself.  He's been so supportive of all of his siblings.  ❤️

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19 minutes ago, Aspenglow said:

They weren’t “safe” in Sobyn’s opinion, I’m sure. It was a really insensitive move to put it mildly. 

And could it possibly be because Audrey and Leon were there?

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2 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

And could it possibly be because Audrey and Leon were there?

I have missed many episodes the past couple of years did something happen specifically with Robyn’s kids and Leon or do you mean because of transitioning?? Robyn, Kody, or the kids don’t think they’re safe???


Janelle’s picture with the flag broke my heart 😔 Even Kody, who I like to to kick around seems kind of haunted looking.  I don’t know it will change any of his behavior in a positive way with his other kids, but I wouldn’t wish the loss of a child on anyone. I’m glad Janelle has the rest of her kids there to support her.  


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6 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

I have missed many episodes the past couple of years did something happen specifically with Robyn’s kids and Leon or do you mean because of transitioning?? Robyn, Kody, or the kids don’t think they’re safe???

Yes, because of transitioning. I think I read here about some spec that Robyn and Kody don’t want the tenders around Leon/Audrey for that reason. Not sure if it’s rumor or based on one of the kid’s patreon videos. 

Edited by DanaMB
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36 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Sorry, but Crybrow's oldest three should have at least been given the option to attend, and I'm sorry if they didn't get to choose.  

I'll refrain from saying more about Kootie and his wife.  I'm glad that Hunter was there and a comfort for his mother, while grieving himself.  He's been so supportive of all of his siblings.  ❤️

I thought the oldest three were present and it was only the tenders who didn’t go? I’m not sure though - I don’t know most of the older kids on sight.

The photo of Janelle just about breaks my heart. I can’t imagine losing my child. I don’t think I would ever stop crying. She must just be devastated. 

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1 hour ago, SDVegas said:

What rationale could there possibly be for Robyn’s kids to not attend the memorial? I can’t even imagine. 

Robyn probably thought it wasn't "safe" for them.

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4 hours ago, LilyD said:

Wait... were Robyn's kids absent? Are you serious?  For once I'm speechless....

I didn’t see any of those 5 kids in the photos. 

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22 hours ago, LilyD said:

If anything, I hope TLC will never sink as low with a reality show again as they did here.

Oh, you bet they will.  As long as there is money to be made, they don't have any intention to find new targets.  And as long as we watch, they will.

22 hours ago, LilyD said:

As a viewer, I hated it and stopped watching it because it was too awful to watch.

I haven't watched since the "fight to LV" crap but I have followed on this forum which doesn't make me any less complicit in keeping this on the air.  Without viewers, these shows would not be on.  Let's be honest, we eat this stuff up.  Nobody watches for altruistic reasons.

Edited by Orcinus orca
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I wonder if the producers are feeling at all guilty about airing the shit when Kody was going off about his sons being assholes, etc.


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37 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

I wonder if the producers are feeling at all guilty about airing the shit when Kody was going off about his sons being assholes, etc.

I assume they feel absolutely gutted, as I believe many of them have probably been with the family for years, but to quote the great Heather B from Real World New York (season one, yes I am old): "they used what we gave them."

In other words, Kody could not have been made to be a villain if he hadn't said the terrible things he's said about several members of his family.  I doubt very much that the producers told him to disparage his sons on national tv for "wanting to get their pencils wet," among other equally awful things he's said for the cameras.  That was all Kody, IMO.

I read the article linked above as well as @General Days 's excellent response. If GD is not currently employed as a professional writer/journalist, then I don't even know what to say.....you should be.

This show has never been "boring" to me, a watcher since Day One.  Initially I was fascinated by the large family, how the wives interacted, how Kody split his time, how the kids got along with each other, and even what the wives wore for their then-purposes of modesty (I am not even going to lie, I sometimes found the way they layered their clothes interesting and - don't laugh - cute).  I am trying to think if there was ever a time during this show that I found boring, because I was always watching for the family interactions and dynamics.  

When things got dark with Meri's catfish, I started to get uncomfortable because her pain and loneliness radiated off the screen in waves of misery.  I thought, should I be "entertained" by this over my popcorn and glass of wine?  I guess I justified it by thinking that if she didn't want to be filmed so vulnerable, she wouldn't do it.  I have no idea if she was roped into a contract, or was getting pressure from the rest of the family...and that was just the beginning.  Who knew we were in for a pandemic and Kody's reign of control and all the horrible things that followed.

So I don't quite know where I fall on feeding the SW beast by watching and commenting.  I know I will never do a re-watch, but if they keep filming and airing, I will likely keep watching.  And if they stop filming, I will respect that too and come to terms with this forum slowing way down and maybe stopping altogether.  And even though the show used what Kody gave them, I do sometimes wonder about his mental health and how he is handling what happened to his son.

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Long long before these last two seasons, the adults ALL knew that what was filmed was subject to being aired on an episode. After all its season 17 and 18.    Therefore, the WAASSTTED and kidney monologues and ALL of Kody’s hateful TH speeches were not ‘off the record’.    That was all him knowing he was on camera .   However, he certainly had no inkling that Garrison was soon to be gone or that there would be no reconciliation.   You have to understand  that even he wouldn’t have said those things if he had known  that time was very very short for Garrison.  
I do worry about Kody and what  he could now be thinking.  I hope he’s seeing a reputable counselor. 

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Kody may have not had had an inkling, but I guess the question I have is, how hard and how far can you push your child and still sleep at night?  Obviously now that question takes a very dark turn.  I just cannot fathom speaking so terribly about my children on national television.  Say it in private, or to your wife, or in a text, etc.  But no matter how angry Kody was at the time, he went way too far with the things he said - knowing that he was saying them for a camera and could not take them back.  

I would not wish Kody's pain on anyone.  He never imagined the outcome of his words, but at the same time, how could he not?  They are your children, and words matter, and he seemed to want to really hurt them with his words.

I wonder if we will ever hear from Kody going forward on the show.


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I didn't spot Maddie or any of Robyn's children in the photos from the Guard ceremony. That only tells us they weren't visible in photos. 

If Maddie was not there, I can understand why. She lives far away. Traveling with young kids is hard, and leaving them in someone else's care is, too. She didn't make it to Gwendlyn's wedding either, because money was an issue.

If Solomon and Ariella weren't there, I can understand Robyn and Kody not pulling them out of school for another memorial on top of the funeral. Every kid reacts differently to death. Parents have to consider what's healthiest for those kids. 

If Robyn's three adult kids weren't there, we don't know why. Employers and colleges don't exactly hand out time off. The last place I worked allowed three bereavement days for immediate family only (my grandmother's death/wake/funeral didn't count). A million years ago, my college was worse.

Robyn had a brother who died of suicide. I don't know if those kids were close to him, and how his passing affected them at the time. Also, if there is still unease between them and the OG kids, their absence might have been an attempt at letting the OG come together without adding any tension.

I found it sad that it seems possible not everyone made it, but I was truly pleased to see how many of the kids and their partners did make it, despite their busy adult lives.

I'm not going to judge people who I didn't see in pictures. Maybe they weren't seated when the pictures were taken. If they didn't go, I don't know why they didn't go.

Finally, the Browns supposedly have a few events planned over the next couple of months, including a family reunion in Wyoming. It is understandable if Maddie and/or Robyn's three oldest kids had to pick and choose what they can attend.


16 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Not only were there 3 people between Kody and Janelle… he wasn’t even sitting next to his own mother.  Robyn was.


According to Mykelti (this was mentioned prior to Garrison's passing) Grandma Genielle has some dementia or Alzheimer's now (I forget how Mykelti phrased it and I don't think she's all that precise in discussing medical issues, anyhow).

Some people are better suited to helping dementia patients, than others. It doesn't stretch my imagination to think Robyn might be a better choice for Genielle than Kody. Even on his best days, Kody Brown isn't what you'd call a calming presence.

I feel like who sat where is becoming a bigger thing than need be. Their seating may have involved no more thought than who wandered in first.

These people are the walking wounded, right now. I think they need some grace.

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I understand the criticism but I do feel for Robyns kids. The older ones are likely well aware of their status in the public eye. Their mother is sent literal death threats.

If they were at the service - they very well could have stayed off camera. Perhaps the family had approval as to which photos were posted by the Nevada National Guard?  I would not blame them one bit for trying to stay private. As @General Days said, we really have no idea if they were there or not. 

Is Robyn's mother next to Annie in the second row behind Meri? Or is that someone else? 

Where does Janelle's sister live?

I also do not know that the seating was planned at all. I noticed Savanah way at the end and my heart always goes to her a bit. But perhaps she wanted to be closer to Ysabel and just sat wherever. Same with the others. 


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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Kody may have not had had an inkling, but I guess the question I have is, how hard and how far can you push your child and still sleep at night?  Obviously now that question takes a very dark turn.  I just cannot fathom speaking so terribly about my children on national television.  Say it in private, or to your wife, or in a text, etc.  But no matter how angry Kody was at the time, he went way too far with the things he said - knowing that he was saying them for a camera and could not take them back.  

I would not wish Kody's pain on anyone.  He never imagined the outcome of his words, but at the same time, how could he not?  They are your children, and words matter, and he seemed to want to really hurt them with his words.

I wonder if we will ever hear from Kody going forward on the show.


I also question all the parents in this regard. Note - no blame regarding this tragic passing.  Just things we've said before about baiting the storylines for the purposes of "entertainment."

This isn't a reality show where things just happen to be caught on camera. The story boards are mapped. Most recently we hear leading questions from Christine and Janelle, "so you haven't seen your dad recently..."  The family's division - and their decision to involve/exploit the adult children - was a decision made by all of them.

Granted the vitriol and hateful rhetoric comes from Kody and I just can't even imagine his mindset. But I don't understand why Christine and Janelle would allow it to continue season after season either. Ysabel's pain and abandonoment - publicly exploited. Garrison's...Gabe's purposefully exploited. 

There is a small piece of me that also wonders about Kody's increasing frustration with Garrison - especially if Garrison was struggling with mental health difficultues and alcohol. I wonder if Kody was trying to "old school/tough love" him to "get straight." Completely incorrect obviously but --- I think there was likely far more to their dynamic that we saw on screen. And  perhaps that part was actually shielded from public consumption.


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Why would Janelle want to sit next to Kody?  If I were here I would have gone off on him because I would have thought that his actions had a direct effect on his children and now they are dealing with one of the consequences.  Janelle is a much more gracious woman that I would ever be.

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47 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Crybrows saying "it's scary," and not inviting Garrison and Gabriel for the holidays really bothered me.  I wonder if she has regrets about that now.

The toxic couple deserve to feel guilty, IMO.  

Seeing as her children didn’t attend their brother’s memorial, I would venture to guess that she has no regrets, and would double down on her actions. 

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Guess who I find first or second scary or unsafe in all the family?  Robyn, of course. She can't be trusted in or with anything. Kody makes few bones about being a total jerk.

Edited by Absolom
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23 minutes ago, SDVegas said:

Seeing as her children didn’t attend their brother’s memorial, I would venture to guess that she has no regrets, and would double down on her actions. 

Her kids didn't attend the funeral/memorial?!?

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25 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

Why would Janelle want to sit next to Kody?  If I were here I would have gone off on him because I would have thought that his actions had a direct effect on his children and now they are dealing with one of the consequences.  Janelle is a much more gracious woman that I would ever be.

Agree but lets not forget that Janelle still wanted to enjoy her birthday with her "best friend" - even after he said hateful things on air about her children and didn't call Savanah for Christmas...

Note, I'm not faulting Janelle at all here. She is a grieving mother. I think the larger point is that none of us really know the complexities of these interpersonal relationships.

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29 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

Her kids didn't attend the funeral/memorial?!?

two funerals - one private and one via the national guard.

her kids did not appear in the publicly shared photographs on the nevada national guard facebook page... that does not mean they were not there though

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1 hour ago, surfgirl said:

Her kids didn't attend the funeral/memorial?!?

They apparently did not attend the memorial this week.

It has not been said whether they attended the funeral. I would hope they did, but don’t know. 

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I agree that we have no idea who was really there given that some people may have wanted to stay off camera.  I too can understand why Maddie wouldn't be there.  I remember hearing that Caleb travels a lot for work, so he may not have been able to stay home with the kids so she could come.  Also, she went to Christine's wedding and maybe there just isn't money for multiple trips.

Seeing Janelle receiving the flag broke my heart.  I have never seen someone look so broken.  I pray for her and the whole family.  It's going to take a long time for them to find a new normal.  I really hope someone is looking after Gabe as well.  He's got a tough road ahead.

OK, I'm a bad person, but in one of the pictures Kody has his hand on Robyn's knee and is manspreading for all he's worth.  For some reason it just annoyed me.  The least he could do is tone it down for once in his life at an occasion like this.  I also won't read anything into who sat where because except for making sure the family was in the front there probably wasn't any planned seating.  I could see Hunter particularly sticking close to his mother in this situation and just sitting next to her naturally.

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Robyn's adult children are adults and hopefully made their own decisions about whether or not to attend the memorial at the armory.  It was on a Sunday, so likely they didn't have conflicts with classes or work.  I know Garrison mentioned missing Dayton in an episode last season and Aurora admitted that Gabe has always been kind to her.  So, I hope they did go and just stayed out of camera range. 

I do wonder how Kody and Robyn are going to handle this going forward.  They are in a kind of a lose lose situation because rightly or wrongly a lot of viewers are going to hold them responsible.  I agree that Kody took it way too far with the things he said about his kids such as calling them a$$holes on national TV.  And Robyn wasn't far behind expressing her anger and resentment over the gift exchange flap that she her caused in the first place.  I just don't know what they can say on camera that isn't going to cause an even bigger firestorm.  So far, their efforts to rehab their image have gone very badly.  I'm not sure even a seasoned crisis manager wants to touch this situation.

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If Kody and Robyn had even a modicum of sense between them, they would simply disappear from this show because like @Meow Mix said, whatever they do is going to be lose-lose.  And I don't think that I would ever want to hear from them again, knowing how deeply they have hurt and manipulated Kody's non-Robyn kids over the years.  I have to think that whatever is in the can already for this season will be it for the show.  I don't even necessarily need to see "Christine and Janelle: Sister Wives No More!" or whatever we were potentially going to get.  Everyone can just move on, shill more MLM stuff and see how it goes.

Of course, I also think that Kody and Robyn heavily depend on the show's income, which could sway their decision to keep filming.  But the very last thing any of us need to see ever again is Robyn crying, whether or not those tears are real or pretend.  She simply cannot.  No one believed her then, we sure aren't going to believe her now.  

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The devastation on Jenelle's face, with Gabe looking blankly, Logan, Hunter, Michelle, Leon, Aubrey, and Christine's faces all broke my heart. Meanwhile Kidney just made me mad. 

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On 3/26/2024 at 10:13 PM, mythoughtis said:

really wish the photos of the family  had not been published by the National Guard 

Is it usual to do that? I was shocked.

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14 minutes ago, jschoolgirl said:

Is it usual to do that? I was shocked.

Yes, it is the normal way that they remember fallen soldiers so that those not able to attend can pay their respects.

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On 3/27/2024 at 9:38 PM, RoxiP said:

Why would Janelle want to sit next to Kody?  If I were here I would have gone off on him because I would have thought that his actions had a direct effect on his children and now they are dealing with one of the consequences.  Janelle is a much more gracious woman that I would ever be.

We have no way of knowing what Garrison was thinking. His dad’s behaviour may have played a big role, but I doubt it was the only reason.

He seemed to have indicated that the tv show also took its toll on him, and that too was not just on Kody but on all the adults and TLC who loved the drama that was so easily given to them. And who knows what other troubling thoughts occurred to him and for how long? 

A suicide is complex and contrary to popular belief, very hard to prevent. Kody is a despicable human being who made some horrible and unforgivable mistakes. Yet, I don’t think it is fair to put the blame (solely)on him, or assume that Janelle feels like that. 

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I thought I saw Caleb in one of the pictures towards the end of a row that was either in the same row as Gabe and Logan or one behind them. In one of the pictures that shows Christine there is a woman above her head holding a child, I thought that may have been Maddie. I saw someone on social media in a comment section that said Maddie addressed it on one of her, I am assuming, instagram lives. I think the comment mentioned her being next to or near Savannah or Ysabel.

I cannot remember if it was last season or the season before, but I thought that either Gabe or Garrison said they missed Dayton. So I am more surprised that he did not show up for it. 

Edited by Misslindsey
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On 3/28/2024 at 6:56 PM, LilyD said:

We have no way of knowing what Garrison was thinking. His dad’s behaviour may have played a big role, but I doubt it was the only reason.

He seemed to have indicated that the tv show also took its toll on him, and that too was not just on Kody but on all the adults and TLC who loved the drama that was so easily given to them. And who knows what other troubling thoughts occurred to him and for how long? 

A suicide is complex and contrary to popular belief, very hard to prevent. Kody is a despicable human being who made some horrible and unforgivable mistakes. Yet, I don’t think it is fair to put the blame (solely)on him, or assume that Janelle feels like that. 

Agree suicide is complex, but the mere fact that Kody played ANY role probably pushed G over the top. If Kody wasn't such an ass, and still had a decent relationship with G, perhaps G could have gone to his father and talked out his feelings man-to-man. Yes, G had his brothers, but it's not the same as talking to your father and asking for help. Unfortunately, G couldn't do that...and nothing stings more than abandonment.

Edited by Soapy Goddess
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On 3/27/2024 at 5:42 PM, Meow Mix said:

So, I hope they did go and just stayed out of camera range. 

I would like to think so too, but I'd bet they didn't go because otherwise they would be front & center, just like their mother.

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I’m definitely not a Kody fan - however: 

I‘m not going to blame any family member for the suicide.  Suicide occurs even in the most supportive families. Maddie has made comments that Garrison’s biggest concerns had to do with social media and him feeling ‘less than’ in comparison to others.  

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8 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

I would like to think so too, but I'd bet they didn't go because otherwise they would be front & center, just like their mother.

Wasn't it Robyn who commented in an episode that the younger kids don't even know their siblings?  No sense in taking them to a gathering which will be full of emotional people they don't know. 

And I agree - if they were there, at least one of them would be front and center.  As she seems to be whenever there's a camera at their house.

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4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I’m definitely not a Kody fan - however: 

I‘m not going to blame any family member for the suicide.  Suicide occurs even in the most supportive families. Maddie has made comments that Garrison’s biggest concerns had to do with social media and him feeling ‘less than’ in comparison to others.  

And I think people also fail to understand the role alcohol could have played. Such a dangerous drug for a great many people and his family and friends said he had been struggling with it.  It changes you and alcohol as a variable can change so many personal and family dynamics. While Kody is no doubt an a** for saying awful things on tv, we have very little real insight into the complexity of his relationship with Garrison.


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On 3/27/2024 at 4:06 PM, Tuxcat said:

Agree but lets not forget that Janelle still wanted to enjoy her birthday with her "best friend" - even after he said hateful things on air about her children and didn't call Savanah for Christmas...

Note, I'm not faulting Janelle at all here. She is a grieving mother. I think the larger point is that none of us really know the complexities of these interpersonal relationships.

Oh most definitely true...the ins and outs of these relationships have baffled me for years.

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On 3/27/2024 at 6:30 PM, Meow Mix said:

I agree that we have no idea who was really there given that some people may have wanted to stay off camera.  I too can understand why Maddie wouldn't be there.  I remember hearing that Caleb travels a lot for work, so he may not have been able to stay home with the kids so she could come.  Also, she went to Christine's wedding and maybe there just isn't money for multiple trips.

Seeing Janelle receiving the flag broke my heart.  I have never seen someone look so broken.  I pray for her and the whole family.  It's going to take a long time for them to find a new normal.  I really hope someone is looking after Gabe as well.  He's got a tough road ahead.

OK, I'm a bad person, but in one of the pictures Kody has his hand on Robyn's knee and is manspreading for all he's worth.  For some reason it just annoyed me.  The least he could do is tone it down for once in his life at an occasion like this.  I also won't read anything into who sat where because except for making sure the family was in the front there probably wasn't any planned seating.  I could see Hunter particularly sticking close to his mother in this situation and just sitting next to her naturally.

You're not a bad person, I feel the same way. Alot of people feel this way and are upset about the way Kody and Robyn treated Garrison and Gabe, actually all of his children except Robyn's. It annoyed the hell out of me too, and to see Robyn sitting in the front row. 


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7 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Wasn't it Robyn who commented in an episode that the younger kids don't even know their siblings?  No sense in taking them to a gathering which will be full of emotional people they don't know. 

And I agree - if they were there, at least one of them would be front and center.  As she seems to be whenever there's a camera at their house.

They could have left "the tenders" with the nanny. No reason for the older 3 not to be there ...if they were not.

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Paedon's hair at the NV memorial service was an interesting choice, like fundamentalist girls' swoop bangs above the forehead. Was he trying to look an extra inch taller?  Garrison would have got a kick out of that.

Edited by Denize
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Alcohol is a depressant, and could’ve played a role in what happened that night. Being in a depressed state and then adding alcohol…then having very easy access to a firearm…What a combination. My heart goes out to him. 

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7 hours ago, zenme said:

Alcohol is a depressant, and could’ve played a role in what happened that night. Being in a depressed state and then adding alcohol…then having very easy access to a firearm…What a combination. My heart goes out to him. 

So true.  This is often the combination present for suicide, murder/suicide and other unthinkable tragedies we hear on the news on an almost daily basis these days.  It made me think of the man that shot and killed two police officers in CT in 2022 while in just such a state.  After hearing the story it seemed like something he'd never have done if those factors were not present in that combination.  I am not suggesting that Garrison would ever have been capable of violence against others in that state.  I think that depends on the person.  He was a decent person who was more likely to blame himself for perceived failures and take it out on himself. 

I also think that a lot of young people today become paranoid that people don't like them enough thanks to social media.  And as a result their self images are too dependent on what they think the world thinks of them and how well they are liked compared to others they see online.  Add being in the public eye more than the average person thanks to the show and Garrison was unable to get away from that.  I am grateful that I didn't have social media when I was young because I know it would not have been good for me to be constantly comparing myself to others and worrying about what they were thinking of me.  At least back then you could go home and not focus on what the public thinks of you but today social media makes it almost impossible to get away from that.

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I just loved that the National Guard held  a memorial service for Garrison.  HATED that Robyn was on the front row.  😠  She should've waited in the car.  Or better yet, not shown up at all.

Just when I think I can't LOATHE that woman more, she goes further down that black hole.

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
edited for appropriate terminology.
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1 hour ago, Liddy52 said:

I don't like Robyn very much either, but if she hadn't shown up, people would be complaining that she failed to show respect for Jenelle, Garrison and the others. I do agree that she might could have found a seat that was not front and center, but it might have just happened that way, as others have said . Also as Garrison 's father, Kody would be on the front row and as his wife, she would probably sit with him. This is the same situation lots of divorced couples face at family weddings and funerals. Robyn has demonstrated some really vile behavior on the show, assuming she is not getting a terrible edit. However in this situation, I don't know that there is a seating solution that is going to please everyone.  Perhaps sitting in the second row with her grown children might have been better, but I doubt Kody would have accepted that. 


I see your point and time will tell, but I still think she should've stayed her butt home.  Throughout the years she has shown little respect to this family, the wives, and the children, either singularly or as a group.  Why worry now? 

As for Kootie, surely he can sit for an hour or so by himself, surrounded by the rest of his family members?  He is in his 50s, right?  Or maybe showing his love for Robyn by groping her knee was just the right kind of support he needed during his son's memorial. 

Gah, I despise this couple.

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
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