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S13.E17: Soirees and Separations

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Sutton celebrates her success with an over-the-top shopping day; PK's continued absence leaves Dorit questioning her progress; the White Party is back and bigger than ever; a shocking headline forces Kyle to reckon with her marriage.

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Would someone please teach the Bravo editors who are responsible for the onscreen comments about proper comma placement?

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3 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

Watching this "impromptu" family meeting, I can't decide if Kyle and Mo are shameless fame whores, acting, completely insensitive, or all of the above.

All of the above.

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Actually, I predict a reconciliation once the reunion episodes are done. The two of them don’t really seem all that upset and I can’t believe that they would have filmed that scene with their daughters if they were not getting back together. It was indefensible. I guess we now have The Morally Corrupt Kyle Richards.

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Just now, janiema said:

Actually, I predict a reconciliation once the reunion episodes are done. The two of them don’t really seem all that upset and I can’t believe that they would have filmed that scene with their daughters if they were not getting back together. It was indefensible. I guess we now have The Morally Corrupt Kyle Richards.

dont forget the cross over and insinuative to watch their Netflix show to drag this out 

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31 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

Man, I my dislike of Kyle grows with every episode. 
She couches her mean jabs in “jokes” not funny at all, just mean, mean mean.



Just wait for the reunion! Today I watched a preview of it and Kyle is just horrible. If you’re interested, it is at Bravotv.com

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Just now, Mar said:

Just wait for the reunion! Today I watched a preview of it and Kyle is just horrible. If you’re interested, it is at Bravotv.com

I saw it - she, of course is the victim.

The fact that she doesn’t think she’s been mean to Sutton, just wow, last season she grabbed her arms and shoulders with her man hands.

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21 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Oh Kyle don’t take advice from Erika, like her life has gone so well. 
I think it’s sad a 27 year marriage is ending but why do this on TV? It’s just famewhoring. And probably Mo cheating. I feel bad they put their girls through this. 

Edited to add: Dorito comes dressed as Little Red Riding Hood for the reunion.

Even for Dorit, that outfit looked ridiculous.  I also thought she looked very under-dressed for the White Party.  

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I agree, the party was sterile and was much better by their pool.

Annemarie's husband was underdressed.

Denise has lost me.  I really don't care to see her on my TV anymore.

Sutton's daughter is beautiful.  Looks a lot like Sutton.

For some reason  I haven't noticed Crystal's height in prior seasons; she's taller than all of them!

I think Garcelle needed more boob support in her dress.

Kyle really does seem sad, and like she said, her friend's death really made her rethink things.  Maybe once more time goes by, she'll be less emotional and decide not to end the marriage.  Of course, Mau may have other ideas.  Also, when did "Mo" become "Mau"?  I watch with captions because I listened to loud Def Leppard too much in my youth and people mumble on TV.  Captions now show "Mau" (which is more accurate!).


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51 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

Watching this "impromptu" family meeting, I can't decide if Kyle and Mo are shameless fame whores, acting, completely insensitive, or all of the above.

This is from the recap at vulture.com:

Portia, the sullen teen who doesn’t even want to show her face to the camera, is the first one to crack. Of course, she is; she’s the only one still in the house full time, the one who is trying to deal with this and also the hormones of adolescents. Kyle hugs her on the couch and tries to make it better. I like to imagine what happened next: Portia threw her Stanley tumbler down to the floor and stormed off to her room. When Kyle got up there, Portia shouted, “Why, Mom? Why? Why did you make me sit in that fucking room in front of that fucking camera for this fucking show? You care more about them than you do about us. Why are you trying to make it right for them? Huh? What about me? Who is here to watch me when Dad is opening new offices in Panama, and you’re out shoe shopping with Morgan?” Kyle stood there in the doorway, her hands on either side of the frame, and she had no answers. She had nothing to say. 

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All of Kyle's explanations this entire season were clear as mud. Are they breaking up or not? Are they basically 'divorced' but working out the financials before it's official?  Seemed unnecessary to put their kids through this for 'we're just having a bad year' A whole season of not wanting to 'JUST TELL THE TRUTH!'  She ends talking about 'trust' How is that Not cheating? If anyone else did that, she'd have rode their asses nonstop.

Loved Sutton's new earrings!! which cost more than my car lol

White party looked like a long commercial.

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400k was just for Kevin’s fee.  They must have paid the stadium a goodly amount even with a pr promo.  I bet the party set them back closer to 700k.  And I agree that Kyle had to have known and approved her name in gigantic letters.

Did y’all see Dorit’s face on the preview!  Her skin was messed. 

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14 minutes ago, Cheezwiz said:


Eh good for Sutton for treating herself to really expensive earrings. Garcelle remains my favourite. Dorit continues to be ridiculous. Erika continues to have no soul.

I'm pretty anxious to see the reunion - it looks spicy! Looks like some of the gals might take Kyle to task over her behaviour. Also, more Kathy! What is that all about? I wonder if the Sutton collapse/hyperventilating incident they showed glimpses of was something of consequence or a big nothing burger tease? Ooh and more Crystal vs Ann-Marie drama! Go Crystal!

I wonder if "Super-nurse anesthetist 8.5" jumps in to assist with assessing Sutton's situation.  

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Kyle walking into the stadium the day before her million dollar party, wearing her Celine jacket while prominently displaying her Birkin, all while crying about how her husband is never around because he’s always working, tells me all I need to know. It’s all bullshit. She must’ve been really been pissed that he got offered the dancing gig and not her (after all those years of splits), that she was determined to get the attention back on her somehow. 

And now, today the ads start for his show and it’s all about, guess what? The show that she didn’t appear on last year but will appear on this year. 

How fucked up are those kids that they go along with this nonsense all for ratings? Although I guess since they all work for Mo, there is no such thing as too much publicity. 

My prediction is the finale of his show will be Kyle and Mo rekindling their love on some expensive vacation (where Mo is opening another office). And he surprises her with the latest and greatest limited edition Birkin bag. 

Why is Kathy going to be at the reunion? Was she on this season? 

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I am dating myself, but Kyle's dress reminded me of the dress on the Mary Tyler Moore show that the prostitute that Mary met in jail, designed for her. A tacky dress showing way too much skin. I did have to laugh though, after Kyle professed to be embarrassed by her name being in big letters, but not at all embarrassed at her choice of dress. OTOH, the tacky dress went with the tacky setting. The back yard would have looked so much more classy. 

The only dress that I liked was Annemarie's. That may be the first nice thing I have said (or thought for that matter) about Annemarie this season. I still hope she is a one and done.

I think it should be rule that every episode next year includes a scene of Sutton jewelry shopping, preferably with her adorable daughter. I did like the earrings she bought, and that 9 million dollar blue diamond ring was stunning. 

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Erika is as talentless, and out of tune, as always. 

The family conversation was taped in July (that was so uncomfortable..). Kyle said that they are working on their marriage (?) after that. Who knows. As for Morgan, Kyle said she has other friends she spends time with, but the media care to take and publish photos of her and Morgan only. 

What made Kyle lose her trust? Cheating, or something else? 

Edited by ZettaK
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3 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

The White Party felt cold to me; I think it was having a relatively small amount of guests in such a cavernous space. I preferred the backyard venue.

How much of the $400k budget was spent on the musical guest?

Love Sutton's new earrings!

Not even Kevin Lee can turn a freakin football field into an inviting space. $400,000  for a party is just so wrong. This was a bad idea. Is Kyle thinking she’s Beyonce?  Haven’t gotten to ice queen’s performance yet. Can’t wait (sarcasm)

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Kyle is obsessed with LVP. 

Whether or not the separation/divorce storyline is real, I am not buying that Kyle is an innocent victim in her marital problems. Especially not when she's been gallivanting with Morgan for over a year and tattooed her initial on Morgan's arm. 

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Pls I’m sure Kyle wanted her name on the dance floor. She’s trying so hard to act above it all cause her new little friend.

I don’t mind Sutton but she needs to stop with the whole struggling thing. Her husband gave her so much alimony she didn’t do it on her own. Not saying she doesn’t deserve success but she is acting too rags to riches.

I don’t get the point of having this white party at the stadium. It’s just stuck in the middle all randomly.

What does PK even do for work? Why is he gone for so long?

I thought Kyle and Mauricio announced their separation at the start of the season. Whoops lol. My theory is still Kyle finally got fed up with Mauricio’s shit and antics and the girls are almost all out of the house. He prob cheated a few times in the past and she got over it and they had some good times and she stayed for the kids. Then they just grew apart. What she said at the end basically confirmed it.

The reunion looks good.

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On 2/21/2024 at 6:11 PM, Pondlass1 said:

Sutton’s daughter is so natural and pretty.  Hope she stays that way.

She seems like a lovely young woman. I couldn’t help but compare her to Rinna’s daughters.



Edited by Mar
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I agree that this year's White Party was not as good as those in the past.  The venue was all wrong and nothing Kevin Lee did could change that.  I did, however, enjoy all the footage from the party, including a peek at the guests, food, clothing, and entertainment.  I could watch that for hours!  I can't believe that Kyle's name -- and only Kyle's, was prominent on the dance floor! I don't buy her act about not approving that.  And she can lay off the LVP bashing, while she's at it.  

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This was a strange finale.The Kyle show.  LVP lives rent free in Kyles head. I thought  Mau checked  out of this marriage  awhile ago, he's  certainly  having  fun now , from various  photos  online.

The white party looked drab and lost. It was overshadowed  by what was to come. I feel so sorry  for their  daughter's,  its hard enough  to deal with your parents  separating or getting  a divorce,  but on tv, it seemed  cruel to me. 

Dorit, what exactly  does PK/ Bubba do in the UK? Wth is she wearing for the reunion. Kathy is at the reunion,  why ? More about Kyle.? I've had my fill about her life. Maybe Rob is right, Morgan let the magazine  have a story. Who knows. Erika don't  give up your day job, oops,   you don't  have one!

18 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I agree that this year's White Party was not as good as those in the past.  The venue was all wrong and nothing Kevin Lee did could change that.  I did, however, enjoy all the footage from the party, including a peek at the guests, food, clothing, and entertainment.  I could watch that for hours!  I can't believe that Kyle's name -- and only Kyle's, was prominent on the dance floor! I don't buy her act about not approving that.  And she can lay off the LVP bashing, while she's at it.  

100%  agree

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This finale was as boring and unmemorable as the rest of the season .What exactly were the storylines? PK sends as much time away from Dorito as possible - can you blame him? Kyle has a girl crush on a mumbling country singer her daughter's age, and her perfect marriage fell apart - maybe. She and Erika are as nasty as ever. New girl is annoying. Still love Garcelle and Sutton though. Crystal. hmmm, oh yeah fights with new girl. Did I miss anything?

Was happy  to hear Denise was coming back, but unfortunately she was a train wreck. Best thing about the season was no Rhinna.

Never thought I'd say it but I missed Kathy Hilton. At least she provided some comic relief.

The last scene was in such bad taste. Kyle and Mauricio having that conversation with their kids on camera was the height of fame whoredom. 

Reunion looks like it might be better than anything that happened on the season. One can hope.



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