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S13.E09: A Feisty Fiesta

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Sutton tries her not-so-steady hand at dating; Annemarie reveals which first impression left a bad taste in her mouth; Dorit is shocked at how far Kyle has waded into a new friendship; Erika comes to a boiling point with Denise.

Airdate: 12/20/2023

Reminder: Real time events that have happened are spoilers until they occur in episode time.  Please continue to discuss those events in the respective housewife's thread or in the media thread.

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Erika is a bitch but Denise was being dumb about what her kids may or may not know. The who is more profitable line was savage tho lol.

Dorit needs to shut up sometimes lol.

Crystal’s friend bringing up the Magic Mike thing was dumb and lame.

Kyle is just annoying at this point. She’s just too obsessed with Morgan Wade.

I don’t care to watch Sutton go on dates.

The less Annemarie the better.

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5 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

am over this weekly pile-on of Sutton.

It's awful.  This week it was Dorit's turn, but you could see Kyle practically fist pumping the air because she's made it her life's work to try and take Sutton down.  When you're lead sentence to every conversation you have is to bring up something Sutton did that bothered you, it's you, hi, you're the problem, it's you.

Can AnneMarie stay in Hawaii?

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I find Sutton so very obnoxious. I don’t enjoy the pile ups but she’s an asshole.  I liked her date better than her and he was an oddball.
Dorit is an asshole too but I don’t think the word attack meant anything in this instance. Garcelle knows this but took the chance to make it more than it was. 
Is Denise a moron? She came in to argue with Erika over years old crap and a rude comment. Which by the way I’m sure those girls knew damn well what a threesome was. Were the ladies being obnoxious that night? Yes but I thought Denise addressed it after it happened. I don’t blame Erika for clapping back with the Only Fans question. 

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AnneMarie is an absolute dud. And that these hyenas once again made fun of Sutton's esophogeal stricture bugs me on the highest level. Their hatred of her is clearly due to jealousy, she has more money than most/or all of them, and they cannot stand it. 

Dorit's attempt to embarrass Sutton backfired. She looked like the A hole we all know she is. I could not stand the two unknown friends of Crystals looking at each other and laughing about Sutton kissing her driver. The horror! She kissed THE HELP! HEAVENS TO MERGATROYD!

Kyle fan girling over Morgan is so moronic & cringe. I would feign concern, but I utterly enjoy seeing her completely embarrass herself in this deep rooted mid life crisis.

My DVR cut out before I could hear Erika make the comment about who was more profitable, but I saw it on # instagram sites. And I am going to say it. I think it is weird Denise was clutching her pearls a few years back about her kids hearing the housewives chatter about 3 some's, then doubles down and actually joins her kid on Only Fans? Her daughter is 18, & more valuable than stripping for money. Mom should be encouraging her to focus on school, arts, fitness....Erika had every right to say what she did, her delivery was spot on, and Denise now looks like a questionable mother at best. These kids have Charlie Sheen as a dad and have been exposed to too much. That Denise sees Only Fans as a viable option for her 18 year old daughter is frankly weird and sad for the kid.

Edited by Crazydoxielady
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Did Garcelle go a little over the top regarding Dorit? Maybe. But I’d be fed up too if I were her, especially with Dorit’s attitude regarding Garcelle being upset about what happened with Jax “over a year ago” - I’d like to see how Dorit would feel if it was one of her kids. Therefore, Garcelle can be as over the top as she needs to be because Dorit does seem racist, honestly. There have been glimmers here and there. Plus she’s an idiot. I think she was extra annoying and insulting at taco night because she was feeling some kind of way about Kyle having a new BFF, as evidenced in the car en route to taco night.

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17 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Do the producers hand them scripts that say, “Insert fight here”?  

Yes. That's why conversations are often clumsy and random.


I think it is weird Denise was clutching her pearls a few years back about her kids hearing the housewives chatter about 3 some's, then doubles down and actually joins her kid on Only Fans? Her daughter is 18, & more valuable than stripping for money. Mom should be encouraging her to focus on school, arts, fitness

Agreed. I was surprised when they joined Only Fans. Actually Sami didn't surprise me, but Denise did. There was some disingenuous talk from Denise justifying Sami's account, and a few days later Denise was all "Oh Sami's having so much fun I'll do it too!" It was PR-talk to launch a co-planned effort.

Those accounts normalize provocative behavior for young women so that the next step - yachting, escorting, etc. - doesn't seem so bad.


Dorit does seem racist, honestly. There have been glimmers here and there.

I've thought this for a while. She thinks she's so clever that no one notices.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Kyle puts a lot of thought into her tattoos? OK. I would hate to see one that was not thought out. They are all ugly (OK, that's admittedly subjective) and poorly applied. Everyone needs to stop making a big deal about those those six -- six, damn it, not just one or two! -- barely-there tattoos, as if only the most iconoclastic of people get them. And the fact that she is comparing hers to Morgan whatever-her-name-is is just funny. They're bad, Kyle -- all six are very bad. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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This ^ is what bugs me most! I don't care that much that the tattoos are crappy -- believe me, I know plenty of people with tattoos that took all of 12 seconds to apply and/or are just bad  (and a few of these people are tattooers!). What's making me nuts is how they're all acting like it's, as you mention, "hardcore." Just be quiet about it! Or get out more, you dumbs!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Was there any tacos at Taco Tuesday? Looked like mostly Asian food, which would have been ok with me.

Dorito just kept putting her foot in her mouth. I can’t believe I’m going to side with Erika against Denise. Denise openly talked about her sex life and what Erika said was a long time ago, and yes, teenagers know about threesomes and stuff. I’m sure those girls heard worse especially having Charlie Sheen for a father. And Denise is on Only Fans with her daughter! That’s a big EW to me. Plus I think Denise is not right, drugs, alcohol, something. 
This will be an unpopular opinion but I think it’s weird Sutton and Dorito seem obsessed with Kyle’s friendship with Morgan. It’s like they’re jealous. Of what I don’t know. 

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

This ^ is what bugs me most! I don't care that much that the tattoos are crappy -- believe me, I know plenty of people with tattoos that took all of 12 seconds to apply and/or are just bad  (and a few of these people are tattooers!). What's making me nuts is how they're all acting like it's, as you mention, "hardcore." Just be quiet about it! Or get out more, you dumbs!

Getting tattoos doesn't seem rebellious at this time in history (where I live, it's stranger to see someone with virgin skin), but it could be in certain families/cultures.    Kyle's perception (of her now being a badass) and Mo's reaction probably has a lot to do with their religion. She still has a long way to go to get to the Morgan Wade level of tattooing.

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18 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Erika talking about Denise's child was out of line no matter how old she is now.   Remember when Eileen Davidson just mentioned Erika's 30 something son and Erika LOST HER SHIT as a response and threatened Eileen  through  gritted teeth  to NEVER talk about her 'kid'?  

Denise doesn't need a specific reason to have a problem with Erika in my opinion.  Erika is nasty and mean and most likely a sociopath. 


I have to agree with you.  Erika knows full well what she said and did to Denise in the past.  She acted so innocent at the dinner, as if there were nothing Denise could have objected to.  And then she made the excuse that it was years ago.  I guess mistreatment and bad behavior have an expiration date.  

The karma is that she was gloating over the price of Denise's OF package when it turns out that they practically had to give away her House of Blues tickets.  (I wonder what Erika will charge if she eventually does OF, or the like?)

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I generally like Sutton, but she seems (more) "strange" this season. I also think that the fan favorite title went into her head. She said on an early episode that she thinks she is more intelligent than anybody she knows (but hiring a forensic accountant is common for people of her circle), and she discussed her achievements which is the store she opened after her divorce that she finances with her divorce money. She showed the store merchandise on the show, and it's not exactly salable, so she will keep the store for as long as she is willing to invest in it. She also bragged about her future achievements, but nobody knows what their future achievements could be.

Her behavior is questionable, and more, eg. at the Magic Mike show, and the kiss with her driver which she admitted on the show (although she probably shouldn't) because she is in a position of power over him. 

Her drinking is not a rumor either, as her assistant/house manager for example asked her not to have a cocktail on another episode.

She also questioned why Kyle stopped drinking, but don't individuals normally wonder why one started drinking? I mean this is something positive like Kyle exercising which was questioned, as well. She also implied that Mauricio must have cheated because Kyle was wearing a new ring, so it was a compensation gift on his behalf. These are not nice comments.

Denise was on something, as well at Kyle's party. Her indignation at Erika's comment about threesomes in front of her daughters years ago is hypocritical. She allowed her daughters to attend a HW evening party, and we all know how those are. She discussed her sex life with her husband, and other boyfriends on the show, and her ex husband is Charlie Sheen who is infamous, and married prostitutes. I'm sure her daughters saw, and know about all including seeing their mother on the show. Her daughter and her are on OnlyFans, and she didn't have an issue with her daughter being on it. 

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38 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I have to agree with you.  Erika knows full well what she said and did to Denise in the past.  She acted so innocent at the dinner, as if there were nothing Denise could have objected to.  And then she made the excuse that it was years ago.  I guess mistreatment and bad behavior have an expiration date.  

The karma is that she was gloating over the price of Denise's OF package when it turns out that they practically had to give away her House of Blues tickets.  (I wonder what Erika will charge if she eventually does OF, or the like?)

Denise is hypocritical having an issue with Erika in the past, or currently. She let her daughters attend a HW night party, and we know how those end up. She discussed her sex life with current husbands, and former boyfriends on the show. I'm sure her daughters watched the show, and saw comments online. Her ex husband is Charlie Sheen, who has a notorious history, and was married to prostitutes when his daughters stayed with him according to custody agreements. And some of her movies have questionable content. Her and her daughter are on OnlyFans, and she never had an issue with her daughter being on it.

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Kyle has a lot of patterns that are unhealthy.  One of which is picking a new best friend to hang with while excluding all of her other friends.  Season 1 she excluded LVP when she became besties with Taylor and also she/Teddi had an odd friendship that Camille/Ericka both remarked on.  So not surprised she's doing the same thing with Dorit.

Garcelle tends to be condescending and judgmental.  If she liked Dorit, she would have been willing to talk to her..but she just doesn't like her.  That's fine...but don't say you 'don't have time to educate her' because that's patronizing.

Denise seems to have picked up the 'acting off' baton from Kim Richards it appears.

Try Hard Marie needs to chill and ease into the show.  I blame editing and production as much as her.  She should have been introduced and been featured in individual scenes her family, kids and friends outside the group so viewers could get to know her before meeting the other women.

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16 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

She also bragged about her future achievements, but nobody knows what their future achievements could be.

Don't you mean accomplishments, lol? 

Kyle's interview comment about how many times Sutton used the word "accomplishments"  made me laugh, as did the Little Bo Peep comment.  I mean, I liked the sundress (on Sutton) but it did seem strange for an evening party and apparently a chilly one at that. 

Making out with an employee?  Weird is generous.   And surely Sutton knows that (she is more intelligent than anyone she knows, just ask her) so why oh why would she do that or do that and tell anyone in this group?  


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4 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Dorit's attempt to embarrass Sutton backfired. She looked like the A hole we all know she is. I could not stand the two unknown friends of Crystals looking at each other and laughing about Sutton kissing her driver. The horror! She kissed THE HELP! HEAVENS TO MERGATROYD!

I loved how Dorit got real uncomfortable when she thought she was owning that scene. Kind of wish it had been Kyle instead.

One of Crystal's friends is married to that misogynistic asshole comedian Bill Burr. Like attracts like, it seems.

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

Erika talking about Denise's child was out of line no matter how old she is now.   Remember when Eileen Davidson just mentioned Erika's 30 something son and Erika LOST HER SHIT as a response and threatened Eileen  through  gritted teeth  to NEVER talk about her 'kid'?  

Denise doesn't need a specific reason to have a problem with Erika in my opinion.  Erika is nasty and mean and most likely a sociopath. 

I agree with all of this. Also, while I agree that Denise was being disingenuous about whether or not her teen daughters had heard of threesomes before (I'm sure they had), the moment where I felt Erika was out of line was when she suggested that Denise's daughters might well have participated in a threesome already. Who wants to hear a "friend" opine that their underage daughters might be having threesomes? By the most basic definition of civililty, I would call that rude. If nothing else, it definitely wasn't nice, plus it's a little icky to speculate about the sex life of your friend's teen kids.

Also, yes, we all remember Erika's OTT reaction with Eileen for mentioning her kid in a very minor and inoffensive way. She absolutely needs to be called out. Denise hasn't expressed herself well, and I suspect that there are some unaddressed substance issues at play here. Her anger at Erika might be misplaced, but I can't bring myself to care all that much because Erika has more than earned someone letting her know what an asshole she can be. 

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2 hours ago, WaltersHair said:

I see my snappy comment got nuked. It was this:

Erika: "You can get naked Denise Richards for 7 bucks!" Evil cackle

You should know that price point, Erika. The house of Blues certainly does.

I may have added the evil cackle part.

Right? Erika's not in the best position to be critiquing Denise's OF rate when she's practically giving away tickets to her Las Vegas residency. I think that's more embarrassing, TBH.

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3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Was there any tacos at Taco Tuesday? Looked like mostly Asian food, which would have been ok with me.

This will be an unpopular opinion but I think it’s weird Sutton and Dorito seem obsessed with Kyle’s friendship with Morgan. It’s like they’re jealous. Of what I don’t know. 

First of all - if you invite me for tacos please do not serve Asian food - I would be incredibly disappointed 😄

As for Kyle's friendship with that weirdo, it seems to me like they've all been told to "hint around" the lesbian thing, even though I don't think anyone actually believes in it.

1 hour ago, ZettaK said:

She also questioned why Kyle stopped drinking, but don't individuals normally wonder why one started drinking? I mean this is something positive like Kyle exercising which was questioned, as well. She also implied that Mauricio must have cheated because Kyle was wearing a new ring, so it was a compensation gift on his behalf. These are not nice comments.

It was also not nice of her to be looking up Denise's OF with her "staff" on camera.

WRT Denise - when she had that party she asked them to simmer down on the threesome talk in front of the kids, and they responded by doubling down on it.  Denise took offense that they wouldn't do it in front of their own kids, but it was okay to do it in front of hers because of who their father/parents are.  If she now wants to show up in a group of hostile women while carrying a years-old grudge, she needs to sober up and do it in a better way, or she is not going to be happy with the outcome.

And IMO Garcelle can shut up with her racism accusations - I didn't like it when Crystal did it to Sutton and I don't like it now.

Edited by princelina
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1 hour ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Garcelle tends to be condescending and judgmental.  If she liked Dorit, she would have been willing to talk to her..but she just doesn't like her.  That's fine...but don't say you 'don't have time to educate her' because that's patronizing.

To each his own. I see this smug look on Dorit's face when she speaks to Garcelle, which comes off as very condescending, and her double standards make it clear she just doesn't like Garcelle. 

I don't blame Garcelle for saying she doesn't have time to educate her. She doesn't. She actually works very hard and isn't a grifter who lives off of other people's money. 😉 (That's actually my bigger criticism of Dorit. She may not be directly involved in PK's schemes, but she's complicit buying her designer everything when they owe others a lot of money.)

Dorit is a woman in her 40s who should educate herself. Maybe she means no harm, and it's pure coincidence that she's much harder on Garcelle than any other cast member. (I know she recently defended Annamarie despite how inappropriate she was towards Sutton.) But Dorit should still try to understand why she comes across a certain way. You could see it in Garcelle's eyes that she was genuinely hurt and not picking a fight for the sake of Housewives. 

2 minutes ago, princelina said:

And IMO Garcelle can shut up with her racism accusations - I didn't like it when Crystal did it to Sutton and I don't like it now.

For me the difference is Crystal implied that Sutton said some horrific stuff that she simply did not. Garcelle doesn't jump to think someone is racist if they're not the most articulate on racial matters or haven't been in her shoes. It's Dorit making her out to be something she's not over and over and over again that's hurtful.


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Not Door-it trying to flip the script on Crystal painting her out to be a liar spreading gossip (and Garcelle seemingly agreeing with her, like WTF?) and then immediately spreading gossip about Sutton that she'd heard only moments earlier to a group of women she'd met only moments earlier. I was disappointed that Crystal was struggling to get the exact words right that Door-it had said (though I understand her hesitation given that she's not allowed to say things in the group) because it appeared to vindicate Door-it and looked like the gaslighting was doing its job. Thankfully the editors aren't as enamored with Door-it as they are with her estranged bestie and they've showed multiple times that Crystal is being accurate.

But I do love how Door-it thought she was owning that dinner party until Garcelle said the word "privilege" and she realized she done fucked up.

So Kyle admits that Sutton's instinct was correct; she's furious at those of her "friends" who refused to denounce Kathy at last year's reunion, and is getting back at them now. The only ones exempt seem to be Crystal, whom Kyle had been fighting with at the reunion, and Erika who was going after Kathy all along.

Why do I think Erika has been putting red X's in her calendar every day leading up to Easter?

Edited by dmeets
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1 hour ago, Surrealist said:

I loved how Dorit got real uncomfortable when she thought she was owning that scene. Kind of wish it had been Kyle instead.

Kyle is craftier than that.    But I loved it too.  Dorito is truly a dumb dumb and at least this season a fashion Don't in most of her interviews. 

I kept thinking how difficult it would be to sit around and basically take turns taking aim at each other while everyone else just sat and watched.  No amount of tacos (or Asian tacos?) would be worth that for me.  I bet a few of these women are missing the Zoom/Facetime days, heh. 


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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Dorit is a woman in her 40s who should educate herself. Maybe she means no harm, and it's pure coincidence that she's much harder on Garcelle than any other cast member. (I know she recently defended Annamarie despite how inappropriate she was towards Sutton.) But Dorit should still try to understand why she comes across a certain way. You could see it in Garcelle's eyes that she was genuinely hurt and not picking a fight for the sake of Housewives. 

I agree.  It's 2023!!!  I thought everyone else got the message that your Black friends are not there to educate you.  I thought Garcelle looked more angry than hurt but that can also be the same thing. 

I don't know if Dorito is racist or not, but she definitely doesn't like Garcelle. And even though she considers herself a woman of the world she comes off like she has been living in a particular Beverly Hills bubble as Garcelle pointed out. 

What I really hated about that whole scene was Erika taking it upon herself to explain the offense to not only Dorito but to us in her interview.  Shut up Erika. 

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16 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I thought I was going to have a fit because this site was down. 🤣

Dorit really wound up embarrassing herself at Taco Tuesday, and Kyle admitted that she doesn't trust Dorit after what happened at the previous Reunion.

Dorit needs to get her shit together. She's running out of allies.

Does everyone’s screen look like a page from 1997?



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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

To each his own. I see this smug look on Dorit's face when she speaks to Garcelle, which comes off as very condescending, and her double standards make it clear she just doesn't like Garcelle.


The thing is this is not the first time Garcelle has gotten on Dorit for how she talks to her (jabs etc) and Garcelle has told her many times it bugs her so I get where Garcelle is coming from.  Dorit is a privileged person (color is agnostic just in general) and is tone deaf AND when she gets her back against the wall she always tries to turn it around.

I would agree with Garcelle at this point (and we see on IG Dorit is still a clueless idiot) I would not waste my breathe on her either.

Dorito's issue is she has no allies now.  Kyle has ghosted her, Erika is actually getting along with everyone and Dorit is now doing the aftershow with Crystal and Crystal is not exactly easy on her but thats what has happened now that the FFF is broken up and Kyle is an Ozempic Lesbian.

She has no allies - she best try and figure out how to get back in with Kyle,

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

I don't know if Dorito is racist or not, but she definitely doesn't like Garcelle. And even though she considers herself a woman of the world she comes off like she has been living in a particular Beverly Hills bubble as Garcelle pointed out. 


I work in DE&I and so I want to say being tone deaf and stupid does not make you a racist.  A racist see everyone of a color or region or (pick) as below them.  I do not think in any way shape or form Dorit is a racist - I think we as a society (not at you) use the term too broadly versus keeping it for the true disgusting vile POS that truly are.

Dorit is privileged and lives a grifter's life.  She is a "let the eat cake" moron.  But I also think she needs to chose her words more carefully and stop being an idiot.  But I don't think she is a racist mostly because that would put too much thought into a situation and I don't think she cares enough to even go that deep with any of these women.

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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

Does everyone’s screen look like a page from 1997?



Holy crap! Mine looks like the previous setup. 😬

1 hour ago, Slakkie said:

 But I don't think she is a racist mostly because that would put too much thought into a situation and I don't think she cares enough to even go that deep with any of these women.

This is the best description of Dorit. It's spot on.

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Just a thought.

I was thinking about Denise and the way she's been acting this season.

I've always been curious about her husband, Aaron, who gives me the creeps (beyond the whole cancer bs stuff he spouts) and how he treats her at home. 

I'm not suggesting he's abusing her, but he's always struck me as a boorish controlling ass. 

If there are issues at home, this might explain her off behavior.


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Erika was back to herself this episode. She reminded me of years ago, when she was more fun.

Denise sounded delusional, wanting to publicly beat a 4 year old horse to death. Erika was right, any 14 year old with unfettered access to wifi would have certainly heard the phrase "threesome" before. But then again, maybe not. Just apologize and move on.

I do not understand why Denise would even bring the subject of her daughter up, knowing fully well that everyone's aware of the mom/daughter OnlyFans accounts.

Sutton sounded ignorant and repetitive when she kept harassing Dorit to explain "Why?" "Tell me why you would say/do that?" "Tell me why?" "Why!" without letting Dorit explain why. Sutton's an idiot, and these last 3 episodes have me wanting to know WTH is really going on? Is she on something?

I don't know how it turned into all the women just staring at Dorit (when Sutton was the cuckoo one) and then Garcelle made her feel like she had to leave. Usually Garcelle is kind to whomever is getting dumped on, but I think she's still annoyed with Dorit's flippancy towards any issues they had in the last year. When Dorit left Kyle's, I thought, well that took a turn very fast.

That's when I wish I could go into Dorit's head, while she was sitting there with them, lol. My temper allows me a quick knee jerk response, and I would have immediate retorts, or come backs, right then and there. None of this wide-eyed, stammering, while trying to address the subject. Heck no. It'd be Sutton, STFU! How dare you even imply you're a victim of anyone but yourself. I would have nailed Sutton for her inability to be self-aware, or be able to read a room. Finally, I would have properly apologized to Garcelle for being an entitled, self-centered, narcissist who flippantly disregarded her feelings. Then I would make my exit.

It truly bothers me when I see Sutton, Dorit, and sometimes Garcelle, trip over their own words, like they're terrified to actually speak what they're thinking. It is like they are looking to each other to actually spill the beans.

Sutton is the worst. I do not know What she's talking about or even what she's alluding to, half the time. Her southern belle nonsense annoys me because I don't like having to guess what her latest gossip focus is.

And the Denise of 2023 is also incapable of a proper train of thought, and now she's got weird facial tics at least we know she doesn't use a lot of Botox.

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