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S02.E11: The Last Supper Part Two: Entree [Season Finale]

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12 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Carrie with her kitty was surprisingly endearing, Shoes is a real cutie, but I'm very concerned about her safety. I have always had doubts over whether or not Carrie could keep a plant alive, let alone a living creature, hopefully she learns to shut her door!

The cat is perfect, I've always been a dog person, in fact, brought two dogs with me in to the relationship with my now husband. There was an outdoor cat that he took care of, she just showed up in his backyard one day very hungry and then stuck around for 16 more years until she passed. She was offered many chances to move into the house full-time, particularly in her later years, but she was an outdoor cat through and through.

Well, shortly after her passing his mother told him that a cat had shown up at their house with a litter of kittens and were we interested. Long story short, we now have 2 1 year old 100% indoor cats that I was very unsure about but are just charming, you can just ignore them and they just kind of do their cat activities with not a care in the world. Perfect pet for Carrie, an object of attention when she wants it, otherwise they just kind of do their cat things.

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I really liked most of the episode. Miranda and Steve's talk on the boardwalk made me a little emotional, even if Miranda still wants to pretend she never loved Steve. I like that he's so clearly moving on. But take off the damn wedding ring. 

Isn't Paul's Daughter kind of iconic?  But I guess Steve's keeping the name. 

Anthony didn't appear to be enjoying losing his butt virginity. 

Che was at least funny when she called out Carrie for using way more than one word at the dinner party. 

Minority here, but I love Lisette. I find her charming and endearing. 

Gary Dourdan is still very attractive 

I love that Golden Hour song. 

Carrie's dress at the dinner party might be my absolute favorite thing she's ever worn. 

Shoe is precious and Carrie seems to love her. I'm not going to entertain thoughts that anything bad will happen to her 

But I don't know wtf to think about Aidan and Carrie, or even understand what he's proposing. It's stupid. 

If they really wanted to show he loved her, it would have been a Ted/Alexis moment: we really truly love each other, but this is the wrong time. Maybe someday. But Aidan just wants her to wait around for 5 years, with little contact? It's stupid. 

Still, I mostly thought the episode was pretty good. 

Edited by luna1122again
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5 hours ago, T Summer said:


Why is Charlotte looking at Harry like she's totally mystified when Harry says "Anthony's here, he wants to talk about loosing his ass virginity!" Don't make me drag out the SATC s1 e4 script!

[Charlotte's boyfriend wanted anal sex and they had to all four get together to discuss whether or not she should  do it]


I took it more like “I’m hungover, just got jolted awake, and WHAT now…?” Just general disorientation, not topic confusion. Not that the writers haven’t chosen to just ignore other series plotlines…

If I were Carrie, my reaction would’ve been “FIVE YEARS?! I could be DEAD by then!”

So she just gets to rattle around in her four (?) bedroom apartment by herself (with just her cat) for the next 5 years? I hope a future season is her going all Grey Gardens.

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Aidan's 5-year plan is baffling, but I couldn't help but wonder (see what I did there!) if he's still nursing some (perhaps even unconscious) resentment toward Carrie, and is almost looking to - punish isn't quite the right word, but something like that - for her treatment of him in the past.  It's so wishy washy - I'm not breaking up with you, I'm just asking you to basically put your romantic life on hold for years.  Just like Carrie's wearing of his engagement ring around her neck wasn't really a yes or a no - again, wishy washy behaviour.

Other thoughts:

* Kim Cattral is a very good actress to portray Samantha as being that devoted to Carrie that she would take an overnight flight for her dinner (even though I'm happy for KC that she didn't have to converse with SJP in real life for that scene.)

* Even for a Michelin-chef created dinner, I'm not sure I could have shared such a small space with seriously annoying people like Jackie, Che and Lisette. 

* Seema's storyline grew repetitive between this episode and the last.  I told him I love him, I haven't made that mistake in years, rinse, repeat.  She got the best possible response to telling someone you love them - he said it back.  I ended up wishing she would stop complaining. 

* So basically Giuseppe threatened to leave New York until Anthony did what he wanted?  (And I don't just mean the butt sex.  Opening up emotionally takes time for some people, especially when you're older.) 

* I felt as though Lisette pointing out the ceiling stain was a portent of something ominous - like the ceiling was going to come crashing down during the dinner.  But no - just a stain, I guess?

* MIranda still got off super easy with regard to Steve.  Nary a real authentic apology in all that sentiment.  



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1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

Please let Steve find someone who appreciates him!!! Next season?? 

Nothing like ripping away the LAST shred of dignity from his character by showing him holding on to a dead marriage.   The writers are such assholes. 

So what is Carrie supposed to DO for 5 years?  She has no job, no books to write, no podcast, etc. 

The cat will NOT take up much time.  

Because in 5 years, there's every possibility that Tate the oldest will be 25, married and moved back in with dad.  Waiting on the first grandchild.....

Edited by SnapHappy
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1 minute ago, SnapHappy said:

Nothing like ripping away the LAST shred of dignity from his character by showing him holding on to a dead marriage.   The writers are such assholes. 

I hate that he's still wearing the ring, but he made it super clear, imo, that he wouldn't want Miranda back, no way, no how. 

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52 minutes ago, John M said:

Their marriage has always been extremely troubled, up until AJLT they had always managed to repair it time after time but their child is grown, Miranda wanted a change to her second act, Steve was emotionally manipulative, that doesn't come out of nowhere, they had just reached the point where it was no longer repairable.

I never saw him as emotionally manipulative in their marriage. Are you talking about when he got her to move to Brooklyn because the perfect house was there and she had to be dragged into that because she was so snotty about Brooklyn? Or when things were bad and he cheated on her, which he did own up to and did everything he could to to get her back? Because forgiving someone for cheating doesn’t mean you have a free pass to cheat back when you feel like it.

What exactly did he do in AJLT that was “emotionally manipulative”? His hearing problems? Not automatically ready for sex when Miranda snapped her fingers? Because none of that even remotely justified anything Miranda did.

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14 minutes ago, SHD said:

Whenever Giuseppe is onscreen I always think he looks like a young John Mulaney.

See, and I had to keep reminding myself who he was.  He kept blending into the background, and I kept forgetting he was even with Anthony. 

And I hated that last scene, Anthony was completely checked out.  THAT was emotional manipulation, but they can't let Anthony have anything good either, so lets shove him on the bottom like a good girl & let the big man on top get his happy. I could REALLY have done without that scene, BTW.   It's barely over the line from rape to me, because it was so blatantly coerced......

Edited by SnapHappy
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On 8/24/2023 at 6:22 AM, violet and green said:

I think she said "You're in the apartment, you said you'd never set foot in the apartment."

Oh, did she?! Thanks. I must admit, I was a bit distracted as a small smoky mouse ran through my living room looking lost while I was watching the episode!

Small Smoky Mouse. The imagery this phrase evokes  is priceless. This could be as soothing as 'cellar door '  Bravo! 

Edited to add: it wasn't this guy was it? Because that is pretty distracting. 


Edited by GiveMeSpace
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Also, the most I ever laughed at Che's comedy was when they said they thought the jokes they did at Miranda's expense were funny. 

Nya's "I don't really know any of these people" could easily have also been said by the hostess of the party herself. 

The metamorphosis conversation between Che and Lisette was painful.  Did someone pay extra for a closeup of the butterfly ring?

Perhaps it's because I'm currently in the post-production stage of TV producing myself, but the shot of Miranda hailing the cab on the way to the BBC felt like superfluous filler.  We get it, she told both Carrie and co, and then Nya that she's going there, I don't think the audience would wonder how she got there if we didn't actually see her getting into a cab and telling the driver to take her to the BBC. 

As a fan, I was offended when Jackie referred to himself, Che and Carrie, even facetiously, as The Beatles getting back together. 

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10 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Why was Che seated next to Carrie at the dinner party while Miranda's at the other end of the table away from her two best friends?

THIS. Che should have been at the other end of the table with her podcast friends. Miranda and Nya should have been at the front with Carrie. Is Carrie now just tolerating Miranda because she has a cool, new LGBTQ friend?

And the dismissive way where she passed them by the kitchen, where she was like “is everything ok here?”, then went on to greet her new guest. I mean, where was the check-in on Miranda after that horrible stand-up to see if she’s ok?

I know what they’re doing with adding these new characters and giving them more screentime, but it’s getting to be at the expense of the core characters, which suck, for those of us who loved SATC.

Good to see Samantha, although I did not like that they still wrote her to be someone who would do everything for Carrie. Still all about selfish Carrie, but good for Kim to not have been in the same breathing space as SJP. And funny callback to Anabelle Bronstein - I had just recently seen that episode on E!

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

I never saw him as emotionally manipulative in their marriage. Are you talking about when he got her to move to Brooklyn because the perfect house was there and she had to be dragged into that because she was so snotty about Brooklyn? Or when things were bad and he cheated on her, which he did own up to and did everything he could to to get her back? Because forgiving someone for cheating doesn’t mean you have a free pass to cheat back when you feel like it.

What exactly did he do in AJLT that was “emotionally manipulative”? His hearing problems? Not automatically ready for sex when Miranda snapped her fingers? Because none of that even remotely justified anything Miranda did.

Um, just a few episodes ago where he was torturing Miranda with guilt about their marriage when he had already moved on.

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2 minutes ago, John M said:

Um, just a few episodes ago where he was torturing Miranda with guilt about their marriage when he had already moved on.

I think one doesn't cancel out the other. He can be moving on and still really hurt and angry. I didn’t see it as emotional torture, Steve had never gotten all that off his chest with Miranda. It was the very least she deserved to hear. 

25 minutes ago, slowpoked said:


And the dismissive way where she passed them by the kitchen, where she was like “is everything ok here?”, then went on to greet her new guest. I mean, where was the check-in on Miranda after that horrible stand-up to see if she’s ok?


I didn't read that as dismissive. She was on her way to the door, saw them in the kitchen, checked in with them, saw that they are 2 grown ass adults who were handling their own shit, and went back to what she was doing. 

1 hour ago, slowpoked said:

Steve wasn’t invited to her party but her horrible podcast friends were?

Some friend you are Carrie.

I can't imagine Steve wanting to be at that dinner 

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:


Carrie with her kitty was surprisingly endearing, Shoes is a real cutie, but I'm very concerned about her safety. I have always had doubts over whether or not Carrie could keep a plant alive, let alone a living creature, hopefully she learns to shut her door! 


My immediate reaction was, "I hope the cat is microchipped." Now I wish they'd inserted a line of dialogue with Carrie thanking Che for getting her chipped at Che's vet office or something. 

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1 hour ago, Urban Shoe Myth said:

So basically Giuseppe threatened to leave New York until Anthony did what he wanted?  (And I don't just mean the butt sex.  Opening up emotionally takes time for some people, especially when you're older.) 

Are we supposed to think they are a good couple?  As I keep saying if this was a hetero couple and they were written this way it would be a toxic relationship and the man having serious control issues.

1 hour ago, SnapHappy said:

It's barely over the line from rape to me, because it was so blatantly coerced......

This.  I felt bad for Anthony.

1 hour ago, slowpoked said:

Steve wasn’t invited to her party but her horrible podcast friends were?

Some friend you are Carrie.


49 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

. Che should have been at the other end of the table with her podcast friends. Miranda and Nya should have been at the front with Carrie. Is Carrie now just tolerating Miranda because she has a cool, new LGBTQ friend?

They really have written it like Carrie is now closer to Che and Seema more than Miranda and Charlotte.  And why is she such good friends with Jackie?  He is definitely someone who would have been a work friend and when work was over so was the friendship.

I don't know if it's the writing or the way SJP is portraying her but I have found Carrie even more unlikable this season.


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On 8/23/2023 at 12:46 PM, mstar1125 said:

In real life I don't think any of the original 4 would be friends, except MAYBE Carrie and Samantha. Even at that, I could see Samantha being Carrie's PR person who she sometimes also goes to parties with. Carrie would be the acquaintance that Miranda and Charlotte call on when they want to have fun - dinner, drinks, getting into an exclusive club - but would keep her at a distance otherwise. There's just not much in common between them, and Miranda in particular would be too busy to maintain the level of co-dependency that Carrie requires from a friend.

I actually think some of Carrie's newer friends make more sense, in that they are as immature is she is - Jackie and Che for example. I think Seema also makes sense as a fellow "single rich older woman" friend, although now that they are both pairing off and Carrie's run out of property to sell that friendship might have run its course


IIRC it started with Carrie and Samantha being the two OGs of the group of four. I don't recall how they got together with Miranda and Charlotte. 

So Carrie is supposed to sit around for FIVE YEARS waiting for Aidan to get his kid some help with his issues?  And why isn't Kathy, who was sooo worried about Carrie hurting Aidan, at least that worried about her youngest son? 

Are they going to FF five years for the third season? 

Edited by SeanBug
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2 hours ago, Urban Shoe Myth said:

So basically Giuseppe threatened to leave New York until Anthony did what he wanted?  (And I don't just mean the butt sex.  Opening up emotionally takes time for some people, especially when you're older.) 


2 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

See, and I had to keep reminding myself who he was.  He kept blending into the background, and I kept forgetting he was even with Anthony. 

And I hated that last scene, Anthony was completely checked out.  THAT was emotional manipulation, but they can't let Anthony have anything good either, so lets shove him on the bottom like a good girl & let the big man on top get his happy. I could REALLY have done without that scene, BTW.   It's barely over the line from rape to me, because it was so blatantly coerced......


34 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

Are we supposed to think they are a good couple?  As I keep saying if this was a hetero couple and they were written this way it would be a toxic relationship and the man having serious control issues.

Sadly, I think this happens a whole lot. One partner coercing, emotionally manipulating  or wearing down the other until they get them to do things they don't really want to do.

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2 hours ago, Urban Shoe Myth said:

I felt as though Lisette pointing out the ceiling stain was a portent of something ominous - like the ceiling was going to come crashing down during the dinner.  But no - just a stain, I guess?

This had me wondering if the property might not pass inspection and there would be some sort of contingency where such would void or hold up the sale of the apartment?

... but then when we later saw Carrie seemingly living in the 4 bdr apartment, I guessed everything went through, and I was back to wondering why that was mentioned.

Unless s3 finds Carrie owning both apartments and deciding to sell off the larger one now that she doesn't need room for Aiden and the boys.

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20 minutes ago, T Summer said:



Sadly, I think this happens a whole lot. One partner coercing, emotionally manipulating  or wearing down the other until they get them to do things they don't really want to do.

Was this storyline supposed to be funny? Now while it was with Charlotte, what I liked is she didn't give in and stayed true to how she felt. Plus, I don't think the guy was threatening to dump her, he just wanted to do it. 

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3 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

Was this storyline supposed to be funny? Now while it was with Charlotte, what I liked is she didn't give in and stayed true to how she felt. Plus, I don't think the guy was threatening to dump her, he just wanted to do it. 

I'll bet MPK's typists thought it would be funny.

...but these are the same people who think Che Diaz is a riot!

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2 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

Let’s say dinner ended at 8 or 9…would the BBC be doing a live interview at 1 or 2 in the morning? Was the news that Breaking?

Thinking the same thing.  What was so important that they’d want a frantic, last-minute middle of the night interview?  Even if it were BBC International and broadcasting EST, it didn’t make a lot of sense. 

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8 hours ago, greekmom said:

Aiden asking Carrie to wait 5 years. And your two other kids need you at 17 and 20? For what? Except for money and a place to sleep.  Wyatt needs therapy, not a father hovering. It wasn't fair for him to ask Carrie to wait 5 years.

THIS. Wyatt definitely needs therapy and probably some tough love. I get the feeling he’s a manipulative little shit who pulled this stunt just to get Aidan to stop going to NYC. (Yes, he probably does have genuine anxiety problems, but IMO he’s weaponizing that to get what he wants.) Congrats, Aidan, you just showed your 14-year-old that he’s the boss of you. Next thing you know he’ll be coming up with Parent Trap stunts. Good luck with that…

And yeah, it’s absolutely not fair to Carrie to make her wait around for 5 years(!!!).

So now I’m wondering which way they’ll go with season 3. 5-year time jump? Doubtful. Aidan finally sees through Wyatt’s manipulation, gives him a come to Jesus talk, and knocks off the “wait 5 years” BS? Carrie gets fed up and dumps Aidan? Aidan gets hit by a bus? Wyatt gets abducted by aliens?

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I can understand making your children a priority in your life, but Aiden is acting (as others have said) like he's chained to his farmhouse and unable to do anything other than win a staring contest with Wyatt. Where is Kathy in all this? "I was the constant, she was always flitting off with a boyfriend, blah blah" - way to toss her right under that bus, you knob. Your kid needs therapy, not a helicopter parent.

As much as I generally loathe Carrie, I thought her reaction was pretty measured. Especially when Seema asked if she thinks they'll come back. (Although, that doesn't say much likely for how seriously deep down inside she took this relationship.)

I love Harry, but I'm glad Charlotte informed him that making a few breakfasts doesn't win him parenting awards.

I'm handwaving, but perhaps the situation Miranda had to be interviewed about was an ongoing somewhat breaking news story (something about migrants?) so it's not entirely out of the question that she would interview on a 24-hour news channel, no matter the time.

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This had me wondering if the property might not pass inspection and there would be some sort of contingency where such wouldvoid or hold up the sale of the apartment?

... but then when we later saw Carrie seemingly living in the 4 bdr apartment, I guessed everything went through, and I was back to wondering why that was mentioned.

Unless s3 finds Carrie owning both apartments and deciding to sell off the larger one now that she doesn't need room for Aiden and the boys.

Yes, that was my other thought besides an immediate disaster - that there would be an inspection snafu that would hold up the sale.  Guess it was just a throwaway? 

Lisette is so odd to me.  Who is thrilled that the previous owner left their bras behind?  Even if you admire their fashion sense, not sure that would extend to envying someone's bras?  

Such extremes from Aidan and Seema.  Seema, you don't have to go to Egypt for 5 months, but you could visit for a couple of weeks, couldn't you?  Her speech about not giving up her career and the person she worked so hard to become for a man, felt very misplaced.  It's a good speech if he'd asked you to move there permanently.  Not relevant to a 5-month invitation to hang with him while he shoots a movie. 

I'm no prude, but Nya's suggestive "I lick the spoon after the black one...? Oh! It exploded in my mouth, I wasn't expecting that!" was not the kind of banter I would enjoy hearing as a guest at a group dinner. 

Speaking of the chef... no food porn besides the olives???



Edited by Urban Shoe Myth
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1 hour ago, CarpeFelis said:

So now I’m wondering which way they’ll go with season 3. 5-year time jump? Doubtful.

Much as I'm not in the loathing Carrie Bradshaw camp, we all know she'll be on to the next shiny new thing!


They'll be yet another tall attractive rich  man  in her future. She'll get 2... 3 or more rich men and Nya had a musician husband who either went back on not wanting children or didn't want to stay married if children didn't come with trying naturally AND medical intervention (IVF).

shit still irks me.

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7 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Finally, Aidan….FIVE YEARS?!  You want Carrie to wait FIVE DAMNED YEARS before ya’ll get back together?!

Oh, but 5 yrs. is nothing according to Aiden. Just snap your fingers and 5 yrs have gone by! In the meantime, don't come to my house, I don't have time to come to yours and my kid isn't going to know you exist until I think he can handle it (like in 5 yrs).  The kicker for me is that Carrie is ok with it! 

10 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

I’ll say this about the long-awaited cameo by Kim Cattrall: she managed to perform her lines as if she actually liked SJP. 

She always did which is why it was hard for me to accept they didn't like each other IRL. KC always played that part so professionally! I wonder how much they had to pay her to come back for 10 seconds. 

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11 hours ago, greekmom said:

Anthony didn't look like he was liking anal sex. He really looked uncomfortable. Isn't that something you would tell your partner please stop, not fun for me?! Sex is suppose to be pleasurable for both parties. If 1 of the two doesn't like something you cannot force the issue. 

A huge thank-you to whomever timed Samantha's cameo shortly after the start of the show, sparing me the effort of fast-forwarding to the end, or, God forbid, having to watch any of ^ that or the rest of the show.   The scene described above (and earlier by SnapHappy) is what MPK has been doing to viewers of SATC since AJLT began.  

4 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

but I have found Carrie even more unlikable this season.

That, at least, strikes me as consistent with SATC, because I found Carrie more unlikable with every season.

Edited by millennium
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1 hour ago, Urban Shoe Myth said:


I'm no prude, but Nya's suggestive "I lick the spoon after the black one...? Oh! It exploded in my mouth, I wasn't expecting that!" was not the kind of banter I would enjoy hearing as a guest at a group dinner



It's definitely the kind of thing Samantha would say at a group dinner. Remember the vibrator in the cutlery drawer convo at the Petrofsky last dinner 

1 hour ago, RunningMarket said:

I forgot to mention in my earlier post the one line that absolutely sent me over the edge. Nya crying that she's accomplished all these things, but doesn't have a man to share it with.

GIRL, NO. Wanting to have someone to share in life's big moments and wins is one thing, but it was worded in such a way that it diminished her completely because a man wasn't there to appreciate it.

It reminded me of Carrie at her book party not being able to enjoy her success because there was no man in her life who loved her. 

It didn't bother me, I thought it was poignant. I absolutely think women can be happy without a relationship,but I get why, for some people, not having one feels lonely and sad. 

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On 8/24/2023 at 2:12 PM, Urban Shoe Myth said:

Perhaps it's because I'm currently in the post-production stage of TV producing myself, but the shot of Miranda hailing the cab on the way to the BBC felt like superfluous filler. 

And I couldn't help but contrast the shot of the cab screeching to a halt for Miranda at night with the cab that ignored Herbert Wexley and the little girls in the daytime.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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4 hours ago, rlc said:

André De Shields!!!!


1 hour ago, 7EasyPayments said:

C'mon people, this IS a TV SHOW...

Season 3 Episode 1, Caption on screen, And Just Like That It Was Five Years Later. 😉

Problem solved. Next!

And lots of comments about how good they look for 60 year-olds.

But they'd have to age Rock, Lily and Brady.  Especially Rock.

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17 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Why was Che seated next to Carrie at the dinner party while Miranda's at the other end of the table away from her two best friends? It's been two seasons, can they stop trying to make Che happen now? Take the L and free up the screen time for literally anyone else in season 3. 

ALL OF THIS. Miranda and Charlotte should be right next to her. Che and Jackie shouldn't even be there.


16 hours ago, Cloudly said:

However, tonight's silliest moment in a string of them: "Putting the cat to bed"?! Did Carrie not get the memo that Shoe (oh my god) is nocturnal? 

Cats go to bed when you do (if they like you). You turn the light off, crawl under the sheets and a few minutes later, you feel the thump at the foot of the bed and then the padding of the feet towards you. (And then the heaviness against your head--or your face!--if you're lucky.)

They don't have a "bedtime," although it was sweet that Carrie seemed so attached.


15 hours ago, T Summer said:

Why when one of the first scenes played out with Carrie getting ready did I have the thought I'm worried for that kitty?

WHY is Steve talking that way!🤢

Because in every wide shot they showed the door standing open. You weren't the only one worried!

They've got Steve talking like he's got dementia again. MPK just doesn't want him to have any dignity. F*ck you, MPK. Team Steve all the way!


2 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

I forgot to mention I loved the music they played during the guests mingling before dinner.  One song was Shake It which was in the movie Little Darlings that had Cynthia Nixon as a teenager at summer camp.

God, do I love that movie, no matter how wildly inappropriate it is for its target audience in retrospect. The first to lose...the first to lose...

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