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S03.E11: Mom City


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1 minute ago, Athena said:

A line that I liked which I don't think has been mentioned is Katy Wix's Barbara line to Roy: "Oh this... I got it at a car boot sale for £2." I got a laugh from her switch from being dry to being flattered and it's so realistic that would buy work clothing from a boot sale. She's an excellent comedienne and I wish we had seen her interact more with the other characters.

And she was giving Roy the eye while she was eating her apple 😄😄😄

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You know, Ted’s mom Dottie (Dorothy)returns home to Kansas at the end of the episode. We see Jaime (scarecrow), Roy (tin man), Keeley (lion) walk the yellow brick tunnel to Jaime’s home.

We hear “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” when the team is watching the movie. We have Beard (Toto) check on Nate (?) and Ted facilitates all of this from behind the scenes (the wizard?)

Maybe Ted’s truth bomb isn’t about leaving since Dorothy has gone back to Kansas?

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I really resented how the writers were trying to make Nate sympathetic early in the season. He deeply hurt  and betrayed his teammates and his coach, and then two episodes later, we're meant to buy him as a cuddly stumblebum who is awkward around girls and his powerful boss. NOPE.

If they had left it there and ended the series with him coming back to Richmond, it would have stunk things up. But I don't know...I'm kind of OK with the way things are playing out. I think he's remorseful. I think they've shown, especially in the last few eps, that we are all a product of our upbringing and that plays out in damaging ways. The trick is to move past that, which I think Nate is trying to do. And, no, he has not fully redeemed himself, but in this show's ethos, you don't earn second chances and then are given them, you are given them, and then you earn them. It remains to be seen whether Nate will earn it.

Not arguing why Nate's redemption arc should work for all of you, but why it does work for *me*.

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1 hour ago, scenicbyway said:

You know, Ted’s mom Dottie (Dorothy)returns home to Kansas at the end of the episode. We see Jaime (scarecrow), Roy (tin man), Keeley (lion) walk the yellow brick tunnel to Jaime’s home.

We hear “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” when the team is watching the movie. We have Beard (Toto) check on Nate (?) and Ted facilitates all of this from behind the scenes (the wizard?)

Maybe Ted’s truth bomb isn’t about leaving since Dorothy has gone back to Kansas?

“Home” from The Wiz played at the end, which definitely makes me think Ted’s going home.

I like your theory of Beard being Toto! He is loyal and willing to fight anyone to protect Ted.

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First of all, I really liked this episode, even if it was bittersweet knowing that the show is coming to an end. They are obviously setting up Ted going back to Kansas to be with his son, which I think is a good ending for him, as much as I would love to see him stay at Richmond. He's grown so much as a person, finally dealing with his issues with his own parents and early trauma, he can finally break his families cycle of holding everything in with his son. 

Jamie was really the MVP of the episode, possibly of the entire season. It was great meeting his mom, who is an absolute delight, and his step-dad who's clearly the opposite of Jamie's biological father, he really just needed some mom time. Poor Jamie, he was so sad that he couldn't even condition his hair! I about lost it when they showed those posters of Roy and Keeley in Jamie's childhood bedroom, its like his dream thruple has come to life! I loved Roy and Keeley trying to sneak up on Jamie, with Keeley trying to be all sneaky, hiding behind cars and such, despite being dressed like a peacock mixed with a Spice Girl, while Roy is just angrily stomping behind her not even trying to be inconspicuous. 

I really like the parallel of Ted looking into the training room seeing Jamie celebrating with Keeley and Roy with Ted seeing Jamie's father screaming at him way back in the first season. I don't think that Jamie needs to have a relationship with his dad anymore, even if his dad is in rehab, but I do think its going to be good for him to move past his feelings about him and forgiveness is a good day to do that. 

When it comes to Nate, I'm sorry but this has just been way too rushed for me to really get into it. The bones are there, I like that they've had Nate realize that he messed up, even if he hasn't verbalized it much beyond writing Will a much deserved apology note, that he's lonely, that Rupert is obviously a huge prick, that he's working on his massive insecurities and learning to find self worth from himself and not from external factors like his dad or people on the internet, but I feel like we've missed some important steps, especially with what we saw of Nate previously. Nate by season two went beyond just letting the attention get to his head, he showed a real mean streak that was always there even in season one, it was just easy not to see because he was still an underdog. Is that mean streak just gone now that he has a girlfriend and his dads approval? I also don't really buy that the whole team wants Nate back when not so long ago they were all so furious with him that they blew a game by beating the shit out of Nate's new team. I really needed to see a few scenes where Nate apologizes to the team or at least where they all talk about whether or not they want to invite Nate back, it seems like we missed an episode or two. 

I wish we had spent time on really working on Nate's issues instead of wasting endless time on Keeley's company and her boring relationship with Jack. 

It was great seeing Becky Ann Baker as Ted's mom, you can really see a lot of Ted in her, or at least Ted when we first met him. The "thank you fuck you" thing was pretty intense, but thank god Ted's finally getting real about his feelings. It must have been so hard for Ted, feeling like he wasn't allowed to really grieve his fathers death, it was an awful situation and he needed support from his mom, which he apparently didn't get much of, even if it wasn't malicious. 

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51 minutes ago, sjankis630 said:

Even though I still think I know how this will end it would be kind of cool for them to throw a complete crazy plot at the end.

I would love to find out that Beard does not exist and is actually an alter ego of Ted who everyone has been putting up with this whole time.....

Would definitely be a twist.

Multiple personalities, bay-beh!

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On 5/23/2023 at 9:25 PM, gik910 said:

Roy's face when Jamie broke down was exquisite.

That whole scene was just beautiful and then Will's disappointment. Just, perfect. 

That scene was *incredible*. Roy telling Jamie now was the time to be the "prickiest prick" ever, Jamie's absolutely bereft monologue of sad rambling, Roy's baffled reaction when Jamie started sobbing, telling Will he missed a good one--I loved every second of it.

On 5/23/2023 at 9:48 PM, Girl in a Cardigan said:

They are truly messing with me with the Roy / Jamie / Keeley stuff, but I'm happy to be baited as long as they keep up the good storylines too. Absolutely love meeting Jamie's mom (so happy she's still alive!) and stepdad, seeing the Jamie shrine, and Jamie's childhood bedroom with posters of Roy AND Keeley. Looks like Jamie had a teen mum? Which of course, makes a lot of sense in how he is now as well as his shitstain, much older father and all of that. Poor Jamie hates his dad, but hates it more that it seems like his dad doesn't even care anymore. (I assume that was his dad in some kind of rehab place at the end of the game? Explains why he's not been blowing up Jamie's phone?)

All of this was great. When I saw the Jamie shrine, I said aloud, "This explains so much!", and I loved meeting Jamie's mom and stepdad. Jamie's physical closeness with his mom was definitely odd--as evidenced by the fact that Roy *could not stop staring* when they were cuddling on the couch together--but for me, it never felt creepy. Just sweet and funny in a, "The football star just needs his mommy" kind of way. Whoever drew the Lorelei and Rory Gilmore comparison upthread was onto something, with extra intensity due to what they survived together with Jamie's dad. Happy that his mom found a new guy who's sweet and loves her and Jamie.

The reveal of the Roy and Keeley posters in Jamie's bedroom was perfectly timed. Even for people who've been famous for a while and are used to people's adoration, that had to be a weird moment for Roy and Keeley. But how great for Jamie, having dated Keeley (and still being good friends with her) and having a friendship/mentor relationship with Roy! Talk about manifesting--the celebration scene between the three of them at the end was so lovely.

On 5/23/2023 at 11:17 PM, HelloooKitty said:

If you had told me way back in season one episode two that I would be sobbing over Jamie Tartt and absolutely adore him at the end of it all, I’d never have believed you. He has grown the most of all the characters and has come so very far and I feel so proud of him even though he isn’t real!

ITA. Jamie was always an entertaining character, and it didn't take long for us to see some of his vulnerabilities, but I never would've imagined that changes he goes through and just how well the show does with it. He's been one of the most consistently good things about this season. I love that he can be caring and collaborative without losing the cocky himbo side of him, and it's just beautiful to see how much depth and sensitivity they've brought to this character who once sang his own player chant while thrusting his pelvis in time to the beat--wild!

On 5/24/2023 at 12:21 AM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I did love Roy's open-armed walk back to Jamie's mom as they were leaving.  "One for the road?" and then Keeley grabbing him & pulling him along.

That made me laugh, too. Roy blowing her a kiss as Keeley dragged him away made it art.

16 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

When it comes to Nate, I'm sorry but this has just been way too rushed for me to really get into it. The bones are there, I like that they've had Nate realize that he messed up, even if he hasn't verbalized it much beyond writing Will a much deserved apology note, that he's lonely, that Rupert is obviously a huge prick, that he's working on his massive insecurities and learning to find self worth from himself and not from external factors like his dad or people on the internet, but I feel like we've missed some important steps, especially with what we saw of Nate previously. Nate by season two went beyond just letting the attention get to his head, he showed a real mean streak that was always there even in season one, it was just easy not to see because he was still an underdog. Is that mean streak just gone now that he has a girlfriend and his dads approval? I also don't really buy that the whole team wants Nate back when not so long ago they were all so furious with him that they blew a game by beating the shit out of Nate's new team. I really needed to see a few scenes where Nate apologizes to the team or at least where they all talk about whether or not they want to invite Nate back, it seems like we missed an episode or two.

For me, the scene with Beard was a big help, and I liked the observation made in this thread that, on Ted Lasso, second chances are generally given and it's *then* on the characters to prove worthy of them, not the other way around. And I'm glad Nate is finally trying to rectify *something*. But I agree that it's been rushed. Even though Nate has had so much screentime this season, it hasn't always been spent wisely.

I'm still annoyed that we basically didn't see Nate coach at all from the time he started seeing Jade. IIRC, we only saw the brief scene where Ted, Beard, and Henry came to the West Ham game, and there, it was all about Nate's reaction to seeing them, not the game itself. I mean, I can infer that, as Nate has grown to feel more comfortable in his own skin with Jade, that's been reflected in his coaching style, but we don't *know* that because the show never showed us anything. Or would he go straight from being cute and awkward in the morning with Jade to sneering insults at his players during training? It would've been so important to see Nate shift in how he was treating his players, realize how wrong he'd been, *and* see that he could still win games without mocking and berating them. Because forgiveness and "second chances" are all well and good, but have any of the Richmond folks extending olive branches seen evidence that Nate won't bring the same toxic attitude that he did last time?

Seeing Ted with his mom was so interesting. You could see from moment one how thrown Ted was by this--he was waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time, even as he and his mom were both going out of their way to try and accommodate each other. And obviously the folksiness and deflective positivity got on his nerves when it was directed at *him*, so hopefully he understands a little bit why things broke down between him and Michelle in the first place. The "thank you"/"fuck you" scene was done well, and I liked that Ted gleaned that from his conversation with Jamie.

Speaking of which, I love that we actually saw Ted helping a player in a tough moment. Even though I agree that forgiveness might not have been the best advice when it comes to dealing with Jamie and his dad, I feel like it's been *so* long since we saw Ted in a scene like this. He's given a few locker room speeches to the whole team this season, but when it comes to those one-on-one moments he's historically been so good at? Hardly anything. So much of his screentime has been wrapped up in his own personal stuff, and I appreciate that this episode gave us Ted dealing with personal issues *and* being an empathetic, involved coach.

Other random things I loved:

  • Beard shouting, "You can't go up stairs!!!" when Roy shrugged off concerns about Jamie playing hurt.
  • Higgins not moving a muscle during the game (even through half time? That's dedication!) I laughed when Rebecca physically turned his head for him.
  • So many little moments of Jamie's depression. "That goal was a lie!" A couple handing him their phone for a selfie and Jamie just taking a picture of the two of them, then walking by someone waiting for a high five and just dropping his forehead against their palm. His dismayed reaction when Keeley mentioned people talking shit about his hair online!
  • Nate noting that Beard and Ted's backstory was like Les Mis, with the kicker, "I stole a loaf of meth."
  • Van Damme being *on fire* during the game. The commentators didn't let up on talking about how silly he looked in his mask, but they couldn't deny the amazing work he was doing.
  • The way Jamie's whole demeanor changed after his conversation with Ted. When he stepped back onto the pitch, the jeers of the crowd weren't getting to him anymore; he had his cocky swagger back and let the taunts roll off him. At that point, he didn't *need* their cheers when he walked off after his goal, but it was still nice to see.
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I just posted this in the spoilers section. Those that aren't familiar with the English Premier League may have noticed that they have ignored that they are in one of the greatest sports leagues in the world. I know the show is based on fantasy and was really all about the misadventures of the true hero of this show, Nate. But these are just a few things that the show could have looked at provided it had some time each episode after focusing on how much poor Nate was being wronged by the mean, mean world.

Being in the Premier League means a huge influx of cash for Rebecca due to the great teams coming to play in their stadium. They have ignored the FA Cup and that experience of competing in that very important and legendary cup. They ignored the fact that they are going to the Champions League next year, one of the greatest leagues in the world. They have ignored that Jamie may be winning the golden boot. They have ignored the fact that they went from the Champions to Premier League and are in second place and may be the only team in history to do this. Players and Coaches in the Premier League are treated like American sports superstars in England so going out and hanging out would be completely crazy. Think Lebron going out for a burger with his teammates. Also, the amount of money that Nate was paid for 3/4 of a season would be enough to keep him quite comfortable for the rest of his life. Lastly, Nate is a winning coach in the Premier League and at least dozens of teams now and at the end of the season would be knocking down his door to hire him. He could hand pick a decent owner if he wanted to.

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What is this lovely song telling us about the end of Ted Lasso?  Is there any hope for another season with the "We will see you here, Same time, same place, next year" lyric? 

Was this song only released this week when episode 11 dropped?  It really resonated, like I'd been hearing it for years over other evocative cinematic moments.


"Fought & Lost"
(feat. Brian May)

Congratulations on your jubilation
Our hearts are breaking underneath all the applause
This devastation is of our own making
But we've never tasted this much bitterness before

And everybody falls
But some of us are born to fight, and fight, and fight some more

So, we will see you here
Same time, same place, next year
And you may win this battle but you'll never win the war
Better to have fought and lost than never fought at all

Go take a bow
Your audience is waiting
We'll take the shadows since the limelight isn't ours
We wanted it so bad
Gave it all we had
Oh, but wanting, it doesn't always make it yours

This time was ours to lose
But fortune favours those who ride the storm and make it through

So, we will see you here
Same time, same place, next year
And you can take this battle 'cause we're gonna win the war
Better to have fought and lost than never fought at all

So, here on the same ground
When the tables have turned around
Oh, and your tears fall as your world is crashing down
I hope, when you see me
You remember that feeling
Oh, 'cause we've both seen the world from both sides now

And everybody falls
And life will tear you down to show you what's worth fighting for

Oh, we will see you here
Same time, same place, next year
And you may win this battle but you'll never win the war
Better to have fought and lost than never fought at all
Better to have fought and lost than never fought at all

Edited by Phebemarie
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13 hours ago, juno said:

Being in the Premier League means a huge influx of cash for Rebecca due to the great teams coming to play in their stadium

Ah. That explains the punchline about Rebecca going to literally “see a man about a horse.”


30 minutes ago, Adgirl said:

Nate is petty, small, and ungrateful. He doesn't have addiction as an excuse for his behavior--his character is him

The excuse we were given for Nate’s random acts of vicious pettiness was his father gaslighting Nate’s exceptional talents while he was growing up. 
That could have been an interesting longer plot arc, but it wouldn’t have really fit in the show, so all we got was a footnote. Blink and you miss it.

Keeley’s lengthier plot arc didn’t fit any more than flashbacks to Nate’s childhood would have. Maybe they just included the KJPR (Keeley Jones Public Relations) stuff in a half-baked attempt to add more independent women’s issues to the show? 

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I thought this was the usual -- incredibly rough but with some sweet moments.

I still feel like this entire season feels like a rough draft of "Ted Lasso" shot out of a confetti cannon. It's not bad. It's just kind of a weird, choppy B- version of the usual "Ted Lasso."

While I liked that Will was present (after Nate's sweet apology), I thought it was unbelievable that the show handwaved that they all wanted Nate to come back. And as others have said -- would they really do this during a winning run? And that the entire team supported the act. No fricking way.

I did love Beard showing up at the 11th hour, but that entire story feels like we are missing hours and hours of relevant moments. And it's just not well-written. Why don't we get to hear some of Nate's letter? Why didn't we see the team discuss WHY TF they want to bring Nate back -- and THE VOTE? I mean, sheesh.

On our rom-com battles, I will always think You've Got Mail is a masterpiece while personally, I find Sleepless in Seattle creepy for glorifying Meg Ryan as the world's sweetest stalker and parasocial overstepper. What I like in YGM is that Hanks and Meg's characters are both equals -- they are businesspeople who connect personally even while they battle it out and one of them loses, but they still are able to see one another as people. And while I am not a fan of what BN or Amazon did to the little bookshops of America, I do believe it's possible for someone like Hanks's character to be a decent guy. And for me the big emotional wallop of the film (beyond the closing scene) is the visible pain that strikes Hanks in the coffee shop when he tears up and quietly tells her, "That's my cue," after she decimates him personally for his business.

As far as Ted's confrontation with his Mom, this was probably my biggest problem with the episode. There is no way on God's green earth I will ever believe that Ted would say "Fuck you" to his mother. Ever. Much less repeatedly.  It is utterly unlike Ted. And what was with her being in London a WEEK without contacting him?! I mean, why is everything so WEIRD with people this season?!

I liked Keeley and Roy and Jamie until we realized Keeley and Roy were not back together (um, okay, show). The game was great. But I was unhappy that we repeatedly see Ted send Jamie -- visibly possibly very hurt and NOT MEDICALLY CHECKED OUT -- RIGHT BACK OUT TO PLAY. This is not the Ted we know. For Ted, a player's health would be more important. He would at least have looked very conflicted over it (see also a very similar but much better done scene in the movie Hoosiers -- and Hackman as the coach makes the right choice and pulls the player).

As always this season, I didn't hate it. I just wish I'd loved it, and instead I am so damn frustrated. What a terribly, sloppy season.

On 5/24/2023 at 2:00 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

Sorry, I'm in the camp that likes You've Got Mail better than Sleepless in Seattle.  First, probably because I'm a big fan of The Shop Around the Corner--more so than An Affair to Remember

Also, You've Got Mail was filmed in my neighborhood.  I walk by that garden all the time. 

I admit to really disliking Sleepless -- it's an incredibly creepy story at heart, and the only things I like about it are the friendship between Meg and Rosie (Editor), even if the editor is enabling her being a stalker, and I do love every scene between Hanks and his friends and his little boy. The scene where he and Victor Garber cry over The Guns of Navarone (I think that's it?!) is fantastic.

On 5/24/2023 at 2:05 PM, debraran said:

The writers were on strike way before now. They missed giving us the coming out talk, the end of Rupert talk and why Nate quit. They made Jade one dimensional which was unneeded, I'm sure she can act.  We miss the talk with the guys about Nate....30 seconds too much?

I love the show but so disappointed, like This is Us the last year. They wasted a lot of episodes too. I don't get it. The meaty stuff they cut out and the frilly stuff they leave.

I do love Les Miz and loved Beard's speech. I was always a forgiveness type, without it, we are doomed but it should be done wisely. I also agree with Ted on how it is a gift for yourself.

Lets hope the end is something that leaves us teary and with a smile.

This is me, every single thing you mention. The show keeps skipping past the most important scenes -- or fast-tracking them like "oh they don't need to see how we got there," and --yeah, we really do need to see that.

This season has been a C+/B- at best for me, and a huge drop from the first two seasons. Oh, well. It does make it easier for me to say goodbye to the show.

On 5/24/2023 at 3:30 PM, Raachel2008 said:

Nate bullied Will with a viciousness no other character had displayed before. Nate left the team without warning because he was mean, and petty, and absolute the worst. HE TOLD THE PRESS ABOUT TEDDY'S MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS.

You mean the incredibly cruel and violent bullying we had just witnessed several times previously toward Nate in the first few episodes of Season 1 by multiple players, led by Jamie, and including Colin and Isaac? I mean, if we're going to talk viciousness, I would argue what they did to Nate was arguably worse than Nate's rudeness to Will (which was absolutely NOT OKAY either, in any way). For which Nate apologized and also made the gesture of doing all of his duties for the day and saying he was sorry, complete with note and a signature in humility.

I think it's worth noting that I don't think any of those players who were ganging up on Nate and bullying him as a group (of elite famous athletes, no less) ever apologized to him at all. Period. But they are forgiven. I just don't get it.

Nate told Trent about Ted's panic attack in cruel, childish impulse, and he deserves every bit of blowback and punishment he got. Ted deserves his apology deeply, and I am glad the show has tried (however badly) to show us that Nate almost instantly regretted it.

Anyway, I can finally shut up about Nate since we're near the end of the season. YMMV. :) 

On 5/24/2023 at 6:47 PM, Grumpbump said:

Here's the thing about Nate.  He's the type that has punished himself so much more than any of "us" ever could.  I truly believe that although the writers aren't hitting us over the head with that....Nate has suffered internally so much more than any outward punishment could be portrayed.  

Even though this is fiction, I am surprised there are a large number of us who can't find any good in Nate.  I feel like you might be missing a really big part of the message of this show.....

One of the few things "Ted Lasso" did right this season for me was to almost immediately show the revelation that Nate was almost immediately deeply regretful and sorry for his behavior to Ted. I really liked that this wasn't artificially dragged out, and I do get what the show seemed to be trying to do by showing Nate healing simply by getting the validation and love he needed in healthier ways.

Anyway. I realize I'm not going to change anyone's mind here, but I still feel sorry for what Nate went through and understand how it affected his desperate need for Ted and the others to admire and accept him (based blatantly on his own sufferings at the team's bullying at then his lifetime of his father's).

I did get Beard's fierce anger at Nate as well as his lovely hug of forgiveness. An since I already got my one big wish of Nate apologizing to Will (and doing so in a lovely way), I really do hope we see Nate apologizing to Ted, and to the Team, in the finale.

All I've ever really wanted on the Nate/Ted storyline was for Nate to see and realize that Ted had always kept Nate's gift photo on his shelf next to the picture of his family. That Ted had cared deeply for Nate and forgiven him almost instantly.

Edited by paramitch
Fixed movie title
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16 minutes ago, paramitch said:

All I've ever really wanted on the Nate/Ted storyline was for Nate to see and realize that Ted had always kept Nate's gift photo on his shelf next to the picture of his family. That Ted had cared deeply for Nate and forgiven him almost instantly.

There's one more episode, right??


17 minutes ago, paramitch said:

I was unhappy that we repeatedly see Ted send Jamie -- visibly possibly very hurt and NOT MEDICALLY CHECKED OUT -- RIGHT BACK OUT TO PLAY.

I kept wondering if we were supposed to understand that Jamie's inability to get back up and walk normally was psychological??

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3 hours ago, paramitch said:

One of the few things "Ted Lasso" did right this season for me was to almost immediately show the revelation that Nate was almost immediately deeply regretful and sorry for his behavior to Ted.

I don’t think they did that at all. They showed him making his players stand on the dumb-dumb line. They showed him refusing to shake Ted’s hand. What makes you think they showed he was regretful at all early in the season?  Maybe I missed something.

Edited by Jeddah
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32 minutes ago, paramitch said:

There is no way on God's green earth I will ever believe that Ted would say "Fuck you" to his mother.

Totally agree. That really seemed off for Ted's personality, maybe he would have used words like "Duck you," or "Fudge."

Keely and Roy are not together?? We know they slept together and we see Roy make his grand gesture/emotional maturity, she obviously fell for his words...why are they not together now, they hated being apart.

39 minutes ago, paramitch said:

Also, You've Got Mail was filmed in my neighborhood.  I walk by that garden all the time.

Sleepless in Seattle was filmed around Baltimore, Meg Ryan's apartment was in Fells Point, or at least the building is, Bill Pullman's parents home is in Roland Park and I spent about a year in Federal Way, Washington and enjoyed the city immensely...not my favorite movie at all, it seemed disjointed.  You've Got Mail was a much better movie in my opinion because I loved the movies it was based on, The Shop Around the Corner  (anything with James Stewart) and In The Good Old Summertime.

In truth, I will happily watch this show even with it's faults, I just want Ted to win at life.


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On 5/24/2023 at 12:55 AM, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Ending this by quoting our favorite Roy Kent, as did most of everyone else in this episode ....  Fffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
(or 'Ffffuuuuuuuuuuuudge!' in Ted's case)

One of my favorite parts of this whole episode was Keeley's FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK, complete with the Roy growl when she saw the poster of herself behind Jamie's door. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

In truth, I will happily watch this show even with it's faults, I just want Ted to win at life.

I completely agree. I still love this show, and I don’t think the third season has been bad even with some missteps. I want all of these characters to be inspired by Ted and go out in the world and be good people, and I want Ted to be happy.

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2 hours ago, paramitch said:

I was unhappy that we repeatedly see Ted send Jamie -- visibly possibly very hurt and NOT MEDICALLY CHECKED OUT -- RIGHT BACK OUT TO PLAY. This is not the Ted we know. For Ted, a player's health would be more important.

Agreed, this bothered me a bit at first, too. But we see Ted ask Jamie if he's sure he can't go back out, and when Jamie says 'yeah' he immediately turns to tell the official that they'll be making the sub, and then Jamie stops him with 'no' so they let the medics tend to him before they decide. And after the physios are done, they don't tell Ted to take Jamie out.

In the end I don't think Ted just lets Jamie go back out on the pitch for the sake of the match, I think he knows that Jamie needs to finish this particular match on his own terms. He needed to leave that pitch on a high note that day.

(Although you did say 'repeatedly' - did you mean the times he was tackled earlier in the game?)

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1 hour ago, Adgirl said:

And Ted Lasso's father committed suicide when he was just a teen. Fuck Nate. 


At this point it is end game that Nate is the new Assistant under Beard or Roy or new Head Coach. If that is the case this third season is a complete failure for me. In the future streaming for me, it will just become the season that is not watched.

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56 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

If both Beard and Roy stay with the team, no way should Nate outrank either. I get a feeling Beard will stay and Roy will retire.

This has already become the season that I will not rewatch. The three episodes I enjoyed, I really enjoyed. That was that.

I agree.  I posted earlier, if Bex gets the team fr9m Rupert, she will need a new head coach.  That would be a better place for him. 

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1 hour ago, QQQQ said:

Why hadn't Keeley met Jamie's mom earlier? Between the posters and his close relationship with his mother, I don't get it. Also, why weren't Jamie's mom and stepdad at the game in person?

Maybe they, like Jamie, assumed that his dad would be there? They might have worried that he'd cause a scene in the stands if he saw them (or an even worse scene than he would've anyway), and figured Jamie didn't need that added stress.

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37 minutes ago, angora said:

Maybe they, like Jamie, assumed that his dad would be there? They might have worried that he'd cause a scene in the stands if he saw them (or an even worse scene than he would've anyway), and figured Jamie didn't need that added stress.

Not only this, but they would have been the only ones in the stands - and I assume among the 'general population' of the Man City faithful - that would have been cheering specifically for Jamie.  Would have been harangued and harassed incessantly all match long.

But I'm sure that if really wanted to, Jamie could have gotten them a couple seats up in the box with Rebecca & Higgins.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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37 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Not only this, but they would have been the only ones in the stands - and I assume among the 'general population' of the Man City faithful - that would have been cheering specifically for Jamie.  Would have been harangued and harassed incessantly all match long.

But I'm sure that if really wanted to, Jamie could have gotten them a couple seats up in the box with Rebecca & Higgins.

I don't know how seating works in soccer.  Are there not home and visitor sections for fans?

Edited by QQQQ
  • Like 1
12 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

One of my favorite parts of this whole episode was Keeley's FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK, complete with the Roy growl when she saw the poster of herself behind Jamie's door. 

I liked the bit earlier when they are watching the movie and Roy asks Keeley how it went with Jamie. 

She's like "I fucked it and made it worse."

Roy :"Ah shiiiiiiiiii.....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt" in soto voice not to disturb anyone. Lol.

  • Like 10
8 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Why hadn't Keeley met Jamie's mom earlier? Between the posters and his close relationship with his mother, I don't get it.

I never got the sense that Keeley and Jamie dated for all that long - I assumed they started dating after Jamie came to London from Manchester, and they seemed relatively casual, not quite on a "come back to Manchester and meet my mum" level.

5 hours ago, QQQQ said:

I don't know how seating works in soccer.  Are there not home and visitor sections for fans?

Yeah, there are, but it's not easy to get tickets for the away section if you're not actually an active member of the supporters club. The club is the one to distribute those. (I've wanted to go to matches when my team, which isn't local to me, ended up playing a local team in my country, but it was impossible to get tickets in their section and I didn't want to sit among the home fans flaunting my loyalties.) I agree that they might've chosen not to go because of Jamie's dad, and Jamie probably could've gotten them seats in the box if they wanted to be there, but like Crs97 says it might be showing the difference between her and his dad that she's not asking for that.

  • Like 3
On 5/27/2023 at 10:17 AM, angora said:

That scene was *incredible*. Roy telling Jamie now was the time to be the "prickiest prick" ever, 

I love that part of the Jamie/Roy relationship. How Roy generally hates how much of a prick Jamie is but also realizes how acting like a prick makes him a better player. Which is something he appreciates both as his coach, and someone who loves football.

On 5/28/2023 at 4:57 AM, shapeshifter said:

Ah. That explains the punchline about Rebecca going to literally “see a man about a horse.”

Also the line about how she would usually take a private jet to Manchester but there were issues about her carbon footprint. Her money comes just from Richmond right since that is all she got in the divorce, so the team must be doing well.

On 5/27/2023 at 3:17 PM, juno said:

 They ignored the fact that they are going to the Champions League next year, one of the greatest leagues in the world. They have ignored that Jamie may be winning the golden boot. They have ignored the fact that they went from the Champions to Premier League and are in second place and may be the only team in history to do this. 

So if I understand this correctly there are 2 Champions leagues? The one they were in last year which was a downgrade from the PL, but they are going to play in a different one next year that is a bigger deal than the PL? I seems confusing and if they included it they would need to have a scene where Beard or Roy or Trent explains it to Ted.

On 5/28/2023 at 10:34 AM, Jeddah said:

I don’t think they did that at all. They showed him making his players stand on the dumb-dumb line. They showed him refusing to shake Ted’s hand. What makes you think they showed he was regretful at all early in the season?  Maybe I missed something.

They even showed how he couldn't even bring himself to waive to Ted's kid or say to Rupert that it's no big deal that they were there. I am not sure he has learned a whole lot other than he hates working for Rupert.

  • Like 6
23 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Also the line about how she would usually take a private jet to Manchester but there were issues about her carbon footprint. Her money comes just from Richmond right since that is all she got in the divorce, so the team must be doing well.

Well, I think Rebecca had her own money before the divorce, too - I remember Sassy saying her family was rich back in season one when she explained to Keeley where name "Stinky" came from. And Rebecca said her dad always bought her mum a very expensive apology present, like a Tesla, when he'd screwed up.

23 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

So if I understand this correctly there are 2 Champions leagues? The one they were in last year which was a downgrade from the PL, but they are going to play in a different one next year that is a bigger deal than the PL? I seems confusing and if they included it they would need to have a scene where Beard or Roy or Trent explains it to Ted.

Not quite, they're two entirely different things. The league Richmond were in last year was the Championship, which is the league below the Premier League. The Champions League isn't actually a league as such at all, it's the biggest of the European cups where the top clubs in Europe play, and a Very Big Deal. England has four spots, so the top four teams qualify. Having a scene where that's explained to Ted would be quite fun! "Hold on, now we WANT to make it to the Championship again? I thought only relegation got you that." "Champions LEAGUE. Very different. Played all over Europe." (ETA - it's played simultaneously with the regular league, so just means you play more matches over the season. First there's a group stage, and then the knockout stage with quarter finals, etc.)

Edited by Schweedie
  • Useful 3

With the season finale coming up, I just want to get a few things out.

I'll miss Rebecca, Keeley, Roy, Jamie, Sam, and Higgins.

I surprisingly am not very invested in Ted's outcome. I initially liked his character a lot but agree with others here that he would not curse his mother out like he did in "Mom City".

Really wish they hadn't wasted time with Zava and Jack. There had to have been better ways to advance the story.

I really can't stand Nate and his entire storyline. Jade is a non-entity imo. I don't think she's funny at all. I don't think everyone deserves a second chance, especially if you've done NOTHING. Nate replacing the Ted figure on the board, looking regretful about NOT shaking Ted's hand and also NOT apologizing to Ted in the elevator is just not enough at all. I have no idea why he quit coaching West Ham so that doesn't count as showing "growth".

Overall, I've enjoyed Ted Lasso and I'm sure the finale will have many great moments.



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4 minutes ago, juno said:
1 hour ago, Schweedie said:

Well, I think Rebecca had her own money before the divorce, too - I remember Sassy saying her family was rich back in season one when she explained to Keeley where name "Stinky" came from. And Rebecca said her dad always bought her mum a very expensive apology present, like a Tesla, when he'd screwed up.

Not quite, they're two entirely different things. The league Richmond were in last year was the Championship, which is the league below the Premier League. The Champions League isn't actually a league as such at all, it's the biggest of the European cups where the top clubs in Europe play, and a Very Big Deal. England has four spots, so the top four teams qualify. Having a scene where that's explained to Ted would be quite fun! "Hold on, now we WANT to make it to the Championship again? I thought only relegation got you that." "Champions LEAGUE. Very different. Played all over Europe." (ETA - it's played simultaneously with the regular league, so just means you play more matches over the season. First there's a group stage, and then the knockout stage with quarter finals, etc.)

I know very confusing, I should have written the whole thing out. The league they were just promoted from is called the English Football League Championship the elite league for the top 4 teams is called the Champions League.

Think you may have quoted the wrong post. 😅

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

So if I understand this correctly there are 2 Champions leagues? The one they were in last year which was a downgrade from the PL, but they are going to play in a different one next year that is a bigger deal than the PL? I seems confusing and if they included it they would need to have a scene where Beard or Roy or Trent explains it to Ted.

I know very confusing, I should have written the whole thing out. The league they were just promoted from is called the English Football League Championship the elite league for the top 4 teams is called the Champions League.

  • Like 1
50 minutes ago, mellotune said:

Really wish they hadn't wasted time with Zava and Jack. There had to have been better ways to advance the story.

Zava was pretty much a waste of time. I feel like a lower quality show would have had him try to come back at some point and the team shut him down. But not sure if that could really work with respect to a team of elite athletes like this.

Jack was useless too. A much better storyline would have been Keeley trying to figure out how to be the boss (maybe trying and failing at being a mini Rebecca or copying Ted) and finding a management style that works for her.

50 minutes ago, mellotune said:

I don't think everyone deserves a second chance, especially if you've done NOTHING

Plus didn't Richmond give Nate multiple chances as it is? It's not like he snapped one day tore down the sign and left. I'm trying to remember but weren't there several instances of him being a jerk before that happened? I would say at minimum Ted not firing him for leaking about his panic attack was his second chance.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
  • Like 6
1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Plus didn't Richmond give Nate multiple chances as it is? It's not like he snapped one day tore down the sign and left. I'm trying to remember but weren't there several instances of him being a jerk before that happened? I would say at minimum Ted not firing him for leaking about his panic attack was his second chance.

Kind of, but not really. Nate was given permission to be a jerk to the team, and they all laughed it off. The only other thing that they might be upset about is Nate's treatment to Will but the team never found out what Nate said to Will, and we never saw them actively tell Nate to knock it off with his treatment to Will.

The team doesn't know about the other stuff that he did to Ted, just quitting and ripping up the sign. So, for the team, the sign is the only really bad thing he did that they disagree with.

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20 hours ago, QQQQ said:

Why hadn't Keeley met Jamie's mom earlier? Between the posters and his close relationship with his mother, I don't get it. Also, why weren't Jamie's mom and stepdad at the game in person?

Keely and Jamie's relationship didn't seem close enough to be on that level when they were together.

Aside form getting the issues and limitations that @Schweedie has mentioned, a lot of fans prefer not to go to games for a variety of reasons including the weather, harassment, crowding, and having to hear people heckle on your family member / loved one. It's a lot better now than it was twenty or thirty years ago, but it's not something a lot of fans choose to do on a regular basis. I could see Georgie and Simon preferring to take it easy at home. It's not like Jamie can get away to see them for very much after the game either.

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

the team never found out what Nate said to Will, and we never saw them actively tell Nate to knock it off with his treatment to Will.

 Beard heard and called him out for his comments to Colin.  Nate’s only question was whether Ted knew, but Beard said he wouldn’t tell Ted.  He made Nate give Colin a public apology, though, and told Ted it was nothing Ted needed to address.

When Nate complained about Ted taking credit for his ideas, both Beard and Roy called him out.

  • Like 3
2 hours ago, Crs97 said:

 Beard heard and called him out for his comments to Colin.  Nate’s only question was whether Ted knew, but Beard said he wouldn’t tell Ted.  He made Nate give Colin a public apology, though, and told Ted it was nothing Ted needed to address.

When Nate complained about Ted taking credit for his ideas, both Beard and Roy called him out.

Colin, yes, Will, no. 

He issues Colin a public apology, even if it wasn't great. But, to be fair, I don't think Colin apologized for HIS behaviour toward Nate, which was also just as shitty back pre-series and in early season 1. 

That's why Beard is more upset with Nate than anyone else; he's had some more firsthand experience with Nate's behaviour than the others. 

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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The team doesn't know about the other stuff that he did to Ted, just quitting and ripping up the sign. So, for the team, the sign is the only really bad thing he did that they disagree with.

I looked it up to remind myself and it appears that Ted of course knows that Nate leaked about the panic attack, and Beard pretty much figured it out. Either way though we the audience know everything Nate did while at Richmond, and I still say that him not being fired for leaking the story was at minimum his second chance. So any chances the team gives him now are third or more.

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13 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I looked it up to remind myself and it appears that Ted of course knows that Nate leaked about the panic attack, and Beard pretty much figured it out. Either way though we the audience know everything Nate did while at Richmond, and I still say that him not being fired for leaking the story was at minimum his second chance. So any chances the team gives him now are third or more.

Perhaps, but I don't think I'm opposed since I do feel like Nate's learned something since leaving. I don't think he'll ever do anything like that again. I think we've seen a bit from Nate now to show that he's not going to do something like that. He's working his way toward redemption, even if he's not quite there. 

I do go back to thinking about what Rebecca's done, what Jamie's done, what Higgins has even done. All of them got not just second, but also third chances as well. They were given the chance to grow. Hell, Sam told Ted specifically to not bring Jamie back in season 2 due to the bullying he sustained from him, only for Ted to bring him back anyway, and Jamie had to prove himself to them. Even after all the shitty things he did, they still gave him a real chance to prove himself, and he did. And that was certainly far from Jamie's second chance. He had been given many chances in season 1 by Ted to change and he didn't. Jamie didn't take any of those chances until he had nowhere else to go and accepted Ted's help. Actually, the closest he got to taking that second/third/fourth chance was in episode six of season 1, in which Rebecca ripped that chance away by getting Jamie transferred.

As much as Nate's journey may not have been as well done as it should have been (thanks to the show wasting time on characters like Jack and even Zava), I don't see why the team can't give Nate that chance. They gave it to Jamie, so I'm fine with them giving it to Nate. 

That being said, he owes the team a sincere apology and he has to make amends with Ted first. I think Beard hiring him back is similar to what Ted did with Jamie, which is jump the gun on giving something to the person who needs to earn redemption FIRST. Like with Jamie, Nate needs to do a little more before being welcomed back so openly.

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

But, to be fair, I don't think Colin apologized for HIS behaviour toward Nate, which was also just as shitty back pre-series and in early season 1. 

His takedown of Colin happened when Colin went to ask Nate if he had done something to upset him. If Nate had said something about how Colin treated him before, that would have been totally fair to bring up. But instead he just made an incredibly mean-spirited attack. Maybe Colin never specifically apologized, but he was trying to make sure things were right between them. And Nate just went for the jugular.

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Ted Lasso, I'm sorry it ended this way. We had a nice little two season run, and now, at the end, it's more important for everyone to be happy than for anything to make sense at all. This show basically decided to aspire to nothing higher than after school special type of writing, it's absolutely disappointing. So much in this episode doesn't make any actual sense. 

  • Why exactly did Ted's mom go to England unannounced and sit on a park bench outside his apartment rather than call like a normal person? She's coming from KC, not from Leicester, it's a rather involved trip to "wing it", and what was her plan if Ted didn't come out that day for some reason?
  • So wait...this show decided AFC Richmond was going to contend for the Premier League title? For real? What is this, MIghty Ducks 4? Please, this goes for all shows: if you don't want to do sports right, then don't do sports. It's just as compelling, and quite a bit more believable, to have them struggle to stay in the league. Then you don't have to ask us to believe they somehow have taken 45 points from 45 on a 15 game winning streak. 
  • THey're on a 15 game winning streak, have secured, implausibly, a place in the Champion's League the following year, everything's coming up Greyhounds...and somehow we are supposed to imagine a scene that happens off screen where the entire AFC RIchmond crew is like "We need Nate!" WHY WOULD THEY EVEN THINK ABOUT NATE???? He's been sacked or quit, the show doesn't make it clear, from a different champion's league team (The Hammers were in 2nd last episode). WHY would anyone think "now is the time" and not, say "Maybe it's something we can address in the offseason, but this season's got ONE WEEK LEFT, we don't need a new coach."
  • Someone mentioned this earlier but it bears reiterating. There is literally zero chance they play a man down for any time at all once Tartt is hurt. They're protecting a 1 - 0 lead at the Etihad, on the road, for first place in the Premiership, in the 85+th minute. It's grounds for dismissal, that's how irresponsible it is, and to have it be so Ted and Jaime can pace out this weird little scene about what's really important or whatever? It insults the soccer fans who watch this show. 
  • Beard's backstory: doesn't that make his two episodes out on the town, one we saw, the other we only see the aftermath of in Holland, PROBLEMATIC? He was drinking Auyuhuasca or however you spell it with Ted, wouldn't that be a high risk for backsliding into a meth addiction so terrible you stole your friend's car? Three weeks ago we thought it was adorable, now we're open to the possibility that Beard murdered a sex worker in a relapse! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? It comes from out of nowhere. If you had "someone was addicted to Meth" on your Lasso bingo card, congrats. That's a sign this show is lost, entirely. 
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On 5/24/2023 at 12:02 PM, MissLucas said:


  • I might be willing to forgive Nate but I'm still pissed at Dani who can go fuck himself with his cheery attitude, we've all seen the truth: you're a fucking psychopath. Yeah, I still have work to do myself.
  • Had to google Mae's poem. It's 'There Be The Verse' by Philip Larkin
  • Keely dragging Roy away from Mama Tart's inviting embrace.
  • Getting Guardiola to make a cameo? I'm almost as impressed as Beard was.

I'll miss this show.


I love how two people can see the same thing and react so differently to it :). I hated that the bartender somehow had enough command of that poem to quote it over multiple verses. She's not that character, let her spin her own wisdom with her own acerbic demeanor. You're robbing a side character of a signature moment. 

Mama Tartt was a very, very weird sequence. NO ONE says anything about it though, they never comment on it. Not even silently, or afterward to each other, one of them could have been like "HEy, was it weird the way she was like caressing him? That wasn't just me, right?"

Guardiola making a cameo was nice...BUT then the show isn't happy with it. INstead of a warm congratulations and goodbye, he stops and gives Ted a "make these men the best they can be" speech? DOES ANYONE ON THIS WRITING STAFF WATCH PREMIER LEAGUE???? Unless Guardiola said "What the fuck, are you drunk playing down a man, your forward, no less, who is absolutely not necessary in the 85th minute of a game you're trying to protect a 1 - 0 lead on the road? Should I get the physio over here, are you concussed sir?", Please stop! 

And we agree 100% on Dani. What exactly does the show want us to think of him? 

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