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S16.E28: Power Of Veto Competition #9

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Oops I voted 20 times NO NO NO NO NO.  Hopefully this will help Donny's cause.  Fingers crossed.


I will vote again tomorrow.


Now...about Christine.  I hated her with the fire of a thousand suns today.  The only time we see her she is throwing competitions to get Donny out.  Take a walk Christine.  I now hate you more than I hated Andy last year.

  • Love 5

That was lame. 20 no votes in and waiting for midnight.

Frankie's only talent is to be annoying.

It's awesome to think up missions to get oneself screen time and show off how talented and wonderful you are. I really appreciate he did that and wish this launches his superstar career that he so much deserves and woefully overdue.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 7

Well Derrick, I'll give you this. While I'm still not buying what you're selling when it comes to Donny, you're at least getting better at selling it. He even cried! But I think Derrick must think that somehow we didn't see the skittles meeting? Where he was kind of key in the plan to throw the BoB and get Donny out? What with being HOH and all? But I guess I can see his point of view. Frankie and the house all seem to have completely forgotten where they tried to do the same to him.

Victoria's moment in the bathroom actually was kind of scary. Especially that thump as Nicole was putting on make-up. I'm glad she's OK.

I do love the fact that every time these idiots try to throw a comp, it keeps not working. I hope they continue to try because I enjoy the many ways in which their foolproof plans fail.

Yeah, that Play was just an excuse for Frankie to put on lots of make-up and be dramatic. Complete fail. I'll give Derrick this - I think he knows it's going to be a fail, but he didn't want to keep Donny. Now he thinks he has an out with Donny by blaming the whole thing on Frankie, while giving Frankie what he wants, while shaking his head sadly to America. But again I'll have to say it. Derrick? WE SEE YOU!

  • Love 10

Of course Frankie would want to put on a play or a show! When you can succubus off a rich and famous sister your entire life is all f@#king "play"-spend your days being an (alleged) youtube star and self proclaim social media mogul. Life is one big picnic. I don't think I have ever despised a houseguest more and that includes Mike Boogie.  I know that it robs Donny of $5000 put I'm hoping America will vote for "the show" as an epic fail. It will send a clear message to Frankie that most of America hates him. Besides the whole thing was misguided and the Amber and  Jocasta skits didn't seem like for fun...they seemed a venue for some mean spirited  venting.


Also give me break about the "tease" before the last segment. There was no way Derrick was going to allow his puppet to keep a confirmed duo of Donny and Nicole in the house. Too dangerous.


Donny shouldn't be so excited about Scorpion...pilots tend to blow their budget wad to impress and compensate later with money saving "bottle shows".


Lastly I am not saying Victoria was faking it but one has to believe there was a bit of embellishing going on there.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 6

If Frankie ever decides to give up his day job as Ariana Grande's brother, I think he has a real future in writing non-plays.  The plot!  The characterization! The Pathos!  None of that was there!   


Vote No early America and vote No often.  

I laughed hard enough at this post to scare my dog out of sleep.  Literally


Victoria...do you even remember Amber? 


Sorry, Donny...but I can't sign off on Frankie's lame-ass play.


Oh, Cody...how cute you were trying to convince yourself you are playing the game for yourself.  It was adorable.  (But at least you weren't a complete jerk and gave Donny and Nichole time to eat and be away from the Mean Girls.)

  • Love 6

I cast my 20 votes, mainly to send Derrick and Frankie a message, but also because Frankie, Caleb and Victoria were AWFUL (in that order).  At least Derrick found something about Jocasta that was somewhat funny, and Donnie did a great job with his Devon impersonation.  BB must be kinda sorta over this twist, because they left it to them to come up with their own task, and then didn't even show the whole "play" (if that's what you want to call it).  Gotta vote 20 more times in the morning! 

  • Love 3
Derrick? WE SEE YOU!​



Seriously.  Apparently, he is able to hoodwink 95% of the houseguests, without any trouble at all, but he seems to forget that we've seen him trying to get Donny out for weeks.  And that we know he is running the house.  

Even if I wasn't predisposed to hate the "play" because I want Donny to stay, that whole thing was awful.  Well, not the whole thing - Donny and Derrick were actually pretty good at their impressions, but everyone else was really terrible.  And it wasn't much of a task, because it involved no challenge and no adversity.  Not very "challenging", you know?  It'd be like saying "Hey, our challenge is for everyone to have a nice dinner!"  So stupid.  


And I got the feeling that they edited it to make us all hate it.  I will be voting No 20 times a day for as many days as possible.  Might even get 20 ghost email addresses to vote an extra 400 times a day.  


Because I haven't said it in the last day or so, Shut up, Frankie.  

  • Love 5

I really dislike the counting comp -- and to make matters worse, Donny and Nicole pussied out and let Cody walk off with the POV.


What was the point of both Donny and Nicole folding when Cody had two badges, especially after what  had just happened the previous round when everyone but Cody folded guaranteeing a badge for Cody (because Donny would have won and Cody would have gone home) ?  It's infuriating that they didn't even try to win.

  • Love 5

Derrick is such a liar I can't stand it, I really can't. I didn't appreciate the edit he got tonight. If he really wanted Donny off the block, we would've seen him pushing Cody to do so, especially after Cody (of all people) suggested he could use the veto on Donny to throw Frankie on the block. And if Derrick really wanted TA together, he could've gotten Cody to put Christine up, even her name came out of Cody's mouth!


I did giggle at BB breaking a bit of the 4th wall as Frankie applied makeup for the play in the DR mirror and said "no way America would vote for a mission to save Donny." Serves him right, vain fuckwit.


I'm glad Victoria was okay. I didn't see how swollen her face was, it looked painful.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
  • Love 6

Would anyone here have known which former houseguest Frankie was playing if we hadn't been told?  I would have been scratching my head trying to figure it out.  What in the hell was that sorry little act?  I hope he's thinking that this show is going to lead him to bigger and better things, just so I can enjoy it NOT happening.  Ugly, bitchy little troll that he is!


And, Christine, you look bad enough in your DRs without making ugly faces.


Kudos to Nicole for her slam to Caleb about Hayden being able to get a girl in the house.  Bravo! 

  • Love 10
I did giggle at BB breaking a bit of the 4th wall as Frankie applied makeup for the play in the DR mirror and said "no way America would vote for a mission to save Donny."​



When he said that, I almost became a full-on crazy person, yelling at my TV "YES WE WOULD!!!"


Kudos to Nicole for her slam to Caleb about Hayden being able to get a girl in the house.



Loved that.  


Speaking of Caleb..he is a nut job stalker, for sure, but that whole conversation about how smart Donny is had me in stitches.  Caleb brings the unintentional comedy gold like nobody's business.

  • Love 5

I really dislike the counting comp -- and to make matters worse, Donny and Nicole pussied out and let Cody walk off with the POV.


What was the point of both Donny and Nicole folding when Cody had two badges, especially after what  had just happened the previous round when everyone but Cody folded guaranteeing a badge for Cody (because Donny would have won and Cody would have gone home) ?  It's infuriating that they didn't even try to win.


Segregated in the booths as they were, neither could tell the other was folding as well.

  • Love 1

Would anyone here have known which former houseguest Frankie was playing if we hadn't been told? I would have been scratching my head trying to figure it out.  What in the hell was that sorry little act?  I hope he's thinking that this show is going to lead him to bigger and better things, just so I can enjoy it NOT happening.  Ugly, bitchy little troll that he is!

Actually... when i first saw Frankie's makeup job, I thought he was going to be doing his impersonation of Joan Crawford.


Kudos to Nicole for her slam to Caleb about Hayden being able to get a girl in the house.  Bravo!

Echo THAT!  When she threw that zinger out, my surprise reflex was to say "BOOM!!!".  Loudly.  Startled my dogs.  :)

I'm shocked that Christine, a proclaimed fan of the show, is so convinced the viewing public is on her side in the diary room. The delusion is strong with her.


Christine's DRs are as bad as Victoria's live votes.  And that's saying something.

  • Love 3

Could it be that CBS was throwing shade at Frankie by showing him talking to the producer, obviously off-script and without 'charm', while applying his makeup?  Delicious.


Is it possible that they thought he was precious?  He looked like he was channeling Nathan Lane from The Birdcage.


I really dislike the counting comp -- and to make matters worse, Donny and Nicole pussied out and let Cody walk off with the POV.


What was the point of both Donny and Nicole folding when Cody had two badges, especially after what  had just happened the previous round when everyone but Cody folded guaranteeing a badge for Cody (because Donny would have won and Cody would have gone home) ?  It's infuriating that they didn't even try to win.


They were driving me crazy!  How could Donny and Nicole fail to notice that each round, everyone but one folded?  Cackling Christine was right - they took themselves out of the game.


Speaking of Caleb..he is a nut job stalker, for sure, but that whole conversation about how smart Donny is had me in stitches.  Caleb brings the unintentional comedy gold like nobody's business.


I honestly think I would watch a reality show starring Caleb.  They could follow him around as he tells stories, self-aggrandizes, and demonstrates martial arts.  As long as they can suppress his stalker tendencies, I think the show would be a hit.

  • Love 3

I honestly think I would watch a reality show starring Caleb.  They could follow him around as he tells stories, self-aggrandizes, and demonstrates martial arts.  As long as they can suppress his stalker tendencies, I think the show would be a hit.


So... you're saying he's this decade's Jessica Simpson?


<manfully struggling against making a comment about comparable cup sizes>


ETA: Oops.  Lost THAT struggle.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 3

I've barley posted at all this season but had to say that I signed up on CBS too for the 'espresso' purpose of twenty NO! votes.


Also, I never thought any hamster would ever rival my all-time number one most reviled house guest (that would be Evel Dick) but ... Frankie, you're getting pretty damn close.


Donny, you're well out of that house. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the final episode when you can give these jerks a lesson in dignity and class ... mind you, you do that every day in the house.

  • Love 3

Why were Derrick and Frankie taking clothes out of plastic bags and folding them?  All I could think was that they send out their laundry, but I thought they had a washer/dryer in the backyard.


Maybe just now getting back the stuff they sent out while they were dual HoHs.  Send-out laundry service is one of the HoH perks.

  • Love 1

I said it on TWoP, I'll say it here:  I freaking HATE that "counting Veto" and I really wish they would stop having it.  I know, it's an excuse to fill the backyard with lots of big shiny props, so it's probably here forever, but unless you're a genius at calculating area and volume, you can't come within a mile of the correct answers.  It's "luck dressed up as math" as I wrote before, and that offends me, for some reason.  (And I say this having guessed the donut total as 555, which was pretty close.)


Plus, with the "stay/fold" element, it's easy to throw, and tailor-made for having a majority gang up on a designated target.  Blecch and double-blecch.



I'm shocked that Christine, a proclaimed fan of the show, is so convinced the viewing public is on her side in the diary room. The delusion is strong with her.


Her nasty streak, always repugnant for me, has now reached Andy-like levels.  Well, at least she can fall back on her good looks…


Oh, wait.  Sorry.


(Yeah, I snark, but this bitch is making Top 7.  Fucking Fake Frankie is making Top 7.  Caleb, a certifiable stalker, is making Top 7.  Cody, the real "Big Pussy" from New Jersey, is making Top 7.  Derrick, who enables all these assholes and somehow thinks we don't know it, is making Top 7.  So my snark isn't particularly merited, I suppose.  Sigh.)


As for people I actually like, Donny seems to be fraying at the seams, and Nicole's heart really doesn't seem to be in the game at all.  She's been horrible in both comps since she came back, and doesn't seem to be laying any plots or even trying to.  Her "strategy" seems to be reduced to "lay low and hope Donny takes the bullet."  Sorry, but we already have a Victoria in the house.


Speaking of which, It might not have been an actual "impersonation", but I certainly appreciated Victoria as "Amber".  Given that Nicole is proving to be so useless as a re-entrant, maybe it's a pity Jocasta didn't win that re-entry comp after all.  Jocasta would definitely have appreciated the view that Victoria was giving.  What's Jesus's position on girl-on-girl motorboating, again?

  • Love 3

Could it be that CBS was throwing shade at Frankie by showing him talking to the producer, obviously off-script and without 'charm', while applying his makeup?  Delicious.


I think Frankie may no longer be Production's favourite.  In that DR where he was dismissing Donny's TA idea while applying make-up, he could not have seemed any more vain. 


I have watched every single blessed episode of this show, and I don't ever remember seeing a DR where the houseguest wasn't "on." Production must really, really hate Frankie, and I couldn't be happier about it.


CALEB said "espresso" twice. It SAID "espresso" on the wall. So why did only ONE PERSON not say "expresso?" And she's a barista, I would freaking hope she knows how to say it.

Sorry, that's all I could focus on.

That bugged me, too. And it should have bugged each and every one of them that Caleb, of all people, got it right.

Speaking of Caleb, I guess he also got it right when he was talking about Donny being a Special Forces genius, and he said, "It's not gangrene." Now, I feel confident that Donny, in fact, does not have gangrene. However, I feel equally confident that Caleb was using that word but did not know what it means. What I have absolutely no clue about is what the hell Caleb was actually trying to say. Does anyone have any ideas?

Poor Victoria. She looked miserable. From what she said when she walked out of the DR after seeing the medic, it sounded as if she hadn't been eating and drinking enough, probably because it hurt so much to swallow.

I would have voted No for the Team America mission anyway, just because Frankie was so damn annoying and clueless, but after seeing the "play," I'm also voting down the mission because it was so bad. Donny and Derrick were the only entertaining ones. Victoria used her spot as a chance to feel herself up and be mean to Amber at the same time. Frankie didn't even try to look like or sound like Joey. He picked one thing she said, but his makeup looked as if he was going for glam and glitz, and had nothing to do with Joey.

I thought Cody's reasoning about using the veto to back door Christine or Frankie made a lot of sense. As he said, all it would take would be Derrick, Victoria (who would vote any way Derrick told her to), and whoever was taken off the block. It would have been very easy to get Nicole and Donny on board by saying, "You're not our target this week, but in return for that, you can't target us next week." I don't understand Derrick not latching on to that as a chance to get rid of Frankie or Christine without having to take the blame for it.

  • Love 1

I have watched every single blessed episode of this show, and I don't ever remember seeing a DR where the houseguest wasn't "on." Production must really, really hate Frankie, and I couldn't be happier about it.


Yes! That brief snippet gave me life. It was as if production lifted the veil for the non-feed watchers and let them get a taste of how awful he truly is.


Caleb's "gangrene" revelation was just great. 

  • Love 9


I don't understand Derrick not latching on to that as a chance to get rid of Frankie or Christine without having to take the blame for it.


It's a blind spot for Mr. "It's All About the Numbers", for sure.  Once they reach F6 (at this rate), he'll have a bloc of three people he has direct influence on (himself, Cody, Victoria) and three other people whom he has less influence on (Christine/Frankie/Caleb).  Given that Caleb and Frankie have gotten extremely close since the NFL competition (as Nicole told the jurors while showing them the DVD) and that Derrick/Cody now believe that the other two (Caleb/Frankie) will protect each other in the competitions and by using the POV, that's not really a great endgame for Derrick.  It's three-on-three, and his side looks to be weaker in the comps.  


I mean, what if Christine/Frankie/Caleb decide to go for it a week ahead of schedule?  Cody can't play in this next HoH, and Victoria, who was never much of a threat to begin with, has been ill.  That pretty much makes it three-on-one, or four-on-one if the Donny/Nicole survivor quite rightly blames Derrick/Cody for this week's events.


Just as Derrick is the glue that holds Cody and Victoria together (they'd never be allies without him), so too does Frankie look to be the connector point between Caleb and Christine.  If they had rescued Donnie and backdoored Frankie, they would have had a pretty solid alliance of four, even if Christine could somehow seduce Nicole back into believing they were friends.  (Which, frankly, I really don't see happening.)  Not that I'm rooting for Derrick and Cody, but it does seem as though they had a prime opportunity here, and muffed it.


And, of course, I'd be in favor of kicking Frankie out of the game, regardless of whoever was doing it.  So I might be just a leeeetle biased here, I admit.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 4

Speaking of Caleb, I guess he also got it right when he was talking about Donny being a Special Forces genius, and he said, "It's not gangrene." Now, I feel confident that Donny, in fact, does not have gangrene. However, I feel equally confident that Caleb was using that word but did not know what it means. What I have absolutely no clue about is what the hell Caleb was actually trying to say. Does anyone have any ideas?


Not a blessed clue.

  • Love 1
Once they reach F6 (at this rate), he'll have a bloc of three people he has direct influence on (himself, Cody, Victoria) and three other people whom he has less influence on (Christine/Frankie/Caleb).


Exactly. Derrick may be all about the numbers, but he seems to have lost his ability to count. Three (Frankie/Christine/Caleb) is equal to three (Derrick/Cody/Victoria), and also more than two (Donny/Nicole). He also seems to be forgetting his "side" of the house is the one with the "easy" boot. Say, once Nicole is gone, Frankie/Christine/Caleb decide they don't want to get blood on their hands , who is ripe for the picking? Victoria -- one of Derrick/Cody's numbers. Ironically, I feel like Frankie is aware of this more than Derrick -- which is why he seems so intent on booting Donny.


Derrick can play Dan Gheesling's game, but seems to forget Dan started winning competitions late. Dan also seemed to be the master of late-game allies, whereas Derrick's allies haven't changed since Week 2. This is the time where you go after the Franks and Jenns, even if you have no intention of taking them to the end. But Derrick seems to believe the game has operated in stasis: that other people haven't been able to count and they're all "sticking to the plan." All Derrick seems to know how to do is throw competitions and get his allies to do his bidding. That works in a large alliance, but not a smaller one.


So often in Survivor, people start playing a post-jury game, pre-jury -- I feel like Derrick is the opposite. He's playing a pre-jury game, post-jury. What's going to happen once the remaining two that are "against him" are gone, and the pecking order gets reset? He may think he knows what it is, but he might be in for a rude awakening.


For the first time this week, I actually feel like Derrick might not win the game. The Detonators aren't The Brigade, nor are they The Friendship, simply because of the factions -- there was no Frankie in The Brigade or The Friendship: his own cult of personality with his own devoted minions. All it takes is one "big move" -- and Derrick is suddenly on the losing end, wondering where all his numbers have gone or relying on Victoria to win an HoH to save him at the end.


But at the end of the day , it is what it is.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 5

I also just registered at CBS just to vote NO 20 times.  

This Jersey girl did the same exact thing.

I hate Frankie so much I registered for the first time ever to vote NO 20 times.

No Frankie, America doesn't want to see your primping pink-haired ginormous head, America wants you gone.

I only wish you knew right now how small your fan club is.


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