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S03.E14: Trials and Tribulations

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When Heather is asked about how she got her black eye, a heated argument ensues between her and Jen; at Heather's book cover reveal party, rumors are revealed and tensions rise.

Airdate: 01.11.2023

Once again, MORE salty things have happened in the offseason.  Until they are mentioned in an episode, do not discuss them in the episode threads. 1poilery conversations about particular housewives should happen in their individual threads or the media thread.

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So, it's 1/11/23.  I guess we can comment now.  First, I think Jen is LUCKY she only got 6.5 years in prison in BRYAN, TEXAS ( which is 2 hours from me!).

Second, I'm thinking that Meredith AND Heather went to new York to support Jen but I really think they were the only ones dippy enough to think Jen MIGHT be innocent. Plus, the room was paid for and they had the time and no kiddos to be concerned with.

Third, Coach Shah.  I think the guy is a solid guy and probably DID tell Jen to just give up the ghost, admit you did wrong and face the consequences.  I also think he and the family will be there for her but I BET they want her to be HONEST with them, FINALLY.

She needs to cut the crap and just come clean; if only with THEM.  Her Mom, her hubs, her kids. TRUTH. They're gonna love her anyway, AND they need to know the pure unvarnished, unadulterated TRUTH.

Fourth.  Did I mention the woman is FORTUNATE to only get 6.5 years?  Prosecutors wanted 15. Praise Allah and Praise Jesus. Be grateful, Jen. I hope she  has to work her ass off to repay all of those victims.  I know.  Poor OLD people.  May not see any $$$, might pass away and never see anything returned.  She NEEDS to do this anyway.  She should WANT to do this.

Lastly, the Heather black eye.  If I hear ONE MORE WORD about that black frickin' eye, I'm gonna HURL.  STOP. IT. NOW.

NOBODY CARED when it happened and trust! NO BODY GIVES A ROYAL RIP NOW!

Peace to Jen's family.

Edited by goofygirl
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The episode was such a careening mess. Getting the "Here's where everybody is at" title card set halfway through the episode before the episode pivoted to this special Jen Shah goes to jail special.

I thought it was incredibly wild that one of the central things of the season trailer (Danna screaming at Jen that she needs to be nice so someone would put money on her books) was cut.

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Ballsy of the Shah's to invite cameras into their hotel room right up until she pled out.  Meanwhile, Meredith and Heather had fresh new face lifts to show off, so they grabbed Seth and his Taint and headed to NYC for more camera time!  When they first arrived and went up to endlessly hug Jen and hang out in her room - did everyone catch that they were all in Brooks Marks Couture Sweatpants?  It took me a while because I was entranced with their faces and wondering where Seth and his Taint were hiding 🤣

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Angie and Chris Harrington had to apologize to the Shahs although they didn't say anything about them!

Angie was almost absent in the second half of the season.

Jen spread a rumor (and then she denied it) about Angie K causing Heather's black eye. She dislikes her that much....

Jen needs to stop saying she tried to commit suicide because of what the women said about her. If she did, it was because she was charged for committing wire fraud, and much more.

Jen, Stuart didn't get a lower sentence because he framed you. He did because he told the truth, and you were guilty.

Didn't Coach Shah check any of the government documents regarding his wife's fraud before the trial? I find it hard to believe because he is a lawyer himself.

Justin was almost absent from the show after he was fired from his former company, well, becuse he was on the show. 

Whitney's main storyline about her early life trauma fizzled because she alluded earlier it was verbal abuse.

I don't care about Heather's book. 

She still didn't reveal anything about what/who caused her black eye. It's going to be discussed (again) a the reunion.

Edited by ZettaK
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Kill me now if I have to hear one more word about that dumb black eye!  And seriously, who wants to read a dang book about Heather being a "Bad Mormon"??

If you are a "good" Mormon, you won't want to read it.  If you're Episcopalian or Methodist, Lutheran or Baptist, Buddhist or Islamic, are you really gonna CARE about someone being a BAD MORMON????

Just a thought.

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I hope none of the women are still backing the criminal.  

Stuart is made out by Jen to be the brains of the operation, and Jen was framed. Ok!  Hahaha

We know now that coach was “coaching” Stuart in how to answer the questions when the feds came around.  Love that he flipped.

Jen is only sorry she got caught.  Are those 5 luxury cars in your driveway worth it jen?  Are the worth missing 6.5 years of your sons’ lives?  

Edited by heatherchandler
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Jen has said repeatedly that one of her sons wants to go to med school, is that really the case or was she just trying to create an image of her perfect family? There is so much educational groundwork before someone decides to apply to med school, like a lot of pre med schooling, has that son been heavy in to science and math classes?  I am curious to see if that son does go on to med school.

5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Are those 5 luxury cars in your driveway worth it jen?

Especially if they had been leased.  I wonder if a fake Gucci bag is worth jail time...probably not.

Heather took about 5 minutes to flip her allegiance to her friend Jen, going from hugging in an over priced, luxury Manhattan hotel room to questioning her innocence, what Coach knew, how long she would spend in prison, etc...I sort of really love that about Heather.

Those extra women, the Dannas and such bother me when they try to make a meal out of something, I forget which one of those expendable crewmen prattled on about a rumor of "Barbie kicking" (who calls it that?), between Jen and Heather and some sort of scenario where one of them was disappointed about the experience so they duked it out? WTF??!! Besides the ridiculous story she told it while wearing a really ugly dress.  Once again we have a woman talking about two women having sex (We know they did not have sex) as something as the worst insult known to women, it will always come off as homophobic, to me at least

So fake the hugs between Chris, Angie and the Shah's, that tearing up from Chris was a nice touch but who bought it? I doubt Jen would put those two on a visitation list so what do they care if they apologize? Screen time?

The choir was awful.

Anyone here going to buy Bad Mormon? If any of you on here buy it please do a book report on it and send it to me. 





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I loved the flashback of Stuart and Jen, her demanding that he make her money, yet she was alluding that he was the mastermind, sure Jan. The suite the Shahs were staying in is about 2K per night in July, even if her defense team set her up in that room, you know they bill that back to them. I agree with everyone that said she kept proclaiming her innocence until they started reading all the damning statements and Coach Shah changed the play and told her she is SOL and to plead guilty. Angie H husband Chris and his fake tears, please. I know his account was named Shah's Exposed but wasn't the target Lisa?    

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Okay, a lot of us have been bagging on Heather this season, but she won me back with, “If there’s a fight tonight, I hope it happens right in front of my Bad Mormon cover. And if it doesn’t go my way, I’m prepared to fully exploit it.” Lol! Refreshing honesty compared to the typical RH expressed “fears” of their events being ruined by fighting. Alas, the fight did not occur in front of the 4’x6’ cover.

This rallying in support of Jen’s trial is derailed by this Brooks Marks sweatsuit party. Maybe if one of them were wearing it, fine—but all three?!? Jen’s guilty plea sponsored by Brooks Marx. Though in a later scene, Heather has a ripped, screen-printed Balenciaga sweatshirt that looks like something I could have made at a Jersey Shore Boardwalk kiosk for $29.99, so what do I know about high-fashion althleisurewear?

Da-da-dum! Finally we can talk about the guilty plea and sentencing because it was  as-seen-on-TV!! But I’m not sure what I have to say about it other than it’s interesting to finally see Heather, Meredith, and Lisa’s reactions to it. I wish we got more than 5 or so minutes on it because this is a big deal to go from supportive friend proclaiming innocent until proven guilty and ride-or-die promises to suddenly feeling like they didn’t know their friend at all. Meredith was just like, as long as I’m not subpoenaed, that’s all I care about! Heather suddenly has all kinds of conspiracy theories on who knew what and when they realized the scales of justice are not going to tip their way. (Preview does show Andy asking Heather about this at the reunion, so I hope she gives a comprehensive answer!) Lisa is just crying, and seemingly did really believe in Jen.

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"When Heather is asked about how she got her black eye, a heated argument ensues between her and Jen"


This didn't happen, right? I kept getting distracted during this episode.  The fight was Jen and Other Angie, I thought...speaking of, Other Angie was super try hard interrupting every sentence to get on camera. Already can't stand her.  And I agree, her rumor about scissoring was very homophobic in tone.



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Bad Mormon has a release date of 2/7/23.  I haven’t purchased books by any of the Bravo family and I certainly wouldn’t start with Bad Mormon.

It was hard to watch coach the past few episodes.  He was aggressive toward Angie Katsanevas and her husband about the money the Shahs owed for the bday and Angie Harrington about that Instagram account.  Yes, the Instagram account was wrong, it’s just hard seeing coach acting holier than thou knowing that Jen is a criminal.

At the lunch with Seth Heather said Jens worst fear is not only being found guilty, it’s being sentenced to a facility and taken away from her family.  She should have thought about that before stealing from other families.  Any pain and suffering they have falls solely on Jen!

Then at the round table at the hotel Jen says “it’s so hard to trust people”.  Can you imagine this coming from a woman who has done nothing but lie!  In her career (using that term lightly) with her family, friends, fans and the authorities.  

Edited by Emmeline
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They interviewed the ladies on the BRAVO After Show and they all are expressing the same thing - essentially what Jen did was awful - they don't believe for a nanosecond that Stuart was the mastermind - and that it is a "human" tragedy for the Shah family in terms of the boys.

I do enjoy when Meredith shows that she really is a very smart woman instead of displaying her ridiculous vapidness. Her explanation of taking Jen's protestation of innocence at "face value" made perfect sense. So long as Jen was stating that she was innocent why would Meredith want to in any way dig below the surface or set herself up in any way for the authorities to think she knew anything beyond what was in the papers and that she never discussed it with Jen beyond that. 

For those who think Coach wasn't involved I think his texts are pretty damning in terms of at least what he knew in 2018


“I’m putting all of the questions/answers in an excel doc and I’ll send it to you and you can practice it today.”

“I emailed that to you…save it on your laptop and delete it from your email.”

“You’re go to answer is I dont’ know, I don’t remember. I dont’ know is the best though bcuz if you don’t know, you don’t know.”

“Sharrieff will help us on any questions we’re unsure of how to best answer or phrase it. I have a list to ask him about.”



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1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Okay, a lot of us have been bagging on Heather this season, but she won me back with, “If there’s a fight tonight, I hope it happens right in front of my Bad Mormon cover. And if it doesn’t go my way, I’m prepared to fully exploit it.” Lol! Refreshing honesty compared to the typical RH expressed “fears” of their events being ruined by fighting. Alas, the fight did not occur in front of the 4’x6’ cover.

Maybe this is the line the other HWs should take: Plan/hope for disaster and everyone will, more or less, behave. Going into events with the mindset "no one better make a scene and ruin my party" seems to always result in someone causing a scene and ruining the party.


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This still bugs the shit out of me ….I mean honestly up until the day she pled guilty she was still trying this shit ..


It wasn't ME it was my assistant Stewart!!

Honestly did she think ANYONE would believe that? Yes this man is a mastermind that just "chose" to work like your bitch as a cover... She really should have gotten more time then 6 years 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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11 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

I'm actually very Interested in people who flee cults. But I don't think Heather's book will take the subject very seriously. She wants to be seen as the good time girl, so I think the book will have the depth of a puddle.

I don't even thinks she sees herself as fleeing a cult - she's just a bad Mormon because she got a divorce and would love to find a guy to have sex with 🙄 

4 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Stewart threw me under the bus? Girl was he supposed to do your jail time for you cause you have “kids” 

Doesn't every criminal mastermind masquerade as someone's "second assistant"? 😂

3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Those extra women, the Dannas and such bother me when they try to make a meal out of something, I forget which one of those expendable crewmen prattled on about a rumor of "Barbie kicking" (who calls it that?), between Jen and Heather and some sort of scenario where one of them was disappointed about the experience so they duked it out? WTF??!! Besides the ridiculous story she told it while wearing a really ugly dress.  Once again we have a woman talking about two women having sex (We know they did not have sex) as something as the worst insult known to women, it will always come off as homophobic, to me at least

So fake the hugs between Chris, Angie and the Shah's, that tearing up from Chris was a nice touch but who bought it? I doubt Jen would put those two on a visitation list so what do they care if they apologize? Screen time?

The choir was awful.

Anyone here going to buy Bad Mormon? If any of you on here buy it please do a book report on it and send it to me. 

What irritates me is adults using hand gestures to simulate sex acts - we get it, you vulgarian.  The "choir" did indeed stink.  As for the book I will read it like I read Erica Jayne's book - 10 minutes flipping through it once Target displays it!  I'll report back 😃

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I really hope that in addition to Jen's (too short) jail time, she has to pay restitution to the victims. Anything they couldn't afford on coaches salary and Jen's howives money is ill gotten gains.

Sick of Heather's ride or die proclamations, and her self-professed great friend delusions. When you're actually this person OTHER people say it about you. 

Shallow, but I just have to say the too tight, slicked back ponytail is a terrible and aging look for older women.

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I didn’t care about the first part of this episode. Heathers stupid book and black eye, no one cares. Angie H and her husbands fake apology. 
You know Heather and Meredith just went to NYC for more air time. 
I’m glad Bravo showed all the past clips of guilty as hell Jen screaming about how innocent she was. And the whole time she was guilty as sin. If I was her family I would be so mad at her, especially her poor mother who cashed out her retirement fund to help her. 
I’m just glad she got some jail time. I won’t miss her on this show. I wonder if the Angie’s and Danna will be permanent HW’s instead of friend of’s next season? 

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6 minutes ago, J80134 said:

I really hope that in addition to Jen's (too short) jail time, she has to pay restitution to the victims. Anything they couldn't afford on coaches salary and Jen's howives money is ill gotten gains.

Sick of Heather's ride or die proclamations, and her self-professed great friend delusions. When you're actually this person OTHER people say it about you. 

Shallow, but I just have to say the too tight, slicked back ponytail is a terrible and aging look for older women.

She was ordered to pay $6.5 million in restitution and an additional $6.5 in forfeitures so a significant amount. This follows her for at least 20 years AFTER she is released from prison and can't be discharged in bankruptcy.


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15 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

You know Heather and Meredith just went to NYC for more air time. 

Why did Meredith have to bring Seth? 

I can't even remember if it was this episode or last but when Coach Shah handed that check for his birthday party to Angie and said 

paraphrasing here " I had no idea about this" meaning he didn't know Jen fucked her friend over, was very telling. He threw Jen under the bus for us all to see. Didn't think a thing about letting everybody know his wife is a lying, conniving piece of shit because that is basically what he said with that statement. I honestly think he's going to leave her after she's settled in prison and his kids get used to the idea of mommy not being around. He's  a good looking man with a decent career. He doesn't need to put up with her bullshit anymore. Go coach!

Edited by bichonblitz
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I can't be the only person to have laughed out loud when that "choir" started singing!  Y'know, the "choir" that people had to audition in order to join...   The only thing funnier was that it was at a party to reveal the cover of book that would not be released until many months later.  

Wonder how Jen feels right now knowing all that has been revealed publicly in terms of evidence while she has still been appearing TV proclaiming her innocence. 

I hope they put some more time between this and the fourth season than they have in the past. 



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The flashback of Coach barking "how can you know what's the last straw?!" or whatever about poor Jen being crushed by the online attacks... does he think about the last straw for the elderly folks being pulled deeper and deeper into debt, ashamed to admit their mistake to their children and hanging on to hope that yet another investment will cover all the previous bad ones? 

My best friend had a friend whose Dad she had known for years and who was always good to her. I forget what his crime was, something probably similar to Jen's, involving stealing/cheating worth millions. And his daughter wanted my friend to provide a character witness for him and was furious when she wouldn't (there went that friendship). But they had him dead to rights, his guilt wasn't in question, and a "he was always nice when I went over to play Barbies with his daughter" statement didn't incorporate her current feelings which were "it shocked me to learn he was a rotten crook but now he has to answer to the people he stole from." She was willing to support her friend as she went through this awful experience, but that didn't extend to her father. 

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4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, if Andy Cohen is worth a shit (and we know he's not) he will pull it out of her and not let her get away with avoiding the truth. 

Or he could say, "You don't want to tell u?  Okay moving on . . ."  Ha!

Just now, princelina said:

Or he could say, "You don't want to tell us?  Okay moving on . . ."  Ha!


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5 hours ago, princelina said:

I don't even thinks she sees herself as fleeing a cult - she's just a bad Mormon because she got a divorce and would love to find a guy to have sex with 🙄 

Doesn't every criminal mastermind masquerade as someone's "second assistant"? 😂

What irritates me is adults using hand gestures to simulate sex acts - we get it, you vulgarian.  The "choir" did indeed stink.  As for the book I will read it like I read Erica Jayne's book - 10 minutes flipping through it once Target displays it!  I'll report back 😃

I am pretty sure I will end up getting the book from my sister when she finds it at the dollar store. 

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Barbie scissor kicks...that's a new term I've never heard about lol. Angie K submitting a new catch phrase is admirable..but not Gone with the Wind Fabulous level.

Danna's moment is cut..but Angie H groveling to the Shah's wasn't?

Jen Shah killed season 3 by not quitting the show after her arrest in season 2.

Heather has no ethics...her 3 daughters are more mature than her. 

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5 hours ago, amarante said:

They interviewed the ladies on the BRAVO After Show and they all are expressing the same thing - essentially what Jen did was awful - they don't believe for a nanosecond that Stuart was the mastermind - and that it is a "human" tragedy for the Shah family in terms of the boys.

I do enjoy when Meredith shows that she really is a very smart woman instead of displaying her ridiculous vapidness. Her explanation of taking Jen's protestation of innocence at "face value" made perfect sense. So long as Jen was stating that she was innocent why would Meredith want to in any way dig below the surface or set herself up in any way for the authorities to think she knew anything beyond what was in the papers and that she never discussed it with Jen beyond that. 

For those who think Coach wasn't involved I think his texts are pretty damning in terms of at least what he knew in 2018


“I’m putting all of the questions/answers in an excel doc and I’ll send it to you and you can practice it today.”

“I emailed that to you…save it on your laptop and delete it from your email.”

“You’re go to answer is I dont’ know, I don’t remember. I dont’ know is the best though bcuz if you don’t know, you don’t know.”

“Sharrieff will help us on any questions we’re unsure of how to best answer or phrase it. I have a list to ask him about.”



Yeah Coach knew, he was helping her and Stuart lie.


3 hours ago, J80134 said:


Sick of Heather's ride or die proclamations, and her self-professed great friend delusions. When you're actually this person OTHER people say it about you. 


Who even talks like this?  Heather says it every episode.  I have never heard this terminology, what does it even mean?  She will ride (where?) with you or die with you?



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7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Well, if Andy Cohen is worth a shit (and we know he's not) he will pull it out of her and not let her get away with avoiding the truth. 

I’m sure I wouldn’t have watched anyway, but just because they’re using this black eye as reunion bait means I have even less interest in the stupid reunion.   This season has sucked worse than any I’ve ever seen of any franchise, I’d say.   I seriously could not care less what happens to ANY of these women - with the exception of the fact that I do hope Jen Shah uses the “opportunities for growth” that only suffering and orange jumpsuits bring while she’s in the can.  

Do I think she’ll be a better person after this experience?  Hell no!  She’ll still be bitching, whining and screaming about being the perpetual victim, as she did in this episode - with the “everyone says they’ll be there for you, and then…where are they?!”  She should have been spit-shining the shoes of Meredith and Heather for agreeing to go along with the farce that Jen was an innocent woman.  They both knew it all along, but because of the fact that it guaranteed screen time AND they’re both afraid of her, they played the game.  

Buncha dummies…

Edited by CallmeCray
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WWHL had a "poll" as to which was worse - a fashion show without fashion or a book party without a book.

Consensus was obviously a fashion show without fashion because what was the point.

Although it would have been better timing if the book had been available now, it is available for preorder the first week of February so it is reasonably proximate to this episode and even closer to the reunion episodes which will no doubt mention it in some way. 

The promotional value of essentially having a half hour devoted to the book included the cover being displayed prominently multiple times is extremely valuable. People might scoff at book covers but they are a HUGE selling point and when the book is displayed in its first week people will see the cover and make the connection. 

I am not saying that it is headed for best seller status and is the next Spare but I think it might sell better than some of the other housewife books. While I wouldn't call LSD a "cult" there are a lot of weird things associated with the religion including their underwear. 

11 hours ago, Emmeline said:

At the lunch with Seth Heather said Jens worst fear is not only being found guilty, it’s being sentenced to a facility and taken away from her family.  She should have thought about that before stealing from other families.  Any pain and suffering they have falls solely on Jen! 

I couldn't believe this exchange.  Of course, there are usually consequences to being found guilty to such high level scamming and theft.  If she didn't want to do the time, she shouldn't have done the crime!

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16 hours ago, amarante said:

They interviewed the ladies on the BRAVO After Show and they all are expressing the same thing - essentially what Jen did was awful - they don't believe for a nanosecond that Stuart was the mastermind - and that it is a "human" tragedy for the Shah family in terms of the boys.

I do enjoy when Meredith shows that she really is a very smart woman instead of displaying her ridiculous vapidness. Her explanation of taking Jen's protestation of innocence at "face value" made perfect sense. So long as Jen was stating that she was innocent why would Meredith want to in any way dig below the surface or set herself up in any way for the authorities to think she knew anything beyond what was in the papers and that she never discussed it with Jen beyond that. 

For those who think Coach wasn't involved I think his texts are pretty damning in terms of at least what he knew in 2018


“I’m putting all of the questions/answers in an excel doc and I’ll send it to you and you can practice it today.”

“I emailed that to you…save it on your laptop and delete it from your email.”

“You’re go to answer is I dont’ know, I don’t remember. I dont’ know is the best though bcuz if you don’t know, you don’t know.”

“Sharrieff will help us on any questions we’re unsure of how to best answer or phrase it. I have a list to ask him about.”



Coach Shah obviously knew since at least 2018 because he gave legal advice to Stuart. Did he tell Jen to end the fraud? Obviously not, because her, and her employees moved the operations to another country (Kosovo) in order to hide them, and used the encrypted app Telegram for communications among them and with the victims. 
So, both Shahs deceived the public. 

Coach Shah asked the court for leniency, and to reduce Jen's sentence.


Edited by ZettaK
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They should have skipped the first part of the finale. Nobody needed to listen to that choir. Nor we did need to see either of those stupid Angie’s again. Both Angie’s were a fail.  I wish Coach Shah had asked him why a man is creating fake accounts to go after women? Bravo needs to take their time if they do another season.
I’m much more curious about Coach now. What did he know and for how long?
He does come across as a pretty good guy but then how was he married to such an awful woman?

Edited by Chatty Cake
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For a while, I thought Coach was unaware of Jen's misdoings, as he was away so much.

Now, I believe he not only knew, but helped, and used his "good guy" persona as a shield.

Once I found out that he's not only a college football coach, but also an attorney, the light bulb went off for me.  Both positions require enormous amount of intellect.  Coaching requires one to think 5 steps ahead, to plan, to strategize.  Law school adds a lot of other knowledge.  

Coach knew.  And he assisted.  

He should be held accountable in the same way Erika Jayne should.

He's been standing by his woman, the mother of his children, to save face.  Not out of love, not out of obligation.  But as a way to have all of the fingers pointing towards her, while he sits back, looks like this great guy, supporting his wife.

She's a psychopath.  Zero remorse for all these victims, zero remorse for screwing over her own mother.

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1 hour ago, Starlight925 said:

For a while, I thought Coach was unaware of Jen's misdoings, as he was away so much.

Now, I believe he not only knew, but helped, and used his "good guy" persona as a shield.

Once I found out that he's not only a college football coach, but also an attorney, the light bulb went off for me.  Both positions require enormous amount of intellect.  Coaching requires one to think 5 steps ahead, to plan, to strategize.  Law school adds a lot of other knowledge.  

Coach knew.  And he assisted.  

He should be held accountable in the same way Erika Jayne should.

He's been standing by his woman, the mother of his children, to save face.  Not out of love, not out of obligation.  But as a way to have all of the fingers pointing towards her, while he sits back, looks like this great guy, supporting his wife.

She's a psychopath.  Zero remorse for all these victims, zero remorse for screwing over her own mother.

I think that he knew she was scamming people, but willful ignorance kept him from exploring it in depth. Once he got all the details about her repeatedly scamming the same elderly people over and over again, he couldn’t ignore it any longer.

I think her knew but didn’t know the extreme depth of evilness she was perpetuating. 

Based upon the evidence (which someone described above) he knew his wife and Stuart were linked to other telemarketing fraudsters who went to prison.

1 hour ago, kassa said:

And he had the ultimate card to play once Jen realized her goose was cooked - "think of the children. If you go to trial and they start digging into my involvement, our boys could lose BOTH parents!"

I also think this is very likely correct.

I really don’t know what he knew and when he knew it, but I wish I did.

Id rather have him interviewed than her.

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On 1/12/2023 at 12:23 AM, Salacious Kitty said:

I'm actually very Interested in people who flee cults.

Many years ago a friend's cousin was in the Moonie cult. Her father traveled to CA to try to rescue her, and he was there for weeks due to her brainwashed suspicions and paranoia. He would drive each day and sit near a little footbridge that bordered the Moonies' private property/compound. Eventually she would come stand near the bridge and listen to him try to reason with her. Finally one day she bolted across the bridge, and he scooped her into a rental car and drove her to a deprogrammer.

On 1/12/2023 at 1:58 AM, heatherchandler said:

We know now that coach was “coaching” Stuart in how to answer the questions when the feds came around.

The chaos around Jen's arrest was confusing, but I remember having a clear impression that Coach was on the phone telling Jen what to do as she sat in the car with the other women. I think we're missing half of the story - Coach's involvement. Did he go along for years, enjoying the fruits of Jen's felonious labor? Or did he let her play with the money so she was distracted while he led his own life? Once she was busted, did they have an agreement to protect his reputation so he could keep earning a healthy living and be there for the boys? Did he provide information to the feds in order to protect himself, but not tell Jen that he was talking to them?

Also, it seems her income was shared with family and some friends. I guess they weren't criminally implicated.

Heather seemed to be trying to put together the pieces, with suspicions about Coach. Even if he was "innocent," he manipulated Jen to control her until the legal process played out. Meredith probably knows a lot too. Bravo will never share, but perhaps we will see more in social media.

Crying about Jen's sons...if she's as unstable at home as we've seen on the show, they may be relieved she's going away.

We saw brief images of some of the women, half-naked, bouncing around on a bed, and someone drunkenly shouting "suck her titties!" What the hell? I will never get used to the idea that these women are willing to sink to such gutter depths, on-camera.

Edited by pasdetrois
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So if Jen knew since 2018 that the feds were sniffing around her business why did she go on and on about how one of the HW's ratted her out and acted like it was a total surprise when the feds were swooping in on her and her home when they were in the Beauty Meth Lab parking lot, she knew it was a matter of time, right? 

Jen sat there on the front step of her rented home with her mother and never admitted to her mother that she did the crime and took her mother's retirement money and even though she pled guilty her mother still was saying how Jen was innocent?  

We really missed out on the last half hour of the finale, so much was said and we saw none of it, they could have saved the Jen Gets Sentenced episode for the preamble to Andy's one on one interview with Jen.


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2 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Coach knew.  And he assisted.

My thoughts are that coach didn't know until the shit all hit the fan. Jen finally admitted the truth to him and asked him to help her with a strategy to stay out of jail. Then his defense mode was to try to help his wife get out of the mess that she created. He's a lawyer so he was "coaching" her on what to say/not say. No, I don't think he knew all along. 

He probably thought his wife was a great business woman that was raking in the $$$ and enjoyed all of it without question. Until the bottom dropped out. 

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4 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

They should have skipped the first part of the finale. Nobody needed to listen to that choir. Nor we did need to see either of those stupid Angie’s again. Both Angie’s were a fail.  I wish Coach Shah had asked him why a man is creating fake accounts to go after women? Bravo needs to take their time if they do another season.


I would actually like Angie Harrington(?) on the show.  She is not afraid to humiliate herself and she has a lot of money.  This show is so boring, I feel like she would bring some drama.  And her husband is a loon, I would like to watch this supposedly successful man act a fool on tv.


54 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

I think that he knew she was scamming people, but willful ignorance kept him from exploring it in depth. Once he got all the details about her repeatedly scamming the same elderly people over and over again, he couldn’t ignore it any longer.

I think her knew but didn’t know the extreme depth of evilness she was perpetuating. 

I think he thought she was a savvy businesswoman, but then found out she was running a scam and tried to help her hide the crimes.  He should be in trouble for that, it is a crime to help someone conceal crimes.


38 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:


Also, it seems her income was shared with family and some friends. I guess they weren't criminally implicated.


She was basically supporting most of her family.  She has a bunch of brothers and sisters who apparently could not/cannot keep jobs, or pay their bills, many of them wrote statements to the judge on her behalf, praising her kindness, saying that she was always willing to help.  Which, like I have said, it is very easy to help people when you have stolen millions.  She got to look like the saint, meanwhile she was stealing people's life savings!  And eventually those people ended up not being able to pay their own bills.  


I saw somewhere Jen's new nickname is "Shah-shank"  HAHA


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