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S05.E05:Watch 'Em Ride Away

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Rip as the voice of reason!  Monica laughing!  Who'd have thought these two things would ever happen?

I actually thought this was a nice episode.  Summer deserved the ass whuppin', although she gave as good as she got until the end.  My only question was:   Were they not allowed to duck?  LOL.  It was nice to see that they kinda reconciled at the end, but we'll see how long that lasts.

I know Monica's been grieving, but she seems more relaxed now and not quite as annoying.  I also like her shorter hair.  It was nice to see her and Summer at the end.  

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Violence isn’t the answer to anything and I hate the show pushing the idea that beating people up is the answer to conflict. Beth is a seriously disturbed woman who starts drinking the second she gets up. If John and Rip really loved her they would get her help. I’m a vegetarian since childhood and I am never rude or confrontational to people who eat meat but John could have asked her to eat in her room. 

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1 hour ago, NeenerNeener said:

Summer had every minute of that beating coming for being so rude to Gator.

Summer was rude, but nobody ever deserves a beating for being rude. And certainly not from Beth, who wasn’t defending their dietary choices, but beating on Summer because she’s jealous that Daddy is giving attention to someone she dislikes. And John? Beth is far from free. She’s in a prison of her own making, and she’s so screwed up, she may never be free.

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Summer sits at their table and treats Gator like that, someone should have stopped it when Summer first started. John should have told her to shut up and eat, he's Gator's employer. 

Rip was awesome this entire episode. Telling Beth to put her crazy away scene, the planning with John, going out there and laying down the law and saying Summer can go. She does have a place to go, back to jail. Then John and Rip drinking at the end.

John goes from saying he has only one son, to saying to Rip he has a son he misses, one he regrets and one he pities. Rip seems more his son than any of the ones he's got.

Is Tate and Carter supposed to be same age? Tate seems like still a kid to Carter so grown this year.

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7 hours ago, Msample said:

Sure Summer was being rude, but Beth basically sucker punched her once they got outside. I foolishly thought maybe FINALLY Beth would get her much overdue comeuppance but of course I was sorely disappointed .

I'm with you. I was a vegetarian for years and I would have never acted like that guest or not.  Shame on her.  But I don't get the whole attitude of Summer deserved to get a beat down because of being rude. Beth is the rudest thing ever and somehow people find her so endearing. It's mind boggling to me. I'm not even a violent person but I really wanted Summer to find a rock and hit Beth in the throat. She has hit people  without physical provocation way too many times. I'm really starting to hate watch this show. I'm sick of Beth being set as this unbeatable force. She ain't superman. In the real world, someone would have already caught her slipping and all but snatched the life outta her. 

Edited by tearsandhysteria
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My god, can Beth get anymore annoying than she was in tonight's episode? The way she suckerpunched Hippie girl was not right, even though the way she spoke to Gator wasn't right. And the fact they all just sat there and said nothing while poor Gator was belittled was shocking.

It's lucky she can't have kids by the amount of ranch hands she's gone through throughout the years? She's been ridden more times than the horses on the ranch.

Jaime really is like a little bitch when it comes to being confronted by women. He may be a great lawyer, but when it comes to women manipulating him, he's easy prey, the man really needs to grow a pair.

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I knew better than to get my hopes up over the promised meeting with the Guv at Rainwater's joint.

"No wolves on the airport land."  This may be the most ignorant statement ever uttered on this show.  It would not take the packs very long to figure out those lands were being used for pasture at whatever point the ranchers decided to do that.  

What, exactly, did Summer eat in prison?  No beef derivatives?  Suuuuure.

Kayce lying his ass off to Monica about his jihad against the po po job cannot possibly end well. 

I am all confused about the roundup/drive and branding.  What did we see last week?  That was sure a party, too.  Was this such a  huge deal in any past seasons?  

The dinner scene was evocative of a table read by a cast.  I'd like to think they have all enjoyed similar outbursts of laughing at the many absurdities Sheridan has scripted.  

Literally not one State agent/driver to be seen nor heard and the Guv was ensconced for days and days away from office?  We have ourselves an honest-to-goodness Gov. Lepetomane on our hands.  Maybe we can have Mel make an appearance?

Have to give props to the folks who fashioned the gorgeous shots of the flashback and current scenes of the cowpokes riding off into the early morning breaking with those blue hues over the mountains.  Tales as old as time, eh?  

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There is also the recurring message that only blood matters. John only acknowledges his biological sons and daughter, Beth has no interest in adoption and Beth and Rip treat Carter like an indentured servant. John also has no interest in serving the people he governs and openly states he only cares about the ranch. These messages mixed with the violence give a really bad view of the so called cowboy life. 

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34 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

There is also the recurring message that only blood matters. John only acknowledges his biological sons and daughter, Beth has no interest in adoption and Beth and Rip treat Carter like an indentured servant.

As an adoptive parent, I really dislike that every storyline even remotely dealing with adoption has been negative. Having said that, I'm glad Beth does not want to adopt because that would be scarier than Mommie Dearest.

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3 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Literally not one State agent/driver to be seen nor heard and the Guv was ensconced for days and days away from office? 

One scene - maybe when John and Beth were on the front porch - I saw an SUV with a light bar on the roof, which I assumed was the State Police escort his SUV has when traveling, so his entourage (as opposed to his posse) were likely at the ranch with him.

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3 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

What, exactly, did Summer eat in prison?  No beef derivatives?  Suuuuure.

Great question.

I really don't understand why she was being so rude, especially now when John got her released from prison.  Gator didn't deserve that, and John should have told her to apologize to Gator and leave the table.  I'm not a vegetarian but I respect people's food preferences, so since she's going to be there for six months, John should ask her to make a list of food she can/will eat.   If they can get it, fine, but if not, she'll just have to deal with what's there. 

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19 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I finally figured out what's been gnawing at me.  This show is or more accurately has become Cowboy Dynasty.

Tonight we witnessed the Alexis Carrington Colby/Krystal Carrington fight redux.

I predicted last Monday that this week's episode would include a brawl between Beth and Summer. This show is becoming predictable and boring.

8 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Last week's roundup and branding was them helping out a neighbor.

Still beats scenes with Taylor Sheridan doing fancy horse dancing or hot women fighting over Jimmy.

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17 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

Summer was rude, but nobody ever deserves a beating for being rude. And certainly not from Beth, who wasn’t defending their dietary choices, but beating on Summer because she’s jealous that Daddy is giving attention to someone she dislikes. And John? Beth is far from free. She’s in a prison of her own making, and she’s so screwed up, she may never be free.

How many dinners has Beth ruined with her bad behavior? How many dinners has she had one bite of and then thrown her napkin on the plate of food and walked off with a drink in hand or a bottle of wine that was on the table? Almost every dinner! Beth needs to be in intensive psychotherapy for her traumas and "Daddy" issues.

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Beth has always been rude and made things miserable for family at the dinner table.  However, at least it's her family.  Summer, however, is a guest--correction, person under house arrest--so she should at least be civil and respectful, especially since it was her host that got her ass out of jail.  I didn't mind her getting clocked.  I just wish it could have been someone other than Beth doing it.      

Edited by Crashcourse
left out a word
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9 hours ago, Fliz said:

As an adoptive parent, I really dislike that every storyline even remotely dealing with adoption has been negative. Having said that, I'm glad Beth does not want to adopt because that would be scarier than Mommie Dearest.

Beth has shown absolutely zero interest in being a mother, aside from when she brings it up with Jamie and it's out of spite. Having a uterus doesn't make you a mother, just as NOT having one DOESN'T. Sheridan misses so solidly with this convoluted storyline, it's such a waste.

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If John went to the trouble of commuting Summer's sentence and getting her "house arrest" take place at his ranch*, why the hell didn't he tell his cook that she was a guest and vegan? Did that come too close to being a real host? And is Summer the kind of guests who normally questions her hosts' cooking and way of life? If so, she can't be too popular. Beth, of course, can be relied on to be rude and obnoxious to anyone who doesn't kiss her feet, which is why she was eating in the other room to begin with. 

I wondered if the assistant (Claire?) was trying to figure out how to get a new job or if she's going back to her room taking notes for her eventual tell-all book. 

* I think if any RL governor did this, the news and electorate would have a field day. Talk about the appearance of impropriety. "Appearance", heck - actual impropriety. 

On 12/4/2022 at 6:07 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

I finally figured out what's been gnawing at me.  This show is or more accurately has become Cowboy Dynasty.

Tonight we witnessed the Alexis Carrington Colby/Krystal Carrington fight redux.

That is true! Neither Alexis nor Krystal ever lost a tooth, though. 

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2 hours ago, mledawn said:

Beth has shown absolutely zero interest in being a mother, aside from when she brings it up with Jamie and it's out of spite. Having a uterus doesn't make you a mother, just as NOT having one DOESN'T. Sheridan misses so solidly with this convoluted storyline, it's such a waste.

Sheridan has some pretty screwed up views on women. 

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23 hours ago, Msample said:

So if the public still thinks Jamie is a Dutton, why does John tell his assistant he only has one son ?

He's speaking out of his head; anyone who doesn't know the truth might just assume he's speaking metaphorically, like when you're really fed up with someone and declare that they're "dead to you".

Of course, the more time the assistant spends with Dutton and his family, the more secrets she's likely to learn. 

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Is Summer actually on John's Governor staff?  You know, the staff that he summarily fired last episode and this episode told his assistant that he didn't need any meetings?  I thought that Lynelle told him last episode that he needs to get an environmental advisor on his staff.  So he went and got Summer released from jail.  Why does she have to live at his house?  I know that the terms were that she was going to be under house arrest, but why does it have to be HIS house?  If she is on staff, she is presumably earning a salary, and she can afford to pay rent somewhere.  The state could put an ankle monitor on her so she doesn't leave the house.  She can grow her own vegetables or have them delivered.

On 12/4/2022 at 10:54 PM, Artsda said:

Summer sits at their table and treats Gator like that, someone should have stopped it when Summer first started. John should have told her to shut up and eat, he's Gator's employer. 

Rip was awesome this entire episode. Telling Beth to put her crazy away scene, the planning with John, going out there and laying down the law and saying Summer can go. She does have a place to go, back to jail. Then John and Rip drinking at the end.

On 12/5/2022 at 10:42 AM, Crashcourse said:

I really don't understand why she was being so rude, especially now when John got her released from prison.  Gator didn't deserve that, and John should have told her to apologize to Gator and leave the table.  I'm not a vegetarian but I respect people's food preferences, so since she's going to be there for six months, John should ask her to make a list of food she can/will eat.   If they can get it, fine, but if not, she'll just have to deal with what's there. 

20 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Beth has always been rude and made things miserable for family at the dinner table.  However, at least it's her family.  Summer, however, is a guest--correction, person under house arrest--so she should at least be civil and respectful, especially since it was her host that got her ass out of jail.  I didn't mind her getting clocked.  I just wish it could have someone other than Beth doing it.      

The dinner table scenes were some of the funniest scenes they've had on this show.  The way Monica burst out laughing and then apologised might be the only actual times I have liked Monica on this show.  I agree that John should have stepped in and invited her to leave the table, and had Gator bring her a salad later on.  I too did not mind her getting clocked.  

On 12/4/2022 at 8:45 PM, Madding crowd said:

Violence isn’t the answer to anything and I hate the show pushing the idea that beating people up is the answer to conflict. Beth is a seriously disturbed woman who starts drinking the second she gets up. If John and Rip really loved her they would get her help. I’m a vegetarian since childhood and I am never rude or confrontational to people who eat meat but John could have asked her to eat in her room. 

It was obvious that Beth and Summer were going to fight, and it had nothing to do with the food.  It had to do with Summer worming her way into John's bed.  Then the disrespect to the family.  I agree that Beth has issues and needs help, but I didn't mind seeing her take out her rage and frustration on this woman.  Not sure what John sees in her... surely there are plenty of other women that would be with him whose values aren't diametrically opposite from those of his and his family.  Why bring her to the house and cause dissension?  

Monica is a Native American from a fairly different culture from the Duttons.  She married into the family, she has had issues with them for sure.  But her response was to move off the ranch, so she did.  When she is eating a meal at the ranch and under John's roof, she isn't going to insult his food and his family.  

Not sure why Summer thought this was ok to complain about the food, other than the fact that it's in her nature to be an ungrateful beeyotch.  She can be vegan or vegetarian without imposing her beliefs on others.  She is what I call a "militant vegetarian".  Reminded me of the time I was at a wedding and a woman at my table asked the server if the tomato soup was made with beef, chicken or vegetable stock.  He said he didn't know.  She snapped her fingers and told him to go find out.  He went to serve other tables and after 10 minutes he was back and had forgotten to ask.  The husband had a conniption, threw his napkin down and demanded to know why the guy couldn't answer a simple question.  Server went and got some supervisor, who came over and said that the soup was made with beef stock.  The woman then told him to take the soup away, and proceeded to go on a rant about how bad it was that all of us ate meat.  I told her that we were all at our friend's wedding, and that this wasn't the time or place to make a scene or to try and inflict her beliefs on others.  She told me I was very rude.  Hah.  I found it hard to feel sorry for Summer.  I also hope that she and Beth now don't become BFFs, I think Beth herself said last week that she doesn't have or need any friends.

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Let's see...John dodged his Governor's duties, Beth and Summer beat the crap out of each other, we took a useless little Josh Lucas story detour, and everyone prepared for next episode's cattle branding ride. Seemed like a waste of an hour to me. I don't know why I watch, but I do (while doing productive things like getting ready for work, etc.)!

I don't hate Beth (I certainly don't like her, though), but Rip should probably leave her. His entire existence is basically "If Beth is happy, I am happy." She'll just do whatever she wants, and you'll live with it because it makes her happy?? Nah, that wouldn't work for me!   

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On 12/5/2022 at 4:21 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

How many dinners has Beth ruined with her bad behavior? How many dinners has she had one bite of and then thrown her napkin on the plate of food and walked off with a drink in hand or a bottle of wine that was on the table? Almost every dinner! Beth needs to be in intensive psychotherapy for her traumas and "Daddy" issues.

They could pay off the land forever with the money she wastes on food!!!!!!!!!

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I like Beth, generally, but she is clearly a complete narcissist and probably a sociopath> I was hoping Summer would whoop her ass, would have made for a much better episode, with this character finally getting some comeuppance, but no. This article says some things that I have felt, Beth is written by a guy, who seems to think this is how boss bitches behave. But I agree with other posters, the constant violent response to any slight, is tiresome, and it's not fun or cute anymore.


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On 12/4/2022 at 11:01 PM, Msample said:

Sure Summer was being rude, but Beth basically sucker punched her once they got outside. I foolishly thought maybe FINALLY Beth would get her much overdue comeuppance but of course I was sorely disappointed .

And yet she is the child that John envy's. What the hell is wrong with this man? I can not stand the way John and Rip adore her so much. Enough with the beat downs. A couple weeks ago Beth pummeled the chick in the bar and now she couldn't wait to unleash her wrath on Summer. She is truly unhinged and has a huge drinking problem. Gulping down two glasses of straight liquor is crazy not to mention every time we see her she's drinking. Her alcoholism is never mentioned. I think her behavior is disgusting. 

I also find it ridiculous that these people are always going for the face punches when fighting but we never see broken jaws, crushed cheekbones, broken noses. Just some blood and let's get back to dinner. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I also find it ridiculous that these people are always going for the face punches when fighting but we never see broken jaws, crushed cheekbones, broken noses. Just some blood and let's get back to dinner. 

Yeah, it's absurd. I took a fist to the face once (it was an accident) and it totally disabled me. The pain was intense, and my eye socket blew up immediately making one eye blind, my ears were ringing, and my eyes and nose started watering profusely. These ladies look like are they are gonna pose for Vogue Brutalia or something. Beth spits out her tooth and is ready to ride out on the big round up the next morning. Cuz she is soooo tough. Uh huh. I guess getting a false tooth when she gets back will only make her hotter in Rip's eyes.   

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On 12/8/2022 at 5:23 AM, Mr. Miner said:

At the end, were they riding off to war or to gather cattle? With the somber music and tears I wasn't sure.

I think we are meant to believe that their lifestyle is in danger and this could be the last time? 

On 12/7/2022 at 12:11 PM, BigBlueMastiff said:

I like Beth, generally, but she is clearly a complete narcissist and probably a sociopath> I was hoping Summer would whoop her ass, would have made for a much better episode, with this character finally getting some comeuppance, but no. This article says some things that I have felt, Beth is written by a guy, who seems to think this is how boss bitches behave. But I agree with other posters, the constant violent response to any slight, is tiresome, and it's not fun or cute anymore.


I really doubt that someone like John Dutton would want to hear about his son's sex lives let alone his daughter talk about it. I also think the writer is going for an ultra feminist type character but is really drawing a picture of what men mock, a woman who is unhinged and can't control herself. 

I would love to see Beth taken down. 

On 12/7/2022 at 7:41 AM, roughing it said:

I was hoping Summer would beat the snot out of Beth.  She got some pretty good shots in, but Beth was the victor.  And women don't fight like guys do - they don't help each other up and call a truce and live happily ever after.  Women hold grudges, and with something like this?  Hold grudges for life.

When Summer started showing some martial arts/trained self defence moves I was hoping she would put Beth in her place. I find Summer annoying too and though her rants at the table were just rude. But I still find Beth more annoying overall. 

Beth probably thinks about it in terms of keeping the enemy close. Then again Beth has also been brought up around men and probably has more male energy and outlook than female outlook anyway. 

On 12/7/2022 at 6:37 AM, SonofaBiscuit said:


Let's see...John dodged his Governor's duties, Beth and Summer beat the crap out of each other, we took a useless little Josh Lucas story detour, and everyone prepared for next episode's cattle branding ride. Seemed like a waste of an hour to me. I don't know why I watch, but I do (while doing productive things like getting ready for work, etc.)!

I don't hate Beth (I certainly don't like her, though), but Rip should probably leave her. His entire existence is basically "If Beth is happy, I am happy." She'll just do whatever she wants, and you'll live with it because it makes her happy?? Nah, that wouldn't work for me!   

There really wasn't much to it and I believe it will be a fairly short season as well. How much longer can they really make this show about John protecting his ranch and Beth being a woman child? 

Rip is typical of the Alpha Male variety. They spend a lot of time on their image and doting on women. In short the Alpha male is really not all that Alpha or free. 

On 12/6/2022 at 2:03 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

Sheridan has some pretty screwed up views on women. 

1883 really highlighted that with Prairie Barbie. Beth is a mess and not even an interesting character. And again I am going to say the actress playing her is too old and not attractive enough for men to tolerate her (constant) shit. 

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Did young Rip lowkey shade Beth for being "familiar" with many of the cowhands, right in front of her father? Good on him.

I guess I missed the reason why the ranch is so shorthanded. Were they suggesting it's due to the pandemic?

"Hairy hippy giving syphilis to our sofa." Now there's a visual.

Since when is Beth's attitude "you get what you give"? If that were true she'd be walking in a perpetual cloud of poison all the time.

Bet Dutton's assistant Clara is reconsidering her career choices, ha ha. Whatever she's getting paid as a state employee can't be enough.

I sure hope Summer doesn't suddenly "see the light" and decide to start eating meat. I think she's as much entitled to eat how she wants as the Duttons are. She could just dial back getting in their faces about it. (And Sheridan can miss me on subtly shaming people who were raised as vegetarian/vegan. It can be done safely for children and doesn't necessarily mean they were abused or neglected or malnourished.)

In reference to Beth beating some manners into Summer, my favorite comment from reddit:


Summer might as well change her name to Reek.

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In one of the final scenes with Summer, it did look like she was interested in exploring the ranch.  She has every right to eat what she likes, but I do hope she's stopped being disrespectful of non-vegetarians.  Instead of being a bitch, she could 1) apologize to Gator, and 2) have a nice talk with him about what she can eat.  Heck, she could help him prepare the food or do it herself if he doesn't mind.  

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Did young Rip lowkey shade Beth for being "familiar" with many of the cowhands, right in front of her father? Good on him.

I guess I missed the reason why the ranch is so shorthanded. Were they suggesting it's due to the pandemic?

"Hairy hippy giving syphilis to our sofa." Now there's a visual.

Since when is Beth's attitude "you get what you give"? If that were true she'd be walking in a perpetual cloud of poison all the time.

Bet Dutton's assistant Clara is reconsidering her career choices, ha ha. Whatever she's getting paid as a state employee can't be enough.

I sure hope Summer doesn't suddenly "see the light" and decide to start eating meat. I think she's as much entitled to eat how she wants as the Duttons are. She could just dial back getting in their faces about it. (And Sheridan can miss me on subtly shaming people who were raised as vegetarian/vegan. It can be done safely for children and doesn't necessarily mean they were abused or neglected or malnourished.)

In reference to Beth beating some manners into Summer, my favorite comment from reddit:

Or are they short handed because it's well known you will be working with people who are branded like cattle and if you have a falling out Rip drives you to the "train station"? Not to mention all the other dodgy dealings that must be well known in the area!

Beth is a mess both as a character and as a figment of Sheridan's imagination. Poorly cast too. Watching a woman who looks close to 50 behave like a teenager is not sexy nor an example of what a "strong woman" should be. 

Clara  looks like she is waiting for her moment and has already made some small steps. She is a killer in disguise. 

Summer did eat the mash potato with butter in it so it might not be too long before she tries her first bit of fried chicken. Perhaps Beth's beating taught her that her enemies have been kinder to her than her friends?

1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

In one of the final scenes with Summer, it did look like she was interested in exploring the ranch.  She has every right to eat what she likes, but I do hope she's stopped being disrespectful of non-vegetarians.  Instead of being a bitch, she could 1) apologize to Gator, and 2) have a nice talk with him about what she can eat.  Heck, she could help him prepare the food or do it herself if he doesn't mind.  

I agree it's no different to being served any type of food you may not like or do not eat. You can respectfully decline or eat the things on offer that you do like. I am sure there was some lettuce she could have chowed down on. I did enjoy the jokes and the fallout she encountered though. A lot of shows are very Woke or PC now so it was fun to hear some funny retorts like the one about having shot two ducks when Summer stated they mate for life. 

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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

In one of the final scenes with Summer, it did look like she was interested in exploring the ranch.  She has every right to eat what she likes, but I do hope she's stopped being disrespectful of non-vegetarians.  Instead of being a bitch, she could 1) apologize to Gator, and 2) have a nice talk with him about what she can eat.  Heck, she could help him prepare the food or do it herself if he doesn't mind.  

Actually the characterization of a Vegan in this show is pretty stereotypical and almost funny if it wasn’t so stupid. Again, the writers being lazy and not even trying to portray an environmental activist in a realistic way. 

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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4 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Actually the characterization of a Vegan in this show is pretty stereotypical and almost funny if it wasn’t so stupid. Again, the writers being lazy and not even trying to portray an environmental activist in a realistic way. 

Maybe not every vegan but she is a good representation of a lot of Vegans. She is also an environmentalist so she likes to preach. I would say she is pretty typical of Vegans and Environmentalists to be honest. 

How does the joke go, "How can you tell if someone is a vegan?" =  They will tell you!

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I didn't like the dinner scene for two reasons, and both highlight why I am so disappointed in how the show is going: Monica's devolution and the charactization of outsiders.

Monica was such a strong, promising character in the first seasons. I recently re-watched the scene of her setting straight a student in her class; teaching him about power. I was like, yeah! Between this scene and Rainwater's introduction scene overlooking the casino floor, I thought the indigenous population was going to be deeply explored. This dinner scene? She was reduced to giggling at nonsense like a child.

Outsiders: Summer is yet another caricature of people "not from there." It goes farther than people who want to take what they have. It's characterizing ANYONE who isn't from there as stupid, hapless, not in touch, not hard working, not having an ounce of common sense or integrity.  There can be a celebration of frontier life without a denigrating or distain of people from other lives. And I would go even further as to say that many others do have respect for the land and would love to explore and experience it but do not feel safe doing so.

I'd hoped that Yellowstone would treat both these plot points better than this because this show is so popular and taken so seriously by its watchers.

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3 hours ago, Rorysmom said:

I didn't like the dinner scene for two reasons, and both highlight why I am so disappointed in how the show is going: Monica's devolution and the charactization of outsiders.

Monica was such a strong, promising character in the first seasons. I recently re-watched the scene of her setting straight a student in her class; teaching him about power. I was like, yeah! Between this scene and Rainwater's introduction scene overlooking the casino floor, I thought the indigenous population was going to be deeply explored. This dinner scene? She was reduced to giggling at nonsense like a child.

Outsiders: Summer is yet another caricature of people "not from there." It goes farther than people who want to take what they have. It's characterizing ANYONE who isn't from there as stupid, hapless, not in touch, not hard working, not having an ounce of common sense or integrity.  There can be a celebration of frontier life without a denigrating or distain of people from other lives. And I would go even further as to say that many others do have respect for the land and would love to explore and experience it but do not feel safe doing so.

I'd hoped that Yellowstone would treat both these plot points better than this because this show is so popular and taken so seriously by its watchers.

Monia has become a side character and at times I forgot she even existed. I don't think they know what to do with her or the Indigenous at the moment. I can see Dutton and Rainwater teaming up though at some point. They are basically the same character.  Both deeply old fashioned men and both know that the time for men like themselves is coming to an end. Dutton telling Rip about that for example that the new way for people is cowardice. 

I have to disagree with how they treat outsiders in the show though. I think they make some very relevant points. Outsiders enter into their state or area and then proceed to want everything changed to suit themselves. It is a common theme we see in real life. People take a paradise and destroy it because they want it to be like where they came from without ever thinking about why they left where they came from in the first place!

Summer is an idiot. She is sitting at a table with people she knows have a certain lifestyle. She then proceeds to lecture them and be rude. She isn't from there place and she knows nothing of the land and how it works. But she thinks she knows better anyway. It would be no different if I accept an invitation to dine with Vegans and then criticized the lack of a meat option and made fun of their ways. 

Circling back a little I wish they would spend less time on Beth chewing up the scenery and perhaps more time exploring other characters that have been left behind as well as other story lines. 

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18 hours ago, Rorysmom said:

I agree that's who has been shown. I wish they showed people who do respect and want to learn and be part of what exists. 

Jimmy was kind of like that although not a complete outsider to the State itself. It would be good to see outsiders coming in and doing something positive and embracing the culture of the State rather than trying to destroy it.

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