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S24.E34: Finale

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2 hours ago, yanksno1 said:

Did the jury just not like Monty? Never got that vibe everybody in the house didn't like him like some other past "winners". Sucks he played the best game of everybody and didn't win. Lets give it to Taylor cause we like her better, BS

But isn't that a big piece of the social game?  He clearly didn't play a good social game if the jury didn't like him.

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Best overall season and ending that I've seen, and I've watched most of 23 seasons.  Very pleased Monte did not win.

Taylor's speech was brilliant in that she was speaking to the sisterhood.  That she really did respond so elegantly to all the garbage early on AND she backed up her promises to not nom women if at all possible gave it a rare authenticity in BB terms.  

Something obviously happened amongst the jurors before they got back to Studio City.  8-1 is absurd, given all the prior statements by most of them.  This became a proverbial "House vote" and that did not happen because of the speechifying.  My guess is a hyper-realization that Taylor was among the most sympathetic victims, er hamsters evah, I believe they figured out that they needed to support her for their own future popularity.  

I've never seen the Chenbot be less enthusiastic to get the juicy gossip about a showmance continuing than she showed when Kyle and Alyssa said they would try to make it work.  She was not programmed to handle that response.

I loved the shock when Joseph revealed he was a lawyer.  Boy, did he ever play them.  I also felt a genuine respect for him from all concerned.  It was a neat moment.

OK.  I'm off to buy a celebratory bag of Lay's.  Is it wrong if I get a flavored variety?    

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On 9/26/2022 at 1:02 PM, Hanahope said:

Well, Dr. Will won without winning a single competition.  Winning competitions is not the sole arbiter of who wins BB.  Social game is a huge component and obviously Taylor had a better one than Monte.  No one said the jury didn't like Monte.  they just thought that Taylor had a better story, was a better representative, deserved to win BB due to her strengths, moreso than Monte.  

Sure, never being on the block takes skill/social game, but getting off the block 6 times takes a lot of skill/social game as well, maybe even more so.

But didn't Dr. Will run the game socially and basically picked who he wanted out each week? My main point is I thought Monte's social game was fine, and should have won easily in my opinion. I didn't think Taylor had a great social game either, she was alienating at times. Monte won more comps, had bigger moves, a fine social game. Obviously the jury liked her better and that's all that matters, even if the wrong winner was chosen.

On 9/26/2022 at 2:22 PM, tinkerbell said:

But isn't that a big piece of the social game?  He clearly didn't play a good social game if the jury didn't like him.

It def is, but shouldn't be the only deciding factor.

Edited by yanksno1
movies, doh!
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Also, I never got the whole air hug thing with Julie all season. Obviously it's a COVID-19 prevention thing, but still don't get it. Aren't the house guests quarantined for like a week or so before they enter the house? Don't they get tested before they go in? So she wouldn't get it from the house guests when they come out. Are they worried she's going to give it to them? Then last night she's not there at all on a video call. Just weird from CBS here. Hope she's okay.

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8 hours ago, yanksno1 said:

Trust me I know BB is a social game and that's a big part of it. I just didn't think Monty's social game was that much weaker then Taylor's enough for her to win by a landslide over him. In no way did I see Monty's social game lacking to warrant that result. Jury failed there in my opinion.

Did the jury just not like Monty? Never got that vibe everybody in the house didn't like him like some other past "winners". Sucks he played the best game of everybody and didn't win. Lets give it to Taylor cause we like her better, BS.

But who did Monte really bond with on the jury? Jasmine, Indy, Alyssa or Brittany? No. Terrance or Michael? Not really. He had Kyle and Joseph for bit. But he really only had Turner as a solid vote.He spent the whole game treating Taylor like crap and talking down to her until he needed her with like 4 players left, and even then still wasn't all that great to her. 

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3 hours ago, yanksno1 said:

Also, I never got the whole air hug thing with Julie all season. Obviously it's a COVID-19 prevention thing, but still don't get it. Aren't the house guests quarantined for like a week or so before they enter the house? Don't they get tested before they go in? So she wouldn't get it from the house guests when they come out. Are they worried she's going to give it to them? Then last night she's not there at all on a video call. Just weird from CBS here. Hope she's okay.

Most of these live comp shows, Big Brother included, does what they call "pods" with staff, basically just small groups of Production members who are (usually) colour-coded. You're not allowed to mingle outside of your pod because if someone in your pod gets COVID, you're not infecting (hopefully) all the other pods. Julie's pod and the HGs pods are two different pods. I would think that the jury house and HGs would be different too which makes me think that it was less pod mingling and more aesthetics than anything. I remember at the end of last season, Julie and the show got ripped online for just ignoring all that shit at the finale. They were probably trying to avoid that, too.

I think Dancing with the Stars just had an exposure of COVID late last week that, because they do the pod system, didn't spread any further than that group.

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I think for the people who didn't watch the feeds, the result of the finale is really ?????????.  I really like Taylor, I thought that the bullying against her was disgusting, etc.  But, with the way the show was edited, I thought it would be Monte for sure.  Even Michael was advocating for him so much in those jury clips we saw.

It's funny, for the life of me, I continuously think that Tiffany won the season last year, and I was cheering for her.  It's extremely hard for me to remember that Xavier was actually the winner.

But for this season, I was really confused and shocked about Taylor winning.  It really seemed like the jury didn't respect her at all.  So, I guess things really turned around for her last minute.  Ironically, Turner was one of the few people on the jury that really did respect her throughout the whole game.  From what I saw.  (I don't watch the feeds.)  Joseph was another one, clearly, and Michael was another one, from what I saw.  From what is being shared on Twitter, Brittany was really quite nasty about Taylor.  And we all know that Terrance was.

I can't blame the show too much for editing, because it's practically live, so I guess they did the best they could?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay

the problem with the edit is that TPTB always want to keep people guessing, so they will watch.  So they will edit the show to show approximately equal amount of good (and bad) about all contestants so that no one person seems to have 'walked away' with the win.  They will edit to make the show "entertaining" to people, make them laugh, or otherwise enjoy the show, so they will limit the amount of negative scenes about some, most or all of the contestants.

So when you don't watch the feeds or get the information through other means (like i don't have time to watch the feeds 24/7, but i read the posts and listen to Taran Armstrong's daily  live feed update podcast - sometimes i'll go back to a particular timestamp to watch a scene), you really do miss out on at least 50%, if not more, of the story.

Of course, the jurors only know most of the story during the time they are in the house.  once they go to the jury house, they only get what information new evicted houseguests choose to tell them (with their own biases), and what is shown to them on the video (which I believe is only comps and ceremonies).

the jury roundtable lasts a lot longer than the 10 minutes they showed on the show.  they chose to show us the negative things Brittany said about Taylor and hardly any of the positive, though i'm pretty sure Brittany did say positive things about Taylor.  but the show wanted us to think Monte had a chance when he clearly didn't.  

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1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

once they go to the jury house, they only get what information new evicted houseguests choose to tell them

Since the producers supposedly try to manipulate the house guests in the BB house, i.e. making suggestions in the DR, I think it's possible they do the same in the jury house.  That could explain the unanimous (excluding Turner) vote for Taylor.  Maybe she would have won with only a 6-3 vote or something until producers casually mentioned to the jury that she has an extremely loyal fan base who adore her, which could have brought around any hold-outs.  Better not to get on the wrong side of angry fans.  (I know this from being involved in celebrity fan wars 20 years ago.)  

Edited by Gemma Violet
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There's one part I keep remembering, it's when Taylor said: whoever sits next to me is going home, so good luck Monte. Then Monte makes this expression that looks like the classic mime/clown face of holding both hands to the side of his face, and an exaggerated "uh oh" look. It was so funny to me. That one-two punch of comedy had that classic feel of Lucile Ball or a clown pantomime or something like that. I loved when the two of them did that.

Ok, so to recap (and I’m open for correction) - with this season’s ending result:

  1. Taylor is the first black female winner in BB history.
  2. Taylor is the second black winner in BB history of BB (first was Xavier in BB23).
  3. This was the second occasion in BB history with an all-black F2 (first was BB23).
  4. With winning both BB Season 24 and AFHG, Taylor now holds the BB record for most money won by a BB contestant in a single season ($800K).
  5. With her 8-1 win, Taylor garnered the third-highest number of votes to win in BB history (behind BB22 Cody Calafiore’s 9-0 and BB3 Lisa Donahue’s 9-1).

Did I miss any?

On 9/25/2022 at 8:02 PM, Thalia said:

Nashville seems to be about five minutes behind the rest of you (based on your posts.)  Grrr. 

Just checked, and at that particular moment 70K+ close personal friends and I were watching Alice In Chains perform “Check My Brain” and singing along.  Think I came out ahead on that’un. 😎

On 9/25/2022 at 8:52 PM, 30 Helens said:

Kyles vote shocked me. Maybe he was trying to earn some anti racist points?

Considering 100% of Kyle’s ballot options were black, don’t be in a rush to give him too much credit; it’s not like he had a choice either way. 

On 9/26/2022 at 3:36 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

OK.  I'm off to buy a celebratory bag of Lay's.  Is it wrong if I get a flavored variety?    


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On 9/27/2022 at 3:33 PM, Gemma Violet said:

Since the producers supposedly try to manipulate the house guests in the BB house, i.e. making suggestions in the DR, I think it's possible they do the same in the jury house.  That could explain the unanimous (excluding Turner) vote for Taylor.  Maybe she would have won with only a 6-3 vote or something until producers casually mentioned to the jury that she has an extremely loyal fan base who adore her, which could have brought around any hold-outs.  Better not to get on the wrong side of angry fans.  (I know this from being involved in celebrity fan wars 20 years ago.)

I don't typically post in this forum but have been following the show closely this season. One thing Joseph said might be an explanation. He said he (and i think he mentioned Michael as well) advocated hard for Taylor. Also as they sat in the round table and discussed, they talked about different incidents in the house and each person brought their version/perspectives and they began to get a fuller picture and put some puzzle pieces together.  So while the DR might have played some role, it might just be that since they all got a chance to compare notes on two specific players for the sole reason of making a decision they might have gotten some clarity on a few things.  Also it has got to be nice to have a person (possibly two persons) who literally have to sway juries for a living arguing on your behalf.

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On 9/29/2022 at 3:21 PM, Nashville said:
On 9/25/2022 at 9:02 PM, Thalia said:

Nashville seems to be about five minutes behind the rest of you (based on your posts.)  Grrr. 

Just checked, and at that particular moment 70K+ close personal friends and I were watching Alice In Chains perform “Check My Brain” and singing along.  Think I came out ahead on that’un. 😎

I’m pretty sure she didn’t mean you. She meant the city/local cbs affiliate was behind by 5 minutes compared to the rest of us. Other cities were also experiencing delays probably due to overtime football and was probably frustrating when watching live and reading comments that had not aired yet for them. 

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Also it has got to be nice to have a person (possibly two persons) who literally have to sway juries for a living arguing on your behalf.

I've seen it joked elsewhere that Taylor had three attorneys working for her: Joseph, Michael, and Xavier (last year's winner). Joseph handled the jury house, Michael got rid of the key houseguests before he got evicted himself, and Xavier made sure she got the most AFP votes. Wonder if BB will start thinking about not casting any lawyers for a while, lol.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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On 10/1/2022 at 4:10 PM, dizzyd said:

I’m pretty sure she didn’t mean you. She meant the city/local cbs affiliate was behind by 5 minutes compared to the rest of us. Other cities were also experiencing delays probably due to overtime football and was probably frustrating when watching live and reading comments that had not aired yet for them. 

Yeah, I got that - but I went for the funny anyway.  Gotta be me, donchaknow.  😁

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3 hours ago, Victor Magnolia said:

Monte.  Because Turner had always been a bro first and foremost.

Thanks! He SEEMED poised for a brodown to the end, but I couldn't tell if he had told anyone afterwards, "Well, I secretly planned on cutting him at the end as my BIG move" (similar to what Monte thought cutting Turner was, which we all knew wasn't actually a big move). 

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