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S02.E07: Lest We Forget

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Forget the Genie awards, TAR Canada.  Please submit this for the International Emmys.  Definitely one of the best episodes ever in the series, and that includes TAR USA.  


Also, horsies!  Booze!  And math! 

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I thought I was in the clear when they were at the war memorial.  A few tears, nothing too bad. 


And then they had to go and have the veteran at the mat.  On Juno Beach.  Oh my Lord. I just cried my face off.  I'm glad they gave it the respect it deserved and allowed him to tell his story.  I thought he was adorable when he asked Audrey for an "encore" hug.  I'm so, so, so very happy that they had a veteran waiting for them on the beach.  What an amazing tribute to extraordinary Canadians. 

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It's raining on my face.  Loved the tribute to our soldiers to end this ep along with all the general awesomeness of the tasks on this show.  The veteran as the greeter was awesome and was so sweet to all the racers.  

Edited by vmarsissmart
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Damn you ARC. You made my eyes leak.

What a great episode! The booze task was so cool.

I wonder if they were given a time frame for the War Cemetery? Something like "you have 1/2 hour to spend here". There was no sense of urgency to get through the time there, and everyone was very respectful.

I was glad this was a non- elim leg.

And thank you to Jim and everyone else who served in France

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Well lucky for Ryan and Rob it was a non elim.  After helping Pete, who never would have got out of the booze challenge.  But how can they be that bad at directions, SERIOUSLY!  Not too mention they seem to be a really boring team, or aren't getting good edits or something,  Although the did have the best line of the night when they told Jinder to "Ferme la bouche!"  haha.  But I think that is the only memorable thing about them all season,


The Frenchies gave up on the horse braiding too soon, it didn't seem like the guy was being too picky about it.  Lucky they had enough of a lead.  They really are good at paying attention to details.


This season of TARC is awesome and it is only season 2.  Jon really has come in to his own on this show, I think he is a super great host.

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Awesome episode. Someone was definitely cutting onions in my room when they visited the War Memorial. And then at the mat with the Veteran. I was crying right a long with the racers. I am just loving all the places that they're sending the racers and all the challenges as well. I'm not really well informed so I didn't know that they were building a Human Rights Museum, for example, in Winnipeg (from last week), so it was really cool for me to see.


That alcohol challenge looked so so so hard. Yikes. I'm bad at all things math/chemistry I would've been there forever. Both the horse task and the tapestry task looked so so fun to do. Those horses looked so gorgeous. Yikes Rob and Ryan. I hope they get their map reading skills better by next leg.

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Not too mention they seem to be a really boring team, or aren't getting good edits or something,

I find them really understated funny, which makes me want to be their friends. My favourite line was their travel show, "Getting Lost and Hating Ourselves". I've been having a pretty bad day and that made me laugh for a really long time (and led me to my own flashbacks of being lost in Vimy, France trying to find the memorial there)


I was very jealous of all the men who know how to french braid. I'm sure I'd figure it out eventually, but as a girl with long hair who likes braids, I have never ever been able to french braid hair. I get how, but I can't do it. Maybe on a horse it would be easier...

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Well lucky for Ryan and Rob it was a non elim.  After helping Pete, who never would have got out of the booze challenge.  But how can they be that bad at directions, SERIOUSLY!  Not too mention they seem to be a really boring team, or aren't getting good edits or something,  Although the did have the best line of the night when they told Jinder to "Ferme la bouche!"  haha.  But I think that is the only memorable thing about them all season,

Don't forget that Rob (or is it Ryan?) does a drag show. That was a pretty interesting reveal. It's right up there with Mickey being an accountant and having taken cosmetology. It reminds me of last season and Dave revealing he was a cheerleader.

There were some funny lines and Sukhi/Jinder continue to be unintentionally hilarious. "Where is the sun? [jinder points up]

It was interesting that Audrey/Alain had as much trouble with directions as Rob/Ryan. You would think a Francophone team would have better luck, but nope.

On paper the Bayeux Tapestry task seemed much harder, but was definitely easier overall. I thought they were going to have to find the order from looking at the actual tapestry.

Why so awesome, Canada? It continues to amaze me how much better our version is compared to the US version. We even have more interesting contestants who are at least routable.

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That was an amazing(!) episode. I was crying when they visited the cemetery and then cried harder when they met the veteran at Juno Beach. I can't even imagine what that brave man felt standing on that very same sand where he and his fellow soldiers fought so long ago. Heck, it's strongly encouraged me to make a visit to Normandy sometime soon.

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I wonder if they were given a time frame for the War Cemetery? Something like "you have 1/2 hour to spend here". There was no sense of urgency to get through the time there, and everyone was very respectful.


I wondered that too, if everybody's places in the race were held in suspension until they exited the cemetery, although even then, everyone was so respectful and walked slowly on the beach to the mat.


What a wonderful show tonight. The only thing that bugged me was the horse judge who gave everybody their clue regardless of how badly they performed their task. Not up to Amazing Race standards, monsieur. But wow the producers are coming up with interesting and challenging tasks.


Tonight's show had it all, driving stick shifts, navigating, mentally challenging tasks. Just superb. This is one episode I'm going to catch again on one of the multiple replays on both CTV and TSN. And yay! The hockey girls won again!

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Don't forget that Rob (or is it Ryan?) does a drag show

That was revealed the first show, and you still can't remember which one it was, :).  Also one of them was Mr Gay Canada (I can't remember) or something like that and they are bartenders.  I'm sure they are funny and witty and charming but I don't remember week to week that they are even on the show. When they said that they had some near top finishes, I can't even remember them at all.  They are just not getting the edits for some reason, maybe they were just too over shadowed by Rex and Bob

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That was revealed the first show, and you still can't remember which one it was, :).  Also one of them was Mr Gay Canada (I can't remember) or something like that and they are bartenders.  I'm sure they are funny and witty and charming but I don't remember week to week that they are even on the show. When they said that they had some near top finishes, I can't even remember them at all.  They are just not getting the edits for some reason, maybe they were just too over shadowed by Rex and Bob

Honestly single gendered teams are impossible for me to tell apart unless one of them is famous for some reason (see: Rex) or significantly older/younger. I still don't know which is Natalie and which is Megan, same with Mickey & Pete (except now I know blonde=accountant=Mickey) and I actually wondered how the hell the producers knew which was Pierre & which was Michel at the boat challenge.

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Just got back from Vegas yesterday, so I was just a bit jetlagged watching the ep.


When they got to the end with the memorial stage, I expected it to be nonelimination; you can't eliminate a team after such an emotional step. Thankfully I was right. (And I didn't even mind it was non-elim). It gave this stage a level of respect that it needed. 


I expect there was some unseen "must spend X time" clause in the Memorial scene, along with heavy influence from the producers to stay respectful while at it. 


The Tapestry task was easier than it looked on paper; possibly easier than production expected. Or maybe they told the horse braid judge to go easy because they knew the other task was so easy. 


Winnipeg to France; jet lag was probably a big factor (especially since they've been swinging the other way so much). Really, this race probably has a much larger jet Lag factor than most Races. TAR (and TAR.au and I assume TAR.asia) tend to start in one direction and keep going until they do the loop. TAR.ca has gone to the Far East and back and now to Europe and back, while criss crossing time zones within Canada too; that's gotta be building up a healthy amount of Fatigue for the racers. 

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I actually wondered how the hell the producers knew which was Pierre & which was Michel at the boat challenge.


They probably yell out: "Hey, which one are you?"  ;-)


They dress the same and look exactly the same - there's no hope for me to tell them apart.

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Every Canadian should go to Normandy at some point. The Beny-sur-Mer cemetery will break your heart. That veteran was on Canada AM this morning, and I think he said he was only 15 when he signed up, which would explain why he still,looks fairly young. Lots of guys lied to enlist, especially late in the war, so when the headstones say they were 21 or 22, it could be they were 2 or 3 years younger than that.

I love TARC because I've been to so many of the places they visit in Canada, and now that they've flown the national coop, I've been to those places they've visited in France too! On original TAR, most places look great, but I've been to so few of them.

The Bayeaux Tapestry is huge and the village it's located in is straight out of a postcard. Looking forward to their visit to Paris next week.

The only negative was the hockey women winning again. Boring. I would laugh my ass off after dominating the race, Sukhi and Jinder beat them to win the final leg.

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Since Jonny Monty should win an award for Excellence in Television Hosting, can Jim Parks also win an hono(u)rary award for Excellence in Greeting/Welcoming, s'il vous plait?


As a fellow North American, I'd very much like to extend some gratitude to the gentlemen resting at Beny-sur-Mer: Ne Jamais Oublier!


With that said, the land-surfing RI brought as much a smile to my face as the Tell It Detour perked my nerdsome sensibilities, i.e. "the root of Canada's linguistic dualism". (Damn you, Domesday!)

Edited by Rusun
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I really liked what of one the hockey ladies said at one point.  I'm parapharasing here, but it was basically how people view Olympians as heroes but that these soldiers are the real heroes.


I thought that showed a lot of self-awareness and it is 100% true.


Every year the veterans are in my local grocery store around Remembrance Day selling poppies and I always buy them.  I've taught my kids that veterans are incredible people and that one of the reasons that Canada is such a great country to live in is because people like them have, and continue to, defend our country to allow us this incredible quality of life.  Many of us only have what I like to call "first-world problems" to complain about on a regular basis.


It was really nice to see all this reflected in that episode.  Good job show!

Edited by AEMom
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As usual when there's anything on about our veterans I am a complete blubbering mess!!  I visited Juno Beach centre exactly 1 year prior to filming, the statue of the soldiers emerging from the waves where the soldier received the poppy is so evocative and I walked down on the beach taking the same route as the racers with the same solemnity and gravitas befitting the site.  We had also visited the Menin gate and the magnificent Vimy Ridge as well as the World War I cemetery Tyne Cott which unfortunately dwarves that at Beny-sur-mer.  It is truly a worthwhile trip if you are remotely interested in history and the ability to pay your respects for those who died to allow us to enjoy our freedom today is immeasurable.  Just bring loads of tissues!  Thanks veterans and Amazing Race Canada.

Edited by canadiangeordie
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I'm wondering if the teams weren't told that the order in which they ARRIVED at the cemetery would be the order in which they were counted, thus no reason to rush.


I haven't seen the ep yet so I am thankful for the warning about crying. Veterans make me cry, too canadiangeordie - I will prepare myself.

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That was such a well done, respectful episode.  Congratulations to the producers! 


And I was going to stop watching after Rex left but have decided I love the Muskoka boys so much!  They are simply adorable!

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In TAR:US there've been several instances (ie. Buddhist temples) where the clues specifically say that they are not to run and that they must walk, so that wasn't surprising to me. Although it seemed obvious that this instruction was likewise given when they arrived at the mat and I can't help but wonder what would've happened if it had been a foot race for first place? 


I wouldn't be surprised if this group were told that upon entry into the memorial site they were to stay for "x" number of minutes and look around.  It was clear part of the instruction also wanted them reading the placard about the Canadian sacrifices in France so that they could film it.   I'm glad they made them slow down and appreciate what they were seeing/experiencing. 

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Just to add, make sure you read her other articles linked to the right of the picture in her article. There are some good ones, a bio of the vet on the beach, more behind the scenes stuff about the crew including this little tidbit:  :)


And here’s another secret from behind the scenes: the racers’ microphone packs are placed in condoms to protect them from shorting out due to the salt in the racers’ sweat. They use the non-lubricated versions, of course.

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After reading that article it made me realise that the braiding and other tapestry challenge had to be fairly easy because they had to make sure they had the racers on the beach for sailing before the tide came in.  Did they show Rob and Ryan doing the sailing?  Maybe they didn't even make it there in time.

Edited by Blackie
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When they got to the end with the memorial stage, I expected it to be nonelimination; you can't eliminate a team after such an emotional step. Thankfully I was right. (And I didn't even mind it was non-elim). It gave this stage a level of respect that it needed. 

That is what I figured too, I also figured that they wouldn't eliminate someone and then make them ride the long ass flight from France back to Canada, but according to next weeks previews I was wrong. This really was a great episode, I am so glad to see that this show is not just sticking to racing in Canada.


That alcohol challenge looked so so so hard. Yikes. I'm bad at all things math/chemistry I would've been there forever.


That challenge looked awesome. I think I would have totally rocked that challenge. The math didn't seem that hard, plus I homebrew my own beer so I am very familiar with taking specific gravity readings. As far as challenges go the Bayeux Tapestry one was really cool too. It would have been cool if they could have viewed the original after they put together theirs.


've taught my kids that veterans are incredible people and that one of the reasons that Canada is such a great country to live in is because people like them have, and continue to, defend our country to allow us this incredible quality of life.  Many of us only have what I like to call "first-world problems" to complain about on a regular basis.

What always amazes me about vets is that the phrase "fought for our freedom" gets used a lot. And while it is true, in a much simpler sense, especially say if you are an 18 year old kid in the 1940's, they were fighting for the freedom of countries they had never been to and people they had never met. To me that is an even more amazing sacrifice. And when they showed all those graves of basically kids who were yonger than Mickey and Pete, it is interesting to think that I was kind of a dumbass at 18, and these guys had it together enough to sign up and get shipped off to war.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
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That is what I figured too, I also figured that they wouldn't eliminate someone and then make them ride the long ass flight from France back to Canada, but according to next weeks previews I was wrong. This really was a great episode, I am so glad to see that this show is not just sticking to racing in Canada.



TAR is all about eliminating people and making them take the long flight home as losers; so that isn't surprising. But you often can tell with some legs that they will be non-Elimination. Often in TAR.us, if the leg is in the middle of nowhere (like a bush camp in Africa) it'll be non elimination. Or legs that have some charity or culturally significant aspect will often be non-elim. The producers know that people don't want legs with a lot of good will to be 'soured' by an elimination. In this case, it falls under the 'culturally significant' aspect.


Next week, they're just going to Paris; which is just another city leg (albeit a foreign city). Eliminating from there won't sour any good will, so we know someone is going home next week. (Possibly even on the same flight as the racers; probably a good thing they don't show the Air Canada flights. :) )

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OMG, Sukhi & Jinder, you're hilarious.

They're driving around lost, and Sukhi asks "where is the sun?" - and then Jinder responds by pointing straight up. Immediately reminds me of this Chief Wiggum moment from The Simpsons:

Police Dispatch: "All right, your current location?"

Chief Wiggum: "Oh, uh, I'm, er, I'm on a road. Uh, looks to be asphalt... oh, geez, trees, shrubs... er, I'm directly under the earth's sun... now!"

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I have been away since Tuesday and unable to post as while I did have my laptop, I forgot my password (should change my name to PasswordFatigue).


In any case I have mixed feelings about the Beny-sur-Mer cemetary being used as part of the race. While I do think it brings awareness to many people who likely have no idea the extent of the sacrifices made by Canadians at Normandy, my mother has two brothers buried there. Geordie was killed at the age of 19, Dunbar was killed at the age of 20, five weeks apart. Both headstones are inscribed 'EVER REMEMBERED BY MUM AND DAD' and go on to include my Mom's name, and the names of her three remaining siblings. While I do think the inclusion of the cemetary in the race was handled with dignity, I just don't know that it needed to be included in the actual race. I would have preferred a visit at the end with the race concluding before the visit.


What always amazes me about vets is that the phrase "fought for our freedom" gets used a lot. And while it is true, in a much simpler sense, especially say if you are an 18 year old kid in the 1940's, they were fighting for the freedom of countries they had never been to and people they had never met. To me that is an even more amazing sacrifice.


 Well put, Kel Varnsen. And very true. My hubby's aunt by marriage has relatives in France on her mother's side. She went to visit the cemetary a few years ago when visiting her relatives. She was very emotional when she saw Mom's brothers' headstones, and even more so when she saw my mother's name. It really brought home the sacrifice of not only my uncles, but Mom and her family too to fight for her family's freedom a world away.


That said, I did enjoy the other tasks. I am glad though that the judge of the horse hair braiding was lenient as I don't think the horses should have been subjected to their manes being braided, unbriaded, braided, ad nauseum. So glad that did not happen. Also loved Mickey and Pete going back to say thanks to their horse. I love those two more and more every week.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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"To France, por favor". Jinder and Sukhi have made me facepalm so often this season I fear I may give myself concussion.


I really liked what of one the hockey ladies said at one point.  I'm parapharasing here, but it was basically how people view Olympians as heroes but that these soldiers are the real heroes.



I wish she'd said it was not at all comparable instead of "what we do does not even come close" which kind of infers there is still something slightly heroic about playing sports. 


Great episode. Entertaining and moving. I always worry when TAR has a stop and think segment, but this one was handled beautifully. 


Relieved Ryan & Rob survived (especially now that I know cutie Rob was a former Mr Gay Canada - my gaydar really needs to go in for a tune-up).

Edited by cousin oliver
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Great episode. Entertaining and moving. I always worry when TAR has a stop and think segment, but this one was handled beautifully.


A million times yes. I think part of the problem is the US version seems averse to having episodes that are clearly non-eliminations in recent years because of a perceived lack of tension, not realising that those are the episodes where everything tends to slow down enough for the character development that a moment like this would require. With most of the teams clearly suspecting a non-elimination here, they were able to slow down for a few minutes without it affecting their chances to do well. Perfect non-elimination placement.

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Forget the Genie awards, TAR Canada.  Please submit this for the International Emmys.  Definitely one of the best episodes ever in the series, and that includes TAR USA.  


Also, horsies!  Booze!  And math!

No NEL leg is ever "a best episode" IMO. Also, while I appreciate patriotism, the way they approached it in this episode was very paint-by-the-numbers and cliched. There are more creative ways to broach the subject than simply showing headstones and an old guy. Something like a recreation of the storming of Normandy Beach with the Racers playing a role as part of a challenge would have been a far better use of that setting, I believe.

Even the tasks were kind of lame, in my opinion--with the big exception of that alcohol challenge. Horse hair braiding and wind-go-karts (even if they look neat there didn't seem to be any great challenge to them) weren't all that interesting or compelling.

This episode, sadly, was just video wallpaper for me. Nice visuals but statically hanging there not engaging me very much.

Edited by Kromm
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Something like a recreation of the storming of Normandy Beach with the Racers playing a role as part of a challenge would have been a far better use of that setting, I believe.


I personally think this would be terribly disrespectful! Treating it like a game is no way to show honour and gratitude.

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I personally think this would be terribly disrespectful! Treating it like a game is no way to show honour and gratitude.

The tens of thousands of US Civil War re-creators don't seem to agree with you. Edited by Kromm
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Is there a game show that recreates the U.S. Civil War? I thankfully must have missed it. Mind you some Americans are quite fanatical about the civil war but since it was their own country at war I think it is a bit different than losing your life for another country. Has TAR ever gone to say, VIetnam and recreated a war scene there as part of the show? I wonder what Vietnam vets would think of that? Or any of the vets of recent wars fought abroad?

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Has TAR ever gone to say, VIetnam and recreated a war scene there as part of the show? I wonder what Vietnam vets would think of that? Or any of the vets of recent wars fought abroad?


TAR did go to Vietnam at least once -- if I remember correctly, one of the team members was a Vietnam War vet and one of the places they went to was the location of US plane that had been shot down during the war (but definitely no war re-creation). Ooooh, I'm going to look up who it was exactly.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Honestly single gendered teams are impossible for me to tell apart unless one of them is famous for some reason (see: Rex) or significantly older/younger. I still don't know which is Natalie and which is Megan, same with Mickey & Pete (except now I know blonde=accountant=Mickey) and I actually wondered how the hell the producers knew which was Pierre & which was Michel at the boat challenge.


Pierre and Michel actually do look different. I never know in the moment which is which, but standing next to each other it's somehow obvious they are not quite the same. Pierre appears to be taller and have more compact facial features or something.


Until this week I always thought that Mickey and Pete looked about the same, but then during this ep I suddenly became convinced that Pete is much much cuter.


As for the hockey players, I would say that Meaghan (Mikkelson)'s face seems a bit smaller and rounder. Natalie (Spooner) is the other one.


Ryan and Rob were really sweet this ep (although it was undoubtedly foolish to share info with the last team behind them, they seemed to get so lost that it wouldn't have made any difference), so it was nice that they weren't eliminated. Maybe they'll be as lucky as Rex and Bob were that time their 6-hour penalty was basically obliterated by bunching.


OMG, Sukhi & Jinder, you're hilarious.

They're driving around lost, and Sukhi asks "where is the sun?" - and then Jinder responds by pointing straight up. Immediately reminds me of this Chief Wiggum moment from The Simpsons:

Police Dispatch: "All right, your current location?"

Chief Wiggum: "Oh, uh, I'm, er, I'm on a road. Uh, looks to be asphalt... oh, geez, trees, shrubs... er, I'm directly under the earth's sun... now!"


When I watched the ep, it didn't occur to me that this was meant to be a "Sukhi and Jinder are such idiots!" moment -- I thought it must be midday (or whenever the sun would be directly overhead for the time of year) and therefore through no fault of their own they couldn't use it to determine N/E/S/W at that moment.

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The tens of thousands of US Civil War re-creators don't seem to agree with you.

I would refuse to re-enact a battle on the exact battlefield with an actual combatant from that battle standing right there to win money for a game show. That would be the height of bad taste and a huge slap in the face of the veteran, who no doubt lost many of his friends on those very sands.

Edited by Congo
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I would refuse to re-enact a battle on the exact battlefield with an actual combatant from that battle standing right there to win money for a game show. That would be the height of bad taste and a huge slap in the face of the veteran, who no doubt lost many of his friends on those very sands.

Who said anything about re-enacting it in front of a Vet? Please don't put words in my mouth.  I suggested recreating it as part of a task, but why assume if they had they'd use the same greeter (or that I was suggesting such)?


Just forget about it.  I've seen recreations in plenty of things, but it's not worth arguing about when and where its appropriate and when not.

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As for the hockey players, I would say that Meaghan (Mikkelson)'s face seems a bit smaller and rounder. Natalie (Spooner) is the other one.


I can tell those two apart quite easily. Spooner is slimmer than Mikk and has blonde streaks in her hair. Meaghan is definitely the bigger and more athletic looking of the pair although of course both of them look great. Still haven't figured out who's who between those other pairs though.

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TAR did go to Vietnam at least once -- if I remember correctly, one of the team members was a Vietnam War vet and one of the places they went to was the location of US plane that had been shot down during the war (but definitely no war re-creation). Ooooh, I'm going to look up who it was exactly.


Separate seasons: the veteran was TAR3 finalist Ian Pollack, but the downed plane was TAR22. The Normandy treatment was closer in tone to the former than the latter.

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TAR:US (S16) did a recreation of trench warfare in the season that had Big Brother's Jeff & Jordan in it.  It was a detour.  One half was to crawl under barbed wire (while planes engaged in dogfights above them), the other half was the translate morose code. 


While not Juno Beach, this documentary from GlobalTV about Dieppe (I linked to the appropriate time in video) suggests that a re-enactment would be in serious poor taste because the Nazi occupation of France is still raw in the memories of locals.  For those that choose to skip the clip, a woman gets visibly upset seeing an actor (who's working on a Dieppe film) wearing a German uniform, another actor says that a local yelled at him and threw a pot at him because he was dressed as a German. 

Edited by HistoryGirl
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OK guys, let's be done with this part of the discussion. No one was really suggesting anything like what you are all suggesting and it's obvious no one here agrees with the idea anyway. So please move on to another topic. 

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I can tell those two apart quite easily. Spooner is slimmer than Mikk and has blonde streaks in her hair. Meaghan is definitely the bigger and more athletic looking of the pair although of course both of them look great. Still haven't figured out who's who between those other pairs though.


I can't tell if we are talking at cross-purposes -- I would have said that Spooner is the more athletic-looking.

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TAR did go to Vietnam at least once -- if I remember correctly, one of the team members was a Vietnam War vet and one of the places they went to was the location of US plane that had been shot down during the war (but definitely no war re-creation). Ooooh, I'm going to look up who it was exactly.

Yeah I'm not sure of the season but I vividly remember a Viet Nam veteran being upset about going into the Cu Chi Museum. He had served there at one point I beleve. 

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I'm wondering if the teams weren't told that the order in which they ARRIVED at the cemetery would be the order in which they were counted, thus no reason to rush.


It felt like that was the case, and that they had a lot of other additional information on how to behave once they reached the cemetery. Not that I think teams would have been disrespectful, but as it came right at the end of the leg, they had a day of being in 'race mode' and TPTB needed to bring them down from that, and they were smart enough to know that they couldn't put them back in race mode afterwards.


I was wondering if any of the racers would ask Jim Parks about his age on D-Day. He was 19. (My grandfather landed on Gold beach and fought alongside the Canadians shortly after D-Day; he always spoke in the highest terms of their courage and fortitude.)


Before that, it felt like a decently put-together leg that managed to be about Normandy as a place, not just its wartime past. Self-drive, a Road Block that clearly rewarded exactitude, another Detour where the balance seemed a wee bit skewed, and a fun Route Marker task on the beach. For the Detour, I'd have gone with the tapestry all the way, because it's such an easy destination to find in the middle of Bayeux, versus a horse farm out along country roads. Another "cuter" Detour option that took longer, even if the judge wasn't very picky.


Ryan and Rob may have been let off the sailing challenge and assessed a penalty because they lost so much time on the roads


One thing I didn't know, drawn from that Calgary Sun article: racers are now wearing GoPros all the time? It seemed like some of the close-ups from ziplines and bungees were not the usual helmet-cam shots, and that would explain it.

Edited by etagloh
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Relieved Ryan & Rob survived

Don't get why anyone would be happy.  That performance deserved an elimination, for sure.


Glad Natalie & Meaghan are back on top, and I continue to be happy that Sukhi & Jinder did well again.


Wonder why they didn't show Alain & Audrey and Ryan & Rob's cemetery visits?

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