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S24.E22: HOH #8, Nominations #8

Pop Tart

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Well the ghost of Joseph is still taking the rap. 

Idk why these people expect the LOs to still exist. It should have ended at 10 like it did when the house was split. You can’t have an alliance of more than 3 that you can hold true to the end because there’s a pecking order and anyone on the bottom of the order has to jump ship before the alliance is all that’s left. Final 3 you can duke it out. 

Edited by dizzyd

It’s a shame that we are spotlighting the ultimate failure of the educational system in this country with  Kyle and Alyssa’s genius geography lesson.  London,France?  God - it’s embarrassing to be a citizen of a country where idiots like these have the opportunity to make $750,000 & have brief fame.  What are we highlighting here?

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My pet peeve is when TV shows (dating back to Jay Leno) think it's SO funny how the youth of America is so completely ignorant.  I find it sad and embarrassing, but the Millennials featured on these shows seem to revel in their own stupidity.

"Is it London, France?" "I don't know if Prague is a city or a country, but I want to go there."  They should get penalty noms just for this. :(

Biggest disappointment of the night: no mention of Zingbot!  Doesn't he usually make an appearance about now in the season?  If not this week, then next week for sure.

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Ok, so is nobody going to mention the second hand that was on Kyle's elbow during the HoH contest?  There didn't seem to be any possible way a "helpful" production person could be steadying his arm so Grodner could have her finger on the scales…but I tried and tried and couldn't get my left hand anywhere near that position.  What the (FRICK), to quote My Girl of S20, Rachel Swindler??

Seriously, I damn near wore out the "go back" feature on my remote trying to figure that out.  I might have called Kyle (metaphorically) spineless…but I didn't expect him to have spaghetti arms, too.  Huh.

Also, Monte's a damn fool.  You really want to be the bottom of a 3 man "alliance" when you know damn well that not only are Kyle/Turner more tightly bonded to each other than they are to you, but that they very likely made some sort of deal with Terrance and Alyssa at Dyrefest, given that you yourself pointed out they were copying each other's predetermined "talking points" (ie lies) about Joseph "going crazy"?  If they're in bed with Bus Daddy and Brain Dead, why would you think they care so much about The Pound, exactly?

Well, because Taylor and Brittany are girls, and Michael's a gay guy, which Monte might consider to be pretty much the same thing.  Can't have those types plotting against Monte and his Manly Men of the Pound, now can we?  It's Big BRO-chella, a Bro has to look out for his Bros, right?

Seriously, I was expecting this episode to annoy me…and it's even worse than I thought.   Ugh.

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The episode I've been waiting for for weeks and not because it featured my favorite HOH competition (love the miniature stacking...no random chance...just skill to win)

No it's because AT LAST the house realizes that this is Michael's game to win and if they want to stand any chance they have to get him  out now! Every time he steeples his hands and rubs them together like a Bond villain I want to throw something at my tv.

Anyway once he's gone anyone can win. We might even get a suspensful finale for once.

With that said I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. In my heart I know not only will he be picked for veto but he WILL win it and take Brittany down and that will mean the end for Taylor who I will really be sorry to see go. She's just so damn likable.  She had a right to cry as those flashbacks did indeed seem to show Joseph giving up that information on her. I'm assuming this will be the death any post show romance.

By the way I said a few weeks ago a leapord can't change his spots and Monty proved that. It actually came out of his mouth to put Taylor up. See he's been sketchy ever since he drank the Koolaid of some sleep deprived loon and now he's come full circle  putting the target back on Taylor when he could have suggested Terrance to be on the block with Brittay.

Edited by North of Eden
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32 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

Ok, so is nobody going to mention the second hand that was on Kyle's elbow during the HoH contest?  There didn't seem to be any possible way a "helpful" production person could be steadying his arm so Grodner could have her finger on the scales…but I tried and tried and couldn't get my left hand anywhere near that position. 

I didn't notice it at first. After reading your post I watched again. Yes it certainly looks like Kyle had some fingers on his forearm, steadying him. I saw it three separate times. I also caught a glimpse of a helping hand for Monte.

What the hell?

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1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

It’s a shame that we are spotlighting the ultimate failure of the educational system in this country with  Kyle and Alyssa’s genius geography lesson.  London,France?  God - it’s embarrassing to be a citizen of a country where idiots like these have the opportunity to make $750,000 & have brief fame.  What are we highlighting here?

I'm a map nerd so that was particularly hard to watch.  "Where's Big Ben?"

One of Mom and Dads biggest fights, Mom got us lost on vacation, Dad yanked the map from her, threw it to 7 year old me who quickly got us back on track.

We found out much later she was dyslexic so it wasn't really her fault.

(46 States and 24 countries)

"Is Prague a country?"  "Where's England, or the UK, whatever"  drove me crazy

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London, France?

Is Greece a city or a country?

I don't know what Prague is, but I want to go there.


Kyle seemed to have some inkling that these questions indicate a general deficiency, although he referred to the subject as "geometry".  Alyssa just shrugged it off that she doesn't know about that stuff, stop asking her.  Holy shit.  

If I were a parent of Kyle or Alyssa, I'd be mortified.  I'd be too embarrassed to face my friends and colleagues.

Edited by candall
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3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

I want to go in there and give everyone a haircut!

Kyle's hair gets on my nerves. I can't stand how it's always in his face.

2 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Isn’t Alyssa a flight attendant? At least she’s not the pilot or navigator! Another example of failure of our education system 🤦🏻‍♀️

Indy's the flight attendant. Alyssa is a customer service rep.

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2 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

It’s a shame that we are spotlighting the ultimate failure of the educational system in this country with  Kyle and Alyssa’s genius geography lesson.  London,France?  God - it’s embarrassing to be a citizen of a country where idiots like these have the opportunity to make $750,000 & have brief fame.  What are we highlighting here?

Or as Kyle called it, geometry.  Good grief!  Kyle is 30 years old. 

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42 minutes ago, candall said:

Kyle seemed to have some inkling that these questions indicate a general deficiency, although he referred to the subject as "geometry".

Not that I think he's super smart, (or even just regular smart) but I thought that his "not knowing" if Prague was a city or country was him trying to get a segment on the show--His Jessica Simpson moment, if you will.  When he followed up with the Geometry line, I was convinced that was exactly what he was doing.  He couldn't be upstaged by Alyssa not knowing if London was in France.

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I......hope that is true.  I hope that Kyle--and Alyssa--are being dumb for TV.  However, I'm not sure what that really buys them in the real world though, so if it is a ploy, exactly what is it targeting?

I'm afraid they really are dumb.  Or if not dumb, at least so extremely incurious about the larger world that they don't know where London is, or that Greece is a country.  That's almost worse than being dumb, in my opinion.

I wonder if they think you need a passport to go to Hawaii.  Or New Mexico...

I can't believe Kyle is 30 years old.  He's a special kind of special, isn't he?  Twerking with mom on YouTube doesn't give him much of a broad world view, does it?

On the other hand, a Kyle/Alyssa team on The Amazing Race would be comedy gold.  ::Rips routing envelope, reads out loud::  "Make your way to Abu Dhabi..."   "We're going to Flintstones Land!!!!"

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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly they are steadying their own arms with their other hand.


Absolutely.   This is fine.   Now if somebody could explain how Kyle was able to

a) turn his left hand so severely that the two fingertips visible on his right forearm in the "through the door" shots were pointing completely to the right (as opposed to upwards and slightly to the left, as seen here)? Or, beyond that, please explain

b) where the rest of the "helping hand" was, since only those two fingers were visible?  If Kyle was using his index and middle fingers, then where did his pinky and ring fingers go?  If he's using the ring and pinky, then how come the pinky (which would be on top, as the fingernails were visible) seems to be longer than the ring finger?  I still can't figure this out.

Mind you, the idea that Helpful Production People were standing behind the HGs, using their own right hands to stabilize the contestants, while being completely visible to all involved, completely blows my mind.

But until I can get my own left hand within shouting distance of where Kyle's (and Monte's, apparently) must have been, I'm going to feel as though something, well, twisted is gong on.  Huh.  🙄

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58 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I......hope that is true.  I hope that Kyle--and Alyssa--are being dumb for TV.  However, I'm not sure what that really buys them in the real world though, so if it is a ploy, exactly what is it targeting?

Indeed.  Their apparent ignorance is especially sad given that the HoH room features not one, but two maps of the globe on its walls:


I think Kyle was even referencing the maps when he referred to England as "that island up top" (ie, north of continental Europe).   Which is close, but no cigar, as England only makes up a part of Britain.  (Gotta leave room for Wales and Scotland, Kyle.) But that still doesn't account for placing London in France and all the rest. 

Just scary sad, IMO.  Or, if Kyle's able to "play dumb" so as to not show up Alyssa and he can do that without even the hint of a wink to the audience, just plain scary, I'd say.

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Yes, the whole 'geometry' lesson is yet another reason reality teevee contestants should be happy that 'reach through your tv and slap some sense into someonevison' technology is lagging behind other developments.

I literally said out loud "I'm dumber just for having watched that conversation take place." I mean seriously?? Seriously people??

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5 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Yes, the whole 'geometry' lesson is yet another reason reality teevee contestants should be happy that 'reach through your tv and slap some sense into someonevison' technology is lagging behind other developments.

I literally said out loud "I'm dumber just for having watched that conversation take place." I mean seriously?? Seriously people??

It blows my mind how dumb and uneducated they are…. I remember learning all the continents, countries, states, provinces etc when I was in elementary school, we were grilled on them and expected to know all of them from memory.

wtf are these younger people being taught??

How to twerk?

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8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

, so is nobody going to mention the second hand that was on Kyle's elbow during the HoH contest?  There didn't seem to be any possible way a "helpful" production person could be steadying his arm so Grodner could have her finger on the scales…but I tried and tried and couldn't get my left hand anywhere near that position.  What the (FRICK), to quote My Girl of S20, Rachel Swindler

I noticed it and couldn't figure out what was going on. I'm glad you mentioned this. I think BB needs to explain this to its viewers.

I shuddered at the "geometry" lesson given to us by Alyssa and Kyle.  But, even within educational systems there is a downplaying of content (at a faculty meeting I experienced our principal [high school] excitedly pointing out how with technology we shouldn't worry about teaching content-really, I am not making this up!!!).  Of course, I ignored that and continued to focus on skills, context, and content-but then again I was older and part of the 'traditional' view of education.  Sigh.

I just can't stand watching Kyle and his antics.  I wouldn't be surprised if he was faking some of his ignorance so that viewers would just think he was a cute, lovable goofball.  Not this viewer.  

I don't really know who to root for anymore.  Maybe the ants?

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4 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

It blows my mind how dumb and uneducated they are…. I remember learning all the continents, countries, states, provinces etc when I was in elementary school, we were grilled on them and expected to know all of them from memory.

My now 22 year old niece did as well in our [public] school system. It was called"The Passport Program."  

BUT even if Kyle didn't get that for some reason, he's 30!   He had a friend living in Prague but never bothered talking to him about it or even looking it up online?  

Guys like Kyle make me fear for our future. 

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6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

It blows my mind how dumb and uneducated they are…. I remember learning all the continents, countries, states, provinces etc when I was in elementary school, we were grilled on them and expected to know all of them from memory.

wtf are these younger people being taught??

How to twerk?

It's not the school's failure.

My son is Kyle's age. Public schools,, state university. He is currently on a vacation in Europe, that he planned and paid for, of course. He and his girlfriend had specific sites they want to see, and are well versed as far as countries, cities, landmarks, etc.  Some of it he learned in school, but some was just picked up from reading, conversations, and of course, watching The Amazing Race.

I am sure Kyle has been exposed to ideas and information,  but he seems like he lacks interest. 

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17 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

It's not the school's failure.

My son is Kyle's age. Public schools,, state university. He is currently on a vacation in Europe, that he planned and paid for, of course. He and his girlfriend had specific sites they want to see, and are well versed as far as countries, cities, landmarks, etc.  Some of it he learned in school, but some was just picked up from reading, conversations, and of course, watching The Amazing Race.

I am sure Kyle has been exposed to ideas and information,  but he seems like he lacks interest. 

There are these videos that show up in my Facebook feed occasionally…the guy asks basic quest for prizes….shows photo of Washington or Dr Jill and asks who they are.  Asks how many continents, how many stars on the flag and when is Jesus’s birthday.  So many blank faces.  

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I agree, Taylor is starting to grate on me, wearing down the goodwill she had built up from early on. It now seems to be a pattern with her that she is somehow always the vicitim? Even worse she seems to really fall into the role whole heartedly. I wonder if this is her coping mechanism for any precieved slight, a way that she draws people in to get her needs met kind of thing.

People tend only to repeat these kinds of behaviors when they get/have gotten something out of it. They tend do be a learned/reinforced thing.

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5 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Not sure what to make of most of the discussion is  around the geography segment and speculation of production actually helping in the HOH (which I don't believe)/ The fall and implosion of the season's dominant alliance doesn't seem to be hot topic including Taylor's return to the block.

Well, Turner's turn was pretty much declared last episode; the fact that he spent a part of his turn as HoH turning over his decision to turn, but ultimately not overturning it, wasn't that much of a page-turner, IMO.

More notable was Monte turning around and deciding that he was all in on The Pound, and I already discussed that.  And even that could be nothing more than a standard bout of "kiss the HoH's ass so your ass stays off of the block", if Monte's just bs-ing in his DRs.  As stomach-turning as I found them.


11 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Absolutely.   This is fine.   Now if somebody could explain how Kyle was able to

a) turn his left hand so severely that the two fingertips visible on his right forearm in the "through the door" shots were pointing completely to the right (as opposed to upwards and slightly to the left, as seen here)? Or, beyond that, please explain

b) where the rest of the "helping hand" was, since only those two fingers were visible?  If Kyle was using his index and middle fingers, then where did his pinky and ring fingers go?  If he's using the ring and pinky, then how come the pinky (which would be on top, as the fingernails were visible) seems to be longer than the ring finger?  I still can't figure this out.

Mind you, the idea that Helpful Production People were standing behind the HGs, using their own right hands to stabilize the contestants, while being completely visible to all involved, completely blows my mind.

But until I can get my own left hand within shouting distance of where Kyle's (and Monte's, apparently) must have been, I'm going to feel as though something, well, twisted is gong on.  Huh.  🙄

🤷‍♀️ I just put my arms in the exact same position as Kyle and it was simple. I had no trouble stabilizing my right arm with my left having the fingers of my left hand pointing towards the box exactly same as Kyle. The palm of his wrist is cupping his elbow. Maybe you just have shorter arms? You can clearly see Monte using the same technique, you see his whole left hand visible at one point cupping his elbow. Unless you are trying to claim that they went out and hired a hand model with the exact same hand as Monte just for this comp so they can cheat to have either him or Kyle win right out in front where every other contestant can see them. I mean, really. Why must everything be a crazy conspiracy theory? 🙄

Edited by Cotypubby
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I can’t with these grown adults anymore thinking it’s cute & quirky not to know things basic things….what should we expect tho? When Earlier in the season Alyssa & Kyle were confused on if certain places were in America or not… you know the country they live in.  

Alyssa is having is a great summer,just floating thru the game, she should of left when indy did. 

Edited by Hellohappylife
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2 hours ago, candall said:


--I'm lovin' it.

--Stop chuggin', start sippin'.

--Young Sheldon, where the nerdy genius types are the only people in Texas able to articulate a proper gerund.



Whew.  I thought I was the only one.

 As a writer with books featuring 4 sisters as the protagonists to give each one a different "voice" I let one drop the G's like Terrance does. So no issues from me if he does it...some people simply talk that way.

10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I hate Kyle, but I think he was joking with the geometry line.  Wasn't there a whole segment of everyone pretending to be bad at chess?  Was Kyle part of that?   

Oh wait, maybe that was everyone playing AGAINST Kyle.  LOL.  Maybe he is that dumb?  That's terrifying.

I might be misremembering, but wasn't it Joseph who was pretending to be bad at chess?  I think he talked about it in the DR, but could be wrong about who that was.

And there are no words for that "geometry" conversation... at least, no words those two would understand.

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