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S08.E05: Exes and Uh Oh's

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Sixteen minutes in and I’m nodding off.  

Well ok the differences in Marcie’s pregnant vs not pregnant talking heads are cracking me up.  She seems fairly down to earth…everybody else sucks.

edit: I don’t know how we went from scorching hot party to Leva and Venita chatting outside in coats…but Leva needs to stick with that low-key makeup look. She is much prettier without all the slap, especially on her eyes.

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These are all too boring and thirsty. I saw Madison beggin' on fb about trying to hawk junk on Amazon, but everyone was dogging her out in the comments and saying she was a hog and a zoo ape, so I don't see that panning out. Her best bet is to get married and calve another kid, I guess.

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Austen's parents are selling their house? Who gives a crap? Isn't that imbecile pushing 40?? We visit Charleston a lot,  and it's a really cool place. Can't they find anyone better than these leftover "extras"? Ugh.

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Madison’s boyfriend is a Mormon? She’s just to wild to go full on religion. Her relationship and engagement will not last. Mormons don’t consume caffeine in their diets and Madison loves her alcoholic beverages. Paige was low key upset with Craig during their conversation, about Naomie, at the restaurant.

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Are Kathryn’s friends porn stars? No, really, are they??

Pat DID recently mention Kathryn’s “inelegant” life….

Methinks Taylor saw a few of these episodes and glimpsed what an a-hole Shep really is. That was the end for her. 

Venita is a full-on joke. What an odd person. Poor Olivia, she held it together quite well. 

Shep looked like he was definitely expecting Austen to come back from his beer meeting with bad news. Seemed disappointed for a flash that it went well for Austen.

Doesn’t Shep ever feel lame about wasting his life away? Even Thomas with all of his money still worked! Shep is educated, healthy, smart, able-bodied. He’s pathetic just lounging around and partying 24/7 at 42. 

Edited by Sage47
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15 minutes ago, APK said:

Madison’s boyfriend is a Mormon? She’s just to wild to go full on religion. Her relationship and engagement will not last. Mormons don’t consume caffeine in their diets and Madison loves her alcoholic beverages. Paige was low key upset with Craig during their conversation, about Naomie, at the restaurant.

That was shocking. How could a Mormon even entertain the thought of dating, much less marrying!, muppet Madison? 

Edited by Sage47
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19 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

Are Kathryn’s friends porn stars? No, really, are they??

Methinks Taylor saw a few of these episodes and glimpsed what an a-hole Shep really is. That was the end for her. 

Venita is a full-on joke. What an odd person. Poor Olivia, she held it together quite well. 

Shep looked like he was definitely expecting Austen to come back from his beer meeting with bad news. Seemed disappointed for a flash that it went well for Austen.

Doesn’t Shep ever feel lame about wasting his life away? Even Thomas with all of his money still worked! Shep is educated, healthy, smart, able-bodied. He’s pathetic just lounging around and partying 24/7 at 42. 

Kathryn’s friends🙄

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Paige appeared to have a decent and dependable boyfriend by the name of Perry. He had no desire to appear on Summer House. I believe Perry is also 5 years older than Paige and I believe Perry also dodged a bullet in his relationship with Paige. Paige has been played by so many guys on 3 Bravo shows and she never learns anything. It’s entertaining and sad at the same time.


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I am really enjoying Shep’s cousin Marcie Hobbs.  She seems like a genuine person and comes from a very wealthy family.  Not that being wealthy is the most important thing but it fits well with the original theme of the show.  She’s a great addition.  I also think Olivia seems like a nice girl, we’ll see as the show moves forward.

For years I have noticed Shep’s leg shaking.  I always thought it was interesting considering he comes off like an Uber confident person and the shaking usually indicates being nervous or being uncomfortable in a situation or conversation.  Finally Craig mentions it.

Kathryn was beautiful with her red hair, wish she would go back to that.  I believe the red she displays in her interviews is a wig.   

Can’t stand Madison or Venita. They both seem so arrogant and Venita is trying way too hard.  

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So last week I was complaining about how fake and contrived this season is. But I already bought the season pass on iTunes, so I’m just gonna keep hate watching the rest of the season.

This boring episode, what caught my eye was the obvious editing things. Like when Craig and his brunette girl (I can’t even be bothered to figure out her name) were at the bar in the beginning talking about Austen, you could tell how spliced together that scene was. When she first asked Craig about Austen, the bar is crowded and there are people on either side of them. But when Craig answers her, the seats on both sides are empty. Next sentence, the people are back. There’s people just randomly appearing and disappearing through that whole conversation!

I also noticed Madison’s veneers and how different (ah, worse) they are from her old look at the end of the episode. When she’s out with Kathryn and the other two blondes, Madison has a normal mouth that she can close. But during that bar scene, it would cut to her talking head in the pink dress, and you could see the drastic change. She couldn’t even close her mouth in the talking head! Horrible dental work.

The only note I have about the actual content of the episode is that I both felt very sorry for Taylor and simultaneously found her incredibly pathetic. Read the media thread if you want to know how that ends.

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I haven't watched this show in ages because the storylines were getting pretty tired and the cast pretty old to have no purpose in life. But, I got a little interested because of the Summer House cross over and decided to pick it up again since real life has been so depressing and kind of stressful. 

I am out of the loop. I see a lot of comments about Venita being thirsty and trying too hard. I don't have a lot of background so, can someone give a short reasoning as to why that's the sentiment? Also, who is the other Black woman the camera cuts to when Venita is making Kathryn uncomfortable bringing up her past racism?

Kathryn's visual slide has been shocking to walk in on. It's sort of like seeing the former prom queen show up at the 10 year reunion looking like a character from a Tennessee Williams play. Shep also looks like a drunk has been but I don't know that is a surprise. Austen is still a mouth breathing dolt so, I guess somethings never change.

The more things change, the more they overall stay the same I guess.

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The Austen/Craig/Shep trip was the episode highlight, reminded me a bit of this show at its prime. The cast used to travel a lot together but I feel like so many of the current cast have no chemistry/real connections. At least the guys have a history and if anything they're frenemies, if not real friends at times.

So many of the other scenes are forced or contrived just for the cameras. I don't believe that Venita & Madison are really friends, nor would Madison hang out with Kathryn and her random friends. Olivia just met most of these people, same with Marcie.

Disappointed in Craig for doing the same thing to Shep that he complained Austen did to him. Namely, airing his dirty laundry in public. Not his place. not his business. That said, he did seem genuinely happy for Austen on the Harris Teeter beer deal unlike Shep who couldn't even hide his disappointment.

Madison is marrying a Mormon?  Oh yeah, that's going to end well :)

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Venita is indeed very thirsty, but she's also insecure. I think she had a lot of career hope after being selected for the show, but the Madisons, Naomies, and Kathryns just mow everyone else down.

There's something painful in watching Venita be disappointed, and unlike the other losers on this show, I feel sad for her. And the race optics push my buttons.

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Venita's home was....interesting. She turned the dining room in to a closet so you have to walk through said "closet" to get to the kitchen. Kids. She's pretty but reminds me of a skinny little girl trying to play adult dress up.

No Naomi or Pringle so the episode wasn't a total loss. Instead we get Shep's pregnant cousin for filler. I can't muster up any interest in her, sorry. Walking around the baby nursery talking to her mom on the phone is not exciting enough for me to give a crap about her. Allllllllll the footage they film and this scene wasn't cut? Wow. A dismal season for sure. 

Since when did Madison and Kathryn become friends? Since when does Kathryn have any friends? 

The marriage between Madison and the mormon will never work, it it even happens at all. He lives in California. She said they plan on living bi-coastal. That never works. Somebody will have to move. She has a son, he will be in school. She can't go prancing around back and forth from coast to coast and he will most likely get tired of that. Besides....he's mormon and she's....a Ho. 

I was proud of Paige standing her ground and telling Craig the "friend" relationship with Naomi is not going to work for her. No going out for drinks, dinner, or hanging out when your girl is out of town. Grow up, Craig before you end up like Shep. 

Olivia has alot of patience to sit there on their date and listen to Austen go on about Madison. What a classless slob he is. She won't put up with much more of that and how much more obvious can it be that Austen is totally not over Madison. 

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The boys are talking endlessly about Shep's girlfriend baby scare as if she was pregnant and then lost it...it is like none of them had ever had a close call with a girlfriend.  That non baby is getting a whole story line!

There are no Harris Teeters near me and we don't sell beer and wine in our supermarkets, (bummer, right?), has anyone seen Trop Hop in their stores?

Leva looks so different than she did last season I have to remind myself who she is when she is pops up on my screen. she is very pretty.

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I’m thinking to myself that besides his Peter Pan syndrome, Shep may not want to be a father because it will be weird to have his elementary school age kid ask Daddy what he does for a living and Shep will have to stare back blankly. 

His parents made him believe he’s above most people (the homeless man collecting cans, Madison, the “white trash beautician”, Austen who’s parents are well-off but not wealthy, etc, etc) but they have no shame that their son is a 42 year old partying bum?? Okay then. Right, got it. 👍🏼

Taylor is a beautiful girl and young, she’ll find a great guy to commit to her.  

I too have ZERO interest in Marcie. She’s not compelling at all. And I saw her sucking up to Pat, yuck. 

 If I were their age, the only girls  I would hang out with on here are Olivia and Taylor. The rest of these girls are completely godawful in personality and/or character. 

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23 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

There are no Harris Teeters near me and we don't sell beer and wine in our supermarkets, (bummer, right?), has anyone seen Trop Hop in their stores?

I look for it sometimes, I would actually buy it, it sounds like something I would drink.

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I have no use for Marcie (I didn't even know her name till I happened to be watching the screen when she came on this episode).  Nothing about her interests me whatsoever.

And while Venita doesn't intrigue me, either, I think she's beautiful, I actually love her apartment, and I can relate to being a neat freak.

Shep used to be so grounded and down to earth and just plain NICE in his thoughts and actions - what happened??

I really miss the seasons when you could tell they were all friends and there was actually some sort of common connecting thread throughout the season.  This season feels like, "Crap - we have to film something.  Let's go round up a bunch of people and just follow them around with cameras."

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Leva looks so different than she did last season I have to remind myself who she is when she is pops up on my screen. she is very pretty.

I just texted my friend while watching how amazing she looks this season.  I’d like to know what she did….bc she was always gorgeous but wow!

I can’t get the right words to convey but Paige seems very “on” like “This is what an adorable person looks like in a relationship” instead of the real deal connection.

Madison’s guy is a Mormon?  Was not expecting to hear that. 

Very meh season- they need to can Austen- like from Bravo.  Instead he’s everywhere I look and I don’t get it.  

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18 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Venita is a full-on joke. What an odd person

A basket full of dog toys doesn’t really need to be labeled “Charles toys.”

18 hours ago, Sage47 said:

That was shocking. How could a Mormon even entertain the thought of dating, much less marrying!, muppet Madison? 

So a Mormon can have premarital sex as long as they take a break for 30 days before the wedding lol?

18 hours ago, APK said:

Kathryn’s friends🙄

Four trashy blondes in one booth.

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Olivia has alot of patience to sit there on their date and listen to Austen go on about Madison. What a classless slob he is. She won't put up with much more of that and how much more obvious can it be that Austen is totally not over Madison. 

That scene was so boring I was wondering if “tachos” are a taco/nacho hybrid.  Checking the menu they are tot-chos, subbing tater tots for chips.  

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4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Venita is indeed very thirsty, but she's also insecure. I think she had a lot of career hope after being selected for the show, but the Madisons, Naomies, and Kathryns just mow everyone else down.

There's something painful in watching Venita be disappointed, and unlike the other losers on this show, I feel sad for her. And the race optics push my buttons.

Me too.  I feel for her.  At that party they almost all looked like identical siblings.   And I think her brain is like- I’m on a reality show- I have to go there.   Which sucks.  Her style and likely OCD I wish was the main focus.  She definitely has an It factor with her fashion….damn!

26 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

A basket full of dog toys doesn’t really need to be labeled “Charles toys.”

As a dog owner I find this not only great but I get that t!  She labels stuff and ole Chuck deserves his own bins….agreee to disagree :)

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24 minutes ago, KnoxForPres said:
50 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

As a dog owner I find this not only great but I get that t!  She labels stuff and ole Chuck deserves his own bins….agreee to disagree

I guess she could put a sign that says “Apples” on a bowl of apples as well.  Maybe “Toilet” on the toilet?

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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

There are no Harris Teeters near me and we don't sell beer and wine in our supermarkets, (bummer, right?), has anyone seen Trop Hop in their stores?

I asked the same question about Austin’s Trop Hop ..if it was in many stores, and someone answered the beer was made up by production.  Just for the show.  ???????

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7 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I guess she could put a sign that says “Apples” on a bowl of apples as well.  Maybe “Toilet” on the toilet?

Yeaaahhh, I don't really appreciate your comment and I feel really called out... as it brings to mind the days when those Brother Label Machines were the new gadget and I practically labeled every single thing that they would stick to at work! 🤣 😂 🤣 

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20 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

Yeaaahhh, I don't really appreciate your comment and I feel really called out... as it brings to mind the days when those Brother Label Machines were the new gadget and I practically labeled every single thing that they would stick to at work! 🤣 😂 🤣 

So had the same!    She never lost that love and it’s fine. In the world of quirks I’m down :)

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8 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I am really enjoying Shep’s cousin Marcie Hobbs.  She seems like a genuine person and comes from a very wealthy family.  Not that being wealthy is the most important thing but it fits well with the original theme of the show.  She’s a great addition.  I also think Olivia seems like a nice girl, we’ll see as the show moves forward.

For years I have noticed Shep’s leg shaking.  I always thought it was interesting considering he comes off like an Uber confident person and the shaking usually indicates being nervous or being uncomfortable in a situation or conversation.  Finally Craig mentions it.

Kathryn was beautiful with her red hair, wish she would go back to that.  I believe the red she displays in her interviews is a wig.   

Can’t stand Madison or Venita. They both seem so arrogant and Venita is trying way too hard.  

Bravo gave Venita a big part and she wasn’t ready.  She laughs after every sentence and it’s annoying.  Plus, she jumped on Olivia for no good reason.  Making faces and knocking the regulars isn’t the way to go.  She should stick to modeling, not a reality actress.  The old cast was the best.  This bunch is all over the place.  It was my favorite show.

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They did a 3 hour drive and the only things I remember are Craig and Austen making fun of Shep's driving and Shep mocking Craig not liking rock music on the radio.

If not for the show, the other guys have no reason to go to Charlotte.  Well maybe Shep was looking to trawl.  Free hotel rooms, probably production picking up the bill so Shep stuffed his face with $5 bags of potato chips or nuts or whatever snacks he scarfed down.  Guessing production had them wait until they could set up at the bars to film so they couldn't go grab a meal until they were ready to film.

Interesting that Olivia said she will not be canceled.  Don't think that's what's happening, unless she had reason to fear that they might boot her from the show?  Canceling means someone losing their job because they said or posted something that offended someone.

You don't get drunken brawls on SC but it seems like the objective is to get cast together usually at bars or restaurants which can serve booze and get them lubricated and then they can talk loudly and freely.  Hasn't gotten bad enough that cast members get physical with each other but getting in each other's faces and screaming will do.

If they did get into fights, of course these establishments will bar them from filming inside.  Otherwise they get featured on a national TV show and maybe that gets them some additional customers.

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This was the most boring episode of the season and possibly of the entire series. The bar was already set very low, but they managed to go beneath it. My mind kept wandering as there's no longer anything or anyone to hold my interest. Every plot line is contrived; nothing is organic. Over the years, there were things that would make you laugh, but no longer. The show has just become pathetic. 

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This is my last episode that mentions racism.  One more episode and I remove from my library.  Venita accusing everyone of racism is just too much. 

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5 minutes ago, Opine said:

This is my last episode that mentions racism.  One more episode and I remove from my library.  Venita accusing everyone of racism is just too much. 

Oh YES.  I agree 100 per cent.  This is supposed to be a fun show, not the news or a history lesson.  Enough already.  That goes for Leva too.

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On 7/22/2022 at 11:08 AM, red12 said:

Kathryn's visual slide has been shocking to walk in on. It's sort of like seeing the former prom queen show up at the 10 year reunion looking like a character from a Tennessee Williams play.

“Nonsense! Laura, I’ve told you never, never to use that word. Why, you’re not crippled, you just have a little defect - hardly noticeable, even! When people have some slight disadvantage like that, they cultivate other things to make up for it - develop charm - and vivacity and - charm! That’s all you have to do!”


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I don’t mind Venita calling Kathryn out. She deserves it for her inexcusable use of the monkey emoji in reference to a black person. And I don’t see any evidence that Kathryn has done real work to learn and grow, so it’s fair to ask her if she has actually learned any lessons.

But, 2 things scream about how inauthentic Venita’s concerns are to me (ie, I believe the confrontations are just for show):

1. Kathryn has barely any visitation with her kids. She ain’t teaching them shit. She’d have to be an involved parent with custody to actually teach them any values and morals. Venita should be asking these questions to Thomas—we’ve seen his racist daddy in action on TV before.

2. Venita sat at Patricia’s house and had a lovely afternoon drinking and invited her to her birthday, even though we’ve all seen Ms. Pat’s poor choice of decorations. 

As WOC, I respect that Venita and Leva can be friends with whomever they want, and they can take any approach they want to dealing with the racists in their life. They don’t have to follow a script I approve of. But, when you look hypocritical on an already overly contrived and fake show, I’m going to assume you’re doing it all for the show and to increase your influencer brand, nothing more. 

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Oh and as far as trop hop.  I live in the Atl.  Can’t find it anywhere.  But they have been asked before and recommend POG as the closest available alternative. 

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10 hours ago, Opine said:

This is my last episode that mentions racism.  One more episode and I remove from my library.  Venita accusing everyone of racism is just too much. 

There is no entertainment value in Venita, just like RHONY became the wreck it did with all the lecturing Venita will do the same with Southern Charm. 

I am not saying watching the Peter Pan Clan (Austen, Craig and Shep), is so amazing but it is what this show is, light hearted fun...no thinking required. 

Also I would think any woman that watches this show and still wants to date any of those men and think it would be a lasting relationship is sad, it is like they have never watched this show.

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28 minutes ago, nexxie said:

In past seasons Kathryn was supposed to stay off the sauce - now she slurps ‘em down as fast as the rest of them. What’s changed?

She has no accountability for her actions, it is always someone else's fault why her life has ended up this way...she clearly does not care about consequences and I guess since her situation with visitations and such she might think it can't get any worse.  OR she may think she is the type of addict that can control her drinking, bwahahah... yeah, that never works.

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

In past seasons Kathryn was supposed to stay off the sauce - now she slurps ‘em down as fast as the rest of them. What’s changed?

No custody - no rules?  I wouldn't think that using alcohol would restrict her from visitation.  Now should she show up for visitation bombed, I would think that would be a game changer.  As we've discussed, not sure that it even concerns her at this point.  She's not in the right mindset.

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On 7/22/2022 at 5:55 PM, kristen111 said:
On 7/22/2022 at 2:08 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

There are no Harris Teeters near me and we don't sell beer and wine in our supermarkets, (bummer, right?), has anyone seen Trop Hop in their stores?

There is a Harris Teeter where I live which is just outside of Charleston and I haven't seen it here.  See plenty of Lover Boy but no Top Hop *shrug*

Boring episode, boring people.  I'm struggling to understand why I should even care about Shep's cousin and her pregnancy.  Did they just run out of things to film and air and decided to just use her as filler?  

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3 minutes ago, Dirtybubble said:

Did they just run out of things to film and air and decided to just use her as filler?  

No.  Next comes Austen’s parents moving from their old family home, and Austen crying again.

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5 hours ago, Opine said:

Oh and as far as trop hop.  I live in the Atl.  Can’t find it anywhere.  But they have been asked before and recommend POG as the closest available alternative. 

Austen said on the show that if he sold it to the buyer in Charlotte it would be expanding to two states so apparently it was available only in SC for the last few years.

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Austen said on the show that if he sold it to the buyer in Charlotte it would be expanding to two states so apparently it was available only in SC for the last few years.

And we don’t have Harris Teeter near me either.

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2 minutes ago, Opine said:

And we don’t have Harris Teeter near me either.

I think half the sales are to Austen as he always orders it on camera. You would think you would be sick of your own product and want to sample the competition.

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2 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Austen said on the show that if he sold it to the buyer in Charlotte it would be expanding to two states so apparently it was available only in SC for the last few years.

Ok a duplicate posted, but question.  Does anyone use youtubetv?  I watched the recent episode on peacock but it still isn’t available on youtubetv.  Is that normal?  I am new to streaming. 

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On 7/23/2022 at 9:58 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

Venita reminds me of the gal who lectured everyone on RHONY. She was so terrible that I've forgotten her name. But I haven't forgotten the lectures. 

I hope Venita can loosen up. 

Ebony K. Williams

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