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S03.E10: Oblivion

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Meh. I really liked the first two thirds of the season and then it devolved into pointless bickering, yet again. Also some characters turned out to be even more horrible than I thought before and I don't think I could watch another season of this. I'm ready for Netflix to swing that cancel-hammer they love so much.

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Allison's happy ending was probably what she bargained for in her deal with Hargreaves. If they do another season, I hope her perfect reality doesn't turn out the way she expected.

Why keep Ben & not Sloane? I was just starting to warm up to her. We also just had a whole season of one of the umbrellas pining for their lost family, we don't need to retread that. 

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I am okay if this is ‘the end’ of the series. Not thrilled with some of Allison’s story this season. But I did love Diego and Lila, and Luther and Sloane - if season three became ‘the search for Sloane,’ I’d be okay. 

Torn about Ben. Love the actor and character but SUCH an asshole this season.

Klaus always has a special place in my heart, so good to see he’s back!

Number Five — well, he’s just that. And Viktor felt just right, although his hiding stuff about Harlan earlier in the season was not cool. He definitely need to talk to the family sooner then he did about it.

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I thought this was a strong season and I really loved a lot of it but I was left with QUESTIONS!!! First, why did every car (except Reginald's) have the steering wheel on the wrong side? I thought they were in America. Second, who was that woman enclosed in an environmental unit on the moon with Luthor and third, why was that woman seen outside the unit standing with Reginald there at the top of that giant skyscraper at the very end? Fourth, was Reginald an alien? Was he ALWAYS an alien? Now that I've written that, I seem to be having the vaguest of memories, maybe I should re-watch season 2... Is the actor who plays Luthor English? Or Australian? It sounded like he was struggling with an American accent the entire season. Anyway, I was so glad to see Luthor really moving on with his life and falling in love with Sloane, that was great. I was very glad to see 5 got long pants (I love that actor) and I just adored the hate-story between him and Lila. I liked how they handled Vanya into Victor (but I did feel like it got just a bit drawn out and slightly schmaltzy). I did not enjoy what happened to Mom but I DID enjoy seeing hard ass Pogo, biker gang leader! Good season, I would be fine with that being the end.

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8 hours ago, diebartdie said:

Second, who was that woman enclosed in an environmental unit on the moon with Luthor and third, why was that woman seen outside the unit standing with Reginald there at the top of that giant skyscraper at the very end? 

The answer to both is Reginald's wife.

Also, yes, Tom Hopper (Luther) is British.

I loved this season and I absolutely want another! I expect it to get renewed since it's one of Netflix's hits. I imagine they wouldn't willy nilly cancel it.

I was wondering about which Ben was in the post credits scene and thankfully the writers addressed that. It was the Sparrow Ben we'd been watching all season. So, that begs the question, which Ben was with the Umbrellas in front of the Hargreeves statue? Was it still Sparrow Ben and that last scene was just at another time or was it somehow Umbrella Ben?

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9 hours ago, diebartdie said:

Second, who was that woman enclosed in an environmental unit on the moon with Luthor and third, why was that woman seen outside the unit standing with Reginald there at the top of that giant skyscraper at the very end?

His wife. Though seems a bit of a dick move that he would only resurrect her instead of bringing back his whole planet.

9 hours ago, diebartdie said:

Fourth, was Reginald an alien? Was he ALWAYS an alien?

Yes, that was revealed in season two.

38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I loved this season and I absolutely want another!

I'm endlessly annoyed with all the pointless bickering and characters acting like total morons because of it and independently from it. But then again, same was true after the first two seasons and I still came back. But at least the first two seasons had some gay shit in it. Where is my gay shit, Netflix!?

38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I imagine they wouldn't willy nilly cancel it.

Then you don't know Netflix. They very much might.

38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I was wondering about which Ben was in the post credits scene and thankfully the writers addressed that.

I was more wondering when this was. It was the 1989 train he was born in. That train wouldn't be in use anymore. Also everybody was in 1980s clothes and nobody had a smartphone.

So what is he doing in 89 and how did he get there?

Edited by PurpleTentacle
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I'm really not sure what to think. I have many questions.

So the golden dust made the mothers insta-pregnant with the Sparrows or the Umbrellas. Reginald wanted to reverse it all but they caused the end of the universe anyway? Or was the point of them being created to reverse the universe at the end?

Why did Robot Mom think it was a god? What was that all about?

Why can't we have Umbrella Ben back?

I don't understand what Reggie wanted. His wife back? Did it need all this setup? And why are they without powers now?

What was the deal? Allison would vote to go? What was she doing in return?

Why did he teach Klaus about getting back from death? What was the point? Or was the point staying there?

I'm quite confused. And not a fan of Allison at the moment.

Not a fan of the baby drama and an overprotective father. While in line with Diego generally, not a fan. I want psychotic Lila back.

I can't believe I just wrote that.

Where is Sloane? Will we be looking for her next season?

And why did I binge so quickly?

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Like others, I have mixed feelings about this season. I definitely think it is the weak link of all three so far (which is interesting; in my experience, the sophomore season is usually the first slump in an ongoing series, or at least weaker than the first, which was not the case here. I think S2 was even better than 1.)

The plot sort of meandered around, without any real focus beyond a generic apocalyptic event* which really just served as a catalyst to push everyone towards the finale. The finale left a lot to be desired, and certainly lacked the emotional heft of S2's climax (or even S1's). It also left more questions than answers**.

I really liked ReginaldSparrow's scenes with the kids, which was something lacking from S1 and S2. While his inevitable betrayal was sad to see in light of the enjoyable moments with the kids (esp. Klaus), the writers at least did not commit the cardinal sin most writers do of springing it from out of nowhere. There were signposts all along that ReginaldSparrow was just as manipulative as ReginaldUmbrella. I think they did a great job of giving it some nuance though.

I really, really, really didn't like Allison's storyline and agree with others that I am not happy that she got her HEA ending. I can certainly sympathize with her state of mind, after all she's been through, but I did not like that she went so dark and never achieved any sense of self-realization or growth after her betrayals. I am especially disturbed by her assault of Luther, which wasn't addressed enough for my tastes. (I also think it is odd that she killed Harlan off-panel, and we didn't really even learn that he was dead until a later episode.)

Lila's story was also a little too much wrapped up in Diego, and she didn't have as much agency outside of that relationship which was kind of a letdown.

Aside from those observations, and on the plus side, the characters continued to get a lot of life breathed into them by the writers and the incredible performances. This show succeeds on the strength of its ensemble cast. Even with the (temporary) addition of 7 new characters, they all were able to shine, and each character really has their own depth and nuance that is unique to them in ways that a lot of other shows fail to achieve. As long as the show is able to keep this cast and give them such great material to work with, I'll continue to enjoy the heck out of it, even when I find things to quibble about.

*If this gets a S4, I hope they don't make it another Apocalyptic storyline. Let's tone down the stakes just a little bit.

**I wonder if their power loss is connected to them powering up the device at the end and maybe it is just temporary, since Allison interrupted the process? If so, that would also suggest Allison might still have her powers.

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18 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

I was more wondering when this was. It was the 1989 train he was born in. That train wouldn't be in use anymore. Also everybody was in 1980s clothes and nobody had a smartphone.

The show is set in AU 2019 with no smartphones or any current technology (like internert or other things that would make the characters figure important things much easier) so I wouldn't look too much into it.

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46 minutes ago, Asha124 said:

The show is set in AU 2019 with no smartphones or any current technology (like internert or other things that would make the characters figure important things much easier) so I wouldn't look too much into it.

Where was that ever stated?

Also that still wouldn't change the fact that he was on the train, he was born on (that wouldn't be in use anymore) and everybody was wearing 80s clothes.

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58 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said:

Where was that ever stated?

Also that still wouldn't change the fact that he was on the train, he was born on (that wouldn't be in use anymore) and everybody was wearing 80s clothes.

It doesn't need to be stated if it's obvious. The characters only ever use landline. The oldie tech is literally everywhere (e.g. Reginald's TV). It has also been confirmed by the creators after season 1...

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Wow, I can't believe I even entertained the idea that Reginald kept Klaus from entering the portal to save him. Even though it was clear Dad absolutely sucked. Have I learned nothing?! But like the kids, it was hard to believe he really was that irredeemable. He meant what he said -- Klaus was inconvenient and underfoot and therefore couldn't join their reindeer games. I might have thought that he'd want everyone in the tunnel as more bodies = more likely that 7 would survive to be the bells? But I guess Klaus didn't have an active fighting skills.

What would have happened if Allison hadn't stopped him? They still managed to reboot, without killing them all with the blue light. So why was Reginald keeping them all hooked up to it?

How was Ray in this timeline?! Obviously some sort of HEA wish fulfillment there, but unclear how some people were winners and some weren't.

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On 6/24/2022 at 5:41 PM, AngieBee1 said:

I don't think it was 89 because there is a QR scan code on the window next to Ben, though that could just be anachronistic and of that timeline.

Did anyone else try to scan the QR code to see if it was something relevant to the show?  I did.  It wasn't scannable, at least with the app I used.

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4 hours ago, snarktini said:

How was Ray in this timeline?! Obviously some sort of HEA wish fulfillment there, but unclear how some people were winners and some weren't.

My totally not spoiled and just guessing theory is that Allison is dead and she's in her heaven. Klaus and Luther jumped into someone else's bouncy house heaven and there were a lot of people there. 

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I won't lie. I have only made it to ep 6 and was not enjoying the season. Judging from the comments, I may not finish.

My likes:

I will forever love Klaus


The few moments I thought Reggie may be a decent human

My dislikes:

The route they took Alison (they could have told a better story using what happened to the character)

Eliot Page's character was my least favorite character in seasons 1 and 2. Viktor has not changed my mind much about that.

Ben is worse than Viktor


The realization that Reggie will never be a decent human

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11 hours ago, snarktini said:

How was Ray in this timeline?! Obviously some sort of HEA wish fulfillment there, but unclear how some people were winners and some weren't.

It seems to me like this universe is something Reginald created and the deal he made with Allison involved bringing Ray and Claire into it.

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This season... *sigh*

Sloane is awful and literally just there for Luthor to have a story - the insta romance wasn't even believable and Sloane was so undeveloped - what did she even stand for? Believe in?  Ugh - I hope she stays gone.  I hated that character and fast forwarded as much of her and Luthor as I could.  I hated all of the Sparrows.  We only need Ben from them.  My only regret is Sloane didn't die at the end of S3 clean and proper like the other Sparrows.  I hate I have to worry she comes back in S3.  Die Sloane.  Die!

In s2 - the romances made sense because they happened over months and months - years? - of time versus the day or week that Luthor "fell" for Sloane.  Just no.  Awful.  I also hated they retconned Allison and Luthor so badly and turned Allison into a sexual assaulter in order to make Luthor/Sloane more palatable to fans who might have whiplash.  I'm cool with no more Allison/Luthor (especially after he did NOTHING when she lost her daughter until several episodes later) but I hate Sloane and hope the self-insert stays gone.  The contrast of the sweet, nice white girl vs the angry black woman really bothered me a LOT.  On the one hand I was glad to see Allison allowed to be angry - but it was clearly done to destroy her character so Sloane would appear so much better even though there was nothing to her character except "like Luthor".  Just awful storytelling on that front.  Lila was a new character done so much better than Sloane.  At least Lila is interesting.  Sloane is literally an empty shell.  A plot device.


Allison had to suck it up for two full seasons - she was almost killed by Viktor, lost her daughter and then her husband and got stuck in the Civil Rights era and subjected to the worst kind of racism and injustice - that's not nothing - and the fam just wanted her to suck her trauma up and deal.  Every other character gets to make horrible decisions except Allison.  She was 1000% percent correct when she railed at Viktor for everything he did. 1000% correct.  Allison was a JUSTIFIED angry black woman this season and I was 1000% here for it (except for the comparison part I mentioned before).  I'm so sick of black women characters especially not being allowed to be angry - justifiably angry - for how they've been treated or what they've been put through.

Did she go too far?  Yep, but pretty much all of them have in the past.  I also don't think it's fair to blame Allison for rumoring Viktor when they were both children and Allison didn't know what she was doing.  Then when SHE tried to apologize to Viktor, he cut her throat.  So NAH - Viktor and the fam can suck it up just like all of Allison's so-called family wanted HER to suck it up.

I'm GLAD she got a happy ending.  I LOVE HER.  Black women stay getting abused - about time we saw one on tv get what she wanted after getting abused for 2 seasons.  I wish Iris on The Flash could go full Angry Black Woman since it's clear the show is trying to get rid of her anyway (or possibly already has).  Go scorched earth ladies!! They deserve it!  

The only question I have is whether or not Reg made them all normal now (and fixed their ailments) or if that was Allison.

#TeamAllison #TeamKlaus #TeamAndre #TeamFive

The rest can take a flying leap.

Whew!  That felt good.

Now I wanna see Luthor forced down some dark alleys because of his loss since he's cool with others having to just have to suck it up.

I hope Klaus gets his love back too.

That's all I have to say. See y'all in s4.

Edited by phoenics
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On 6/26/2022 at 6:40 AM, llongori said:

Did anyone else try to scan the QR code to see if it was something relevant to the show?  I did.  It wasn't scannable, at least with the app I used.

It was scanable with google lens. It just points to https://UmbrellaAcademyNetflix.com

Very disappointing.

On 6/26/2022 at 7:01 PM, phoenics said:


Allison had to suck it up for two full seasons - she was almost killed by Viktor, lost her daughter and then her husband and got stuck in the Civil Rights era and subjected to the worst kind of racism and injustice - that's not nothing - and the fam just wanted her to suck her trauma up and deal.  Every other character gets to make horrible decisions except Allison. 

BUT... she just killed somebody just because she felt like it. At least when other characters go on a murder spree it's towards some goal of saving the Universe, the World or at least their family. Allison just wanted to see what it feels like. You can't come back from such straight up psycho behaviour.

Not to mention the attempted rape of one of the most innocent characters on this show.

On 6/26/2022 at 7:01 PM, phoenics said:

She was 1000% percent correct when she railed at Viktor for everything he did. 1000% correct.

Except Viktor never getting a handle on his powers was directly her fault. She rumored him into thinking he had no powers for decades. Did Allison take any responsibility for that? Nope. So I'd say she was maybe 1% correct, if that.

On 6/26/2022 at 7:01 PM, phoenics said:

I'm so sick of black women characters especially not being allowed to be angry - justifiably angry - for how they've been treated or what they've been put through.

Any character can be justifiably angry in my book. Allison just wasn't. And even if you are justifiably angry, that doesn't give you the right to just willy nilly murder and rape people.

Edited by PurpleTentacle
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Every character on this show is a narcissistic asshole.   EVERYONE IS A BAD GUy.  It’s kinda what makes the show interesting.

Luther is the definition of “all brawn not brains” who is willing to turn on the people he views as his siblings for a chick he met a week earlier. And resents said siblings for not wanting him to get his happy ending but is quick to turn on Viktor the second Harlan comes into the picture.   He is quick to be willing to sacrifice Harlan for Sloan.  

All Allison cares about is getting back to her daughter and would sacrifice the people she views as a family to do it.    She doesn’t care about anything else or what anyone else stands to gain or lose by her actions.

Five goes on his own missions but that in large part because he doesn’t really consider the group to be his siblings anymore.   His loyalties are always divided.

Klaus and Diego area beautiful idiots.   They will always get caught up in what messes them up. 

Viktor gets blamed for ending the world again because  Viktor is not allowed to be happy.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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On 6/24/2022 at 4:37 PM, peachmangosteen said:

I was wondering about which Ben was in the post credits scene and thankfully the writers addressed that. It was the Sparrow Ben we'd been watching all season. 

Wait, where did they address this? It would be way more surprising if it was Umbrella Ben. Actually, the glasses made me think it was a whole new timeline since neither of the Bens we saw wore them. 

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4 hours ago, phoenics said:

#TeamAllison #TeamKlaus #TeamAndre #TeamFive

Who is Andre?

26 minutes ago, Shorty186 said:

Wait, where did they address this? It would be way more surprising if it was Umbrella Ben. Actually, the glasses made me think it was a whole new timeline since neither of the Bens we saw wore them. 

In a TV Guide interview.

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Glad Klaus lived and bummed that Allison did. She was insufferable this season.

im wondering it they will use the loss of powers to explain Five growing to be a man if there is a season four? The kid playing him is 19 or 20 now. 

Edited by TiredMe
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8 hours ago, festivus said:

Yep, I think so.  The buildings all had his name on them. I think he's going to rule over this world like some kind of god, hence their powers being gone.

I think this is true as well. Everyone is now in a world that is ruled by Reginald. If there is a 4th season, I think it will probably be about them trying to get back their powers in some way.

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So Reginald reset the world to his liking. He owns this new timeline and got his wife back. And it looks like he kept his deal with Alison, she got what she wanted in the new timeline, Ray and Claire. I'm thinking she still has her powers too since she wasn't part of the reset. 

However since she stopped it before it was complete there is probably weaknesses. If they get another season that will probably be the world ender. I'm also thinking it's not going to be as happy as she thinks it is. This Ray and Claire are probably slightly different or wrong. No one can be happy on this show. 

I don't know what the Ben thing was. Why would Reggie bring back original Ben? One that wasn't adopted by him and grew up in Korea. Or is it another wrinkle in this timeline. Also did Reggie still impregnate all their mothers because he needed to, to make it all happen. 

As for Slone, Maybe we traded her for OG Ben. I won't really miss her since she was barely a character. Even dickhead Ben had more of a character arc. 

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I love this show and mostly really enjoyed this season, except for the Allison stuff. Alison has never been my favorite since Season 1, but I enjoyed her dynamic in the family. She mostly got everything she wanted in life by using her powers (which are pretty much brainwashing) and she admits to doing this. She also knew since they were kids that Luther was in love with her and strung him along for years. She had her own relationships whenever she wanted not caring at all how Luther felt about it. She definitely went thru things but so did everyone else, Victor dated a murderer and then lost Sissy, Klaus had to watch Dave die when he went back in time, Diego lost the detective, etc. I'm definitely less of a fan of her now though, and I certainly hope there is more to her ending than what was shown because she definitely didn't deserve to come out of this with everything she wanted after all the stuff she pulled this season. I get that part of the fun about the show is that the siblings all treat each other like crap and jump around from not caring about anyone else to being a loving family at the drop of a hat. Still they don't really do totally irredeemable things to each other and what Allison did definitely crossed that line (with BOTH killing Harlan and rumoring Luther).  

I was really happy to see Luther moving on from his obsession with Allison and if Sloan is needed for him to do that then so be it. I think all the Sparrows were fun. I liked seeing some of the other kids that were affected by Reginald's magic dust (or whatever it was), its cool to see all the different powers that people got. I still think Lila got the best powers, it would have been fun to watch her go up against the Sparrows and mimic their powers back a them. 

Honestly I do get frustrated at times that I am not really of fan of the women on this show and prefer the men (except for the Handler who was a really fun villain). Klaus is my absolute favorite, then Diego, then a tie between Five and Luther (though Luther probably wins, I'm totally biased towards him because I find Tom Hopper to be insanely attractive), then Ben but only because he's usually not actively involved with all the other siblings .....Vanya was way down there with Lila and Allison (Victor may have actually moved up on the list, maybe its because Elliot is happier and it translates to the acting?). I just don't think the women on this show are very well written or their motivation for their actions often sucks. 

Really hoping we get another season, no more apocalypses, they can make it about getting their powers back and righting this world and then close it up there if needed. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

The writers said the Ben on the train was Sparrow Ben.

I was just glad they told me it was in Korea. Because I would recognize these TTC subway trains anywhere.😄

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I echo the sentiments of others that Klaus is the best character in the show.  He's such a lovable, clueless dufus.  Though every so often he has an epiphany and it's nice to see.

Diego's stock with me rose dramatically this season.  In the first 2 seasons he was little more 'take names and kick asses' 24/7.  We saw him soften and change.  I didn't like Lila last season, but I enjoyed her interactions with Diego, as f'ed up as they were.

 Third on my list is Five.  I think, though, that it's just my appreciation for the job the actor did with the role.  He did an amazing job (in his mannerisms and carriage) of representing a 50+ year old man trapped in the body of an adolescent.  Once he and Lila got past that first fight, I really enjoyed his relationship with her.

I liked this season.  For me, it was about the Umbrella kids.  The Sparrow kids were little more than a plot device for Umbrella to work against.  It had its flaws (ruining Allison's character being the greatest), but I watched it with great enthusiasm and am hoping for a 4th season.

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This was all over the place, but that could also just be my own state of mind.  I re-watched the first two seasons, and loved them.  This… I’m not so sure.  
I didn’t mind Sloane, but I don’t like Romeo and Juliet/west side story, warring families stuff, and it’s still sort of icky, if they were all born in the same way.  I suppose this was different, because their mothers were killed, so they weren’t born in that timeline.  

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Lila just dropping her son off with Diego who has no clue what is going on and saying "Here's your son!"  Oh boy.  This is going to be fun. At least he isn't an infant. What powers does he possess? Hopefully he can be an asset to the Unbrellas. 

This made me remember that I kept waiting for Stan's ear thing to be something more. I was surprised when he just got kugelblitzed and then was just never spoken about again because I kept expecting there to be more to him.

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On 6/23/2022 at 8:01 PM, raeb23 said:

Allison's happy ending was probably what she bargained for in her deal with Hargreaves. If they do another season, I hope her perfect reality doesn't turn out the way she expected.

So Patrick (Claire's father) no longer exists?

On 6/24/2022 at 7:37 PM, supposebly said:

So the golden dust made the mothers insta-pregnant with the Sparrows or the Umbrellas. Reginald wanted to reverse it all but they caused the end of the universe anyway? Or was the point of them being created to reverse the universe at the end?

Hargreaves really played the long game, inserting the golden particles into the children so he could use 7 of them 30 years later to restore his dead wife. Not sure how he knew they would create a kugelblitz that would get them to that point, though.

If that was also the Umbrella Academy's Hargreaves plan, it was a miserable failure.   Unless both Hargreaves are somehow in communication with each other. 

Wonder if Lila was still pregnant after all that. 

What was the point of Five getting the tattoo?  And of his older self instructing him not to save the world?

On 6/26/2022 at 6:01 PM, TiredMe said:

im wondering it they will use the loss of powers to explain Five growing to be a man if there is a season four? The kid playing him is 19 or 20 now. 

We know that Five regressed to a teenager when he returned to the present, but do we know he hasn't been aging since then?  Is it confirmed that his body will not age?  After all, we've seen an aged future version of himself.  (And unless we're supposed to ignore it, he definitely looks older than he did in the first season.)

On 6/26/2022 at 9:06 PM, Sakura12 said:

I'm thinking she still has her powers too since she wasn't part of the reset. 

No more mutants!

Everyone else's wounds were gone, but Allison still had a bloody rag tied around her arm, leading me to believe that she still has not only her powers, but her enhanced powers.

15 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This made me remember that I kept waiting for Stan's ear thing to be something more. I was surprised when he just got kugelblitzed and then was just never spoken about again because I kept expecting there to be more to him.

Yeah, I hope his mom isn't waiting for him in Berlin.  The character did an unbelievably good job of pretending that Diego was his father. How did Lila track down Diego, anyway?

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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So we don't know [the Jennifer story] then, right? I thought maybe I had forgotten something from Season 1. Sparrow Ben had drawings of Jennifer all over his room. 

Ah, yes, I forgot to mention that. Did he draw those before or after Klaus told him about it? And in either case, why was he drawing them? I hope we get some follow up on that but I feel like it might just get dropped.

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15 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

So Patrick (Claire's father) no longer exists?

Maybe she marries Raymond after divorcing Patrick...otherwise Claire would be different.

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I posted this in the E9 thread but I definitely think this season could have been eight episodes instead of ten, the last three really dragged. There was an awful lot of sitting around talking things out while the universe collapsed around them.

I'm also very confused about the ending and what it all meant - that wasn't so much the case with the first two seasons. I assumed Allison was dead and in heaven since she wasn't with the others. They made a point of showing us everyone gets their own version of Heaven in the same episode, so I figured that's what it meant. Maybe not.

I also assumed the universe "re-set" to a point where everyone was born without powers, hence nobody ever became an Umbrella or a Sparrow and Luther never got his head transplanted onto an ape body, they never went to Oblivion and so Diego never lost his fingers or Five his arm. Although, it seems like Five would then be 30 like his siblings. 

I would also assume Sloane would be out there somewhere but living whatever life she would have had without the Sparrows or ever meeting the Umbrellas. I would not assume there would be two versions of Ben, though. That doesn't make any sense to me.

Was the woman standing next to Reginald an older version of Grace, or some other wife? It didn't look like Jordan Claire Robbins to me.

I shouldn't have to read interviews with the writers to understand what the hell I just watched. It means they didn't do their job explaining it on the show.

I welcome a fourth season, but I have more quibbles with this one than I did with the first two.

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53 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Was the woman standing next to Reginald an older version of Grace, or some other wife? It didn't look like Jordan Claire Robbins to me.

I don’t recall Grace ever being his actual wife. His wife was shown 3 times that I remember; in the ep in season 1 (or maybe it was 2) where they hinted that he was an alien, this season in the moon flashback, and then in the new universe with all the Hargreeves buildings.

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Wow, so this was packed with a lot. So, what it seems is that Allison knew about Reginald's plan to restart the universe, but under his own terms (so she knew about Oblivion being a machine that they could control to create the new universe to their specifications). She asked that Ray AND Claire be returned to her (so no Patrick, poor Patrick) per their deal. 

And it seemed like, had Allison not killed Reginald, the Umbrella Academy and Sparrow Academy siblings would have all died in the process of creating the new universe, so it's unclear if they would have been part of this new universe or not. Or maybe they would have, just without any of their current memories.

But it seems like they're all without their abilities so...not sure how THAT'S going to fare.

And Sloane's missing, so Luther will be searching for her all next season. I did actually like Sloane, so I'm glad we can see her in a probable season 4. I wonder where she is. Reginald did promise Luther to take care of her, so is she living with him in this new universe or is she trapped somewhere? Hey, maybe she's on the moon, replacing Abigail Hargreeves!

Ben turned out to be less of a dick and more of a guy looking for a family but still, don't like him much. But I feel the same about Allison, who they really did ruin this season.

Diego/Lila? Still a big fat meh. But I hope we skip ahead a couple of years so the kid can be born and so that some characters (especially Five) can age.

Frustrating season, overall. A lot of not communicating again and plot holes that didn't make sense. And a lot of wasted potential for a lot of characters. Once again, Klaus' potential gets reduced to MOSTLY being comedic relief (I'm glad he got to do more this season than he did last season), the Sparrows were all underutilized besides for Ben, Sloane, and Fei, and Diego was reduced to boyfriend/dad and his powers were rarely shown.

I know this show thrives off of apocalyptic events, but I would not hate a season 4 where the world ISN'T ending, but the Umbrellas/Sparrows focus on righting this world and ridding it of Reginald Hargreeves while finding a way to obtain their abilities again. Not every season needs to be about the apocalypse.

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I don't understand how there could be two versions of the same Ben because the Ben they brought back with them on the elevator is Sparrow Ben, so why is there another Sparrow Ben on a train? Are there other versions of all of them?

I'm afraid they've made this story overly complicated, I didn't have to go looking for YouTube videos to explain Seasons 1 and 2. 

Edited by iMonrey
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I'm mostly confused with time travel, and especially with this show when there is so much time between seasons and rather complex time traveling.

But I was thinking today that Reggie might have committed suicide in the original time line simply because with Ben's death and Five's disappearance, he didn't have seven superpowered kids to reset the universe. So, he might not have committed suicide to bring them back together but rather because he actually had given up. Unless I'm missing something. Also a possibility.

Wouldn't he have looked for a replacement for them at some point?

Edited by supposebly
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8 hours ago, supposebly said:

I'm mostly confused with time travel, and especially with this show when there is so much time between seasons and rather complex time traveling.

But I was thinking today that Reggie might have committed suicide in the original time line simply because with Ben's death and Five's disappearance, he didn't have seven superpowered kids to reset the universe. So, he might not have committed suicide to bring them back together but rather because he actually had given up. Unless I'm missing something. Also a possibility.

Wouldn't he have looked for a replacement for them at some point?

If there were 46? babies born with powers, there should have been plenty of spares running around. We have even meet a few over the course of the show. If their mothers won't sell them, maybe they will be willing to sell themselves.

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But I was thinking today that Reggie might have committed suicide in the original time line simply because with Ben's death and Five's disappearance, he didn't have seven superpowered kids to reset the universe. So, he might not have committed suicide to bring them back together but rather because he actually had given up.

Except that he specifically said he killed himself to bring them back together because weddings and funerals are the best way to do that. It's why he killed Luther in this one. So that means he knew the remaining five would reunite, then . . . travel back in time and alter the timeline so that he'd be alive again? That's awfully prescient of him. 

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12 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

he specifically said he killed himself to bring them back together.....

So that means he knew the remaining five would reunite, then . . . travel back in time and alter the timeline so that he'd be alive again? That's awfully prescient of him. 

Could you remind me? When did he say that? When he was shaving Klaus?

That second part is where my suspension of disbelief is failing. He could tell that he would be able to combine two sets of children from different timelines? Why not simply find a few more as backup originally? Or did that become his plan after when he met the Umbrellas? Was his wife dead by then? 

As I said, I'm very confused. One really shouldn't think too much about time travel.

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In this timeline, the Sparrows were the ones who was supposed to go to Hotel Oblivion and defeat the Samurai guarding the portal.  Pogo stalled those plans by giving the Sparrows the drugs to keep Reginald from enacting that mission.  This Reginald bumps into the Umbrellas in 1963 and realizes that this group of children was a hot steaming mess and would probably ruin the original plan to resurrect his wife, Abigail.   So when the Umbrellas ended up in this 2019 timeline, they upended Pogo's original plan to keep the Sparrows safe and alive.  Once Klaus helped this Reginald regain his clarity, he was smart enough to cobble the 7 children together from both teams to get his wife back.

As for Allison, I fear this new reality may not be her heaven.  It will warp on her somehow because Ray and Claire probably aren't supposed to be in the same reality together.   If we get a Season 4, it will be something to see the Umbrellas/Sparrows navigate the new reality without their powers.

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Well, Reginald is still an asshole. I wish he hadn't won. He didn't deserve it after everything he's done. Allison didn't deserve her HEA either. Five made two deals with the Handler and both included bringing his siblings with him. Why does she get to end up with Ray and Claire but Viktor couldn't end up with Sissy and Harlan and Klaus couldn't end up with Dave? 

I like Diego and Lila together. I hope they don't end up with kids. I like Luther and Sloane.

I wish the characters would talk to each other more. It's been three seasons and they still don't. Five never told Viktor and Allison he had the briefcase. Pogo ever tells anyone why the Sparrow Academy was drugging Reginald. No one ever notices when one of them goes missing or dies.

I wish they had done more with the Sparrow Academy. That was an interesting idea that they end up not doing much with.

What was the point of Grace this season?

I hate what they did with Ben and Allison this season. I was so excited that Ben would have more to do but they made him a jerk. I loved Allison last season and they ruined her this season.

Klaus is still the best character on the show.

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