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S09.E06: If I Have To Turn This Car Around

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On 5/23/2022 at 10:53 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

I really believe he is in some model home situation, like no cooking or making coffee for fear the odor may linger, things would get messy, etc...Bile going out for coffee tracks with not using the kitchen.

But they do have a personalized Bilal and Shaaeda wall hanging over the bed. 

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25 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Mother Jibri is catching hell on some forums for having the audacity to ask Miona to dress more appropriately IN HER HOME.  I simply do not get it. 

I think people are being set off by the mom's stated reason, which is basically "You're turning my husband on, and I don't like it." It's not Miona's fault if her FIL-to-be pops a stiffy from looking at her haltertop, and Mahala blaming Miona comes off a little like slut-shaming.

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Bilal is wrong to keep poking at a woman who deems herself elegant and refined.  Shaida(?) obviously has an opinion of herself that she is worthy of the best life has to offer. No problem with that. But you won't likely find her to be the butt of "booger" or "fart" jokes or any other low brow humor aimed at her. She is.not.having.it. Bilal feels the need to constantly aim those jokes at her even with the house "prank" test. He's either missing the mark or he's trying to beat her down into clay so he could mold her into a self-doubting figure of HIS OWN creation. That said, Shaida needs to keep hands to herself and develop other ways of blowing off her steam towards Bilal or just break up with his egotistical ass. He lords the power over her that she's here relying on him. He loves it. 

Miona lives under Jibri's parents' roof so she needs to make compromises.  Compromise occurs with any coexisting relationship anywhere- especially when it's under the parents' roof. Period. 

Ariella...I have no idea what this person is. Binyam hanging and acrobating all over the subway is likely what he's seen on TV about what you do on the subway to show your "skills." 🙄 Do any of these people have any aspirations to get an education or learn a trade or anything? 

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31 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

How in the hell can Shaaeda crawl in bed with that turd?

I'm going to guess that he is not an imaginative or generous sex partner either. Ugh, I just gave myself a case of the creeping willies just envisioning it.

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm going to guess that he is not an imaginative or generous sex partner either. Ugh, I just gave myself a case of the creeping willies just envisioning it.

You thought about it not us and then you even went so far as to say it out loud. 🤣

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That damned delusional Areola!  "It's hard on me having to support the entire family." or some such nonsense!!!!  Bitch, please!!!!  You ain't supportin' NOTHIN'!  NOTHIN', Itellya!!!!  Your ancient daddy ought to be crying this song!  Idiot!!!!  Self righteous idiot!  And when she said (condescendingly, but disguised as sweetly): do you want to hold my hand? as they were boarding the subway train.  Sickening bitch!!

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Kara should get together with Patrick's brother so they can just be lushy lushes together. 

Is it my imagination, or does it seem like being Black & Muslim is the only thing Bilal & Shae have in common? She's lighthearted and playful, he's a sourpuss pretending to be the mature one while acting like a spoiled child. He put her through REAL psychological distress "as a prank," (I'm still not seeing how that was a prank, rather than a test) but throws a full hissyfit because she bapped him lightly on his head for saying something stupid to her? Fuck. That. Noise. I hope she leaves him one day. He is just an ass.

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48 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Kara should get together with Patrick's brother so they can just be lushy lushes together. 

Is it my imagination, or does it seem like being Black & Muslim is the only thing Bilal & Shae have in common? She's lighthearted and playful, he's a sourpuss pretending to be the mature one while acting like a spoiled child. He put her through REAL psychological distress "as a prank," (I'm still not seeing how that was a prank, rather than a test) but throws a full hissyfit because she bapped him lightly on his head for saying something stupid to her? Fuck. That. Noise. I hope she leaves him one day. He is just an ass.

I thought he admitted in an interview it was a test to see if she is a gold digger.  So telling her it is just a prank is a lie.  And she presumably has seen the interview by now.

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1 hour ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I think people are being set off by the mom's stated reason, which is basically "You're turning my husband on, and I don't like it." It's not Miona's fault if her FIL-to-be pops a stiffy from looking at her haltertop

Even if the husband is the one asking for more modest clothing, it doesn't mean that he's  "popping a stiffy"!!! I know several gay men and at least one ace-male who would be very uncomfortable around someone who they feel are inappropriately/immodestly dressed. You can't say she was slut-shaming the girlfriend, and at the same time reduce that male to a walking hard on!!

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2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

And why is Jibri walking around with spray-painted PINK hair, of all things?

And pink lipstick.  I wonder if that pink paint stains the pillow cases.

I cannot hate Ari's mother nor Mother Jibjab, I hate that blanket "My house, my rules" line but it has merit. If I had to support those idiots blindly I would set ground rules too.  Being close to retirement age means less extra money and those dumb dumbs think their parents will be covering their expenses till, well for as long as they want them too. Do they ever pay back the money that has been laid out for the visa and living expenses?  So to ask them to help out is not out of line when in fact good manners would be if they actually asked if they can help or just do it!

Someone had posted that Jibjab was making bank selling NFT's, I will never understand any of that crap but if he is making that much money hopefully he has sent a check to his parents for the money they laid out.

If one of my kids told they were importing a partner from over seas I would expect they could afford to do it and have a place of their own, don't look at me to fund that nonsense because the answer would be a big fat no.  If they asked for money for an advanced degree I would be inclined to say yes, at least that is an investment in their future.

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2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

But that's the key: You don't know who this person is. This total stranger SAYS he's from Vivent Security or whoever: maybe he is, or maybe he's a criminal who wants you to open the door so he can invade your home and brutalize you. You have no way of knowing. All you know is that some guy is repeatedly banging on your door after being told to leave. Under those circumstances, you are 100% justified in calling the police and telling them you feel unsafe because this maniac is stalking you. When the officer comes, make sure he takes down the guy's name. If your window is broken or door spray-painted a couple of days later, you'll have a Prime Suspect already.

People will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. If you allow them to make you a prisoner in your own home, they'll do that. If you refuse to be treated that way, they won't.

I was (mostly) kidding about the hiding thing. I just don’t go check the mail or anything when they’re around because you’ll get roped into a 20 minute pushy sales speech 😂 I’m usually in the middle of a workday and just let them knock until they move on. I don’t have any personal experience with them (because I don’t answer the door) but Ive just seen the complaints and video doorbell videos of others in the neighborhood that give me enough info to not want any interaction with them - like muttering “bitch” when someone politely tells them they aren’t interested and closes the door or talking about how they can hear people inside and to just knock louder. They just seem like huge assholes. 

Sorry if that’s off topic! On topic, This housing arrangement with the 2 brothers and fiancé should be interesting…I don’t know why they’re trying to force a friendship. It looks like a normal sized house and they should be able to be cordial and mostly stay out of each other’s way. 

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12 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I hate that blanket "My house, my rules" line but it has merit. If I had to support those idiots blindly I would set ground rules too.

And it’s wise to set expectations at the very beginning in a kind and respectful way, which was done. Jib’s parents are sacrificing for them and that needs to be acknowledged by the kids, not finding fault and complaining about the rules and fixing an inedible meal. Time to grow up, kids. Did Mimosa save up any money for this beginning chapter in her life or did she feel entitled to let strangers pick up the tab with no conditions? Nothing difficult is being asked of them, really. Jib’s mom isn’t controlling, she’s asking for simple courtesies, like please coverup a bit around the house. So what? If it’s going to cause stress and uncomfortableness for her around HER home and for who knows how long, she has every right to do so, regardless of the reason. 

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I missed last Sunday’s live but I’m copying my last post (commenting on this episode) for reference:


Next week: Jibri, if you don't like your parents' rules, MOVE THE FUCK OUT!

I stand by this…and if that makes me an old fart, so be it. I’m about to turn 57 so interpret this how you will:

Miona can wear wear whatever she wants outside of my house, but in MY house, nobody wants or needs to see all your bits. And by “nobody” I mean ME. My house, my rules… and if Jibri doesn’t want to be treated like a 13-year-old, there’s the door, dude.

I see next week Miona’s putting on her best blackfish so…yeah…fuck both of them.


Ari, if you don't like being told to calm down, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I stand by this too. Does EVERYTHING have to be about you, Ari? You can’t wait until you’re back in Princeton to unload on Bini? Let the man enjoy NYC, damn. (I remember my first visit as an adult. It was mind blowing…for both good and bad. It was 1987…I’d never seen so many homeless people in my life…)


Guillermo, if you don't like how Kara drinks, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I don’t really remember their segments but I’m going to renege on this one. I don’t see him standing for her behavior much longer. And speaking of behavior…


Yve, if you're not willing to abide by the rules of Islam, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I’m side-eyeing her hard right now. You know enough to clear out your closet but you don’t know to ask Mohamed to deal with the plumber about HIS bidet?

That said, Mohamed doesn’t seem to have a problem fucking a woman who’s not his wife, so he can GTFO with his holier-than-thou bullshit.


Thais, if you don't like having John in the house, MOVE THE FUCK OUT!

I stand by this one too. Originally I thought John was just being a dick but after that conversation with Patrick I saw that they’re bonded by their childhood trauma. Sorry, Thais…they’re a package deal, at least for now.


Bilal...you know what? Never mind. Just fuck off.

I told my teenage niece (who’s the only reason I started watching this franchise in the first place) that if I’m going to watch the rest of this season, I’m fast-forwarding through Bilal and Shaeeda’s scenes. I’ve had a few too many Bilals in my life and I get no entertainment from watching him manipulate Shaeeda.

Edited by ExMathMajor
John’s not a duck
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7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

For many years I have owned a doormat that says GO AWAY in large letters. 

Miona is from Serbia, where it also gets cold. They had a Winter Olympics in Sarajevo in 1984. She probably owns a coat so what she wears under it can be as skimpy as the traffic will bear. And my personal experience with women who are from Eastern Europe is that they like to dress sexy. All the time. To me the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot. Someone should go wake up the folks in the Sharp Productions writers' room and tell them to come up with some new plots because these old ones are threadbare. 

LOVING your doormat!!

Miona's high beams would probably stick out of her winter coat.  You are right.. this is nothing (except in JibJab's mother house)

2 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Emily looked hideous, a little bit. In next week's preview.

..a little bit??

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3 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I think people are being set off by the mom's stated reason, which is basically "You're turning my husband on, and I don't like it." It's not Miona's fault if her FIL-to-be pops a stiffy from looking at her haltertop, and Mahala blaming Miona comes off a little like slut-shaming.

Did Mahala actually say that her husband will be turned on?  All I heard was, that Brian is uncomfortable with Miona being scantily dressed. I may have missed it if she said it as I usually don’t pay close attention to the show anymore.

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8 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

Binyam hanging and acrobating all over the subway is likely what he's seen on TV about what you do on the subway to show your "skills." 🙄 Do any of these people have any aspirations to get an education or learn a trade or anything? 

The two words that the majority of NYC subway riders dread are: "Show Time."  It's scary having these guys swinging over your head and inches away from kicking you in the face.  I noticed that everyone kept their head down and didn't look in Bini's direction.  I am willing to bet he didn't expect that.  

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9 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

Do any of these people have any aspirations to get an education or learn a trade or anything? 

Rarely! They usually go for the unrealistic, highly competitive dream careers like modeling, music, makeup line, fashion designer, etc. I guess production doesn't think we want to watch people who come here to study such mundane, non-dramatic things as nursing or plumbing. 

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7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Someone had posted that Jibjab was making bank selling NFT's, I will never understand any of that crap but if he is making that much money hopefully he has sent a check to his parents for the money they laid out.

I remember him commenting that Miona was used to being on vacation with him where they stayed at "4 and 5 star hotels" and wondered where he got the money for that. 

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

Rarely! They usually go for the unrealistic, highly competitive dream careers like modeling, music, makeup line, fashion designer, etc. I guess production doesn't think we want to watch people who come here to study such mundane, non-dramatic things as nursing or plumbing. 

On Diaries Zied was learning the dull but useful craft of carpet installation.  Guess the HVAC certification didn’t transfer.

1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I remember him commenting that Miona was used to being on vacation with him where they stayed at "4 and 5 star hotels" and wondered where he got the money for that. 

The maids would be confused why there were pink smudges on all the linens and towels.

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4 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I had one of those doormats, too! Is there a possible correlation between snarking and curmudgeonly behavior? I’m Exhibit A.

I'm guessing that a scientific study wouldn't take long to confirm your suspicion.

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36 minutes ago, You There said:

Why are so many of the comments on this board a verbatim copy of something already posted by a person called HotelDiva on reddit's 90D board? Just curious.

Examples?  A lot of the comments are obvious lowhanging fruit so I wouldn’t rule out coincidence.

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On 5/23/2022 at 12:46 PM, Chellichik said:

I really don't see why Jibri's mom asking Miona to please dress more modestly in HER HOME where they are both living apparently rent free is a problem for anyone.  There is no reason she has to wear revealing clothing around his parents when it clearly makes them uncomfortable IN THEIR OWN HOME.  It really doesn't matter her reasoning behind the request.  It's HER home and she can make the rules.  If Miona was so offended by it, then she can go find a different place to live.

100% agree with this.  And she wasn't at all demeaning or belittling in the wording of her request.  It was clearly noticeable, to me anyway, that she was taking great care to say what she said in a civil, non-offensive way.

Didn't Paola and Russ have the same situation and same request from his mother?

Edited by Xebug67
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1 hour ago, You There said:

Why are so many of the comments on this board a verbatim copy of something already posted by a person called HotelDiva on reddit's 90D board? Just curious.

@Frozendiva posts here and other places, it could be her.

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1 hour ago, You There said:

Why are so many of the comments on this board a verbatim copy of something already posted by a person called HotelDiva on reddit's 90D board? Just curious.

Why does it matter? I tried reddit once about 5 years ago & for the most part it's a shitshow mix of abuse & shit spouting with a few sensible people thrown in & caught up in it.

Once was enough for me.

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On 5/23/2022 at 3:33 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

Bilal acts like he's so high & mighty, but I can't help noticing that he's put himself on one of the trashiest reality shows on THE trashiest network. If he was so financially successful, why did he feel the need to apply to be on this show? None of his affectations match his reality. He really shouldn't be issuing lessons or lectures to anyone besides himself. Clean your own house before criticizing how other people keep their's. 

Between Kara & Guillermo, he's the only one who seems like a mature adult. She's got a drinking problem and she's pretending it's just part of her personality. 

Ari is such a psycho! She totally ruined a nice day with Bini by being an unnecessary dick. ("An Unnecessary Dick" is now in the running for the title to my autobiography/memoir. 🤣) She's not supporting them, her parents are. She's been ungrateful and kvetchy about the apartment her mom rented for them being too pricey. She's acting like she has all this knowledge and experience, but ask her to get a job and support herself, and she freaks out & tries blaming Bini for not being able to work yet. She's impossible to please. Leandro dodged a bullet.

FrancescaFiore, quick question:  Are there actually any "necessary dicks?" LOL

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I thought I’d post a positive comment for once. Binyam’s body looks great! I think this was the shape he was in when Ari met him (he apparently had lost some muscle mass when she visited him in their initial segments since the first thing Ari spit out was a disappointed “you’re so skinny!”)

Meanwhile Ari looks a HOT MESS and I could not believe how wrecked she looked during the NYC visit. You have a nanny and are on GLOBAL television! There is no excuse!

…….well, I STARTED with a positive comment. Progress!

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35 minutes ago, HelloOutThere said:

Meanwhile Ari looks a HOT MESS and I could not believe how wrecked she looked during the NYC visit. You have a nanny and are on GLOBAL television! There is no excuse!

The nanny did her hair before the flight so I'm sure Ari is holding onto that hot braided mess (meaning she flew for hours, slept in the braids at least overnight, etc.) for as long as she can because Ari is a useless baby and can't do anything for herself. Or her family for that matter. Ari can't do her hair, can't pay her bills, can't hold or care for her son, can't use birth control. The list goes on and on. 

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The thing that gets me about Bilal is he's just so damn miserable. (I know, editing/scripting.) Like, he hasn't seemed happy once that Shaeeda has arrived. It's just nonstop scolding, nagging, and power games. Even Ari and Bini seem to enjoy each other's company at times. Even Emily was excited to see Kobe, even if she's a huge jackass in many other respects. With Bilal it's like, why did he even bring her here? Does he even like her?

Also, the whole situation in the car between Bilal and Shaeeda was 100% precipitated by Bilal. Shaeeda was trying to be honest and mature about wanting to make a good impression on Bilal's community, and he rudely dismissed her (and then tried to pull the "that's exactly what I was SAYING" condescending crap on her when she called him on it). Then they came to an agreement, and that's when he had to knock her down a peg with the childish booger comment. There was absolutely. no. way. Shaeeda was going to win because Bilal's goal is not to support or understand her, it's to keep her permanently off balance and jumping through hoops to defend herself. I think it was reckless of her to touch him after he asked her to stop, so I certainly don't think she's without flaw. But her flaws don't make him less of a straight up narc. I wonder if he actually thinks he’s coming off like a normal, decent, well adjusted person.

Every episode proves to me that Bilal views his fiancée as property and not a partner. He lectures her constantly. And him trying to make her out to be an abuser for “putting her hands on him”?? Boy bye, it was playful and not at all serious. He is punishing his fiancée by excluding her at a RELIGIOUS event and not introducing her to anyone. He’s purposely isolating her.

Bilal is 100% dish it but can’t take it. He definitely listens to all of those toxic “High Value Man” podcasts. He’s sexist and it makes me angry for Shaeeda. I cannot stand him. Shaeeda needs to RUN. She has been gaslit since she stepped foot off the plane. This is abuse. I have never felt like I personally hated anyone in all the years that I've been watching the show. God, I hate Bilal ... his pranks, egomania, melodrama, insolence, controlling tactics, moronic bling, and overall pretentiousness and sense of authority, which all seems to be linked to the fact that he has an entry-level Mercedes and boring McMansion. I hope his career takes a hit. I hope his social reputation takes a hit. I hope his familial relationships take a hit. And I hope someday Shaeeda leaves him. What an ass.

What did you think of Shaeeda’s yoga skills, though? 

I can’t believe how much of a fuss this bidet has been. I installed mine when I was drunk at 3am, and it took me five minutes. I’m not even remotely handy.

That poor plumber trying to install the bidet.

Mohammed’s voice is so unsettling...is he part of a cult or something?

Why does every person that dates a conservative Muslim act all surprised when they start to get controlling? Like, do these people not even do a tiny bit of research on what they are getting into?

I feel that “Let’s live here” is one of the first reactions you’ll have coming to NYC and loving it. It was a knee jerk type of reaction after seeing everything and loving it. He said it was like a movie to him. It was only a wild idea, not a legitimate serious comment, Ari. I'm all for being financially conservative, but Ari is acting like paying rent for a one-bedroom would be doable for her. Girl probably used her parents' card to buy those bagel sandwiches. She can't afford anything on her own.

Patrick’s brother dropping the steak and expecting Thais to eat it because she’s from Brazil? This dude is a tremendous asshole. And also shitfaced at 10:30am. You couldn't write a more generic "Boston guy" than John at this point. And I'm honestly enjoying it. The drinking in the morning just suits him so well. I can only imagine being Thais.

Kara needs to give up wine for 5 days and then Guillermo can pay for his computer.

Jibri’s mom having so much internalized misogyny has me thinking she’s an awful fucking therapist. They are worried Miona is being fake with them. She was being polite, and even then, she made it very clear how unsatisfied she was of the mom’s prying into her business. I think it's an example of people getting into psych because they're trying to resolve their own issues. She's clearly trying to push Miona and test her because of her own personal insecurities. Although I do agree maybe a leopard print mini top isn't the vibe for rapid city south Dakota, that's totally Miona’s discretion to dress how she sees fit. The mom saying she's being fake when she's relating what happened to Jibri, I disagree. It was awkward and she handled it as best she could in the moment then the mom tried to flip everything around.

I want this season to be the season where the couples decide they should not marry each other and move on to happier lives. I know this is not the case but a girl can wish.

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1 hour ago, Hotel Snarker said:

The thing that gets me about Bilal is he's just so damn miserable. (I know, editing/scripting.) Like, he hasn't seemed happy once that Shaeeda has arrived. It's just nonstop scolding, nagging, and power games. Even Ari and Bini seem to enjoy each other's company at times. Even Emily was excited to see Kobe, even if she's a huge jackass in many other respects. With Bilal it's like, why did he even bring her here? Does he even like her?

What did you think of Shaeeda’s yoga skills, though? 

Mohammed’s voice is so unsettling...is he part of a cult or something?

Why does every person that dates a conservative Muslim act all surprised when they start to get controlling? Like, do these people not even do a tiny bit of research on what they are getting into?

First time watching an entire episode this season. Gee, Bilal is an ass. I would leave that guy in a heartbeat. Shaeeda is a stunning woman and from what I saw, I like her. And those yoga skills! WOW! 

Mohammed creeps me out. 

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

How much you wanna bet it’s missionary, he gets his satisfaction quickly, and it’s over? So what exactly is he bringing to the table?

Oooh, I can't imagine it's too great.  Wasn't he a virgin when her met Yve?  Yikes, a 50 year old woman knows what bad sex is.

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5 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

5 second rule & if it's longer use rule #2 which is the 10 second rule.

Absolutely. I’m with John here. With a steak going for $15 to $20, no way that gets thrown out. Rinse it off and throw it back in the pan.

Edited by Gobi
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17 hours ago, hookedontv said:

The nanny did her hair before the flight so I'm sure Ari is holding onto that hot braided mess (meaning she flew for hours, slept in the braids at least overnight, etc.)

When Nanny Mimi braided Ari’s hair, she had a center part with two braids. When Ari got off the flight, she had one wrap around braid. I am more and more convinced that Mimi is somewhere off camera, still taking care of both Avi and Ari now in the U.S. 

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27 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Absolutely. I’m with John here. With a steak going for $15 to $20, no way that gets thrown out. Rinse it off and throw it back in the pan.

Thais doesn’t have to eat it, but she shouldn’t spoil it for the two guys if they want to. I got the feeling that she really didn’t want it in the first place. “No thanks, more for you!” 

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Jibri's mom sees Miona as another "brick wall" that he crashes into and they pick up behind him. Short of Miona being a person that mom would 100% approve of, all she can see is that brick wall. Miona has been very clear about what she wanted and expected when she agreed to come here, whether or not it was 100% realistic or helpful. She's sticking by what type of life she wants. She's also doing a good job so far of setting her boundaries while also conceding. Her panic at being even semi-permanently stuck there is palpable. She doesn't try to be rude. Hers is the living situation out of all of them that is the most jarring. She doesn't want to stay and doesn't want to give the impression that he could maybe talk her into it. 

I was listening to a podcast that said Bilal might be the most triggering person ever on this show. This is my first season, so I wouldn't know. But he is definitely triggering. All that has been said about him... cosign. 

I can't help but think that the Patrick, John, Thais trio could have worked really well if Thais were a different person. Not to say she is wrong, but there are partners who would have let bro roll off their backs a lot easier in the name of family or have come from similar family units.

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

I am more and more convinced that Mimi is somewhere off camera, still taking care of both Avi and Ari now in the U.S. 

Could Areola have gotten a visa for the nanny? I don’t know how that works. And who would have paid for it, since it seems expensive and Fred & Janice aren’t exactly rolling in money at this point. 

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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22 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Bilal is 100% dish it but can’t take it. He definitely listens to all of those toxic “High Value Man” podcasts. He’s sexist and it makes me angry for Shaeeda. I cannot stand him. Shaeeda needs to RUN. She has been gaslit since she stepped foot off the plane. This is abuse. I have never felt like I personally hated anyone in all the years that I've been watching the show. God, I hate Bilal ... his pranks, egomania, melodrama, insolence, controlling tactics, moronic bling, and overall pretentiousness and sense of authority, which all seems to be linked to the fact that he has an entry-level Mercedes and boring McMansion. I hope his career takes a hit. I hope his social reputation takes a hit. I hope his familial relationships take a hit. And I hope someday Shaeeda leaves him. What an ass.

But according to her, she stands by her man and claims he isn't any of the negative things we see in him, and apparently it is us who have the problem because our perception of black men is this and that. No girl, your man is a fucking asshole, period end of story. Don't matter what color he is, he's straight up a narcissistic, misogynistic fuckwad.

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