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S01.E06: She's a Killer

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29 minutes ago, CraftyHazel said:

I would watch this weekly for the entire year and not get bored.  It was so well done!

I have to agree. I actually found myself wishing they'd do other famous murders, and wondering which ones would and wouldn't be suited to this to brand of satire. 

4 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

I loved this series and thought RZ killed it. Bravo to everyone involved.  Can’t wait to see the follow up show next week!

What followup show? 

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I felt bad I was laughing like hell at her reenactment of her ‘kidnapping’. That poor man. How delusional was she that she thought she’d get away with all that. 
Apparently she never gave any details about how she murdered Betsy. And they never covered what had really happened in Florida. 
I’m glad all turned out well for Russ. I think I read somewhere that things were not so well with Betsy’s daughters before her murder so maybe that’s why they still don’t speak. 
Renee did a great job at portraying Pam, her speech, mannerisms, and even looks. Hope she gets an Emmy.

I’m looking forward to watching the follow up show. 

Edited by Straycat80
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2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Say hi to Cathy. 😁😁

If Dateline wasn’t on her ass before, they certainly were on it after she used their producer and show in order to lure a man to his death!

It was bad enough to kill a terminally ill woman in such a violent way and steal her kids’ money and then kill your own mother but Pam’s murder of that poor brain damaged man in such a sloppy set up for her own benefit was stomach churning. I mean….she keeps a hundred dollar bill that ties her directly to the money she planted on him?! The whole set-up fell apart before it really began. 

Poor Russ just went into freak out shock when he got that call but thank goodness he called Joel. And Joel came through with alllll the receipts. But Russ was right- last time he was nice and cooperated he was held for 3 years. 

Had to laugh at the detective once he found out she was Pam Hupp and not Huff. Tighten this crime scene up and get ready to be on Dateline. 

I’m so sorry Louis’s family didn’t get their day in court; at least Betsy’s case was reopened as well as Pam’s mother’s death. I don’t want tax dollars wasted but if they can have it on record that she’s proven guilty of those deaths as well it’s some measure of justice. 

Was the money in Pam’s safe considered evidence in her crimes or was it redistributed to her victims’ families or did her husband get to keep it? 


Edited by TobinAlbers
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45 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

She didn’t, though. She bought the knife at Dollar Tree. I loved when she was all “cell phone towers aren’t accurate” and the detective was like “actually…”. Pam just thought she was SO SMART. Loved seeing her brought down a peg or two finally. 

Wait, Russ really is engaged to the lady Pam tried to lure first?

What I don’t understand is why Russ’s daughters don’t talk to him. If anyone should not be talking to the other you’d think it would be the other way around since he was wronged and they (or, according to this show, one of them) treated him like he was guilty. Russ is unequivocally innocent. It’s sad to me they couldn’t work it out. 

I loved this series and thought RZ killed it. Bravo to everyone involved.  Can’t wait to see the follow up show next week!

I thought that Russ won't talk to them, not the other way around.

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Well, I really enjoyed the series. I admit I was a little doubtful after the first episode about the comedic tone of the series, but I was wrong and it really worked for this story. I had already seen all the previous Datelines so I knew how nuts the real Pam was but was still glad they showed those clips at the end. Really showed how well Renee Zellweger did in capturing the  calculating dangerousness that was Pam.  Also, that Pam really was that over the top and a bald face liar.

It seems insane that Pam went to those measures to frame Russ but I guess she figured that she successfully framed him the first time so she could easily do it again. 

My favorite line from Pam was when the cop came into the house with his gun drawn and she looked up from making her sandwich and said, you’re too late for all that. I already took care of it.”

I was glad to see that Russ looks like he got his happy ending. And Carol seems like a smart lady, since she figuired out Pam was dangerous pretty quickly.

Looking forward to this week's Dateline.


Edited by Desperately Random
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6 hours ago, Whimsy said:

She didn’t, though. She bought the knife at Dollar Tree

Yes, but she had the matching knife in her house, which was such a stupid thing to do. Good thing these cops were actually competent.

I kind of don’t blame Russ for not speaking to the daughters. Pam wrecked too much damage with those fake letters and framing him.

I hate that the poor brain damaged guy’s family didn’t get the justice he deserved because of Pam’s plea, but at least she’s in jail where she belongs.

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I loved this series.  I am going to miss tuning in each week.

The Dateline special is going to be interesting to watch after the fact.  I have seen all the Dateline shows about Pam.  But I want to see it again comparing how each actor looked like the real person.  Renee did an excellent job of portraying Pam.  It seemed over the top.  But the real Pam was over the top.



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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Yes, but she had the matching knife in her house, which was such a stupid thing to do. Good thing these cops were actually competent.

I kind of don’t blame Russ for not speaking to the daughters. Pam wrecked too much damage with those fake letters and framing him.

I hate that the poor brain damaged guy’s family didn’t get the justice he deserved because of Pam’s plea, but at least she’s in jail where she belongs.

I don't think she had the same knife in her house. On Dateline the cops noticed how the knives were stored blade down between the stove and the counter in her house( nothing was ever said about it being the same kind of knife). The knife in their opinion was placed the same way between the seat and center console.  And I'm sure they only noticed the way the knife was placed was because that poor man was supposed to be waving it around at the time of his murder.

Loved the series. Done so well. Russ and Carol truly shocked me good for them.

Edited by Cozytea
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9 hours ago, Melina22 said:


8 hours ago, JeanJean said:

I thought that Russ won't talk to them, not the other way around.


7 hours ago, CraftyHazel said:

That’s right.  


2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Yes, but she had the matching knife in her house, which was such a stupid thing to do. Good thing these cops were actually competent.

I kind of don’t blame Russ for not speaking to the daughters. Pam wrecked too much damage with those fake letters and framing him.

I hate that the poor brain damaged guy’s family didn’t get the justice he deserved because of Pam’s plea, but at least she’s in jail where she belongs.


27 minutes ago, Cozytea said:

I don't think she had the same knife in her house. On Dateline the cops noticed how the knives were stored blade down between the stove and the counter in her house( nothing was ever said about it being the same kind of knife). The knife in their opinion was placed the same way between the seat and center console.  And I'm sure they only noticed the way the knife was placed was because that poor man was supposed to be waving it around at the time of his murder.

Loved the series. Done so well. Russ and Carol truly shocked me good for them.


The "quote multiple" did something weird, but I'll just comment on each here. 

I rewatched the end part.  You guys are right.  Russ isn't speaking to them.  Which makes more sense.  I was tired so for some reason my brain comprehended it the other way around. 

I think Pam thought she was being smart by not using one of her own kitchen knives.  I don't think it matters one whit that it was the same, tbh.  It was still an insane story and the guy physically couldn't have wielded that knife.  I also think that what @Cozytea said played a big part.  If a perpetrator is waving a knife around all scarily he wouldn't place it nice and neat in the car like that.  Regardless, I think that was only one tiny piece of the puzzle that was her downfall- finally!!  

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Pam telling the cops to check the note was so ridiculous. I think she benefited from the stupidity of the people running the Betsy Faria case. She really thought she was brilliant.  She just got lucky the first time. Did she really think the cops would not notice a note in his pocket.  Putting out a rug, so not to mess up her carpet. WTF?

  • Love 24

I had reservations about this show and its dark comedy tone, but I ended up really loving it. My only regret is that it wasn't longer and that we didn't get to enjoy more schadenfreude at Pam's downfall. I cant wait to watch the Dateline episode, I loved the brief clips we saw of the real Pam. Renée Zellweger absolutely nailed her, that hunched posture, that weird smirk, I would say that she was too over the top but that's exactly how the real life Pam is. Like Russ ending up with Carol (which I actually gasped at) so much of this sounds like typical television contrivances and drama, but it all really happened. Truth truly is stranger than fiction.

Pam just thought she was so clever with her dollar tree knife and her stupid note, she really benefitted from the fact that the cops and lawyers involved in Betsy's case were utterly self serving and incompetent, it gave her a false sense of confidence when it comes to her abilities as a criminal mastermind. She thought she could easily frame someone else for murder to get rid of all her problems because it worked the first time, but with actually competent cops around, her whole story feel apart instantly. Her face when she tried her "well you know how cell phone towers are" and the detective was like "well actually..." was amazing, you could see the moment when she realized how screwed she was. She really did think that she was brilliant, despite how obviously stupid her plan was. 

I felt so terrible for the brain damaged man she killed and his family, I hate that they wont see justice in court, but hopefully it gives them some closure that Pam is in jail and everyone knows what a monster she is now. That's one of the more despicable things about Pam, her victims are all sick and hurt people who make for easy targets. 

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I don't think the families were denied anything by there not being a trial; in general victims' families find the trials excruciating, and it's enough for them that the person who committed the crime is punished. There probably would have been more satisfaction if she had pleaded guilty and had to allocute the details of her crime on the record, but Pam was probably never going to do that in a way that would be acceptable for the guilty plea to go through. I am a little surprised that the court allowed an Alford plea though; a lot of jurisdictions won't accept them in murder cases.

It's amazing that the first woman got into the car with her based on the sketchy story of "recreating 911 calls for Dateline but you can't bring a wallet or phone or keys because they don't like clutter." She was suspicious enough to carry her phone and a knife, but in that case, why get into the car at all? Maybe she was in dire financial straits, but still ...

I had wondered how clueless Pam's husband had to have been all these years, but now I think he knew what Pam was doing and just didn't care. I mean, he and his new wife are still living in the house where she murdered someone. I don't see how he could do that unless he was completely amoral.

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29 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I don't get the knife situation at all. If the guy was threatening her with a knife in the house and she shot him dead in the house while doing so, how was he supposed to have taken the knife and placed it in the car at all?  Wouldn't he have the knife on him in the house? I don't get it.

She said he got into the car with her and was waving the knife around, so she knocked it out of his hand and ran into the house. Then he busted the door down and got into the house. That would have been a ludicrous story even if the physical evidence matched it, but it didn't. The knife was neatly tucked between the seat and the center console and the door wasn't damaged. I also wonder if the real Pam was making a sandwich when the detective arrived, which normally I would think was far-fetched, but knowing the other stuff she's done and said, it just seems medium-Pam.

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46 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

I did wish they had ended with a 90-minute if not  2-hour episode. The finale felt rushed.

I agree.  I already knew what was going to happen, and when I looked at the clock partway through, I couldn't figure out how they were going to wrap everything up in the 20 minutes that was left.

On a happier note, I just downloaded Joel's book from my library!!!!

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1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

She said he got into the car with her and was waving the knife around, so she knocked it out of his hand and ran into the house. Then he busted the door down and got into the house. That would have been a ludicrous story even if the physical evidence matched it, but it didn't. The knife was neatly tucked between the seat and the center console and the door wasn't damaged. I also wonder if the real Pam was making a sandwich when the detective arrived, which normally I would think was far-fetched, but knowing the other stuff she's done and said, it just seems medium-Pam.

Haha, I thought the exact same thing about the sandwich.  Anyone else I would assume the show was just adding ridiculousness but with Pam Hupp who knows.

I felt the last episode was way too short. I can't wait until Friday's Dateline. 

Edited by Cozytea
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1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

IKR?? That call sounded so incredibly fake, you’d think Renee was overdoing it, but the real  call was just that ridiculous. 

And this is why Pam and these murder cases are so fascinating to many of us. You would never believe  it truly happened the way it did. I'm a pretty logical person so if I stumbled across this mini series not ever knowing about the real case, I'd be rolling my eyes and complaining that it was so over the top and fake lol.

4 minutes ago, LadyintheLoop said:

And she'd put it in plastic to keep the blood off.

I hope her fellow inmates shun her. Even run-of-the-mill murderers might have some standards.

Ahh, I did wonder why it was in a plastic baggie.  Pesky blood gets everywhere. 😉.

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9 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I don't think Pam's husband was actively involved but do see him as a facilitator, even if it is simply because he keeps turning a blind eye, to Pam's deadly and illegal antics.

Definitely. He’s seen her do so many shady and questionable things (ironing cash!?) and didn’t ask for details. I have no idea why he stayed with her as long as he did. 

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Now that it's over, I wonder.....Pam was fired from one of her insurance jobs for forging signatures.  I'll bet anything that Betsy NEVER removed Russ from the policy - that Pam changed it all and forged her signature.  Even if she HAD wanted to change the beneficiary - there would be no reason for Betsy to name Pam - Russ said that there were a host of people that Betsy was closer to than Pam - if it was a matter of "looking after the girls" she would have named one of them.  Or her mother. 

So I think Pam altered the policy because she needed money and killed her to get it.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Now that it's over, I wonder.....Pam was fired from one of her insurance jobs for forging signatures.  I'll bet anything that Betsy NEVER removed Russ from the policy - that Pam changed it all and forged her signature.  Even if she HAD wanted to change the beneficiary - there would be no reason for Betsy to name Pam - Russ said that there were a host of people that Betsy was closer to than Pam - if it was a matter of "looking after the girls" she would have named one of them.  Or her mother. 

So I think Pam altered the policy because she needed money and killed her to get it.  

Included in Dateline but skipped in the series is the mention of the librarian/notary who witnessed/notarized Betsy signing the change of beneficiary form.  Forging Betsy’s signature is about the only thing where Pam is innocent in the entire series.

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Earlier, Pam was laughing about criminals who got caught due to stupid mistakes.

She ended up doing the same stupid mistakes - purchased a knife that’s sold only at Dollar Tree, tried to recruit strangers in plain sight without vetting them (and their capabilities), caught on security camera, ended up choosing one with mental & physical disabilities, failed to shut her phone down completely & remove the battery, the wedged knives (in the car vs in the kitchen), $100 bills in sequential serial number, intentionally placed carpet swatch and that obviously fake 911 call.

She thinks she’s so smart! 😂

Angry Badass GIF by Yellowstone

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11 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Earlier, Pam was laughing about criminals who got caught due to stupid mistakes.

She ended up doing the same stupid mistakes - purchased a knife that’s sold only at Dollar Tree, tried to recruit strangers in plain sight without vetting them (and their capabilities), caught on security camera, ended up choosing one with mental & physical disabilities, failed to shut her phone down completely & remove the battery, the wedged knives (in the car vs in the kitchen), $100 bills in sequential serial number, intentionally placed carpet swatch and that obviously fake 911 call.


All of that was absolutely sloppy and nonsensical (for real, if this wasn't rooted in real events, I'd be calling shenanigans and saying the writers jumped the shark). For me, the real kicker was Pam casually making a sandwich and not appearing at all affected by the incident she described to the detective. At least she tried to fake a reaction to Betsy's murder. With Louis, it was just, "Yeah, I just killed a guy and stuff. But, hey, I get two pumps of cherry in my drink, every morning! Even get my ticket punched." WTF.

Does anyone know if the sandwich part is real? I just can't with that.

Edited by dovegrey
missing words and too many words ugh
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Got a chance to watch this today - missed it last night because of severe weather in our area.

This is the part of the case that makes me angriest and saddest. That poor man who was murdered...a totally innocent guy who got roped into her insanity and paid the ultimate price for it. I can't believe Mark and his wife live in the house where the murder happened. 

I felt for Russ, too, being called back in. Poor guy looked so nervous. Thank goodness for Schwartz. I'm so, so glad Russ had him on his side through all of this. Schwartz is a good man. I think I actually breathed a sign of relief along with Russ when he was told he was cleared - and I knew he'd be fine!

I share in everyone marveling at just how incredibly stupid Pam's attempt to cover up the murder of Louis was. I loved the callback to her mocking people who do stupid things when committing a crime while she was sitting in the interrogation room - her cockiness and arrogance were her downfall. As often tends to be the case with people like that. You'd think all her time reading true crime stories would've clued her into that fact, too. But she was too blinded by greed to care. 

21 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I felt bad I was laughing like hell at her reenactment of her ‘kidnapping’.

My mom and I got a kick out of that whole scene, too XD. I was like, "Well, that's quite a creative story!" 

13 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Why did the prosecution accept the Alford plea?  They didn't have to.  Or did they offer it to spare the community of more national attention?

I only know the term from the West Memphis Three case - that's how they finally got out of jail.

Fun fact: over in the "Dateline" forum, when we were discussing this case when the episode originally aired, someone noted that the woman Pam originally tried to rope into her "I'm from 'Dateline'" scheme* was named Carol Alford. Just another of the many little quirks of this case that, were it a fictional crime story, would have people going, "Isn't that just a little TOO cutesy and on the nose?" 

*I loved Keith interjecting to note that they don't pay people to do the kinds of things Pam was claiming. I remember him saying something similar in the "Dateline" episode as well :p. Carol should thank her lucky stars she was able to get away as easily as she did - I too can't believe she even agreed to go. But I do like that her suspicion won out and she made the right decision to call 911 about Pam's scheme.

I also loved the reveal about her and Russ getting together, though I'm sad that he and Betsy's daughters still don't speak. Hopefully someday they can bridge that gap. The reveal that Joel and Nate still occasionally work together made me smile, too. .

And man, looking at those photos and videos of the real Pam at the end...man, Renee's resemblance to her was uncanny. I actually got a chill. 

I really enjoyed this series (and I agree that it'd be interesting to see how they'd tackle other high profile cases of this sort). Look forward to the "Dateline" update this Friday, too. 

Edited by Annber03
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8 minutes ago, dovegrey said:

For me, the real kicker was Pam casually making a sandwich and not appearing at all affected by the incident she described to the detective.

Does anyone know if the sandwich part is real? I just can't with that.

The sandwich part wasn’t mentioned in the Dateline documentary.

I wonder about the sugary drink that she’s constantly having, is that real or only for characterization purposes?

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9 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

After five minutes with that woman, I would be begging for solitary...

I would be stabbing myself in the neck with a pen.


14 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

I wonder about the sugary drink that she’s constantly having, is that real or only for characterization purposes?

In the final clips of the real Pam, we see her in a convenience store purchasing a big drink in a blue and white cup. I think Renee's was bigger, but I'm going to assume that real Pam did indeed drink those sodas habitually.

What happened with Carol after she called 911? Did the police contact her?

Pam is delusional and intimidating, a dangerous combination. She lies with such conviction. When she said to THE POLICE that cell phone tracking technology is flawed, that took a lot of chutzpah. Obviously the detective knows better and wouldn't be swayed in the least, but it seems like Pam has a bizarro belief in her power of persuasion, like she's a Svengali. Unfortunately, with some people she was.

I'm very perplexed about Pam's husband. At times he seemed just plain stupid. Other times he seemed to clue into the fact that Pam was doing something bad. Then it didn't seem to matter to him. I guess like someone else here said, he was simply an amoral person. "Whatever" would be his catchphrase.

This was a good show. I had heard about it before it began, but it didn't interest me. (I hadn't known anything about the real case.) Then a friend told me about it, so I watched on Hulu.

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36 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I would be stabbing myself in the neck with a pen.


In the final clips of the real Pam, we see her in a convenience store purchasing a big drink in a blue and white cup. I think Renee's was bigger, but I'm going to assume that real Pam did indeed drink those sodas habitually.

What happened with Carol after she called 911? Did the police contact her?

Pam is delusional and intimidating, a dangerous combination. She lies with such conviction. When she said to THE POLICE that cell phone tracking technology is flawed, that took a lot of chutzpah. Obviously the detective knows better and wouldn't be swayed in the least, but it seems like Pam has a bizarro belief in her power of persuasion, like she's a Svengali. Unfortunately, with some people she was.

I'm very perplexed about Pam's husband. At times he seemed just plain stupid. Other times he seemed to clue into the fact that Pam was doing something bad. Then it didn't seem to matter to him. I guess like someone else here said, he was simply an amoral person. "Whatever" would be his catchphrase.

This was a good show. I had heard about it before it began, but it didn't interest me. (I hadn't known anything about the real case.) Then a friend told me about it, so I watched on Hulu.

I think the police called Carol into the station after the 911 call. I feel like I’ve seen footage of her being interviewed somewhere.

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13 hours ago, JeanJean said:

I did wish they had ended with a 90-minute if not  2-hour episode. The finale felt rushed.

I felt like last week's episode was wasted and slow which didn't make sense to me because I knew there was so much more to tell.  And then they seemed to cram it all in this episode.  I wish they had spread it out a bit more.

I felt uncomfortable with the comedic tone of this murder because this poor innocent guy is killed in a lazy attempt to reframe Russ.  And yet I also loved the reenactment.  Ah the dilemma.

I did miss not seeing more of Russ's lawyer in this ep and the DA's so very punchable face. I wanted to see more of her downfall.  Judy Greer is such a scene stealer.

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On 4/13/2022 at 6:45 AM, Tachi Rocinante said:

Why did the prosecution accept the Alford plea?  They didn't have to.  Or did they offer it to spare the community of more national attention?

I only know the term from the West Memphis Three case - that's how they finally got out of jail.

As much as it sucks that she didn't get put on a full trial, considering her shenanigans during the previous ones, the prosecutor probably just wanted a sure conviction. Can you imagine if Pam had gotten a mistrial or gotten off on some technicality? Would've been worse than no trial at all.

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