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S04.E16: All Night Long

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This is like what happens when crack fanfic comes to life. I wonder if the writers went out and got trashed before planning this episode. I have seen flashback episodes done well on other shows, but this was not a good example.

I feel like everyone unaccounted for is dead somewhere. And I hated that they kept showing the same scene over and over with them leaving the bar. 

Also, I don’t care about the guy Casey was in the car with. We’ve never seen him before, right? 

Lauren, way to have a serious conversation with Leyla while wearing a taco hat. Use your brain for crying out loud.

Iggy is entering emotional affair territory. 

Yawn. Floyd and Lyn. Who cares? I wish the baby had been Claude’s and Lyn told Floyd she was off to Colorado too. He has regressed so bad it’s not even funny.

I can only imagine what Veronica would say to this disaster if she was around. Or even Karen. 

Luna just doesn’t exist on this show anymore I guess. I keep telling my friend she’s hanging out with Olivia Benson’s therapist (for those of you who don’t get the reference, the actor that plays Calvin is Dr. Lindstrom on SVU and Olivia sees him regularly) and Grandma Gwen.

I know Helen will live because Freema Agyeman is signed for the final season (and was before we knew it was getting canceled) but I really want her to be OK. Sharpwin is one of the only things keeping me hanging on to this show.

Also, whoever came up with “More joy” as this season’s slogan should be blamed for the cancellation, or hopefully they’ve been fired. Cause nothing in this season has been that. 

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I love flashback storytelling but only when it’s done well. This felt like super disjointed editing, especially since they kept using that one same exit clip over and over. The whole point of multiple points of views is to you know, actually show those POVs. Using that same scene at the end of everyone leaving(instead of just picking up with them walking away)got old so fast. 

But I did like this episode more than the previous ones in this season. Or maybe that’s the months long hiatus speaking? Idk. I do find it kind of funny that they’re all finally hanging out after 4 seasons because why did it take that long? These people are really the perfect example of work friends huh. But Floyd did say no one ever wants to hang out and they’re all workaholics so I guess that tracks. 

FLOYD: God just end it. They had the perfect out with the Denver move and then they just…didn’t use it? Why? This back and forth is honestly bordering on torture at this point. 

MAX/HELEN: every time they come back to visit NYC I’m just reminded of how useless the whole London thing is. Literally what is the point. Helen isn’t even doing what she said she was going to do about her family and I do not care one bit about Max tackling UK healthcare. Also, marriage? After what 3/4 months of dating? LMAO I guess. The actors definitely sell being in love but wasn’t it just weeks ago that Helen said they weren’t a family? That didn’t really scream ‘forever & always’ to me but okay, sure, get married that’s definitely the answer lol. 


BLOOM: I thought she was fun in this episode(not sure what was going on with her and Leyla there, were they hinting at a green card marriage? Why? They seem good now but marriage is something they definitely don’t need to do. Now or ever. Or until Bloom gets a grip; wasn’t she on the verge of relapsing like a month ago? Did she even deal with that?)and that was mostly thanks to Casey. I love them together and would take him(and the other old side characters)just working at the main hospital again with everyone else, no questions asked tbh. 

Everyone else really didn’t register and neither did the mystery at the end. Felt a bit forced to me since I have zero emotional attachment to any of the newbies and it’s obvious the drinks were spiked. I mean I like Wilder a lot(letting a stranger in was weird though, what woman just does that? I got major ‘a man wrote this’ vibes at that moment lol)but other than that I wasn’t really riveted. 

IGGY: ? ???? ?? ?

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5 hours ago, izabella said:

That's likely, though it doesn't seem like there would be a good explanation for why anyone would drug them deliberately.  Could it be accidental?  What was in those shots?  Did they all drink those?  I know Iggy was drinking champagne.

My guess is that most of the missing people were accidentally drugged probably from a contaminated shared drink choice and that one didn't make it to work for another reason. My guess is that Casey's friend got them into a major car wreck and he's injured or dead (although I hope not because I like Casey). I don't think the friend who was driving was involved in the work drink thing, so possibly Casey's reason is not related. Just my guess.

I didn't love this episode, but it wasn't the worst this season, which isn't saying much.

Floyd and Lyn can get off my screen now. Please?

Also, why didn’t more people look into why their coworkers were missing? Wilders interpreter, go to her apartment and find out what’s going on! Or, like someone else said, call for a wellness check! Did anyone else notice that his last text to her said “call me?” Is he referring to TDD? 

The holistic doctor is clearly in a relationship with someone who has a significant other. Something else is clearly going on in her life or her head if her SO canceling their plans makes her suicidal. It’s crazy that her receptionist would just let her patients line up in the hallway for hours before reporting to Floyd that she hasn’t shown up for work.  But why call for a wellness check or report it to higher ups when you can just sit there and shrug and say “she hasn’t come in yet, IDK!?” 🙄

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I really do not understand who behind the scenes is so invested in the Floyd and Lyn story. It’s badly done and virtually nobody likes it yet they keep dragging it out and making Floyd look worse and worse. The actress that plays Lyn has no emotion either. They both act this plot like they’re reading their lines off cue cards at rehearsal.

I’m betting any money that Helen is pregnant based on the showrunner’s tweet here. 


Edited by Cloud9Shopper

I just can’t get passed a facility where professionals who have patient appointments doesn’t  have a welfare check plan in place.  Professionals who have patients don’t just blow it off if they are capable to call, text, send message of their inability to be there. So, presumably, they are not ok.  If no response by text or phone, you call police and they’ll go to their home to check on them.  Waiting all day to push the alarm on that was so annoying…..uhhhh….

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I know this is a minor thing but did anybody catch the mistake when the man was trying to climb the building and Max asks him please just tell me your first name just tell me your first name and the man doesn't say anything other than I need to keep climbing and yet in the next sentence Max called him Gustavo.. He got the name right without the man telling him his name was? Then Iggy later on had to try to get the man to tell him his first name it just kind of bugged me.

I went back and fast forwarded through the show since people are talking about everybody who took a shot was missing and yes it is true but in the first five minutes when Gladys takes away the champagne bottle from Iggy he reaches over and grabbed one of the shot glasses and downs it and if it is being drugged it didn't have any effect on Iggy or maybe it's because he didn't have as much as the others. Very interesting Siri do want to see what happens next week because they did keep showing the bartender a lot.


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Thanks, @Poohbear617, for reminding me about the man climbing the building. I was so busy unsuccessfully trying to wrap my head around the missing people and the other characters illogical responses that I forgot about Gustavo.

How does someone climb numerous floors up the side of a building with one arm (or at least his wrist) in a cast? He can’t grip anything with that hand, for one thing. Maybe he’s just a really experienced building climber? Maybe the NA writers room is staffed with several monkeys, typing away on computers, and the show runners just go with whatever nonsense the primates come up with? 🙄

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2 hours ago, Poohbear617 said:

I know this is a minor thing but did anybody catch the mistake when the man was trying to climb the building and Max asks him please just tell me your first name just tell me your first name and the man doesn't say anything other than I need to keep climbing and yet in the next sentence Max called him Gustavo.. He got the name right without the man telling him his name was? Then Iggy later on had to try to get the man to tell him his first name it just kind of bugged me.

I went back and fast forwarded through the show since people are talking about everybody who took a shot was missing and yes it is true but in the first five minutes when Gladys takes away the champagne bottle from Iggy he reaches over and grabbed one of the shot glasses and downs it and if it is being drugged it didn't have any effect on Iggy or maybe it's because he didn't have as much as the others. Very interesting Siri do want to see what happens next week because they did keep showing the bartender a lot.


I noticed that, too. Maybe Max had watched Better Call Saul the night before and was thinking about Señor Fring.

Wilder’s situation looked like a Tinder date going all Mr. Goodbar.


When Max went out on that ledge….I couldn’t help but think about how he could do that knowing his daughter would have no parent if he fell and died. Or, what if he fell and lives, but is paralyzed?  There are trained professionals whose job is to save the lives of people on a ledge.  Max’s attempt just seemed unwise to me.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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3 hours ago, Frisky Wig said:

Maybe the NA writers room is staffed with several monkeys, typing away on computers, and the show runners just go with whatever nonsense the primates come up with? 🙄

Oh so that’s how they came up with the idea for this week’s episode. 😂😂

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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51 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

When Max went out on that ledge….I couldn’t help but think about how he could do that knowing his daughter would have no parent if he fell and died. Or, what if he fell and lives, but is paralyzed?  There are trained professionals whose job is to save the lives of people on a ledge.  Max’s attempt just seemed unwise to me.  

Max does quite a bit of "UNWISE THINGS"

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When Max is out on the ledge trying to talk a suicidal man down, where was highly respected psychiatrist Dr Iggy Frome? They both saw the guy outside the window.

I didn’t understand what Gustavo’s surgery was for. It seemed like they removed a fairly big body part.

And Iggy needs to grow up. You’re married with a boatload of kids. Spontaneity will not be a part of your life for at least twenty years. 

Edited by Johnny Dollar
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17 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:


And Iggy needs to grow up. You’re married with a boatload of kids. Spontaneity will not be a part of your life for at least twenty years. 

Iggy's a giant baby who is going to find himself on the wrong end of a sexual harassment lawsuit fairly soon. 


9 hours ago, Frisky Wig said:

It’s crazy that her receptionist would just let her patients line up in the hallway for hours before reporting to Floyd that she hasn’t shown up for work.  But why call for a wellness check or report it to higher ups when you can just sit there and shrug and say “she hasn’t come in yet, IDK!?” 🙄

This.  What was the receptionist's plan?  Was she just going to keep this going for a few days? 

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Max and Helen live together, right? They sleep in the same bed. How did he not notice that she wasn't asleep but unconscious when he left for work that morning?

The show clearly wants us to forget that Gwen and Calvin sued for custody of Luna with how often Max leaves Luna with them for a week(end) with no worry whatsoever.

Edited by LexieLily
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9 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Max and Helen live together, right? How did he not notice that she wasn't asleep but unconscious when he left for work that morning?

I had the same question. However, I know when someone wakes up next to their partner, who’s asleep, they don’t typically check to make sure the person isn’t actually unconscious, particularly if that person has a reason why they might be sleeping in, like if they were up late partying. You’d think he would’ve kissed her goodbye or something and realized, since a he’s a doctor. 

3 minutes ago, Sweet Tooth said:

They repeatedly showed that bartender, so I think that's where everything's gone hinky.

If we don't find out he's involved somehow, it will be weird, because usually the bartender is pretty much a non-entity, but he figured quite prominently.

Someone on another forum suggested that maybe the bartender is/was Wilder's Tinder date. They sure leaned into the Lifetime 'creepy incoming stalker/murderer' music for the scene where Wilder was getting ready and instructed her phone to answer the door.

Edited by LexieLily
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8 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Someone on another forum suggested that maybe the bartender is/was Wilder's Tinder date. They sure leaned into the Lifetime 'creepy incoming stalker/murderer' music for the scene where Wilder was getting ready and instructed her phone to answer the door.


She reached out to "Aaron," he didn't answer, she went inside to have a drink, the bartender flirted with her, she got a message that "Aaron" was available, and immediately went home to gussy up.

It seemed she got that message while she and the bartender were making googly eyes, so I don't know if their theory is correct, but I'm open to it.

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it's been a while since we had WORST DOCTOR EVER, stupid hiatuses (hiati?)


oh god i forgot about iggy's new receptionist who is teasing a cheating plotline 

and they remind us of bloom buying her ex girlfriend's slot and the worst plotline ever in Floyd.

wait didn't bloom say she was quitting? Why isn't that in the previously? And didn't Floyd go "nope i'm done with this" or am I just imaginging what I wanted to happen

now for the episode


it looks like he is purposefully trying to cover his lips - does the actor suck at lipsyncing?

oh hey it's awesome deaf doctor - wait, did she memorize how to sign this song - she is looking up, not down? I don't see a monitor anywhere with the lyrics, but that might be offscreen

why is that man shirtless and why is iggy taking a shot before walking up to him, iggy you better not ruin your relationship or you are automatically the worst doctor ever, I don't care if Floyd does a heart transplant with a straw and a penny, you would still be the worst doctor


sharpe what does airplane smell like

and i don't think one round would occupy the bar for hours

ok I was like "wait did my sound cut out?" nope we're just guessing awesome deaf doctor POV - i approve, we don't have to hear bad singing, or stupid dialogue, or maybe some horrible jazz or discordant drumming background music. can the rest of the show be from her POV

yesss, an episode for her? please let it be the whole episode

please show we don't need background music please and thank you

uh oh, tense music - are they goign to do something to awesome doctor, or is her booty call going to have a medical emergency?

well that's a few locks


of course Max is peppy and cheery after drinking a pile of booze

wait max why are you there you don't even work there, did you kill the medical director off screen or something?

oh ok thanks for pointing out that he doesn't work there, guys

that is a great taco hat bloom, can you wear it for the rest of the series

ok, did this guy get shot or stabbed, let's see. I am gonna go with stabbed

um max why are you running into the hospital to help him when you could just send him to the ER

awesome doctor better be sleeping it off, you evil writers

wait, so that text was sent at 2:02 PM and it says "i'm pushing your first appt"

then his follow-up "ARE YOU OK?" text at 8:23 PM

what hours does she keep, or does the earth New Amsterdam is on have a sun that rotates in a different manner?

oh god no please not more karaoke

ok so I am half hoping more people in the hospital just keep going missing until it is just max walking into work, someone asks where everyone is, and he just says with a blank stare "i helped them" and boom, he gets locked into the psych ward

hey look its deaf doctor! yay, she's ok! oh wait is this a different point of view of the karaoke night, damn so we can't get serial killer max

oh look another person in danger... yayyyyy?

ha ha fake patient already escaped? that was quick

how the hell did that patient climb up there in a manner of minutes

max, you don't need to run for that, security exists for that

what is with the weird looking ground beef on bloom's taco hat

oh god not more karaoke

awesome nurse is just drinking straight from the bottle, damn

oh hey it's dr whackadoodle, she would probably be fun at karaoke

wait are we gonna get a dr. whackadoodle and floyd pairing? I could go for that

ok for a second I thought she was gonna ground those up and have him snort them or something

ok, dr. whackdoodle not drinking makes sense, I see her much more as a medicinal green herb kinda gal

is she gonna be in danger next? bicycling drunk is still a DUI

max stepping out on that ledge is not a good idea, but since it is not a good idea, you are doing it. wait why did you call him gustavo

oh god another time back to karaoke night please stop writers I give up

um aussie guy you are bordering on creepy now

oh god Sharpe please never sing again, that high note shattered my ear drums

um, where the hell in NJ would champagne be made

thanks awesome receptionist/nurse(?) with helping iggy out

iggy do not stop and stand with aussie, that is just going to lead to a kiss

wait what did you even remove from that patient floyd

oh hey aussie is missing

thank god a karaoke scene without singing

is sharpe gonna say no

now we're seeing what Sharpe's suitcase did after leaving karaoke, much more interesting that Max or... damnit, we have to hear Sharpe and Max talk


um max were you storing the ring in a garbage can's secret compartment or something?

iggy you should not give a patient your phone

bloom i think hiding in a plant will make her fall for you again

well ex girlfriend, bloom has the superpower of money, she can help you with your visa issue


well floyd those four are missing because they are side characters - why did nobody do a wellness check? Especially on the deaf doctor!


was the booze poisoned or something - that bartender talked to all of them

or maybe the karaoke was CURSED

oh god does this mean the next episode is going to have more karaoke

Okay, so we only had one patient this episode, so we have to go based on story - so worst doctor was Iggy - why wasn't he present when the guy was on the roof?

Worst threesome was... Floyd and the surgeons - my god, why did this plotline get resurrected? I think we need to gather the pitchforks and torches, guys.

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22 hours ago, preeya said:

My guess is the bartender did something. But what it was? I don't know.

While watching, I wondered if there was significance to the bartender getting so much unnecessary screen time. I think he either did something to the drinks or his loose standards for allowing non-verified people in has created a super spreader event.

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19 hours ago, preeya said:

Max does quite a bit of "UNWISE THINGS"

I was thinking when has Max ever done the wise or prudent thing.

Even when his actions aren't life threatening they generally are stupid or result in disaster or otherwise make things a mess - not to mention wasting assets.

I don't know why Max was changed from a smart reformer into some kind of idiot child who does everything the "opposite" of what someone rational would do.

I was wondering if there could be something wrong with the ice or glasses, like maybe the cleaning solution or something.  I wasn't always paying attention (because I didn't know I should be until the end), but they did specifically show Iggy drinking only champagne (straight from the bottle? I forget) and Max drinking bottled beer.  What's her face, Taco Hat, only drank water though, and I think it was from a glass and not a bottle, so maybe there goes that theory...

I'm not sure what happened, but I think poisoned or drugged is the most obvious answer.  I know it showed Casey's friend driving recklessly, but wouldn't they have heard about a bad crash?  Even if the victims didn't come to their hospital, someone would have heard about it on the news or been stuck in traffic or whatever.  I think all of the other things that could have happened to them were just red herrings.

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26 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I was wondering if there could be something wrong with the ice or glasses, like maybe the cleaning solution or something.  I wasn't always paying attention (because I didn't know I should be until the end), but they did specifically show Iggy drinking only champagne (straight from the bottle? I forget) and Max drinking bottled beer.  What's her face, Taco Hat, only drank water though, and I think it was from a glass and not a bottle, so maybe there goes that theory...

Maybe it was something in the mixed drinks, like if the club soda dispenser was moldy or had bacteria. Or the limes and lemons hadn't been washed and were tainted with something.

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On 4/20/2022 at 12:14 PM, Frisky Wig said:

Also, why didn’t more people look into why their coworkers were missing? Wilders interpreter, go to her apartment and find out what’s going on! Or, like someone else said, call for a wellness check! Did anyone else notice that his last text to her said “call me?” Is he referring to TDD? 

I think he just meant to text him on his cell phone.  She and Max were texting very comfortably at the bar to have a connected, real time conversation without her interpreter.

On 4/21/2022 at 8:58 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

I was wondering if there could be something wrong with the ice or glasses, like maybe the cleaning solution or something.  I wasn't always paying attention (because I didn't know I should be until the end), but they did specifically show Iggy drinking only champagne (straight from the bottle? I forget) and Max drinking bottled beer.  What's her face, Taco Hat, only drank water though, and I think it was from a glass and not a bottle, so maybe there goes that theory...

This show already did an episode where the ice machine was infecting people in the hospital. Hopefully, they will come up with something a bit more original than that. 

On 4/21/2022 at 8:58 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

I'm not sure what happened, but I think poisoned or drugged is the most obvious answer.  I know it showed Casey's friend driving recklessly, but wouldn't they have heard about a bad crash?  Even if the victims didn't come to their hospital, someone would have heard about it on the news or been stuck in traffic or whatever.  I think all of the other things that could have happened to them were just red herrings.

There are lots of car accidents in New York, they may not have heard about it if they were taken to a different hospital. They would have tried to call Casey's family if he was seriously injured, but maybe not the hospital?

But I don't think he was in an accident. I think it was a fake out. Just like suggesting Wilder invited a murder from a dating site into her house, or that holistic doctor was going to jump off a bridge. Clearly there's a connection and it's unlikely Casey was in an accident the same night 4 other people were poisoned or whatever. The same thing went on with all of them.

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On 4/20/2022 at 12:14 PM, Frisky Wig said:

Also, why didn’t more people look into why their coworkers were missing? Wilders interpreter, go to her apartment and find out what’s going on! Or, like someone else said, call for a wellness check! Did anyone else notice that his last text to her said “call me?” Is he referring to TDD? 

She could make a Facetime call, so that they can sign to each other.

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On 4/24/2022 at 9:09 PM, Driad said:

Some of us can't read them at all, so we miss part of the plot.  If the producers can't be bothered to make the text messages readable, it would be nice if the closed caption people would include the text messages.

At least with the texting in this show, they had it pop up in a bubble - it's much worse when they expect you to read a phone's screen. At least with a bubble popping up I have a chance to read it.

The Crystal Doctor went to the piers in Long Island City, across the East River in Queens.  Great views of the Manhattan skyline, and the hottest place for hanging out after you’ve been roofied.

I love the consistency of the characters on this show. Leyla “How dare you buy my spot in the rotation. I hate you and never want to see you again!”  Also Leyla: “Could you please buy me a spot in the immigration rotation? Wanna hang out?”

And then there’s Iggy: “I miss the spontaneity of being able to hook up with any random hot guy.”  Also Iggy: “Hey Martin babe? I know we’ve got six kids under the age of twelve, but I just couldn’t resist adopting this set of infant triplets.”

Several counts of attempted murder seem like a slightly extreme reaction to losing your job for 18 months. Does he always carry a supply of roofies with him just in case some doctors show up?

Enough already with poor Helen. This is becoming like torture porn. BTW - who would they dump the new baby off on? I hope Luna’s kidnapper grandparents are up to the task.

Poor Floyd. Should’ve stayed in San Fran with the hot lawyer. I guess his mother figured out how to give herself insulin after all. 

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