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S09.E17: Eat, Pray, Run

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Terry really does think he is a Real Housewife: http://www.allabouttrh.com/terry-dubrow-says-doesnt-want-go-back-rhoc/#comment-1392671

Tamra Barney's neighborhood.

I love how the commenters are debating whether or not Terry will continue to support Heather's appearance on the show. It was HIS idea to do it in the first place. He gave her the silent treatment until she agreed to become a RH. Edited by MatildaMoody
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I love how the commenters are debating whether or not Terry will continue to support Heather's appearance on the show. It was HIS idea to do it in the first place. He gave her the silent treatment until she agreed to become a RH.

If Terry was told he was the new housewife and Heather was out, I think he'd cry tears of joy. It still repulses me that he was part of that Swan show on FOX years ago. This guy wants fame by any means necessary.

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Uh oh, Terry knows that he's the one looking like what they say in medicine, "a penis" and now he wants to take his balls and go home. Just not to a rented house in a cul de sac where he can see neighbors.


If Heather and Terry left the show and Tams stays, she wouldn't have anyone. Vicki and Shannon are a solid unit and any new girls would stick together. That could be interesting.

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Ok so thoughts: The first look for the season finale of "DOCTOR"/ Terry saying "We have a medical term for you and it's....Penis..?!". Wow I couldn't stop laughing, it made my heart sing. I tried to talk to my uninterested mother about it, she didn't seem to know how amazing that line is... :( 


Now on to this episode:

I thought the maturity shown by these woman is clearly lacking, I myself am pretty immature/ am 24...and know better then to act like they do...Vicki is very rude and loud, screaming all the time, I am not sure what she expected to see, going to Bali? I would be so happy if they got rid of her, I really do not care about her story line, and she grates on my nerves. I don't need to hear a middle aged woman or a 6 year old for that matter say go potty. 


I also thought that tourist who had Heather and Tamra eat something that tasted "like ass", was a prank, for them being so rude, and condescending. 


I loved watching the "wolves"/ housewives gang up on Tamra, finally, because the way she goes after people is ruthless and btw her face scares the shit out of me. I do not get why Heather is friends with her? Personally I think Heather is beautiful, and her body is banging. I also really like Shannon and I think the reason why people think she looks older is she seems very stressed and has lines above her mouth.


So all in all an amazing episode, that made my day...I know I am cool. :)

Edited by thesnarkiest
  • Love 6

I love how the commenters are debating whether or not Terry will continue to support Heather's appearance on the show. It was HIS idea to do it in the first place. He gave her the silent treatment until she agreed to become a RH.


Not doubting the truthfulness of this story but I would like to know where it came from because I don't recall it ever being mentioned on the show.  Did Heather say this in an interview?

Not doubting the truthfulness of this story but I would like to know where it came from because I don't recall it ever being mentioned on the show.  Did Heather say this in an interview?

Yes, Heather gave an interview either just before or during her first season stating that Terry had wanted her to do the show. She said that Terry gave her the silent treatment until she agreed to do it. 

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A full hour of terry and Brandi at the 40 minute mark Terry talks about the Beadors: http://podcastone.com/Brandi-Glanville-Unfiltered

Terry claims a cast member lead him to believe David Beadors comments were far worse than they were and he comes off looking really bad.  He is reluctant about giving away the show but does.  He makes many comments about how crazy Shannon is and is straight out of central casting for a reality show.


In Brandi's version of "Marry, Shag, KIll", Heather is excluded and Terry would marry Tamra, kill the rest oh wait, he would shag Lizzie and kill the rest.


Brandi claims she had dinner with Tamra and Shannon and Shannon was too crazy for her-showing everyone her Spanx.  Hmmm I find this hard to believe. 


Brandi and Terry talk about Heather coming off as a bitch and Tamra as a pot-stirrer.  There is a section where Brandi talks about being more like a guy with her texting. . . Terry assumes Brandi wants to text with him as he does Tamra and it becomes very uncomfortable.  Maybe it was suppose to be a joke. . .but Terry seemed a little sheepish afterwards.



  • Love 1
Yeah! I thought Vicki and Tamra didn't have time for "going potty" in their busy, busy live.


Yup. So they just go on the bed. 


Brandi claims she had dinner with Tamra and Shannon and Shannon was too crazy for her-showing everyone her Spanx.  Hmmm I find this hard to believe.


Is showing your Spanx crazier than showing your tampon string? 


And, anyhow, depending on what kind of Spanx they are, you might not even see much. 

  • Love 5

Terry  mentioned that originally he had approached Evolution Media about doing a show about four couples in OC opening a restaurant.

It was then the guy approached Terry about Heather being a RHOC-Heather said no and Terry kept telling the folks at Evolution she would do it-he forged her name on the contract and sent it in. ( I question this.)


Terry went on to mention, at least three times, Heather had been star on CBS and that reality TV was kind of beneath her.  Terry doesn't really blame production as much as he claims to request that for his show they don't intercut a comment that might be in poor taste towards a patient or during a procedure. Brandi said whenever you ask them to leave something out they are sure to show it.  As to this last episode it seemed that Terry was taking the position that people are told something and then one reacts and on later viewing it makes the person who reacted looked kind of foolish and over the top.  I assume some of that was over the Tamra diarrhea dash in Bali.

  • Love 1

Awesome watching this clip.

I'm going to go to Party City and buy some window paint and write on my SUV windows "You'll never see my face again" and add "Promise?" and then park at Tamballs's 'studio'. Knowing me, I'll add a "Save Nugget" on a window.

And make a crepe streamer arrow pointing down to the tailpipe. Borrow the ENTER sign and stick it next to the arrow.

I'll grab a pizza from Rubino's and we can watch hilarity ensue.

  • Love 2

In what part of the country is mid-forties to fifty considered geriatric and sexually dried up? Because that sounds like a mighty sad place to live or visit.


I'm 46 going on 47 and sex drive still there.


I'm just amazed at the ridiculousness of the dissussions.  Mary, shag, kill, who does anal...and these are convos at a inner table with mixed company?


Not to mention, the dancing on tables, getting shit faced all the time.  Nothing wrong with having a good time, but they all seem like functioning alcoholics.  I mean, you can't get on an elephant without having a glass of champagne in your hand?  You can't get on a kayak without having a drink in hand?  

Edited by sasha206
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Heather in a bikini...not a good site.  She's not only way too skinny but she looks straight up and down.  


I also wonder whether she wears padded underwear.  She looks like she has a healthy bottom and that doesn't fit with her overall boniness.


That whole conversation was gross.


What the hell kind of conversation is that in mixed company?  Maybe as girls you talk about it.


And "Marry, shag, kill" game for a bunch of fucking 40 and 50 years-old to play?  Of course there are going to be hard feelings.


Can these people actually talk aobut things that aren't sex related?


No, they can't because Tamra is involved.  When Tamra is involved it's all about the "penis-talk".  All day, every day, all the time.

  • Love 1

I'm 46 going on 47 and sex drive still there.


I'm just amazed at the ridiculousness of the dissussions.  Mary, shag, kill, who does anal...and these are convos at a inner table with mixed company?


Not to mention, the dancing on tables, getting shit faced all the time.  Nothing wrong with having a good time, but they all seem like functioning alcoholics.  I mean, you can't get on an elephant without having a glass of champagne in your hand?  You can't get on a kayak without having a drink in hand?  


It's really sad that is all she has to offer.  

  • Love 1

Everyone's pretty much covered everything. I just had a few thoughts. Did Vicki say there was a skullaton in the box at the temple? Also, good on the temple keeps (sorry didn't catch their titles) for covering the women up before they went in. Spiritual attributes indeed, mmmm hmmmm

I also can't believe Vicki did NOT squeal during the Balinese dance.


OMG.  You did NOT say "Skullaton".   I am literally dying.  Lying prone right now.

  • Love 1

Well, speaking as someone who is gay and generally gets annoyed by speculation about other people's sexuality ...... If assuming Joe is gay is wrong, then I don't want to be right!

Okay I don't remember seeing one iota of Danielle's husband (and only seconds of Danielle) but you have me laughing so hard I'm going to have to find a clip somewhere! 

Heather in a bikini...not a good site.  She's not only way too skinny but she looks straight up and down.  


I also wonder whether she wears padded underwear.  She looks like she has a healthy bottom and that doesn't fit with her overall boniness.




And "Marry, shag, kill" game for a bunch of fucking 40 and 50 years-old to play?  Of course there are going to be hard feelings.


Can these people actually talk aobut things that aren't sex related?

Agreed, and while I admit to being a woman of a "certain age", I'm not sure I want to know exactly which of my friends my husband wants to shag. I assume all of them and take the sting out of it, but I don't know that I want to HEAR about it. I could see that stirring around in the dark crevices of my mind at 2 a.m., and why look for trouble? Be still long enough, it will find you.

  • Love 2

I know Gretchen was the Queen of Articulate, but Vicki and Tamra sure do what I have come to think of as sloppy speak, or lazy speak.


How about this one: in one of this season's first episodes in a talking head, Vicki, while judging someone else' behavior (can't recall who), said something like, "....what goes on behind closed doors should stay...inside". She couldn't finish the old adage.


Tamra also constantly drops her "g's", ...comin', goin', doin'.. but more like doone.


Hey I do that sometimes too but well, it's Tamra.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Could the argument between Tamra and Danielle have devolved into an (obviously) ill-advised "your husband is a bigger (insert epithet for 'homosexual man') than mine" contest? That would qualify as "below the belt" and perhaps go some way in explaining both Andy's comparable coolness toward Tamra this season and the thoroughness of Danielle's excision from the footage- as selectively sensitive as tptb and Andy can be about the topic. It would possibly also account for the bizarre tack the Gregorios adopted pre-season premiere. Who hires a crisis manager to respond to gay rumors ie in what milieu would they even have a demonstrable impact on one's livelihood?

Heather is clearly invested in acting and her association with reality tv and hammy sitcoms might render her too lowbrow but she should really try to find freelance work as a stylist/fashion consultant/editor. Her swim outfit was to-die, I thought: glamorous, unexpected in both color and elan, yet consistent with the overall look she's cultivated. Her sense of style really is impeccable, at once effortless and expensive.

Shannon is the only reason I've found season 10 entertaining. I enjoy the balance of refinement, quirkiness, and unpretentiousness she achieves, and I even like her brand of entitlement well enough. I hope casting manages to find a couple of more ladies with similar backgrounds, if not personalities. However, I think it seems more her idea of the series was gleaned from earlier episodes (like, pre season 5) rather than no exposure to the show at all. I feel like she had a specific narrative in mind- the tragic, neglected wife who could cry on the shoulders of the other women before her husband realized how much he'd taken her for granted. Like a grown-up version of Lauren Conrad from The Hills. She just didn't anticipate the catfight conflicts that became a sine qua non in recent years.

  • Love 4

Could the argument between Tamra and Danielle have devolved into an (obviously) ill-advised "your husband is a bigger (insert epithet for 'homosexual man') than mine" contest? That would qualify as "below the belt" and perhaps go some way in explaining both Andy's comparable coolness toward Tamra this season and the thoroughness of Danielle's excision from the footage- as selectively sensitive as tptb and Andy can be about the topic. It would possibly also account for the bizarre tack the Gregorios adopted pre-season premiere. Who hires a crisis manager to respond to gay rumors ie in what milieu would they even have a demonstrable impact on one's livelihood? Heather is clearly invested in acting and her association with reality tv and hammy sitcoms might render her too lowbrow but she should really try to find freelance work as a stylist/fashion consultant/editor. Her swim outfit was to-die, I thought: glamorous, unexpected in both color and elan, yet consistent with the overall look she's cultivated. Her sense of style really is impeccable, at once effortless and expensive. Shannon is the only reason I've found season 10 entertaining. I enjoy the balance of refinement, quirkiness, and unpretentiousness she achieves, and I even like her brand of entitlement well enough. I hope casting manages to find a couple of more ladies with similar backgrounds, if not personalities. However, I think it seems more her idea of the series was gleaned from earlier episodes (like, pre season 5) rather than no exposure to the show at all. I feel like she had a specific narrative in mind- the tragic, neglected wife who could cry on the shoulders of the other women before her husband realized how much he'd taken her for granted. Like a grown-up version of Lauren Conrad from The Hills. She just didn't anticipate the catfight conflicts that became a sine qua non in recent years.

This season exception to me was that Shannon was pretty exposed to Tamra well before filming.  I was hoping for more of a between us girls banter about concerns in one marriage.  Early on Heather took the bull by the horns and immediately disparaged  Shannon for a pretty nothing comment when she said she wanted her husband to be the one to want to get away together.  I don't know if it was Heather thought perhaps Shannon was borrowing from the rather forced storyline of last season when she and Terry had a bump (a mighty phony one in true Dubrow  fashion) or Heather thought it her job to pick away at the new wife closest to her in wealth and age with comments right out the gate about her choice of décor and holistic approach to life.


Heather hires her stylist, decorators and fashion coordinator so her ability to  convey it to a wide audience would have to come complete with a team-which Heather has never denied.  From her Prada Peter Pan collars at a hoedown or with a plaid blouse in Hawaii she is the only one who clearly has a defined style. 


Rather than silly fights over chairs or constant assertions of being yelled at the series could have taken a more delicate approach over the rather petty things that make these women tick.  One woman's husband accused or singled out for being seemingly gay seems a bit extreme and since no one seems to know what he does for a living it is hard to speculate why a crisis management consultant was required. 


I am also hoping they will find a few more Shannon types and few less Tamra types. It is too bad we really never got know Danielle but it just seem the event planners in these shows is always relegated to friend status (Dana BH, Jennifer Gilbert NYC).  Maybe because they spend their days making parties a success instead of a disaster.


Judging by the past episode it seems that poor Heather who had always befriended the power players in this series was being case aside in favor of the new girl.  I will always wonder how much truth there was in the assertion by Shannon that Tamra complained of having Heather in her wedding and spent little time with her.  Seems like an odd thing to make up but then again Tamra seems to have spent the entire season stirring the pot with half-truths and lies. There was no upside to Heather and Shannon being friends in Heather's eyes so much easier to try and run someone off the show.


Heather is clearly invested in acting and her association with reality tv and hammy sitcoms might render her too lowbrow but she should really try to find freelance work as a stylist/fashion consultant/editor. Her swim outfit was to-die, I thought: glamorous, unexpected in both color and elan, yet consistent with the overall look she's cultivated. Her sense of style really is impeccable, at once effortless and expensive.


I loathe Heather and Terry but I agree her sense of style is far, far above any of the other women. She has a great figure and she shows it off in an age appropriate, classy manner - clothes that are fitted but not skin tight, no low cut tops with floppy wrinkled cleavage hanging out, skirts that aren't too short, yet show off her legs. Vicki and Tamra dress like overage bar whores. Shannon is sometimes sloppy, Lizzy looks ridiculous with her silly outfits, and I haven't seen enough of Danielle. to comment on her. Heather has had a few outfits I didn't like but not because they were inappropriate or tacky, I just didn't like them. I remember one church lady type dress, black with a little white collar with rounded lapels. It looked really silly.

  • Love 2


I will always wonder how much truth there was in the assertion by Shannon that Tamra complained of having Heather in her wedding and spent little time with her.  Seems like an odd thing to make up but then again Tamra seems to have spent the entire season stirring the pot with half-truths and lies. There was no upside to Heather and Shannon being friends in Heather's eyes so much easier to try and run someone off the show.


I think there is so much truth in it. We all saw - on camera - that Tamra was gearing up for an anti-Heather campaign at the start of the season. She literally gave Heather the middle finger behind her back while cozying up to Shannon at that first dinner party. I think Tamra was setting the "self-destruct" timer on her friendship with Heather and over-zealously embracing Shannon as part of it. Tamra has shown time and time again that she will distort and exaggerate the "truth" depending how it suits her needs in the moment. I can so see her bitching about Heather to Shannon in such a way. I can also envision an alternate version of this season where Tamra completely turns against Heather and uses all this famously-denied ammunition against her (i.e. "You said Terry wants to take down the Beadors!"). I think what Tamra didn't anticipate was that 1) she would actually go back to liking Heather 2) some of the gossip she spread would get back to the Beadors (re: the e-mail). Suddenly, Tamra had a whole bunch of messes to clean up as a result of playing both sides against each other. She was sloppy this season.

  • Love 5

I loathe Heather and Terry but I agree her sense of style is far, far above any of the other women. She has a great figure and she shows it off in an age appropriate, classy manner - clothes that are fitted but not skin tight, no low cut tops with floppy wrinkled cleavage hanging out, skirts that aren't too short, yet show off her legs. Vicki and Tamra dress like overage bar whores. Shannon is sometimes sloppy, Lizzy looks ridiculous with her silly outfits, and I haven't seen enough of Danielle. to comment on her. Heather has had a few outfits I didn't like but not because they were inappropriate or tacky, I just didn't like them. I remember one church lady type dress, black with a little white collar with rounded lapels. It looked really silly.


No question she dresses well; however, I think she is verging on scary thin.  I also think facially, she's really just okay.  Still she's attractive and it is nice to see a woman look sophisticated and she does.

  • Love 1

I think Tamra sets up two potential and opposite arcs with every cast member and executes them according to what she thinks will cause her the best chance of being asked back. She was just as likely to have cast out Heather as an elitist bitch who couldn't see the good in her loveably kooky friend Shannon, until the tides turned and it seemed more prudent to her feign concern and frustration over this poor alcoholic nut job on the brink of destruction. But Lizzie, Shannon, and Vicki all in their own ways saw through it and Tamra is well and truly fucked. I sense a victim arc next season (she's already had bitch, sweetheart, and redemption edits) with a high possibility of meeting an organgeless Alexis for a chat about bullying.

That's my conspiracy theory, anyway.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 3

I think Tamra sets up two potential and opposite arcs with every cast member and executes them according to what she thinks will cause her the best chance of being asked back. She was just as likely to have cast out Heather as an elitist bitch who couldn't see the good in her loveably kooky friend Shannon, until the tides turned and it seemed more prudent to her feign concern and frustration over this poor alcoholic nut job on the brink of destruction. But Lizzie, Shannon, and Vicki all in their own ways saw through it and Tamra is well and truly fucked. I sense a victim arc next season (she's already had bitch, sweetheart, and redemption edits) with a high possibility of meeting an organgeless Alexis for a chat about bullying.

That's my conspiracy theory, anyway.

With Dubrows talking about bowing out for the next season it pretty well leaves Tamra friendless.  I suspect she will do the prudent thing and rekindle the relationship with Vicki.  How many times can the viewers here we are like sisters? Or maybe after nine seasons we will see a return of some of Tamra's nemesis  in Jeana or Alexis or maybe Tamra has overplayed her hand.  What has become clear is Tamra cannot act-this last episode being yet another prime example.  With the Dubrows there was a connection between the 30 something cast and the over 45 set only because they had young children.  Not so much with the rest of the cast although I do think Shannon has always been gracious to Lizzie. 

If Lizzie left the reunion crying and Heather seeming to still be friends with her, it doesn't bode well for Tamra getting the smack down she deserves there at the reunion.  Color me disappointed.  How can Heather be so dense after watching this season.  ITA that Tamra was initially setting up Heather for a fall.


Also Tamra probably said the gay stuff in Bali at the big dinner which was the end of Feb because the gay damage control came out 10 days later.  Enough time for them to get back to LA, get worried, hire damage control and put out a statement.  

Edited by jinjer
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WAIT. wait. Terry is angry about "spread your legs"? What about "ride it like you ride Terry"?!! I don't remember who said it, and I think both statements are in poor taste, but if one upsets you, they both do.

ETA: to clarify, I'm referencing the mechanical bull incident. I realized that I posted this comment with no 'contents' (™ Tamra)

Agree both statements are concerning, especially since they were said with children around.  Eddie is the one who suggested that Heather ride the bull like she rides Terry. 


A caller on WWHL asked this same question of Terry last week. His explanation was that he hadn't heard the comment, but that "someone" had told him about it later. He also said this "someone" (I assume production) failed to mention that Eddie also joined in on this talk.  It sounded like Terry was a bit irritated about the way this information was disseminated to him, more than likely because he is going to make a huge fool of himself.  I generally like Terry, but from the previews he looks like an ass on this topic, and from his demeanor on WWHL, he knows he looks like an ass. 

The explanation that Terry and Heather proffered on WWHL makes no sense. Heather had just lamented with exasperation how the season had played out as an extended version of telephone . . . and then her husband attempts to mitigate his behavior by blaming it on misinformation. As erudite as Heather is (I haven't seen Terry demonstrate the same breadth of cultural fluency because he's never broached a topic in that domain on camera other than Quiet Riot), she and Terry really aren't especially canny or intelligent when it comes to showing common sense vis-a-vis their conduct on the show. In what world would a man think it would be a good idea to make the (obviously prepared) "construction" remark, yell at another man's wife down a crowded dinner table, and pick a random crass comment like the one David made as the springboard for his "ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille" moment when he himself encouraged Slade to rate Lauri Waring's sexual performance on film and contextualized his own wife in vulgar banter about anal sex? He drama queens about how gasp-worthy David's catcall was because Heather is a "mother." Well, Lauri is a mother/"mother," too, and, thanks to Terry, future classmates of the Dubrow children will have a videographic point of departure if they ever want to point out the sexual acts in which their parents participate. It's like the Dubrows have zero critical thinking skills.

  • Love 6

I enjoyed this epi as I liked seeing Shannon bonding with the other HWs, and Tamra finally getting her due. I was disappointed though that when the "bringing down the Bedors" comment was, it seems, finally put to bed as something that Tamra made up, Vicki did not acknowledge that Tamra also told her this lie. It is one thing to go to Shannon with an out and out lie (or so it seems now) about what someone supposedly said, but to repeat the same lie to someone who is not even involved in the story is just out and out psycho bitch on steroids.

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