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Season 7 Discussion

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5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Everybody seems to think that's unbelievable, but just sitting here, I can remember three different men who proposed to me after the first date.

Ha! I dated a guy who dropped the “L” word and told his mom he was going to marry me after two weeks (two dates and a few phone calls). I foolishly stuck around for another week (slower learner than you). Men don’t have a monopoly, though: I too have been guilty of imagining I had found my twuuuu wuuuuvvvv after a couple of conversations and a compliment or two, but at least I didn’t say it! 

I’m very glad Will came to his senses. 

When Leonard was first introduced I thought he was pretty ridiculous, but he really has become one of my favorite characters. His moments with Mrs. C. are just beautiful, even that “we’re going to buy some DOILIES!” bit in the kitchen.

Edited by sharifa70
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11 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Are we really supposed to buy Will being head-over-heels in love with the fiancee after sleeping with her twice and knowing almost zilch about her???

I know. It took talking to a madam for him to realize Maya wouldn't leave her fiancé and he had to end things? Good grief. Both he and Maya are total dopes.

10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I liked the doctor telling Mrs. C. that she's a strong woman, she can take the pain. That as typical of the time, that women's pain was dismissed or called hysteria.

I hated it for exactly that reason. Women's symptoms are still being dismissed today.

2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

the lessons the men got about what fools they can be.

I actually felt kind of sorry for the murderer. He had no family or friends and was obviously very lonely. That's no excuse for shooting someone, of course, and having to pay for companionship doesn't mean you own the person. But you could see why he felt possessive of [I forget her name, sorry].

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10 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

I'm not sure if I could go that far. Esme is not a grown-up but she's in her teens already. 


Will rushes things with every love interest we have seen. His parents, the prostitute, and Meredith preying on him did not teach him about healthy relationships. So I get it.

Bonnie has a child so I hope any romantic relationship is one that helps his character evolve past hit it and quit it, however reluctantly. 

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14 hours ago, ComeWhatMay said:

Will finally saw himself in the john.

I had to read this comment several times because I kept trying to remember if there was a Will-in-the-bathroom scene and whether he’d been avoiding the mirror for some reason. 

5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I can't take many more scenes of lying on the sofa while playing sad music, it's so teenage.

On the plus side, thanks to this scene I discovered Sidney Bechet’s clarinet stylings and have him playing as we speak. 

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Call me crazy (I'm watching episode 3 right now-- but don't worry, I'm not giving away any spoilers), but I'm thinking I wouldn't mind a shift in the show's focus to a certain gay former curate navigating his new reality, encountering a whole new set of acquaintances and friends at his coffee shop and at the university. He's no longer a representative of the church, but the same sensibilities that took him in that direction are still there. He's an innocent, but he's a very intelligent and well-read sort, and seeing his particular talents helping out the cynical and weary Geordie was actually something I would mind on a regular basis. Will (or any vicar that may follow) could still be a part of the ensemble, but Leonard would be the central character. It just feels like there are so many good stories the show could tell. Because as cute as Will is, I  just don't need another rebellious, self- destructive vicar as the show's center. 

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4 hours ago, sharifa70 said:

When Leonard was first introduced I thought he was pretty ridiculous, but he really has become one of my favorite characters. His moments with Mrs. C. are just beautiful, even that “we’re going to buy some DOILIES!” bit in the kitchen.

What I liked was that Will and Geordie both knew “we’re going to buy some DOILIES!” was a cover story and didn't even bother to point out that Leonard is a horrible liar. I got the sense that it was "whatever he is up to, we don't want to know about it." 

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3 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

I got the sense that it was "whatever he is up to, we don't want to know about it." 

So did I. I know part of their disinterest was their mutual preoccupation with the Maya drama, but their lack of reaction and Leonard’s desperation as he repeated “DOILIES!” even though nobody asked just made me laugh. 

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I have been away from this show for years, and am really behind on the characters, but Miss Scott's casual admission to a lesbian affair struck me as hilarious, but also oddly frank. Today that wouldn't raise an eyebrow, but in that time and place it's more difficult to believe she would have just tossed that out there.

Anyway, I may get back to watching this. I really like Bonnie and, as many have mentioned, it seems they may be setting her up to be the big love interest.

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Well, after watching Hotel Portofino, Grantchester is still the better show.  I really wish they would focus more on the whodunnits and less on the Will soap opera.   I kept thinking that Geordie's boss is getting a real prize in that young woman.   If you're so intent on sleeping with another guy during your engagement that sure doesn't bode well once you're married.   I wonder if the show is going to do the backstory on how Maya and the straight laced Cop boss met and why she is going to marry him.    I also think that Bonnie is being set-up to be Will's next love interest (and maybe the final one).  I'm also getting sick of the Kathy/Geordie marriage agita.   The show is supposed to be set in the 50s, yet they have everybody acting like they're in the middle of the 60s/70s.    Yeah, there has always been pockets of "free thought" but the way that this show has every young woman jumping into the Vicar's bed (whether Sidney or Will) you'd think that the Pill was already available and the Sexual Revolution had begun in earnest.  Ditto Women's Liberation.   Why should Betty Freidan write a book when we have Kathy?  

Is this supposed to be the last season of the show?  I'd love to see the recurring adventures of Leonard, Mrs. C and Daniel but then again, I don't think that too many of us are dying to see Leonard sans shirt, so such a show probably wouldn't happen.  

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23 minutes ago, 12catcrazy said:

I also think that Bonnie is being set-up to be Will's next love interest (and maybe the final one). 

That was my read of the situation, too. It seemed like they were setting up an end-game relationship. It can't have been an accident that in the same episode in which Will finally realized that his unhealthy relationship patterns probably stem from the way his father introduced him to sex by way of a prostitute, he had a meet-cute with a spunky young widow and they later had a conversation about how they'd barely met but they'd already talked about some serious, deep things -- in contrast to his relationship with Maya in which all they did was have sex and angst about how they couldn't be together. They seem to be setting up a triangle that allows him to compare and contrast the two women and relationships and eventually realize which one would make him happier, but he'll have to tread carefully because this woman is connected to Geordie's family, and he'll be in big trouble if he hurts her.

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17 hours ago, statsgirl said:

That as typical of the time, that women's pain was dismissed or called hysteria.

It’s not just the pain, it’s the sense of self and wellness when the hormone “tap” is instantly cut off. You are literally thrust into menopause overnight, having to cope with the onset of every one of those symptoms along with surgical recovery!

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1 hour ago, 12catcrazy said:

I'm also getting sick of the Kathy/Geordie marriage agita.   The show is supposed to be set in the 50s, yet they have everybody acting like they're in the middle of the 60s/70s.    Yeah, there has always been pockets of "free thought" but the way that this show has every young woman jumping into the Vicar's bed (whether Sidney or Will) you'd think that the Pill was already available and the Sexual Revolution had begun in earnest.  Ditto Women's Liberation.   Why should Betty Freidan write a book when we have Kathy?  

I watched it a second time with your words in my head and, yeah,  Kathy's ridiculous with her , "I'm raising four kids by myself!" as if Geordie didn't exist and she wasn't making him stay away.   Bonnie is also about 50 years ahead of her time, wearing her dresses with no slip, garter belt or hose, and we have yet to reach the age where we feel free to do hand stands in public while wearing a dress.

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9 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Well it was nice to see Charlotte Richie (Bonnie) again after her sad death on "Call the Midwife."  I guess the actress is type cast as Vicar's wife.  I feel sure she's being set up as the true-love, nice girl for Will.  

She also stars on a hilarious show called "Ghosrs".  You can watch it on HBO max.  The CBS show is based on the the Brit one.  

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My DVR did not record Ep. 1, so 2 will have to be my intro to this season. However, reading all the comments here, watching the “previously” intro, I don’t feel too behind. I was really thrilled with the Ep. 2 opener, as Leonard got several great, glib, hilarious lines within the first 10 minutes (and his performance/lines just kept up throughout). I think he uniquely understands that Mrs. C needs to lean on someone other than her husband, for fear of losing him. I agree with everyone here, that we shouldn’t have to revisit Sidney’s demons through Will-two separate sources of angst. Hope Will’s walking out scene sticks for the rest, as I, too, like Bonnie. 

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17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Mrs. C doesn't have to worry about going into immediate menopause, which the doctor noted with a weird satisfaction, as if congratulating himself.

So he thought. 

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15 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Bonnie is also about 50 years ahead of her time, wearing her dresses with no slip, garter belt or hose,

I noticed that too! I was born in the 70’s and my mom raised me to always wear a slip. I still do, and it’s so ingrained that on the rare occasions when I forget, I may or may not spend the day darting from shady spot to shady spot lest the outline of my legs show through. God help me, I wish Iwere kidding!

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At this point I really only am watching for Leonard and Mrs. C.   I have to admit that when she allowed the doctor to think Leonard was her son (although, really, not sure what else she could say) was lovely.

I feel that plot lines are just being recycled to death.  Vicar with unsuitable love interest/sex partner, Kathy becoming something other than a STAH mom. She's right in that she is pretty much bringing up the children herself since Geordie never takes them even when it is his scheduled time, and she does have her own career.  But we've already been through this.  

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3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

 Bonnie is also about 50 years ahead of her time, wearing her dresses with no slip, garter belt or hose, and we have yet to reach the age where we feel free to do hand stands in public while wearing a dress.

I agree with you about the foundation garments (I'm pretty sure that's the right word for what you're describing). To cut Bonnie a bit of slack, it wasn't a public park. I thought it was the backyard/backgarden of the vicarge, and not visible from the street or most places inside the vicarge. It's not as if anyone who stopped by the vicarage would be able to see her.  

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Kathy's ridiculous with her , "I'm raising four kids by myself!" as if Geordie didn't exist and she wasn't making him stay away.

Except that she is.  He apparently only sees them on Saturday and then he "forgets" that it's his day with the kids and doesn't have anything planned for them to do.  I'd be pretty seriously peeved with him as well.  Back in the 50's a mom working full time and raising a family alone was somewhat uncommon.

3 hours ago, Daff said:

Leonard got several great, glib, hilarious lines within the first 10 minutes

Mr. C:  :Have you noticed anything odd about Sylvia?"

Leonard:  "On a daily basis."

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Vicar 2.0, eh? Vicar = tortured hot guys who lust after married or engaged women while listening to jazz? Detective Vicar who rarely vicars. I

i came for Robson Green and stayed for Leonard’s World, but Geordie is getting more unsympathetic (and that’s saying something), Will is a rerun and I hope this tightens up and gets worth watching.

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"Are we really supposed to buy Will being head-over-heels in love with the fiancee after sleeping with her twice and knowing almost zilch about her???"

Exactly!  And what is there about her?  I don't find her very attractive.  Maybe it's her exotic looks that he likes.   

And why were all the women smoking every time we saw them? 

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6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Bonnie is also about 50 years ahead of her time, wearing her dresses with no slip, garter belt or hose, and we have yet to reach the age where we feel free to do hand stands in public while wearing a dress.

I suspect that's meant to demonstrate that she's an unconventional free spirit. She may be the "good girl" vs. the woman who's engaged to someone else, but she's also not rigidly traditional in spite of being a widowed mom. She's not the typical 50s housewife that Will would find boring.

11 minutes ago, DonnaMae said:

And what is there about her?  I don't find her very attractive.  Maybe it's her exotic looks that he likes. 

I think they answered that in the episode when he realized that his relationship patterns were established by his dad buying a prostitute for him when he was a teen to teach him about sex. He's drawn to unattainable women with a mystique about them (mostly because they're hiding things from him and putting on a facade), and he believes there's a lot more to it than sex when there's really nothing more to it than sex. He fell for that first prostitute and in spite of that heartbreak he's repeated that over and over again, going for women who pretend to be into him but who don't do what it takes to actually be with him, so they don't actually want him. He had that breakthrough moment in this episode when seeing that all the men thought they were in love with the prostitutes and seeing that the women let them think that it was mutual while it wasn't really. He's based his ideal relationship on something that was never real. He was doing it again with Maya, with her being difficult to find after that one time in the club, which intrigued him, then intense sex, then finding out she's unattainable, with her claiming to be into him, but she doesn't break up with her fiance. Not that she's a prostitute, but from his perspective it's similar to that first woman, who's letting him think he's in love while she has no real intention of having a real relationship with him.

Based on his patterns, if she'd just given him her number in the club and they'd gone on a normal date without all the games and mystery and had a conversation in which they got to know each other, he wouldn't have been interested at all. He was initially intrigued by the fact that she was dancing sexily alone, and it doesn't sound like they talked at all while dancing. They had no interaction other than the dancing. He doesn't actually know the real person. He's in love with an idea of a person in his head, and since he doesn't really know Maya, he's mapped that person onto Maya, so he thinks he's in love with her.

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2 hours ago, DonnaMae said:

And why were all the women smoking every time we saw them? 

Because someone involved with the production/creation of the show has decided that the clothing, cars, music, and amount of smoking are going to be era appropriate, but attitudes towards women are going to modern or era appropriate depending on the demands of the plot/storyline. 

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6 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

I suspect that's meant to demonstrate that she's an unconventional free spirit. She may be the "good girl" vs. the woman who's engaged to someone else, but she's also not rigidly traditional in spite of being a widowed mom. She's not the typical 50s housewife that Will would find boring.

I think they answered that in the episode when he realized that his relationship patterns were established by his dad buying a prostitute for him when he was a teen to teach him about sex. He's drawn to unattainable women with a mystique about them (mostly because they're hiding things from him and putting on a facade), and he believes there's a lot more to it than sex when there's really nothing more to it than sex. He fell for that first prostitute and in spite of that heartbreak he's repeated that over and over again, going for women who pretend to be into him but who don't do what it takes to actually be with him, so they don't actually want him. He had that breakthrough moment in this episode when seeing that all the men thought they were in love with the prostitutes and seeing that the women let them think that it was mutual while it wasn't really. He's based his ideal relationship on something that was never real. He was doing it again with Maya, with her being difficult to find after that one time in the club, which intrigued him, then intense sex, then finding out she's unattainable, with her claiming to be into him, but she doesn't break up with her fiance. Not that she's a prostitute, but from his perspective it's similar to that first woman, who's letting him think he's in love while she has no real intention of having a real relationship with him.

Based on his patterns, if she'd just given him her number in the club and they'd gone on a normal date without all the games and mystery and had a conversation in which they got to know each other, he wouldn't have been interested at all. He was initially intrigued by the fact that she was dancing sexily alone, and it doesn't sound like they talked at all while dancing. They had no interaction other than the dancing. He doesn't actually know the real person. He's in love with an idea of a person in his head, and since he doesn't really know Maya, he's mapped that person onto Maya, so he thinks he's in love with her.

It seems like all of his choices are unsuitable, when you consider a potential mate/spouse will need to become an involved career partner as well. But it seems the writers would rather continue to emphasize the soapy saga of romantic failures (as tragic as Sidney’s amorous antics were, each episode seemed to end with the Sunday sermon where we saw he gave some consideration to the emotional state of his flock). Now, Will runs around town with Geordie, is willing to fly off on his motorcycle with Maya, and spends not one moment on his actual job? The story has strayed so far….

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9 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

I think they answered that in the episode when he realized that his relationship patterns were established by his dad buying a prostitute for him when he was a teen to teach him about sex.

Thanks to Betty for pointing things out.  I liked her a lot.

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38 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

Thanks to Betty for pointing things out.  I liked her a lot.

I like her too,  She's too good for Will.  I hope she finds out about his history of entertaining women after hours at the vicarage and runs away fast.

10 hours ago, buttersister said:

i came for Robson Green and stayed for Leonard’s World, but Geordie is getting more unsympathetic (and that’s saying something), Will is a rerun and I hope this tightens up and gets worth watching.

Will and Geordie are quickly bogging the show down with their ridiculousness.  Is there a chance of a spin-off showcasing Leonard and Mrs. C who solve crimes with the aid a recently promoted Miss Scott in the police department?

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13 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Is there a chance of a spin-off showcasing Leonard and Mrs. C who solve crimes with the aid a recently promoted Miss Scott in the police department?

Zero chance with none of us here on the staff at PBS or the show creators. 

I'm so bored with the Kathy/Geordie angst.  They need to resolve things now, and NOT include Clive in the solution!

And how hilarious would it be to see Leonard slowly cycle through every single fashion trend of the 70's?  Nehru jackets and velvet bell bottoms?  Ringo-style Beatles Bangs? Crazy plaid pants and platform shoes?  Oh, the psychedelic splendor he would exhibit!  *LOL*

Edited by SnapHappy
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2 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Thanks to Betty for pointing things out.  I liked her a lot.

You mean Bonnie.  I like her too, and I think she'll be the next and best romance for Will.  Plus she has a sweet little boy who needs a father figure in his life.

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Will does lie on the floor of the church and whine for God to give him a sign.

I was so hoping Geordie would walk in during that self-pity fest and tell Will to snap out of it.

I actually said, “Get off the floor and get your head straight. Quit whining for the impossible, and get on with your life.” Obviously, he didn’t listen. Why have the writers determined we should hate these two?

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Will does lie on the floor of the church and whine for God to give him a sign.

And he's in a situation where he doesn't need a sign. If he's following his faith, the one he's supposedly guiding others in, and reading his own holy book that I would hope he knows something about, then having sex outside of marriage with a woman who's engaged to someone else isn't a gray area. It's wrong. Even if you consider premarital sex itself to be a gray area, they're betraying the trust of her fiance, which is wrong. I had a pastor who used to say that there's no point in asking God for some new revelation when you're ignoring truth that's already been revealed. What he's looking for isn't really a sign about what to do, since there isn't much doubt about what he should do. What he's looking for is an indication that maybe it doesn't apply to him in this circumstance so he can rationalize continuing doing what he wants to do.

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

So, to continue the drama and angst, does it mean Will may start a relationship with Bonnie and then Maya shows up pregnant?

Well, considering this is 1950 something and abortion is still illegal in England, and since they have shown us a Gay relationship, and a couple of Black Churchmen, and Sidney went off to America to be in an interracial relationship and we're now dealing with Women's Lib - (and I'm probably forgetting something - oh yeah, the ladies who play for pay), what the hell - an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy with Will possibly being the Baby Daddy.   Such fun - Maya making a date with a back alley "provider" and possibly dying in the process (crime of the week).

Sounds pretty horrible but the way this show has been going, nothing will surprise me.  

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7 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I like her too,  She's too good for Will.  I hope she finds out about his history of entertaining women after hours at the vicarage and runs away fast.

18 hours ago, buttersister said:

She really is. And Will’s not much of an example for her son at present. Hopefully, Bonnie is a turning point for Will and an impetus to do better going forward. 

I could see Maya dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and seeking a back alley solution, whereas when Meredith got pregnant by 17-year-old Will the resources were there for it to be “dealt with” as Will put it, safely

Yes. Where is Dickens? What the Dickens!

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3 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

 What he's looking for is an indication that maybe it doesn't apply to him in this circumstance so he can rationalize continuing doing what he wants to do.

An Ecclesiastical loophole?  I agree.  He was raised to believe that he was better than others, so probably still feels deep down the rules for others don't actually apply to him.  

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21 hours ago, Cetacean said:
On 7/18/2022 at 4:15 PM, JudyObscure said:

Kathy's ridiculous with her , "I'm raising four kids by myself!" as if Geordie didn't exist and she wasn't making him stay away.

Except that she is.  He apparently only sees them on Saturday and then he "forgets" that it's his day with the kids and doesn't have anything planned for them to do. 

If Geordie quits paying the mortgage and giving Cathy and the kids regular money, I'll believe that she's raising them by herself.  

Edited by JudyObscure
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18 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

An Ecclesiastical loophole?  I agree.  He was raised to believe that he was better than others, so probably still feels deep down the rules for others don't actually apply to him.  

“Entitled ease” at the vicarage. I have no idea why I did not take note of Dickens. Glad he is present and accounted for… 

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Dickens was pining for Leonard and rejected Henry and was happy to see Leonard's return.  But that was last season, wasn't it?   I had them recorded but couldn't watch them while I still had Alan Turing in mind. So I just caught up this week. 

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5 hours ago, Driad said:

How recently have we seen Dickens?

4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

He's often in the background if Geordie's kids are at the vicarage.

I may be confusing episodes, but I thought there was a brief gimpose of Dickens outside with the kids. 

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

If Geordie quits paying the mortgage and giving Cathy and the kids regular money, I'll believe that she's raising them by herself.  

Lots of dads pay the requisite money but play no part in their children's lives.  I don't consider that co-parenting in even the broadest sense.

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On 7/18/2022 at 4:15 PM, JudyObscure said:

I watched it a second time with your words in my head and, yeah,  Kathy's ridiculous with her , "I'm raising four kids by myself!" as if Geordie didn't exist and she wasn't making him stay away.   Bonnie is also about 50 years ahead of her time, wearing her dresses with no slip, garter belt or hose, and we have yet to reach the age where we feel free to do hand stands in public while wearing a dress.

I think what gets tedious is that, as others have said, Kathy seems to be existing in the 70s while Geordie's a middle aged guy in the 50s so naturally he keeps failing all these tests she's giving him. He makes me think of Don Draper once saying something like, "What am I supposed to do, change diapers?" as if a man would never do that, even for his own kid! It's just absurd!

There's of course plenty more that Geordie could do. He should always remember when the kids are with him and have something planned. But there's something just funny about him putting effort into growing actual flowers to give her but having the wrong flower in mind when he did it. Who knows where that came from? And I was wondering what Kathy expected wrt the kids being clean. Like, they'd been swimming, they must have changed back into the only clothes they had with them. Did she think he'd give them a bath? Dry their hair? Not that I don't understand her annoyance at the general attitude that if there's any mess Mom cleans it up even if it's happening at Dad's house, but the story just does so often feel like it's a Time Travel comedy rather than an actual marital troubles story taking place in 1959.

On 7/18/2022 at 4:15 PM, dubbel zout said:

Mrs. C doesn't have to worry about going into immediate menopause, which the doctor noted with a weird satisfaction, as if congratulating himself.

God, yes. Well, we don't have to worry about that since you're WELL PAST child bearing age. Thanks doc.

7 hours ago, ComeWhatMay said:

She really is. And Will’s not much of an example for her son at present. Hopefully, Bonnie is a turning point for Will and an impetus to do better going forward. 

I could see Maya dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and seeking a back alley solution, whereas when Meredith got pregnant by 17-year-old Will the resources were there for it to be “dealt with” as Will put it, safely

Yes. Where is Dickens? What the Dickens!

I'd hope if Maya got pregnant she'd just blame it on the fiance she's stepping out on. But knowing this show, there'd be some reason she couldn't and she'd somehow have only ever slept with Will even though she's obviously into anonymous sex.

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