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Unpopular Food Likes/Dislikes: Table for One

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*whispers*  I hate Thin Mints.  Why kind of ex-Girl Scout does that make me?


I don't hate them, per se, but they're my least favorite! This ex-Girl Scout loves the Tagalongs! And Samoas. Although, oddly, when I was a Girl Scout in the early '80s, Samoas, while they did exist, were nothing like they are now. Think the Keebler Fudge-Striped Cookie with the chocolate covering the back. The caramel and coconut must have been added much later! I do miss the Chocolate Chunk cookies.  :-(

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I used to love Thin Mints straight from the freezer. Aww, the days of buying multiple boxes, just to support my nieces of course. Fortunately they've grown up & I don't feel the obligation for random kids & my family is gluten free. However, I never liked the shortbread. I always thought it was more like a sweet, bready cracker wishing to grow up to be a real cookie.

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I hate ketchup with a fiery passion. HATE IT. Just the smell makes me want to throw up. When I see people who pour ketchup all over their fries instead of off to the side... *retch*


I'm also not particularly fond of regular mustard, either.


I'm honey mustard's bitch, however. I use it for chicken strips AND fries. That said, some places--Chili's, Cracker Barrel, Dairy Queen--have better honey mustard than others (Popeye's).


And I LOVE mayonnaise, and I always put it on my hamburgers/chicken sandwiches if it's available. And if a fry lands in some mayo, I'm not even mad.


I prefer my hamburgers/chicken sandwiches without lettuce or tomato. Give me mayo, bacon, mushrooms and cheese and I'm good.


That said, I was raised to only have Hellman's mayonnaise at home, so having Miracle Whip is NOT an option for me, ever.


I go to Dunkin' Donuts all the time...for an Iced Mocha latte, and occasionally hash browns, bagels with cream cheese, chicken biscuit sandwiches, or bacon egg and cheese sandwiches. I'm one of the five people on earth who HATES donuts.


With the exception of coffee, I will drink milk (especially skim milk!) over any other drink on earth (my friends tease me about this all the time). I never wanted to try soda growing up, and the only alcohol I care for is red wine, and I don't even drink the latter very much at all (I've never even been drunk before...and at 26, that's really lame :P).


I DESPISE chocolate ice cream, and have ALWAYS preferred vanilla to it (and I prefer strawberry to chocolate, too). That said, if I have ice cream now, it will most likely be chocolate chip cookie dough. 


I can't drink black coffee. It has to have something in it, otherwise it's bland as hell. And weirdly enough, I will only milk in it if there are other things in it, too (like French Vanilla Coffee Mate or mocha, stuff like that). Every once I used to mix hot chocolate mix with coffee and Coffee Mate. It was amazing. 

That's the other name for the shortbread, right, depending on which bakery they use? Then I'll arm wrestle you for the last box!


It is. And fair enough, I'll just run away and get the Thin Mints if necessary ;) .

Edited by UYI
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Had to put one that I forgot to mention earlier:


Tuna sandwiches are honestly one of my favorite foods on earth. My mom  makes GREAT tuna, and although mine could use some work (I tend to put in too much mayonnaise and it winds up sort of misshapen and drippy), I still do a pretty decent job of making it. The only thing is, I don't like celery or onions in my tuna, so when I was kid, I would pick them out of the sandwiches my mom would make me (she eventually started making it without that stuff for me, though). That is the main reason I can't eat tuna sandwiches from Jimmy John's--theirs are so full of vegetables that it just ruins it for me. Subway, on the other hand? Just smooth, plain tuna, no vegetables sticking out. I love it.


One thing I also do, for some reason, is take the crusts off of the bread of homemade (but not restaurant) sandwiches (and count me as someone who grew up with whole wheat bread and can NEVER imagine eating white bread). Anyone else do this? 


The fact that I love spaghetti, and a lot of Parmesan cheese on my spaghetti, is not unusual. The fact that I prefer to put my tomato sauce on the side of the plate and dip my pieces of spaghetti into it, as opposed to putting the sauce on top of it before the cheese? Definitely unusual. 

Edited by UYI
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One thing I also do, for some reason, is take the crusts off of the bread of homemade (but not restaurant) sandwiches (and count me as someone who grew up with whole wheat bread and can NEVER imagine eating white bread). Anyone else do this?


Ha - my mom thought she'd fool me, and cut the crust off my bread.  When I still left a ring of bread on my plate, she thought she'd proved I was being silly by not eating the crust (or "crust").  Until I explained my problem was not with crust, but that she didn't carry the mayo and innards all the way to every edge of the bread, and I do not eat just plain bread.


And speaking of unpopular dislikes, I find white bread just gross.  Growing up, I was given wheat, sourdough or rye for my sandwiches or toast.  I'd get white at other kids' houses - since it was ubiquitous then - and wonder what the hell was wrong with their parents.

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Until I explained my problem was not with crust, but that she didn't carry the mayo and innards all the way to every edge of the bread, and I do not eat just plain bread.


This is why I have to remake sandwiches in restaurants. The cooks (although it seems strange to call them cooks for an uncooked sandwich) always just slap stuff on, so you sandwich has a big wodge of meat in the middle with nothing on the outside and vegetables stuck in there somewhere, usually falling out one side. So when I order a sandwich, the first thing I do is take it apart and remake it. By the time I take the first bite, everyone else is halfway through eating.

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And speaking of unpopular dislikes, I find white bread just gross.  Growing up, I was given wheat, sourdough or rye for my sandwiches or toast.  I'd get white at other kids' houses - since it was ubiquitous then - and wonder what the hell was wrong with their parents.

Is this just wonder type white bread or any white bread? Because while I prefer whole wheat, rye, sourdough and the like sliced packaged bread to white, nothing beats French baguettes and Italian loaves IMO. Healthy? Nope. Sublimely delicious? Yep.

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Ha - my mom thought she'd fool me, and cut the crust off my bread.  When I still left a ring of bread on my plate, she thought she'd proved I was being silly by not eating the crust (or "crust").  Until I explained my problem was not with crust, but that she didn't carry the mayo and innards all the way to every edge of the bread, and I do not eat just plain bread.

My daughter did this to me when she was little and had toast with butter on it!  Any part of the toast without the butter was never eaten.  Admittedly, I was a bit sloppy about the butter distribution - I prefer my toast dry and so does her older brother - so I just never paid a whole lot of attention to making sure there was uniform coverage.


I really don't care for mayo.  I'll use it in tuna fish or turkey salad to act as glue to keep it from falling apart, but that is it!  Actually, when I can use plain greek yogurt I do now instead of mayo.

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Hmm, picking up on this...


until I was well into my 20's I never knew there was a difference between mayonnaise and Miracle Whip. We always called it mayo in my house. I remembr I was at a friend's mother's house and tasted her potato salad (made with Duke's) and thought it had spoiled. That was my introduction.


I too am not a fan of ketchup. I occasionally use it on fries, if they're bad and I'm desperate. The exception is burgers. I mix the mayo and yellow mustard on one side and ketchup on the other. Never any different.


While I now prefer white butterbread for sandwiches (I have different bread preferences depending on how I'm eating it), I grew up with ROman Meal wheat bread, which is oddly different from the Roman Meal of today. It was more square shaped. Does anyone remember that?

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I too am not a fan of ketchup. I occasionally use it on fries, if they're bad and I'm desperate. The exception is burgers. I mix the mayo and yellow mustard on one side and ketchup on the other. Never any different.


Me too. I prefer my fries plain or available, with real mayo.


I find Heinz or the taste of "modern" ketchup too sweet for me. I've tried home made ketchup and much prefer it.

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My elementary school mixed mayo and mustard together for burgers and called it "special sauce." I think I was in 5th grade before I realized how simple it was!

Kudos to your grade school cafeteria, mayo/mustard combo is one of my favorite condiments.

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Kudos to your grade school cafeteria, mayo/mustard combo is one of my favorite condiments.

Add in some sour cream and you have my favorite chicken nugget dipping sauce.


And speaking of that, I don't like barbeque sauce as a dipping sauce for chicken.  I like barbeque sauce, but I think is just overpowering smokey/sweet on a simple little piece of chicken.

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Me too. I prefer my fries plain or available, with real mayo.


I find Heinz or the taste of "modern" ketchup too sweet for me. I've tried home made ketchup and much prefer it.


Re ketchup -- yes, it is too sweet.  Most ketchup is made with high fructose corn syrup, which is very sweet.  I look for ketchup that doesn't use it; there are some small brands, but for big-store brands, French's has a no HFCS version.  It may be all in my head, but I like it better than Heinz 57.  How hard/complicated is home made ketchup to make?  I will definitely look into it.

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We are getting a new pizza chain called Pie Five in our area that looks pretty good, does anyone have any experience with them?


We're getting one, too, but I don't expect to try it until summer when all the college students are gone.

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I like many of the foods others dislike. I love all types of seafood, peanut butter,eggplant and mushrooms. I don't like eggs by themselves although I don't mind them in a recipe like pancakes. I hate bananas or anything banana flavored. I hate corned beef and cabbage I think it smells nasty. I'm with the mayo haters especially on hamburgers. I only like mayo on tuna fish.

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We have Pie Five in Fort Worth, but I've never been. Also looking forward to anyone's opinion who has been there.

Well great timing for once in my life. For some odd reason I got an email invitation to try a pre-opening free pizza at our new Pie Five next week. Maybe because I write reviews on Yelp? I will take advantage and report back, but probably in the Fast Food thread.

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I LOVE watermelon!  Its so refreshing in the summertime.


Dislike due to smell:

Mayo (unless its in a Banh Mi or macaroni salad)


Canned tuna (although I don't like any Tuna)




Other dislikes:






Mexican food (not a fan of beans and the sauces just don't look appetizing to me)

Sushi (raw fish - yuck, although I tried a California roll and didn't like whatever "sauce" they put in it)

Raw onion (love sautéed onions)

Raw tomatoes (like em cooked, but not big chunks of it)

Raw bell peppers






Oatmeal - don't like the texture

Mashed potatoes

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And if a fry lands in some mayo, I'm not even mad.


Mad?? I'm mad if I *can't* find packets of mayo for my fries. It's hard to share fries with the DW, because she's all into ketchup and hates mayo, while I don't want ketchup anywhere near my fries. I have been known to, in desperation, pick up packets of tartar sauce instead. Good thing I don't eat fries all that often!



My elementary school mixed mayo and mustard together for burgers and called it "special sauce." I think I was in 5th grade before I realized how simple it was!


Ha! My mom used to make this, put it in a glass serving dish, and call it special ham sauce. My friends who had never had it could not get over how much they liked it.


Ice cream, to me, is an excuse for topping and stuff mixed in. No stuff, no topping...nah, not interested. And the ratio of mix-ins to ice cream has to be pretty dang high. General chocolate chip or cookies and cream or cookie dough do not count. Must be Ben and Jerry's level of stuffed with stuff.


I hate fruit and vegetables mixed together in a salad. So irritating when I want a salad and turns out there are strawberries in it, or pineapple, or mango or apple. It just tastes like eating weirdly sweet spinach and the fruit is usually mushy, and there's no mush allowed in my salads. Am picking out chunks of very pale "mango" from my kale salad right now.


I always thought Girl Scout cookies looked and sounded much better than they actually tasted.

Edited by potatoradio
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I hate fruit and vegetables mixed together in a salad.


What about tomatoes ?   : ))



Ha! So much for that blanket statement, eh?


Yeah, tomatoes can stay. Also on the allowed fruit list:



Avocado (slices, not mushed up)



Sunflower seeds




I think it's the combination of vegetables with a sweet fruit that gives me fits. Strawberries, grapes, pineapple, melon, etc. I have to pick those out and eat them separately if I end up with them in a salad.

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I am definitely not a picky eater.  There are very few foods that I actually hate:  Oysters, mussels, clams, caviar, octopus (I'll eat calamari if it's just the 'rings' and is prepared tempura-style), venison, lamb, veal and any type of 'innards' (liver, gizzards, etc.).  Oh, and cilantro (I have the 'anti-cilantro' gene--it tastes like soap to me).  That's about it.  There are foods that I don't care for, never cook with them and try to avoid foods that contain them, but I'll eat them to be polite if I'm served any:  Olives, capers, mushrooms, avocado, anchovies,...and I think that's about it.


I think that one of my favorite foods is Dungeness crab.  I only have it once a year or so, and I never get enough of it in that one meal.  If I could choose, that would be my last meal.

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I love mushrooms. LOVE THEM. Five Guys is awesome because then I can get a bacon cheeseburger with mayonnaise and mushrooms. Yay me! 


Someone several pages back mentioned having mayo with bacon and eggs. That actually sounds really good! They didn't like mushrooms, though, and I think I would want to add mushrooms just to try it. You never know; it might be amazing. 

Edited by UYI
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We are getting a new pizza chain called Pie Five in our area that looks pretty good, does anyone have any experience with them?

Hey - we're getting one too.   I haven't been there, but I love it already - they sent me a coupon for a free pizza! 

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UYI - we may just be kindred spirits, well when it comes to food anyway.


I too like mayo but not Miracle Whip.  Jimmy John's tuna sandwiches are one of my favorite things that I can eat every day.  And mushrooms?  Can't get enough of them!

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I didn't like mayo until I had REAL mayo (rather than Miracle Whip).  I prefer chipotle mayo over the regular kind.  That's probably why I add ketchup to potato salad (is that weird?). 

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I do not like this cheddar cheese I got from Target. I don't know the brand, but it's mango fire cheddar flavor. One piece will be hot; the next is mild. But, the mango flavor is chemical tasting. Just no good at all to me.

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UYI - we may just be kindred spirits, well when it comes to food anyway.


I too like mayo but not Miracle Whip.  Jimmy John's tuna sandwiches are one of my favorite things that I can eat every day.  And mushrooms?  Can't get enough of them!


Agreed except that I actually like Subway tuna sandwiches better. JJ's have all these vegetables sticking out and I just can't eat them; Subway's are nothing but smooth tuna. Otherwise, though, I guess we're pretty close! 

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I didn't like mayo until I had REAL mayo (rather than Miracle Whip).  I prefer chipotle mayo over the regular kind.  That's probably why I add ketchup to potato salad (is that weird?).

Yes I believe it is. Not the preferring mayo over Miracle Whip part, though, that's normal.

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Until I was in my mid-20's I neve knew anything other than Miracle Whip, it was the only thing my family used. When I had potato salad at friend's house I spit it out and thought it had gone bad. Turns out it was mayo. I only use miracle whip and I found the lite mayo at Subway(can't do Jimmy Johns since I read about their owner being a trophy hunter) tastes like miracle whip, so now I always ask for yellow mustard, oil/vinegar and extra lite mayo. They look at me like I'm insane!

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I don't hate them, per se, but they're my least favorite! This ex-Girl Scout loves the Tagalongs! And Samoas. Although, oddly, when I was a Girl Scout in the early '80s, Samoas, while they did exist, were nothing like they are now. Think the Keebler Fudge-Striped Cookie with the chocolate covering the back. The caramel and coconut must have been added much later! I do miss the Chocolate Chunk cookies.  :-(

Are you buying actual Samoas or did you move to an area with Caramel Delights? Samoas, to me taste the same as they ever did but I refuse to eat Caramel Delights. And in case any of you didn't know, Thin Mints are Keelber Grasshoppers and Samoas are Keebler Coconut Dreams.


I hate Miracle Whip and Market Pantry (Target brand) cheeses. Funny because I will eat all other Market Pantry products.

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Are you buying actual Samoas or did you move to an area with Caramel Delights? Samoas, to me taste the same as they ever did but I refuse to eat Caramel Delights. And in case any of you didn't know, Thin Mints are Keelber Grasshoppers and Samoas are Keebler Coconut Dreams.


I hate Miracle Whip and Market Pantry (Target brand) cheeses. Funny because I will eat all other Market Pantry products.


I knew about Samoas being sold as Keebler Coconut Dreams, and they are yummy!


As for your Caramel Delites versus Samoas question, I have bought boxes of both-named versions in my area, and I can't tell the difference except for the name change. Same for Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs! I guess my palate isn't all that discriminating.

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I don't know if all these are really popular, but some are at least trendy, and I don't like them!

-'chicken and waffles. Chicken is fine and waffles are fine, but I don't get putting them together. I usually like my sweets and my savories separate, so that's one reason.

- edible flowers or anything flowery tasting. Lavender-flavored ice cream? Yuck. This includes ripe papayas (I like green papaya salad as long as it's been marinating in vinegar long enough to get soft) and lychees (but I like rambutans, which are very similar but without the floral taste)

- keep your spices and other weird stuff out of my ice cream! I don't want basil, chili, etc. I have heard of a corn/cheese ice cream made by Magnolia, a Filipino company, that I kind of want to try, even though I expect it will be a one-time experience

- meat with my meat. Bacon is wonderful, but I don't want it wrapped around my steak or scallop or on top of my burger.

- most smoked meats (brisket, pastrami, etc.)

- marshmallows; also, anything else with a gelatinous texture

- strawberries - probably the most popular food I dislike

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Conceptually, I dislike this since it seems dumb.


I was shopping for K cups and they had something called Coconut Splash which was a coconut water mix (whatever that is) that you brewed in a Keurig than poured over ice (it tells you to do this on the package).


The first ingredient listed on the box was sugar, coconut and then some other chemically ending stuff.


Why wouldn't you just by a container of coconut water if that is what you wanted?  I check my carton in the fridge and the only ingredient listed is coconut water.  It has fructose in it, but no added sugar.


I get that some people like iced tea or iced coffee and use their Keurig or similar to make the basic beverage.  I don't get why you would make a beverage intended to be served over ice in one of the single serve machines when there are plenty of ready-to-drink options available.

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Conceptually, I dislike this since it seems dumb.

I was shopping for K cups and they had something called Coconut Splash which was a coconut water mix (whatever that is) that you brewed in a Keurig than poured over ice (it tells you to do this on the package).

The first ingredient listed on the box was sugar, coconut and then some other chemically ending stuff.

Why wouldn't you just by a container of coconut water if that is what you wanted? I check my carton in the fridge and the only ingredient listed is coconut water. It has fructose in it, but no added sugar.

I get that some people like iced tea or iced coffee and use their Keurig or similar to make the basic beverage. I don't get why you would make a beverage intended to be served over ice in one of the single serve machines when there are plenty of ready-to-drink options available.

Well then, you're gonna love this probably. I heard on my local news last night (Tuesday), & saw in a Tweet from People magazine, that Keurig is introducing a Keurig Kold (I think that's the name) machine in time for Christmas, with which people can make--among other things--certain Coca-Cola products (the pic I saw showed pods to make regular & Diet Coke, Orange Fanta, & some stuff I'm not familiar with). It's like the Sodastream machine from awhile back, only you can make brand name products in this & not just generics.

I think the People article said something about Coca-Cola being an investor or partner (1 of those words, anyway) in the project. Which, of course, is why you can make (some of) their products in the new machine.

Oh... And at least as of recently, you can make certain flavors of Campbell's Soup in the hot Keurig machine; they have Campbell's Soup pods now. That could sort of be helpful if you only want an individual serving/less than a full can (in my opinion).

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Keurig Kold?  People most have a lot more disposable income and counter real estate than I do!


I've seen the ads for the Campbells Soup K Cups and thought Lipton Cup-a-soup has been around for a couple of decades.  I occasionally make one just by opening the Lipton packet into a cup and making hot water from the Keurig - not exactly rocket science.  But I get the appeal that the Campbells product might have.


I always have to throw my Keurig coffee (and cup-o-soup) into the microwave because I need a hotter temp than the machine gets too,

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Yep.  I usually use an AeroPress (totally manual) and compost all the waste.  I no longer have a bigger coffee maker since I don't need it normally and the smaller brewers seemed to make substandard coffee to me. 


I bought reusable k-cups because the thought of all that waste was killing me, but I keep a small supply of the manufactured ones on hands for guests and caffeine emergencies.  But 85% of the time I am  using my AeroPress, 10% the re-usable k-cups and 5% retail k-cups.


ETD:  Because Athena beat me to the creator stuff.

Edited by DeLurker
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