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S18.E07: Today Was a Fairytale


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Dr. Hamilton takes his frustrations out on Meredith, so Nick gives her a chance to blow off steam by scrubbing in on a surgery. Back in Seattle, Link and Jo take their kids to a fairytale theater performance that goes wrong. Bailey and Dr. Lin attend a recruitment fair in hopes of attracting more doctors to Grey Sloan but find themselves ill-prepared.

Airdate: 9 Dec 2021

Is Meredith actually doing any work on the Parkinson's research or is it all being done by Amelia and Kai while Meredith takes the credit?

The resident recruitment was as realistic as the show's earlier  medical journals with glitzy pictures of star doctors, which is to say not at all. The matching procedure is far more complicated than this (New Amsterdam did it more realistically) and while free pizza and your name on a tote bag is fun, any surgical resident who bases their decision on that is a resident you don't want at your hospital.

If Jordan Wright is so great, why didn't he match at Grey-Sloan? Maybe the problem with the dud residents is that your matching criteria sucks.

I feel sorry for Jo but Hands Off Linc now that he's finally realized that it's about who you love, not who will give you the trappings.


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"Does anybody have an epi pen?" <All raises their hand.>

Kids today... Moms still don't learn CPR but they are all about the peanut allergies.

I like Kai, and the explanations for why clinical work has its perks. Where would we be if everyone was only into adrenaline rather than steadfast research? But I'm not excited about Amelia and Link blowing up. Jo is so gross, Sometimes I'm just not up for this level of soap opera.

  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is Meredith actually doing any work on the Parkinson's research or is it all being done by Amelia and Kai while Meredith takes the credit?

I was going to say the same thing, what is she doing on the project? I guess they think showing research as boring, but at least have dialogue saying she is doing something. She didn't even know the latest numbers on the cell survival.

That resident she brought over from Minnesota seemed a thousand times better a doctor than Glasses or anyone else we've seen at Grey-Sloane. 

I was going to make fun of Jo not knowing the story of Rapunzel, but I didn't know the prince went blind. I also thought it was weird that when Luna was crying and the actress offered to deal with her while Jo was treating the prince, Jo said "bring her closer to me." Um, maybe the baby is crying because she can sense the stress and wants to be further away?

Also, of course Jo realizes she loves Linc the second he realizes he doesn't need to be married. At least they didn't cut from Linc's realization to Amelia and Kai having sex, which is what I thought was going to happen.

  • Love 11

I think Meredith isn’t doing any work on the Parkinson’s project is that she has nothing to contribute to the project.    She was brought in as a figurehead and to do the surgery part.   

I don’t think Jo is really in love with Linc. I think when he said he’d had a crush, she had a sudden vision of how different her life would have been if she’d realized this years ago.   As for Linc, I think he’s still getting fired up without really understanding Amelia’s POV.  He said that he realized they don’t have to get married right away, or done such wording, not that he was okay with never getting married.  

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43 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I think Meredith isn’t doing any work on the Parkinson’s project is that she has nothing to contribute to the project.    She was brought in as a figurehead and to do the surgery part.   

Then why does she need to be there all the time? Other than a plot device?

Seriously, how does she still have a job in Seattle. It seems like she never came back from Minnesota after last week's storm. Does she not need to put in certain hours? Lots of people can work remotely, but not surgeons.

  • Love 4

I don't get it, Meredith and Amelia are in somewhere else (Minnesota? If it is Minnesota, is this where Cristina worked at the start of Season 8? The scrubs are the same colour), Maggie is in Boston with her dad, who is watching Meredith's 3 children?  Zola is only 12-ish, she can't do it alone.  

How is Nick going to feel when he discovers Meredith stole his best resident to work under Bailey?  All I can say is at least there is a decent resident at Grey Sloan and not the incompetent Schmidt and the drooling Hellmouth.  He is even pretty to look at - maybe to replace Jackson?  

Maggie used to annoy me to tears, but I really like her evolvement. 

I don't like Jo and Link.  While I am tolerating Nick and Meredith, I think I would prefer Meredith with McIrish, but if she can't have him, maybe Jo over Owen's sister.  Link belongs with Amelia!  Last season, they were the stable couple who held Grey's together for me, I hate that they are pairing them with others.  I personally would like a new interest for Jo altogether.  

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

At least they didn't cut from Linc's realization to Amelia and Kai having sex, which is what I thought was going to happen.

I was convinced that that's what they were going to do so kudos to the show.

On the other hand

8 hours ago, Shellie said:

In the last episode, there was a snowstorm and Meredith couldn't get home for Thanksgiving.  And now it's summer. 


1 hour ago, LittlePeas3 said:

I don't get it, Meredith and Amelia are in somewhere else (Minnesota? If it is Minnesota, is this where Cristina worked at the start of Season 8? The scrubs are the same colour), Maggie is in Boston with her dad, who is watching Meredith's 3 children?  Zola is only 12-ish, she can't do it alone.   

And Maggie has been there since a couple of months before Thanksgiving so 8 months taking care of her father? No wonder Winston was so desperate for sex (although unprofessional even for this show to blow off the med student fair for hours to go to bed with Maggie).  The timeline was very bad in this episode. And Scout, while cute, did not look two years old.

They shouldn't have made Meredith the sole parent of 3 young children if they were going to make her this professionally ambitious. As others have said, you can have it all, you just can't have it all at once.

  • Love 11

Ugg, I am NOT into a Jo/Link pairing.  I really want Amelia and Linc back together.  Remember how great they were? That episode where he pretends to be Owen for her bitchy sisters?? Swoonworthy! Until, for some reason, the powers that be had to make up this marriage obstacle.  Ugg.  

Also, I really think Kai is cool.  They are very attractive and I liked their explanation of why they chose research.  I can even handle the flirtiness with Amelia, but again, dammit, I want Ames and Linc back together. 

I love Scott Speedman, but his character leaves me cold and I get ZERO chemistry with him & Mer [though to be fair, I didn't see any with McIrish either]. And honestly, this whole "cure Parkinsons from Minnesota" storyline is boring.  Send Mer and Amelia back home and let them do some kickass surgeries. 


  • Love 10

Amelia is going to break Link's heart again for Kai… who has the personality of a wet mop. As someone who doesn't much care for Amelia, her and Link were one of the best things to come out of the past few seasons and tptb should be nurturing that not throwing it away. 

I like the new resident. He's competent, cute, and I like that there is someone who holds Miranda Bailey to such high regard. It's hard to believe a fool like Glasses will be his Chief Resident, though. 

The Minnesota Parkinson's Meredith/Nick stuff is so boring. This season isn't that good as a whole (JMO), and having Meredith be so disconnected from Seattle makes it even worse. 


  • Love 9

I don’t think Jo is in love with Linc. I think she’s still getting over Alex and because Linc suggested he was into her at one point m she’s now confused and wondering would her life have turned out for the better had she gotten with him. I think the show will tease out Jo’s crush for a few episodes before putting Linc and Amelia back on together. I really don’t think they’re going to go through with that Pairing as it’s the only genuine male/female friendship on the show at this point.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, statsgirl said:


They shouldn't have made Meredith the sole parent of 3 young children if they were going to make her this professionally ambitious. As others have said, you can have it all, you just can't have it all at once.

As a woman I find this a little offensive (although of course we are talking about a tv show here).  First of all Meredith did not create those three children by herself - she was in a (somewhat) stable relationship with McDreamy and two of those children were brought into the relationship (Zola through adoption of course) and the third was conceived with the expectation that there would be a two parent household.  Furthermore she has the resources to have help to raise her children.  Why should a woman who is professionally ambitious also not be able to have a family?  That's just so 1960s?  The show has never shown Meredith's children looking neglected or less than loved.  I have worked with women attorneys who have very successful careers, have to travel and work long hours, and yet they also have successful families...just sometimes the families don't look like the traditional families that is the ideal on other television shows (and whomever has those kind of families anyway?).

Getting off my soapbox now...

Edited by RoxiP
Ranting, sorry.
  • Love 7

Wow, only 14 replies almost 24 hours after the episode aired. This show is really losing fans.

I'm really not interested in Kai and Amelia. I'm especially not interested in Kai and Amelia becoming a thing. I sometimes think this show just tries way too hard to be woke. 

Why was that actress still wearing her wig and costume at the hospital? She didn't ride there in the ambulance, you would think she would have changed into her normal clothes before going there, and at least taken off that ridiculous wig at some point during the hours she must have waited around.

Also, Jo just left her kid and Linc's kid with a total stranger. I know that hospital has a daycare center. What a crappy mother.


How is Nick going to feel when he discovers Meredith stole his best resident to work under Bailey? 

I think that was her calling in her IOU, as she said she would towards the end.



I was going to make fun of Jo not knowing the story of Rapunzel, but I didn't know the prince went blind. 

The original Grimm fables were always . . . well, grim. He actually falls down in a bramble patch and gets his eyes poked out! 

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I find the Minnesota storyline to be dull as all hell. Somehow they have managed to make Scott Speedman and Peter Gallagher boring. I'll add Kai to the list of boring. I do want Amelia/Link together but if they're going to test the waters with other relationships for them then don't use dull characters. 

I really like Jo/Link as friends. I think the actors have great friend chemistry and I buy them as friends. I really hope we don't have Jo pining away now because Link had a crush on her a decade ago. I hope it's a fleeting moment then we move along. If the new resident is joining the cast perhaps he is a option for Jo if there's some chemistry. I already like him more than Glasses and Helm.

For me, Meredith ambitions aren't the problem with her being a mother. It's that she rarely shows any warmth towards the kids and they are generally nothing more than a fleeting thought. She and Derek were both surgeons, he being a world renowned one at the time. Yet we saw quick scenes of Derek visiting Zola in daycare, having a tea party, etc. Probably 90% of any warm scenes with Meredith's kids since Derek died have been with Amelia, Link or Maggie - all busy surgeons with ambitions too. Even in the last episode Meredith couldn't make it home for the holiday (out of her control) & when the weather cleared and she could have gone home to see her kids she instead said she would go off to the cabin with Nick. She changing her plans to return home to see her kids, even if delayed for a day, went out the window for Nick & not her ambitions.

I tried a couple of times today to get into the forums but they were down.

  • Love 12

I really like Jo/Link as friends. I think the actors have great friend chemistry and I buy them as friends. 

Agreed. It's like a breath of fresh air in a sea of on-call room hookups and bed partner swapping. Why can't the show just leave this one decent relationship alone? 


I don’t think Jo is really in love with Linc. I think when he said he’d had a crush, she had a sudden vision of how different her life would have been if she’d realized this years ago.

I hope you're right but I fear you are giving the writers of this show way too much credit.


For me, Meredith ambitions aren't the problem with her being a mother. It's that she rarely shows any warmth towards the kids and they are generally nothing more than a fleeting thought.

I honestly don't think we're meant to read anything into Meredith's mothering skills by the amount of time we see her with her kids. The show has always treated the kids like props. They just aren't interested in telling those stories. The kids are just a result of the adult relationships and an afterthought. 

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Wow, only 14 replies almost 24 hours after the episode aired. This show is really losing fans.

I realized at 10pm last night that I completely forgot to watch.

4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Also, Jo just left her kid and Linc's kid with a total stranger. I know that hospital has a daycare center. What a crappy mother.

Yeah, they must have been there for hours and no one thought to take them to the daycare? And were they just sitting in their strollers all that time?


  • Love 1
4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I honestly don't think we're meant to read anything into Meredith's mothering skills by the amount of time we see her with her kids. The show has always treated the kids like props. They just aren't interested in telling those stories. The kids are just a result of the adult relationships and an afterthought. 

I don't expect to see large amounts of time with kids since the show mostly takes place at the hospital. It's not the length of the scenes, it's the content. For me anyway. Had she said she was going home instead of to the cabin is an example. Easy way to show her kids are important while requiring no scenes with the kids. There's been quite a few things like this over the years and it's cumulative in giving (again for me, I'm sure other people feel differently) me the impression that she is far from a warm mother.


Yeah, they must have been there for hours and no one thought to take them to the daycare? And were they just sitting in their strollers all that time?

The fact that the daycare is in the building makes it even worse. It's not like someone would have needed to pack them up and take them to a sitter,

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 8

Though I agree that women can be ambitious and still raise children, Meredith's situation is over the top. She has two jobs, in different states, and an active dating/sex life. Her kids don't seem to be a priority for her. 

Linc and Jo were annoying. They carried on a conversation at full volume during a play. Then, yeah, as others have said, they left the kids in strollers with strangers. Of course, I am always amazed on how tv kids stay put.. My boys would have climbed out of the stroller and gone exploring, even as toddlers.

I can't keep up with all the relationships on this show. But, I'm finding that I don't care as much, as I am not liking anyone on the show very much. 

  • Love 7

I'm having a hard time with the Minnesota story line, too.  It is remarkably dull even though the cast is good.  It seems like it was set up solely to pair off Meredith with Scott Speedman, and Amelia with Kai, and neither is working for me.   Peter Gallagher is a boorish caricature, and an afterthought to the romances. 

I like Amelia and Linc too much to be interested in Amelia and Kai.  I like Scott Speedman, though I don't really care much about Mere's love life.   Is this a love affair or a passionate fling? 

New intern seems so much more mature than the residents at Grey's. 

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Wow, only 14 replies almost 24 hours after the episode aired. This show is really losing fans.

I’m sure that’s part of it, but speaking only for myself, there just isn’t much worth commenting on these days.

Linc/Jo? Nah. Amelia/Kai? Meh. (Both pairings have good friend chemistry; why force a relationship. Good friendships are just as interesting to watch as good relationships, and can produce just as much drama. I wish more shows would recognize this.)

Minnesota? Enough. Mer’s kids? Who cares.

That’s all I got.

  • Love 7

Though I agree that women can be ambitious and still raise children, Meredith's situation is over the top. She has two jobs, in different states, and an active dating/sex life. Her kids don't seem to be a priority for her. 

My point is that I honestly don't think the writers intend for us to have that impression, even though I agree that is the impression the show is giving us. It's not that Meredith's kids aren't a priority for her, it's that they aren't a priority for the show. The show isn't interested in seeing Meredith as a mother. The show is focused on Meredith as an object of romance and as a top surgeon and doctor.

I was really a mistake to give her any kids, let alone three of them, since the show clearly doesn't care about that part of her life.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I was really a mistake to give her any kids, let alone three of them, since the show clearly doesn't care about that part of her life.

I see this is Meredith taking after her mother.  Meredith is remarkably detached from all aspects of her life except for surgery, but is especially detached from motherhood, just like dear ole mom.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 6
16 minutes ago, izabella said:

I see this is Meredith taking after her mother.  Meredith is remarkably detached from all aspects of her life except for surgery, but is especially detached from motherhood, just like dear ole mom.

I remember her running away with Zola, when she was afraid that she was going to be taken from them. 

I do agree that she seems distanced from everyone, but I kind of feel like she doesn't really want to be there at all. Ellen. 

I don't care if they give her a boyfriend, it just bugged me, as I mentioned before, that he said his daughter was no longer his first priority, but she's in college, so she doesn't need him to be there as much as she did. Her kids are still small, and don't have their dad. 

Anyway, I'll shut up about that now. 

I did wonder how she just took an intern/resident from another hospital. How does he just get to ditch his current hospital, unless she asked his boss first?

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I wish the show with stop throwing Jo at people I like. No to Jo and Linc.

I don’t like Meredith and this guy either.  I like that Irish guy better.

But at least we didn’t get to see Teddy and Owen so that’s a plus.

Why doesn’t Miranda hire somebody to recruit people? 

Although I agree with you guys that Meredith isn’t doing any work on this project… This was never going to end well because the The main donor doesn’t care about medical research only cares about saving his own life which probably won’t happen.  There’s a certain kind of person that knows they’re sick but wants to fund research to help other people and knows it will take time and this guy is not that person

Edited by dmc
  • Love 5

My thoughts on the episode after reading all the replies here and thinking it over:


Do not want Jonk together no matter what. I am still hoping for a Limelia reconciliation.

On that end, I don't want Kaimelia together either. Though I do like the actor and think that they are very interesting. With their last name, I was wondering if they had part Native American in them since it seems like a Native American last name.

I would prefer ANYBODY to MerHayes and that includes Merick here even though Meredith should focus a little more on her kids. No wonder why Link thought Amelia might want a family someday. She along with Maggie are the main maternal figures in their lives. Plus Maggie has only been their aunt for 7 years and she is more of a mother to them then Meredith.

The only reason why I don't like MerHayes is because I hate being told which couple to root for. The writers pretty much did this by saying that since Cristina sent him to her, we should love them and root for them and I'm still a bit bitter about MerLuca being tossed aside and then him being killed off.

If anything I would rather they do Jomac since I like Jo with Hayes but of course the writers are gonna try to force feed us Jonk and Kaimelia.

Hamilton is a douchebag. Plus I can only see him as William Dodds from SVU. I just got up to the season after his son was shot and killed in the line of duty and Benson is freaking out about it.

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I checked and Fightmaster is their actual surname.   They spent time with Second City.   

I like Kai and Amelia as colleagues.   And maybe they are what Amelia needs right now.

 I said up thread that Linc still has it wrong.  He has decided that it is okay if they don’t get married. Now.   He isn’t really hearing Amelia because to him , marriage is always going to be the end game. 

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I, too, felt like the new transfer resident had more competence than we 've seen from Glasses or Helm. I hope he becomes a real character and they don't botch it. Competent people (who have some weaknesses to overcome) are interesting. Incompetent people who we're supposed to believe somehow don't kill all their patients and keep acting like they are 14 (ahem Glasses and Helm) are not.

The recruiting med students stuff was pretty dull. Who needs a diagram of the new teaching method? how is that helpful? 

The research stuff will always be boring--because it is boring to watch, seems very unrealistic and we all know they are not curing Parkinsons. It works better when they are dealing with one unusual patient or some crisis and have to come up with a new approach. I don't like storylines that you know will not work (unless they ignore reality). 

A big No to Jo and Link. I really hope that does not happen. I like it when shows have solid friendships.

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On 12/10/2021 at 2:22 PM, Avabelle said:

I don’t think Jo is in love with Linc. I think she’s still getting over Alex and because Linc suggested he was into her at one point m she’s now confused and wondering would her life have turned out for the better had she gotten with him. I think the show will tease out Jo’s crush for a few episodes before putting Linc and Amelia back on together. I really don’t think they’re going to go through with that Pairing as it’s the only genuine male/female friendship on the show at this point.

I'm hoping for this, but Grey's does have a tendency to make friendships into love affairs.

This whole season is just meh.  There's really nothing interesting going on.  

  • Love 5
On 12/11/2021 at 3:11 PM, dmc said:

Why doesn’t Miranda hire somebody to recruit people?

And why doesn't she have a better selection system?  The brilliant resident Meredith brought had applied to Grey Sloan earlier and was turned down in favour of candidates like Glasses and Helm.

With that kind of incompetence, it doesn't matter how good the med students who apply are, they'll still just accept the worst.

  • Love 8
On 12/9/2021 at 9:28 PM, Chewy101 said:

. Jo is so gross, 

Succinct and to the point. I concur. Jo for the most part is unwatchable. I used to like Linc - but if he and Jo are going to be the "new" couple - no thanks. I will pass.

Otherwise... So Maggie and her husband (whatshisname) just had sex all day -- in some rando room at the hospital? They didn't go home? And where is home by the by?

And ... ummmm ... what else happened? Mere operated on some dude that I never heard of and didn't really care whether he lived or dies. Yes. Cold hearted.

Oh and the Parkinson's clinical trial is still.. happening. and kind of boring.


Edited by taanja
  • Love 3
On 12/11/2021 at 1:37 PM, izabella said:

I see this is Meredith taking after her mother.  Meredith is remarkably detached from all aspects of her life except for surgery, but is especially detached from motherhood, just like dear ole mom.

Thank you! That is how I see it but have been unable to express myself. That is why it doesn't bother me. 

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On 12/11/2021 at 12:59 PM, Anela said:

I did wonder how she just took an intern/resident from another hospital. How does he just get to ditch his current hospital, unless she asked his boss first?

Because Meredith Grey can do anything she wants.  And because this show has zero grounding in reality-medical or otherwise. It’s a bizarre fantasy. I have a problem about finishing what I started so am driven to see this through to the end (presumably season 94), but every new episode is working my last nerve. Not sure I’m gonna make it.

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