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S13.E12: Is There Someone Else?

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13 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I see it as him not wanting to tell her the real reason he didn't want her around his family--that he didn't want the family to like her because he knew he wouldn't stay married to her.  So to me, that makes sense. 

Johnny might be messed up in the head, but there's something about Bao that really does unnerve him.  I'm not saying he's scared of her like Zack is of Michaela, but I think his dislike of Bao is about more than showering habits and fixing meals (I have to laugh when Bao calls them "gourmet" because I wonder what that means to her).   


Maybe "homemade" and not take--out?

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12 hours ago, pdlinda said:

Both have fierce tempers that are seemingly uncontrollable.  The tempers are uncontrollable because neither sees the need (maybe producer driven) to appear less abusive and/or threatening than they are.  It's very easy to see why each of these 2 abusers is completely unsuited for marriage!!

Maybe after a few years of therapy each could process his underlying reasons for intense anger (that comes out "sideways" in their relationships) and move on to more healthy relationships.

The wives (Rachel and Bao) could also do with some therapy to develop skills of dealing with "difficult people"  (hopefully, not a husband whom each would choose) and create better emotional "space" for each to thrive without all the "baggage" they're apparently carrying now.

Re: Jose and Johnny's "fierce tempers" and "intense anger"---

The closet takes its toll. And I do mean both men.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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11 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I get what he means about her doing things that he doesn't ask for and then being a martyr about it.

I don't see her being a martyr, I see it as her trying to do something nice, then getting put in a position to defend herself when Johnny inevitable goes on a "pick on Bao fest". Also, there are some people who get really mad when their partner does something for them only when they are asked. Bao was right, they don't know each other. I see her doing the trying, him doing the picking. This, of course, could all be an editing trick, but I'm just going by what we actually see.


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On 10/6/2021 at 7:27 PM, Jax7917 said:

This . He is ALWAYS mad and alwaysss picking a fight with her . He seems like he has bad anxiety and needs help controlling it because he’s about to explode in every scene . He gets angry when she does just about anything . And if they have any sort of disagreement , even one so small , he thinks they’re incompatible and can’t handle his emotions . He’s never going to be happy no matter who he’s with . Bao isn’t perfect but I think with the right person , she can make things work and be happy . I don’t think the same of Johnny . 

I think Bao is the best Johnny can get.  And his family knows it.

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On 10/6/2021 at 7:44 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

Brett's bathroom was beyond! I mean, I live alone, so I can't really talk, ahem, but that's not her situation! She should still be in the "Want To Impress" Stage! 

Or maybe that went down the drain with her wedding-day make-up. 

As for Ryan, yeah, Boi, you don't  fool me, asking a former LIVE-IN honey for "marital advice." More like feelin' out the vibe of a possible re-up. 

I couldnt sleep with Brett just based on her uncleanliness.  Its a total turn off.  No wonder she dresses so sloppy. She has a pretty face but does she take care of herself in that way? Why wouldnt she want to clean up and put her best foot forward? Also, Johnny's friend had her dirty feet on the couch last week.  I thought he was a cleanliness freak?  Or is that just only for Bao.

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On 10/6/2021 at 8:57 PM, greeneyedscorpio said:

Johnny's an asshole


She cooks for him.  She does his laundry. She has sex with him at least every other day or anytime he wanted to. What is his problem? Most guys would be totally ok with how Bao is acting.  Not the baby talk, but everything else. She cant be playful at work so she does it at home in the extreme.  But that can be changed. She is good dating material.  But I wonder why she has had such a hard time landing the ship.

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On 10/6/2021 at 10:39 PM, GettingGray said:

What they need to do is find Rachel several hobbies that she will like and keep her busy during the summer months.

I'm on team Rachael. I used to be a teacher.  One year I took a car trip from Miami==> Atlanta==> DC==>NYC ==>Boston==>NH==>Montreal==>Ottawa==>Toronto==> Detroit==>Chicago==>St Louise==>Denver==>Salt Lake City==>Las Vegas==>Los Angeles==>San Fran==>Phoenix==>Austin==>Houston==>New Orleans==> Miami.  It took a few months but was the best trip ever. Teachers need to get out during the summer. Non-teachers dont get it.

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On 10/6/2021 at 11:26 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I've never warmed up to Bao; I have always found her to be a bizarre mix of pretentious and babyish, and I think Johnny is probably at least a little right that she's fake around other people. Her "bol-yon-aze" looked like runny Pad Thai. But after this episode, there's no denying that Johnny is one truly messed-up individual. When he went from zero to Hulk in 2 seconds, did he think that viewers would agree with his rage? Did he realize cameras were still there? He's scary and weird. I can't decide if Bao is delusional, stubborn, or a world-class troll for sticking with him. 

I've never thought they were a match. Asian is not a compatibility trait. But I promise I won't say I told you so. 😁

Ryan is the other page in the Choose Your Own Terrible Adventure book. He's not into his wife, either, but he at least has the decency to torture himself quietly about it. He does need to own up and just say it. It looked like he was gearing up to, and then he veered into "I need my sleep" instead. His tone and cadence changed so much from the stress to the breezy BS excuse, he sounded like a different person. He's not handling this perfectly, and I think Brett deserves to be appreciated, but he's infinitely more self-aware and empathetic than old Bulgy Veins Lam up there.

I completely tune out whenever it's time to watch Zach try to figure out which demon he's speaking to in what used to be the body of a woman named Michaela. The show telegraphed to us from the beginning that they won't make it. Why should I get invested? I know they love to legally bind decent, hopeful people to actual psychopaths just to nab three months of middling ad revenue, but there should at least be some minimum bar to clear in terms of "can't literally meet the diagnostic criteria for histrionic personality disorder" or "highly unlikely to lock someone out of their own home in the middle of the night."

The chilaquiles looked good, but Slow Fuckin Talker Rachel needs to learn to entertain her slow little brain in Houston for part of the summer, just for her own slow sake. It's not exactly the middle of nowhere. I bet they have activities.

Its a million degree in Houston in the summer.  When I lived there, I wouldnt go outdoor in the summer unless it was after the sun went down- 6ish. Its so hot there that they have a underground air conditioned tunnel connecting all of the building downtown so you dont have to walk outside.  

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On 10/7/2021 at 4:40 AM, Katie111 said:

Weird thing is that Brett is a gorgeous girl.  I think if she dyed her hair back to brown and added some highlights he  would find her much more attractive.  He made several comments about the red hair around the wedding.  It’s just too “quirky” for him.  And she could have a good body if she just got a good bra and the right clothes.  I thought she looked pretty in the black outfit.  But I guess either way, Ryan has already checked out.

Brett needs to take care of her hygiene first.   How did she think she would attract a guy with the way she keeps her house.  Its disgusting. Is her body even clean? Thats would I would be thinking if I was Ryan.  Ryan looks dead inside, but wants to stay on the show.  I think he like his new guy buddies. But bit Brett.  Also, Brett sometimes looks like she is not trying hard.  Like the one scene where here hair is up and looks like a mess with the glasses and no makeup.  She cant do that if she is tryna attract a guy.  Maybe after a year or so she can do that, but not at the beginning.  She seems dirty. 

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On 10/7/2021 at 8:40 AM, Empress1 said:

(Those hanging chairs she & her friend were sitting on were filthy - did anybody else see that?)

She is filthy.  I used to like her, but after seeing her filthy place, I'm totally turned off. Does she even bathe? They made a big deal about Bao not bathing but she looks way cleaner than Brett.

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I just watched Unfiltered and there was a scene that I think exemplifies why so many of these participants hadn't been able to get married before being on this show.  In response to a question from Jamie, Rachel answered that she thought she was perfect in her communications with Jose (and while I can't remember the exact quote I do clearly remember that she used the word perfect [or perfectly]).  Jamie then showed the clip of Rachel telling Jose what she would be like during the summer (and that he wouldn't like what he would see).  Rachel then said that she should have explained herself in a different way.  So which is it-is she perfect in her communications or does she at times miscommunicate?  But, this is the reason so many of these participants are getting MAFS-they don't see their own issues, only the issues of their partners.  While Rachel gave a really clear example of not seeing her own issues (perfect communication indeed) we have seen so many other examples throughout the seasons.

Johnny doesn't see his issues, only Bao's.  Michaela didn't understand how her behaviors impacted Zach, etc., etc.  

None of us are perfect, but we need to address our own issues (as the Bible states, we shouldn't judge the speck in someone else's eye until we deal with the log in our own [very loose paraphrase]).  These participants are very quick to place blame/find issues in their spouses without looking within.

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19 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:

She was definitely genuinely upset at that moment (when Johnny was having his tantrum in the bedroom) but she was also VERY aware of the cameras and dare I say hamming it up a bit?  While I am on her side in this and think Johnny is horrible, I do think that she is more self-conscious than he and in general putting on more of a performance.  But hey they're on TV, and I don't blame her for that. She wants to control everything including her image and she is doing a much better job of that than he is.

The girl has a big job, then has to come home and start pleasing this big baby?  Is he kidding ?  Everything for him, and what for her.  She should dump him as hell never find a woman to his liking.  He’s nuts!  She’s trying and he’s crying.  GTFOOH.

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1 hour ago, Gator Stud said:

Brett needs to take care of her hygiene first.   How did she think she would attract a guy with the way she keeps her house.  Its disgusting. Is her body even clean? Thats would I would be thinking if I was Ryan.  Ryan looks dead inside, but wants to stay on the show.  I think he like his new guy buddies. But bit Brett.  Also, Brett sometimes looks like she is not trying hard.  Like the one scene where here hair is up and looks like a mess with the glasses and no makeup.  She cant do that if she is tryna attract a guy.  Maybe after a year or so she can do that, but not at the beginning.  She seems dirty. 

I think Myrla looks dirtier than Brett, Brett needs to tend to her roots but Myrla needs something...the eye make up looks like leftover mascara.  She needs make up, I hate to say that but if you are going to be on TV, proclaim yourself as a fashionista, designer label lover, (still have not seen the designer stuff or even a decent, flattering outfit on her), and princess you have to walk the walk...look like you are expensive and worth it!

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3 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

Its a million degree in Houston in the summer.  When I lived there, I wouldnt go outdoor in the summer unless it was after the sun went down- 6ish. Its so hot there that they have a underground air conditioned tunnel connecting all of the building downtown so you dont have to walk outside.  

I'm from Texas and I'm on an academic schedule. Nothing here is new info to me! But even in the summers that I don't get to bop off to Europe, I don't put myself on house arrest and make my husband suffer. It wouldn't even occur to me to approach summer that way, even though I fucking despise hot weather. Rachel's apparent inability to self-soothe is what's concerning.

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33 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

 It wouldn't even occur to me to approach summer that way, even though I fucking despise hot weather. Rachel's apparent inability to self-soothe is what's concerning.

Rachel is at an age where it might benefit her to be more mindful about her finances and the many options she has to entertain herself in the summer. She went to the World Series by herself. She could go to Astro’s games. travel domestically, take a class, get a summer job, etc. 

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17 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

What is a zebu?

Haha .. I was wondering myself.  Have to look it up.  Anyhow, I do not believe in Marriage at First Sight, but I Do believe in Love at first sight.  You just get a certain feeling after meeting and having a little conversation. 🥰

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40 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Haha .. I was wondering myself.  Have to look it up.  Anyhow, I do not believe in Marriage at First Sight, but I Do believe in Love at first sight.  You just get a certain feeling after meeting and having a little conversation. 🥰


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On 10/8/2021 at 1:11 PM, Sycophant4Lease said:

As a matter of fact, whenever they're together and Johnny has one of his emotional moments, it's Jose whose chasing him outside and comforting him.

I have to say even Jose wasn't buying Johnny's whiny crybaby routine outside the restaurant.  He went to talk to him, but if you watch Jose, it looks like any second he wanted to interrupt him and tell him to lighten up and quit looking for faults.

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Ever notice how Ryan NEVER looks directly at Brett? He just has this blank out of focus look and a monotone way of speaking. I thought it might just be him but in scenes where he's talking to anyone else, he looks and sounds engaged. I wonder some of Brett's messiness is a sort of passive-aggressive FU to Ryan for not liking her?

Bao, honey, you are not Johnny's housekeeper and sex slave. Get yourself on up outta there and be done with him. 

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5 hours ago, Rae Spellman said:

Rachel is at an age where it might benefit her to be more mindful about her finances and the many options she has to entertain herself in the summer. She went to the World Series by herself. She could go to Astro’s games. travel domestically, take a class, get a summer job, etc. 

Rachel is a child about the need  to attend to finances. Specially since she’s this age and not married she may not marry and really need her finances to be in place. She could attend the Astro games with Jose they are local. She could invest in finishing her masters during the summer so that she would earn more but I don’t think that’s on her mind at all.

I do think that she just wants to have a husband to have a husband because she thinks that’ll be fun traveling. I don’t think she and Jose could ever work because they are at such extremes financially. I would never involve myself legally, which means married, with someone with her financial habits. It would drive me crazy perhaps to homicide.  I do think that she just wants to have a husband to have a husband because she thinks that’ll be fun traveling.

She wants to continue the single life and just have a husband because it’s a nice thing to have - like anything else that you shop for.  Especially since other people have them. If she’s unlucky she’ll find a man that wants to spend the way she spends and they’ll have nothing but receipts. Oh I left out the possibility of deep credit card debt at about 26%. It’s really really hard to dig out of credit card debt when you keep piling it up -the interest rates just kill you.  I don’t think Jose’s the man for her but she seems to be financially illiterate.

I just see her single and poor at 45.  

Edited by Kira53
IPad writing w/o editing
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I realized after binge-watching the last 3 episodes (I'm home sick on the couch) that Rachel is a terrible communicator; and she is very willing to dive into the romanticized version of marriage- and along with it, the drama of a teen-like relationship at the expense of really scrutinizing their compatibility. What stood out to me was when she and José had the big fight after she called him by another name.  Let's ignore the fact that it was really not an egregious offense- she didn't say "I love you, Bob-" and come on; they've known each other for a month. On occasion I stumble over my husband's and kids' names. But as they "discussed" it, she focused on  "YOU LOCKED ME OUT!" rather than the kitchen conversation when he yelled at her "Get the F*&%k out!"- a total overreaction which has never been hashed out. Then, a few days later after he whitewashes the whole story to the others, they have a couple of drinks and she's all, "I'm in love with my husband again! La-di-da!" 

Johnny is an idiot. He is another who expects his marriage to be like his first high-school crush. And when Bao fails to meet that lofty standard, he picks a fight and wrings his hands and cries over how inadequate she is.

I don't agree with others here that Brett is "disgusting/dirty/filthy." She definitely had a MESSY bathroom, but to me, disgusting is hair-covered, moldy, with spills and smears and smudges. Sure, I would hang my towels and organize my cosmetics on the counter- especially if cameramen were lurking!   I find her attractive and I really, really want to know what turned him off to her early on ("the plane incident," which is never really expounded on on the show).

I can't decide if Myrla and Gil are just acting for good TV or if there is something there. They both seem to be acting like they are in on a private joke.

Zach needs to cut his losses now. Michaela is scaring me; I can't imagine living with her. She acts unstable and swings between manic, furious and fake-cheerful.

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Did Rachel somehow assume she would be matched with someone who has every summer off and wants to spend that time going to Europe every year.? I used to teach and many teachers I knew did go on a week or two vacation, but most of their partners and friends only got so much time off to vacation. And if it is important to her to be gone three months out of the year, why get married?

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In the case of the State of "Johnny's Ever Present Rage " vs "Bao the Meal Prep Princess" I'm definitely on Team Bao. However, I do find her kind of annoying.  I feel like she read some "how-to" book on landing a man and she's trying to implement her new-found skills. The problem is that it comes off so fake.

Johnny wants his woman to woo him and be flirtatious, but that isn't who Bao is. I give her credit for maintaining her composure though. 

Rachel is starting to bug me more too.  I think she's lazy and entitled.  Yeah, a road trip through Texas doesn't sound like a fun vacation,  but going to Europe every year is costly.  And it's obvious the girl lives hand to mouth. 

Edited by gwen747
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12 hours ago, KateHearts said:

she focused on  "YOU LOCKED ME OUT!" rather than the kitchen conversation when he yelled at her "Get the F*&%k out!"- a total overreaction which has never been hashed out. Then, a few days later after he whitewashes the whole story to the others, they have a couple of drinks and she's all, "I'm in love with my husband again! La-di-da!" 

I just don't understand how Rachel ignored that elephant in the kitchen, the "Get the ef out," reaction to something HE did wrong screams narcissist to me, this will not be the last time he does the over reaction for something HE did wrong.  

For the record, I have called my husband of 16 years my son's name, my son is from my first marriage and he is 32, so in fairness I have known him longer than my current (lol as if there would be a next) husband...no blood was shed, no getting locked out when I went to the mailbox.  

Maybe Jose has a small penis, I know, I know, lame excuse but that can make a man crazy, sad but I think Jose feels less then for some reason and that is why he blows up in a disproportionate way.

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On 10/7/2021 at 12:09 PM, Allison1 said:

I taught school; now I'm a lawyer whose work load usually lulls in the summer (not the last two years unfortunately).  I've always got summer projects lined up.  I feel sorry for her if she doesn't.   

Why does she have to work in the summer?  I had 5 classes of 30 middle school and elementary students each.  By summer I was ready to travel. Why do you think teachers should work in the summer? Who came up with that rule?

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20 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:
On 10/7/2021 at 3:09 PM, Allison1 said:

I taught school; now I'm a lawyer whose work load usually lulls in the summer (not the last two years unfortunately).  I've always got summer projects lined up.  I feel sorry for her if she doesn't.   

Why does she have to work in the summer? 

"Summer project" doesn't necessarily mean work. And not all people enjoy traveling for an extended time.

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1 hour ago, Gator Stud said:

Why does she have to work in the summer?  I had 5 classes of 30 middle school and elementary students each.  By summer I was ready to travel. Why do you think teachers should work in the summer? Who came up with that rule?

She doesn’t have to work.  But she also can accept that she doesn’t have to travel extensively  to Europe and spend money she doesn’t have.  There are plenty of things between  those  two bookends to keep her from getting bored.  She was the one that said Summer Rachel was someone Jose didn’t want  to meet. 

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9 hours ago, gwen747 said:

Yeah, a road trip through Texas doesn't sound like a fun vacation,  but going to Europe every year is costly. 

I got the impression that she has never been to Europe and she wants to go as something she has always wanted to do. Not that she goes every year. I taught for many years and almost always did some other work during the summer - taught summer school, worked on curriculum projects, etc. There is nothing wrong with Rachel going on a trip with a friend since she knows that Jose will never go. But, since he already has said that he can't trust her, it just seems like this relationship should be doomed. And, I agree that she seems spoiled and entitled. And it's different from Myrla spoiled.

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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

She was the one that said Summer Rachel was someone Jose didn’t want  to meet. 

I would think Summer Rachel would be relaxed, up for anything fun, no responsibilities...she would have time to have backyard barbeques with family and friends (but not Mryla because she does not like going to people's homes, so odd, right?) and play catch with Jose, maybe go for a long weekend trip to a beach, etc...if anything she would be nicer to be around than a stressed out from work Rachel.

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

"Summer project" doesn't necessarily mean work. And not all people enjoy traveling for an extended time.

But those who do so enjoy ought not be pitied, I assure you! 

Rachel, nor any other MAFS participant, didn't sign up for FAAFS (Financial Advice At....). 

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1 hour ago, Retired at last said:

I got the impression that she has never been to Europe and she wants to go as something she has always wanted to do.

She’s definitely been to Italy because she mentioned it when sure mentioned  getting the additional credit card to pay for it.

In that same conversation she mentioned her  dream trip is to Switzerland.  

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Summer Rachel was someone Jose didn’t want  to meet. 

And All-Seasons Jose is someone Rachel (and every other single person) should get away from and stay away from.

How many times do you think Jose's NASA colleagues have watched his angry, profane meltdown and lying-about-it scenes?

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On 10/9/2021 at 12:21 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

I think Myrla looks dirtier than Brett, Brett needs to tend to her roots but Myrla needs something...the eye make up looks like leftover mascara.  She needs make up, I hate to say that but if you are going to be on TV, proclaim yourself as a fashionista, designer label lover, (still have not seen the designer stuff or even a decent, flattering outfit on her), and princess you have to walk the walk...look like you are expensive and worth it!

I’ll join you.  Myrla’s hair is too straight and stringy.  She claims to have beautiful skin, but no makeup does her no favors.  The eyelashes have to go.  They are the first things that hit you, and not in a good way.  She needs a makeover.

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Johnny should be grateful that he got matched with Bao. He’s not very attractive and his hair is thinning. She should insult him when he starts on her. Brett should bounce too. He’s not into her at all and she has to know it at this point. 
Zach and Mchaela are all over the place. Rachel should be in a good mood in the summer. She should make Jose buy a pool so she can swim and have friends over. 
I was happy that Myrla has taken a liking to Hype.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Johnny should be grateful that he got matched with Bao. He’s not very attractive and his hair is thinning. She should insult him when he starts on her. Brett should bounce too. He’s not into her at all and she has to know it at this point. 
Zach and Mchaela are all over the place. Rachel should be in a good mood in the summer. She should make Jose buy a pool so she can swim and have friends over. 
I was happy that Myrla has taken a liking to Hype.

Jose buy a pool?! I can see him now, taking out the White Board and a yardstick: "Let's see....Rachel is 65 inches high and, at her hips, 34 inches wide. So, sitting down, she would require a pool about 3' x 3'! Walmart, here I come!"



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Maybe a kiddie pool! I would hate to be the Pool company that works for him though. I bet his coworkers roll their eyes whenever he opens his big ugly lips. 
I don’t understand Rachel saying she would be in a bad mood in the summer either. I would think it would be the opposite unless of course, the entire conversation wasn’t shown which is entirely possible. 

Myrla is afraid to wash her extensions because they might come out but why spend thousands on an installation if you’re gonna walk around with them looking like that. Go Grease Lightning!

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10 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I bet his coworkers roll their eyes whenever he opens his big ugly lips. 

I WAS married to a "rage-o-holic" for MANY years.  Waited until kids grown, now blessedly and blissfully divorced for many years.

From my experience, these "nut-jobs" NEVER exhibit their outrageously disgusting and dangerous behavior to co-workers and/or people they meet socially.  The offending behavior is exclusively saved to spew onto the "victim" (wife).  The children also witness the "meltdowns"; however, are too baffled and/or afraid to confront the abuser.

I would BET that Jose's co-workers at NASA are STUNNED at his behavior on this show and I BET his supervisors are APPALLED. 

For the life of me I can't fathom WHY Jose exposed this vicious and destructive side of his personality by appearing on this show and possibly risking his career.  It simply defies logic.  

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On 10/9/2021 at 1:30 PM, Rae Spellman said:

Rachel is at an age where it might benefit her to be more mindful about her finances and the many options she has to entertain herself in the summer. She went to the World Series by herself.

And can I just say that I was really impressed she'd done that?  There are a lot of people, especially women, who would never do something like that alone.  Good for her.

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18 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Rachel, nor any other MAFS participant, didn't sign up for FAAFS (Financial Advice At....). 

You mean she didn't specifically want to get lectured via the white board of doom? I'm shocked, I tell you...SHOCKED!

18 hours ago, Retired at last said:

I got the impression that she has never been to Europe and she wants to go as something she has always wanted to do.

I thought she said in this episode that she's been there with friends and her mom, but always dreamed of going with her husband. And minor nitpick, but in annoys me that she says "Europe." It's kind of a big place with more than one country!

16 hours ago, buttersister said:

How many times do you think Jose's NASA colleagues have watched his angry, profane meltdown and lying-about-it scenes?

LOL and then he probably lies to them about it that it was all for the show, that's not really him, etc....

11 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Myrla is afraid to wash her extensions because they might come out but why spend thousands on an installation if you’re gonna walk around with them looking like that.

I don't know why so many women think they have to have overly long hair to look sexy. Marilyn Monroe, anyone??

11 hours ago, pdlinda said:

From my experience, these "nut-jobs" NEVER exhibit their outrageously disgusting and dangerous behavior to co-workers and/or people they meet socially.

Yep, I've heard the stand-up jokes that you're safest living next to a serial killer, because the neighbors are always shocked that the "nice person next door" could do anything like that.


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On 10/9/2021 at 10:13 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Whew!  I guess I'm extremely lucky that all my boyfriends have had such low standards that they were attracted to me from the get-go even though I never use makeup.  And they didn't recoil when I'd occasionally switch to glasses if my contacts were bugging me.  I don't put my hair up, though, because I have short hair

It's a miracle I was ever able to attract anyone, never mind enjoy a series of monogamous relationships with quality men.  I still have a soft spot for all of them, but maybe I just appreciate their bravery.

Dont shoot the messenger.  This is a show where you are stuck with a stranger for 8 weeks.  Bring your best.  Especially on TV. She looked like a mess that scene.  You dont need make up because you are a hotty- patttati, and probably have great genes, but Brett did need makeup. You cant be a dirty mess and expect to expect a guy who wants Country IG models. I know some of the guys have blemishes too, but I am positive some are wearing makeup.  And she is a bit Desperado. 

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On 10/9/2021 at 11:30 AM, Rae Spellman said:

Rachel is at an age where it might benefit her to be more mindful about her finances and the many options she has to entertain herself in the summer. She went to the World Series by herself. She could go to Astro’s games. travel domestically, take a class, get a summer job, etc. 

Nobody is saying it has to be Europe.  But how about Montreal?  The weather is way better. Or West LA. We basically didnt have a summer this year and only a few days in the high 80's. Jose looks like he would have a problem booking a proper hotel.  He would look for the cheapest motels he could find.

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On 10/7/2021 at 6:20 PM, Vanderboom said:

It depends on the brand. Some of the Oral B electric toothbrushes instruct users to brush as if they were using a regular toothbrush.

Jose is wrong but right. They COULD try something relatively local and build up to a vacation in Europe. Why not a weekend in New Orleans or (if it must be Texas) Galveston?

He owns 2 houses but cannot afford a trip to Europe? Look, I lived in TX for 10 years.  New Orleans gets boring after the 2nd trip.  So does Galveston. Anything not to spend money. Why are you supporting a cheap jerk?  He can afford it.  He just doesnt want to spend the money on her.

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2 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

Dont shoot the messenger. 

I think it's acceptable when the messenger is relaying his own message. 

2 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

This is a show where you are stuck with a stranger for 8 weeks.  Bring your best.  Especially on TV.

Well, see, I'd say "Bring your self." 

2 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

She looked like a mess that scene.  You dont need make up because you are a hotty- patttati, and probably have great genes, but Brett did need makeup.

You've never even seen me!  Is there any woman who thinks, "I'm so beautiful I don't ever need to wear makeup."  The women who don't wear makeup are the ones who think, "This is what I look like.  Deal."  You know, like men do.  Like I wish women could.

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2 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

He owns 2 houses but cannot afford a trip to Europe? Look, I lived in TX for 10 years.  New Orleans gets boring after the 2nd trip.  So does Galveston. Anything not to spend money. Why are you supporting a cheap jerk?  He can afford it.  He just doesnt want to spend the money on her.

They both work. Each buy their own way!  Problem solved. 

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