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S03.E07: The Siren

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I laughed seeing all the bonding scenes the doll had with the group.  I also loved seeing Guillermo being offended that he was having a joint interview with the doll.

It was pretty creepy seeing that the spirit in the doll can jump bodies.  That mannequin moving was very creepy!

The siren was weird/creepy.  I'm enjoying seeing all the creatures in the show. 

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Half-paying attention. Quick question: do any of you live in areas where giant inflatable rats are set up during worker strikes? I see those every now and then.

I think there's only one Best Buy on Staten Island, and I've been there. Yeah, I know, series is filmed in Toronto, I'm just a bit tickled. On the other hand, I don't think I've been to Mariner's Harbor.

You think there's a market for Nadja dolls? Maybe with an old-school winding device to make her say stuff?

Also: Scott Bakula. I think this is the second FX show where he's appeared as himself. I hope Colin Robinson doesn't find him. He strikes me as a guy that can write 500-page Quantum Leap/Enterprise fanfic that goes nowhere.

Edited by Lantern7
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Count Bakula! 😂 

I like Lazlo and Colin Robinson’s new friendship. Loved that Lazlo wouldn’t leave a shipmate. 
The Guide is def into Guillermo. 😄  

I still want a Nadja doll!

41 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:


Did the Siren eat any of the film crew, or were they all female?

I heard one of the crew say “shit” after Lazlo and Colin Robinson left and it was a male voice.

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29 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:


You think there's a market for Nadja dolls? Maybe with an old-school winding device to make her say stuff?


As I’ve said before, this chapess would buy one. I would like an animatronic one, kind of like how my Baby Yoda works.

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56 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Half-paying attention. Quick question: do any of you live in areas where giant inflatable rats are set up during worker strikes? I see those every now and then.

Yes--loved seeing one with Nadja doll in it. I confess I was worried as it was deflating that maybe she would really leave us, and after that amazing montage of her good memories from the house I would have been heartbroken! It isn't just that the FX this season have been great, it's that they're used for such perfect hilarity. I didn't think they could top the Baron riding the car/hell hound, then the doll picked up a sword.

56 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Also: Scott Bakula. I think this is the second FX show where he's appeared as himself. I hope Colin Robinson doesn't find him. He strikes me as a guy that can write 500-page Quantum Leap/Enterprise fanfic that goes nowhere.

Oh yeah, definitely.

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5 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

The inflatable was Scabby the Rat. This was a bit more slapdash than the last few episodes. Still funny, also The Guide has def changed her tune about Guillermo. Was she there because it was Thursday?

The rat part was hysterical! I have seen them in my area so I am very familiar with them. 

I want a Nadja doll. 

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11 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

You think there's a market for Nadja dolls? Maybe with an old-school winding device to make her say stuff?

Yes, please!

11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I still want a Nadja doll!

Me, too!

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11 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Half-paying attention. Quick question: do any of you live in areas where giant inflatable rats are set up during worker strikes? I see those every now and then.

I was going to say "Yes! I do!" but then I remembered you and I live in the same city. So, yes! I do! 

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I recognized the name of Plum Island from The Silence of the Lambs, as the place where they offered to move Hannibal Lecter, so this depiction seemed very appropriate.

Was Guillermo's joy at finding Legos a callback to something, or does he just really like Legos?

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Quick question: do any of you live in areas where giant inflatable rats are set up during worker strikes? I see those every now and then

No, so I didn't get the joke.


I think it's so funny that they yell "bat!" before they turn into one, and "human" when they change back. I know it's not a new gag, they've done it all along, but it's still so funny to me. 

Only Laszlo does this, and yes, he's done it from the beginning.

I absolutely loved this show's take on the Siren. A chicken lady!


Was Guillermo's joy at finding Legos a callback to something, or does he just really like Legos?

I wondered that too. I don't recall anything about Legos coming up before.

Did Guillermo get a new bedroom? He wasn't always under the stairs, was he?

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Every episode this season is wilder than the one before and I love it. Lazlo and Colin Robinson have turned into quite the buddy comedy team. Lazlo tossing the people off the boat like a bunch of old paper bags was a good reminder of how little humans actually mean to our vampire crew; there's always a danger of forgetting what monsters they really are. Really enjoyed the old paintings and pictures of Lazlo's seafaring career. The Shadows art department never fails with the "old" pictures.

She's half chicken. Well, nobody's perfect.

And I had just been lamenting that we hadn't seen enough of the Nadja doll this season -- this episode took care of that! They're missing a huge marketing coup by not offering Nadja dolls -- I think every fan who watches the show would love one.

And yes, I'm almost positive we've seen Nadja's reading glasses before, I think when she was using the laptop.

Yes, the running mannequin was legitimately creepy and funny at the same time.  And the animated Scabby the Rat somehow reminded me of Ghostbusters. I'm glad Nadja's ghost is back where she belongs, in the Nadja doll, making snide asides about all the goofy antics going on around her. Even if Guillermo won't do interviews with her.

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

No, so I didn't get the joke.

You didn't really miss anything. Those rats gets put outside buildings that are having union disputes. So pretty familiar if you're in a city where they pop up a lot, but no specific joke besides it being a hilarious visual choice.

3 hours ago, iMonrey said:


Did Guillermo get a new bedroom? He wasn't always under the stairs, was he?

I think that's where he was when he was chewing bubble gum that time after he'd won a few privileges, like breaks, so I think he's always been there.

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I have to admit I wanted to see a bit more of Colin Robinson and Lazlo's seafaring adventure after that speedy, effective, and gruesome opening.

Doll Nadja continues to creep me out 95% of the time, but I did think her little runaway pack on a stick was cute.

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During the sword fight I could tell that the Nadja doll is a marionette, and that they use some CGI to erase the strings and do the facial movements. The way she was walking looked very much like a marionette. 

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The "Count Bakula" gag was a great little bit.  Glad they got Scott Bakula to do that cameo and his baffled reaction to everything was perfect.

The Nadja Doll takes front and center and was awesome as expected.  Love that she actually has the ability to transfer her spirit to other inanimate bodies, and possessed both a store mannequin and a massive size floatable rat.  Actual Nadja's reaction to everything was hilarious: as was Nandor's understandable bafflement and doing his best not to become collateral damage amongst all the drama.

So, Sirens are basically half women/half chickens in this world.  Yeah, that pretty much checks out.  And, of course, Colin Robinson would fall head over heels for one of them.

They better not mention Lazlo knowing sea shanties and not have Matt Berry bust one out at some point in the future!

The scenes at Best Buy were all too real.  No disrespect to the employees who are just doing what is expected of them from the managers/corporate, but that is definitely a good time to have hypnosis to get out all of the membership/warranty questions.  But even it is no match to needing an email! 

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Who knew Nandor was such a big Scott Bakula fan? The Count Bakula joke was hilarious, talk about opening an episode strong. 

Add me to the list of people who would totally buy a Doll Nadja, the merchandising people at FX really need to get on it. I am so happy we got a Doll Nadja story, that was so much fun. 

I am really enjoying how much Lazlo and Colin Robinson have been hanging out lately, now that Nadja is busy its nice that they have decided to stick them in more plots together. I also love how many more weird creature we're getting. I wouldn't have thought to make a chicken legged Siren based on Snooki from Jersey Shore, but I am so glad that the show did. 

Hopefully the camera guy made it to the boat! 

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On 10/9/2021 at 10:43 AM, iMonrey said:

During the sword fight I could tell that the Nadja doll is a marionette, and that they use some CGI to erase the strings and do the facial movements. The way she was walking looked very much like a marionette. 

But is she a marionette with the strings digitally erased--or a pure CGI creation ingeniously programmed to move like a marionette?

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7 hours ago, LisaM said:

Loved the Nadja doll storyline. Not as cracked about the Siren. 

Same. This show is way above average compared to most shows, but this episode was on the bottom for me.

I didn't really like the siren's design. Her coat or whatever it was covered most of her bottom half. I didn't get that she was half bird until you saw her legs. Maybe that was the joke, but with all the other excellent character designs on this show, the siren was a dud for me. I did like how they used famous depictions of sirens to show their different forms. The person who picks out these examples knows art and mythology really well.

This season I think the show is relying on CGI too much and the CGI doesn't look great. When the Nadja doll was occupying a practical object (i.e. the mannequin), it looked great. When she was in the statue, it looked pretty bad.

I love Nadja, but I'm uncomfortable when women call each other "whore", "slut", etc. It seems too close to the derogatory usage for me.

Since I always like to end on a positive note, I thought how they showed the Nadja doll walking was an excellent blend of CGI and practical effects.

The mechanics of Nadja doll's face still astonishes me. It's such excellent work.

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I'm watching all these late. I guess I'm in the minority but I don't like the doll and never have. It just irritates me.

Similarly I'm really tired of the focus on Nadja and Nador fighting over the vampiric council. It's just repetitive and not funny anymore. 

I do like the pairing of Lazlo and Colin, although in this episode I was kind of meh on their story.

I think this season has been much more hit and miss for me than the others. I suppose that was bound to happen.

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On 2/10/2022 at 2:51 AM, possibilities said:

I hate the doll. I find her nightmarishly creepy. I've gotten used to her, but it's not enjoyable.

Because, by and large, all dolls are evil. 😉

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I have been binge watching this show on Disney Plus over the last few weeks, basically since Paul Reubens died and I found out he guest starred. I really like the show and this might be my favourite episode in awhile. Both plots were really well done. My favourite thing was either Nadja bouncing between being super motherly and worried about the doll to being super pissed off or it might have been how Lazlo kept falling for the siren then getting away.

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