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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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23 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

I read Angela 

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flashed her nasty vajayjay on that show because she was showing her inner thigh and the lights on her nylons made them see through. Which she probably planned for more publicity.


Oh dear lord, WTF!

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Her mom isn’t going to help. She doesn’t know anything about the hospitals or surgeons in Ethiopia so she can’t say if it’s bad or good for him to have the surgery there.

He has a right to be scared. His ex up and took his child. That’s horrifying. Traumatizing. Probably even said the same things.

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2 minutes ago, OneGuy said:

Ari's mom is an ER Nurse and therapist apparently.


2 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

AAACCCCKKKKK! Janice, get OUT of their relationship! 


3 minutes ago, TMI said:

Mom ....yelll at bini

he is being mean to ME

mom you know everything


3 minutes ago, hula-la said:

Because her mom is a neutral mediator 🙄


2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And seriously? JANICE is the mediator? So its two against one.  


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21 minutes ago, OneGuy said:


Who will take care of the baby on the trip back to the states?  Or will Ari finally introduce herself to her own child?


IIRC from the season coming attractions, it looked like Leandro came back to accompany her. She was definitely with a guy and it wasn’t the scene when they dropped him off at the airport. 

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Kenny still knows no Spanish? Sweet tap dancing Jesus. 

I'm guessing their next plot point is that the grandson will need surgery and Kenny will have to fly back to the US to cry over him. 

1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Kenny, don’t start shit….

Starting shit is his brand. 

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Hi everyone! I am  watching this hot mess of a show but not  near my favorite snarking device. Some quick thoughts:

Ari is....    Well, I don't blame Bini for not trusting her to go to the states with the baby. She already got the plane ticket without telling him so, who knows. 

SteVen is not sure if he wants to give up his female friends and marry Alina. I agree with y'all: Run, girl, run back to Russia!

Jenny should  run, too. Sumit's entire family lies (so he says, but we can't tell when he's not lying) to just keep the peace with his mom. Too much damage there.

I think Armando's dad will come to the wedding, and they've all been worrying for nothing.

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1 minute ago, charmed1 said:

Kenny got a new car? With Florida tags? I remember him driving to Mexico in some sort of little hatchback. Now it looks like he’s got an older Honda CRV.

I'm thinking there's been some back and forth driving.

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11 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Why is her mom getting involved in their marriage? Why encourage your daughter to buy a ticket without talking to him first?

so mom knew what Ari was doing. They both knew damned well that they were being deceptive. They should have had mediation with Wish and Mimi.

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1 minute ago, charmed1 said:

Kenny got a new car? With Florida tags? I remember him driving to Mexico in some sort of little hatchback. Now it looks like he’s got an older Honda CRV.

I don't know about Kenny's car but Father Armando's VW Bug was very cool.

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3 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Kenny got a new car? With Florida tags? I remember him driving to Mexico in some sort of little hatchback. Now it looks like he’s got an older Honda CRV.

Maybe it's Cassidy's car?

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2 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Like a certain person who advertises for diet stuff (Rob Lowe), who is reported to have the family trait called pencil d#($.     

You people are the best! I learn something new every week 

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1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

Is it wrong I kind of hope Armando's father does a Red Wedding on Kenny's ass?

I've been rewatching Game of Thrones and the next episode is the Red Wedding. Debating whether I want to see it again...it was bad enough when I read it in the book...

Kenny, STFU. Shit. Tone-deaf AF...

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I like three parents in this show Mama and Daddy Sumit, especially Mama, and Daddy Armando.   The necklace gift was so lovely.   

Kenny's car going to Mexico last season was small, a Honda Civic size.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, TMI said:

Ari:  want to tell you something....so I came to the Barbershop ...because we don't have a private home...DRAMAQUEEN


That poor barber! 

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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Like a certain person who advertises for diet stuff (Rob Lowe), who is reported to have the family trait called pencil d#($.     

Rob Lowe was so hot in the 80's, had him on my wall in high school. He is aging well but he doesn't do much for me now. I think back in the day sometimes it was nice not knowing so much about celebrities because when often the more you know it's a turn off. That's why I am glad my Keanu has stayed nice. 😍😂

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