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S23.E21: Power of Veto #7

Message added by peachmangosteen,

NO FEEDS TALK! Also, we understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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Well, I guess I should be happy.  I've no great affection for Derex, and this means that Operation White-Out has to pause for a week.

But the "Look Out for the Cookout!" steamroller seems more inevitable than before, and it's disheartening to see SB get played by Kyland this way.  (I wonder if the DR is pushing her to go after non-CO members?)

We're so woke!  Except that I'm falling asleep, myself.  JMO.

(Why couldn't they bring Shelby back to host her Veto?  Sigh.)

4 minutes ago, HerkyJerky said:

Why do they call Hannah Chaddha?

It's her surname.

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Was it just me or could this entire episode have been done in about 5 minutes tops? I mean everybody explaining and re-explaining the domino comp was really getting on my nerves. The best part of today was them all saying 'Annnnd we all know the money went to DF.'

Sorry DX your skin is just not quite dark enough for this week.

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Not that I mind much because she's the Becky to my Steve, but SB is going to feel mighty silly when she's booted after doing Ky's dirty work.  The editors must not like her much either judging by the cut of Claire crying in the DR about (seemingly) fan favorite Derex to SB beaming as she talks about getting him out.  I appreciate both the idea behind the CO and their gameplay, but Claire and Derex are two of my favorites so this week is going to hurt either way.  

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4 minutes ago, leocadia said:

 I appreciate both the idea behind the CO and their gameplay, but Claire and Derex are two of my favorites so this week is going to hurt either way.  

Same, I'm starting to like Claire more now too.

It was really funny when she was crying and saying "I KNOW I'm good.  I KNOW I'm good."  

5 minutes ago, Cozytea said:

😥 Derek X is my favorite player. 

SB voice is like nails on a chalkboard.  

Same and same.  The thing for me about SB's voice is that I think that there is no way that it's natural.  I think it's carefully cultivated to sound like that.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I actually did watch American Woman by the way.  I love Alicia Silverstone.  I think I kinda liked it.  

Wrong thread lol.  I never watched it. But the idea seemed like a good idea for a show. 

I'm not stalking you, I think we just watch alot of the same shows. Lol.

Edited by Cozytea
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Derek staying Thursday is the last gasp for something to shake up this season but it's so unlikely.

The best seasons have two factions trading power usually every week. For some reason recent seasons can't ever seem to get an opposing side to coalesce so we get what we get here....on group stream rolling everything. In other words a suspense free season.

It was kind of heartbreaking watching Tiffany backstab Claire to save Derek made only worse by the fact it was all for not. If I was Tiffany I would not be looking forward to the day Claire watches the tape and sees Tiff actively working against her.

What's this Chadda for Hannah all of a sudden? This is the first time I've heard her called that.

Alyssa is kind of cringy with her glee. It's like she's forgotten she was on the block week one. 

Edited by North of Eden
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6 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I thought Tiffany got a pretty positive edit this week. You can tell she's absolutely torn, with both of her favourite people on the block, neither of whom are in her alliance. It's like Sophie's Choice, although fortunately they're not going to be killed, just sent to a nice house with a pool and lots of food and drinks 😁

And Britni.

  • LOL 9

Xavier has got to feel all kinds of good. He had two beautiful women giving it their all in the veto competition, all to save him. They had no horse in the race, per se, so they could have easily gone for the rewards. (Although I understand Alyssa felt very guilty for accidently putting him on the block.)


So did Claire plan to not use the power of veto on herself if she won? She's crying because she didn't win, but if she had won and removed herself, Derex would have still gone on the block.


Lol...all these women trying their all to save the men!

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1 minute ago, Blissfool said:

So did Claire plan to not use the power of veto on herself if she won? She's crying because she didn't win, but if she had won and removed herself, Derex would have still gone on the block.

I think she would have taken herself off.

I think her nightmare scenario was Derek X. and herself being on the block.

Claire and someone else, or Derek X. and someone else being on the block was okay by her.

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1 hour ago, North of Eden said:


It was kind of heartbreaking watching Tiffany backstab Claire to save Derek made only worse by the fact it was all for not. If I was Tiffany I would not be looking forward to the day Claire watches the tape and sees Tiff actively working against her.


For some reason, the thought of the hamsters watching the season back at home is extra cringe-inducing this season.  Maybe it's the CO members snuggled up with their designated non-CO "allies."

The betrayal is going to hurt.

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1 hour ago, Blissfool said:


1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


I think she would have taken herself off.

I think her nightmare scenario was Derek X. and herself being on the block.

Claire and someone else, or Derek X. and someone else being on the block was okay by her.

Oh, I see. Ummm, ok Claire. I guess that would have been better. <insert: ironic wink>


I think it would genuinely be better. If Claire got off the block and Derex went up in her place, she could campaign for him and possibly both of them could stay. But with both of them on the block, one of them is definitely leaving.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Not only will it hurt, they are going to have some doubts in their minds wondering if any of their friendships with members of the Cookout were ever genuine.

That is why I said this season is so ugly.  It is much easier to deal with someone that acts like a complete jerk to your face, threats and all, than getting emotionally attached to a fellow house guest over a few months only to find out why the emotionally attached house guest was never going to be accepted into the Cookout alliance.

Sure, it is more enjoyable watching house guests getting along, that without question is true, but there is an emotional price to be paid for that at the end of this season when everyone finds out about the Cookout alliance.


I agree that it's going to suck for the non-cookout members to realize their closest allies had their main allegiance to the cookout. However, it's been shown each week that the CO members are doing as much as they can to still keep their non-CO friends safe. Last week the entire cookout was gunning to get SB out, but when Ky won HOH he adamantly kept her safe. He never wavered on that once because she's his ally. When Britni went up, Azah was devastated and did whatever she could to try and save her, including voting against the rest of the CO. Derek F also wanted to win the veto to take her down. They did as much as they could to help their friend. 

I think the closest we got to someone "betraying" their closest friend/ally for the cookout was Hannah not encouraging DX to go for the roulette safety since it wouldn't be good for the CO if he won. Even then, it's not like she did much... he was already strongly leaning towards not playing because he really wanted to be eligible for next week's coin toss. She simply allowed him to think he's safe, knowing he's not. She then felt so bad about it that she wanted to get SB to nominate her instead of DX. 

My point being, I think the cookout members are doing everything they can to keep their closest friends safe, short of betraying/outing the CO itself. They aren't backstabbing them, or plotting against them, or taking pleasure in the wool being over their eyes. They're quite torn up about it and are willing to go against the grain of the cookout to keep them safe when they can.  I think the non-co members will see this when they watch the season.

Edited by JZone
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Personally I think Tiff is faking the "inner turmoil" over campaigning to keep Dx versus Claire. She doesn't truly give a damn or she'd have gone to Ky and pitched to keep Dx. None of the CO care. All non-CO must go first and then CO must be F6. They don't really care how it gets there. BUT what Tiff is doing is jury management. As if she'll make it to F2. Lols!

Also is Dx openly aware of the CO? Because Tiff said to him that they could get SB to take him (Dx) down and put up Chaddah and think her target was Chaddah (since SB targeted her before) but, and quote, "we know Chaddah won't be voted out"...wink. 

Edited by Lamima
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I don't think there's anything "ugly" about it.  There could be 6 people all from the same state, or 6 women who banded up together.  If 6 people were from Ohio and decided to form an alliance, and had to get rid of all the non-Ohio people, it's just part of the game.  It's a game.  You need an alliance to get far in the game.  If the Cookout didn't band together, they'd be voted out of the game and they'd have no chance, like the past 23 seasons have gone.  I don't understand how anyone can blame the CO for doing what's best to get further in the game.  They should have ignored the potential for the alliance and simply sacrificed themselves to the HOH every week so that Sarah Beth could win?  

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6 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't think there's anything "ugly" about it.  There could be 6 people all from the same state, or 6 women who banded up together.  If 6 people were from Ohio and decided to form an alliance, and had to get rid of all the non-Ohio people, it's just part of the game.  It's a game.  You need an alliance to get far in the game.  If the Cookout didn't band together, they'd be voted out of the game and they'd have no chance, like the past 23 seasons have gone.  I don't understand how anyone can blame the CO for doing what's best to get further in the game.  They should have ignored the potential for the alliance and simply sacrificed themselves to the HOH every week so that Sarah Beth could win?  

But the CO F6 deal isn't best for all members of the CO as we will see when the 1st CO gets sent out.

And Paul's big alliance was ugly too. Not a fan of the Pagong style. They do have to be almost like the cool kids club at school who tear down the outliers. Not pretty no matter who makes up the club.

Edited by Lamima
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5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Not only will it hurt, they are going to have some doubts in their minds wondering if any of their friendships with members of the Cookout were ever genuine.

That is why I said this season is so ugly.  It is much easier to deal with someone that acts like a complete jerk to your face, threats and all, than getting emotionally attached to a fellow house guest over a few months only to find out why the emotionally attached house guest was never going to be accepted into the Cookout alliance.

But that's how it is every time someone in an alliance is friends with someone outside of that alliance. The person voted out sees later on that their friend was part of a larger alliance. Why does it being Black people make it suddenly "ugly"?

And I stridently disagree that it is "easier" to deal with someone who is a jerk to you and threatens you for months, rather than have pleasant relationships with people and then finding out later on that there was OMG shocker!! an alliance in the house you were not a part of. A hidden alliance in BB!? Who'd a thunk it!? The other way sounds like horrible torture.

Edited by Cotypubby
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For me, the main difference between the CO and past alliances is that it doesn't require anything game-related for CO members to stay loyal.  Their bond/cause is bigger than game-play, so there was no need for constant strategy meetings, & no high-level fear of betrayal - both of which typically affect the game. 

I see it as similar to Tommy & Christine, but without the unfair advantage of their pre-game relationship being a production-kept secret. The CO formed organically, in plain view, so I'm not mad about it.  OTOH, I don't think the non-Black houseguests are stupid for not catching on; why should they have expected the house to divide along racial lines if they themselves are not racially motivated?  And, as others have said, even if they realized it, I don't know how they could've objected to it without putting their real-life reputations at risk.

Early jury members who played their hearts out either have or will eventually realize they had no chance of advancing because of their race.  It's all logical, fair, and, in some ways, admirable.  But for me, also sad.

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Was it just me or could this entire episode have been done in about 5 minutes tops? I mean everybody explaining and re-explaining the domino comp was really getting on my nerves. 

The Veto episodes are always like that. There seems to be some kind of script the editors follow. It probably makes it easier to assemble the episode. "I have to win the Veto because blah blah blah." "It's important that I win the Veto because blah blah blah." "I need to win the Veto because blah blah blah." "I want to win the Veto because blah blah blah." 


The best seasons have two factions trading power usually every week. For some reason recent seasons can't ever seem to get an opposing side to coalesce so we get what we get here....on group stream rolling everything. In other words a suspense free season.

By now, reality show players have perfected the art of the alliance. You have a core alliance and then make the other people think they're part of it so nobody ever goes after it. What do Derek X, Sara Beth, Claire and Alyssa think is going on? Do they have no clue there's some majority alliance they're not part of? Then clearly they have never watched the show before. 

Way back when, there were clear lines drawn and you were either on one side of the house or the other. They've moved past that.

I'm not really sure how they could fix this, other than by casting people who don't regularly watch reality shows like this and don't understand about alliances.

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7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Britini will finally have someone to talk to, and talk to, and talk to.

I would not want to be the next house guest sent to the Jury House.


So they stuck a PSA/commercial in the middle of this episode in the backyard, it doesn't get much more boring than that.


If I were to join Britni in the house I imagine I would spend the majority of the next few days really catching up on my sleep (alone) in a comfortable bed. 

As for the Red Cross, Haiti's still waiting for the 500 million you fundraised off their suffering a few years ago. Or even a fraction of it. 



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3 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't think there's anything "ugly" about it.  There could be 6 people all from the same state, or 6 women who banded up together.  If 6 people were from Ohio and decided to form an alliance, and had to get rid of all the non-Ohio people, it's just part of the game.  It's a game.  You need an alliance to get far in the game.  If the Cookout didn't band together, they'd be voted out of the game and they'd have no chance, like the past 23 seasons have gone.  I don't understand how anyone can blame the CO for doing what's best to get further in the game.  They should have ignored the potential for the alliance and simply sacrificed themselves to the HOH every week so that Sarah Beth could win?  

And from what I have seen their feelings for the side alliance is genuine.  It's not like we see them snickering at how they are fooling them with fake friendships. 

Tiffany seems to really care about Claire but for her game she had to try to keep DerekX. That makes sense in game play for her. They all do it everyone who plays BB.  Or they should,  because thats the whole point of the game.

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6 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

Early jury members who played their hearts out either have or will eventually realize they had no chance of advancing because of their race.  It's all logical, fair, and, in some ways, admirable.  But for me, also sad.

No chance of advancing? Did I miss BB getting rid of HOH comps and veto comps (and all of the other little side comps where people can buy safety). Looking at Derek, he got rid of his biggest shield in the game and didn’t play for safety. No one made him do either of those things. I’ve just never heard of people not being part of a big alliance as having no shot at advancing. It’s not even like the Cookout have a lock on competitions. 

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8 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

No chance of advancing? Did I miss BB getting rid of HOH comps and veto comps (and all of the other little side comps where people can buy safety). Looking at Derek, he got rid of his biggest shield in the game and didn’t play for safety. No one made him do either of those things. I’ve just never heard of people not being part of a big alliance as having no shot at advancing. It’s not even like the Cookout have a lock on competitions. 

Yeah, you're right...but none of the pairs had/have a chance of moving forward with the person they consider their ride or die (smack me, please, for using that term!) and ultimately, they'll know it's because of their race.  I'm speaking more of the personal side of things, not game play.  And I'm sure my opinion is all sorts of wrong, but... opinions often are. lol

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7 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

But that's how it is every time someone in an alliance is friends with someone outside of that alliance. The person voted out sees later on that their friend was part of a larger alliance. Why does it being Black people make it suddenly "ugly"?

Because in most other cases, the "betrayer" has stronger bonds with their real alliance; it's somebody they chose to be with.  If I like someone else better than I like you, well, sucks to be you, but that's how it goes.

But we've clearly seen that The Cookout doesn't necessarily love each other.  Tiffany and Derek F pretty much openly despise each other, and I don't think Tiffany has much use for Azah by this point, either.

But they'll never reevaluate the situation, decide it's better to change up the game because they can't trust each other.  (As, for example, Jackson did with Jack, despite how so many of us thought they were two a-holes in a pod.)  Their bond is based on race and nothing but race, and there's not a damn thing Claire or SB or DereX or Alyssa can do about it.

That's a bit different from a bunch of people who feel that Cappy got screwed, for example.  JMO.

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24 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Of course there's a chance they could betray each other. Of course they still have to strategize.  There is really nothing different about the CO in general than any other alliance. The biggest difference imo is that they are playing a much less selfish game than players normally play in that their main motivation is not their individual chance of winning. They really are playing more like a team than alliances usually do.

I  think working for a "cause" is inherently less selfish.  I think it also creates a stronger bond than a typical game alliance would; and in this case, overrides their differences, arguments, game weaknesses, etc. more than we typically see.  It's brilliant game play, no doubt! And maybe the people evicted will ultimately be supportive of the goal of the CO, & friendships will resume/continue.  That'd be nice.  

because it normally does lol

I know that race is often presumed to be a main motivator. I don't always see it that way myself. 

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8 hours ago, kassa said:

If I were to join Britni in the house I imagine I would spend the majority of the next few days really catching up on my sleep (alone) in a comfortable bed. 

As for the Red Cross, Haiti's still waiting for the 500 million you fundraised off their suffering a few years ago. Or even a fraction of it. 



So many other organizations to give money to to help those in disaster zones & you know where the money goes.

14 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Because in most other cases, the "betrayer" has stronger bonds with their real alliance; it's somebody they chose to be with.  If I like someone else better than I like you, well, sucks to be you, but that's how it goes.

But we've clearly seen that The Cookout doesn't necessarily love each other.  Tiffany and Derek F pretty much openly despise each other, and I don't think Tiffany has much use for Azah by this point, either.

This was the (OG) Friendship by the end. This is 90% of Survivor alliances in the early years. I just rewatched a Survivor season (Exile Island) where the dominant alliance hated each other, and chose to keep working together. People forget that Derrick's gaslighting alliances are fairly recent, where they all pretend to be friends and then evict people in a pre-chosen hierarchy. The word is "alliance," not "friendship" for a reason. The U.S. and Russia didn't braid each other's hair in WWII, they were on the same side and had a common goal.

After several seasons of reality TV that seem determined to tell me that newschool beats oldschool every time, I am positively elated to see an oldschool-type alliance that aren't all friends, and are just working together towards a mutually beneficial common goal! Like alliances used to!

I will take "you're on the wrong side and I have to evict you" versus "I'll pretend to be your friend and working with you, but then I'll bait you into doing something wrong that betrays the alliance, so I can stab you in the back, make myself the victim and cry about why you gave me no choice but to evict you" any day of the week, and twice on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

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40 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Parts of the show were lost due to storms messing with my satellite.  Could someone tell me what Xavier did to warrant punishments?  I only caught about 2 seconds of the domino thing.

The playing field had a number of multiple “punishment” and “reward” dominoes permanently affixed (hinge-mounted) on the floor.  Individual PoV players had two options available to them on-the-fly:

  1. Go for PoV, which meant you had to build a domino array which included knocking down 3 “punishment” dominos.
  2. Go for reward, which meant you had to build a domino array which included knocking down 3 “reward” dominos.

Fastest time among all the PoV attempts won PoV; likewise for reward attempts.

Xavier had the fastest time on a PoV try, so he won PoV - and the three punishments he racked up in the process were:

  1. BB Bankrupt - X lost all his unspent BB Bucks.
  2. Strategy Shutdown - X ended up in solitary confinement (locked in the HN Room) for the 24 hours preceding the eviction vote.
  3. Third Nominee - X will become an additional third Block nom at the first available opportunity.


ETA: FYI, DerF won the Reward side of things - got $100 BB Bucks and $7500 cash.

Edited by Nashville
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Message added by peachmangosteen,

NO FEEDS TALK! Also, we understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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